
Wednesday 24 February 2016

Anne's Gorgeously Girly Card and Jeans image of Norah's Juggles !!!

Anne's Gorgeous Card

Jean's Image of Norah's huggles

Good Wednesday morning Ladies,
I am excited to share with you today Anne's gorgeous girly card, I absolutely love that background paper and it works so well with the pretty pink card that Anne has used.
Anne used the 'Lattice Window' Striplet die and the 'Blushing Rose' both from Creative Expressions and their French Collection 'Tag' die for the sentiment. 
Such a beautiful combination of colours and dies, thank you so much Anne for sharing your card with us xxx

I also couldn't wait to Share this cute image that Jean sent in, this is how Jean imagines those cute little  huggles look,  I have to say I think she could be right,
Just look at the mischief in their faces, you could just imagine them skidding around the kitchen, using the teaspoons as sledges or See-Saws!  

Hopefully we are off to Pat's today for some crafting and fun!!

Whatever you are up to have a great one ladies,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Anne-your card is gorgeous, really lovely.

    Jean-I think that picture sums up my image of Norah's Huggles perfectly!

    Another frosty start to the day but it looks like it could be a lovely sunny day again. I didn't manage to get in my craft room last night, maybe tonight?! I really need to get started on some birthday cards as I have so many I need for March.


    1. Meant to say- my anti terrorist training was OK. The Home Office have decided that all NHS staff have to attend this "Prevent" training as they're calling it. It wasn't anything new really, just pointing out who we would go to if we have concerns about anyone. The bloke taking the session kept it to one hour so we all stayed awake!


    2. At least it was short and you didnt fall asleep. X

    3. Hi Mary chele. I'm glad the training.g went well, and wasn't too long. Take care x

    4. Hi Mary chele. I'm glad the training.g went well, and wasn't too long. Take care x

  2. Morning Everyone
    A nice sunny but very frosty start here this morning.

    ANNE - I love your card and who wouldn't love to receive it. A beautiful girly one but not going over the top. Love it.

    MICHELE - After your training may we now call you our MAJOR INCIDENT/SECURITY PERSON. We haven't got this job covered and looking at Jean's picture of the Huggles I think it's time we did don't you!!!

    JEAN- You have just endorsed the perfect image of the Huggles. Well done.

    SANDRA -hope you make it to Pat today so you can have a lovely catch and perhaps some crafting?

    BRENDA - I hope everything went well at the hospital for John yesterday.

    I'm going to have a sorting out day today. I needed some more space for storage of card blanks etc and so purchased a couple of cubes to sit on top of the ones I already have. I may need a rescue team if I haven't surfaced by mid afternoon!

    All's set for the day in the Cafe just waiting for you all to pop in for a cuppa. Hoping to see you later. Hugs ready and waiting as usual.

  3. Good morning Ladies, we have a thin covering of snow today , it looks very pretty but I won't go the walk as it could be slippy and I don't want to risk anything as we go on holiday next week.
    Sandra unless Jean sent you the same card of the huggles I'm the guilty one !
    I sent it to you by Pinterest and forgot to comment on it at the time, I just imagine Norah's huggles getting up to mischief , thought she might find it funny !
    I sent in this card for one of the challenges, this SW striplet die is one of my favourites, glad you like it.
    I must get started on this week's challenge today sometime, I don't know where time disappears to ?
    I hope you are all keeping cosy and warm in this cold spell, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne - I haven't sent this card so you are the rightful owner - was confused when I opened the door this morning.
      You have completely captured these little Huggles.
      Hugs Jean xx

    2. Hi Anne. I love your Huggles picture, they are just as I imagined them. Take care x

  4. Morning everyone.
    Anne. Love your pretty card. That is one of my favourite Striplets and the paper is so lovely as is the rose.
    Jean. What cute images. They look full of fun and mischief.
    I meant to ask everyone. On Friday Lynn and I thought we'd go to the cinema. I don't think I've been for about 10 years. Does anyone know a good womans film out at the moment that we should see? We're not into war or horror.
    I'm ironing this morning to put in my case, then having my hair done this afternoon.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Take care.
    Val x

