
Sunday 21 February 2016

Sketch Challenge cards

 The Sketch

My Challenge Card

 Hazel's Challenge card

 Margaret's Challenge Card

Myra's Challenge Card

 Val's Challenge Card

Beth's Challenge Card  (Hazel's Beth)

Sonia's Challenge Card

Anne's Challenge card

 Janet's Challenge card

Maria's Challenge Card

Lillian's Challenge card

Deborah's Challenge card

Jess's Challenge card

Karen's Challenge Card

Lynda's Challenge card
Jeans Challenge Card
Good Morning Ladies,

Wow what an amazing range of cards you ladies have designed and created this week.  
All from the same basic sketch, yet all completely different!

It is so lovely to be able to share with the Sketch Challenge card designed and created by Beth (Hazel's Beth),  Beth has used two complimentary polka dot papers to create her design and she has finished it with a pretty handmade Bow, thank you Beth for taking part in this challenge, you are welcome to join in any challenge you would like and I look forward to seeing more of your cards.

Margaret, I could have put money on using the Anne-Marie Designs papers, I was thinking about that as I was making my card, I love the colour you have chosen too, those cute little ribbon flowers finish your card beautifully, thanks for taking part xxx (only 6 days until Farnborough, with your new hobby you are going to be like a child in a sweet shop) I can wait to be part of your first card making shopping experience!! Paul thinks he may need to hook on the trailer!! Xx

Val, I feel so honoured that you have gone to the time and trouble to enter the Sketch Challenge,  your card is so cute and beautiful, are your papers from the Be Bunni CD from Crafters Companion? That rose bud paper is beautiful, as is that cute little bear.
I love the little butterfly you have used to embellish your card with.  I would imagine that having craft CD ROMs is vital to you out there in Spain, as you won't have many craft shops selling papers etc.  You must feel like going crazy when you come over here to shop, do you leave space in your luggage, it must be so frustrating having such strict baggage weight allowances! Thank you so much for sharing xxx

Sonia and Deborah, your first Challenge and you both time to create and challenge card, I was so excited when I received them, Paul (my husband) thought I had gone mad, haha, both of your designs are gorgeous and very different, I am looking forward to seeing what you do with next challenge!  
I think that we all have our own signature designs, I can now pick out a 'Myra' designed card or a 'Lynda' card, Janet has a unique design style too, as do all the other ladies, I just used those names as examples, there will be a little addition to the card that will give the designer away, I look forward to spotting your 'unique' signature! Thank you both very much for taking part xxxx

Lynda, I love the papers you have used and those cute little birds too, the thing that touched me the most is that you went to the trouble of making your challenge card despite being so poorly, so thank you so very much Lynda xxxx

Karen, you have made a start on your Christmas cards with your challenge card this week, that is a great idea!! I love the Snowflake theme, thank you so much for taking part Karen xxxx

Jess, I love your 'man sketch card', another fabulous idea featuring time and travel,
Thank you so much for taking part xxx

Lilian, that paper is just amazing, showing the birds and their eggs too,
is it one of your new ones?  I love the birds on a wire image, my children used
Call that 'Bird School' when they saw the birds all sat in rows on the wire, 
thank you for taking part xxx

Janet, your design is simply 'Gorjuss', literally!! I love the colour you have used for her hair, very flamboyant, thank you for taking part my lovely xxx

Myra, I love your design, it could be a birthday or a 'just because' card,
I love that butterfly, thank you for making the time to create your card despite all
Of the mess and chaos that the "singing decorator" caused, xxxx

Hazel, love your bright and girly design, a great card to keep in the standby cards pot,
Either for cards for the grandchildren to give out or for you to give to granddaughters! Thank you for taking part despite all the extra duties you had to
Take on while Charlie recovered from his Shingles xxxx

Anne, I love the purple and heather colours you have used to design your card
with, it has a lovely, almost Scottish feel about it, gorgeous papers you have used,
What make are they, they would be great for both Male and female cards.
As would the Wine bottle topper/stamped image you have used, I really love your design, thank you so much for talking part xxxx

Maria, another fabulous challenge card from you, live your dotty card selection and
how you have carried the 'dots' theme through to the foreground of the card by using
the card candy, this would be a fab card for male or female recipient!
Thank you so much for taking part my lovely xxxx

Well I think I got everyone included, my tablet shut down half way through the post and I didn't have the energy to re-do the whole post!

