
Monday 7 March 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

The Sketch

My Sketch Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Its that time of the week again, these Mondays roll round so fast!

I did think that this was a really easy Sketch until it came to making my card!
Not really, haha, it took a bit of thinking but that's why its called a 'challenge',
Some of the sketch look like our everyday cards, others are a little more involved.  Today's sketch is 'middle of the road' as far as difficulty goes.
I think it just makes you look differently at the cards you make, for instance I went through a stage of using nothing but  8 x 8 cards, now I try and chose a different base,the only trouble with that is it takes even longer to decide what I am going  to do.
I hope that you are all still enjoying the challenges, it looks as though you are if your fabulous challenge entries are anything to go by, I absolutely love getting your Emails with your challenge cards attached, it makes it all so worth while.

This weeks card I made using Anna Marie patterned card, layered with White card to make the base and layers, I used Sue Wilsons Australian Collection Melbourne Die to make the circular focal element, I also used the Scandinavian Collection Border die to add interest to the side panel, both of these dies are made by Creative Expressions.  I added complimentary coloured pearls down the border, around the Melbourne die and in the corners of the card to add thee finishing touches.  I was going to add a bow and some flowers but time ran out, I think it looks fine without!  

I look forward to seeing what designs you all come up with, will any of you beat Hazel to be first past the post with your challenge card?!

What did you all do yesterday?! We had a quiet day I ended up suffering a bit as I had a little stumble at 4 in the morning after I got up to see what was wrong  Milo and Bella, so I was a bit stiff and sore, I was moving about well enough by the afternoon, it was lovely to have everyone home for a lovely roast dinner, cooked by Paul, perfect Mother's day treat for me, I love having everyone together.
I am looking for some Doilies, cotton (not paper), so we might go to look at a local Antique centre today to see if they have any a reasonable prices, I looked on line and some people are charging a fortune, I just want some to use with my 'Altering' projects, if any of you know of any please let me know. Xx

I am off now as Paul has bought me a lovely cup of tea.
I will catch up with you all later,
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Good morning, Sandra and ladies. I have had a look at this weeks challenge, and have an idea in my head. I can see Beth enjoying this one too. I have a mans card to make for an 80 year old for this week, I am wondering if I can my it to the challenge sketch???
    I have a few things to get done today, including returning the BP monitor to the doctors, I no doubt I will get a call to ask me to go get my blood pressure taken again, my reading were up and down. I woke up this morning with a bit if a sore throat. I am hoping it will come to nothing. This bug just will not go away. Lilian I think you were correct saying 100 days!.,., how is your sister? She hasn't had it good, so I do hope she is on the mend again.
    I do think so many of us just haven't been able to throw this off, and with the result we are down in the dumps.
    Pat, save journey home today. I think you will need a day or two to yourself after being busy again. I hope social services start to get things right for your friends.
    Right off to get myself organised for the day. Xxx

  2. Good Morning Sandra and Ladies, beautiful morning here, must be cold outside I think. Cleaner day today, so have get moving early.
    Sandra your challenge looks interesting, your card is lovely, I usually only make 5x7 landscape cards, or 6x6 square, so you have made me rethink my card making, and it gives me a push to do something out of my comfort zone.

    Yesterday was an ordinary Sunday for me, had a lovely bunch of flowers from my daughter, and a new book and video, she is on holiday so had an email.
    Son never remembers !!!!!!

    Hope you all have a good day looks like it's going to be a nice one.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & another testing challenge for us, well me certainly!

    The USA relatives FaceTimed us last night to say they're looking at booking flights etc for the UK in June. It will be 2-3 week from the beginning of June which is as soon as the schools break up over there. Fiona (she's 13) was asking about the Hogwarts Express train ride so I sent them done details about it. She wants us to go on it with them, we've already been on it 10 years ago but would happily go again. I might even be able to convince my brother & wife to join us as they haven't seen hubby's brother for years.

    Right-best get moving as I need to get my car to the garage then we're off into Liverpool to look round the shops.


    1. Morning Michele - Happy Holidays for this week.
      Hope you manage to get lots of things YOU want to do and have a relaxing week.
      Hugs xxxx

  4. The sketch has got my brain working even if I don't always get to finish one
    Confession time - last week I was away and wasn't sure what/when I'd be able to visit the cafe It was a raffle prize ran by Harefield Hosp, donated by a company - 7 night stay in Dubai flying Business Class It was an absolute dream of a holiday

    1. How lovely Karen! So pleased you won and had a lovely time. Xxx

  5. Morning one and all who pop in today
    We have sunshine at the moment but it's bitterly cold and all the cars I can see are white in colour but at least it's fine and dry.

    SANDRA - looks a good Challenge this week. I've still one or two bday cards for April to make so will use the Challenge as one of them.
    Hope you're 'a moving and a shaking' better this morning after your stumble yesterday. I keep telling you you know your floors intimately and they aren't changing in any way so you do not have to get down and look closely at them!! Pleased you had all the Family together yesterday. Those days are so precious.