    1. Hi Val. Wishing you a safe and trouble free journey. Have a lovely time seeing family and friends. Take care. X

  5. Sandra.
    Meant to say enjoy your crafting today. X

  6. Good morning everyone
    Feeling so much better today, just a bit of a cold now so can cope with that
    Yesterday we went to see two bungalows for Nic, one wasn't suitable as the vacant room would be too small, Nic has a big double bed, her wardrobes are the sliding glass door ones from IKEA ( to hold all her clothes) The other one ticks every box, it's empty at the moment, looking towards three females sharing, three big bedrooms and a staff/ sleep room, big gardens, everything we could ask for - keeping fingers toes and everything crossed, all building work should start soon, will keep you updated as I know anything.
    Hope everyone is well
    Anne has sent in this card of Norah's Huggles - it's brilliant isn't it, as is the strip let design
    Will pop back later to see what everyone's up to
    Stay warm - it's so cold out today
    Hugs Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean, glad you have found something suitable for Nic, hope all goes well, will keep fingers crossed

    2. Hi Jean , Fingers and everything else crossed for Nic, this bungalow sounds perfect. When do you get to find out if she can be one of the residents? Love and prayers xx

    3. Hi Jean
      Fingers crossed for Nic. Sounds like the ideal place for her, how long do you have to wait to see if she can be ones of the residents?.

    4. Hi Jean. My fingers are crossed for you and Nic too. Take care xx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Anne your cards are gorgeous, love the huggles!,
    Jean hope you get Nic settled soon,,she will be excited about her new place.
    Not got an exciting day planned, a bit of ironing, and my usual Wednesday meet up with friends.
    Take care of you have a frosty morning,' and you are out and about
    Jess xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and all the ladies!
    I do love your card today Anne! That Rose is so pretty and good for posting! I love the whole card though , not just the Rose!!
    I'm sorry I wasn't in yesterday. It was one of those days! We all have them I know.
    Today is our Ladies Group but we are just knitting or crocheting today. Pleased about that as my crochet has been a bit neglected!
    Saba / Barbara arrived home on Saturday night very late. It has been a long hard road for her but she is alright!
    Well, I folded a gatefold card yesterday and cut out some pieces for inside! As they say - it's a work in progress! I was interrupted so often I gave up in the end.
    Sandra your card from yesterday was lovely! I too like that embossing folder.
    Leonie Let Loose - is the title for a weekly Show on Hochanda . It's a two hour Show 2pm - 4pm. Leonie will be crafting . I'm looking forward to these shows as I think she has real talent! Sorry if you all already know - just thought you may be interested.

    1. Oh oh! The Shows are each Wednesday - so first one today! Forgot that important bit! Xxx

    2. Hi Myra, wondered where you were. Thank you for updating us. So hope she is all right and can come and have a chat soon. I do miss her.
      Have sat the recorder for Leonie but hope to see her. She is so good and calm always. Have fun this afternoon xxx

    3. Myra, you are so right! Barbara has had a long road to travel with her emotions and thoughts, we all have to respect this and give her time. She I know will come back when she is ready, those of us who have travelled that road will understand as others will too!!! She is back home which is good as she now has Peter to comfort her. Val will be there looking down on her and smiling as she will see that Barbara is getting her life back to normal. Val will always be in her heart, she will be watching and is happy. Thank you Myra for letting us all know she got home safe. Xxx

    4. Myra, Thank you so much for the update on Saba. Pleased she is now home with Peter, she can now grieve in her own space and time, I think that is very important, although the next trip back to the UK will also be a difficult one. Tell her she is really missed, but she must take things one day at a time. Sending her very gently and caring hugs. xx

    5. Hello my Mad Hatter Friend
      Thank you so much for the update on Barbara. She now is in her own space and can take things one day at a time. Hugs to you;xxxx

      ps - hope you enjoyed your Ladies Group this afternoon. How about some pics of your finished project.

