
Thursday 18 February 2016

This Week's 'Guilty Secrets'

This Weeks Confessions !!! 

 Lilian's 'Guilty Secrets' ....thats not all....
Lilian's 'Guilty Secrets', well, why not?!

Myra's Storage Unit (it was a bargain though)!!
Johanna 'Guilty Secret'

Johanna's gorgeous card using New Die

Michele's Magazine

And its FREE Die, stamps and embossing Folder

Janet's Beautiful 12X12 Bloom Beautiful Papers

Good Morning Friends,

As you can see we have a lovely range of purchases this week, the winning haul goes to Lilian, you have done us all proud with your purchases, what a fabulous range of 
Goodies! I would really like some of those colour clouds, the seem so versatile and the colours are lovely too!!  I love your Hobby Art stamps too, Jenny's demo's are very inspirational. I spy some Anne Marie card too, you will have fun playing with that lot, I can't wait to see the cards you make with all of it, thank you so much for sharing Lilian, it is lovely to see what everyone is buying xxx

Myra treated herself to somev lovely storage boxes and the stand that goes with them, but she used her Voucher from Create and craft, you know the rules if its a bargain we don't have confess!! I didn't take you long to get it labelled and filled Myra, thank you for taking the time to share xxx

Michele treated herself to the new Die cutting magazine, its look like you get a good range of freebies, a stamp set, dies and papers!  Let us know what you think Michele,
Is it worth the money?? Thank you for taking time to share xxx

Johanna, you made a good choice with the Spellbinders Grand Decorative Circles, they are so useful, great for using to make card bases themselves and for matting and layering! I love the card you have made using your HoneyDoo Stamps and your new dies, I have kept the other cards to show another day!  I look forward to your 'tutor' showing you how to send your next batch!! Thank you xxx

Janet, that pack of papers look so pretty, I think they are Craft Consortium, do they all have birds on?  I look forward to seeing what you make with them, thank you for sharing, I will hopefully get the rest of your confessions later on today! Xxx

Well thank you ladies, for taking part, I love sharing your makes and purchases with everyone, keep them coming please!

That's all for today, you will have to bare with me as I am struggling a little at the moment!

Janet, I hope you had a wonderful evening with your family xxx

Sue & Margaret, my thoughts are with you today, have a safe journey xxx

Hugs to our absent friends too xxx

Love and hugs

Sandra xxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Goodness-what a fantastic display of goodies, especially from Lillian. I'm hoping to show a similar amount after Saturday at, I don't need another thing!!!! I'm hoping to see the Spellbinders Platinum machine at a good price as I'm going to splash out on one, mainly because you will be able to convert it to electric.

    My magazine was £12.99 & I don't think that it's worth the money. The alphabet dies are quite small, doubt I'll use the embossing folder & stamps so all in all-not a bargain.

    I was hoping to start my challenge card last night but my Uncle rang (Mums brother) and he was on the phone for an hour & 20 minutes so I didn't feel up to starting a card. Doubt I'll get it done tonight as its Tesco shopping night then I need to ring my Dad so that'll be the whole evening gone. Think I'd best lock myself away on Friday evening in my craft room.

    Right-best get ready for work.


    1. Thanks for the feedback on the magazine, it's a shame the items you get is nothing really so I will not buy it now. Have a nice day as you can anyway Michele and say Hi to your dad xxx

    2. WOW Michele, thats expensive for a magazine even with lovely freebies. If I remember rightly they are usually about £6.99 wnich isnt too bad depending on the free gift.
      Bye for nowx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Lilian, what a wonderful haul, have fun with those lovely stamp sets and dies.
    Myra, you did get a bargain there didn't you, and I love how you have got it all labelled up already.
    Michele, what great freebies. Is the mag any good?
    Johanna, oh you lucky thing, these dies are beautiful, and what a gorgeous card.
    Janet, now you have confessed to these fabulous papers but are they just going to be got out, stroked them put back away, because they are too beautiful to use : )
    Sorry that I haven't been into the Cafe since Monday, had a few bad days, I felt better last night popped to see the lovely cards, left a comment.....then didn't press publish. I found the comment just now when my phone alarm went off!
    I am off to Bournemouth with Mum (Margarey P)and my husband Chris for the funeral today,
    Fingers crossed the weather will be kind for us all, it's frosty here, at the moment.
    I do hope that Saba is coping, hugs to you, as always.
    Sandra, so sorry that you are struggling at the moment. Please remember to be kind to yourself, don't go worrying about the blog, can you put on some pics of cards, etc. that you have already been sent so you don't have to think about making a new card for a while. We would understand, you are so quick to offer support when one of us is struggling, let us help you back in any way we can. Sending you great big hugs my lovely.
    I hope you all are as well as possible.
    Take care xx

