
Monday 15 February 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

The Sketch

My Sketch Challenge Card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I have gone for something a little simpler this week, to give your poor brains a rest, 
this sketch is also a good way of using some of your patterned papers, (if you have as many as I do that won't be a problem)!
You can choose anything you like to go in the circle part of the card, a large flower or a topper of some description, its totally your choice and as usual you can embellish to your hearts content!!

I hope that you enjoy this weeks design. 

How do you all feel about experimenting with different cards shapes, easel cards, gatefold cards etc??

Half term this week so a chilled out vibe in our house, Lucy seems to be slowly making a recovery from her almost two week virus, I personally think they are put under way too much stress at school these days, the sole focus seems to be getting them off to University, I personally feel that that isn't the right choice for every child!
Rant over, soap box back in its usual place!

To our absent friends I send love and hugs, you are all very much missed, please hurry back soon. XXXX

Love and Hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely card & a much easier sketch challenge!

    I was in bed by 9pm last night & slept right through, just have a headache this morning but that's nothing new.


    1. Morning Michele
      Pleased you're feeling better so fingers crossed that you have a reasonably quiet day at work today or am I really on another Planet? Hugs xxxx

    2. Hi Michele. Glad you managed to have a good nights sleep. Hope your headache eases off as the day wears on. I dont know what you do in work but hope you can take it easy.
      Val x

    3. Hi Michelle
      I'm glad your headache eased off a bit before you went to work. I wonder if it will stay that way while your at work. Take care.

    4. Hi Michele, I hope you had a good day and that your headache didn't get any worse.
      Are you off to Leigh this weekend for a bit of retail therapy??

  2. Hello Sandra and all, love to days challenge,was only thinking yesterday I wish I could use some of my lovely papers, so this will be just the job.
    Very cold ,but NO rain, first day dry for ages. Lovely to wake and not have to put the light on.
    Glad you're feeling better Michele, hope you have an easy day at work.
    Have a lovely half term with the girls Sandra, I agree with about schools and universities, definitely not the right choice for all, especially those not so academically gifted.
    Have to catch up work wise today,as had several days off last week.
    I visited my Sister on Friday at the main hospital, she was still on a drip and seemed quite poorly, but they moved her back to the local hospital that evening!!!! Now most of her things have gone missing ( glasses, kindle , and her nighties ) so she is just sitting in a chair not doing anything, her daughter is trying to find out what happened to her things, really very annoying.

    Hope everyone has a good day, will ponder the sketch while I am working.
    Hugs abound, take care if you have snow, and have to go out.

    1. Oh Lillian I hope your sisters belongings are found, being ill is enough without added distress
      Hugs Jean xx

    2. Morning Lilian - pleased your Sister is once again near you and in a smaller hospital where she can be looked after much better but sorry to hear that so much has gone walkabout. People don't seem to take as much care about other belongings as they used to and glasses and such objects as Kindles are expensive. Hope your Niece gets things sorted and quickly. Hugs xxxx

    3. Morning Lilian, Hope your sisters belonging turning up and she beginning to get a bit better again when now back at the smaller place. You take care xxx

    4. So sorry about your sister's personal belongings! That is so distressing. I hope she makes some progress very soon. Xxx

    5. Hi Lilian,
      Pleased to hear your sister is back at your local hospital but sorry to hear her belongings have gone walkabout, hope your niece is able to sort it soon.xx

    6. Hi Lilain,
      So sorry your sister's belongings went walkabout. For all the hospital visits and appointments I have made over the last 4 years to Musgrove, we are issued with a Patients Property bag or basket with our name attached and that should follow us when we go to different departments and on transference to another hospital. It is the responsibility of the charge nurses to ensure that this happens if we are not disposed to do for our selves. I hope the hospital finds them soon, failing that make sure you put in a claim on her behalf. x

    7. Hi Lilian
      I'm so pleased that your sister is now back in a smaller hospital near her family. But it must be distressing to find that her belongings have gone walkabout. If they're not found make sure you make a claim, as these things are expensive.