    For me today - the washer is already on and doing its thing. I've got to sort out my flowers from last week-end and do a mix and match with flowers received yesterday and of course as it's Monday Mr Tesco is to call.
    I now have a Proggy Piggy, Proggy Seal and a Larry Lamb to knit in my Project Box after yesterday. According to my two wonderful Daughters they should keep me quiet for a little while after I've knitted a little Cardy for Gracie-Leigh of course!

    My Youngest Daughter Nicky has found a new job and handed her notice in. For the last two and a half years she has been a PA for a lady aged 62 who is a 'Brain' injury survivor and is now needing a different caring package and facilities Nicky has decided that after around 25+years of working as a carer she just cannot do it any more. She is now suffering the after effects of her bad fall 2years ago which resulted in her having to have a large 'Meccano' set to rebuild her left foot/ankle that she needs something less challenging. I'm so proud and admire her for choosing that particular career path and knowing some of the difficult situations she has worked in I know I could not have done/worked the number of years she has.

    All's set for the day here in the Cafe. The Daffs on the tables are looking lovely and the display board is gorgeous with all last week's Challenge Cards.

    Hugs are in their usual place along with a new set of tiny hot water bottles as it's still nippy outside and the Huggles need that little bit of extra warmth when they come in. Can you please make sure that the bottles are replaced in the baskets please so that they can be used again.

    I'm missing one or two Dear Friends of late. I hope it's because you're all busy and nothing else is wrong.

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone. Love your sketch and your beautiful card too. Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with :-) Hope you are feeling better today after your stumble yesterday, but sounds like you had a lot of 'tlc' from your family.
    I'm off to visit a cake maker this morning to discuss a cake for my Mum and Dads 50th wedding anniversary, then hoping to have some time to craft later.
    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Hugs xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a pretty card to start the week off for us all. I am determined to get this weeks challenge card to you in plenty of time (Mum, if I send it to you by mistake again please will you let me know straight away)
    Sandra, I'm sorry to hear that you had a fall. I hope you are not as stiff and sore today my lovely. Happy hunting for proper doilies, I will keep my eye out for you, I will also ask a friend if she would be interested in making some for you. She was only saying to me last week that she hasn't anything to knit or crochet for anyone at the moment. You could get them made to measure that way too : )
    Pat, wishing you a safe and easy journey home.
    Michele, I hope you have a nice relaxing week.
    Hazel, sprry to hear you are still not 100%, more hot tea to soothe your sore throat is neede by the sound of it.
    I forgot to say how much I loved Beth's card. I bet her Mum was over the moon with it, and I'm not surprised that she will be displaying it in a cabinet. Beth, I am looking forward to seeing more of your lovely cards, when you have time : )
    Well, its one of those beautiful crisp clear sunny winter mornings here, at the moment. I hope it stays this sunny as it always makes you feel better doesn't it. I hope it is the same for all of you.
    For those of you that are not feeling your best I am sending healing hugs and to everyone I hope you have a good day. I'm having a day out with Gem so must get on. Take care xx

    1. Enjoy your day with Gem.. Love to you both.xx

  8. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    I hope you are going to be taking it easy today and not planning anything that involves a lot of effort.xx
    This challenge it looks interesting I have a vague idea in my head, but that could change before anything really happens - I think it would be appropriate to say what she space! Sandra I love your card and I agree it doesn't need a bow it looks lovely as it is.
    Through getting up we can on this morning as I'm off to my friends to get my hair coloured and cut so will be away most of the morning, it's lovely to go and see her because we have a good old natter and catch up.

    Will pop in later, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are not feeling too sore please take it easy. Love your card as Brenda said it's perfect as it is.xx
    Hope to get some crafting time later, hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies, challenge card look quite interesting today, need to get my thinking cap on later. Busy day ahead, so need to get a wiggle on. Will catch up later, xx

  11. Chalkenge card looks interesting. Must try and find time to do it this week but pretty busy preparing for craft sessions. Why do we volunteer for these things. I will never know. Thought the first six week one we did last year was a one off but no as each one ends they want to know when the next one is starting. Ok if it was just making cards but it isn't so have to keep thinking of different idea. Must get on. Might get a chance to come back later.

