
Sunday 14 February 2016

Sketch Challenge Cards & Happy Birthday Val x

xxx Happy 'big' Birthday Val xxx
The Sketch 

 My stacked gift Challenge Card

My Cake Challenge card

 Margaret P. Challenge card

Lynda's Challenge card

Jean's Challenge card

 Myra's Challenge Card

Anne's Challenge Card

Hazel's challenge card

Lilian Challenge Card

 Michele's Challenge Card

 Janet's Challenge Card 

Jess's Challenge Card

 Maria's Challenge Card
Sue's challenge card
Johanna's Challenge Card

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Firstly today I would like to wish our dear friend Val a very happy 'BIG' Birthday and many happy returns, have a fantastic day with your family xxxx

Now ladies, you really have pulled out all of the stops for this weeks challenge,
It was one of those that looked simple, but in actual fact was trickier than we thought, which makes it even more amazing that you have all managed something so fabulous!
Hazel was first past the post with her totally bespoke 'Evans Removals' card, we have seen a fair few of them over the years, haven't we Hazel?!  Fantastic card x
Michele was next with her stacked gift box card, totally unique too, well done Michele xx
Lynda, your stacked gift card is so pretty, those flowers add the delicate touch xx
Lilian's gorgeous cake, decorated beautifully, looks like you could cut a slice xx
Janet went very 'oh la la' with her pretty dancing girl card, I bet its modelled on you eh Janet?!! Xx
Jess went for the romantic Valentine card, I love your boxes of hearts, genius combining the two Jess well done xx
Maria, I love your cute Christmas card, that little hedgehog is adorable and those cookies down the side look edible ! Xx
Margaret P, woo hoo, who has some dies to play with now then?? Fab card, even better that you did while incapacitated, love it ! Xx
Jean, your gorgeous Baby Boy card is amazing, hopefully come in handy soon?! Xx
Myra, Fabulous Shoes, what more can a girl ask for? Brilliant idea xx
Anne, Such a pretty card, Patch and Puss I think from Lilli of the Valley, such a pretty background too xxx

Thank you all for taking part xxx

I will be featuring Three more craft spaces this coming week, so look out for those, any of you that still want to take part send in your photos xx

I will be back tomorrow with another Monday Sketch Challenge !!

Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and ladies. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! VAL, have a wonderful day with your family.
    What a great collection of cards on display and again not two the same. Goes to show all our different thought on this challenge.
    Well we have had a covering of snow, but what worries me is what is under it, I have a feeling it's ice, not good when I have to do the dog walking!!! I will be driving round to the priory today again, as our pavements are so smooth they are dangerous, they redid them not so long ago, but who every decided to smooth tar them mustn't walk much in the winter.
    The quicker Charlie gets better and takes over his duties again the better, I will not complain about thinking he does very little. It's the little things that add up, I don't know how I managed when he was working and I did everything by myself ad worked full time. We will get there, he could have caught these shingles in the better weather as I could have got out early walking Harris and not worried about slipping. The other thing is he isn't eating what I call proper food, just wanting light snack food, granted he doesn't feel great, but it's knowing what to give him. It's like when the children had chickenpox they were so uncomfortable they didn't know what they wanted! I have got myself a cup of tea so I am off to sit in the corner by the heater and see who comes in. xxx

    1. Hope Charlie feels better soon , it's worrying when they are not eating properly.
      Love your challenge card! Wasn't happy with my own.xo

    2. Thank you Anne. The only good thing is Charlie had out on a bit of weight, so he can afford to loose some, but it's still a worry, he is not a big eater at all, but doesn't eat rubbish food. It's getting him to eat something as he is taking tablets, and especially the painkillers. xxx

    3. Hi Hazel, hope Charlie soon feels better, I understand they are very painful, so painkillers needed, but not everyone can tolerate them, send him our best wishes, and you take care on those slippery surfaces.

    4. Hello Hazel,
      Your card made me smile! You were thinking outside the box again!!
      Sorry Charlie feeling so poorly and especially not wanting to eat much. Hope he feels better soon. Take care while out and about! Xxxx

    5. Hi Hazel I love your card made me laugh out loud. Wish Charlie a speedy recovery & hope he feels like eating soon. You take care Hazel taking Harris for a walk. Xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    A Very Happy Birthday Val - have a wonderful day.

    I love seeing what everyone does with the Challenge and this week's entries are just wonderful. All so different. Who would think that so many different takes on the same shape could be achieved. Looking forward to seeing tomorrow's Challenge.

    HAZEL - You're having a stressful time on all fronts my Dear Friend. It is very difficult to feed someone who is so uncomfortable and poorly but as long as Charlie is eating and drinking something even though not 'proper' food I'm sure he will start on your good home cooking when he starts to feel better. Shingles is horrible and so painful too. Hugs for both of you with an extra one for Charlie that's if I'm allowed to do that lol. Take care we don't want you falling and Harris having to call out the rescue

    We had a lovely afternoon yesterday -very noisy and loud but so lovely to see toddler cousins playing and sharing -I'm sure that will change as they grow older but for now they just love each other. My Grandson and Granddaughter live next door to each other so the children see each other every day. I had lots of cuddles and spent quite a long time nursing my latest Great Granddaughter. So today is going to be a slow easy day. We just might pop to the Range this morning to see what they have in their craft section and to buy some bird food.

    I went into 'The Works' book shop yesterday morning and noticed that they have 12 x 12 paper pads in for £4 at the moment so if anyone is in need it might be worth having a look.

    All's up and running in the Cafe and we have Home made Vegetable soup with fresh rolls for lunch today. I only hope I've made enough for everyone.

    I've left plenty of hugs in the basket by the door and sent one or two on their way to those lovely Cafe Friends who are absent at the moment. We're here when you feel ready to visit.

    1. Hi Janet, glad you had a great day yesterday.
      I had two of those paper pads for Christmas from my friend , they are surprisingly good quality

    2. JANET glad you had a lovely time at the party with lots of cuddles.
      Those paper pads are very quality I got one last week not that I needed more card haha. Xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Val- hope you have a fantastic day.

    Great selection of cards for the challenge.

    I'm not feeling too good this morning-was sick all night. Not sure if it was the takeaway or having wine with it but all I know is I feel rough. I feel light headed which is making me feel nauseous so I think I'll go for a lie down.


    1. Sorry you're feeling poorly, have an easy day, keep up the fluids if you can

    2. Michele just take it quiet today, keep fluids up & please no work tomorrow if you still feel under the weather, far better to really get well first. sending you gentle hugs Margaret xx

    3. Oh Michele im so sorry your not feeling well again just rest & don't go to work tomorrow maybe you went back too soon.
      Healing Hug's xxx

  4. Good morning Ladies , another beautiful day here!
    The craft spaces and rooms shown yesterday were brilliant , it's amazing how we all can find our own space when we need to, I can't show mine at the moment as it looks like an explosion in a paper factory!
    Great selection of cards today , all wonderfully different, I'm looking forward to finding out what Sandra 's challenge is for us tomorrow..
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL! You look Great in your photo! xo
    We are going to the clubhouse this afternoon as they are doing a Valentines Dinner, saves the wives cooking!
    Enjoy your day folks, love and hugs xoxo

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a great selection of cards & all different, looking forward to this weeks.xx
    Val wishing you a very Happy Birthday you look great in the photo, enjoy your day with family.
    Hugs on way to all who need them especially Barbara & Sheila love Margaret xx

  6. Good morning Sandra and everyone coming in today.
    A Big Happy Birthday Val ! Have a wonderful day.Lovely photo, who is that you holding ?
    Wow, have a look at all the different takes on one sketch,they are all fabulous.
    Hazel- you take it very slowly when going out with Harris. Have you got some walking sticks, I always find they help a little when it's icy out. Wish Charlie better and a very gentle cuddle from me.
    Janet- sound like it was a perfect birthday party Lol
    and you got to hold the youngest of them.
    Michele- you stay in bed today. Not good, you must have been so prone to anything after your cold so take it easy and get well soon.
    It's a lovely morning, very cold but so much better then the rain so we are going out for a walk, have to get some more fruit in and then this afternoon I'd like to start on my dad's birthday card (no more fish cards) Lol
    Have a nice day everyone, any special breakfast's this morning ? Love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi MARIA pleased you Karen & Brenda had a good time yesterday.& didn't get thrown out for being noisy HIHI. Loved your card & craft space yesterday. Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,

    A big happy birthday Val on this very special day hope you have a lovely time with your family. LOL

    What a brilliant response to the challenge, You ladies are so inspiring. My effort is still incomplete. Had hoped to finish it last night, but by the time I got home and we had our dinner I was just to tired to complete it.

    We are going to Essex today, youngest grandson there was 14 yesterday - where has the time gone? It will be lovely to see everyone.

    I hope what ever you are doing you have a lovely day.
    Love and hugs to everyone, Brendan XXX

    1. Have a lovely time with your grandson Brenda & family xx

  8. I have just added Sue's challenge card xx

  9. Hello Sandra,
    Good Morning All,
    What a lovely array of cards - all very different again! I intended to comment on the way down but I have run out of time for now.
    Glad you had a good day Janet? Take it easy today.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL !!!!!! Lovely photo!
    Sorry you aren't well, Michelle.
    Glad the Three Musketeers , Maria, Karen and Brenda had a good day yesterday!
    It's a lovely sunny day here again but a wee bit on the chilly side! Still, it's much much better than horrid rain!
    Hope you all have a lovely Valentine's Day!

  10. Good morning all you lovelies,
    Wow what a talented bunch of crafters you are all the cards....I will have a go soon but at the moment I've been busy making birthday cards which are needed PDQ. Just have to put the finishing touches to the second twin 50th birthday card then get them in the post tomorrow...dread the cost of sending them.
    Clive's birthday passed in a flash as I kept myself busy but I did treat myself to some beautiful pink and white roses when I spotted them in M&S...24 in all for £8, my bargain of the week! Clive was always buying me flowers so I thought it would cheer me up.
    Hazel I do hope Charlie is feeling better soon, shingles can be truly painful and it is a worry when they are off their food.
    Happy Big Birthday Val and what a beautiful photo you have shared with us.
    A very warm welcome to the lovely ladies joining us from SET crafts I do hope your visits continue.
    I miss Patricia sitting in the corner with her coffee hope you feel up to coming back soon.
    Barbara we're are missing you too and I'm sending you gentle hugs to you at this sad time.
    Well I must get a move on and get these cards finished for the post tomorrow.
    Have put extra special hugs in the basket for the time I've been missing so do bear with me.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

    1. Hello SHEILA pleased you got through Clive's birthday & kept busy your flowers sound lovely. Hope you get twins cards finished today.
      Take care my lovely friend xxxx

    2. Sheila I understand perfectly, the flowers in their way do bring comfort, I buy a bunch of flowers mid December for myself mid December and say nothing , to remember past sadness no one else wants reminded of, ( I think it's a woman thing) xoxo

  11. Hello All,
    Many Happy Returns Of the day Val, hope you have a lovely time.
    The challenge cards are all fab, show what a great craft card making is.
    Have just come back from Asda,very busy, lots of Men looking for something to buy for their partners.
    Very cold and wet, crafting today I think.
    Hope you all have a great day, and those that are under the weather will take comfort from all the hugs we are sending you.
    Will try and pop back later, hugs Lilian

  12. Hi Maureen,
    Are you ok you have been missed these last few days, miss your comments. Hugs on way love Margaret xx

  13. Hya Sandra and Ladies, firstly HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL, have a brilliant day, well i hope i have sent my pictures to you Sandra as i havn't a clue what i have done, lol, all the challenge day cards are fantastic, so many interpretations to look at, well i have a baby card to finish of so i will pop back later. hugs Johanna

    1. Johanna,
      WOW !!!!
      Thank you for all of the cards and craft room photos that you have sent, I have added your card too the others and I will feature your craft room along with three others later this week!
      Thank you again my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Johanna
      Your challenge card is lovely well done. I hope you get your baby card finished.
      Hug's Lynda xxx


  15. Hi Sandra and lovely ladies.
    First of thank you, everyone of you for you best wishes for my birthday. I am having a wonderful.
    For those of you wondering, I'm holding my little dogm Gracie in the photo. Its her birthday as well today and shes 5.
    I was really surprised going into the blog to see my photograph staring back at me I really have my photo taken but it was Christmas Day and my son had asked if it was sunny so it was taken to show hi the blue sky.
    I am sorry I'm not commenting on yur comments I'll be back to normal on Wednesday so will carch up then
    Take care everyone and do hope you feel better soon Michele.
    Loe Val x

    1. Hi Val hope your having a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY & a wonderful time.
      Gracie is so sweet.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  16. You can tell I'm not with it as I didnt comment on all the amazing cards. I cant believe you are all so inventive. The subject really floored me but youve all come up with your own unique interpretations you clever ladies you.
    Looking forward to see what you come up with next Sandra.
    Love Val x

  17. Hello ladies - I'm afraid I'm in too late for the Homemade Soup, but hopefully there is still some of Val's calorie-free Birthday Cake available ;)

    Many Happy Returns Val!! :)

    I must thank everyone for your lovely comments over the last two days - I apologise for running off yesterday to finish a project for my blog, but I had promised someone it would go up today; now it's done I can relax with a cuppa and enjoy the lovely cards in today's post.

    It is always a wonder to me how, from the same starting point, SO many different cards can be made. I really do congratulate you on the variety and quality of the cards produced and promise I will try to get involved really soon.

    Best wishes to all those feeling 'under the weather' - hopefully things will start to improve soon; I'm sure all the good wishes and positive thoughts from this supportive group can only aid recovery.

    Hope to see you tomorrow - take care all.

  18. Hi Sandra and everyone. Lovely selection of cards from your sketch challenge. All so beautiful and unique! Am looking forward to seeing tomorrow's sketch and maybe having a go! Hope everyone has had a lovely day, and sending Birthday wishes to Val - enjoy the rest of the day :-)
    Hugs xx

  19. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    First of all a,very happy birthday Val, hope you had a lovely day.
    Wow, what a super display of challenge cards, brilliant how we all did different interpretations of the same sketch, well done everyone.
    I've been to our monthly scrapbook crop today, it was good fun, good chat and catch up with everyone.
    The roads and pavements here are so slippy, but once you leave the street and join with the main roads, it is ok, they have been gritted and snow ploughed, I think they forget about us, we have to get to the main roads.
    Anyway soap box back in corner, take care everyone xxx

  20. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Wow yesterday's craft spaces were great BRENDA John has done an amazing job of your craft room so much storage how clever is he.
    SANDRA sorry didn't get in yesterday we visited friends at Sidcup a couple of hours from us for lunch. They foster & at the moment they have four & two boys are special needs it was so noisy so by the time we got home at 9.30 my head was banging so after a cup of tea I went to bed.
    Today's challenge cards are all wonderfull & all so different well done ladies.What has SANDRA got for us tomorrow I wonder.
    Haven't done a lot today it's been so cold with heavy rain & strong winds so stayed indoors & started on two birthday cards.
    Lovely to see you in today SHEILA Hug's hope Nikki's ok xxx
    MAUREEN hope your ok missing you xx
    SABA sending loveing Hug's xxx
    Hug's for all our missing friends xx
    Take care everyone Left some Hug's in the basket help yourself's.

    1. Ment to say I have left comments on the way down.

  21. Sandra I am happy all my pics turned up and I finished my baby card and I stood it up to return later to look at it, as you do, well I could have cried a I had
    Missed the one l from the middle of William and it took me ages to die cut the letters out for Jared William as I do them three times to make them stand proud and gluing them together, oh well back to the drawing board. Lol. hugs Johanna

  22. Sandra I am happy all my pics turned up and I finished my baby card and I stood it up to return later to look at it, as you do, well I could have cried a I had
    Missed the one l from the middle of William and it took me ages to die cut the letters out for Jared William as I do them three times to make them stand proud and gluing them together, oh well back to the drawing board. Lol. hugs Johanna

  23. Hello everyone
    It's late I know but we have had a really busy day, in and out then went out for tea with Nic before taking her back to her house.
    Well done everyone - the challenge cards are amazing - so many interpretentions
    Happy birthday Val, such a lovely photo.
    Good to see you Sheila, hope Nikki is doing ok.
    Hazel hope Charlie is more comfortable soon.
    Yes I miss Patricia sitting in the corner I'm sure she will be back when the weather improves - the days are starting to lengthen already.
    I'm ready for a cup of tea and then bed, tired tonight
    Hugs to anyone who needs them, hope you feel better Michele
    Jean xx
