
Tuesday 16 February 2016

Some Challenge cards

Maria Sketch Challenge from 31/1

Joanna Sketch Challenge from 18/1

Johanna Challenge card from 25/1

Good Morning Ladies,

I wanted to focus today's post to some of the challenge cards that I either missed (sorry Maria) or that arrived after the challenge cards had been posted, either way you lovely ladies have gone to the trouble of making the and sending them so I am going to make sure that they get to be seen and appreciated by all.

We have to start Prom dress shopping this week, which with my two little angels will not be an easy task, 
we are taking about two girls that wouldn't entertain wearing a skirt until about two years ago, they were proper tomboys!  Seeing them dressed in floor length gowns will tug at my heart strings I think.  
They have both chosen column style dresses, Becca went for a more Disney Princess style dress, lots of layers and sparkle, couldn't have been more different.  I think that this is going to be a very expensive experience!

Well I am off to count the change in the penny jars, well, it all adds up!

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    3 very lovely cards featured today, all very pretty.

    Sandra-good luck with the dress shopping. I think I'd rather be at work-at least I can usually tell what's going to happen!


    1. Hi Michele
      Your sounding more like yourself today. Hopefully gecause yoyr cold is clearing up.

  2. Good Morning Sandra and All, very cold here today but no rain ,lovely day yesterday, managed to dry my washing outside.

    3 beautiful cards today, love them all.
    Cleaner day, so short post I'm afraid, have to put away all the ironing I did last night, 12 shirts !!!!!!!
    Hope you all have a good day, and hugs to all, especially big hugs to those not feeling up to par, see you later, Lilian

  3. Sorry Sandra I forgot to say good luck with the shopping, I made my daughters first ball gown it was pink taffeta, she's 50 this year, brings back happy memories.

    1. Hi zillion
      How clever were you to be able to make your daughters ball gown. I was always useless at sewing.

  4. Morning Everyone
    Three beautiful cards that definitely needed to be seen so thank you Sandra for displaying them on the board. It's lovely to open the door and see straight in front of us is that beautiful pin board with gorgeous cards displayed. It always lifts my heart.

    MICHELE - you're sounding like yourself once again. Have a good day. Hugs xxxx
    LILIAN - I'm so glad it's not me ironing 12 shirts!! That is definitely one thing I do not miss having to do any more.

    It's my Knit and Natter afternoon and as it's not my turn to 'take and make' I'm looking forward to seeing what we'll have. I'll also take something I can do after I've finished her card if there's time. I'll be having a look at this week's Challenge plan this morning hoping for inspiration to come knocking on my door and I need to send my 'Guilty Secrets' purchases to Sandra.

    Everything's set for the day here in the Cafe and I've put some large, soft paper napkins on the counter so the Huggles can use them instead of the linen ones which I found on the floor in the utility room this morning.They look as though they've been used as floor slides they're so dirty. I'll get Norah to have a wee word with them.

    Hugs are in their usual place so please help yourselves. I'm thinking of all my Dear Friends who are struggling at the moment and looking forward to seeing you all very soon.

