
Tuesday 8 March 2016

Sue's Challenge card and a Lovely View !!!

 Sue's Super Cute Challenge Card

Ainsdale Beach Blackpool

Good Morning Ladies, 
Just loom at how cute and gorgeous Sue's Challenge card is...!  
Little Humphrey or is it Lottie, all snuggled up, Sue I love the pretty pink papers you have used, that embossing folder is really sweet too,  that little pink Classic Bow from CE just sets the card off perfectly and I love that super cute ribbon! A totally gorgeous card Sue, I will excuse its lateness as it was a bit of an oversight (Sue sent the card to Margaret instead of me)! Oops !!  Thank my lovely for sharing your card xxxx

Now take a deep breath of that lovely clean sea air, Michele sent us this photo of Ainsdale Beach today, looking out to the lake District, it looks lovely Michele, so sunny too, I hope you both had a lovely afternoon beach combing, that sea air is as good as a 'tonic'!  Thank you for sharing your photo with all of us xxxx

Hazel and Lynda, wishing you both better very soon your 100 days must soon be up ! Xx

Janet so pleased to hear that Nicky has found a new job, sounds like she is ready for a change. I am very much looking forward to seeing your new 'Proggy' Minagery, particularly 'Proggy Piggy' he sounds super cute! 
Oh by the way there were two mini hand warmers at the bottom of the soup pot today, so not sure you should leave anything 'portable' around those Huggles , its that wee Hughie, he's a bad influence! Xxx

Michele where will your travels take you today, enjoy wherever It is xx

Jean, sorry to hear 'Arthur' has been causing you problems, maybe try and take it easy for a few days, you have been doing too much xxx

Maria, you are probably going to be very sore today, just have a lazy day, I hope you aren't too bruised!  How fab of your son too give you some money for Ally Pally, that's usually what I get, they last much longer than a bunch of flowers!! I am so looking forward to meeting up xxx

Pat, glad your home safe, how lovely to get an extra mothers day gift, I imagine it was hard to leave Bet knowing that she will be struggling, hopefully they can get a care package in place quickly!  
Now if you manage to get your FIRST challenge card done this week I will give it a red carpet treatment!  Looking foward to seeing you this week xxx

Myra hope after school club wasn't too much of a challenge, please don't wash the windows, you'll just make it rain!!!  Sit and craft instead xxxx

Brenda, hope you had a lovely catch up with your friend and a new hairdo too xxxx

Brenda H. Lovely to see you, sounds like you are keeping yourself way too busy my lovely, i am pleased your craft classes are a success, but it sounds like it is making a huge dent in your spare time, you may have to start to say No !! Be nice to see some of the things you have been making too xxxx

Sonia, what design did you go for the 50th Cake ?? I am sure you could have had a go you are very artistic! Xxxx

Margaret, maybe forward any photos that Sue sends you on to me, but sensor them first please! Xxxx

Hugs to our absent friends, you are very much missed xxxx

Have a lovely day everyone,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sue-your card is so cute, really lovely.

    After our trip into Liverpool yesterday, then collecting my car from the garage we decided it was too nice to stay in so we walked down to the beach. It was so clear that you could see Blackpool (often can) but the Lake District was so clear in the distance. The beach was deserted, only about 10 people down there. We went back to the beach at 8pm in case we could see the Northern Lights as the day before they were stunning in this area but no such luck.
    Today-I have a few things to post & a lot of bags to go to the charity shop. We need to sort out a date for the bathroom to be re-fitted so that might be a job for today. Other than that, I'd like to hide in my craft room.


    1. Hi Michele, lovely photo of the beach. So empty, guess not the same in August on a sunny day :-)
      Hope you are having a happy crafting day xx

    2. Hi Sandra
      Love today's card a Sue. Plus I love Michelle's beach photo. I haven't been to Blackpool in ages. Wonder if we'll go up to the lights again. Spent most of the day at the hospital with Doreen today. Two hospitals with her next Monday, which means leaving at about 6.30 due to all the road works going up to Oxford.
      Will now go and read all the rest of the comments.

