
Thursday 25 February 2016

Thursday Already?!

Good Morning Ladies,

Can you believe its Thursday already??!!

Val have an amazing break back home, where you will be thoroughly spoiled and pampered just as you deserve, we look forward to hearing all about your adventures xx

Today's card was a little something I rustled up when I got home from Pat's,
We had a lovely catch up, Pat is away in Essex next week so if will must be the two of us.  Although we are meeting up on Saturday (early) for our Road Trip to Farnborough, who else is going ??

I used the Australian Background Die, designed by Sue Wilson, and used it to cut a piece of white card,  without all of the cutting edges,   I wrapped some Aqua ribbon around the card and popped it through a Pearl heart ribbon slider.
I took a piece of Aqua coloured card from my pack of Lidl card and used it's the background colour of my card, I placed a piece of double sided adhesive sheet behind the Australian Background die cut and added some Extra fine glitter four a little sparkle. I mounted the white card front onto some double sided adhesive for dimension and added to the Aqua card, I then mounted onto a tiny white matt and then onto the card base.  I cut the Blushing Rose die cuts, cut in Aqua and mounted onto white card covered with double sided adhesive and added glitter to the excposed areas of adhesive.  I mounted them onto my card, with their matching leaves, added a few matching pearls.  The Happy Birthday Sentiment was also cut in the aqua card, twice, mounted upon each other for
a little dimension and added to it to the bottom of the card.

I hope you like it !

Love and hugs



  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Everything is ready to go here in the Cafe with a big pot of porridge on the job for anyone that has to venture out on this chilly morning.
    Sandra, your card is gorgeous, (both the roses and that Australian die sets are definitely on my 'Must get" list) the aqua and white colours set each other off so well, a real beauty : )
    It was lovely to spend yesterday with both Sandra and Pat, as usual, we put the world to rights amongts the crafting and laughter.
    I'm off to see what everyone got up to yesterday. Wrap up well. It's chilly out there. Love and hugs. Take care xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, love the colour you have used.

    Looks like another cold but sunny day here. I'm running late so will have to sign off.


  3. Good Morning Sandra and Ladies, another dry day hopefully as I'm off to see my friends, I'm driving so hope there's no ice.
    Sandra your card is lovely, love that aqua card, you must a bigger Lidll than we have , ours never seem to have craft stuff.
    Have a good day all , hugs all round, Lilian

  4. Morning Everyone

    SANDRA - I really must get some of that Aqua card it's just beautiful. I didn't buy any of the dies in Sue's last launch but the more I see some of them my fingers are itching but I have so many and don't make full use of all of them. I shocked myself yesterday whilst having a sort out on just how many dies I have and I must have enough coloured card to open a shop!! I really must try and use up what I have but I never seem to have the colour I want when making something.
    Anyway I really do love your creation. Your day with Sue and Pat really got your crafting juices flowing.
    Looking forward to talking to you later.

    LILIAN - have a lovely day with your Friends. It's sunny but icy here this morning.

    MICHELE - thank you for taking up the Mantle of Security for the Cafe. We now know we are all in safe hands. Hope you had success in the craft room last evening.

    I saw some of Leonie's first hour. It was good to see a seasoned crafter/presenter. I know she can 'rattle' on at great speed but I do like her crafting explanations etc. I think this channel is progressing nicely but I'm waiting impatiently for them to start deliverying to Europe.

    Thank you Sue for opening up this morning. Everything looks lovely so I've got my latte and I'm off to sit in the corner to wait and see who pops in. I'll not sit in the window seat as I would put people off from opening the door and we don't want that!!

    Hugs are in their usual place so please help yourselves. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I to have lots of card but can never find a colour I want either. I wanted a nice peach colour yesterday but didn't have any. I had the foundations peach which wasn't peachy enough. Have a good day.