    1. Dear Sue, I will be thinking of you all today and yes fingers crossed for a nice day. Give your mum a hug from me xxx

    2. Do hope today goes well and the weather is kind to you. Love to your mum.
      val x

  3. Good morning Sandra and everyone coming through the door today. Not sure if I'm first but got the tea and coffee on so that's ready ,also got some very nice Danish pastries with me in. It's cold and frosty morning after a very wet night. Had to take the rubbish out as they coming quite early around here and it was to wet last night to put cardboard and the glass box out.
    Anyone travelling to somewhere today, take care !
    Cheryl, love to hear how the play went. Any hiccups ?
    OMG LILIAN, you have done a fantastic job to get soooo many goodies at your last craft fair. I Love the stamps ! If I only lived closer then I would ask to borrow some and maybe some colour clouds.Have not bought any because they are quite big and I have not the place for it at the moment. Everything you bought, I want tihi
    Myra, that storage unit look so good and you have already filled it and labelled it. I want it!
    Michele, please give feedback on the magazine. I looked at it, hold it in my hand for ten minutes or so and then put it back, hmmmm.
    Johanna, your new dies are lovely and your card made of them is Stunning, Love it !
    Janet, the paper pack os Beautiful. Nearly to nice to cut up. Be gentle with it !
    To anyone not feeling so good today, Sandra ,Lynda.....
    I hope you getting better soon ! Sending love and hugs to our absent comrades and hope you will be back soon.
    Going out for the day so will jump in the shower (not literary) so Mr grumpy wont have to wait to long hihi
    Have a good day everyone and hope to see you tonight sometime. Love and warm hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  4. Morning Sandra And Ladies,

    WOW! what wonderful hauls of goodies! Great playtime coming for our lovely ladies.

    Last night's show exceeded all expectations. After the strain of final rehearsals, they pulled their socks up and gave such an outstanding performance I only needed to prompt 4-5 times. Our front show seats were reserved for our Brownie group who were very vociferous in their boos, hisses and shrieks whenever the Witch Wysteria and her ogre son Rumbletum appeared. At one stage I thought my eardrums were going to burst!

    I might be able to get in later, my little Corsa had its MOT and I have an advisory note to get all four tyres replaced. The tread is fine but apparently the tyre walls are perished. I cannot see anything wrong with them at all but it is better to be on the safe side so off in a minute to sort it out.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I'm so pleased every thing went well on the opening night after the stress of the final the witch's name Wysteria!
      As you said about the tyres 'better to be safe than sorry'.

      Love Sheila xx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and all.
    Sorry I wasnt around yesterday. I went on a coach tour from early until later than I expected and went straight to bed as soon as I got in.
    what a fantastic array of goodies today.
    LILIAN, what a lot of fun youre going to have. Just love those colour clouds. They blend so well.
    MYRA lovely storage unit. I could definitely do with one of those.
    Johanna love the pretty die and the beautiful card youve made with it.
    Michele. Great freebies in the magazine. I've never heard of that one.
    JANET those papers look adorable and very strokable.

    Sandra. So sorry youre not feeling so good at the moment. Do hope you feel ok soon

    Well I'm going to try and make my challenge card this morning. I have a lot of cards to make for March occassions and need to get them made and ready for my trip to UK next Thursday.

    see you later.
    Take care.
    Val x

  6. Good morning Ladies,
    Wow Lilian ! That's some haul you have there , did you win the lottery lol!
    Just think of all the fun and experimenting you'll have , enjoy xo
    Myra , I still have my voucher to use for this month , you certainly used your wisely , I think I missed that storage programme,xo
    Joanna I have those grand circle dies and love and use them often, your card is gorgeous! xo
    Michele thanks for the honest feedback , as the old saying goes " All that glitters is not gold" , good to hear your day was not too bad xo
    Janet , the paper pad looks almost too pretty to use, enjoy xo
    Sandra, I hope you feel better soon , I take it the girls don't have their dresses yet? xo
    Barbara and Maureen , you are really missed , hope you manage to join us again soon xo
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies. Wow what an array of goodies, I think Lillian is top of the class today.
    This is just a quick visit just now, hospital appointment at 9.30 just a check up, then food shopping, will pop back later. Xx

  8. HibSandra
    I'm sorry to hear your not feeling to good at the moment, take care. Petes gone down the Drs this morning as he had problems yesterday. Had to change his clothes twice. So he might have another infection. We're supposed to be going out for lunch later, so hopefully he'll see the Dr sooner rather than later.
    Hope your appointment goes ok, do you get the gitters before you go?.
    My word Lilian what a magnificent haul.
    Like vie the storage boxes as well Myra. I really could do with something like that, all labelled up as well. Love the papers pad Janet. I actually used one of my Theresa Collins paper pad yesterday making a card. I seem to buy them then jot use them. Mental note not to hoard.
    How did first night go Cheryl?.
    Hope yesterday's work wasn't to traumatic Michelle working with your colleague

