
Wednesday 17 February 2016

Sheila's Beautiful card

 Sheila's Stunning 50th Birthday Card
 The Beautiful insert

Good Morning Lovely Ladies,

I just could not keep this card under wraps, it was hard enough keeping it overnight!!

Sheila has used the "All Clammed up" Stamp and die Set from Heartfelt Creations, I have to confess Sheila that this gorgeous shoe stamp and die is high up on my wish list, so if any of you see it at a bargain price please let me know !x

Sheila has stamped the shoe and embossed it in Silver, adding some beautiful diamante trim round the bottom of the shoe, for an extra touch of Going! 
She has also stamped flowers onto some beautifully delicate vellum and embossed them, shaped them and used them to decorate the top of the shoe, one of Sue's Noble Dies provides the background, embossed with Bed of Roses also from Creative Expressions, a pretty butterfly adorns the top corner and the 'Glitz and Glamour' sentiment in the other. 
The insert is both beautiful and unique, I love the verse and shall be keeping that for my twins!
All in all a absolutely stunning card Sheila, you should definitely be on a design team, your creations are all exquisite!! Please, please send me more to share!! Xx

Sue and I are off to Pats today (No vacuuming Pete)!!, I am looking forward to it and its a good way to make sure Pat has a day off from her duties! 

Now Myra, you might be interested in visiting a place I have recently bought a selection of goodies to play with from, the lady is called Fiona Jennings, she 'alters' every thing and anything and I know you like to have as dabble at that too, her store Jennings Craft Boutique is an Aladdin's cave of all things crafty, she has the most beautiful lace, vintage and handmade doilies, pretty trims, and just about anything your crafty heart desires from butterflies to flowers and everything in between, she makes you tube tutorials for everything from making your own stickles to 'shabby chic'ing' just about anything, I love her enthusiasm and her willingness to share everything she knows, a true crafter!!  If you have a spare 5 minutes its well worth a browse! 

I will call back later to tell you about our day,

Hugs to Maureen, Margaret, Barbara and Patricia xxxx
Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sheila- WOW, what a gorgeous card. It's so pretty & delicate.

    Am not looking forward to going into work today as I have a certain person with me. She's already told another supervisor that she's "nervous " about working with me since she went off sick with stress!!!!! She should be very grateful she still has a job if there's so much she can't cope with .

    I'll let you know how my day has gone when I pop in later.


    1. Morning Michele - just to say good luck with today. I know just how hard it is working with someone who doesn't work with a team. Hugs xxxx

    2. I hope today goes Ok and I agree with you entirely

    3. Hi Michelke
      Well I hope today goes better than expected, seeing as you have a certain person working beside you. Sounds like she's trying to blame you for her stress. Seems like she should be in another job to me.

    4. Thank you Michele and hope today is going okay. Love Sheila xxx

  2. Good morning All, pouring with rain again today but not so cold.

    SHEILA what a fabulous card, love your flowers, whenever I try vellum the embossing powder cracks. Super card love everything about it.

    If anyone is interested Heartfelt are looking for design team members.

    Busy day today, my younger brother is comming with me to visit my Sister in hospital, he's very tender hearted so needs company in case she is poorly.

    Hope you all have a good day, hugs all round, Lilian

    1. I do like Heartfelt Creations, my confidence always gets in the way of these things!
      I hope your visit to see your sister goes well, will be thinking of you xx
      Sandra xx

    2. Thank you so much Janet and hope your visit goes well and your sister is improving.
      Love Sheila xxx

    3. Oops that should be Lilian! So very sorry's that time of the day when I have forty winks! xxxxx

  3. Morning everyone and all who pop in today

    SHEILA - WOW WOW - what a stunning keepsake your card is and I just wish I could see the faces of the Twins when they open the envelope. So much work you have put in creating. They are worth every penny postage you had to pay and more.

    Knit and Natter was a good afternoon. We had a couple missing because of colds but otherwise all are well. We had an interesting card. On the lines of an Easel Card but without a flat base as the bottom was a valley fold enabling it to stand.

    It's raining quite heavy here at the moment and I've got everything crossed that it might stop after lunch as we're out later this evening to Hassop Hall for a meal celebrating Christina's 50th birthday (6th Feb) and my 70th (28th). Will tell you all about it tomorrow.

