
Thursday 4 February 2016

This week's ''GUILTY SECRETS" !!

My First Purchase

My second Purchase (only after encouragement)

 My 1st attempt at using it !

 Michele (gift with magazine)
Michele 2 (gift with magazine)

Michele 3rd purchase 

 Janet's Purchase

Janet's 1st make  

Brenda L purchases
A last minute 'confession' from Brenda !!

 Lynda's purchase 1

 Lynda's purchase 2

Lynda's purchase 3

Good Morning Ladies,

I would like to start today by wishing my two beautiful daughters a Very Happy 16th Birthday, have a lovely day girls xxxx

Now ladies, time to confess what we have been spending our pennies on this week!!

My purchases are:  
The beautiful 'Bella Rose'  12x12 paper pad (bought with my £10 create and craft voucher +£2.99), I just couldn't resist, every page is beautiful.
Sizzix Thinlits Plus Pillow Box die,  I was amazed how big it was, the bag die just about fits an A4 page, so pillow box is roughly A5 in size, I have created my first bag using two tones of Silver card, layered up, decorated with some flat back crystals. I am going to blame the rest of you for encouraging me to buy that die, it was a combination of Myra's amazing Pillow Box bags, and Jean (I think) that told me where I could get it a bargain price!  ( I have wanted for a while) xxxx

Michele's Purchases:
1 set of stamps free with purchased magazine
1 set of dies free with magazine 
New Sue Wilson die Clean and Simple Zig Zag Corner 

Janet's Purchase:

Tonic Chelsea Bag die, Janet made the gorgeous bag in red and white with her new die.

Brenda Lello Purchases :

I won't list all of Brenda's purchases, you can see that Brenda had a good day at Sandown park, buying, Stamps, Embossing Folders, some lovely Tartan card, some pens, Cardio Stamps, flowers and more.
Brenda I love the little glimpse of your new craft room, John has done you proud! X
Brenda emailed me with a last minute update, three new dies (all because she was encouraged though) so not her fault !!! 

Lynda's purchases:

Well where do I begin!!!, I think Lynda is the shopper of the week!!
I will attempt to list some, Envelopes, Tattered lace Bowmaker and DVD,
Honey-Doo stamps, (I love those), A couple of Sue's dies, Tattered Lace die, Intricutz Die and some card blanks, Lynda you must be so excited to get creating with all of your new goodies, I can't wait to see your fabulous cards.

Thank you ladies for sharing your 'Guilty Secrets', now come on the rest of you, own up, I know there are some more bargain buys out there!!!

Well we have a busy day ahead so I must get a Diane 'wiggle on' !!
Have a great day everyone,

Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Good morning. Sandra and ladies. I haven't been in for a couple of days as I didn't want to pass on the nasty flu like bug I have had. I was so full of the cold ( heavy head type thing) that I couldn't be bothered with my i Pad. Had a better night last night thanks to the old fashioned thing of rubbing Vicks vapour rub on my chest back and front, my nose and the soles of my feet which I then put on a pair of socks. This was to help ( which it did) with my terrible cough.
    Oh you have been bad buying all these things. Well I will confess I bought the sentiment stamps showing the one that was on Sue Wilson's card the other day.
    Brenda, the tartan papers that you bought were designed by my local craft shop owner, they are lovely to work with! Did you see the tartan embossed envelopes that go with the papers? I see you had a good day? Lynda also had a good day with all her goodies.
    Lucy and Sophie. HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! Have a wonderful day.
    Haven't looked back at what's been going on will catch up later. Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel, I fell in love with the tartan card it's beautiful, I haven't used it yet, I am still at the looking and stroking stage!!!!! I didn't see any matching envelopes. Gosh that would really give me another problem, thay would be to gorgeous to use. Gxx

    2. Hazel I too bought the tartan pad! I admit I loved the cards on your blog so much that when I saw the card - Craftwork Cards - it was I ordered it! Didn't see any envelopes though. Glad you are feeling better! Take it easy today - please!!! Xxxx