  5. Good morning ladies,
    Well it's blowing a howling gale here today with lashing rain , totally different from yesterday which was beautiful.
    Three lovely cards , well done , better late than never!
    I meant to do my challenge card yesterday afternoon but got sidetracked by a new paper pad and some die cuts, so I made two sewing themed cards instead (which are not needed at the moment ) I got 4 special card orders yesterday too so I'll have to get on with those , there won't be golf on due to the weather so I'll be able to get started on them.
    I couldn't get through on the phone to the company that made the blinds so I have that to do also ( I hate jobs like that ) .
    Sandra , I'm sure you will enjoy seeing the girls try on their Prom dresses , it should be fun , remember to take photos of them in them it will also help them decide which one to choose, just hope they find some that won't break the bank!
    Well I'm off for some porridge and look forward to popping in to the cafe for some homemade soup and crusty roll at lunchtime ( I'm sure I smell some on the go, maybe Janet has been in? ) .
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  6. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today. Firstly that is very kind of you Sandra to add those missing card in.
    Maria and Karen look at going to a hotel that has a nice sitting area that you can order tea and coffee and sit and chat. Patricia and I do this when we meet up, we can sit for hours and it's very quiet, we have also done the same when we have met up with another crafting friend when we have gone to Inverness, you actually can get a beautiful lunch at a very reasonable price too! Chairs are much more bottom friendly too, you will also find coffee and tea no dearer.
    I noticed your alert Sandra,,this is why I didn't come in on friday when the blog was open to Facebook as you don't know who is looking in and then yesterday you put your e-mail on, you will find that is where they got in and watch your address book please, as it contains all our e-mails!!! Charlie is going mental at it as he told me I was not to be open to this sort of thing. I now have to run everything through the main computer so that viruses can be detected. Pain or what. Off to get things done as I am working this afternoon, I have had a message already from one excited young lady. You wouldn't think being their to pick her up from school would be such a big deal? Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Just to reassure, the blog being mentioned on Friday was no different to me going to Creative Expressions blog or having a link like John Lockwood etc does between his blog and Julia's etc, or like some of our ladies are on Sue Wilson's fan page on Facebook, nobodies details were compromised as visitors came through Blogger, new visitors could click on your picture or Sue's but that only gives the information that you have on your blogger ID or Google, they didn't come via my email or anything, we too have are very careful re internet security, the Email was from Forth Valley NHS Royal hospital, Stirling.
      Did you get one too?
      It's so lovely to think that the girls are still so excited to see you each week Hazel, with that and the kind words from school I guess that you must be doing something right! You must feel very proud!
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Joni didn't get one Sandra. Not to sure why a hospital up in Scotland would be emailing anyway. Mist of us don't live anywhere near Scotland. Facebook don't give out any information anyway. Only mention this as Hazel seems to think it came via Facebook. I'm on Facebook and have never received anything from somewhere else via them.

    3. About 18 months ago I had an email which I thought came from a friend of mine! It said she was in Thailand, had been robbed and had her credit cards stolen. Would I please send a hundred pounds! Now I am not easil fooled. This lady was an ex Missionary and Thailand would have been one of the last places she would ever have visited!! So I decided to ring her - she was at home in The Wirral !! He email account had fallen into the wrong hands and everyone on her address list got the same email! She spent days with BT trying to sort it out! Unfortunately some people are more credulous than me and money had been sent by several people. They never did find out who was responsible but they kept asking my friend if she gave her email out in any public format! She hadn't . It's things I have actually had experience of that concern me . You can't be too careful. Obvious scams often don't reach my Inbox as they are filtered. This one got in because it came from a friend in my Address Book. Please be careful ladies. Xxxx

    4. We had exactly same thing but from Paul's father, they had gone to the trouble of picking a place that they visited often (Paul's uncle lives in Alicante )
      They EVEN went into such detail that they knew that although his name is John, he gets called Barrie, and hge also is Barr 'ie' instead of 'y'!!
      It was same thing he had had passport money taken a and wSx stranded could we send £100 !!
      It was very scary,funnily enough his email was with BT too!,

  7. Morning Sandra

    3 gorgeous cards today to gladden our eyes.

    Good luck with your prom dress shopping, I bet they will look fabulous all dolled up! My Fiona was always such a tomboy when younger and then she got chosen as the May Queen and what a change with a pretty blue flowered dress on! As such as the ceremony was over, she couldn't wait to get changed to have a go on the zip wire!!!

    Must get a wiggle on, see you all later.
    Loving thoughts and prayers for our missing friends.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    Many thanks for the messages re the panto. At least I can relax for today and forget it for a while. I won't be needed tomorrow til hour before the first performance, I'm just crossing my fingers they all buck their ideas up.

    Very, very frosty this morning, not what I expected at all. The sun is shining so brightly though and the cars will soon turn their normal colours. I think I will have to wrap up warm to walk to the Post office today, it's such a bother to defrost the windscreen.

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Hope all goes well tomorrow, and all the cast behave themselves. Break a leg as the saving goes.

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely to see the cards that were late, they are lovely and deserve an airing.
    Not much on today, a bit of ironing, then think about the challenge card.
    Take care, the weather is horrible, good luck with the dress shopping!

    1. Hi Jess, I'm sorry your having horrible weather. It cold but bright here at the moment. We've just had a snow warning on the news though. Hope it's not to snowy where you are.