    1. I don't know Brenda! If you find the answer to that one please let me know ASAP . Maybe we look gullible! Xxx

  12. Good morning SANDRA & ladies well today's challeng card looks interesting Sandra your card is lovely. I posted yesterday evening Sandra with the papers I used on last week's challenge card as you wanted to know what they were.
    Had a busy but lovely day yesterday. Like Hazel still not a hundred 100%yet still coughing at night & a very dry throat & headache this morning.
    I need to get motivated I have ironing to do while im doing it will try & plan my challenge card in my head the try it after.Very cold windy & raining again today anyway must get a wiggle on.
    SHEILA hope your beginning to feel better my lovely dear friend sending you & Nikki love & Hug's Lynda xxxx
    Will pop back later Hug's Lynda xxx

  13. Hello Sandra,
    I like this challenge Sandra! Let's hope I still think so later in the week!!
    I've got After School Club today again and could have done without it but hey ho . Roll on the Easter Holidays!
    It's a beautiful sunny morning here with a clear blue sky and sunshine. Shame about my windows but that's a job for another day.
    Hazel, I'm so sorry you still aren't fully fit again . It has been a long time.
    Lynda, you too have been suffering for a while. Hope you both feel lots better soon.
    Michele I hope you enjoy your holiday . The weather has certainly given you a boost today!
    Well I will go and get some things done before I have to go out.
    Be good! Xxxxx

    1. Thank you MYRA for your well wishes just as I think I'm fine I wake up with not feeling well again. Surely it must end soon. Xx

    2. I certainly hope so my dear as its been going on for long enough now! Xxx

  14. Good Morning Sandra and all ladies this lovely crisp and sunny morning. Always makes me feel better too Sue. Sandra , hope you are ok. You know that you and the floor have a special relationship but it's not a nice one so please be careful. Hope you not to sore today.
    Yes, challenge time hihi. I have drawn it down on a piece of paper so I can remember and your made up card helps a lot too so will have a go. Love the card you made !
    Michele ,have a nice break from work.Hope you can get some real rest in.
    Hazel, really hope nothing else will come of the tickling throat. It must go sometime surely ? Take care.
    Pat, hope your journey back home is fine. hugs to you both.
    Good luck Janet for your daughters new job.
    Hope you all had a nice Mothers day. Lynda and Brenda and some of you others I think had the big one with a lot of your children and grand-great children together.
    I didn't expect anything from my son as he just got back and a son Lilian but after unpacked some little Buddha's , dragons, sweets and some weird food for us to try, yuck hihi he gave me this envelope typical gift in china and I got some money to buy myself some craft ! Oh I love him, he knows his mamma well , my purse is now a little heavier for the coming AP so after gone around with Mr Hoover I will start to rewrite my wishlist because after seeing the cards over some weeks now I like some new dies, papers etc. so thanks for helping me spend my money
    ladies tihi. Hope you all have a nice day meeting friends, going out or making some crafting.
    love and hugs to you all and hope our missing family members is coming back home soon Xxxx

    1. That was a lovely present Maria! I look forward to hearing what you bought! Xxx

  15. Good afternoon everyone
    Sandra I hope you are feeling alright today, take it easy we don't want you falling again.
    All the challenge cards from yesterday were really amazing, all the different ideas, looking forward to doing this one too. Its such a good idea, my card box is getting quite full now.
    Have been quite busy lately and the old arthuritus is playing up so am only doing what is necessary.
    Michelle have a good week off work.
    Sheila I hope you are starting to feel a bit better - the sun is shining and that always helps doesn't it.
    Been for a walk with the dogs this morning - it was gorgeous but very cold in the shade.
    Take care everyone - hugs are in the basket if they are needed, please help yourself.
    Hugs Jean xx

  16. Hi Sandra
    Sorry I missed yesterday's blog. But I've just had a peek and I must say a stunning array of cards that the ladies did for the challenge.
    We spent the day at Jill, Tom and Bets daughters for Mothers Day. Her eldest son Luke and his fiancée bought me a beautiful vase with some flowers in for Mothers Day. Jill's three sons are so thoughtful. Luke's been coming in every Tuesday to cook a meal for Bet his nan. How many 22 year olds would do that.
    Challenge card looks good Sandra. I wonder if I could do one this week. Fingers crossed. I hope your feeling better after your fall. Hugs to all who need one today.

    1. I'm glad you got a nice present Pat. You deserved one! Shall we make a pact to make a challenge card this week? Xxx

  17. Hiya, oh it's very quiet in here tonight. Was it too much celebrations yesterday so you all having an early night or....
    Had some lovely photos to look at today and listening to son's holiday which seem to have been the best ever. This afternoon he complained of some headache so he went and laid down and suddenly he was sick, I jumped up from sitting downstairs, one foot twisted itself in my slipper and I feel over in our lounge with a bang. So I'm laying there on the floor, hearing son being ill and OH outside tinkering in his car. Oh Sandra it does hurt cuddle the floor and nothing I would recommend ladies ! Hope you not too sore Sandra ? my bruises are coming up very nicely from the left knee up to the hip, ouch ! Son tucked up in bed for the rest of the day. So that was my day, what were you up too ?
    Have a good night, xxxx

    1. Oh you poor thing Maria, I do hope you aren't too battered and bruised, you will sore band a little stiff tomorrow my lovely so take it easy! I imagine your son is just exhausted after all the travelling etc, I bet he had some lovely photos to share with you, I hope he feels better too! Hugs to both of you xxxx