    8. Hi Lilian
      I'm pleased your Sister is back in the small hospital & near her family
      Hope you find her belongings soon how horrible & disstressing for her.
      When my mum was in hospital they lost her glasses & her hearing aid we never got them back either before she passed away.a year later.

  3. Good morning everyone
    Sandra this is a lovely sketch, I like your version of it as the colours are amongst my favourites.
    All back to normal ( haha) this week so should get some playtime,, didn't get much last week. It's very cold here this morning and we had a frost ivernight but no snow so that's something, like Hazel I'm nervous when its slippery.
    Michele glad you feel a bit better.
    Will be back later,
    Hugs to all our absent friends and anybody else who needs one
    Jean xx

    1. Morning Jean, glad you had nice weekend with Nic.
      Have a 'normal' day whatever that is these days hihi
      Have a nice day xxx

    2. Hi Jean
      Can you let me know what a normal day is please. Im not normal myself anyway, as anyone will tell you. I'm glad you had a nice weekend with Nic.

    3. Hello Jean glad your weekend with Nik went well. I'm with Pat as I'm not normal either so I would like you to let me know what a normal day is please. Xxx

  4. Morning Everyone
    Well we have a very cold but wonderfully dry morning here with a little sunshine so I'm hoping that white stuff stays well away though having looked at the Country File Weather Forecast last evening that just might change.

    SANDRA - have a good half term and I hope Lucy and Sophie can have some playtime and not spend all of the week in revision. It was half term last week around here so it's back to normal this morning.

    I love the look of this week's Challenge so will see what I can get out of it.

    I'm up for any shaped cards. I love to ring the changes from squares so it's a YES from me.

    We went to the Range yesterday morning and I came back with one or two essentials. I really do enjoy that shop (a little too much according to someone very close to me). As I didn't pay for anything do these items come under our 'Guilty Secret' banner? I might be brave and take a picture of my crafting space though I really do not know what you will think of it if I do.

    Everything is set for the day here in the Cafe. So pleased there are no leftovers from yesterday lunchtime so I can only assume you all enjoyed.

    Hugs are in their usual place so please help yourselves and to all absentees you're all in my thoughts and prayers. Come back soon. xxxx

    1. Oh how lovely to hear there is another Range aficionado in the café. I too find that 'things' just happen to appear in my basket when I am not looking. xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    This weeks challenge will be so much easier than last weeks. As you could see from my entry I hadn't even finished it, had the main bits laid out but not glued when I sent you a picture at silly o'clock (and didn't even notice the 6 had moved!) I am aiming to add a "You are no. 1" sentiment after matting etc. The rest of the challenge cards were beautiful, once again souch inspiration from you clever ladies : )
    Hopefully this week I will get it done earlier. I have quite a lot of pretty patterned papers, its daft that we don't use them more isn't it.
    We had a very busy weekend with Chris Jnr. He is teething and has a cold and cough so at times hasn't been too happy bless him.
    Maria, Brenda and Karen, I hope your throats and bottoms are not too sore, glad that you managed to have a meet up on Sat. Hopefully we ( me, Sandra, Pat and Mum) will be able to meet up with you all next time too.
    Maria, your holiday location looked stunning, thank you for sharing with us : )
    Michele, I hope your headache has already gone, take it as easy as you can at work, these bugs keep rearing back up don't they.
    Sending hugs to Barbara and all that are struggling at the moment.
    Sandra, it is easy to forget to try different card shapes isn't it, but I do like to try other folds etc.
    Off to the dentist for a check up this morning, fingers crossed I won't need any work doing!
    Please stay safe if you have to venture out in the snow those of you that have it. It is a sunny but cold day here, at the moment, no threat of snow so we are lucky. Take care xx

  6. Still trying to get to grips with how to reply to comments etc..... just wanted to say that the card shown by Myra with the shoe I thought was super. Will I find my way back here later? Lap of the gods...... This morning husband has to go to B & Q at Basingstoke, how fortunate that Hobbycraft is nearby and that it would be nice if I came with him!!!! Mustn't get too excited need to save my pennies for Farnborough 5, not long now Sandra will be interesting seeing us with clothes on ha ha . Angela X

    1. Hi Angela, good we know how to read the last sentence hihi. Enjoy Hobbycraft. Hope to see you back in later so you can tell us of any bargains,hugs xxx

    2. Thank you Angela that's very kind of you! The shoe die was free with Crafts Beautiful Magazine. It's a Tattered Lace one but I'm sure you know that. Xxx

    3. Hi Angela
      I hope you find your way back here later.
      Good job I know what your on about regarding having clothes on when you meet.