  9. Morning Sandra and all the lovelies,
    The sun has just gone in but it is dry and very cold here.
    Three gorgeous cards showing today. I've managed to finish the twins cards so I must nip to the PO...have just checked on line for tracked post as I am a bit late sending them...cost is £12.80 ..could have bought another die!...but that will teach me a lesson for taking so long to make them, but the girls are so important to me so they are worth it. Cheryl hope all goes well for the first performance of the panto. I'm a bit excited at the moment as Carol and I are going to a workshop by Martine Smith of AB Fab designs on Friday and lunch is included in the price, so hopefully it will be a good day as she is demoing her beautiful flowers too. Hope to get some good tips.
    I've got to make another 2 cards (one which has to be there by Thurs....oh I'm so late for that one too but I love using the All Glammed Up shoe stamp and die so hopefully I can do it a whole lot quicker than the twins.
    Happy prom dress shopping with the girls Sandra hope they find what they want.
    Sending hugs to Barbara and any one who is going through a tough time at the moment my thoughts are with you all.
    Oh the sun has just come out again, it cheers me up to see it.
    I must get a move on will try and pop in later.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    1. Hi Sheils
      I hope you have a great day at AB fab designs on Friday. Wish we had that sort of thing by us.

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Three very pretty cards shown today. Just love butterflies.
    Hope the prom dress shopping goes well. How exciting looking forward to seeing photos.
    well my family left this morning with a teary farewell on my part. I had such a wonderful time with them. I'm so lucky having two caring children. They are both in there 40's but I still call them children.
    I always feel a bit down when they leave but I'm having coffeecwith Wendy (Spanish Crafter) later and we always have a laugh and put the world to rights.
    Glad everyones sniffles including yours Michele, have now cleared up and everyone is feeling fit and well.
    Take care everyone.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val, is Wendy from England also, I used to know a Wendy who moved to Spain, I used to buy cd's from her when they were all the rage, she had a brilliant craft shop and it was were I started my first lessons, Johanna

    2. Did you have a lovely birthday yesterday Val? I do hope so and that you were treated to all sorts of lovely things like more craft goodies. Your children will always be just that to you it doesn't matter how old they get flower, they will always be your babies. And the reason that you are lucky enough to have two caring children comes from the fact that they were lucky enough to have a mother that wanted them and brought joy to their growing up. Enjoy your time with Wendy putting the world to rights flower and hopefully it will soften the hole that has been left by them. Another thing is skype is a wonderful thing so i am told for keeping up being able to see them in reality even if it is through a computer screen. Sending some huggles to you to perk you up a bit flower. x

    3. I hope you had or will have a lovely time with Wendy. We'd all do much better than the politicians putting the world to rights wouldn't we.

    4. Hi Johanna, Norah and Pat.Had a lovely birthday with lots of lovely presents plus money to buy craft goodies when I get to the UU next month.
      Yes Norah my son and daughter will always be my little ones. Still worry over them the same as I've always done.
      Wendy does come from the UK. I met her here through her blog.vshe lives in the next village to me and she runs the crsft class I go to but she didnt have a craft shop in UK. The world should be ok now weve put it to rights.
      see you later.
      Love Val x

  11. Good afternoon my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Well girls, what a beautiful display of challenge cards that is in Sundays post, some of them so different and whimsical like Janets fairies dancing in the shadows(hmm? was that not a song some time ago) any way there are some that are just their makers without even needing a name to tell us who made them. Can i just say thank you to all the participents of Sundays and the ones that have spilled over onto today's blog. Oh to be as clever as some of these beautiful works of art, well done everyone.
    I have had a few problems this week with trying to stop my feet giving me gip or rather the toes so i am going around in my slippers but i wonder whether i can where them out to go up to Alloa with my blue badge form. I don't know whether it has been chilblains that have done the damage or the reynaurds but something sure has as a few of my toes have burst open in sores and i seem to be getting more of them with each passing day. Hey ho it could be worse it is just making life that wee bit more difficult than normal. I don't think i will go to the swimming this week as since they are wheeping, i don't think i could stand the stinging of the chlorinated water.
    Sandra, Mum and i took Kirsten prom dress shopping and there was a select boutique that had one beautiful, stunning dress in it that when on her(my kirsten is shorter than me) hugged her curves and made her look stunning, £395 stunning which was down to half price in their closing down sale. But not Kirsten, she went for a dress from Coast in at Debenhams that a few others turned up in with perhaps a different colour if we were lucky. Then the creep that she had been going out with for 18 months at school(5th & 6th year) went off with another lassie and as Kirsten found out later he had been going out with two others while he was with her. I new from the start that i did not like the laddie as he took the huff at me insisting that her bedroom door was open at all times and it took me to let him up the stair at that. When he went home i told Kirsten that he was not welcome back in my house if he didn't like my rules. Of course her nibs thought that i was just being a parinoid mother but he just had that look and his treatment off her at prom just cemented what i thought of him in the first place. I don't agree with this idea of laddies up in bedrooms or lassies in laddies bedrooms as it is just opening up to trouble but hey i know i'm old fashioned. Now Ryan (a few boyfriends and breakups down the line) came in and introduced himself and shook out hand like a polite well brought up young man does and he did it down at Mum's and when Kirsten brought him to meet her "Auntie" Margaret and "Uncle" Jim, old friends off mine that i had been cutting and doing their hair for 18 years. His mum and dad found the daughter that they had never had, Rory got the big brother that he always wanted so everyone was happy.
    Right i'm goign to sit in the corner and have a bowl of soup, Lentil please. Now have all my little Huggles made nice new friends with the new ladies that have come into the cafe? I hope that they haven't been making a nuisance of themselves? They do so love to have new faces in to cuddle them and they like when their wee friends Hughie, Morag and the others come in but please don't give them any sweet stuff as it makes them hyper and they start getting up to all sorts of mischief.
    Norah x