    CAFE - lunch today is Meat and Potato Pie if anyone wants to have lunch in the cafe. Home made of course with short crust pastry and the gravy touching the underside of the pastry lid. Everything else is up and running just waiting for you all to call in and help yourselves.

    I've sent hugs on their way to Barbara, Patricia, Margaret (hope your hand is better) and if I've missed anyone please accept my apologies.
    I've also filled up the hug basket by the door.

    I might not get in later and will be very late in the morning so can someone please open up for me.

    1. Hi Janet
      Meat and potato pie sounds great. Enjoy your evening out.

    2. Good morning Janet,
      Have a wonderful meal later today, your meat a and potato pie has my mouth watering, you are entitled to the morning off tomorrow, you take it easy my lovely, I will make sure all is up and running and will have your morning coffee ready for when you arrive!
      I can't wait to hear all about your meal, sounds like you are in for a treat.
      Huge hugs

    3. I've been to Hassop Hall Janet! It's lovely. The first time we went was to a Wedding Reception but we went again for a meal. It's lovely and in a lovely setting! Have a lovely time . Xxx

    4. Thank you so much Janet and enjoy you meal later, it sounds such a beautiful place. Love Sheila xxx

  4. Good morning Ladies,
    Wow! Sheila, what a stunningly beautiful special card! The care and attention to all the delicate trimmings and embellishments really show what a great eye you have for design, this is a card to be treasured with the lovely personal verse inside.xo
    Myra , I bet your room is now looking " top notch" so glad you are happy with it, makes all the upset worthwhile .xo
    Well, I got great service from " The English Blind Co." They apologised and are having the blinds collected today to be corrected, so that sounds promising.
    Don't fancy your day today Michele, hope it goes better than you fear.xo
    I got my challenge card made yesterday , so will send photo later, I managed to make it so it could be used for one of the cards that I have an order for , I also got another done for a golfing friend's big birthday to put her voucher from the ladies in, so I was quite happy with my afternoons work lol!
    I had lentil soup at lunchtime yesterday and thought of you Norah as I know it is one of your favourites, your toes sound sooo painful , you cope so well with all your problems, sending you great big soft hugs xoxo.
    Walking group today , it's a bit watery looking but not too bad so I'll go and get some fresh air.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Oh it's lovely to be tidy again! Not quite there yet in the craft room but even it looks a lot better than it did last week! It's coming down in buckets here Anne! Xxx

    2. Anne thank you so much for your lovely comments. The rain only stopped here in Nth Wales about an hour ago.
      Love Sheila xxx

  5. I am playing catch up and will go back and read comments This may be old news but I've just noticed C&C have put membership up to £20 when did that happen!

    1. Hi Karen,
      I think it has been that price for a while, you get £10 credit back, but now you only get a month to spend it I think!
      Lovely to see you today

    2. What an idiot I am Of course it always has been I forgot to add back the £10 voucher back we get Duh! That's where Craft channel differs isn't it

  6. What a beautiful creation. So calm to view but wow what a lot going on
    on closer looksee. Love it.....

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment Angela xxx

  7. Hi Sandra
    My word Sheila what a stunning card you've made. The shoe is gorgeous. I love the vellum flowers. How lucky was the lady who received this. Did you buy these as a set?. I've bought they're flowers like this as well. But the shoe certainly makes an impact. All the more so for being able to cut it out.

    1. Hi Pat thank you so much I've started to use vellum for my flowers alot more as I think it looks so delicate. I bought the two seperately with the die toy also get another two shoe dies one approx 2and a half inches by 2 and a half inches and one alot smaller and dies to make a bow. Love Sheila xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Shiela your card is absolutely gorgeous, well worth the effort.
    A few months back I was asked to make a 90th birthday card for twins, it took me ages but it was lovely, I asked the friend who it was for if the twins liked it, she said they liked it but said, why one card, we should have got one each!!,
    Food for thought for anyone making cards for twins etc.
    Anyway take care everyone,,Jess xxx