    4. Hi Angela,
      don't forget to photograph your purchases and send them in to me, we have our weekly 'confessional' where we own up to our recent purchases, I think that you should cleanse your soul to and take part!
      I don't think that Swimwear will be warm enough for Farnborough Angela, also you could wear your flip-flops to show off your immaculately painted toe nails!!

  7. Morning Sandra and anyone popping in today. Anyone having the kids home during halfterm, have great fun.
    Yes ! an easier sketch she say's hihi No, it looks fine and I have so many bits laying around so that will work.
    We also had a very cold night and the frost is still here this morning with a nice blue sky and sunshine. I would enjoy it more if we not as you Sue having the Dentist this morning, fingers crossed for us all.
    I raise a mug of tea this morning for our missing friends, and hope you feel up to come back soon.
    Good to see you back Sheila, sending you a warm hug.
    I better get ready but hope to see you later, love and hugs Maria XxXx

    1. Maria I forgot to say I loved the photo of your holiday! It looked lovely! Xxx

    2. HinMaria
      Love the photo of your holiday, did ask but don't know if you replied, where did you stay in Zell am Zee?. We stayed at the Grabd.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra the sketch this week looks much easier thank you. I am willing to have a go at any shape, I like a challenge.
    Hope Lucy & Sophie enjoy their week, take care xx.
    Sue & Maria hope the dentist visits do not throw up any nasty surprises.xx
    Special hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies, were you spying on our scrapbook crop yesterday Sandra lol! this is so much like the sketch we did, oh this is easy everyone said, no it wasn't. Every time we think something is easy, it takes twice as long
    to finish.
    Hope everyone is ok, according to the weather forecast we are in for a lot of snow. Take care if you are out and about. Xxx

    1. How funny, its usually Hazel that I have 'synced'up,
      with it being an unusual layout I thought that the chances of anyone having done it already would be very low!
      I look forward to seeing your card, I loved your card this week.
      Do you get chance to craft while you are at your friends shop?
      I would be like a kid in a sweet shop!
      Love and hugs

  10. Hello Sandra,
    Today's challenge should be fairly straightforward! Says she hopefully!!
    I've got no after school club today which is wonderful! I do still have a decorator though! Some things are sent to try us!!
    We have a lovely sunny day here again but very cold! It's lovely to have sunshine though. Even it it does show up my dirty windows!
    Take care everyone particularly if you are out and about where is has been frosty!
    Hazel - I do hope your dear husband is feeling better this morning!

  11. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Sandra I hope you have a lovely half term week with Sophie and Lucy, Quality time you just can't beat it, has Paul got any time off this week?

    Today's challenge looks achievable - even for me!! I will have to get a wiggle on though because this week we at younger daughters to look after the children. I will try to fit it around feeding them etc. Ciara's craft stash will need to be raided (although I did pack some of my own bits) will se what I can come up with.

    We had a great day yesterday to celebrate Samuels 14th Birthday, the whole family was there, all six grandchildren children together it was brilliant. Age range 20 to 9 years old yet they all interact so well.

    Hope you are all feelings well, but if you are feeling under the weather sending special virtual hugs - just for you xx

    Have a good day whatever you are doing. Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad you had a great day yesterday with the family.