I am as always hugely grateful that you all take part xx
If any of you would like a particular shape or style of card used just let me know!

Love and hugs
Sandra xxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of cards, all different but all lovely. I didn't manage to make a challenge card this week, seemed to run out of time.

    Well it's a miserable day here-very windy, has been rainy & more forecast. Once I've done the housework I think some time in my craft room is in order.

    I didn't manage to meet Jean yesterday-I hope you had a good time Jean & didn't buy too much???!!! Hope to meet you & Myra again soon.


    1. Hi Michele - glad you managed to get your Platinum, I saw them and a good price, thought I hope there's some for Michele, looked for you, even when we sat down for a drink but didn't see you. Wasn't too impressed yesterday though.
      Enjoy playing
      Jean xx

    2. Enjoy playing with your new goodies Michele x

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a sight for sore eyes when I opened the Cafe door this morning to see the display board absolutely filled with beautiful creations and who would believe that they all started from the same format. I just love to see what each of us create as every single one is different not just colours or embellishments but themes as well. I think you can call this week's Challenge a huge success Sandra. So I'm looking forward to tomorrow's Challenge.

    How about Easel Cards for a different shape.

    MICHELE - I hope you had a successful trip round the Craft Fayre yesterday and came back with loads of goodies. did you get your new machine?
    SANDRA - I'm so pleased that you managed to see Lucy and Sophie in prom dresses yesterday afternoon. Good luck with looking for comparisons as you say it's an awful lot of money for dresses to be worn only once.
    CHERYL - I hope the Panto has gone well and that you weren't overworked in the prompting dept.
    VAL - so sorry that you didn't get the test you needed at the hospital and I hope that it's not too long that you have to wait. I bet you're counting the days to your visit over here and seeing the rest of the Family.
    LYNDA - I hope you're feeling a little better. Just remember take it a day at a time.

    Don't know if we have anything organised for today. My fingers are crossed that it's going to be an R&R day as the last couple of weeks have been somewhat busy and my body is saying it needs a day of rest.

    All's set in the cafe for the day and it's a Roast Chicken Dinner on the menu today for anyone who cares to pop in for lunch.

    Hugs are on their way to all in need and I've filled the basket by the door so if Norah pops in please try and keep all the Huggles together.

    1. A roast chicken dinner sounds wonderful. Please set an extra place for me.
      Love Val x

    2. Can I put my order in now please.

    3. You can't beat a good old fashioned roast can you. I'll be there too please, if there's any left. I hope you get to relax today Janet x

  3. Good morning everyone
    Well the sketch cards are amazing as usual, think mine has gone awol, maybe I pressed the wrong button to send it.
    Well done ladies.
    It's a dark dreary day again today, don't know what's on the cards yet will pop back later
    Hugs to all
    Jean xx

    1. Looking forward to seeing yours later then Jean if your going to re send it.

    2. I hope we get to see your challenge card Jean. I am the worst person for pressing the wrong buttons, or for forgetting to press them at all! Frustrating isn't it : ) x

  4. Hi Sandra
    My word what a stunning array of cards the ladies have done. I won't comment on all of them suffice to say they are all stunning.
    However, saying that even Hazels Beth has entered into the spirit of things. I must say she puts me to shame. If the next one isn't to hard I might with a little prompting from Sandra pull my finger out. I have done a couple of birthday cards this week but not anything that looks like a challenge card. Looking forward to seeing what the girls bought at Leigh. As Sandra said Farnborough this weekend coming. I'm looking forward to a change of pace that's for sure.
    Ellis's bed came yesterday two plugs needed and only two plugs in the whole room. Why the Lifeboats and Cats and Dogs are more needy than them I just don't understand. So no heating at all in the room. Apart from the room they sit in everywhere else is like an ice box. I know these institutions need money, but my tin hut in the country was cosier than their house. Sorry ladies rant over, soap box back in the corner.
    Looking forward to my chicken lunch today as that's on the menu.