    1. Hi Jess,
      I believe that Sheila did make two cards.
      We were given advice from a twin before the girls arrived to always treat them as individuals (not that we would have done anything else)!
      He was a twin and had had to share cards, gifts etc.
      I can't imagine how awkward that would be, who would open it etc.
      My girls always have their own cards, cake, although they have shared big presents before, (games consoles etc). One tricky thing however is that they often both ask for the same gift, so we have to make sure that they open duplicated gifts at the same time, so that the surprise isn't spoiled.
      It's a challenge at times, but I wouldn't be without them!
      Have a lovely day,
      Sandra xx

    2. The person who ordered the card, only asked for one card for the twins!

    3. I just was explaining that sheila had made 2 even though we only have one to show!
      I was just explaining she advice we were given, my girls have received both cards and gifts to share, they accepted them graciously of course, one of the gifts was an I tunes voucher to share!! Which of course is impossible!
      I think that like your customer some people don't understand the concept!
      Sorry if you thought I misunderstood you xxx

    4. This it Jess, if the person had wanted two cards making she would have asked for two! Your are not a mind reader and a card maker. It's like when I get asked for a basket and you ask what they want in it? " oh you just choose". Then when you say what you have put in they then can come out with " oh I don't think they would like that" ahhhhhhhhh!!., that's why I asked!!!

    5. Thank you for your lovely comment Jess I really enjoy using this stamp an die because you can add any flowers not just the roses as you hide these when you put your own on....but I bought the stamp because I love the pattern on the shoe. love Sheila xxx

  9. Good morning ladies,
    Change of plans today, poor Sue is too poorly to come and craft today, so as its Paul's only day off this week we are going into Witney, to actually try on some prom dresses, mind you if you could see the look on the girls faces you would think we were going to the dentist!!
    Watch this space!
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxx

    1. Hi Sandra,
      Sorry to hear Sue is poorly. I do hope the girls find something they like. I haven't worn a dress a or a skirt for years so I would feely the same way as the girls and I'm much, much, much older....I be a right grumpy old woman!! Haha!
      Thank you so much for your lovely email too lovely lady. Love Sheila xxxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Sheila the cards you made for your twin cousins are so beautiful, I know you said you usually make different cards for each of them, I'm sure this is the one of those occasions where they will both be more than delighted to receive identical cards. As someone else said your cards are of such high quality you could be
    on the design team, maybe one day you will think about it, you have so much talent i'm such a good eye for detail. Thank you for sharing this with us anyway.

    Sorry the three graces are not meeting up today, but that means you can go looking for those prom dresses! Maybe after a little trying on the girls will be able to smile and Paul will not be to exhausted!!!! Looking forward to hearing how you all get on.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Sandra I forgot to say I have taken a Peep at Jennings craft boutique, it is amazing! I got to page 21 and thought I could be here all day. Later when it's quiet I'll return to go through the rest of the pages, she really has got some lovely stuff LOL XXX

    2. I know its amazing isn't it, its like looking around a little curiosity shop!
      Full of little things you don't see elsewhere!
      Mind you, your basket fills up pretty quick!
      Sandra xxx

    3. Aaaw thank you so much for your lovely comment, each one is very much appreciated. Love and hugs Sheila xxx

  11. Did you notice earlier up I made a boob re C&C! Doesn't take much for me to get things cock-eyed
    SHEILA Your card(s) is truly amazing and Yes twins need to be treated as individuals It was bad enough for me and my sister Although we're 3 yrs apart my birthday is 29/10 hers was 30/10 and we quite often had shared presents and parties Very annoying when you're 10 years old sharing a party with a 7 year old. I mean! I was too grown up for that!

    1. I haven't really seen the Craft Channel, do they have membership etc, I did look in at the beginning but there was too much DB for me I'm afraid.
      I think Leonie must start on Hochanda this week sometime!!
      Sandra xxx

    2. Leonie is on Hochanda now! Xxxx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    I'm a bit later than I intended and it's all your fault Sandra!!! What do you mean by telling me about yet another website to have a look at! Ha ha! Of course I had to go and look , didn't I. Like Brenda I got to around page 21 and then had to stop! I will go back. Some really interesting, quirky and unusual things . That's all I'm saying just now! There is only so much to which a girl is prepared to confess in one week!!! You monkey!
    What a beautiful card today from Sheila! It is a beautiful shoe but it is the touch of Sheila that turns it into something really special! The lovely soft shades, the delicate flowers , the lovely sentiment and the really cute little 60 attached to the ribbon. It says 60 quietly!!! Thank you Sheila I think it's gorgeous!
    Well it's a miserable day here today but I'm feeling quite cheerful as I'm beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel .
    Haven't read all the messages yet as got summoned by the boss who is re- hanging pictures and a mirror!
    Be good everyone! Says she hopefully! Xxxxx