    6. Hi Myra
      Thank you for the update on Barbara. She'll be able grieve in her own space and take one day at a time. As Brenda says her next trip to the UK will be difficult.
      Thanks for the update on Leonie. I hadn't realised she was on today.
      Hope your crocheting went well.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in today.
    love your card Anne, the papers and the rose die are so pretty. The huggles do look very cheeky indeed and now we need to keep our eyes open so they not do more mischief hihi love the card.
    Woke to a frosty morning and sunshine, so needed to get some nice days so you starting to feel good again. The dark and rain do make you SAD and it's no good so hopefully the spring might be on it's way.
    Hope the three graces are having a fun day crafting.
    Pat, my inserts are very simple ones. I fold a paper in half for the size of the card and then write by hand. Sometimes I ask OH to print a text etc but because he don't get that I want to fold it I ending up with just a piece and sometimes do cut them out with a die.
    Shopping done this morning and put away. Spoke to my mum, it seem like my niece have been to a wedding fair so I wonder if they thinking of getting married, hmmmm They have had a lot of snow over night so she was not happy but the dogs love it Lol.
    Lynda, hope you starting to feel better too. Jean, glad you are all right. A new place for Nic sound real nice, fingers and toes crossed .
    Jess, have a fun time meeting up with your friends.
    Brenda, everything went well for your John ? hugs
    Hope you emerge sometime today Janet under your sorting out or the rescue team is on standby. We need Myra and Maureen and Diane to help maybe ,so where are you girls ?
    Saba you are in my thought. Anyone who need a hug I have some really big ones on offer for today so help yourself.
    Take care, love and hugs Maria xxxx

  10. Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    What beautiful card you have started us off with today Anne, I love the way you have used the Striplet,. Q for making me think why can't we use it in that direction, it works brilliantly. Oh I didn't think I wanted the Rose die ............ I can feel a shopping spree coming on…....... Ladies, I hope it's not infectious!!!
    The Huggles card is cute, Who couldn't love them. But be warned of the effect sugar has on them . So no sweeties please as they get really hyper - you may need to take cover as they get into all sorts of mischief.

    Sandra I hope you have a great time crafting and chatting up at today, love and hugs to all three graces.

    Thank you everyone for your thoughtful wishes for Johns Menieres's disease treatment. He was fine, got to the hospital early, almost straight away and nurse said that to take your blood pressure, while we were there another nurse and his consultant arrived, who said he would see him right away. He then had a short wait while the medication was taking effect. He was then called to going to theatre, I was able to walk as far as The theatre door with him and told he could be picked up after 4 PM. People slate call local hospital, all I can say is the service and attention of John received yesterday was nothing short of excellent. Today he is absolutely fine and will at some point be given a follow-up appointment in outpatients.

    Sandra I have booked my ticket for Farmborough, have also got my train ticket. I will take the shuttle bus to the venue so hopefully we can meet up at some point. I couldn't find a map of all the exhibitors online hopefully they will have some there.

    This comment has taken me for ever, I had a message on my iPad screen to say my modem light a change from blue to orange and I didn't have an Internet connection, went and checked - it was still blue ..... fortunately my comment was still there - or the air would have turned blue! Don't you just love technology!!!!

    Well I really must press on, wishing everybody a good day,
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    Oh no! It was my iPad that has lost its internet connection - fortunately I have managed to put the message on this one (our old iPad.) And I will go and sort out the other one In settings. What did I say about loving technology??? xxx

    1. Pleased to hear John got on well yesterday & is feeling fine today. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday, take care love Margaret xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      I'm so glad that Johns appointment went well yesterday and is one feeling fine. I'm looking forward to seeing you again on Saturday.