    1. I wonder why our children never take notice of their mothers Norah. Sounds like you had the measure of her boyfriend.

    2. Hi Norah,
      We have just been online shopping today, just to get ideas etc, there is a company called 'Light in the box' it has over 1000 different dresses, but getting the two of them to concentrate is another matter! So I shall shelve it until I have their attention!
      I am totally 100% with you on the boys in bedrooms thing, especially at the girls age, they aren't really too fussed with boys at the moment thankfully, they both cringe with disgust at the idea of kissing let alone anything else, but I worry what pressure would be put on them, do you remember that advert on TV where the lad was making the girl feel like there was something wrong with her because she do as he wanted!! So like you there would be no closed doors, the girls never close their bedroom doors anyway, strangely! I think that you are a perfectly normal, caring mum, Becca didn't like my rules at the time but she openly admits she was pleased we did stick to them and she is only 21 ! Kirsten probably is the same now she is settled.
      Our rules weren't any different for Matthew either, for that matter.
      Your poor toes sound agony Norah, it sounds more like chilblains than Reynaud's, Becca suffers quite badly with Reynaud's but her fingers or toes have never burst open or had open sores, I would maybe get them looked at as you don't want them getting infected.
      Sending you gentle hugs my lovely
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Hi Norah..
      I'm with you over the bedroom door situation. As you say. Your house,your rules.
      Your poor toes sound ever so sore. I think I would see a professional about them before they get any worse.
      Take care.
      Love Val x

    4. Norah, you toes don't sound good at all. Do go and see the doctor and just find out what's wrong please. You will need them for a long time yet xxx

  12. postie just been with my dies that i ordered off SET crafts yesterday afternoon, service or what? I ordered some of their weekend specials which i got Sue's Scribble flower dies, Orange Blossoms complete flowers dies, and the classic fold over flowers and they put a couple of pieces of SUE's felt in for me to try out my new dies with which i think what lovely of them, don't you. I got a stamp set as well John Lockwoods Camellia Ring Elements. I think that was fantastic service as i'm not known to get parcels in the same week that i order never mind the very next day. I think that i will be ordering more from them some how. WOOOO whooooo, i'm away to play with my new toys. xx

    1. That's lovely Norah! You have confessed !!! It's lovely getting a parcel . I agree with you Norah - we may be old fashioned but it is a lot better than the alternative in my book!!! Xxx

    2. Have a great time playing Norah, how quick was that. I'll have a look on there website as well. Wish I'd done that for my Australian background due.

    3. They are a great company Norah, Brenda Lello, got the same excellent service last week, she messaged them congratulating them on their fab service, she mentioned about the blog and got a lovely reply from Ben, such a genuinely lovely man xxx

  13. Hello Sandra,
    Nice to see the cards today! Lovely to see your work Johanna and Maria too.
    It's so interesting to see how everyone interprets the challenge!
    Prom dresses will be fun! I think! A very special evening for the girls. Have fun choosing!
    Well my decorator has finally finished and taken his dust sheets home! Whew!
    Now I'm trying to get everything back to rights. Have cleaned the Windows, polished the furniture and will collect curtains from drycleaners later. They have been ready for ages but I thought they may as well hang there than be draped over a bed here!
    I may be back later but if I'm not you know what I'm up to!!
    Be good! Xxxx

    1. I'm glad the decorator has finished and you can get back to normal. Our windows also need cleaning but it's to cold to venture outside. I hope it doesn't take to long to get straight.