    1. Sorry to hear that Ellis's bed isn't any good, we were talking about the lack of sockets weren't we. How can social services think that the house is suitable for these oaps is beyond me! Looking forward to seeing you and Sandra this week, and our trip to Farnborough too. Two days of much needed relaxation for us all : ) take care x

    2. Oh Pat, it seems as though you are taking one step forward and two backwards. I really feel for you, I looked after MIL for many years. We said we would never let her go into a home. But she was hospitalised for several weeks and the ward sister insisted she was to much for one person. We found her a lovely home close by, she lived about 18 months before she died, I went to see her everyday, I can only say the time I spent with her when she was in the home was quality time. xx

    3. Sorry to hear you have another problem, didn't they check the room before hand, it doesn't make sense at all. But then I suppose we should know better than to think they would check first.
      Take care see you Sat xx

  5. Ooh er I hope this works, I'm never first to visit the cafe Whoever was in here last has left it beautifully laid out The urn is on and ready for visitors
    LADIES I don't know what to say Your cards are stunning and such a variety on one simple sketch but that's what makes us who we are
    I'm off to Champneys in Henlow later today with daughter for a couple of pampering days - a birthday pressie (Oct) So I will definitely be off the radar
    Take care everyone I can't wait to see tomorrow's sketch and I'll try and catch up on Wednesday

    1. Have a wonderful pampering time. X

    2. Have a wonderful day Karen ! You lucky girl xxx

    3. Morning Karen
      Just check your overnight case my dear Friend as I think you just might have one or two stowaways in there.
      Have a lovely time. Hugs xxxx

    4. Have a lovely relaxing time with your daughter Karen x

    5. Hi Karen, have a lovely couple of days with your daughter, relaxing and being pampered. LOL xx

  6. Oh When I logged on nobody else's comment was showing

  7. Sorry Sandra
    Meant to say before.
    Lynda I hope your feeling better today and that Terry hasn't gone done with what you had.
    Cheryl, I hope the pantomwent off ok and that you didn't have to much work to do.
    Thinking of you Barbara do take care.
    I hope Those huggles behave themselves today Norah, might be pinching some of the flowers, you know what they're like, always up to mischief if we don't keep an eye on them.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    What a wonderful array of cards. Isnt it amazing that everyone sees soething different in the sketch. I feel pretty childish but I got quite a thrill seeing my own card there as its the first time I've even sent a card into anywhere. Just shows youre never too old for new experiences.
    Sandra. To answer your question yes it is difficult to get stash over here and I do rely a lot on cd's but I'm fortunate that I keep toiletries and clothes at my sons, my friends and my brothers houses so I don't have to cart them backwards and forwards. It means I can take an empty case and fill it to my hearts content. LOTV recently had a sale with free post worldwide so I gpt a lot of their paper pads and Joanna Sheen is wonderful as its always free post over here. Those particular papers I bought at The Works last time I was there. They were only £1 per pad. A real bargain.
    I dont know whats on the cards here today. Janet has made my mouth water talking of roast dinners. Just might treat myself.
    See you later. Enjoy your Sunday.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val. I was sorry to see that you didn't get the tests on your hand, it must be very difficult for you, but it hasn't stopped you making beautiful cards x

    2. Can you actually imagine all of us sat around onebiug table having Sunday lunch??!! The conversation would definitely be flowing wouldn't it, I would love it !!!! Xxx

    3. Sandra. It would have to be a round table because I'd be frightened of missing anything.x

    4. Me to Val. I'd be wondering what's been said further down the table as well.

    5. Chinese whispers, then anything could happen tihi xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and everyone.
    Oh, look what fabulous cards we all managed to make out of just the one sketch. Don't like mine totally but it will be sent to my Dad for his I love some of the papers and toppers used. Lovely to see Beth's card, she is a budding crafter in making :-)
    Glad your girls got to try some dresses on and you got to see them too, they must have looked stunning ! They have a beautiful mamma so of course they are too!
    Well my boy is still in the sky. It's amazing with the technology these day's when you can see a little plane on the computer and follow it's route all the way :-)
    OH is going down to Tottenham soon by train so I will have a play with a card for our anniversary, keep changing my mind every time I look at cards here or on pinterest so it has taken me day's hihi nothing new.
    Horrid weather too ,so windy. Happy to be indoors and craft. Might pop in for a chicken dinner later, it's sound very nice. Sending special hugs to our poorly and missing friends.
    Warm hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria. Your card is lovely, I bet your Dad will love it. We are too hard on ourselves aren't we. Have fun crafting while you have the house to yourself. Take care x

    2. Hello Maria, I hope you are having a great time, crafting away one your own. I know your Dad is going to love his card. LOL xx

    3. Hi Maria
      Hope you manage to get the card made for your Anniversary. Rick hasn't gone to watch a football match has he?.