  2. Morning Everyone, raining again here.
    Sue your card is lovely, l especially love that ribbon.
    Michele your sea view is so different from ours, not that we go much these days, you take for granted what's on your doorstep.
    Hope everyone who has this awful flu bug is feeling better, I know from experience how long it takes to feel better.
    Work today, still doing my mixed colours, it's all the thread changes, most have two different colour threads.
    Might see if I can do the challenge card this evening, if not too tired.
    Must away, hugs to all. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, hope you finished your hoods and can have a crafting afternoon. Take care xx

  3. Morning one and all who pop in today

    SUE - just love your Challenge card. I have a 'Humphrey' CD and all the characters are so lovely for the little ones. A beautiful Efolder too.

    MICHELE - Thank you for starting my day with a cup of sea air. I can just smell that ozone which does us all good. Happy Crafting or whatever you decide to do today. Just enjoy yourself.

    I started my Challenge Card yesterday and nearly finished but I'm not over happy having looked at it as I walked through the dining room this morning. Just might have to start over or perhaps I can change one or two bits. I can see a frustrating day ahead.

    PAT - pleased you're home safe and sound. I think rest may be called for today don't you.

    MYRA - Sandra tells me that she found a couple of hand warmers at the bottom of the soup dish yesterday. Would this have anything to do with your Huggle as while you were away he took on the mantle of their 'Leader' Perhaps you and Norah could organise an 'After School' class for all the Huggles on 'how to behave when out and about'(hehehe).

    I ought to have known better than leaving them around after their tricks they have played with spoons etc. I'll never learn.

    Hoping that all these nasty bugs are well on their way out leaving Dear Friends feeling much better.

    Hugs for all of you. They're just waiting to be used.

    1. Someone has been very naughty! Hughie was in Scotland with us! I couldn't leave him behind. He saw me packing! I have a little folding shopping bag which goes inside a matching little purse! Well, that little purse was just right for Hughie's clothes . Someone has been impersonating him! Norah wanted to see Hughie as she sometimes misses him in the cafe! Just wait until I find the culprit! Xxxx

    2. Myra, I think Norah's Huggles know the rules about behaving!!! She is very hot on manners as we know! I think some of the Huggles that have been naughty are ones that have been in the cafe too long, and are getting away with things? Norah will be banning them from going to the cafe till they learn to be good again.
      Glad yesterday went well, oh yes it sounds like that dad doesn't not take note of the rules!!!
      Our boys out of school club for the holidays, are going to receive a large bag of papers and bits, I have been sorting out again as one does. Beth will get some, but to much just for her. Just found a box with die cuts so she can have them.
      Marie, just read that you had a fall, please take it easy. You will hurt for a good week.
      Right, back to sorting out. Xxx

    3. Hi Janet, hope the frustration is over and you have made 'a card' but I'm the same, had the bits cut out this morning so planned to put it together this afternoon. The first one in the bin ,the second one 'not sure' so I have made a third version so now we just have to wait and see.tihi
      Oh those Huggles,Norah you must come around and sort them out. The bigger ones are scaring the little ones. I did think the soup was a bit chewier then normal. Must have been a handwarmer. could't have been Oscar ,he was staying with his Nana yesterday to give me a break. I only have done a twist I think Hazel but uj it was hard the floor. Silly hippo who can't walk properly :-) xx

    4. Hi Janet
      No such luck on the resting front. Drs this morning with Pete and the hospital with Doreen this afternoon. She was so bad today I even had to stay in the disabled toilet with her.

