
Monday 22 February 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

The Sketch (Gatefold Card)

My first Gatefold Sketch Card

Inside of my Gatefold card

My 2nd Gatefold Card

Inside 2nd gatefold card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Well something a little different for the Sketch Challenge this week, it is a gatefold card, I am sure that you all know what that is but for anyone new to card making here are as couple of diagrams ....

Most score boards have the score points for a Gatefold card, if not the easiest easy to to it to trim your A4 card down to 10 inches along the longest side, then you just score at 2 1\2 inch and 7 1/2 inch, fold and crease and you have your gatefold card.

I used my new 'Bella Rose' papers to decorate my card, I then die cut two heart die cuts that link together to keep the card closed, the bottom heart is attached to the right side of the card and the top heart is attached to the left. 
I arranged some pink flowers into both hearts and three pearls. I used Sue Wilson's pierced flags to put my sentiment in and added a few flowers and pearls to finish the card. The inside was decorated with the same papers.

My second card was just to demonstrate the simplicity of the card design, I used the Toy Soldier paper from an old Kanban kit, using the matching decoupage  to create the focal point across the join.

The Sketch card itself just uses a square, you could just do the same or change it up for any shape you fancy, a favourite die shape for example or a topper!
I can't wait to see what you come up with.
If you can't be fussed with making a gatefold card just use the sketch as a flat card front.  I want bit to be achievable by everybody.

Any questions please don't hesitate to contact me xx

Have a lovely day ladies, it looks like it is going to get seriously cold later this week, so don't put your thermal knickers and vest away yet!!

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-two very lovely cards for us as inspiration. I'll have to get thinking about this challenge.

    I can't quite believe it's Monday morning already-that was the quickest weekend. I assembled my Spellbinders Platinum machine but haven't tried it out yet. I did actually do some crafting yesterday though-I have a lot of birthdays coming up in March so I thought I'd better make a start.

    Will pop in this evening to catch up on all the chat.


  2. Good morning Ladies,
    Two beautiful cards Sandra, I love both of them!
    I don't really make gatefold cards often so this will make me get my thinking cap on, good to be challenged!
    Pilates this morning , I need it badly as my back needs a good stretch, I always say I'll do exercises at home but I never do.
    The weekend passed in a flash even although the weather was horrid, it looks much drier and quieter today.
    Off for some tea and toast and see who pops in, Maureen I hope you are ok , I miss your witty comments ox
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Ann
      Hope the Pilates well well and it's done your back some good.

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone. Fabulous sketch challenge - I haven't made a gatefold card for a long time, so am looking forward to this. Love your cards Sandra, both so different. The Bella Rose papers are beautiful, and love the way you've used the hearts :-)
    Fingers crossed with the weather. Hoping we don't get it too bad which could jeopardise the craft show. I remember a few years ago when it was so windy on the Saturday, that they cancelled the Sunday of the show for fear that the marquee wasn't safe. The sound of the wind was pretty horrific, so understandable. Am keeping my eye on the forecast this week ;-)
    Well I'm off today, so more crafting for me! Have a good day everyone, keep well.
    Hugs xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all who call in, I wasn't in yesterday as I started Saturday evening with another dose of this flu thing. Still not right as my joints are all very sore, tempeture is down thank goodness. It's a do nothing day.
    Now Sandra are you trying to put me over the edge with a gatefold card??? This time last year I was cutting and putting together all Gillian and Andrews wedding invitations, yes gate fold ones!!!
    I will let Beth read back yesterday's blog when she gets back from their skiing holiday. She is a very good skier ( no fear) so she will be having great fun. She will miss out on this challenge, but knowing Beth she will have a go, she will do the next one, it's good for her to make a challenge card, as it gives her ideas and makes her think.
    I think I need to go re heat my margarets heat bags, then it's back to bed. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel - hope you start to feel better soon - Ive come out in sympathy with you I think - not pleasant
      Hugs Jean xx

    2. Oh dear Hazel. Looks like your bug is spreading.

  5. Ooh Great cards Sandra I have only ever made one gatefold card! If I get time when I get back from my trip I'll definitely give it a go