    4. Hi girls, had a nice day but mostly cutting out etc.did not get one card together. Pat, he went to see a cup-match, they lost. He's off to three more the next two weeks, yay Lol xxx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely selection of cards, these challenges are soo good making us think outside the box, thank you looking forward to this weeks. As you say I will be like a child in a sweet shop at Farnborough, good job I will have you there to advise me. Hopefully Paul will not need the trailer my purse will be limited which is a shame.xx
    Beth what a pretty card can see you have had a good teacher, thank you for showing us xx
    Hope Cheryl has survived the panto, she will feel exhausted today so take it easy my dear.xx
    Lynda hope you feel better today & are not having to nurse Terry, take care. xx
    Special hugs on way to all who need them especially absent friends love Margaret xx

    1. I bet the shopping trolley is going to have to be emptied at lunch time at Farnborough, you will be spoiled for choice. Love you xx

    2. Looking forward to seeing you again Margaret on Saturday.

  11. Morning Sandra and ladies, ladies you have all produced some beautiful cards, it is amazing how they are all different from just one sketch.
    Beth you are a little star, keep up the good work!
    Will need to pop back later, iPad needs charged on got 9% left,
    Take care everyone xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow, a lovely selection of challenge cards. All beautifully made and unique. It was lovely to take part and am looking forward to tomorrow's sketch :-) Hoping to get some crafting done today. Want to try doing a bit of mixed media, but I have so many ideas in my head I don't know where to start!! Oh well, I think I'll just have a play and see what happens ;-) Hope everyone is well and have a lovely day.
    Hugs xxx

    1. Have fun crafting today, there's not enough hours in the day to do all that you want, is there x

    2. That's so very true. Never enough time to sit and do everything. However I have a day off tomorrow, so more time to play then too :-) xx

    3. Hi Sonia,
      You must have read my mind, I have just purchased some canvas boards, Gesso and acrylic paints, some textured medium too, but now I have all the gear and no idea!! I have been watching some tutorials on you tube which has got me inspired! Go on have a go !! Xx

    4. I think we all feel the same about not enough hours in the day. I have always got something else I would like to try - I have boxes of PHD to prove it!!!! xxx

    5. Have had fun today playing with my inks, sprays, acrylics, texture paste, stencils etc,etc! Let me know how you get on with the Gesso, Sandra. My local craft shop didn't have any, but suggested I water down acrylic paint, which I did. Seems to have worked well for the project I started today but that was only on watercolour card and board. Haven't tackled canvas yet, but have some ready to have a go on :-)
      Glad I'm not the only one Brenda, who has so many things wanting to try. Need more 'me' time :-)
      Hugs xx

  13. Good morning Ladies, first of all I did comment yesterday but it must have gone awol, now can't remember what I wrote so will just begin with today.
    Fantastic result to last week's challenge, such a gorgeous selection of cards and all wonderful ( well done Beth) and to all the others taking part for the first time, I agree with you Val , it is quite a thrill to see your first card especially on the screen and to share it.
    Sandra ,you probably wondered about a card I sent yesterday via Pinterest , I pressed send before I realised I hadn't commented on it , I was looking through Pinterest when I saw that card and it looked like Norah's huggles, it looked like they had escaped and we're having far too much fun getting up to mischief ! I hope you can share it. I don't know the name of the tartan card stock I used , I just bought a few bundles from the Hobbycrafts show in Glasgow but I love the colour of that one, the wine bottle stamp is from Heartfelt Creations Italian set, and the matching die I got from C&C Monday morning madness, at sale price with no postage and I used my £10 voucher , to say I was pleased with my purchase is an understatement , ha ha ! Gosh I just LOVE a bargain !
    I loved the sound of Lucy and Sophie's dresses , I hope they manage to find similar at a reasonable price, so expensive when you have two to buy, I'm sure they will look stunning in whatever they choose.
    We had friends in yesterday and we were talking about going to Tenerife where the apt has two bedrooms I casually said why don't you join us , well by lunchtime they had booked their flights to join us for a week ! so we are really looking forward to having their company for a wee while, should be fun.
    Roast chicken dinner sounds great Janet , keep us a place!
    Well better go and get a pot af cream made up ( aromatherapy oils ) for an order.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. I did see you had sent me one, but didn't know what of, but now you have explained I get it, I will download and show it during the week!

