
Friday 26 February 2016

This Weeks 'Guilty Secrets' & Jess's card

 Jean's Craft Show Goodies

Michele''s Craft Show Goodies...........

Michele's biggest Craft show purchase !!

Karen's Purchases

Jess's Gorgeous card for friends 

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

One more sleep to go !!!!! Then we are off to Farnborough, I get to go with my lovely friends Pat, Sue & Margaret, will also meeting our other lovely friends Brenda, Angela and Sonia, plus many more I hope !  Paul's ears will be ringing by the end of the day ! haha 

Now onto this weeks guilty secrets, although I am pretty sure that not everybody has confessed !!

Jean, you have bought exactly my choice of goodies, I love that Heartfelt Creations Shoe Dies, it looks so gorgeous when its made up as we saw on Sheila's card last week, I think that they also bought out a matching Paper pad too !  Having both of the dies gives you alot more versatility, I think you can add a strap etc.
Those Sparkling Poinsettia Dies look fabulous too, I would love to see those made up!
HoneyDoo Stamps are on my shopping list too, I love that company and pretty much all of their products, you got some card too by the looks of it, it looks like you had a fantastic days shopping, thank you so much for sharing! Xxxx

Now onto Michele, you too had a good day, the 'Get Well Soon' is a great addition to your die stash, particularly if you are like me and aren't too accurate at stamping, with dies you can cut your sentiment with the same card as you have used in your card, so no looking around for matching ink pads !  I see you got some stamps a lovely Cat picture frame, some magazines and some kraft Card, but also you got your
Spellbinders Platinum Machine, you will love it Michele, I love the fact that I can use my Grand calibur plates, as they don't buckle like the clear ones do, I look forward to hearing your verdict Michele, thank you for sharing your purchases with us xxxx

Karen popped to the Range this week and treated herself to 2 new dies, the Xcut Heart and Butterfly die, both will be very useful, Karen says the heart is small enough to be used as petals for a flower, both leave a lovely aperture as well as having pretty, lacy designs, I look forward to seeing what you create with them, thank you for sharing xxxx 

Now I couldn't wait another day to show you Jess's Anniversary Card that she made for her friends, I love the colours you have used and your design using the Lattice and Lace Striplet die and the Heraldic Square Die both from Creative Expressions designed by our Sue Wilson, is just gorgeous, that lovely lacy background with the
Lovely blue showing through and then finished with the Heraldic die creating the 
focal point for your die cut sentiment.  A few tiny flowers and pearls is all that is needed to finish off your gorgeous design.  Thank you so much for sharing Jess xxxx

We had Parents evening last night ladies and I am very proud to say that both of my girls are doing amazingly well, achieving above target grades in all subjects, I have never heard A and A* mentioned so much, so if you are peeking in girls as I know you do, Dad and I are so very proud of both of you, keep up the good work xxxx

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Jess-your card is stunning, really lovely.

    Jean & Karen-great purchases. I have to admit that I haven't use any of mine including the Platinum machine. I'm not sure where this week has disappeared to but I don't seem to have done anything. Tonight I'm going straight to the hairdressers (cut & colour) so won't be home until after 7pm. Once we've eaten I need to get everything gathered together for the Sale table tomorrow.


    1. Good luck for tomorrow Michele and hope you selling well xx


    2. MICHELE hope you have a sell out tomorrow good luck.xx

    3. Michele, hope it goes well at the sale tomorrow, I'm sure they will love your makes

  2. Morning Everyone

    JESS - Thank you for giving me a serene start to the day when I opened the Cafe door this morning. Your card displayed up on the display board is just beautiful. I'm sure that your Friends were highly delighted to receive it and it will be one card that doesn't get recycled but put into their memory box.

    KAREN and JEAN - you're looking good with your purchases this week.

    MICHELE - you too look as though you had a really good shopping day at the show. Good Luck tomorrow with your table sale and I've got my fingers crossed that you will sell out of everything.

    SANDRA - I didn't sent in a 'purchase' pic this week as I sent you one of the goodies I got from the Range a week back but I'll send it on to you again today if you want me to.

