
Saturday 27 February 2016

For One Week Only.......Mixed Craft Saturday !!!!!

Janet's Gorgeous Aran Jacket

Sue's Beautiful Cross Stitch

Cheryl's Beautiful Wedding Ring

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I am so pleased to be able to bring you a bonus 'Mixed Craft Saturday' just for
One week, but that makes it even more special.

First up we have Janet's gorgeous Aran jacket for Lily-Mae, it is so cute and I can just imagine how cute she will look wearing it, maybe we could have a photo of her wearing it?.  I can understand that you want to make one for Gracie-Leigh, it can be something for her to grow in to.  My girls both had one and they were perfect for when its too warm to wear a big coat, but you still need a little warmth. They also look so huggable when they were wearing them!  Thank you so much Janet for sharing your gorgeous Jacket with us xxxx

Next up we have a first I think, it is a totatally amazing Cross Stitch, created by my very dear friend Sue, yes SUE ! It must have taken ages for you to complete this absolutely gorgeous image of a family of hedgehogs, it is so intricate, you can even see the spines on the hedgehogs, those flowers really make the image 'pop' to with their burst of colour.  Sue sent me three photo's but I am going to make the most of them, you will get to see them I promise.  Thank you so much Sue, you clearly read my mind! I am so proud to be able share your work xxxx

Cheryl has designed and created this Gorgeous Wedding Keepsake for Andy and Anna, you just don't see those kind of keepsakes anymore, we had Horse Shoes and a Rolling Pin to name but a few, you don't see brides with them anymore, that makes this so much more special, so beautifully made too, I love the flowers and the two hearts dangling from the top of the wreath too!  You too are a mind reader, I received Janet's photo of the Aran Jacket and wanted to share it straight away,but it has been a busy day and I forgot to come on and ask for Mixed crafts, but not to worry you and Sue both sent me crafts to share, thank you so much, xxxx

Well its off to Farnborough for us today, Pat, Sue and Margaret should all be arriving at 7.30 am, we will set off soon after and hopefully the traffic will be kind to us.
I am looking forward to meeting Brenda, Angela and Sonia as well as anyone else we may bump into!  I will be in later to tell you all about our day!

Be good now, poor Janet has a big birthday tomorrow so we can't be running her ragged around the café, I have done most of the setting up for today, so whoever is in first can take it easy!

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-gorgeous cardigan, you are a a clever lady knitting that.

    Sue-WOW, beautiful cross stitch & of my favourite animals. Hedgehogs are so cute especially the ones on you cross stitch.

    Cheryl-what a gorgeous keepsake. I'm sure it will be treasured.

    Sandra & everyone going to Farnborough-have a wonderful day, can't wait to see your purchases!!!

    Well-I just need to pop to the shops to buy milk & bread rolls as my in-laws are coming back for lunch after the Attic Sale this morning. After that I hope to start my challenge card, so fingers crossed.


    1. Morning Michele
      Good luck this morning. Looking forward to seeing your report later. xxxx

    2. Hi Michele hope your attic sale is a big success xx

    3. Hi Sandra
      Wasn't it great to catch up with everyone today. We saw Diane and her husband hubby just before they left for the day. A great shop had by all.
      Janet Lily Maes Aran jacket is lovely. I used to make these, they are so warm. Haven't knitted for years now.
      Sue I like vie the picture of your cross stitch picture.
      Cheryl I love your wedding ring. What a beautiful keepsake you've made for the lucky couple.

    4. Hi Michelle
      I hope your attic sale went well today.

  2. Good morning ladies, stunning morning here , the sky is peach behind the snow capped Torridon mountains and the loch looks like glass, just breath taking!
    Janet , your Arran cardigan for Lily -Mae looks precious , she will be so cosy in it , and I'm sure she will love it.xo
    Sue , I always admire cross stitch as I've tried it but couldn't manage it, this is gorgeous!
    Cheryl, lovely keepsake ,sure to bring them lots of luck!
    Girls I hope you have a wonderful day at the show, have fun and try not to spend too much! Ha ha !
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Anne you should take a photograph of your gorgeous views and send it to Sandra, I'm sure we would all love it xx

    2. Yes please Anne the mountains sound gorgeous. I'd also like to see Norah's hills as well.

  3. Morning Everyone
    SUE - As I have done cross stitch and do a little these days I can appreciate just how much work has gone into your gorgeous picture. The detail is amazing and has to be a keepsake for ever!

    CHERYL - I love love love your Wedding Wreath. It's a tradition that I love and feel that it's a shame it's not done today. These too are forever keepsakes. Everything you have done is just perfect.

    As you Lily-Mae's jacket I have loved doing it and it's just about the size I can manage these days. We're having a lottery on how long it will be before fruit juice etc will be down it hahaha.

    LADIES AND FARNBOROUGH - have a lovely day and don't forget best behaviour. Looking forward to all your pics of your purchases.