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone. Beautiful challenge card from Sue - so cute :-)
    The beach looks lovely, Michele. Very peaceful with the bonus of blue skies :-)
    Maria, I hope you are ok today after your fall, and not too sore. Take it easy.
    The Anniversary cake is ordered - 2 tier square (one fruit and one sponge). Having a lacy design on the sides with yellow roses, freesia and lily of the valley around the top of the bottom layer. Sentiment on top. Am a little worried about the size - having 8" and 6", and although it's only for close family having sized it up back at home, I'm thinking that it might be a bit small :-( Unfortunately Sandra, although I do like baking occasionally I wouldn't feel confident enough to make this sort of cake! My husband did say I was in the wrong business when I told him how much it was costing though.
    Hope everyone has a lovely day.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, the cake sound lovely. It's so difficult to know what size it need to be for a gathering but usually it will even be over.Hope you sort it.
      Have a nice evening xx

  5. Good morning, not so nice here sky very dark and heavy with snow I think!
    Sue, it lovely to see a card with that lottie image and just papers and embossing. We all tend to forget you don't need die cuts to make a card.
    Michele, oh you photograph of the beach is lovely, we lived beside the beach before moving here and I do miss it.
    Sonia, if you are worried about your two tiers of cake not looking big enough,ask the person making it to off set them on a stand that way they will look bigger. You will find that you have more than enough cake for everyone with those sizes. I have to order the cake for our family gathering, it will just be a sponge base, but will still cost.
    Off to get some house work done and try and make order of my spare room.
    Have a good day. Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel. Thank you, that's a good idea about off setting them. I have emailed the cake lady and she's quoted me for a bigger cake - 8" and 10". It's gone up by £30, which isn't too bad I suppose. I am just worried that when you look into the number of servings It all goes by tiny slices! There will only be about 20 of us, but would be nice to have more than a finger slice sized piece and to have some left over for mum and dad :-)
      I need to discuss it again with my brothers anyway, but will let you know what we go for.
      Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Hazel
      I'm sorry your weathers not so good at the moment, and I hope that your feeling a lot better.

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sue your card is lovely, gorgeous papers and ribbon.
    I didn't get back in yesterday, but reading the comments today I must do so later to find out what has happened to everyone.
    SIL is going home today, so I will be able to get back to my crafting today.
    I'm off to cover my friends craft shop today so will have to pop back later.
    Take care, xxx

    1. Jess does your friend have Sue's new paper pad in her shop? I was wondering what out was like 'in the flesh'
      Sandra xxx

    2. Sandra ------ I've ordered it and it's on it's way! I'll let you know and maybe take some close up shots . Xxx

    3. Please do Myra. I'd like to have a look see as well.

  7. Hello Sandra,
    I'm a bit earlier today! Trying to get back to normal whatever that is in this house!
    Sue, your card is lovely! Pretty in pink definitely. That's a very cute image too.
    I won't clean the Windows Sandra as I have a list of things that come higher up the list! Ha ha!
    Yesterday's after school club went well and the two naughtiest weren't there again. They turned up last week but had been banned for two weeks so were sent home again! One girl's Dad apparently wasn't happy! Tough - rules are rules and we stick to ours! Maybe that's where he is going wrong! They are making books just now of " My Favourite Things" . Yesterday's page was of favourite colour . They seemed to enjoy doing it. Then we stuck the page into the book. It should be quite colourful by the end! Next week we'll have a break from that and do Easter Baskets instead.

    1. Don't you find that the parents that make a fuss are the ones that use the club as a childminding service!?
      I have listened to parents telling their childredn to sign up to all that they can, even if they arent interested!!! At the girls school if you go to afterschool clubs you get to use a free bus home, whereas we pay £98 per month for the girls school bus!
      The result is you have children in your club that have no rea interest in being there, sad really !

    2. You are right I think Sandra! I wasn't there but he clearly knew they had been banned for two weeks yet brought them a week early. The other girls Mum was fine about it! He just wants rid of the child for longer too. She is a pain but she is His Pain! Xxx

    3. Hi Myra
      Good that your guns were stuck to re this girl. Banned should always mean banned. Sounds like this parent wants to pass his problem onto the school rather then deal with it himself.