    Well done to Lucy and Sophie on their reports. Students these days have so much pressure put on them and Yes Sandra both you and Paul have every right to be proud of them. I know there will be sighs of relief come June when the last exam has been taken.

    Well I finished Lily-Mae's Aran Jacket yesterday so I'll send a pic to Sandra. I now have to start on a little cardy for Gracie-Leigh. I know she is far too tiny to know that Lily-Mae has a new jacket but I cannot do for one when there are two of them. (I hope you all know what I mean by that) so I have the wool and hopefully will make a start this afternoon after some housework this morning.

    We have a dull but dry start here today so fingers crossed that the bathroom towels might be hung out. We'll just have to wait and see.

    You should have a magnificent set of 'Guilty Secret' pics for next week Sandra.

    I'm missing my Friday Pastries at the moment so I've put a Lemon Drizzle and a Carrot Cake in the cupboard for Afternoon Tea in the Cafe today. I've also got some of the nice china cups and plates out as well so please please do not let those Huggles anywhere near them. I just dread to think of what they would do with those plates and saucers.

    Off now to start the dreaded HW. I'll try and pop in later to see what everyone is doing.
    Hugs are in the basket by the door and I've sent one or two on their travels to our missing Friends who are down at the moment.

    1. I checked last night for pics of your purchases, but I didn't have any, I got the one with the Easter cups and challenge card,the previous one to that had your craft space and it said in the message thee rest of your guilty secrets, but it had a photo of a 'gorjuss' girl card, no photos of your purchases,sorry my lovely.
      Have another look and I will add you on to next time!

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone. Just popping in quickly before heading off to pick up my friends for Farnborough - woohoo :-) Loving the guilty secrets, I'm sure I will be playing a part in this next week! ;-) Am loving your gorgeous card Jess it's stunning.
    Must dash, will pop back in tonight. Have a lovely day everyone.
    Hugs xxx

  4. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Well ladies, you have been busy shopping, love all your guilty secrets.
    It is wierd to see one of your own cards on display when you open the cafe door, thank you for liking it.
    Today it is my turn to cover our wee craft shop, here's hoping it will be quite busy, meantime take care everyone, Jess xxx

    1. Hi Jess,
      Enjoy your day at Craft shop, your card is gorgeous, I love the background you have created with the striplet die!

    2. Hi Jess, love your card and I'm a happy hippo because I have the dies. Could you tell me please the size card you used to make the background with the striplet die ? Pretty blue peeking through. Have a nice day in the shop xxx

    3. Hi Jess, love your card, such a lovely colour.

  5. Hi Sandra
    Jess what a stunning card. After Sand as description I had to look again as I didn't see at first look that the background was a striplet die. I have the heraldic die and strop lets as well. They all make lovely cards.
    Great to see all the buys from the ladies as well. I hope you love your nachine as much as Sandra does.
    Still haven't heard from Age Concern re Ellis. Wish they'd ring and say we haven't anything sorted yet. I always rang back when I was at work, even if it was to say I haven't managed to sort your problem out yet but I'm working on it.
    I'm glad you finished the jacket Janet, and of course you have to make one for Gracie Leigh as well. I hope everyone is watching the huggles with all the good China on the table. They caused havoc with the linen napkins.

    1. How annoying that they haven't phoned back to say what happening, hope you hear from them soon.
      Did you see the spoons after the huggles had them as sledding ? You would have thought that Uri Geller had been around hihi xxx

  6. Good Morning Sandra and everyone,

    Jess your card is beautiful, thank you for sharing it with us, I'm sure it will be loved by the recipients.

    Ladies you have done very well with you shopping booty this week. Jean, I love the shoe dies, in fact I love all four of the dies I can see in the picture. Michele, what a lovely lot of stash you have purchased, I know you will not be disappointed with your platinum machine when you get time to use it!

    Sandra I know both you and Paul are very proud parents of all of your children, but I'm sure you are fit to burst with all the remarks you got about Sophie and Lucy, they are a credit to you both xxx

    We are just about to go off shopping, will be as quick as I can and i might get to play a little this afternoon.
    Oh yes Paul I will have to check my lists/catalogue are up-to-date!

