
Friday 19 February 2016

 Sophie's 'Luke Dixon' style  drawing of Becca

The photo the drawing was based on

Ciara's Card for  her Grandma
The incredibly detailed back of the card

Good Morning Ladies,

As it's the last day of the holidays I thought I would feature the work of some of our younger blog members.  

The first picture is a Linea portrait in the style of Artist Luke Dixon of my eldest daughter Rebecca, drawn by Sophie as part of her GCSE Art Project titled 'Outline'.
Below it is the photograph of Rebecca (so beautiful) which Sophie used as her 'subject'.  Sophie has almost finished one of her Dad too, which is equally as incredible.  Sophie, we are so very proud of your amazing talent xxxx

Next up we have an amazing card designed by Ciara (Brenda Lello's Granddaughter) for her Grandma.  Ciara, I love your design, the lovely balloons spelling out 'Nanny' is a fantastic way of putting a name on your card, I also love your Union Jacks at the bottom, what an brilliant design, you haven't stopped there though have you, the back of your card is so clever, you have used your name for the company name, you even put a bar code on and put the little bit at the bottom to say that your paper was responsibly sourced!!  your attention to detail is just amazing Ciara, I can't wait to see your next card, make sure Grandma gets a photo to send in to me so I can put it on the blog.  Thank you Ciara for allowing me to share your card xxxx

We have some mores craft rooms to show tomorrow, Janet have you sent me your photos yet?? I am looking forward to seeing your craft space!  Anyone else is also welcome to send theirs in too, the messier the better! Haha 

Sending hugs to all those under the weather and our absent friends too xxxx

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sophie-your picture is stunning, will it be a gift to your sister?

    Ciara- what a really lovely card.

    Quick visit as I'm running late today. Will call back in tonight.


    1. Hi Michelle
      If your late is running away, I hope you catch up with it soon. Sorry bad joke. Well it was supposed to be a joke anyway. I've a funny sense of humour, must have caught it off of Pete.

  2. Good morning Sandra and anyone hopping in today, do stay for a drink and some of our lovely cakes and sandwiches. I hope Janet bringing in some of her soups, they are just to die for.
    I hope anyone still struggling with colds, ach-ies and everything in between feel a bit better today.
    Frosty morning here and the sun is coming up through the trees. Hopefully the Huggles will have some fun in the garden today running themselves tired so not jumping on the guests to much.
    Must run ,my SIL is on her way up here for the day so must get a 'wiggle' on and make the house presentable and the downstairs loo is out of order for us paupers today tihi . I wish you all a good day ! love and hugs, Maria xxxx

    1. So sorry ,how can I forget. Sophie's drawing of Rebecca is Amazing. She will be going far.Rebecca is a Beautiful girl.
      Ciara's card for Nanny is wonderful with so many details to a card you can buy in the shops with the bar code and everything , well done ! Big hug x

  3. Morning Everyone
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday but I was absolutely shattered by the time I got back from Derbyshire. What I didn't tell you was that we stayed overnight at Hassop Hall on Wednesday. We had the most beautiful meal and was looked after from arriving to leaving yesterday morning. Hassop Hall is a 5star privately owned hotel at Great Longstone Derbyshire. The Hall and surrounding buildings feature in the Doomsday Book and has only had five owners since the first hall was built in the 13th Century. It is the most beautiful building sitting within it's large estate. It was a wonderful way to celebrate two memorable birthdays.

    Anyway it's back to solid earth today so here goes.

    SOPHIE - once again I am in awe of your talent. Your linear drawing of Becca is wonderful and I hope that it will be treasured after your art work is returned to you at the end of your exams. Every line is perfect and drawn with such love and care.

    CIARA - your birthday card for Nanny is gorgeous. I cannot believe how cleverly you have observed the backs of shop bought cards and completed your work of art by doing the same. I know Nanny will have this beautiful card in her memory box for ever.

    SANDRA- I hope you're feeling a little better today and perhaps are having another day of rest.

    I sent you pictures of my work space the other day but will send them again today together with my Challenge card for this week.

    As it's Friday that horrible word of housework has to be answered and so I'll pop off now and do that and then come back for my latte and a little sit in the corner to see who pops in today.

    Hugs and thoughts to all absent Friends. Looking forward to seeing you all back soon.

    1. It's a beautiful Hotel Janet and in a wonderful setting! So pleased you had a lovely time. Xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      I'm glad you had a lovely time. Staying over in a posh hotel, lucky you.