    3. Hi Hazel, wish you better and hope you get some rest. Nothing connect me with anything Scottish I think but do like some tartan in paper or cloth xxx

    4. Hi Hazel , glad to hear you are feeling a bit better, sounds similar to what Iain and I have had, one day quite good ,next day awful, it was the lack of energy that really got me , but as they say old age doesn't come alone , but you are a long way behind me Lol!
      I got some tartan card stock at the October. Glasgow show, it's not that easy to come by, I didn't know there was a Scottish supplier.
      Take care , love and hugs , Anne xo

    5. Sorry my brain wasn't in gear this morning it's the embossed cards and plain envelopes I meant. I have used the cards along with the papers on my cards that I put on my blog. I have another one going up on my blog tomorrow. So sorry xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Lucy & Sophie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What an interesting bundle of purchases, Sandra - I love the pillow box you have made. I've made two but am not happy with them.

    It's still windy here & we have heavy rain forecast all least I'll be warm + dry in work!


    1. They aren't as straight forward as i thought, mine didnt seem to emboss the lines enough, so the side flaps were a pain to fold in!!
      There were no instructions with it either!

    2. If you run it through more than once you will get a better edge! It did say on the instructions that as Thinlets Dies are so thin they need to be run through the Sizzix Machine more than once and I'm guessing they are designed for that one. Did you use your Sizzix machine Sandra or the Platinum?? Xxx

  3. Good Morning Sandra and Friends

    Many Happy Returns Of the Day Lucy

    Many Happy Returns Of the Day Sophie

    Love all the new purchases, shall not feel guilty at all tomorrow when I go to the Craft fair at Exeter, some of the usual people will not be there, as it clashes with another show somewhere else, for some unknown reason they have done moved the date to a week later this year., still I'll probably find something to buy.

    Off to get my hair cut this morning, it's looking terrible, hope she can do something to put a bit of bounce back in, ( one lives in hope ).
    Must go ,will be back later, have a good day all
    Hugs Lilian.

    1. I saw you bounce by a little while ago Lilian! The hairdresser has worked her magic!! Hope you feel better now - it's funny how we don't feel right if our hair isn't right! Xxx

    2. As long you don't bounce too far but if you do ,pop in for a coffee. Have a fun day tomorrow xxx

  4. Morning Everyone and all who braves this awful weather and pops in today.

    LUCY AND SOPHIE - A VERY HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY TO YOU BOTH. I hope you have a good day at school and then a fab evening with the Family. Hope Mum has arranged a gorgeous tea for you both.

    What an array of purchases. All looking wonderful. I have to say though that I was a little disappointed in my Chelsea Bag from Tonic. I though it would be a little bigger than it is and I had a problem fitting the little tiny lugs together which hold the two pieces together. In the end I finished up gluing it. I think it would be good for table gifts or name plates but I cannot see it being used on a regular basis. Ah well we live, buy and learn.

    HAZEL - I hope you're feeling a little better today. So many people seem to be suffering like you at the moment. I don't think you can beat the good old fashioned remedies. They always work. Gentle soothing hugs on their way for you.

    We are being battered again by horrible winds. I know they are better than all that snow the US had but they are definitely not my kind of weather.

    I got my BB sent off yesterday so now it's wait and fingers crossed to see what happens and I also finished my Challenge card for this week so must get that off to Sandra today.

    I have been asked by my Granddaughter to knit an Aran Jacket for Lily-Mae. Now I haven't done any knitting since I finished that Aran Bedspread which by the way I passed on to Christina and Robert for their 7th (wool)Wedding Anniversary. I thought that better it be used now instead of waiting until I'm not around. So of course I said yes and as it's only a small size -22inch chest- I can do some in an afternoon. I knitted for all of my Grandchildren when they were small in fact until the reached double figures and then like many they went off 'hand knits'. Funny how things change isn't it. The wool arrived yesterday so I'll be making a start this afternoon. It's also my day for my hairdresser to come and do something with my hair too Lilian this morning so I must get myself sorted and ready for 10.00.