    Have a good day everyone whatever you're doing.
    Lynda, Hope you're feeling a little better today, take care. LOL
    Saba sending you a gentle hug and a prayer xx
    Anyone else who is feeling under the weather or just a little low, special hugs for you all xx.
    Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda for your kind wishes. Enjoy Farnborough tomorrow not jealous YES I am haha.xx

  7. Good morning ladies,
    Thank you all for your welcome back yesterday, it meant a lot.
    Sandra congratulations to Sophie and Lucy, fantastic results.
    Jess your card is fabulous, love everything about it, it is so perfectly made and like Janet said it has a serene look about it.
    Lovely assortments of craft stash, I am really pleased with my platinum and use my old Calibur plates as well although I did see on one review a lady who had been contacted by spellbinders saying they didn't advise it and her warranty would be affected.
    Lynda hope you are feeling a bit better today and Maria too, sorry to hear you were both feeling unwell yesterday.
    Well bright and sunny here and must crack on and get some washing out.
    Hope everyone has a fantastic time at Farnborough. Wish I was going.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Hi Barbara
      I hadn't realised that Spellbinders had advised against using your Calibur plates, I wonder why? As they fit and work perfectly, I find those perspex plates wear so quickly and end up really bowed out of shape, which doesn't happen with your GC plates, I was also frustrated that you didn't get full sized plates with your machine!
      Now is there anything you need craft wise Barbara??
      I am happy to pick anything up for you tomorrow and pop it in the post !
      I am hoping to pick up some MDF shapes and have a go at Mixed Media style art, similar to the plaque that Myra sent me last year.
      Glad its a lovely sunny day, be sure to peg your bloomers on well though!
      Love and hugs

    2. Hi SABA lovely to see you. Thank your for wishing me well can't cope being ill any more two weeks or more now fed up. Take care & enjoy your platinum machine.sending you loveing Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Jean I am so sorry I forgot to congratulate you on the birth of Jackson David.
    You must be over the moon. Enjoy the cuddles when you get to meet him

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Jess, your card is beautiful, what a lovely shade of blue, your friends will treasure it : )
    So many lovely goodies I n this weeks confessions, enjoy them ladies : )
    Saba, it's so good to see your name back on the comments. Special hugs to you x
    Sandra, I'm not surprised you and Paul are so proud. Well done Lucy and Sophie : )
    I am looking forward to tomorrow, it will be worth the early start!
    Lynda and Maria, special get well hugs to you both.
    Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue thank you for your Hug's. Have a brilliant day tomorrow don't forget your trolly HaHa. Xx

  10. Just a quick message to say if anyone needs any crafty goodies, I am bhappy to pick them up for you tomorrow and post them on !!

  11. Hi Sandra,
    This time tomorrow I will be like a child in a toy shop, not knowing what to look at with paper craft & sewing oh dear!!
    Good job I have been saving my pennies!
    Sandra you & Sue keep saying early tomorrow will I have time to go to bed?xx
    Hopefully you will be able to show my "guilty secrets" next week, love the ones on show today.
    Jess your card is beautiful such lovely colours, thank you for sharing.xx
    Hope Lynda, Maria & Hazel are feeling better, hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret thank you for your well wishes,I too hope I feel better very soon I hate feeling like this.
      I can feel your excitement Margaret have a great day & hope you find lots of goodies. Hug's Lynda xx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    I love guilty secrets, particularly when they aren't mine!!!
    Ladies you will have lots of hours of fun with all your lovely purchases! I also love the shoe!!
    Jess, your card is beautiful! I love how you have used the striplet. It's beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing X
    Sandra I've done the Challenge Card! I'm not at all sure about it but I guess it could be worse!
    I will try to pop in when I can next week but I may not manage in each day! You will have some peace!!
    Lynda - I hope you are feeling a lot better today.
    Have a lovely time all who are going to Farnborough! Will we need to days next week for confessions? Ha ha.