    Thank you Sandra for setting up. Everything looks lovely and all we need now is our Dear Friends to come through the door.

    Off to do some shopping and then I have a feeling that Family may be visiting this afternoon.
    I'll try and pop in later to see what's what.
    Hugs are in the basket by the door so please help yourselves when you pop in. xxxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and anyone popping in today.
    JANET- that is a Gorgeous little jacket, Lily-Mae will look so cute in it. Maybe a little label inside to say "No eating or drinking while wearing this jacket" tihi
    SUE- our dark horse. You have made a wonderful cross-stitch with hedgehogs here, they are tricky to make because of all different colours thread, I love it!
    CHERYL- that is a very pretty wedding wreath, they will love it. I like traditions, shame they are no longer.
    All going to Farnborough, Have a Fabulous time !
    Have been told my camera is in H.Kong ! so will see how else I can send you this week challenge card later today.
    First today we are going in to town to look at fridge/freezers, washing machines etc., just think how much crafting things I could buy for the price for a new kitchen, oh wow hihi.
    Take care, well wishes to anyone not so good and warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Ah! Maria just think of how lovely your new kitchen will look with everything new in it? We had ours done must be 14 years ago everything out things moved from one side to the other back door blocked up new double patio doors fitted. It was amazing in on the Monday finished on the Friday I was so glad we went with a small good company. A bit more than the others were quoting but they were taking weeks. We even had a 10year guarantee with the whole kitchen. Did think we would be replacing it by the end of the 10 years, but no it's still all working and looking good. So enjoy picking those new goodies. Xxx

  5. WOWSER! the gifts on offer are beautiful.
    JANET as an avid knitter I know how time consuming aran patterns are to do. It's beautiful and Lily-Mae will be so cozy
    SUE! a stunning piece of work. I haven't done cross-stitch for ages. I know I have several kits in my cupboard and ooh! quite a few that need mounting. I must rake them out
    CHERYL what a beautiful gift for the bride. So much nicer than the plastic items on offer in the shops
    FARNBOROUGH jealous? me NOOoo! Have fun, I cannot wait to see your purchases
    CONFESSION I couldn't resist the TL Pearl Flourishes. I think they'll be so versatile and useful - for all occasions and genders. Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it hee hee!
    Enjoy whatever you're up to. I need to get dressed and get to the Post Office before it shuts

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Janet your little jacket is beautiful, a lot of hard work.
    Sue your cross stitch is lovely,
    And Cheryl, what a lovely keepsake.
    Just a bit of shopping for me today, then a quick tidy up, might watch the rugby
    Have a brilliant day at the show everyone.
    Take care, Jess xxx

  7. Good morning, nice and bright here too. Well our ladies should be at the show or near it. I hope they enjoy their day out.
    Nothing much on the cards, as I am being good and not doing yo much want to get over this bug fully.
    Janet, love the little jacket, oh the years I spent knitting arrans, love doing them as you feel you have to do a block of pattern before you stop.
    Sue, gorgeous cross stitch.
    Cheryl, your wedding rings is beautiful.
    Have a good day. Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel
      Take care and I hope your bugs clears off soon. Lynda's already had it as well so I hope it doesn't spread to far.

  8. Good morning everyone
    What a stunning array of crafts on display this morning well done ladies, I've never done any cross stitching and am in aw of someone who can do it also knitting, I can knit, taught by my mum when I was small but my hands start to sweat badly in contact with the wool and I might as well be knitting with string haha.
    Man is coming to fit new blinds at 10.30 so John has gone to pick Nic up, then I'll take Nic out this afternoon.
    Been a busy few days but will pop back later tonight to check if everyone has enjoyed Farnborough, hope they have plenty rest stops.
    Take care
    Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean
      I hope you and Nik had a great day, and you had no mishaps when the man fitted your new blinds.

  9. Afternoon Ladies

    The Attic Sale wasn't very well attended. Made £25 after paying the £8 for the table so although it's not a fortune, it could have been worse. I got a bargain set of Grand Nestabilities-picture sent to Sandra! I got chatting to a crafter who has returned to the area after living in Spain & she's going to get in touch with me about meeting up.


  10. Hello. No words yet from our friends who went to Farnborough , You not still there are you ? Or does anyone need to be bailed out for disturbing the peace ?
    Hope you all had a perfect day, bought lot of goodies and managed to meet up with our lot of friends.
    Dinners ready, back later Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      You are safe & do not have to come & bail us out, we behaved very well!! Sue made me buy lots of goodies, she is a bad influence, well you all are. I did have a good time though. We meet Brenda Lello & Angela lovely to see them both. Just going to have a meal now at Sue's will go home in morning.
      Love Margaret xx

    2. Hi Maria,
      You are safe & do not have to come & bail us out, we behaved very well!! Sue made me buy lots of goodies, she is a bad influence, well you all are. I did have a good time though. We meet Brenda Lello & Angela lovely to see them both. Just going to have a meal now at Sue's will go home in morning.
      Love Margaret xx

    3. Hi Maria
      Us misbehave, what are you suggesting. We had a great time. Met up as Margaret said meeting up with Brenda L and Angela, we also saw Diane as she was on her way out.