  6. Good morning Sandra and to anyone popping in today.
    Oh dear tihi, I have never made a gatefold card so this will be good fun. Your two cards are lovely, especially the one with the heart locking. You also have so many wonderful little flowers. I will give it a go.
    It's a dark and wet day here so my energy have gone and the mojo with it. Waiting for the washing machine to stop so I can hang that up and then I need to get some skates on and do some cards up but....Where are Diane, Maureen, Wendy ,Margaret co ...? Have not seen you for ages ,I miss you !
    Hazel, sorry you got the bug back. It seem to stay on for weeks. You take it easy and keep warm.
    Enjoy your day Karen with Charlotte. Wonder what lovely treatments you having today.
    Have fun at Pilates Anne, hope your back feeling better.
    Sonia, have a fun day crafting. Sounded like you had a messy day yesterday hihi Love to see what you made.
    Lynda dear friend, sending you well wishes and cuddles. Hope you didn't give it to Terry, G help if you have !
    Have a good day as possible everyone, love and hugs Xxxx

    1. Thanks Maria. Just having my lunch at the mo, whilst waiting for things to dry! Then back to it. It is a bit messy, especially my fingers ;-) x

    2. Thanks Maria , it certainly feels no worse, just had to run out and take in the washing as the rain has started again.xo

    3. Thank you MARIA for your cuddles blooming virus I hate feeling so unwell. How are you my friend. Have you hered from your son yet.dose he text you when he's away.anyway don't worry yummy mummy.xxxx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies, your two cards are lovely Sandra, gate fold cards are not something I do, but I will give this challenge a try, as they say get the mojo working.
    The sun is shining here today, it looks a lovely day so far but the forecast isn't too good, so take care everyone if you end up with the snow that is forcast. Xx

    1. Hi Jess
      I think we're just having hard frosts down South. If you gave snow I hope it's not to much.

  8. Morning Sandra and all, Two lovely cards today Sandra. Just love the intertwined hearts. Its such a long time since I made a gatefold card. I will really try and fit one in but I go away Thursday morning and I need to fit a lot into the next three days.
    I've just got my case out and a few things are in it. Its different this time. I said yesterday that I have wardrobe space in the three homes I usually stay so I dont have to take things back and forth. However this is my daughters treat for my birthday and we're staying in Anglesey for 5 nights then the last two in a place called Ruthin Vcastle. It is actually a castle. This is my birthday present from my son and DIL. Its a spa hotel so I'm having 2 treatments as well as afternoon tea. Hope we have cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off.ha ha.
    Lynn is returning to Spain after a week whilst I have two weeks with friends and family.Me being me I have to have the house very clean and tidy before I go away so it looks good when I return. Paul my SIL is looking after the shop and the cats whilst were away bless him. I'm putting my little dog with a very nice
    couple who look after her in their own home. She loves being there. She can sleep on their bad and they take her to the beach ever day.
    HAZEL. Sorry youre not feeling too good. I think its off to bed with a hot toddy.
    Take care everyone.
    Back to the cleaning.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val - must admit to being quite jealous after reading all you will be doing - I don't need to say enjoy yourself do I ????
      Safe journey
      Jean xx

    2. Hi Val
      Like Jean I'm feeling very jealous reading about all the treats your going to have. Have a great time.

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    This is a challenge Sandra I have made A gate fold card - but it was a long time ago, but will aim to rise to the occasion and complete before the deadline ha ha.
    Love both of your cards and both would be greatly appreciated by the recipients. Thank you for giving us the inspiration .

    I'm off out for lunch today, as my daughter puts it 'the ladies what lunch gathering' it's always lovely to meet up with them all we have a good old natter and catch up on everybody's news.

    I am picking your clever brains ladies. I have been playing with a CD-ROM with the challenge in mind, I've had this CD for about three years now, it has never been used my new computer (windows 10.5) I have selected the page I would like to print, but it had text on and had a message saying click to delete. It isn't deleting when I try PLEASE can anyone suggest what could be wrong XX

    Hope you all have a good day, sending love and hugs, also extra special ones for all our missing friends, we are thinking of you LOL. Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda - hope someone can help you with the CD
      Hugs Jean xx

    2. Morning Brenda
      This is a shot in the dark but is your CD windows 10 compatible? I have some crafting CDs and they are the same as your problem they won't print. That's because they are not compatible with Windows 10. I'm lucky in that here in the UK my laptop is VISTA and so all my CDs work but the laptop in France is Yes Windows 10.
      Have a look at your packet of your CD where it tells you what it's compatible with.
      Hope this helps.
      Hugs xxxx

    3. Hi Brenda. I can't help you as I struggle just to turn the blooming laptop on, but you have my sympathy and a big hug. It is so annoying when things won't work isn't it. I'm sure either Janet's or one of the other ladies advice will sort it out for you. Take care x