    2. Hochanda, now have a Catch-up button on their website. Although I was out yesterday I was able to watch Leonie's Shows. I would still like to watch the Stampendous one. I think they have come on leaps and bounds Janet and things just take time and money! Xxx

    3. Hi Myra. Thank you for passing on the info about the catch up button, that will be handy : ) Take care x

  5. Good morning Ladies, sunshine and snow here today so it looks very pretty, but I don't think I'll be venturing out.
    Sandra , your card this morning is beautiful ! I love the colour and the die used.
    I enjoyed watching Leonie but I Loved the Stampendous show with Fran , I wonder if you could use a melt pot to do the melting in, I bought one 1 1/2 years ago and I still haven't used it but after that program my fingers are itching to try .
    Stay warm folks, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Need to watch that Show Anne - will let you know what I think later! No guarantee its right mind you!! Xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Love your card today Sandra, this rose die is certainly on my wish list, it's getting longer by the day!!
    Off to cover Carolines shop today, so hope to be back in later, meantime take care everyone, xxx

    1. The Rose is lovely Jess and the open petals make a lovely background! Well, I think so anyway! Xxx

  7. Lovely card Sandra, I really must get dies into my agenda they are so versatile
    I am in a group of 12 coming from Four Marks to Farnborough (three cars) I plan to spend most of the day there. Do hope we can get 15 or so minutes to catch up? Will I see you first or you me!!? Safe journey to all.

  8. Hi Sandra
    We had a great day yesterday didn't we. Putting the world to rights and having a laugh. Would you believe I'm still waiting to hear from Age Concern re Ellis.
    Love the card you've made with the Australian die, looks lovely Celt teamed with the Aqua card. It appears that CE are bringing out some more colours of foundation card. Well, according to what I read on Facebook this morning. I'm off to read the comments now. See you on Saturday. Looking forward to it.

    1. Oh Pat , I have got enough boxes for more colours! They will have to share!! Ha ha ! Xxx

    2. That should be haven't got enough!!! Xx

    3. I bet I end up buying some more colours as well Myra. I just can't resist.

  9. Good morning ladies,
    I am now back home after my extended UK stay. It has been a very difficult time. Christmas was just so hard knowing Val's time was so limited. She managed a few hours at home for her Birthday party, all the family and her closest friends were there and the love in that house was tangible. She returned to the Hospice and deteriorated daily.
    I spent each day visiting and stayed there for the last couple of days and nights as did her husband, daughter and son and we were all with her when she left us. We had some very special moments together during her stay there and they will stay with me forever. One of the last things she said to me was " look after yourself sweetheart" that was my sister all over, even in her last days all she was thinking of was of us. I miss her more than I can say.
    Thank you all for your love and support, your thoughts and prayers and your good wishes over the last couple of months, I have looked in through the the window from time to time and they have been a great comfort to me. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to come back.
    Sandra your card today is beautiful, the talent shown here in the Cafe is second to none.
    Myra, thank you for updating everyone yesterday.
    I am going to go now before this turns into war and peace.
    Love and hugs for all
    Barbara xxxx

    1. Hello! Nice to see you - to see you Nice!! Xxxx

    2. Lovely to see you back. Take carexx

    3. It's so lovely to see you here back on the blog. I'm sending you virtual very gentle hugs, you have been in my prayers and thoughts And still are. LOL xx

    4. Hello my lovely Yorkshire Lass
      So nice to see you back with us. Hugs just for you xxxx

    5. Lovely to see you back Barbara . xxx

    6. OH Barbara how lovely it is to see you back in the fold. You've been in my thoughts many times. Take care lovely lady and I'm sending the biggest but gentlest hug to you.
      Love Sheila xxx

    7. How lovely to have you back with us you have been sorely missed. Take care of yourself & sending gentle hugs love Margaret xx

    8. Hi Barbara, lovely to have you back in the fold, take care my lovely xx

    9. Barbara, it is lovely to have you back with us, you have never been far from our thoughts and prayers my lovely.
      You take your time, we are all here waiting to do whatever we can to help you through the coming months!
      Sending comforting hugs across to you,

    10. Hello my dear heart,
      Lovely to see you back in the café my little flower.
      I have said a few prayers to Him Upstairs to help you in your grief. So pleased you had some precious moments with Val and immediate family. They will last you your lifetime.
      Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

    11. Hello Barbara Oh its nice to see you again - you have been in all our thoughts and prayers and will continue to be for as long as is needed - Take care
      Hugs (gentle ones)
      Jean xx

    12. Hi Barbara
      It's so nice to gear from you. It been a very hard time for you. I'm so pleased you spent precious moments with Val. Gentle hugs to you and Peter.