    1. I take it you're not behaving yourself now Myra - is it all Sandras fault

    2. Absolutely Jean!!!! Xxxx

    3. Hi Myra thank you so much for your lovely comment.
      You seem to be being too good lately you need your partner in crime (Murial!) back! Haha!
      Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    4. I miss her lots but she has a lot on her plate just now! Xxx

  13. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    After a night of coughing which started yesterday I feel quite unwell today. I ache on top of my arthurtis pain in my back & shoulders & neck. My head feels so heavy. Sorry I will stop feeling sorry for myself now hihi.Oh popped to the co op This morning & got me some cough mixture before he went off to paint his friends front room & just noticed sell by date is JANUARY 2016.
    I might try a get the challenge card done after some lunch will see. I'm watching Super vet's at the moment I love that program.
    SANDRA good luck with the girls prom dresses & hope they both find something they like. Sue sorry your feeling unwell wish you better soon.Hug's.
    SHEILA Wow Wow your card is so beautiful I love your flowers & everything about it.The insert is so beautiful well done your so very talented Hug's xx
    NORAH I hope your toes are better today & not so sore, but you should go to the doctors just in case of getting a infection.Take care Hug's x
    SABA sending you gental Hug's my love xxx
    Hug's for all our missing friends xxxx
    Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Oh Lynda, sending a Big,big,big hug to make you feel some better xxx

    2. Lynda, try rubbing Vicks on the soles of your feet and put a pair of socks on going to bed, it works believe it or not, old remedies are the best!,,

    3. Hi Lynda - hope you feel better soon - John rubbed Vicks on the soles of his feet and it did help with coughing at night -
      Hugs Jean xx

    4. Hi Lynda oh I'm so sorry to hear you are poorly....I would try what Jean and Hazel have said because I have also heard it works. Thank you so much for your lovely comments dear friend. Hope you feel better very soon, sending you a big gentle hug. Love Sheila xxxxx

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone visiting today.
    Sheila ,your card is Amazing! you have a real talent for making cards that bling's .Love the shoe with the vellum flowers, they are gorgeous and the insert with the twins is so lovely, well done.
    Sorry Sue is so poorly so you can't meet today. I wish you better Sue x
    Michele, hope your day is going ok and this "person" is behaving herself.
    Glad your decorating is finished Myra, no more singing to listening too. We had a guy in this morning for getting a quote to redo our kitchen. It's important to get it right for it will be there for many years. has any of you have it done ? If so how did you do with cooking, washing and did you have a fridge anywhere ?
    Needed to get out today but the weather have changed a bit. Managed to walk over to Ikea and back before the rain started. Wind freezing cold so now having a cuppa before going to make this weeks challenge card. Hope you had a nice walk Anne. Got a small blister under my foot so need to pop it. Norah, how are your toes today ? Sending warm hugs and love to you all and special ones to Saba, Margaret, Patricia and to anyone who need one XxXx

    1. Hi MARIA thank you for your Hug's. Now you will have to go down to the stream & do your washing & cooking on a prima stove,it's cold enough to keep milk ext out side in a bucket I hope that helps MARIA HAHA ( sorry ) xxxxx

    2. Hello Maria,
      We had the kitchen done two years ago! It's an awful upheaval but it took a shorter time than decorating my dining room did!!! They started on a Monday and finished on Friday . Then it was just the painting and floor to be done. I have a fridge freezer in the utility room so that was ok. Also my washer and dryer are in there. I set p a little corner in my dining room - I had a butlers tray and stand which had the microwave on it. Also another table had kettle, toaster . Tea, coffee and sugar. I could warm soup in the microwave and also reheat plates of food I'd prepared in advance and put in the freezer. Washing up was the biggest pain. I collected everything in an empty washing up bowl and washed up at night in the utility room. They will try to make sure you have water and power as soon as possible. I tend to plan things like that well beforehand. Also I washed and sorted everything as I emptied the cupboards. That way it was easy to put things back. Some things went to the tip and others to the Charity shop. It will be worth it! Xxxx