  10. Good Morning Sandra and all the ladies!
    Well Sandra, another confession! I have never made a gatefold card! I've made all sorts of things but never that. That will not deter me and I will give it a try. I do like a challenge!
    Well it's school today - hey ho! That's another challenge - they call it challenging behaviour nowadays !! I call it being naughty! You aren't allowed to say someone's naughty! Well I do - they can sack me if they like I won't miss the Salary being a Volunteer!!
    Maria - I miss all the cheeky remarks and banter too even if some were mine now and again!
    See you later.
    Myra xxxx

    1. That makes Two of us then Myra. Will have a go but have realised that craft sessions start again next week and I seem to have got myself doing a lot of die cutting for the projects. Why do I offer. I only get worked up about it. Have a good afternoon. Is Lucie still excluded if not you might have a naughty girl again.

    2. Nice to see you Brenda, hope you are well my lovely xxx
      Myra, I don't envy you at all, I understand that some children really do have challenges but not all of them! Children seem to growing up thinking that there is no consequence of their bad behaviour.
      You must have the patience of a saint!
      I used to do three days a week up until in had the girls, even 15 years ago they didn't seem as bad as they are today!!
      Enjoy your afternoon with the little darlings
      Sandra xxx

    3. I don't think I do Sandra! I get very frustrated , particularly when other children say things - don't worry Miss she's worse than this in Class! She is given " time- out" . Not a punishment in my book as that is what she wants. Also if she is out of class she isn't learning! So very sad! She is on a two week ban so we need to be ready for her return in a couple of weeks! We are hoping at today's meeting to talk over everything and maybe change some things! Such fun! Xxxx

    4. Hi Myra. It is ridiculous how the nahghty child gets all of the fuss and attention and all of the good ones get ignored these days, isn't it. As a volunteer you shouldn't have to put up with any bad behaviour. Good luck this afternoon. Take care x

    5. Hi Myra
      I know how frustrating it can be. It's understandable when a child has learning difficulties like we have in our year one. However, some of them are so disruptive in class it's unbelievable. We never used to have this problem years ago as we were disciplined but not nowadays. Foundation stage fir me tomorrow who are just as bad.

    6. Hi Myra, Hope your afternoon goes all right but this is the reason I left my job because of the foul mouth and shouting and kicking from some of the kids ! Other ones wanted to have cuddles but I got told at quite few times to be Careful ! I just had enough.
      Lovely to see you Littlelamb, hope you will do ok. wish I lived closer so could give you a hand. Take care xxx

    7. Hello everyone!
      Many thanks for your support!
      The meeting went well and the lady who could have been a problem was so outnumbered she scarcely spoke!
      We are introducing some stick and carrot!!
      We are actually going to reward good behaviour as well as punishing bad. The children who behave and who are helpful etc will be awarded points. At the end of 4 weeks they will be able to spend their points if they want or save them for something better! We will set up a table with prizes and their points value. Anything from a single pen or pencil to a pack of pens , embellishments and packs containing everything required to complete a project! We explained these changes to the children and asked them to say what they considered acceptable and unacceptable behaviour! Answers were surprising! I'm going to make a wall chart using their own words and expressions and this will be a sort of After School Club behaviour standard!
      Watch this space as they say but I feel we have got somewhere!
      We had a lovely afternoon as the two girls who are trouble have a two week ban. Now everyone understands why and that's important!
      I'm jiggered now but happy!
      Sorry to rabbit on! Xxx

  11. Good Morning everyone
    Sandra I love the challenge for this week - its ages since I made a gatefold card - so the thinking cap will go on
    Its a beautiful day here but so cold, sat next to the radiator while chatting on here - not feeling very well at all would feel better if the cold would come out but just aching all over and splitting headache - me time today I think, not doing much at all.
    Man came out to measure for new blinds so everywhere was tidy before he came (why do we do it) so nothing needs to be done now
    Hugs to everyone who isn't up to par - a few missing people lately - hope you are alright
    Take care everyone - its supposed to be getting colder again
    Hugs Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean. It sounds like you need to go back and snuggle down in bed, you poor thing. I hope you start to feel better very soon. Take care x

    2. Hi Jean
      I hope your feeling better soon. This cold weather doesn't help does it.

  12. Hopefully I am back now. Been away with granddaughter and we had a lovely time. She is back at school and I must get on with things for the next crafting session. Realised some things we need we want to get at Farnborough so hope we don't have bad weather and can't get them. I am going Friday. Not from chose but because the friend who I do the crafting sessions with can only go on a Friday so it's the only one she gets to go to. Will just have to keep quiet about it otherwise Scarlett will be upset. Like Myra I have not made a gatefold card as far as I can remember so don't know how that will turn out. Well better go and get some die cutting done. Try to get back later.