  8. Good afternoon everyone
    Sue your card is gorgeous, Im glad we got to see it.
    Its a very miserable day here, drizzly rain and still feels cold although the temperature has risen a bit.
    Im going to have a go at the challenge card - gave up yesterday - my wrist is so sore but if I keep still it makes things worse, so keep going Jean !!!!
    Hope everyone is starting to feel better now we can see Spring on its way. All the small daffodils are out round here and I do love to see them,
    Im going to Cruffs on Saturday with my Son and D-I-Law, Grandson and his girlfriend - so looking forward to it.
    Ill pop back later
    Hugs to all who are needing a cuddle
    Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean, sorry to see your wrist is so sore. Did you ever have a wax treatment for it ? It is just wonderful and your hands get very soft too at the same time. I had some after breaking my left wrist but I put both hands in the bath. it was lovely :-)
      Have a fabulous time on Saturday xx

    2. Have a lovely time Jean! It will be nose to tail on that motorway!!!
      Sorry about your wrist! Sorry about bad joke too! Xxx

    3. Sorry your wrist is sore Jean. Hope it feels better soon. Have a great time on Sat. Loved your joke Myra.

  9. Margaret Palmer8 March 2016 at 15:40

    Hi Sandra & a in café,
    Sandra hope you are feeling better today. As I only have an old Nokia phone I cannot receive photos, it goes to virgin media then I get message from them to look on their site, well I had a message late Sat. night from them to say that they had tried to send a photo from Sue's number, when I asked her on Sunday, about it she wondered what I was on about! It was only when I asked her what happened to her challenge card & she checked her sent list she realised what she had done!! Silly girl, I will say no more!xx
    Sue your card is lovely will have to look at your CD's. Hope you had lovely day with Gem. xx
    Michele the photo is beautiful, ages since walked on a beach. Hope you get some crafting time.xx
    Maria sorry to see you had a fall, please take care, hope you are not to sore. Have you tried arnica tablets they are brilliant, if you knock yourself or fall take some immediately stops the bruising.xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret, hope you have a nice day. I'm ok, felt more stupid then anything. Only because I heard son being sick up in his room ,I rushed a bit and it didn't work at all hihi xx

  10. Hi everyone just a heads up my discount code came this morning from C&C - for being with them for so many years. I didn't take notice but just placed an order and it took £20 off the bill. When I checked if I used it before 10 March it doubles up - is anyone else just due their discount code, take note, I just put it into the saved folder and didn't read it, could have missed out x
    Jean xx

    1. I saw that too jean its fab isn't it !!

  11. Me. Again
    Maria sorry you have had a fall, hope you are ok, take it nice and easy if you can
    Gentle hugs
    Jean xx

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone, hope you all having a good day.
    Sue, glad Sandra posted your card too because it is so darn cute.:-) The image is adorable and you did a great job to make the challenge card.
    I'm ok ladies, so stupid thing to do. Will be a bit sore but it didn't stop me to go for a walk but have been doing very little this afternoon, just been playing to get this weeks challenge card together somehow, "it is a bit tricky" like my SIL grand-daughter saying when she get stuck on something :-)
    Sandra , I really hope you are all right after your fall too. At least it was no gravy involved !
    Nearly time to start dinner so I will try to pop back later to see who else been in. Keep an eye on the Huggles, they getting a bit boystries when Norah haven't been in for a few days. Love and hugs to you all Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Take care after your fall. I expect your feeling quite sore. A gentle hug is on its way.

  13. Hi everyone, back from Carolines shop, it was good quite busy today.
    I didn't see Sue Wilsons paper packs today Sandra, but I will find out on Thursday when I'm there
    She bought a lot of orders at the trade fair, and still has to receive her orders.
    She is doing a 25% off her Marianne dies, and a 10% off Creative Expression dies, to make room for her new stuff , check out her web site!!!
    I have to do a retirement card for tomorrow, so will catch you all tomorrow, take care, especially you Maria don't want you falling again((()))