  11. Anne, oops sorry, Q for making me think, should read..... Thank You for making me think!
    I tried to be quick but I dictating to the iPad. It just didn't work ha ha. LOL

  12. Good afternoon, sorry for being missing yesterday, I had a very bad night Sunday/Monday the flu virus had triggered a flare up so I was in terrible pain. All under control again steroids up to high dose, big boy painkillers were taken, just have to be careful. Should have known and put the steroids up when I started feeling unwell. Haven't done much but will get there.
    Love both of today's cards. Anne your background paper is very pretty, and the striplet and Rose all work so well. Xxx

  13. Pat, you can make and save templates on you computer for inserts, when you need to use one just overwrite what is on your your saved template, also you can change the font style/size/colour. I save mine, ie card size and orientation. I have them saved in a folder - titled Cards etc. It works for me! LOL xx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I'll have a chat to you about it on Saturday to make sure I understand what your saying.

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone. Busy morning at work so am later popping in today. Love the cards. Your creation is beautiful Anne :-) Am glad that I can now imagine what Norah's 'huggles' are. Being new here it had got me wondering and all I could think of was that they were mischievous little puppies!! ;-)
    Hoping everyone is having a good day.
    Hugs xxx

    1. Hello Sonia - now you know we told you we were all a little on the daft side when you joined us and so now you know just how daft. it's this that keeps us all going xxxx

    2. I can be as daft as a brush sometimes Janet. As you say it keeps us all going and is good to have some humour within the stresses of everyday life xxx

  15. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I hope you get to Pat's today & at least have a catch up & maybe some crafting.xx
    Anne I love both of our cards, the rose paper is pretty & I love the huggies thank you for showing them.xx
    Good to have news of Saba, it's been a long hard road for her, look forward to welcoming her back to the café. Special hugs on way to her & all friends who are missing.xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  16. Those little imps are gorgeous reminds me of my three grandchildren xxx
    So love the die on the pink card but it is what you do with it that makes such a difference, super.

    Really looking forward to Saturday Farnborough 5 and perhaps putting faces to names?

  17. I'm more than happy to be the named Major Incident/Security Person for the cafe. I just hope there's no need for anyone to contact me in that capacity-he he!!

    I'm off up to the craft room to start some cards, well that's the plan!


    1. Looks like our Security is in good hands Michelle, now that you've had the training so to speak.

  18. Hi Sandra
    Well this is a gorgeous card from Anne. I love the papers Anne, they really go with the dies and the coloured card you've used.
    What can I say Jean, this is just how you'd imagine the huggles to look like. Love the image. Are they stamps I wonder?.
    We had a fabulous time crafting today, and I finished two cards. Well I must admit one was already started. Just need to get that one in the post now.

  19. Good Evening all, late gain, trade show in Sweeden next month so have loads of different colours to do last minute, so have been busy all day.
    Love Your Card, Anne,the Rose is lovely making me wish I had that one, still no more spending for the time being.
    The card of the " juggles is great, just right for those piskies.
    Been to see my sister today, she was much brighter, seemed pleased to see me, started walking with a frame.
    Heard today that my friend in Oxford has been taken to the John Radcliffe for tests, not sure what for, I know the doctor has wanted to do this for a while, so must have got it sorted.
    Tomorrow is craft day with friends, haven't had time to sort any designs out just will just wing it and use Pinterest.
    Good to hear to hear Barbara is back home where she can take time to remember the good times she had with her sister.
    Hope all have a good evening, hugs to all especially those feeling below par.

  20. Thank you Ladies for all your lovely comments , it is nice being able to share cards so thank you Sandra for sharing them.
    Good to hear news of Barbara, I hope it helps her to be back in her own home now with her husband for comfort.xo
    Well I'm tired so I'm off to bed , night night xoxo

  21. It's been a long day so this is me saying good night all and hope you catch some nice dreams. See you tomorrow.