    3. Good afternoon my coffee shop cherubs,
      Oh Sheila, i'm a twin as well and turn 50 this year although my twin will forever be 20 and i don't think he could have pulled the shoes off some how, don't think it would go with the motorbikes, trials bikes and scramblers that he would be found eith tinkering away at or you could hear him going down the back of the prison with them. See if they don't like their cards you can send them on up to another twin, lol. It is stunning flower and they are so very lucky that they have someone in their lives that obviously loves them so very much. It is stunningly Sheila, a real work of art.
      My AuntMargaret once knitted Jim a jumper, it was all blue but space dyed as it was called then(we turned 8 that birthday) but she didn't make me one as she forgot that it was my birthday as well. Now i have never ever been able to understand how my Aunt(mum's sister) and Godmother could manage to forget my birthday as we were twins, but there again she had the first grandchild, a daughter and Jim was the favourite grandson/nephew because he just had that face that would get a piece at anybodies door. So yes Sheila, even if it was the same i wouldn't have minded sharing an identical card to Jim.
      Been and dropped Rory off at college, been a put my applications in for my new blue badge and bus pass and Rory's bus pass. Went and got the council tax sort that was supposed to have been done on Monday when i called(they had no record off it) for the change of ownership. That's me just got a call there the now from them as they have just received the call back note today.EHHH!!! The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing up there, typical council inefficiency. I wouldn't have liked to have been hanging on the phone, it might have been a dear phone call. Anyway then i went around to the bank to sort out for an appointment to see them and then into see Di. What a day and i'm a bit tired now. Girls you will be pleased to know that because the snow was lying on the ground i have put Mum's Uggs on, i'm just hoping that they have stopped their wheeping and not stuck my toes to the sheepskin lining, any way i will have a nice hot bowl of lentil soup and yes it is my favourite homemade soup. There is nothing better than a piping hot bowl of good homemade soup to stick to your ribs. I don't make it personally as my hands and eyes haven't got past the need for a knife and fork when making soup, not that i'm saying that it's thick but the spoon for some odd reason seems to stand upright in the pot. Anyone for rib sticking soup, quite good at it but bring a knife and fork and a piece to put the slab of soup between, lol. Mum gave up trying to teach me that delight as it always made enough for 4 or 5 big stock pots and still be of more than adequate thickness.
      Janet i'm awful glad that you gave the Huggles a ticking off for using the good linen napkins as a slide. What will they get up to next i wonder as you can't turn your back but they are at something that they shouldn't be. They got sent straight to bed yesterday as i cannot have Huggles that won't do as they are told. Have a good day every one
      Norah x

    4. Thank you so much for your lovely comments Maria and Norah I did enjoy making them once I knew what I was doing and the shoe stamp and die made it alot easier.
      Love and hugs Sheila xxx

  15. good afternoon everyone
    Its been such a miserable day here - raining heavily most of the day, but I have caught up with everything so its time for me to 'play'.
    Sheila - WOW - you are such a clever lady - your cards are exquisite - Such a lovely keepsake - hope you are doing ok at the moment.
    We were talking about having the kitchen changed but all the upheaval puts me off - I know its for a short time but - 'maybe' -.
    Will try to pop back later I have a few cards to make and inserts to do for some
    Hugs to everyone not feeling too good at the moment
    Take care
    Jean xx

    1. Hello Jean thank you so much for your lovely comment.Things are a bit hard for me at the moment but hopefully going to the workshop on Friday will take my mind of things. By the way Jean the workshop with Martine is in Leigh it was advertised on her facebook and Oyster stamps under events. It's in the town not at the Sports Centre.
      Hope Nic is okay.
      Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    2. Sheila I didn't know about this workshop - would have booked in if I had known - maybe shell do another nearer to the next show at Leigh - enjoy yourselves
      Hugs Jean xx