    2. Lucky them Ann. Years ago we used to book a caravan for ourselves and Petes friend Tom and his wife. Tom had a fall when he was staying with us, and he kept having fits after that. So was unable to come away with us anymore. We visited some other friends and Heather was saying they hadn't been away for awhile. I also casually said why don't you come away with us as we'd booked a caravan. A sun £9.50 one. Well she was bouncing apparently until we saw her the next week, and asked if we really meant it. They've been away with us every year since. Mostly abroad now as caravans are really to small for us now. We gave a whale of a time. Hope you have a lovely time.

    3. Thanks Pat, I'm sure we will! xo

  14. Hi Sandra have resent my challenge card, hope I've done right
    Hugs Jean xx

  15. Hi Ladies,
    I have just added JEAN'S CHALLENGE CARD, please go up and have a look it is so pretty, I love the papers you have used Jean, I love that Happy Birthday Die that you have used too!
    I am sorry that I missed your card off the list my lovely
    Love sandra xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a beautiful selection of challenge cards. So many gorgeous patterned papers this week (Lilian, I was going to use these wonderful papers for my card, I couldn't believe you had the same idea) Sadly this last week just vanished for me, I have my fingers firmly crossed that this coming week is better.
    Sandra, I bet there were tears yesterday when you saw your girls all dressed up. They are so pretty anyway, with posh frocks etc they will be real stunners, Paul might not be too happy about that though : ) I'm glad you got to see them in the dresses, the stairs in that shop are no joke, have had to climb them on a few occasions. Hopefully the manager will take action after listening to you yesterday. I hope you are having a restful day today. I am so looking forward to having some time together this week and on Saturday.xx
    Lynda, I hope you are taking it easy, these bugs take some recovering from, and I hope Terry hasn't gone down with it. Take care x
    Cheryl, I hope the panto went well and that you weren't needed too much as prompt. X
    Barbara, sending hugs to you x
    Hugs for all and extras for all in need at the moment. Take care xx

  17. Hi everyone, I'm back fully charged!!
    As I said today's cards are amazing, a lot of ideas to use. Looking forward to tomorrow's sketch.
    When is it you go the craft show, is it next week, anyway hope whoever goes, has a brilliant day.
    Off to think about dinner, Janet's roast chicken is making me hungry.
    Take care everyone, xxx

    1. Hi Jess
      Yes the craft fair is at the weekend. We're going on Saturday. Luckily I can go with Sandra, Mrs B and Margaret this year. Rather then going to my sister in laws in Bournemouth and driving her in. Last year we went on the 28th ish, and my hip operation was on the 3rd March. How I drove home I'll ever know. My sister in Law won't drive any distant at all. The excuse is that when her daughter was a baby she broke down and didn't know what to do. Mind you that was 40 odd years ago.

  18. Good afternoon my little coffee shop band of cherubs,
    WOW oh WOW to each and every one of the designs that are up on display in our coffee shop cabinet today. It is so lovely being able to see so many beautiful examples of everybodies unquicness that makes them special and even to our young Beth who has produced a design that she should be very proud of as i know one lady who is very proud of her special little girl. A few of these cards are appropriate in this cafe of ours. Anne's because there are a few individuals that are partial to a spot of tipple now and again when Baileys has run out, Jess's as that is exactly what i want to do right now go up, up and away as i am totally knackered from scrubbing the kitchen from top to toe today, so on a well deserved break i reckon. But think Jess' card is very good for our Barbara going back to Germany after her wee stay here on our shores, i hope that you had a good sleep last night flower as it would feel strange being back home and staying in your own bed again with the handsome Peter to cuddle you. Lilian's card is what i have to listen to every morning at dark o'clock just because they have got up with the lark, lol. Janet's card is what i was doing trying to clean those kitchen cabinets this morning and feeling as unsteady as that wee lass looks on top off her books. Val's like her bear i am just wondering what i still have to do yet and Myra's card is what i am sitting down to at this moment, a large latte and recovering from the effort expended today in that kitchen and it is just as well someone noticed otherwise i would have had blood to wipe and clean up as well from the biscuit rolling pin of my Nana Kikke's that would have got whalloped right across his noggin, other than that i'm fine, :)
    I will be brave one week i promise just not confident yet but i will. My legs are doing the wibbly wobbly dance and all fall down, oh no that was Ring a ring a roses wasn't it that you all fall down on. Well my legs forgot the proper nursery rhyme that went with the all fall down part so i think that will be me for the day as just got the floor to sweep and wash now which i will do later on when no one is going to walk over it. Hope you are all having a good day where ever you are today, the Huggles i have put in their basket where some of them are tugging at the others wellies. Who didn't wrapped their Huggles up for the wet rain today? I will need to go and try and get some more wellies for the others that don't have any now to stop them trying to take the wee ones wellies off them.
    Norah x