    1. Oh Brenda its so lovely to see you in today.
      I am sad to read you are going to Farnborough on Friday as we were hoping to catch up with you on Saturday! Never mind there is always Ally Pally x
      Maybe you need to look at getting an electric machine
      If you are doing a lot of die cutting for your craft classes, I am so pleased that your craft classes are still popular (even though that means more work for you). You will have arms like a super hero at this rate.
      Sending hugs your way,
      Sandra xxx

    2. Oops! Sorry Scarlett will miss out but I'm sure she will forgive you! Why do we volunteer for these things Brenda?! We are slightly mad I think! Xxx

    3. Hi Brenda. It's lovely to see you back in the Cafe, we have all missed you. You sound like you still need some extra hours in each day. I hope the craft group ladies appreciate all that you do for them. It's sad that we won't get to see you at Farnborough, have fun on Friday though. You can tell us what bargains there are, if you manage to pop in to the Cafe earlish on Saturday. Sending you a big welcome back hug. Take care x

    4. Hi Brenda
      Lovely to see you back again with us. Sorry to hear we won't see you on Saturday and that Scarlett won't be to disappointed that she'll have to miss this craft show.

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a gorgeous card is, with those beautiful Bella Rose papers and your signature flowers. The second one is great too, those papers are perfect for the boys and work so well for this card fold. I am determined to make the challenge card this week and I have made a few gatefold cards before so hopefully it will turn out OK.
    Sending hugs to Barbara and all in need at the moment. I hope everyone can stay snug and warm. Have a good day. Take care xx

    1. That should read What a gorgeous card the first one is! X

  14. Hi All, Sandra you must have read my mind, after I finished my craft reorganisation,I had a go with some gatefold embossing folders which I bought last year from QVC, so I'll use one of them for the challenge.
    Sorry to hear some of you are comming down with this terrible flu virus, down here it's called the 100 day flu as it keeps returning, hope you all will feel better soon.
    Well lunch finished so back to work.

    PS. Brenda check which version of Adobe you are using, version 11 was giving o/h trouble, he couldn't print, so deleted it then went to Adobe site and downloaded previous version, may just help.

    1. Lilian, I hope I haven't got 100 days of being ill with this bug? Especially if I have to go through what I have done this weekend. Yes I have had two lots of, I am hoping I don't get another lot. Xxx

    2. Sorry Hazel that was rather tactless of me , we both had this over Christmas and the New Year, so you have my sympathies, hope you will feel better soon.

    3. Lilian don't apologise I know you have had this bug too. I know you will be hoping not to get it again either. What I can't understand is the doctors want you to get out of bed and drive 25 miles to the out of hours doctors, were you will have to sit and wait to be seen, and at the same time share your germs around to others, then you are told to keep warm rest and take paracetamol . By the time you get home you are frozen, feel so ill you could cry. I just told husband I would suffer and keep my germs to myself.

    4. OH LILIAN I defently don't want this flu for a 100 days I have had it for 8 days now & still feel lifeless. Like Hazel I never went doctors as waste of time .hope you feel better soon Hazel.xx

  15. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what pretty cards you have to show us today, this challenge will be a real challenge to me but will give it a go.xx
    Sorry several of you are suffering hope you feel better soon.xx
    This morning was lovely felt quite spring like but has got colder as day has gone on, hope we do nto have snow.
    Myra hope you have a peaceful afternoon, I agree time out is not the answer.xx
    Brenda hope you get your CD sorted I leave things like that to Grand Children.xx
    Brenda LL sounds as if you are as busy as ever sorry we will not see you at Farnborough, hope you get what you want on Friday.xx
    Hugs on way to all who are missing love Margaret xx

  16. Hi Sandra
    A very good sketch for us to follow this week. Well I use the word we very loosely as I haven't done one yet. Watch this space as I'm trying to get some cards done in between sorting Doreen and Ellis out. I'm waiting for the a Respite Social Services to ring me back. We went and ordered Doreen's medication out and to take Elluss hearing aid in as he'd been playing with it and broken it.