    All's ready for the day in the Cafe. Does anyone have spare spoons please. They seem to be dwindling and I cannot find where they're going. Perhaps one or two Huggles might have the answer. What do you think?

    Hugs to all in need and there's plenty by the door so please help yourselves. xxxx

    1. Hello Janet,
      Your hair looks lovely now!
      Your bag looks lovely and I'm sure you will use it . This may be a silly idea - but could you just use the front and handle part to put on cards? It would give you another use for it.
      Good luck with your knotting .I love Aran wool - my Auntie Jean, whom I adored, used to knit jackets and bobble hats in Aran wool for each of my sons! They were so cosy and smart!
      Have fun but don't overdo the knitting! Xxx

    2. Hi Janet, make sure the huggle's or Myra not getting hold of that Aran wool or it might be quite a few knots in there hihi.sorry, couldn't help it.
      Love to see little Lily=Mae in the outfit when it's finished. have fun knitting xxx

    3. Oops! You should see why I've just seen!
      Huggles playing races! It looks great fun and lots of giggles!
      One sits in the bowl of a teaspoon and another drags it behind him.They take turns and have races! I know where at least 7 teaspoons have gone!! Ha ha! Xxx

    4. Myra - have you been coaching those Huggles? I can just see you showing them what to do. I only hope they don't acquire any building skills or one day we are going to open the door and find an Obstacle Course -full size of course- and no room to tables/chairs. This will be made out of other cutlery along with pots and pans out of the cupboard.
      I think locks may be a good idea on the cupboard doors. At least I'll know who to call when it happens won't I!!!!!!

    5. Not Guilty M'Lud!!! They are Norah's Huggles originally remember and she is full of mischief! Tin Hat ! Xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY LUCY & SOPHIE Have a lovely day.
    I must add the first picture of goodies I didn't actually buy my friend brought the for me I keep telling her not too. So I thnk BRENDA might be shopper of the week haha. We have sunshine today so might be able to put some washing out
    But I'm not sure it will last. I borrowed lots of Todo dies from Margaret yesterday so I will have a go at hot foiling today after Tesco.
    Well I better get tided up & do some ironing,but first must have a cup of builders tea. So see you later xxxx

    1. Lynda! You have had a good shop! You might stay in that craft room for weeks! Please come out !!
      I particularly like that Sue Wilson Die!! Xxx

    2. Hi Lynda,
      Have a fun day crafting ,some great items there to keep you busy for a long time. Hope to see you at AP later this year if you can find your way .Could I possible borrow the Bottle and glass stamps from you, have some cards for men to do and they would be perfect ? hugs to Terry tihi xxx

  6. Good morning everyone
    It's very wet here today, hope the rain stops as it's our craft class this afternoon.
    Hazel I'm glad you are starting to feel a little better, hope you continue to improve over the next few days.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCY AND SOPHIE wishing you a lovely day - enjoy!
    Well I'm jealous, look at all the goodies on show here - going to Event City tomorrow in Manchester so will photo any goodies I buy, must admit I struggled with the pillow box die Sandra/Michele but I teased the ends into shape then used a bone folder the crisp the folds into place. I do like this die.
    I'll pop back when I come home later today
    Hugs to all who need them especially Hazel x
    Jean xx

    1. Have a good day tomorrow Jean! The rain stopped here a while ago so I hope it has with you too! Xxx

    2. Hi Jean, hope you have a fabulous day tomorrow at the Event City. Had an e-mail from the place and it looks good but a bit to far. xxx

  7. Hi Sandra
    happy birthday Lucy and Sophie. I hope you both have a great day. Well apart from being at school. Lovely purchases ladies. I'll be back later as we have to go over to Craig's to pick up a wheelchair for Doreen. I'm taking her clothes shopping.