  14. Hi Sandra
    Good luck with the prom dresses. Amy and Sophie bought dresses that they could use again. I think quite a few of their year did that. At least it wasn't used just for one day. Such a waste of money I think, lovely yes, practical no.
    Wow Norah, that was great service from SetCraft. I ordered the Australia Background die from Hixxysoft. I had an email from the saying my order was being made ready for despatch. If I don't receive it tomorrow I'll have to email them again. How odd Sandra that you had an email from Sterling NHS! As you said wouldn't be through Facebook as you only use Blogger. Very odd, were they asking for money I wonder. Although I don't think hospitals usually email people for money so could be a scam. Do you remember I had a scam email from PayPal awhile ago, which was a scam.
    Looks like you huggles Norah have been using the linen napkins for slides, naughty naughty huggles, making more washing.

    1. Hi Pat, they weren't asking for money it was just a link for you to click on, Sophie and Matt (totally unrelated E mail addresses etc) both had an email supposedly from Apple regarding a subscription to Netflix, soph panicked as she thought she had clicked on something, but I contacted apple who confirmed it was a nationwide scam. You would be surprised what companies sell your details to third parties, utility companies are guilty to name just one!
      Most things you go on these days ask for your email address and phone number, I will admit though that i always change a digit to prevent being inundated with nuisance calls.. Ideal world are another company that share your details!
      Nobody else from my address book was mentioned in the email I got, it was just our address, usually these things that are sent have multiple emails in the address to section.
      Your details are all very secure as fear as I am concerned. Please rest reassured xx
      Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  15. Sorry ladies, meant to say I love your challenge cards. Special hugs to Barbara and all who are feeling poorly today.

  16. Hi Sandra.... Prom dresses woo,hoo.... Not once but twice.... went with my only jeans granddaughter, it was a very hard task getting her to try anything on but eventually the "has to be long" ended up knee length and to top it all managed to get her 5' 9" frame into a pair of kitten heels. Have fun but I bet you will be
    very emotional when you see them all togged up.

    1. They are can very picky pair, very plain Janes!!
      It will be hugely emotional seeing them dressed up!
      They are quiet girls, you will have noticed on holiday they don't really 'run with the crowd' like moist other teenagers, they prefer a board game or movie night at home really!!
      I have given up looking for today though, its lovely having you pop in each day and commenting too, thankm you xxxx

  17. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing Maria & Johanna's cards they are lovely. Good luck with the dress shopping do not envy you. xx
    I tried playing boule this morning played for an hour then
    after coffee decided my gloves were rubbing on stitches so came home, via our local Works, bought a couple of bits, this card making gets to you doesn't it? must wait till Farnborough now.
    Sending hugs to all who are missing, has anybody heard from Maureen? Love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Its just too quiet without Maureen isn't it?!
      I emailed her last week and she said she was busy with family.
      Hopefully she will be back very soon.
      Sandra xx

  18. Hello ladies

    Lovely to see the challenge cards that missed the Sunday post - thank you Sandra for sharing these with us.

    It is lovely to see your comments about SET Craft - I will admit to being slightly biased as I did work for them at one time and am part of their Design Team; but Ben and his team work so hard to provide us crafters with probably the best prices and a quality of service second to none (in fact..... if Carling ran a craft shop ..... ),that they are always my first port of call even though I now live in Wiltshire.

    Must away now and try to work on an entry for the Sketch challenge.

    Take care of yourselves everyone (hope the prom dress quest went well)

    1. Hi Deborah,
      Where do you live in Wiltshire? I live in Swindon, Sue (Mrs.Badger) is my daughter, she introduced to the blog for I am very grateful as I have made a lovely lot of friends. I am new to card making I do more cross stitch but am getting the bug just as Sandra & Sue warned me.xx

    2. Hi Margaret

      I live in Shrewton, about 10 miles north of Salisbury, so not that far from you.