  12. Good afternoon ladies, we have another beautiful day here, cold but sunny .
    Managed to go to Pilates this morning I was a bit wary with my back being a bit dodgy but feel it's done it some good, then we went to Bridge Cafe in Poolewe , who were doing an " all proceeds going to charity" day , so a friend and I helped by having some coffee and cake ( weren't we good, ha ha !) it was delicious .
    Sandra , I like the look of this week's challenge so must give it a go, I'm also happy for any shape of card.
    I had new kitchen blinds delivered on Friday and Iain put them up yesterday only to discover the pattern ( check ) is running off , over an inch in the large window size and about 1/2 inch in the small one , very obvious on the across stripe as you can imagine , it's from an English company , I ordered on line and now have to find out what can be done?
    Lilian , I hope your sister gets her belongings back as that must be really upsetting for her, but it's good she's nearer you again.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. HinAnn
      Pilates lesson, don't think I could manage that. To lazy I think. How annoying with regards to your blinds. I hope you manage to get them sorted.

    2. I love Poolewe Anne! I need to go again!
      Sorry about the blinds. That's just so annoying! Your eye would go to that fault each time! Hope you get it sorted.

    3. Hi ANNE I hope you get your blinds sorted out how annoying for you.
      Don't think I could do Pilates sounds very physical for me. Xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all. Love the scetch and you example. Looks easy but I'll see what happens when I try it out. I usually stick to straightforward square cards but shaped cards should be interesting.
    Have a good week with your daughters around you Sandra.
    Its th last day of my son and DIL's visit today as they fly back to UK early in the morning. We have been to Benidorm for the day. Had a great time. Sat at a cafe on the beach front and watched the world go by. Some brave souls in bikinis venturing into the water. Brrr, must be mad. Then we walked along the road looking in the shops. My son bought some cigarettes and plastic bottles of alcohol to take back. We are meeting my daughter and SIL later when theyve finished work and going for yet another meal. I shall be so sad to see them go but happily I go back in a fewvweeks for a holiday so I'll see them again then.
    Take care everyone and enjoy your evening.
    Bye Val x

    1. Hi Val glad you have had a lovely time with your Son & DIL enjoy your meal with them & your daughter & SIL tonight. Does your daughter live far from you. Wish your Son a good flight home.
      Lynda xxx

  14. Good afternoon, Sandra and ladies, I was sure I had left a comment. Been busy, as I have been asked to make a few cards, just about there, husband suffering cabin fever so we went out of a dog walk together, he was fine then this afternoon he has gone back to his bed. Sleep is a good healer so I will leave him be. Off to get things ready for tea. xxx

  15. Afternoon All

    Sorry to read of the misfortunes and illnesses being experienced by some of the café members, my healing thoughts and wishes are speeding your way.

    Can someone let this 'newbie' know how to take part in the Sketch Challenge - it looks great fun.

    Take good care All, see you tomorrow :)

    1. Hi Deborah,

      For the sketch challenge, you make a card to the design that Sandra has challenged us with, take a photo of your finished card and send it via email to Sandra. x

    2. Brilliant - thanks for your help Cheryl :)

    3. That's the way you do it?!!!!!!!�� did think there would be some box to tick on the blog, kept looking didn't like to think I had missed the obvious and sent my photos to Sandra at home. thks to,you both all clear now.

    4. Hi Deborah,
      I would love you to take part in this weeks challenge and you Angela, just use the basic sketch layout, add your personal flair, embellish to your hearts content and photograph it (i use my tablet), then email it to me at

      I am so excited to see your designs, also if you can let me have you email address etc I can add you to our blog friends contact list, (only in you want to).
      I would love your birthdays to, so that I can celebrate your special day here on the blog!
      love and hugs

  16. Hi Sandra
    Well half term is upon us. So I hope you have a lovely week with the girls. Well, apparently Ellis will be coming home. When talking to Doreen she did say, well I'd like him at home, but the hospital Social Worker delved no further then that. Although they knew she doesn't think she can cope. So his bed was being ordered by the Occupational Therapist. I'll have to find out whether Ellis has a Social Worker. He was supposed to have one when they decided he needed help at home, but they're never seen one or spoken to one. She'll need this contact when he's at home. Watch this space.
    This challenge looks easier than last weeks Sandra. Wonder if I'll have time to do a card. Had to pop up to Doreen's to sort tables out for her this afternoon. Will look back at the comments when I've finished this.