  4. Good morning everyone
    Sorry not popped in yesterday, don't know where the day went but I've just had a look at the stash everyone has owned up to, would love to come along to play.
    I've ordered the Tonic crafting tour without the nesting dies, waiting for them to arrive.
    Sandra you have a very talented daughter, this artwork is amazing.
    Clara's card is brilliant, love the back design too.
    Sheila hope you enjoy your day today.
    I'm looking forward to the show at Leigh tomorrow, hope to see you Michele,
    Will confess all,
    Sending gentle hugs to anyone who is feeling under the weather,
    the days are slowly getting longer by the minutes now, not long before the clocks change and then we can look forward to spring.
    Will pop back later
    Take care
    Hugs Jean xx

    1. Jean have a lovely time tomorrow! Hope you manage to meet up with Michele . I have the family tomorrow and we are going out for lunch on Sunday so I won't be going. Look forward to hearing all about it! Xxxx

    2. Jean-I'm hoping to get to the show between 10.30 and 11am. I'm sure we'll bump into each other.


  5. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    what an amazing talent Sophie is. The drawing is wonderful and so detailed. What a clever daughter you have Sandra and a pretty one as well.
    Just love Ciaras Nanny card. The balloon idea is so clever and the detail on the back of the card so imaginative. Shes a very talented young lady.
    Well I'm off to the hospital this morning to have a test on my right hand to see if the nerves are damaged. When they pinned my shoulder last October they also tightened my tendons and some of my fingers have been dead ever since. Its reallt interfering with my cardmaking amongst other things. Anyway see what happens today.
    Will pop back later.
    Hope youre feeling a bit better today Sandra.
    Love Val x

    1. Good luck with hospital Val, will be thinking of you be sure to let us know how you get on!
      It must be very frustrating losing sensation in your fingers, particularly when your main hobby relies on you having full use!!

    2. I hope you had a productive day at the hospital Val.

  6. Sandra, good morning, I know what I like and what I don't... your daughters drawiing grabbed my attention immediately... make sure we see the one of Paul
    When it is complete, she certainly has a talent. A*'s from me. Off to Boston this morning (oh yes I was excited as well when my daughter asked me "do you want to go to Boston with your granddaughter ")....... We drive from Hampshire as Olivia is arriving at Luton airport this pm via Lyon, where the family have/are been skiing, collect her and then go on to Boston LINCONSHIRE for the weekend where is taking part in the J18 Assessment Rowing, she is 15, schools from all over the country sending candidates. Home again on Sunday when parents and siblings arrive sometime!! to collect her for their drive home to Bath and school on Monday . And that folks as they say is another weekend...... the weather seems to be behaving dry and crisp so we shall enjoy the drive and
    responsibility of cheering on Olivia as she rows.
    Looking forward to seeing more craft rooms hope there are some messier than mine?
    Happy weekend to all wherever you are whatever you are doing....
    Angela x

    1. Thanks Angela for the lovely comment regarding Sophie's picture!
      We used to live near Boston, we lived at Coningsby, we used to drive through a little place called New York before we got to Boston!! There is an amazing Chip Shop right in the centre of town, absolutely amazing fish and chips, in fact the best!! TATES its called ! You can climb the Boston stump, for amazing views, it's a down steeped in History as its where the Pilgrim Fathers departed from!!
      See the blog is now a local tourist guide too!!
      Have can lovely time and good luck Olivia with the rowing!!
      Looking forward to showing your craft room tomorrow Angela,
      Drive carefully,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. I hope Olivia does well in her rowing Angela.

  7. Good morning, Sandra and ladies.
    Sophie, your drawing is amazing.
    Ciara, a beautiful card for Nanny. I can see you enjoyed doing this.
    Over I Perth this morning looking after the boys,so that mum can go to work. It's been like back working again looking after all these children this week. Half term is ok for the children, but it puts pressure on parents. Granny to the rescue.
    Will pop back in once I am home again. Xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Wow Sophie's art work is amazing, she is one talented young lady.
    Clara's card for her Nanny is lovely, love the back of the card!
    Not at our wee craft shop today, lovely having a day off, need to make a couple of cards, so will get on. See you later xxx

  9. WOW Sandra how talented is your daughter, you must be immensely proud of her its beautiful, Clara's card is really lovely for nanny also.
    My grandaughter Alice bought her prom dress on line and it couldn't have portrayed her character any more than it did, her 6 inch high shoes also spoke volumes of her, they were sparkly black with silver skulls all over them, sounds weird but they weren't, well this is my second attempt at posting this so here goes,xx Johanna

  10. Hello Sandra,
    Made it a wee bit earlier today! I did leave a comment very late last night! Everyone was snoring! What a racket! Ha ha!
    Sophie's drawing is really beautiful. There is a real likeness too. A great talent!
    Ciara - what a lovely card for Nanny. She will keep it forever! Your attention to detail is quite amazing. I love the balloons and flags! Thank you!
    Well, downstairs is now straight but craft room is still a work in progress although it won't take long now - it's just finding sensible homes for odd things!
    Will pop back later if I can!

  11. Good afternoon coffee shop cherubs,
    Well Ciara's Nanny card with barcode to scan it through the till is just brilliant, the amount of detail that she has went in to, to make the card is wonderful right down to it saying on the back what the verse says inside the card. WELL DONE Ciara and i know of one very proud granny that loved it when she opened the envelope. Brenda that wee lass is fair coming on with her art skills and she is so precise in the detail right down to the bar code, this is definitely a keep card.
    Becca is a bonnie lass Sandra but glad she was her sister's muse for her art project although i somehow don't think Becca will be doing her make up the Sophie way, lol. I remember when i was small doing the doodling within a shape but at that time it was doodling that it was called before they brought out a "new" craft in drawing called "Zentangle". Hmmm, i wonder where the new idea is in that new craft because as with all crafts it has just come around again and being reinvented with a new posh name. Well done Sophie, i hope that it scored you high in your exams.
    Yesterday i was babysitting and taking Harry to nursery in the afternoon so that he could goo at his wee friends that he is making. Kirsten is putting him in two afternoons a week so that he is around kiddies of his own age and is learning to share and all the other fun stuff that they like to do like getting messy which just freaks Kirsten out. Kirsten just can't stand dirt on him or sticky hands where he is trying to help her feed him, not for her. She says she will let him feed himself when he can hold cutlery properly and not get it all over himself, well folks as we know she will be waiting a long time if she is waiting on that happening, lol. Sometimes i really have to wonder at her and what planet she is from with some of the things that she comes out with. She is learning that you do not put pure wool(100% merino) into the washing machine as it ruins the garment especially when it is put on at a 50 degrees cotton wash and not even a woolly wash. I now have a cardi that would fit one of the wee teddies, but she has learned and is now hand washing them instead. Why is it that clever people can be so thick when it comes to pracitcal things, so clever at everything else except common sense. Anyway Harry's other gran had him for a sleep over last night and is watching him today as Kirsten is on nightshift Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week so his other gran is jumping for joy that she got him overnight sleepover. With me Kirsten comes and dumps and leaves me to it but her mother in law is so conscious of the spoilt upbringing that her only child got(Kirsten is reaping the benefits of that one and is not a happy bunny)she asks Kirsten to right a list of everything that she is to do, when, where and how. Kirsten keeps going on about how she just leaves everything to me and goes away not worried but gets stressed to the maxi with her MIL. I feel fair sorry for her MIL as shes damned if she does and damned if she doesn't with my daughter, so had a few well chosen words in her ear about it.
    Well i am going to have an hour or so on the sofa as i seem to be knackered today and it just might be the wee pick me up that i could do with the now. I have put the Huggles in their baskets with their wee heat bag hot bottles to keep them warm. So i will say bye for now, huggles on there way to all who need them and if you want one, just take one home
    Norah x

    1. Hi Nora, I had a wonderful mother in law who would do,anything for me
      but she wasn't my Mum.... somehow Mums and daughters have that connect that is so special even in the highs and lows. Helped myself to a huggle, thank you , one on the way back to you.

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    What a very talented daughter you have, I love Sophie's drawing of Rebecca (she is a beautiful young lady) Sophie you really are an A* student, you really have an amazing talent. I hope you will let us see the completed drawing of you Dad when it's finished.

    Ciara is thrilled to see her card on the blog, she is very critical of herself and has said I would make a better card next time, I was amazed how she had added the marketing details on the back. She said thank you for your lovely comments.

    Hope you are feeling better to Sandra, just don't push yourself to hard, your health is more important. Have the girls sorted out their prom dresses?

    Must get on, I'll get back on the blog later hopefully.
    love and hugs hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

  13. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a beautiful drawing & a lovely likeness well done to Sophie, look forward to seeing the one of Paul. Hope you feel better today please look after yourself. xx
    Ciara what a lovely card you made for Nanny so much detail in it, Nanny will treasure it, thank you for sharing with us.xx
    Sue & I had a long day yesterday, lovely sunny day, a sad day but beautiful service. Good to meet up with cousins, as we are a bit scattered around country we do not get to meet up very often, shame but I think most people say the same thing.
    Special hugs on way to all who are missing, especially Barbara & Maureen, love Margaret xx

  14. Ladies I have a massive problem with my Canadian Background die, have just ruined 4 sheets of card trying to cut it out, I first did it on its own turning it this way and that way, then tried rubbing it with the drier sheets, then waxed paper then greaseproof paper and there was a section every time which wouldn't cut, anyone else have any ideas, please. Xx Johanna

  15. Ladies I have a massive problem with my Canadian Background die, have just ruined 4 sheets of card trying to cut it out, I first did it on its own turning it this way and that way, then tried rubbing it with the drier sheets, then waxed paper then greaseproof paper and there was a section every time which wouldn't cut, anyone else have any ideas, please. Xx Johanna

  16. Ladies I have a massive problem with my Canadian Background die, have just ruined 4 sheets of card trying to cut it out, I first did it on its own turning it this way and that way, then tried rubbing it with the drier sheets, then waxed paper then greaseproof paper and there was a section every time which wouldn't cut, anyone else have any ideas, please. Xx Johanna

    1. I will get pat to check hers (I think she bought one), where did you get out from? I know that Hazel had a problem with a die that wouldn't cut properly abd returned it to the shop and exchanged it.
      I feel your frustration though, there is nothing worse than getting something you are excited about playing with only to have it not work!!!
      I will let you know if i hear from Pat
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Take it back or send it if you bought it on line! I had two I had to return, I was told that it was my GC so I sent it back to find out it was the dies. If you run your finger across the die I bet you will feel it very flat! It won't have any depth to the cuts. Send or take it back with the card showing what it is cutting like! Don't be fobbed off. Hazel X

    3. I have this die, only got it last week, because we haven't been at home this week, I have not had the opportunity to use it - it's still in the packaging. I will try it out tomorrow........ Watch this space!!!!!

    4. In not to sure if I have this one or not. If I have then I haven't used it yet. Will try and have a play tomorrow, but Ellis's bed is supposed to be coming tomorrow so I'll have to be there. No specific times given by them.

  17. Good afternoon Ladies,
    First of all I have to say how wonderful Sophie's drawing of her sister Rebecca is, great likeness and what a talented artist she is, also tell you what a beautiful photo of your daughter, definitely one to display!
    Ciara, the card you made for your nanna is fantastic ! I love all the attention to detail on the back , you're very observant and clever, bet she is so proud of you.
    Sandra , I had another look at the cards I made yesterday and put the inserts in so I expect you'll be getting photos soon, I also got a gents special order card made today ( I'm happy with it) and a card made for a friend who is going into hospital on Monday for an knee replacement operation, so I can relax for a wee while now, I hope that's what you are doing ,as it sounds like you need a break xo.
    Janet, the hotel sounded really luxurious , lucky you! Great that you both enjoyed being pampered.
    Well I'd better go and attend to the dinner.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  18. Didn't mean to do it three times sorry ladies

  19. Didn't mean to do it three times sorry ladies

  20. Good Evening All, horrible day again raining and cold.
    Sophie your drawing is fabulous, love that style.
    Clara love your card you made for your Nanny.
    Going to try and do the challenge card this evening, was going to do it last evening but it took me hours to make a card for my friends birthday.
    Really pleased with my new goodies all I need now is time.
    Better go and find something for dinner, probably Youngs basa fillets, they are lighted dusted coating, and are really good,grilled tomatoes and peas to go with them.
    Hope everyone has a good evening, might pop in later,

  21. Ladies I have a massive problem with my Canadian Background die, have just ruined 4 sheets of card trying to cut it out, I first did it on its own turning it this way and that way, then tried rubbing it with the drier sheets, then waxed paper then greaseproof paper and there was a section every time which wouldn't cut, anyone else have any ideas, please. Xx Johanna

    1. Joanna I left you a message under where you mentioned it earlier! Xxx

  22. Hi Sandra
    Well, this is the third time I've tried to post. Firstly this morning, just now, error with blogger so I'll keep this short now.
    Sophie I just love the drawing you've done of Becca. Such a talented you have.
    Caira, I love the card you've made for your Nanna. Such attention to detail as well. I'm looking to see your next make.