  16. Forgot to say I hope you see something which the girls will like Sandra - happy Shopping xx

  17. Hello all my lovelies,
    That was a shock to see my card so soon hanging on the coffee shop wall. Thank you all so much for the lovely comments you are so kind. This was the only time I have ever made two the same because Julie and Sharon really are very different and definitely don't like gifts or cards the same. As it was a special milestone birthday I was so afraid of making one card better than the other. They really are so individual that Sharon is married with two sons and unfortunately Julie has never found Mr. Right, she's so independent that I don't think it will ever happen now and she would have made a wonderful mother....still that's the way life goes sometimes. The postage was a little less than I expected £10.08 for tracked post so that was good. Sandra thank you so much for showing my card and I hope you have had some luck with the dresses for the girls.
    I'm off to finish another card now and I think Leonie is coming on Hochanda at 4pm.
    Take care my lovelies and gentle hugs to those who are missing , Maureen I so miss your antics with Myra I do hope you are just busy and not poorly.
    Barbara my thoughts and prayers are still with you.
    More hugs in the basket for you all please take one as they always make you feel better.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxxxxxx

    1. Sheila, this card deserves every ounce of praise it is given, it is so beautiful. When I looked at the card this morning I thought the flower looked familiar. This afternoon I went to a drawer to get something out for granddaughter (we are staying here looking after grandchildren) it also contains cards I have made for our daughter over the years. What jumped out at me - yes a card with a very similar flower in pink vellum, I had used a stamp Martine Smith was using for a demo at Biggin Hill, Kent. Sadly the venu has been changed to Tonbridge. I hope you have a great time when you go to her demo/workshop. She makes some beautiful cards. LOL

    2. Hi Sheila,
      That is one stunner of a card! Simply gorgeous and I love the vellum flowers. I have a wedding card to make and am thinking of making vellum flowers for they look so delicate. Do you colour them in afterwards or use coloured vellum? xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and everyone. Sorry I haven't visited for a couple of days, been busy with work and family commitments! I hope everyone is keeping well.
    Wow, Sheila, I love your card, it's absolutely stunning :-) Love the shoe and flowers. Gorgeous!!!
    Well, I have a day off tomorrow, so after a bit of a lie in, I shall be crafting and hopefully get chance to take part in this weeks sketch challenge :-)
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.
    Hugs xxx

    1. Thank you so much Sonia and enjoy your lie in tomorrow.

      Love Sheila xx

  19. Good afternoon, a quick visit. Little sister popped in this morning and then I have been to get my passport photos done! Now I have to get on and tidy up the mess I made last night looking for bits in the spare room.
    Sheila your card is stunning, I love it. Right must go. Xxx

    1. Phew I'm at the bottom at last! Hello Hazel thank you so much for your lovely comment. Please give Patricia my love when you next speak to her and I hope she will be back as soon as the weather gets warmer and cheers us all up a bit.
      Take care
      Love and Hugs Sheila xxx

    2. Hi Sheila,
      What a lovely card I am sure your cousins will treasure them.xx

  20. Afternoon Ladies

    Today wasn't too bad at work, the atmosphere was a little strained but I can cope with that. It's the hysterics I can't cope with!

    Called at the glazers first thing & got a piece of glass cut for the greenhouse so I drive to/from work very carefully as it was resting on my back seat. Gutted it plus another piece as soon as I got home-it was so cold that I could hardly feel my fingers by the time I'd finished. Anyway-it's all done now & my plants are safely tucked up again.

    Was hoping hubby would be here by now to sort tea out, think I'll do some blog hopping while I wait for him.


  21. Hello again, Had to change my afternoon because a neighbour asked if I could stay with her daughter while she went shopping. Have problems to say no even if I felt pretty tired after our walk. Thank you Lynda ,you are soooo funny . If you saw our canal, brook or lake around here they are not for washing in hihi. Myra, this guy said it would take 4 weeks! maybe a little less and we haven't got a utility room, we are not that posh hihi. We can't leave the milk in a bucket outside because they talking about doing the job first in September so not sure if we go with them.
    Lilian, hope all went well going over to see you sister.
    Sorry got to go, mum on the phone. Wish you all a nice evening, warm hugs Maria xxxx

  22. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sorry I am late been busy making an 80th birthday card for a man, it's good having selection of papers now, thanks to Sandra telling us when Anne Maria had a sale on.
    Sorry the three did not meet up today but hope the dress shopping was successful.xx
    Cheryl hope first night went well & you had an easy job.xx
    Sending special hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx
