
Tuesday 23 February 2016

A little Bit Peachy !!

Good Morning Ladies,

I have been trying to get my hands on this embossing folder for some time,
Then totally by chance last week I stumbled across it and snapped it up!
Its called All-Occasion Embossing Folder, I think initially it was free with a 
Craft magazine, people went crazy for it so they did another run of them.
I can understand the interest as with one pass through your machine with your 
Embossing folder sand which and you have a perfect 6 x 6 Inch background.
You can of course add colour to your embossing folder and run that through 
Your machine, I did it with a lovely blue ink, it gives a distressed finish but
It's very effective.  
All I did to this card was to add some flowers and pearlsvall in peach tones,
Then mount it onto a similar colour card, I think I am going to Mount it 
again on to Some white card with a pierced border, just to balance out 
The size of the flowers!

I was going to play last night withs some new mixed media things that I 
treated myself to, but that wasn't to be the case, Sophie bought me her 
Coat and a needle and thread and sheepishly said that she had tried
To mend it herself, I asked for a closer look and saw a huge L shaped tear
Just beside the pocket.  I couldn't use my machine as Paul wasn't here to get it 
Out and that would have meant unpicking the lining too, so I just sat for almost 
Two hours, trying to make my stitches as invisible as possible. 
All done now, how it passes, she'll be cold if not!!

I hope you have a good day,hugs to absent friends xxxxx

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what s gorgeous card. Yes-the embossing folder was a freebie and I stupidly gave mine away! I could them for sale on Craftstash so I ordered one, used it for an earlier challenge card. It's a great folder isn't it?

    Ran out of time last night-was out of was a bit late, called at Tesco for some shopping. Hubby cooked tea then after a quick phone call from my Dad, I finally sorted out my car insurance. We then watched Spectre on DVD so it was quite late when that finished.

    I've got quite a bit to do tonight but hopefully it won't let me be so late when I've finished everything.

    I have my "anti terrorist training " this morning-that's an hour & a half of my time say in a lecture theatre!! Heh Ho-it's classed as mandatory training now.


    1. Hi Sandra
      Love the card and the embossing folder. Managed to buy this one from CraftStash but it goes out of stock as soon as it comes in.

    2. Hi Michelle
      Not to sure why original post went in under your name. I just wanted to say I hope the anti terrorist training went ok.

  2. Good Morning Sandra, lovely card, I have this folder, luckily got it on the the magazine, have to say I was using it all the time so I put it away before Christmas, time to get it out.
    Hope the training goes well Michele what will they think of next, still I suppose it's today's world.
    Well it's stopped raining for a while, so I think we will be able to go for our walk to get the papers.
    Hope all have a good day, hugs for those who are feeling low.
    Get well wishes for those with this awful virus that's doing the rounds

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - a beautiful piece of art this morning for our pinboard. I love the look of that efolder and I see from Michele that it may be available from 'Craftstash'. I've never heard of this company so can you please tell where you purchased it from.

    MICHELE - all the best for today. I find it difficult seeing that 'anti-terrorist training' is mandatory these days but do remember way back when I was working we had instructions on what to do if we received a 'bomb' threat.

    I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself this morning as I did my Challenge card yesterday. As I said I had already done a Gatefold for Knit and Natter but I felt that was cheating and so managed to get a different one completed. I just have to remember to send the pics off to Sandra now. That might be more difficult -remembering I mean.

    For today I want to try and finish knitting the hood on the Aran jacket and perhaps I may get an opportunity to have a play with some of that beautiful paper pack I bought last week.

    All's ready and waiting for you in the Cafe and I've put a few Daffodils in the window as a welcome for all who look in. You never know they may just open the door and step through.

    Does anyone know if Barbara is back home in Germany yet and how she's doing? Hugs to all our missing Friends who are not up to par and to all who come through the door the hugs are just waiting for you all. xxxx

    1. Have a nice day Janet, love the Daffodils xxx

    2. Thanks for the daffodils Janet, very Spring like. Even if we did have a hail storm here this afternoon.

  4. Good morning Sandra and all.
    I just love this card Sandra ! Gorgeous EF and your flowers, wow ! Where do you buy them from ?
    I sat here to the early hours, heard some little snoring and some big ones from OH tihi. Looks dry so soon off on our walk, just over 5 miles there and back but with an hours stop I should be ok.
    Good luck Michele with the training, what a thing to have to do. Have a good day.
    Lilian, hope you manage to get the paper and had a dry walk.
    Wish our ladies with the bugs a speedy recovery !
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Hiaria. I hope you both enjoy your walk and look around Ikea today. It's a good job Chris and I don't live close to Ikea or we would be in there all of the time : ) Wrap up warm and have a good day. Love and hugs. Take care x

    2. Rather you than me Maria doing a 5 mile walk. My good hip as Pete calls it has started to play up now so no 5 mile walks for me.