  17. Looking forward to seeing the Easter egg mugs Janet. I'd completely forgotten about them.

  18. Well predictive test messed up again. I really ought to read what's been written before I press publish.

  19. The finished pink hearts is lovely but so extra special when you see the inside
    (Did I mention when my birthday is!!?? ha ha)

    1. You didn't mention when you birthday is Angela, I would like to know however as we pass those details around to each other in case anyone would like to send cards, so if you fancy joining in, just give me the nod!!
      Sandra xxxx

  20. Any of you ladies that have the Ultimate Pro from Crafter's companion or similar score board, it may be time to blow off the dust, as they have the pre set measurements on for gatefold card.
    If that helps you xxx

  21. Reading the comments about behaviour in schools bought back a really valiud point my son made to me once while in primary school, he said "mummy, why is it that the naughty boy always get a treat, I am a good boy and I don't get anything"!!
    He was about six at the time, it highlighted to me what a negative message the teachers we sending out, you see they had one child (who's mother said was extrodinarily intelligent,so his disruptive behaviour was because the school weren't challenging him)!!
    His behaviour was outrageous, the teacher tried all sorts, she made him so many different wall charts, some with soldiers that he earnt by not being disruptive in assembly, or for getting through break time without hitting anyone, for not throwing things in class, he was rewarded for 'not being naughty' but the message that gave was.. You get nothing for being good, they made such ba big deal of these blooming rewards, it never worked for more than a week at the most, the teacher would then create another scheme, like golden time' where he accrued time through good behaviour so he could do activities of HIS choice on a Friday afternoon, while all the well behaved children looked on !!
    I helped children with mathematics, english and reading on my three days volunteering and I can tell you that child was no more gifted with intelligence than any other child, he had just been brought up to think he could do and say whast he liked !!

    There was no feeling intimidated by the headmaster in that school !!
    We used to fear the presence of our headmaster, both in primary and secondary school,I can remember being petrified on friday afternoon when the headmaster took over our class for Times Tables, we all had to stand and he would point at you with his metre stick and boy did he slap it on your desk if you got it wrong!!

    1. I have left a response above Sandra! Thanks for your support ladies!

  22. Hello everyone.
    Interesting idea's for the children in your school Myra but if they are like the ones in mine, then I'm sorry to say that I don't think it will last. The punishment in our school was the same Sandra, if they misbehaved their punishment was to go on the computers and they could do what they liked so we had many kids misbehaving ! and the kids who were good they never got anything, it's a shamble!
    Sorry to see so many have got the flu virus still hanging around. Hot toddies, Margaret's heat bags, maybe some Baileys and a cuddle from a Huggle will help and hope you soon feeling better ASAP !
    Started off very slow but OH gave me a whipping and I actually managed to make the beginning of a gate fold card ,yay ! hihi Thank you Sandra for the measurement it helped a lot. I need to get myself a proper scoring board at next buy. Can you recommend one for me ?
    Have a good night and hope most of us can get some sleep tonight, warm hugs Xxxxx

  23. Good evening SANDRA & everyone
    Wow your two cards are gorgeous Sandra it's a few years since I made a gate fold card but look forward to trying it.Just wish I could feel better I have been coughing for the last two hours. I have to get three birthday cards made oh no 4 cards so have to get motivated quick smart.
    Must go & get a drink can't stop coughing see you all tomorrow
    good night God bless
    Hug's Lynda xxxx

  24. Well I am back. Sandra I am sorry I forgot to comment on how lovely your cards are today. Haven't had a chance to start on the challenge card today and I am having a sleepover at my granddaughter's. Been doing some colouring instead. Scarlett has got a lot of crafting things but there is always something I need that she hasn't got yet. One thing is a score board. Need to get her one. Will look on Friday. Want a small one. Scarlett made a lovely mug last week following the Linda Parker tutorial. We filled it with Thortons chocolates and she gave it to my friend as a Thank You gift. Sorry but I forgot to take a photo. I am sure Janet's will be lovely. I am hoping the craft ladies will be able to make the X Cut bird house that you saw at the Retreat. They can then fill it with Easter Eggs. I am hoping the Ross Paper man will have cream 300gm A3 card. I left it too late at Sandown Park. Will get it at the beginning this time. The lot I got last year at Farnborough was very good but I haven't got enough left for this project. Sorry Sandra and all the others going to Farnborough that I will miss you but hoping to go to Ally Pally so will see you all there. Have a good time.

  25. Anyone up still ? Lynda- hope your cough not to bad,hugs
    Littlelamb- hope you and the others have a great time at Farnborough this coming weekend and that you find some nice goodies and the card of course. All the Huggles are asleep and I have tided up a bit for the morning people . Best get some shuteye, weather permitting we are walking to Ikea and back later. Nighty night xxxx
