
Wednesday 9 March 2016

Something a little different today

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all OK, there seems so many of you missing right now xx

Today's card evolved from my Create and Craft voucher purchase arrived, I ordered a whole pack of different Kraft cards from Kanban, it seems really good quality too, I haven't had anything from them for years, since they last went out of business actually.
Anyway I took a piece of Kraft card and die cut some ribbon banners from a My Minds Eye 6 x 6 pad, I have quite a few they are one of my favourites!!
I stamped one of the Creative expressions 'Happy Birthday' sentiment stamps with coffee ink in the bottom corner, added some hemp string and a Spellbinders Butterfly.
Hope you like it.

Have a good day
Love and hugs
Sandra xxx


  1. Hi. Sandra , terrible weather, been blowing a gale here all night and torrential rain.
    I love your card, lovely papers ,never thought to use craft card with pretty papers,I usually save them for male cards.
    Quick post as have extra work to do today also hope to see my Sister if she is out of isolation.
    Have a good day all.

    1. Hi LILIAN hope you get to see your sister & she is improving.
      Take it easy with your extra work load. Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lilian
      I do hope you managed to see your sister and if so she's felling a bit better. Hugs to you all.

    3. Hi Lilian, hope you managed to see your sister today. Also hope the pain is not to bad, look after yourself xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I love your card, I bought a pack of craft card last time I went to the craft shop in Tarleton. I have used one sheet of of it so I need a few ideas!

    Yesterday I did s few chores-Post Office & the charity shop. Started to craft then hubby suggested we went to the cinema to watch London has Fallen (3pm showing ) so I didn't get much crafting done.
    Today I need to go I the computer & log some training for work. We get called at random for our records & it's been 3 years so I've decided to make sure I'm up to date. It can be anything between 1 and 5 years for them to call you up-they expect 9 pieces per year and it's all completed to a standard record plan.
    I also need to look for a new phone case and maybe some crafty items....?!


    1. Hi MICHELE hope you enjoyed the film. Good luck with putting your training logs on the computer.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Rather you than me Michelle. I'd been trying to print things off of the computer. Neither worked, not even a Toby Carvery voucher which is usually easy peasy. Sandra kindly printed it off for me to use tomorrow.

    3. Hi Michele, did you like the film ?
      Hope your logging in's went well and perhaps some crafting today xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone. Beautiful card Sandra, the papers and butterfly are gorgeous. I love using Kraft card and find it so versatile.
    Working this morning, then home this afternoon to hopefully make a start on the challenge card.
    Have a lovely day and hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, hope you had a nice day. Sorry but what is your job ? me nosy, of course hihi xxx

  4. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - a very pretty and different card from you this morning. I can see it being so useful for many occasions and ages. Lovely spring/summer colours.

    MICHELE - Did you enjoy the film? We find it difficult these days to find a good film for us to go and watch. Enjoy whatever you do today.

    MARIA - hope you're OK this morning after your fall. As I tell Sandra you already know your floors well and don't need to get up close and personal with them.

    PAT- I hope your Drs and Hosp visit went well and that Doreen is feeling better this morning. It's lovely to see that name again Doreen is Mum's name and I don't hear it these days as all her family are gone and to us of course she is Mum and Nan.

    I'll get my photos of Challenge and Purchases to you today Sandra. I managed to take apart my CC card yesterday morning and re-made it.

    Had a visit to my GP last evening and now have to wait for an appointment at our Jessops Hospital for Women in Sheffield. As age marches on so does my body and 'another piece falls downwards'. We are still going to Marigny this coming Monday and the girls will keep an eye on the post in case an appointment comes before we're back in five weeks time. I'll be very surprised if that happens but you never know. Oh if only the 'Body Shop' did what it says on their signs.

    Off now to see to photos before I forget and see what I can do around my craft table.
    All's set in the Cafe. I've left a note in case Norah pops in re classes for the Huggles. Thank you Ladies for letting me know that your Huggles were not involved in the Huggle Antics the other night. Myra I would have loved to see Hugie and his little suitcase all ready for his holiday.

    Hugs are on their way to Sheila, Barbara, Norah and everyone who are in need of extra today.

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope you have a lovely holiday and that the weather is kind. Hope your appointment doesn't take to long to come through.
      Pete took Doreen to see Ellis again today. The Hip School made me laugh as all the people who were there were having hips replaced. They all walked in with no limps what so ever. Yet I was in so much pain I could hardly walk, and that was before I was going to be referred from my Dr.