    3. Hiya, sorry to hear your good hip is starting to give you problems Pat, please take care. The walk is ok and it's a nice breakfast at the end so we have a good break before walking back home tihi
      Ikea in Mk is quite a nice one Sue, well worth a visit :-) xx

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    love your card Sandra. I've not seen that lovely EF before but it looks so useful. I just LOVE the way youve arranged the flowers. It's an art that sadly I don't possess.
    I finished my challenge card last night. Now I have to wait for my daughter to show me yet again , how to send it. I am hopeless with anything a bit technical.
    Gosh Michele isnt it a sign of the times that you have to have anti terrorist training. I bet its really interesting. Hope it goes well.
    Janet. I love the thought of seeing daffodils next week. I just love Spring in the UK.
    Hope everyone with this nasty virus soon gets well. I'm on a course of Echinecia tablets and do hope the virus passes me by when I'm over in UK.
    Lilian and Maria. Hope the weather stays dry so you can go on your walks.
    Its Cribbage afternoon for me today. So got to get everything done this morning. It's almost 10 and I havent taken Gracie out yet. Better get my skates on.
    Bye for now.
    Take care.
    Val x

  6. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop.

    I love today's card and would love to get this embossing folder, it would be a great addition to our craft tools, especially if you needed a quick card. It would be one of those that would just work as it is or if you dressed up. If anyone knows where it's available please tell us. LOL.

    Well today John has to go to hospital, he has Ménière's disease, he will be given an injection under anaesthetic and we hope and pray it will cure his problems.
    I will be able to pick him up by early evening.

    Michele, hope all goes well with your anti terrorist training. There are so many things that just don't seem relevant to the work you have to do, but issues that have to be covered for your own safety as well as others. LOL

    Thank you everyone, especially Janet for suggesting ways my CD might work in the laptop. All being well, when I'm waiting for the phone call from the hospital this afternoon I might have a little time to play!

    Hope everyone has a good day, love and hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. I hope that all goes well for John today and that the injection works. Good luck with your CD problem. Sending hugs to you both. Take care x

    2. Hi Brenda,
      Fingers crossed for John, hope the injection works.
      Hugs on the way xx

    3. Hi Brenda
      Fingers crossed the injection worked for John. Hugs to you both.

    4. Hi Brenda, hope all went well for John today, hugs to you both xxx

  7. It's such a lovely feeling discovering something in your stash and reusing. Your card Sandra is refreshingly simple but with impact. Will be looking out for this folder for myself.

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,muster card Sandra, just love the EF you have used.
    It is very frosty here this morning, at least we haven't had the snow that was forcast YET!
    I'm off to cover my friends craft shop today as she takes her card class. So will try and pop back later, but no promises.
    Take care everyone, xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I am so pleased that you have finally managed to get this e folder, you have been after for ages haven't you. I love the flowers and bow, wish I could get mine to look as good as yours, what a beautiful card : )
    What a shame you couldn't use your sewing machine to mend Sophies coat, we must have a day playing with them soon mustn't we.
    Lynda, I hope you managed to get some sleep between coughing, you poor thing.
    Dentist for me today to replace a broken filling, hopefully she can do it without giving me an injection as that is the worst bit for me! I hope you all have a good day and that the weather is kind to you all, especially you Maria walking to and back to Ikea. Love and hugs. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Hope dentist is kind to you, I know how you hate injections. Big hug on way love you.xx