    1. Oh Pat! You be careful please! You are non- stop! I am glad your friend is having some new clothes though after what you said the other day. I hope you both enjoy it! Xxx

    2. Hi Pat, hope all goes well and you found something for Doreen. Have a nice day out xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies, gosh you have all been busy buying, hope you all enjoy playing with your new toys!!
    Happy birthday Lucy and Sophie have a super day, hope you get lots of lovely things.
    Just a bit of shopping for us today, the weather has calmed down a bit so it shouldn't be too much of a trial getting there.
    Hazel hope you are feeling a lot better.
    Must get on, will pop back later. Xx

    1. 'Morning Jess,
      Happy shopping . I've got to check mine out today! Xxx

  9. Hi Sandra.
    i've been looking at your blog every day for a few months but not commented as I'm recovering from a shoulder op and I've been trying to type with my left hand which is sooo difficult as I'm right handed. Anyway I'm recovering daily so I thought I'd join your happy band.
    Just love your blog and the way your friends add their contributions.
    Living in Spain most of my supplies are shipped over to me but when I go back to see family and friends I take an empty care and return with a bulgig one, full of craft goodies for my addictive card making obsession.
    could I ask from which magazine the cute dogs stamps came. I'll order the back dated magazine and have it send to my friend in uk to pick up when Igo back.
    Take care and keep up the good work.
    Love Val in Spain x

    1. Hello Val,
      Welcome! It's lovely to see you. We moan about the weather a bit here so you may be able to cheer us up with some sunny tales !!
      Please help yourself to a cafe con leche !!
      We are international here you know! Slightly daft as well! Some more than others! Xxx

    2. Hi Val and welcome to the madhouse which is the best place to unburden your problems and still have friends at the end (I hope). You are sooo lucky living in Spain and there are quite a few who will be jealous ,me included. Met OH on one of the Islands and would love to have a finca there one day. Please come back later and tell us more about yourself, alright,alright I am the nosy one.... wish your shoulder better xxx

    3. Hi Val,
      I am delighted that you have made that final decision to step in and join us, you won't regret it, I am truly blessed with the most amazing group of friends on my blog, who will all welcome you with
      Open arms, we do have a good laugh as i am sure you have read!!! But we also have the most amazing support system here too, we share each others ups and downs, which I believe is what makes this blog both unique and special.
      I will ask Michele as soon as she comes in to let you know where the dog stamps are from.
      Where abouts in Spain are you from???
      Sandra xxxxx

    4. Hello Val and welcome to the Cafe. This is the best Cafe on the planet -anything and everything calorie free and always there when you want it.
      You cannot find a better selection of Friends who are always around to talk to about anything and again everything and yes we are all a little on the daft side but hey what's life without a laugh! Hope to see you soon.
      Hugs just for you xxxx

    5. Hi Val,
      Welcome to this amazing cafe pleased you opened the door.
      The dog stamp were in issue 146 bought last week of Simply Cards & papercraft, hope you find it.
      Love Margaret CX

    6. Hi Val , welcome, this is the most amazing group of ladies, the support is second to none.
      I managed to get the Magazine today, from Asda so it's still around, maybe someone could get it for you.

    7. Hello Val, WELCOME to the best Coffee Shop ever. Now you have actually pushed the door open, I hope you have enjoyed the hospitality, you will always find a welcome - Oh just a little warning PLEASE DO NOT give the Huggles any chocolate, they really get hyper! xx