    2. Hi Janet, hope you not have to wait too long for the appointment. Not easy when everything goes South :-( Thought about kiss and make up but not yet, the slippers have gone in the bin xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies, you card is lovely Sandra, I find Kraft card is quite hard to use on cards as die cuts or matting and layering.
    What a morning we have had, my neighbour came over early to say her dog had to go to the vet, what a state she was in, it has had an operation on it knee three weeks ago and she thought the knee had popped out, we took her to the vet as the state she was in I wouldn't let her drive, the vet examined the dog and said everything was OK, he had just probably jerked it but would do an X-ray just in case, everything is ok and she is going to pick him up later.
    Now I need to go and finish my challenge card, so will try and pop back later.
    Take care xxx

    1. Hi Jess, glad your neighbours dog was fine, bless her. Hope you had a nice day after all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday it was just one of those manic days, where I never got to complete anything before something else loomed its head. My dear OH was on a sort out mission! And every few minutes it seemed I was being asked for my input. Don't get me wrong - I love him to bits but it was one of those days where I could have done with being given my own space. Right, I'll put the soap box away and hopefully no one else will need it today.

    Sue your card yesterday was beautiful And worthy of a blog day on its own xxx

    Sandra, Love the way you have mixed the pretty papers with the craft card they really do work together, it really is a lovely card.

    Today is going to be a school run day, not one of our usual days, but daughter has had to go up to Newcastle for a meeting that will last about an hour. So much business these days is conducted by teleconferences don't know why this one couldn't happen that way. We don't mind it's lovely to spend the time with the children. Daughter will not be home late, and son-in-law Is on some taxi rally up in the city. I better get a wiggle on and prepare our meal for this evening, so when we get back everything should be all ready to eat.
    Haven't had chance to catch up on yesterday's messages yet will try and get through them at some point, hope you are all well. Love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda, hope you had a nice time with the grand children and will have a good evening. Oh don't we love our OH hihi xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card is a change from your usual ones but still lovely, thank you for another idea.xx
    It's a horrible day here, wet, windy & cold, no boule we just met up for coffee & natter.
    Hope all who are missing are busy & well hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  8. Hi JESS we do get in a state over our pets glad your neighbour dog is ok.
    Hope you manage your challenge card xx

  9. Hi Sandra & everyone horribal day very wet & windy again.
    I Will email you my naughty purchase today Sandra also your card is very different for you but it's good to try new things i haven't used craft card for years but it works on your card very nice.
    Just got to pop to shops for few bits then going to play in craft room hopefully.have commented on way down. Pop back later. I have left some new Hug's in basket. Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Lovely card SANDRA Me too only ever seem to use Kraft card for male cards It looks so effective with pretty delicate colours too So must have a go
    So busy since our little holiday Apart from catching up at work - my work doesn't get done while I'm away! Doesn't feel worthwhile sometimes The knitting needles are clattering away too Baby number 4 on the list made an appearance about 10 days ago if I'm sitting down I'm knitting!

  11. Good afternoon. Been busy with my sorting out, that half the day has gone.
    Getting there, but oh my the amount I have sorted to give away is nobody's business!!., getting there slowly. Having to stop and sit to do bits as back is sore.
    Sandra, I have just put the craft card I had into the out of school holiday box as I just can't get on with it. I see projects like yours and think I can do that, but no I can't do it. Yours is pretty.
    Well needs must I will have to get on with my sorting. Xxx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    I love today's card it is really lovely! I don't seem to have received my Voucher from C&C this time. Maybe I did and it went in the Junk Folder! Oops! My paper pack of Sue's has just landed so I will photograph that and send it on to you! It's very very nice! Xxxx

    1. Look forward to seeing Sue's paper pad vis Sandra. Hope you managed to find your voucher.

  13. Well ladies I have decided I don't need any more papers or card!!! I am going to be good and use what I have!!! I could near enough supple folk with cream and white card, found so much of it mixed in with other colours. I think it's been breeding some how? Still not finished but I have done enough for today. Back telling me that? Paper bin is full, Mr Dyson had a good feed!!! Off to put my feet up and do nothing. Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel
      I keep saying I'm buying no more card and paper, but always end up buying more. Glad your having a sit down.

  14. Lovely card Sandra, nice colours. Having a lazy day today, too cold, wet and windy. 53 years ago today the snow was still visible, but the rain was doing its best to clear it away. Heathrow flights to Jersey cancelled due to high winds. Spent first night of our honeymoon at Aerial hotel, London. Arrived 11 pm and had to be back at airport for 7.30 am flight out. Happy days. Supper out tonight at my favourite Nepalese restaurant. Amazing how things repeat themselves in a weird kind of way, I have a Care Car Run tomorrow picking up at 8 am for a 9 am appointment.

    1. Happy 53rd Anniversary Angela and hubby. Have a lovely meal tonight. Bet you wish you were off to Jersey again instead of an appointment : ) x

    2. Happy anniversary. Yes it's these things that stick in your mind!

    3. Hi Angela
      Happy Anniversay to you both. Have a lovely meal.

    4. Happy Anniversary Angela, you have been married the same time as us, I can remember that winter very well, had to stay with in-laws for 6 weeks, so we could work,as roads were too bad to travel in dark on a scooter! As you say happy days.xx

    5. Happy Anniversary Angela, hope you had a lovely day xxx

    6. Happy Aniversery Angela and Hubby, hope it's a happy day

    7. Happy Anniversary Angela. Hope you have had a lovely day and have enjoyed your specially meal this evening. You are catching us up. Our anniversary is in June. This year it will be 55 years. Where have all those years gone. When we were on our honeymoon in Guernsey a lady staying at the same said to us you are on your honeymoon aren't you? We asked how do you know? She replied when you come down to breakfast you sit down at your table look at each other and smile!!! You know what we still do, especially when we are away. xx