    13. Hi Barbara. It is lovely to see you back in the Cafe. You have stayed in our thoughts and prayers and will continue to do so over the coming months. Sending you gentle hugs x

    14. Hi Saba/Barbara, it's so lovely to hear from you again. You have been in my thoughts every day and I'm glad you got to spend some time with Val.
      Take care and hugs to you and Peter xx

  10. Morning Sandra and all.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, as usual you always seem to have the right colours to put together your cards with while I couldn't be more mismatch. I want to finish the challenge card plus two more but feeling a bit green this morning so waiting for that to go over and then nothing will stop me, Ha. Managed to see Leonie for an hour and she still is good. I have always liked her.
    Another lovely day here but it is very cold so if you are going out, keep warm. Wish everyone going to Farnborough a fantastic time and lots of cackle when you all meet up.
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Sorry you feel a bit green Maria !! I hope you are in the pink very shortly! Xxxx

    2. Sorry you feel you don't feel too good hope it goes of soon. Shame you cannot make Farnborough you will be missed. Take care love Margaret xx

    3. Maria, sorry you aren't feeling to good! So many bugs on the go. So please take care, and rest. Xxx

    4. Hope you aged feeling a little brighter my lovely,
      I am looking forward to seeing your card.
      Leonie has returned to our screens so full of confidence, I am looking forward to seeing what lovely goodies she brings us over the coming months.
      Sending hugs your easy

    5. HinMaria
      I'm sorry your feeling under the weather. I hope your not getting Lynda's virus.

    6. Hi Maria. I hope you are feeling better this evening. Sending gentle hugs to you. Take care x

    7. Thank you my friends, I am feeling a lighter green this evening but have not been doing much so hope tomorrow is a pinkier day Lol hugs to you all xx

  11. Good Morning Sandra!
    Hello everyone. A very pretty card today Sandra and two different takes on that lovely rose! It is good for posting and just different . Lovely colour too!
    Just catching up with everyday things here today but at least it is a lovely sunny day, albeit very chilly. It's been a good week so far!
    Take care those of you who have snow and ice! Especially you Norah, my friend! Xxxxx

  12. Very frosty here this morning but I didn't have to go out early so that was ok. It's all gone now and nice and sunny. Having lunch with a friend today as usual. Not sure about the rest of the day. Lovely card Sandra. Like the colour. The Rose die looks very useful.

    1. Hi Littlelamb, hope your lunch was nice and you had a good day meeting up with your friend xx

  13. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    What a stunning card to Sandra, the Aqua card is beautiful and really enhances the die cuts on your card. I love it!!! I have this die it was one of my recent purchases - confession time, it's still in the packaging, but I might just be tempted to take it out now.

    My ticket for Farmborough arrived in the post this morning, when I say morning I mean about five minutes ago! We never actually ever receive post in the morning. So now I'm all ready to go.
    Train ticket ✔️
    Admission ticket ✔️
    It's getting exciting now as this will be my first Farmborough show, I am so looking forward to seeing everyone again and meeting a few new faces. Have a safe journey everyone. XX

    Lynda how are you? I didn't notice you name on the blog yesterday. Need to go back and check. Hope you haven't got that virus again. Sending gentle hugs xx

    Right it time to push on with the housework, I've just had a little break and I could sit here for ages chatting to you all sending love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. What a stunning card TODAY Sandra. Predictive text strikes again.

    2. Hi Brenda have a great time at the show and hope you get plenty of goodies.
      Love Sheila xxx

    3. Don't forget the trolley , sure you will need it xx

  14. Good afternoon, lovely card Sandra. Nice to see one of your own being shown.
    Well our lovely frosty day with gorgeous sunshine has gone, the sky is looking very full of something, and I think that something is snow.
    I am still taking it easy, I really need to get on with sorting out, but I will give it a few more days. Lynda, I hope you are feeling a little better, it's the cough that wears you down. I went back to drinking pineapple juice, and also putting the Vicks on the souls of my feet. It seems to be working. Oh I can hear the excitement of all those going to the show on Saturday. I hope it's a good day for you all! Xxx

  15. Hello all - apologies for not popping into the café for a few days - we were away visiting friends for a long weekend and before I know it it's Thursday already!!