  11. Evening ladies,

    Hope all went ok at Farnborough and your baskets were filled to overflowing.
    Been away for a few days R&R in the wilds with intermittent internet access. Fully refreshed now.

    Thank yo for your lovely comments on Andy & Anna's Wedding ring. I hand made all the ribbon and lace flowers and interspersed them with ivory & cream paper roses and silk white roses. The I used cream fancy and plain narrow ribbons to make loops in between the flowers and as a border. Sue Wilson white filigree finishing touches for the leaves. I did cheat a bit as I bought an Ivory M&S Wedding Memory box to present it. And wrapped the ring in silver heart voile before placing it in the box.
    Anna burst into tears when she saw it. I wanted her to have it at her Hen Party so that she could take it with her to Scotland when their service is held at Gretna Green.

    Joseph with me tonight, he has spent an hour making Mum's Mother's Day card. A photo sent to Sandra. The oven is on warming up for our tea of Southern Fried Chicken, sweet corn and chunky tiger bread, popcorn ready for the microwave, and we will eat all this whilst watching one of The Mummy movies on Netflix. Blissful night by the fire.
    Whatever you are doing tonight, enjoy
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I saw nothing that floated my boat stamp nor die wise that is, at Farnborough. I did buy lots of card though. Popcorn sounds good to mel

  12. Hello All, love the craft today,
    Janet your little jacket looks lovely.
    Sue your cross stitching is amazing.
    Cheryl love your wedding ring, shame this tradition is stil continued.
    Just tidied up inside and out, to day, tried to put the green house door back but the last storm seems to have bent it out of true, so o/h will have to make some fixing for it, it's back in place, but propped up with wood.
    I made th e challenge card but forgot to photograph it, and sent it to Sandra.
    Hope all that went to the craft show, had a good time and are resting with their feet up, looking forward to seeing the lovely buys.
    I'd better go and send my card to Sandra,have a good evening all.
    Hugs abound Lilian.

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone. Fabulous selection of mixed crafts posted today - lovely creations, well done.
    I had a good time again at Farnborough. Unfortunately didn't manage to see anyone, but I was only there a couple of hours. Wow, it was busy and although I looked out for you Sandra, I didn't spot you in the crowds. I hope you all had an enjoyable day and bought lots of crafty goodies. I came home and started sorting out my stash, and being very brutal have thrown out a lot of old bits to make way for all the new goodies I bought over the last two days!
    Not sure if I will get a card made for this weeks sketch challenge I'm afraid, depends if I can get all my stuff sorted.
    Anyway, looking forward to hearing how your day was at the show those of you who went. Hoping you're not too tired.
    Hugs xxx

  14. Well Sandra
    My comment seems to have been published at the top of the blog as an answer to Michelle. Not to sure what's going on here with blogger at the moment. Hope everyone gets to read it.

  15. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Wow lovely crafts today JANET your little jacket is Gorgeous
    Sue how amazing is your cross stitch love it.
    CHERYL how gorgeous is you wedding ring it's stunning so much love went into it.
    Well I hope everyone had a brilliant time at the craft show look forward to seeing all your goodies.
    Hazel sorry your also not a 100% better either this virus certainly takes a hold on our bodies. Take care.
    MICHELE sorry your Attic sale was a little disappointing but at least £25 is better than nothing pluss a bargain die & making a crafty friend so all good.
    Jean hope you had a good day with Nic.
    MARIA did you find a kitchen you liked & had a good day shopping.
    Hug's Lynda xx

  16. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What beautiful array of crafts you are showing us today Sandra.
    Janet I love the little jacket you have knitted for Lily-Mae, she will look gorgeous in it and is going to be so snug and warm. xx
    Sue, your cross stitch picture is really beautiful. I really admire your patience and ability to work on such a fine scale. xx
    Cheryl, What a beautiful wedding ring, you could not buy anything as gorgeous as this. This is going to be such a lovely keepsake. Thank you for sharing it with us. xx
    Well I've had a brilliant day at Farnborough, saw Sandra, Paul,Pat Sue and Magaret. YES Maria I did have my little trolley (it's a rucksack with wheels) and managed to pack all my goodies into it. So the journey home was quite easy, AND I didn't look like the Bag Lady!!! Haven't unpacked my bag yet, will do it tomorrow and will take photos of my booty.

    Hope you have all had a good day, I am still on a high from mine!
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  17. Hi Michelke
    I'm sorry your attic sale wasn't a great success as it wasn't very well attended. But at least you made something which is a bonus I suppose.

  18. We had a lovely day at Farnborough, I managed to get alot of goodies to set me up, we have just had it all out on Sue's table to photograph it.
    Lovely lot of goodies on show today in cafe, well done to you all.
    Time for bed now hugs on way to all love Margaret xx