  14. Do I have everyone's guilty secrets for this week???
    Come on confess!! Lol xx

    1. Sorry Sandra I will email mine tomorrow for you is that to late Lynda xx

  15. Hello Sandra & everyone Where has the day gone. I have been making my challenge card took me longer than I thought sent it to Sandra. Then posted a card on my blog that took forever as couldn't get picture to upload or even find where they were it was so much easier before windows 10 Grrr.I did manage to get one picture on after nearly an hour.
    so I haven't done much else today some washing bit of housework Craft room & sorting out some emails got fed up with that only got 3,150 to go through that's because I haven't been doing them when not well but I get so many from Pinterest I just delete them all.
    Maria I hope your ok after your fall & not to sore.xx
    well I had better get dinner started or OH will fade away Haha. Sue your card is so cute love it all.
    Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. 3.150 to go ! that is a lot of e-mails Lynda.
      Hope you feeling better than before but take it slowly. It takes time before you back in the saddle.
      hugs to you and Terry xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today
    Thank you for the lovely comments about my challenge card. It's typical of me. I should have guessed that you hadn't got it Sandra as you would have let me know how shocked you were when it was so early! Not sure this weeks one will be made as I think I have picked up the bug Chris has had for the last few days. Fingers are tightly crossed that I feel better tomorrow.
    Sandra, I hope you are not suffering too much after your fall.
    Maria, same wishes to you after your fall. It doesn't matter how old our children are, we still want to rush to them when they are ill, sorry that the floor wanted to see you first. Mums advice about Arnica tablets is so true. Even the children knew from very young to ask for them after a bad fall. (it's funny but they never asked for them after a normal tumble though)
    Lynda, I hppe you manage to het a better nights sleep and feel better tomorrow
    Hazel, hopefully it will be day 101 tomorrow for you and Lynda.
    Hugs to all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hope you feel better tomorrow love. xx

    2. Nor you as well Sue, bless you. Really hope you nor get to bad. Sending you some hugs and wish you better. My foot is hurting a bit tonight so will take some pills and go to bed. Feeling rather tired tonight, yay xxx

    3. Hi Sue thank you I feel like I have had this for 201 days hope you feel better soon Sue. Take it easy. Makes you wonder where all these bugs come from. Wouldn't be surprised if all the immigrants & asylum seekers bought them over with them.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hi MARIA take care of your foot tomorrow rest it with feet up don't walk too much on it. We don't want you having to HOP round Ally Pally now do we.hihi xxx

    5. Hop, waddle, crawl ,I'll be there hihi It's a special day ! I will take it easy tomorrow, after gym, I promise. Good night my friend xxx

  17. Only just had chance to get on here. Busy all day but met Scarlett from school and having dinner cooked for me by my son so that's good. Still not got everything ready for tomorrow so must carry on when I get home. Class tomorrow afternoon but no good me leaving it til the last minute tomorrow morning as I will be panicking. It's surprising how many pieces you have to cut out fie the bird house. Will try and remember to take photos tomorrow but we keep forgetting. Will have a couple of free time after tomorrow until the next session but need to make a sympathy card before I can do the challenge card. Hopefully I will get one done this week but don't hold your breath. Lovely card Sue and also your view Michele. I also, like Hazel, miss living by the sea.

    1. Hi Littlelamb, so wish I lived closer to give you a hand. You are taking on to much, you must slow down a bit or you will be ill too soon. Have fun tomorrow anyhow and hope they all can make a bird house. They are lovely so try to remember to take a photo. Take care now and hugs xxx

  18. Hi Sandra
    Will I ever get used to pressing publish twice. My original comment is under Michelkes post at the beginning of your comments. What a pain it is. I'd gone to read comments and mine went there,

  19. Night all, I expect you are all fast asleep, joints painful tonight, although these new tablets are a great help, just have to remember to take them a bit ealier.
    Didn't get to do any crafting, as had telephone from work, wanting peach coloured hoods, only colour I hadn't done, so that's my job for tomorrow.
    Have a good night all, see you in the morning.
    Sorry meant to say hope Maria and Sandra are feeling better.
    Thanks also for the heads up about the C&C voucher, only just spent the last one.
    Hugs for all Lilian