    I haven't even thought of how to create a card based on the sketch ..... but as Mother's Day is on the horizon perhaps my Mum would appreciate a gatefold card ;)

    Take care all

    1. Hi Deborah,
      I hope you had a lovely weekend, I think it always takes a few days to get back into the swing of things!
      I look forward to seeing your challenge card my lovely xx

    2. Hi Deborah, nice to see you in the cafe'. Oh don't the days, weeks and even the years seem to fly away when you have things to do. See you. Take care xx

  16. Hello everyone,
    Sandra such a beautiful card on show today, aqua is such a pretty colour too.
    Well I've been prodded, pricked and squashed and all that just to get a small vial of blood. Thankfully the lovely nurse managed it on the 4th go. Then blood pressure was up so another tight squash on my other arm....ooooh what fun! Lol!
    Got all my daffs today so hopefully they will last till Mar 1st and a bit longer...they are all closed and I have put them in a cool place for now.
    Lynda I do hope your cough is easing you are missed so much in the cafe along with all the lovely ladies who haven't called in because they are busy or are poorly. My love and hugs go out to you all dear friends.
    I was so annoyed this morning as the Twins cards haven't arrived in Australia and it's their 5oth birthday much for paying extra for tracked post and then I could only track them till they left the UK which was the 17th. One piece of good news is that the gift cards that I ordered on line in Australia did arrive! Yesssss!
    Well I must move now and do a few more cards see you later.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx
    PS it was so good seeing Leonie being let loose on Hochanda.....I thoroughly enjoyed watching her.

    1. I'm sorry your lovely cards didn't arrive on time Sheila but at least the Gift Cards did! They will love them when they get them! I enjoyedvLeonie's shows too but watched on catch up! Xxx

    2. Hi Sheila,
      How frustrating, there is nothing worse than sending a card well in time for a birthday and it not getting there in time, especially when you have gone to so much trouble to make such beautiful cards. Well it will be like having another birthday when they do arrive!
      I am glad you enjoyed Leonie's show, I caught a bit of it at Pats but we were chatting too much to take in what was going on!!
      I didn't realise they had a catch up button, I will go have a look!!
      I am sired your Daffodils will survive until next week, its certainly cold enough for them to keep fresh.
      Sending you love and hugs

    3. Oh you are like me when to take some blood :-)
      Hope you not to sore. I'm sorry to see the cards didn't turn up on time, our wonderful postal service at their best.Take care, hugs Maria xx

  17. Hi Sandra and everyone. Beautiful card Sandra, love the colour and that fab Australian background die (think that may have to go on my wish list!)
    Looking forward to spending 2 days at Farnborough :-) I will look out for those who are going on Saturday, maybe we'll see each other through the crowds. I'm usually so engrossed in it all and in my own little world, lol.
    Hope everyone is having a good day.
    Hugs xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, I am really looking forward to Farnborough, I do hope we bump into each other, I will be looking out for you!
      You can't miss me, I will be in my wheelchair, hopefully weighed down by lots of bags!
      Lucky you having two days to shop!!!
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hi Sandra. Am looking forward to it too. It's very local to me, about a 15 min drive (depending on the traffic!) so I like to make the most of it.
      Will definitely look out for you and hopefully we'll see each other :-)
      Hugs xxx

  18. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a lovely card today, I love the aqua. I hope to get my challenge card finished today to send to you. Looking forward to going to Sue's tomorrow in readiness for Saturday, pleased you all got to meet yesterday. xx
    Sending special hugs to all who are feeling poorly love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Can't wait for Saturday, Early start though!!
      Have fun at Sue's maybe you can help Sue get her card done! Haha

  19. Hello everyone
    Hope you are all well - I'm on cloud nine - my new little great grandson arrived this afternoon - Jackson David - both mum and baby are well, she had a section and they have said she could be home tomorrow or Saturday wow.
    As soon as I get a photo I will send it to Sandra.
    I will read comments when I can sit still long enough but I send hugs to anyone who is feeling under the weather.
    Hugs Jean xx