    8. Lady staying at the same HOTEL ..... OOPS

    9. Happy Anniversary Angela, hope you had a lovely time xx

  15. Afternoon Ladies

    After a rainy start to the day, it's turned out quite nice-cold though. Hubby played golf this morning so I spent some time surfing the net (didn't order anything crafty, just a phone case for £1.94!) then started to craft. Postie delivered a craft order(photo sent to Sandra) then my Dad called round then the garden treatment company arrived. Needless to say I didn't get much crafting done this morning. Called into the bathroom company's showroom to finalise the order-still no idea of a start date though. Did manage to get some crafting done after that. I suggested we walk down to the Toby Carvery for tea but then hubby realised its the AGM at the golf club so he asked me if I could drop him off & collect him so he could have a drink. Said yes so i'l be waiting for his phone call later-might go in my pyjamas...!! Ha ha.


    1. Hi Michele. I forgot to say how much I loved the beach view yesterday, I would have been in my element just wandering along the shore line : ) You have been busy one way and another today and arentbyou the last of the big spenders! £1.94 indeed. I thought I had done well on getting my case for £1.99 : ) x

    2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. This is a lovely card, it's different to your usual but as always you have inspired me. Not that I will be crafting tonight as Im not feeling so good, but a bit better than this more ng. Have slept a lot today so hope to Morro will be better.
      I have had a quick look at today's comments and added a few comments but to be honest not really "with it" so I will say my usual take care and I will be back tomorrow. Live and hugs xx

    3. Hi Michelle
      Are these men mad playing golf in such cold weather. Sorry you missed your Toby Carvery. We're off for one tomorrow.

  16. Good evening ladies,
    Lilian I hope you got to see your sister and she is feeling a little better.
    Ooooh Janet you are going to your little haven again, bet you'll miss your chair though or will it go on Yvette's roof!
    Maria hope you are feeling better today and not too sore.
    Jess so glad your neighbours dog was alright, bless you for not letting her drive, the neighbour that is not the dog!
    Brenda hope you have a lovely time with your grandchildren, my OH drives me to distraction sometimes too.
    Lynda looking forward to seeing you naughty stash.
    Myra I see you have been naughty too, it's gorgeous paper, enjoy it.
    Hazel good for you putting your feet up, you need to do that more often!
    Angela happy anniversary, enjoy your meal out.
    Michele! I do hope you don't break down on the way there, or even worse get asked into the golf club for a drink.
    Sandra you have made me think about my craft card again, yours is pretty, mine always look dull.
    Off to get dinner on now, we are only having a salad so won't take long. I must be mad it's freezing cold here so not really salad weather!!
    love to all Saba xxxx

    1. Hi Saba
      Rather you than me having a salad in this weather. Well, that's assuming your weather is as bad as ours. Ours is bad enough but up North has it even worse than down South. I've just watched on the news a Lorry being blown over while it was driving along. Scary or what. Hugs to you and Peter.

    2. Thank you Pat. Just though we should eat healthy food for a change. Although I do love salad so it's no sacrifice. I've bought myself a Nutribullet too and instead of lunch I now have a smoothie made with fresh fruit, spinach, seeds and soya milk.. It's yummy.
      Sending hugs back to you and Pete. Xxx

  17. Hi Sandra
    Another lovely card today, and I had the pleasure of seeing it in the flesh. We had a lovely day putting the world today and doing a bit of crafting. Paul made us our lunch. So windy today as well. Stay safe wherever you are.

  18. Hi All, just a quick comment, just finished fish and chips for dinner, was working till 8pm, so R Suggested going to get dinner.
    Went to see my sister today, she is out of isolation, and is much better, hoping to go to a nursing home tomorrow, hope it goes ahead as she is desperate to leave hospital so she can have some peace, there is a poor lady there who keeps ringing her bell avery 5mins all through the day.
    She will have a lovely room, with her own tv and wi- fi, important to her as likes to Skype her son in Brazil.
    Managed to find something from c/c to use my voucher to get the double amount.
    Have a good evening everyone.

  19. Lovely card Sandra. Craft sessions went well and they made some lovely bird houses. Got my feet up now then must think of going to bed. Didn't sleep well last night so hope tonight is better.

  20. Hi Sandra and all, sorry but have comment on the way down but kept being interrupted. Like to wish Sue better and sending some hugs. Saba, salad in March ?? the smoothie sound nice do. take care, hugs.Michele, hope you want get stopped by the police or someone when picking up OH later, tihi. Sandra, your card today is real nice !
    Think I got some craft card in a box somewhere, only used it for a man card like many of you others so nice to see what else can be made. Having a bit of a problem with the cc so tomorrow I will have to start from scratch (again) I will make one so better get some sleep. Wish you all a good night ! love and many warm hugs Xxxx