  9. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Oh my the little green monster is sitting on my shoulder! Lilian I see you have bought the paper maker tartan papers, they were the designs of my local craft shop owner. He asked them to make up! Adrian will be pleased that a good few of you ladies have liked them enough to buy them. I have made a good few cards useing them. Did you rob a bank on your way to the show???
    Michele, there is no way on this earth I would pay that for a magazine! Freebies or not. ( tight Scot that's me)
    Joanna, beautiful card made from your buy.
    Janet, remember they are for useing not looking at?
    Myra, a very useful buy, I like that!
    Well I will confess I bought storage boxes, nothing fancy but pretty. And Phil Martin dies that I bought last week arrived on Monday and I have played with them and they are great. Forgot about confessing or sins today!
    Very cold here, thick frost. I have Anna to supervise this afternoon she is on half term. I say supervise as I don't think she needs looking after. Beth has put her orders in for getting things looked out for her doing her challenge card. I.e. My 12x12 paper pads and lidl card pad she must have an idea in her head.
    Right must get a move on, I am sorting out my things in the spare room trying to find the bed again! Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone. I am loving seeing everyone's guilty secrets - enjoy ladies :-) Am looking forward to going to Make It, Farnborough and having a spending spree! I must admit I tend to go a little mad, but I love it. Not sure if I will feel brave enough to reveal all of my guilty secrets after that weekend, lol.
    Anyway, I'm off to craft and need to make a card for my mother-in-law, think I will use this weeks sketch challenge for that.
    Hope you are feeling better soon Sandra, and hoping everyone else is well. Have a good day.
    Hugs xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and all you lovelies,
    It's very sunny here but so cold, still I would rather have this than the wind and rain.
    Wow such a great selection of goodies....Myra I love that storage system and Johanna your card that you made out of your new buys is stunning.
    Special hugs to Barbara, Maureen and Patricia you're all very much missed....hope you come back soon my lovelies.
    Well I'm off to get a few things ready to go to Martine's workshop in case I forget them.
    Have left some extra hugs in the basket while Norah's huggles are sleeping soundly.
    Oh Lynda I do hope your cough is easing and you're feeling better sending you a huge gentle hug my friend xxx
    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

  12. OMG! I've just spent hours and hours making a gardening card for an order using Hobby Art stamps and then colouring them and then cutting them out and mounting it all ,and thought she might think this is too bulky to post so then made another and not sure of it either.Bah Humbug!
    Glass of wine needed! Urgently!

  13. Hi Sandra and all, wow look at all those Sumptuous goodies how wonderful, but I have been naughty again and have taken the pics to pass on to Sandra, when I can pin my "Tutor" down, lol hugs to all Johanna

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shops,
    Sandra I hope you're not still struggling and today has been such a bad day, do take care, we can't have you being ill can we. LOL

    What brilliant array of purchases you are showing us today. Lillian what a display, you are a girl after my own heart. Joanna love the way you have used your new dies. Michelle thank you for your honesty, there have been so many times when I've bought a magazine because the goodies looked impressive and in the end it wasn't worth the money. Myra Love your card storage unit, I like to keep my cards in colours so I can easily reach for them. Janet your paper is beautiful, I'm dreadful I will buy paper and hate to cut into it, so end up having lots of paper I can stroke, am I sad or what?

    I will say good night sweet dreams to everyone, take care love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Sandra SORRY That should read - and today hasn't been such a bad day!!!!

  15. Evening All, sorry to be late, forgot to charge up my iPad.
    Firstly hope you're feeling better Sandra, try and take it easy for a few days
    I know it looks like a lot of goodies,but as I'm 68 and still working full time,like to have a splurge every few months or so.
    Have to report the cloud inks are really good ,not done much yet but had a quick blend.
    Joanna love your card, very pretty.
    My Sister is very frail, and they make her sit in a chair all day, which is very uncomfortable for as she can't rest her head because he has bent spine, I was so upset when I got home yesterday.

    Hope those who are unwell and those not with us special healing hugs.
    Well going to have an early night so I'll say goodnight.

  16. Hi all, Sorry lilian that your sister is so poorly. Try to stay on and talk to us every day and hopefully that will help you some. I'm a good listener. Sending you hugs.
    Have been out all day and got back and so tired so I will wish you all a good night and sweet dreams everyone xxxx

  17. Hellooooo!
    So sorry I'm so very late but I literally have been out all day! We went out for Breakfast! That was a first. There were many who didn't think I'd make it! Ha ha!
    We then went off to John Lewis at Cheadle and then back to our friends for dinner!
    Now - confession time - what did I buy? Nothing! Not a single thing!
    I was really pleased with my box and now my card is to hand and clearly labelled. I was able to sit a further A 4 box on top with red, green and gold colours inside.
    Lilian you did have a good day! Enjoy trying everything out!
    Michele , sorry the magazine was a disappointment. That's very annoying.
    Well it's time for bed now I think.
    Night Night Everyone, xxxx