    1. Congratulations Jean on the arrival of Jackson David. Mum should be in for a few days after having a section. To think she would have be in for a good couple weeks not so many years ago! Enjoy those cuddles. Xxx

    2. Hello Jean many congratulations on the arrival of your Great Grandson. Is this your first? Hugs to you all. xxxx

    3. Congratulations Jean, enjoy your new great grandson when he gets home. X

    4. Congratulations Jean. Lovely news xx

    5. CONGRATULATIONS Jean, hope Mum and Baby are doing well. I agree with Hazel, a few more days in hospital would give the new mum would give her a chance to rest. Enjoy your cuddles LOL xx

    6. Many congratulations Jean! How lovely! Xxxx

    7. Congratulations Jean, enjoy the cuddles.xx

    8. Oh Jean, that's FANTASTIC NEWS!!!
      Welcome to the world Jackson David, I am pleased to hear they are both doing well, so looking forward to seeing a photo of the gorgeous little chap!!
      I hope they don't rush mum home to fast though!

    9. Congratulations Jean : ) what wonderful news. Best wishes to Jackson's Mum and Dad and a big hug for Jackson when you get to give him those special first cuddles. Hugs to you too
      Take care x

    10. Congratulations Jean also to Mum & Dad and all in the family. xxx

    11. Wonderful news Jean, Congratulations and welcome to baby Jackson David, many hugs to all xx

  20. Congrats JEAN
    SABA Lovely to see you pop in It's very early days and like your sister said Take Care x
    Lovely card SANDRA I love my stash of Lidll card Finished my challenge card made a bit of a mistake If I get around to posting it to SANDRA you'll see what I mean!
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen,
      I certainly hope you get time to post it to me after going ton the trouble of making it, there is no such thing as a mistake, its a 'happy accident''
      Looking forward to bseeing it,

  21. Hello again everyone
    Thank you for your comments - yes I think a day or two is too soon but times change so fast - Tonis' mum Carol is going to stay with her so she is in safe hands
    Carol (DiL) stopped by before and showed me some photos - hes gorgeous Ill wait until shes home as Daves family will want to go see too.
    Its lovely to see Barbara has popped in, these things cant be rushed.
    Sheila I cant believe your cards didn't make it on time but the joy will still be there when the twins open them. Hope they had a good birthday.
    Hazel take it easy, another day or two wont matter.
    Sandra this card is beautiful - my favourite colour too.
    Im trying to have a play with my goodies from last weeks show - last night I was stamping and using mica powders to colour - not done that for years.
    I can feel the excitement for the Farnborough show - enjoy everyone who's going - don't forget to confess haha
    Goodnight everyone
    Hugs Jean xx

  22. Hi Jean
    Congratulations Jean on the safe arrival of Jackson David. Pleased both mother and son are doing well.

  23. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Sorry SANDRA I have been missing this virus thing has taken hold again been feeling rough,I'm worn out coughing at night & day just so tired. chest & back hurting with all the coughing. Just thought I would pop in quick.
    Barbara lovely to see you take care lovely lady you have been in my thoughts sending Gental Hug's.xx
    Jean congratulations on the safe arrival of Jackson David pleased Mum & son are doing well. Enjoy all the cuddles.xx
    SHEILA so sorry the twins cards didn't arrive on time so very annoying.Thank you for thinking of me Sheila. Hope you had a good day with & Hug's
    BRENDA thank you also for you kind thoughts enjoy the craft show Saturday.xx
    Well try & pop back tomorrow SANDRA your card is lovely.Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Hello my lovely,
      I am so sorry that you haven't managed to get rid kof this terrible bug, It hadboith of my girls in bed for a good ten days, Lucy is still not right now. It will be harder for you as you have other things going on too, like Hazel, so your body is having to fight extra hard, has Terry had it too?
      I hope you are finally on the mend my lovely, sending you gentle hugs,
      Love sandra xxxxx

    2. Big,big Bamse hug Lynda and wish you better every day. Just take it easy xx

    3. Dishwasher done and emptied for tomorrow. The cat has been sat outside. All the huggles are tucked in and fast asleep. Wish you all a good night xxx

    4. Oh Lynda you please take care! I'm so sorry you are suffering so much! Get well very soon! Xxxx