    1. Hello Pat. I did reply 30/1 card candi day, we stayed more or less across the road from the Grand. It was the Romantic Hotel. Stayed there about 12/13 years ago and it hadn't changed much except a bigger dining room. Nice family run hotel.
      Hope all goes well for Ellis and Doreen and you take care, hugs to you and Pete xxx

  17. Afternoon ladies,

    Well, weekend did not go as planned and I didn't manage to get the last week's challenge done.
    Panto's FINAl technical and Dress rehearsals were not good, not the professionalism I have witnessed over many previous years. My job as prompt was sorely tested by glares, sneery remarks and complete indifference at times. "oh no they didn't, Oh yes they did". Considering I have given up my free time to step into someone else's role to help out, I almost blew a fuse.
    Trouble is, once the 'stars' have been given leeway to ignore what they didn't like, they carry on regardless to the detriment of other players who cannot get their lines out in the correct sequence. Their first performance to a paying public is on Wednesday so I think the term 'break a leg' might come in handy.

    Had a lovely walk along the towpath at Avalon Marshes near Shapwick this morning where I saw a beautiful heron flying past. For such ungainly looking birds with their long legs and necks, they certainly look gorgeous whilst in the air. Their necks are almost folded in half to support their heads and their legs are tucked right up.
    True nature at its finest.

    Off to do some more clearing out of the guest room before tea, I shall have nothing left at this rate! But it is so cathartic getting rid of items no longer needed or useful.
    I'll try and pop in every day whilst panto is running.
    Loving thoughts, prayers and hugs to all café chums who need them.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Lovely to see you so to speak. Hope opening night goes ok, or the paying public won't be happy. Sounds like chaos reigns at the pan to. I'm glad you had a little very walk. Wish Pete would get rid of some of our rubbish.

    2. Hello Cheryl my Dear Friend
      I know just how you feel re the Panto Mob. Having been connected with our Local Drama Group for well over 50yrs and doing anything and everything and I mean that and now am just a Patron I have experienced everything. The only words I would say is -keep calm; and try and enjoy this year's Panto. You don't have to do next year's if you don't want.
      Lovely to hear you had a good walk this morning that's got to be the best for you seeing Mother nature at her best. Hugs xxxx

    3. Hi Cheryl,
      I belonged to the drama group when we lived in the same village where Sue lives, I was a member for 30 odd years & used to do any thing back stage, although only prompt once I found it too nerve racking, my favourite role was Stage Manager. We always said that a bad tech & dress rehearsal meant a good first night. As you said " Break a Leg". Will think of you Wednesday.
      Hugs on way love Margaret xx

    4. Bless you Cheryl, you must have one very well bitten tongue!!!
      why oh why to people get such grand opinions of themselves, its only a panto, I thought they were supposed to be fun, for cast, crew and audience!!
      I sincerely hope that it doesn't end up causing you stress, you took in on to improve your life, to help overcome your agoraphobia, the last thing you want is for it to end up driving you back indoors!
      Glad to read that mother nature blew away your cobwebs!!
      It was so lovely having you back in the cafe this morning, I love reading about antics!
      Love and huge hugs

    5. Hi CHERYL sorry rehearsals are not going well but hopefully will be fine on Wednesday please don't stress & keep calm my dear friend. Glad you had a good walk this morning. Xxx

    6. Hi Cheryl, some people can be so rude and nasty.Hope you be ok and the show will go on. Lets break a leg on Wednesday and lets it be a good day.
      Beautiful walk you had, the heron is a graceful bird. Take care xxx

  18. Hello all. I am still struggling to find time to leave comments. Still knitting like crazy Baby number 3 out of 7 arrived last Thu evening
    Had a great meet up with Brenda and Maria. Time REALLY flew that day. It'd be lovely to see you and the others MRS B next time. I am hoping to go to Ally Pally in April That'll depend on whether or not the grandchild has/is making its arrival then. So I hope to meet a few more of you.
    Went to Trafalgar Square yesterday to see the Chinese New Year celebrations It is the year of the monkey. I was born in the year of the monkey, so was my son and so will the grandchild!
    YOUR CHALLENGE CARDS WERE AMAZING LADIES! I missed the deadline again - see time is disappearing I will try better this week.
    SANDRA I agree totally with you re uni. My son did the job he loved He wanted to be a zoo keeper from the age of 4 and although my daughter could have - they changed the details of the course she wanted to do and changed tack in her gap year and hasn't looked back She is thriving
    I, too, like the idea of shaped cards. I might not make deadlines etc but it does get my brain cells working as Maria and Brenda know
    LILIAN I do hope your sister's things turn up.
    After spending over 3 hours at a hosp appt this morning and a fortune on taxis I must now get on with dinner AND get ready for my daughter's last Monday Salsa night for next few months
    Take care all