      I actually came to 'papercraft' from traditional hand embroidery and still find threads and fabrics just as interesting and addictive as all the wonderful papers, glues, glitters, embellishments and tools that are becoming available to crafters these days - it is lovely to 'chat' to people who have similar interests and to share our creations and knowledge .... I look forward to many happy days in the café ��

  19. Sandra, Beth is asking if she can do a challenge card? Would you mind?

    1. Of course, I would love to see what she makes of the design!
      Tell her I would be delighted to share her card,

  20. Good evening everyone
    Better late than never but have been quite busy today - managed to get the drive and pattios pressure washed - now its raining but its all nice and clean now, have got all the washing done and then went to have my hair cut - called at the shops on the way - must admit I sat down when I came back and fell asleep!
    Sandra The challenge cards are really lovely aren't they
    Have just finished my challenge card so I will photo it and send it off to you Sandra.
    Sheila - Oh my! Im jealous, I hope you enjoy your class with Martine Smith - I really love her work and the flowers she makes are gorgeous - you will have to tell us all about it.
    Norah your feet sound so painful - I agree with everyone else you should see a doctor in case they get infected. - By the way have you seen on the Loraine programme theres a competition for people to enter for writing childrens books - I thought of you straight away. Have a look on their website if you are interested.
    Sandra I hope you have success with the prom shopping - I still have my granddaughters prom photo, she looked gorgeous but then Im biased aren't I?
    Im going to watch Supervet shortly - its about a Newfoundland, and my son has 3 - they are big dogs but when they are asleep you wouldn't know they were there, all curled up in a corner - they are so good with children too.
    Val Im glad you had a lovely birthday - not too long and you will see them again.
    Big hugs for anyone struggling at the moment,
    Will be in tomorrow
    Hugs Jean xx

  21. Hello Sandra and all, sorry to be so late but didn't have a very good day so have just slept and taken meds.
    I like your cards Johanna ,love the Golden Oldies. Think I got some in a box.Will have a look tomorrow.
    Oh it will be grand to see your girls in their prom dresses Sandra when they are bought. Hope you can get some not to costly as you have two to buy for.
    Val, glad you had a nice birthday. Remember since you now has walked through the doors to the Cotswold Cafe' , you will never be on your own again. There is always someone here to talk, shout and moan to.
    Michele, glad you better. Take care.
    Hazel, good idea about a hotel for our next meet-up with some really nice comfy chairs. Only one problem we might stay the night :)
    Where is our Muriel, I hope she is all right ?
    OH has just brought me a hot chocolate so I sending warm hugs to you all and see you in the morning Xxxxx

  22. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Sandra I'm sure you Sophie and Lucy will have a great time looking for their prom dresses, are there tastes similar? I wish I could be a fly on the wall, I think you're going to have great fun.

    Well we've had a quiet day here today the children had quite an exhausting weekend and a full day yesterday so today have been happy to just chill out, the teenage granddaughter has gone to the gym. She has been revising all day, so it will do her good to get out. Daughter left me some sewing to do (mending) so I have been occupied. John has been helping Callum sort out some wiring in his den, and Ciara has been her usual busy self, just now she is reading. She is so good at keeping herself occupied.

    Thank you for showing us these lovely cards today, they deserve to have their moment are all gorgeous.

    Sending love and hugs to all our absent friends, Saba, Margaret CO, Patricia I hope you are all well. If I have missed anyone I apologise, so this message is also for YOU xxx

    What a numpty I am have just picked up iPad and realised I hadn't pressed publish. This message should have reached the blog just after 5pm!
    Better say night night while I'm here.
    Sleep well everyone, love Brenda xxx

  23. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I know I'm very late but I did leave a comment a 5pm but looks like it's gone floating in space.
    SANDRA any luck yet with girls dresses rather you than me espesily having to buy too have you thought of going down the hire root.
    The cards today are all lovely. Started challenge card looked easy but still strugling a litte, I never think my cards are any good lack of confidence.
    NORAH your poor feet they sound soooo painfull you should go to the doctors for some antibiotics .you don't want to have infections in them.
    I started coughing this morning & has got worse as the days gone on so me thinks a bad night on the cards also think I need some TENNA LADIES HiHi.
    Gentle Hug's for SABA thinking of you my friend xxxxwe
    are missing a few friends I hope you are all ok.
    See you all tomorrow take care Hug's Lynda xx