    2. Hope everything went well for you today and you didnt have
      To have an injection. X

    3. Hope the filling was ok and you didn't have to have an injection Sue.

  10. Hello Sandra and all you lovelies,
    Such a beautiful card Sandra and that embossing folder looks so pretty.
    Well I have had such a great but tiring weekend on Friday I went with my buddy Carol to the workshop where Martine Smith was the tutor and had so much fun the only problem was I am so slow at making cards and got quite stressed about that...trying to keep up...I do like to go at my own speed to get everything perfect but managed to finish my cards. We had a laugh though and Martine is such fun, we also had a lovely lunch and then set off home at 3pm. I was worn out Saturday (I think it was because I had gotten myself so stressed...silly thing.!) Then on Sunday it was off to the Sincerely Yours Craft Show (we had a free ticket included in the workshop) back to Leigh! Carol and I can be like 2 naughty kids when we are together she does take my mind off the bad things. We laughed so much on the drive home that my ribs ached all evening after that. Right I am off to catch up with some emails that should have been done over the weekend., have left hugs in the basket and special gentle ones for our absent friends who I miss so much.
    Janet the daffs look so pretty and are my favourite flowers especially as they are a symbol of St. David (ST David's day is March 1st and a very sad day for me too. ) the patron saint of my dear Wales.

    Love Sheila xxxx

    1. Hi Sheila
      I'm glad you and your friend had a lovely weekend, even though it was tiring. Hope you can rest a bit today.

    2. Great to see you had a nice weekend Sheila even if a bit tiring you had a good belly laugh with your friend. I say that is a good time. Hope your ribs are all right Lol xxx

  11. Hi Sandra,
    What a lovely card & your usual beautiful flowers I love it.
    Did not have time to do challenge yesterday hope to have a go later. Going to have coffee with Boule friends, decided to give my hand another week before I play again, it's still a bit sore.
    Hope those suffering with flu etc feel better soon, hugs on way love Margaret xx

  12. SANDRA I saw that folder in a later edition and thought how much I'd like it I will try and shop for it
    MUCHELE I too work for NHS and had to do this training Now I don't deal directly with patients but I did find it interesting
    BRENDA I hope John gets on OK I've missed the thread re CDs If it is an MCS Click print one be warned When I rang them to say I was getting an error msge She told me to google it and go from there As a result I got hooked into a scam I managed to get my money back eventually MCS were no help I took mine into Serif (not all of it) and work from there - I'm talking about MCS Charisma Bunny and Teddy cd

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone. I love your gorgeous card today Sandra, and the embossing folder is beautiful. May have to look around to see if it's still available anywhere.
    If anyone would like to see how I got on with my mixed media over the weekend I have posted on my blog, so feel free to take a look :-)
    Hope everyone is having a good day and keeping well.
    Hugs xxx

  14. Hi everyone, back from my friends shop, got some card and ribbon and Phil Martins stamps, so will have a play later. Hope everyone who is feeling under the weather gets better soon, take care, Jess xxx

    1. Gosh arexn't you lucky having a friend who owns a craft shop. Now thats my idea of heaven. X

  15. Hi ladies,
    I just wanted to let you know that I got the embossing folder from Craft, I think its exclusive to them.
    I will keep my eyes open for you all!
    Sandra xxx

  16. Hi Sandra
    I'm not to sure why my post went under Michelle's name. Lovely embossing folder and card.

  17. Haven't heard if Barbara is still in the uk or gone back to Germany from anyone here.
    Lynda hope your feeling a bit better, and that Terry hasn't gone down with it.
    Hugs to all who are feeling poorly today.

  18. Evening all. How are our poorly ladies doing and yes, I hope Terry have not gone down with it too Lynda. Hard enough if it's just the one of you, hugs.
    Had a good walk this morning, no rain :-) Back home after a little rest I was going to stick an insert into a card and everything that could go wrong did ! so the card is thrown to the side and my mojo went downhill very quickly so sat down in the lounge and promptly fell a sleep until someone (OH) shouted he couldn't smell any cooking going on. Dinner over and dishes done. Pain killers popped and now sitting here and looking on my Acer while football is on tv. Going to look in to you Sonia, can't wait to see what you came up with and some of you others if any new so I wish you all a good evening and a good night. See if I can go before 3 am tonight, it could be nice as we are going food shopping in the morning so xxxx

  19. I'm going to have to get Sandra to show me how to do inserts. My Grand daughter did me a word document for a happy birthday last July. So I just adapt that every time I want a happy birthday. But I have no idea how to do an insert.