    1. Hi Karen
      Hope the knitting gets finished soon. I'm glad you had a great meet up with Maria and Brenda. They're lovely very ladies. Hope to see you at Ally Pally babies permitting. If not as Mrs B said we hope you meet up in Watford when you all next meet up.

    2. Hi Karen my goodness wat a lot of babies are there sparks coming off your needles hehe. Glad you enjoyed your meet up with MARIA & BRENDA.I'm hoping to go AP in April. xxxx

    3. Oh Karen I can hear the knitting needles working all the way to hear. Did you manage to get the wool you were after ? We really need to find a softer and quieter place next time for the meet-up , my bottom is still hurting and ears are still ringing. And the others thought we are the noisy bunch, nooooo. Hope the Salsa night was good ? take care,hugs xxx

  19. Afternoon Ladies

    I'm finally feeling better, my headache lifted about 4pm & with it went the dizziness/nausea. I need to call at the Post Office but as I parked (5.20pm) I found they had already shut-very annoying. I ordered the special edition of Diecutting Essentials magazine over a week ago & have only just had a card to say the Post Office have tried to deliver it so I'll have to collect that before work.
    I'll send a photo of it with the freebies in to Sandra so you can all see it.


    1. Hi MICHELE I think I saw that magazine in WH Smith today did it have the heart die with it I was going to buy it but at £ 9.9 bit pricey for me.
      Hope you enjoy it. Xx

  20. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Sorry haven't looked at comments yet as takes to long to get here so will read them later. I have been to the eye clinic today as usual had over an hour wait after appointment time of 11am. Then test after test with different doctors & nurses so got home a 4.30shattered & fell asleep. CHALLANGE card looks ok I think.
    will call in later just going to have dinner very late today. xxxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      you must be exhausted, hospitals are so draining aren't they, not sure if its the stress of waiting around or the lighting, I am not surprised you fell asleep after 5 and a half hours, take it easy tonight or you are sure to end up feeling rough tomorrow my lovely.
      huge hugs on their way to Broadstairs !!!

    2. Thank you Sandra I noticed you have feedjit & saw someone from Broadstairs was calling in HaHa. (Was that me )
      Yes hospital is so tiring just sitting about but the annoying thing is if your late for a appointment they moan.Did you had a nice day with the girls home,hope they haven't got too much homework while on holiday. Have you got any plans for the week Sandra What ever you do enjoy having your babies home. Take care my friend
      Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    3. Hi Lynda, with all that testing we will hope you come out on the right side. Need a eye test but keep delaying it, at least all the teeth's are fine another six month. You have a rest tomorrow xxx

  21. WARNING DON'T OPEN EMAIL FROM NHS FORTH VALLEY, I got it and so did Maria I believe.
    I am not sure what it is!
    I just want to be cautious,

  22. Hi Sandra and everyone. Sorry it's a late/quick visit tonight. Just wanted to pop in after a busy day to see the sketch challenge. Hopefully I will have more time tomorrow to have a look in and start thinking about a creation to take part. When is the latest date to submit and can you just confirm where to send, please. Thankyou muchly!
    Hope everyone is well (sorry haven't had chance to read all comments).
    A big Thankyou to you Sandra for your lovely comment on my blog. I did try to reply to you on my blog, but wouldn't let me comment using blogger :-( Haven't got a clue what's going on there - have been having a few probs with blogger this last week and need to look into it!!
    Hugs xx

    1. Hi Sandra. Thought I'd just have another go at replying on my blog, and it done it straight away! Don't know if it's just me or the ipad! Lol. It has been a long day........
      Hugs xx