  13. Hi Sandra and all my friends coming through the door today.
    It's Lovely to see you back Saba !
    Jess'e card is Gorgeous. Hope you answer my question.
    Jean, I love the new dies you got and the stamps are pretty too. Love to see what you make.
    Michele ,have great fun playing with all your purchases and hope the new machine is good.
    Nice shopping too from our Karen, is it only me or can you see the little grim face in the heart too tihi
    You all going tomorrow to Farnborough , have a wonderful time. Margaret be careful, it is a dangerous path hihi
    and Brenda,you probably need a nice strong man to help you to the station (Paul) with all your bargains.
    Sandra, give your two girls a big hug from me and you both must be so proud. Well done girls !
    Feeling a bit better (orange) but so far today have been stuck writing e-mails etc. plus you all got me to buy on-line ! and I had promised not to get any more before Alexander Palace, what are you like getting me to
    do this ! Need some new bra's not dies, oooops !
    Wishing Lynda and Hazel quick bettering and also wish Diane, Patricia and our Muriel will come back, miss you.
    Have a nice day all. After my tea (third bag Lynda) I must get a move on or my bum will get even bigger sitting here. Hope to see you later, warm hugs Maria Xxx

    1. Hi MARIA sorry you have also been unwell my friend. What's this online shopping now Bra or die's mmmm.
      I will be glad when I'm over this virus Hug's xxx

  14. Lovely goodies especially that Platinum machine! :) x

    1. Just waiting for the electric motor for it to come out now😀

  15. Hello All, terrible weather here today really cold and absolutely pouring down with rain.
    Finished work load for this week ( 95 ) o/h is delivering them this afternoon, no-doubt there will be another load when he gets back this evening.
    Went to my friends yesterday, the trip down was lovely at this time of year you get to see the fields of daffodils, they are just fields of gold to use a phrase from a well known song.Also saw very large patches of primroses, very beautiful.
    Didn't do a lot of crafting as freind had just had to have their much loved senior cat put to sleep a couple of days ago, so much chatting and consoling went on, I know all of you that have pets will understand.
    I have done the challenge card, but not happy with it so may have another go tonight, these challenges make you think outside your comfort zone, which is good.
    Well I'd better move away from the radiator and go and finished sorting my craft/ work room.
    Lovely to see you are safely home And back calling in Barbara.
    Lynda ,Maria and Hazel get well wishes are winging their way to you.
    Love and hugs to all Lilian.

    PS. Have a lovely day at the craft show tomorrow,all that are going, have a good spree then I won't feel so bad with my spends.

  16. Hello Sandra & everyone
    SANDRA first congratulations for SOPHIE & LUCY you & Paul must be so proud of them.
    JESS your card is gorgeous love those dies & the colour is so pretty. All the guilty secrets are amazing enjoy playing with them ladies. Everyone going to Farnborough have a fabulous time & spend spend spend lol.
    I Managed some ironing & little House work today then was worn out,but I need to get motivated again & try & kick this virus up the bum.
    I have left comments on way down.
    Hug's Lynda xxx

  17. Hi folks, sorry I'm so late, I've been making cards for our granddaughters school to sell at a table top sale for funds to support their trip to Aviemore , so far I have 26 ready , don't think I'll manage any more as I have the packing to do tomorrow.
    Love all your guilty secrets , I hope you have fun playing with it all.
    Jess , your card is absolutely gorgeous , I love everything about it, so professional looking!
    Good to see you back Barbara, xo.
    Hope you have a sell out Michele.
    Sandra and Paul, you have every right to feel proud of Lucy and Sophie , they have obviously worked extremely hard, well done girls!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  18. Hi Sandra and everyone. Thought I'd pop back in after my busy day at Farnborough. Lots of lovely crafty goodies and some bargains - but it does pay to look around first. I bought a memory box die at Oyster Stamps for £16.50 but saw it on Samuel Taylor's for £23.50!! I'm all shopped out for today, but looking forward to tomorrow :-) It was really busy first thing, but thinned out a lot in the afternoon, I am thinking tomorrow will be quite busy. Will be looking out for those of you going :-)
    Forgot to say this morning Sandra, wonderful news from both your daughters parents evening. You must be so proud.
    Hugs to all xxx

  19. Your girls are amazing SANDRA No wonder you are proud JESS beautiful card and no I'm not jealous MICHELE much!!

  20. Hi Sandra sorry forgot to congratulate you and Paul, and the girls, it really makes you glow when you hear how well they are doing.