  19. Hi again.
    Now this is all Janets fault. My mouth was watering at the thought of a Roast Chicken dinner so I persuaded my daughter Lynn and SIL Paul to go out for Sunday lunch. Not that they needed much persuasion. Anyway I actually had roast beef and then lemon cheesecake -delicious. Feeling pretty full now. A sit down in front of the tele is needed.
    Hope everyone is back to feeling fit and well.
    Val x

  20. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sorry I didn't get my challenge card in, I faffed about with it yesterday and just wasn't happy with it. Came into craft room at 11:50 last night and thought- what if !!!!! Anyway today have played about with it and it finished at least i can say I have a card in my stock. The unfinished card from the previous week is still sitting on my workbench, think I should make a promise to self to finish it off, or it will end up as yet another PHD!

    Ladies you have excelled your self - again, I really am impressed with so many inspiring ideas, Beth is a brilliant card maker, Hazel she has learned so much from you and obviously enjoys sharing your crafting skills. I've just thought of a song that's appropriate for you, not sure of the title, One of the lines goes .......
    I believe that children are our future,
    teach them well and let them lead the way....... I think Whitney Huston sang it.
    It just sprang to mind !!!!

    Must get on and finish dinner off, guess what we are having? Yes I blame Janet, CHICKEN breasts wrapped in streaky bacon, that always goes down well.

    Hope everyone has had a good day, sending love and crafty hugs, Brenda xxx

  21. Hi Sandra
    Well Doreen treated us to lunch today to save me cooking. Guess what we had Janet, yes, chicken. It was that or roast park. As the thought was already in my head chicken it was. I'm still full but Petes asking nag what's for tea.

  22. Hello Sandta,
    I'm a bit late today as we have been out literally all day!
    Wow what a gorgeous selection of cards! They are beautiful and as has been said - all different ! I wonder what Sandra is thinking of for tomorrow!
    Beth - your card is lovely! I always wondered who it was that taught Hazel how to make cards!! Ha ha!
    Tartan paper and card is very popular just now and I bought some tartan ribbon last week too.
    Will you need all of next week for confessions Sandra? You might if everyone has a big spend at Farnborough! I hope you all have a great time and manage to meet up.
    Well, I've got After School Club tomorrow so I need to prepare a little. I thought we might try the shaving foam, paper making technique! I may well regret it but we are going to make special books and I thought we could use our hand made paper as one project!

  23. Good evening everyone
    We have been out nearly all day, southport with the dogs, it was so windy, but I think the wind has been bad pretty much all over. Still it blew the cobwebs away.
    Sandra what have you got for us tomorrow really love these challenges, there's always something to look forward to isn't there,
    Take care everyone
    Hugs Jean xx

  24. Hello All, sorry to be late in, been all day, taking dies out of packing and put them in my tonic folders, have two small ones and one a4 filled them to bursting.
    Two dust bin bags of rubbish. Have noticed the metal in the dies is much thinner, compared with my older dies, most noticible on Sue's dies.

    What a lot of beautiful cars, all so different, my card is for my nephews birthday, they were some papers that I've had for sometime, Docrafts I think.
    Wet and windy here again today, but much milder.
    Have to go and pick up the dishes from dinner, turkey drumstick cooked in the slow cooker.
    Have a good evening all, see you tomorrow, can't wait to see what Sandra has for us tomorrow.
    Hugs to all Lilian

  25. Hello SANDRA & Ladies
    I have had an off day again today been so tired & kept falling a sleep still must need it as I don't usualy fall a sleep during the day.
    JANET thank you for your best wishes your chicken roast sounded lovely hope you enjoyed it. I couldn't eat a dinner again I still haven't got any appetite.
    SUE & MARGARET thank you both for thinking of me with your well wishes. Margaret you will be like a child in a toy shop on Saturdays craft show enjoy every minute. Pat thank you as well for wishing me better,I haven't felt so rough before.
    Well I love all the challenge cards today well done everyone. We have a budding crafter in BETH. Well done your card is lovely thank you for letting Hazel share it with us.
    SANDRA pleased you got to see SOPHIE & LUCY in their dresses I bet you had a little cry, I hope they find something they like more reasonably priced.
    Well I'm off to bed now so will say good night God bless everyone.
    Hug's Lynda xxx