  10. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Ah-ha, so how many of you told your other half " that, och, i've had that for ages" although i don't think 30 mins before comes home is technically seen as ages, or has it been in the wardrobe for months, eh? I'm just jealous because i haven't got anything new for a wee while, well since before Christmas anyway. So enjoy my little cherubs your purchases or "gifts" that your lovely friend/s bought for you, wasn't that kind of them.
    Sohie and Lucy i hope you both have a great day wee lassies and enjoy your birthday. DO you have to share a cake as well as i did with my twin brother? He couldn't just go with the flow and get it all white to save any arguements, oh no, he had to have his side blue. It should have been black with the colour he was in most of the time. Jim was always tinkering with stuff and not just his own, but everyone elses as well. He was always black because of oil, grease(from his motorbikes or scramblers or trials), paint, coal dust, you name it he had it on him. Trying to get him to wash was a nightmare as well until mum took her judo slipper off and walloped him across the backside with it, he would then go and wash or rather 2 fingers around the mouth area and the rest on the towels. If you couldn't hear him he was up to something, that you could be sure off as he played his heavy metal music so that the whole of Sauchie could hear it. He thought that Mum wouldn't know he had slipped out and up the drainpipe, across the roof, onto the apple tree and away because he was playing his music but what he forgot was Mum couldn't hear him doing anything so got suspicious. Or there was the time that he decided to be good and do a good turn, HA HA. He only went and painted Mum's shed bright yellow paint that she had bought to turn the inside coal cellar into a press to hold her dryer. Well she got around the corner of the garage and as she got to the kitchen window she seen the hut. She knew right away who had done it and roared at the top of her voice, "Jim, I'll murder you ya wee sod, just wait till i get my hands on you". Dolly next door is hiding him and trying to calm her down that he had heard her say she was going to paint the hut, so he thought it would be a nice surprise for her. Yes, happy times with my twin brother and i think that is why i miss him so much because there's not the chaos that accompanied Jim any more either.
    See you got me started again down that lane. Girls have a wonderful day and enjoy being 16 as you will never be that again.
    Please can i have a latte and a scone please, i have brought some huggles in with me but i have sent some special delivery to Barbara, you're missed flower but i hope that you can have happy memories filling that sadness.
    Norah x

    1. Hello Norah!
      Great colour for a shed - really makes it fade into the background!! That made me laugh. Have a good day my friend! Xxxx

    2. Oh Norah, your brother must have been in so much trouble Hihi. I love your childhood memories. Everything seemed to been so innocent and light in those day's. Have a good day xxx

    3. Hi Norah , your story made me laugh , sounds like the ( Lady in the van ) film , she painted everything yellow! xoxo

  11. Good Morning Sandra and everyone in the Coffee Shop,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCY Hope you have a lovely birthday. LOL xxx

    Wow Sandra, it's like going into a craft shop here today, Lovely to see what everyone has been buying. As I said in my 11th hour email I did order a die and stamp online yesterday, just because...........
    I'll have a latte if that's ok and if you don't mind Norah would love to sit with you and hear more about you twin Jim, I'm sure your Mum was led a merry dance with the pair of you!!!

    Have a good day everyone, sending gentle hugs to everyone who needs them,
    Enjoy your day, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hello Brenda,
      I like that just because ---------. I think I need to use that!

    2. Oh me too, starting to get all twitchy and withdraw symptoms so badly and with this cold it seem to be worse because I have more time to look on-line.
      Help, what should I do ,,,? xxx

    3. Resistance is futile !!!!!!!

    4. Spoken from the heart, and from experience!! Xxx
      I like it! Xxx

    5. So is an empty purse but I'm still craving :-) xx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SOPHIE
    I hope you both have a lovely birthday!
    Sorry I wasn't in yesterday apart from a brief visit. I had a headache but caught it in time and I'm fine today. You can probably tell that from my ramblings on the way down!!
    Wow, what a lot of confessions! You didn't get mine Sandra as I couldn't motivate myself yesterday. I will send them for next week! I'm afraid my promise to buy something just once a quarter went out the window! Oops!
    I'm much more reliable making promises to people!!!
    My challenge card didn't get put together yesterday either but I will put that right today! Promise!! Gulp!
    I'm off to get the bedding out of the drier before it gets creased! Towels next!
    You'd think I was running a hotel here!
    At the moment the decorator is singing along to his radio - " you are always on my mind!" It's a tad flat - but he is happy!

    1. Hi Myra - I hope you're keeping your decorator plied with tea/coffee and biscuits. Just don't let him anywhere near Hughie or you may find lots of things painted colours you definitely don't want just like Norah's Brother Jim. hehe xxxx

    2. Hmmm Yes Janet! I see what you mean! I've had to make ear plugs for Hughie for the singing! It's amazing what you can do with ribbon and cotton wool balls! Xxxx

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra please wish Sophie & Lucy a very happy birthday hope they have a lovely day.xx
    It is good to see all goodies you have bought I must admit Sandra told me to buy some dies last week, or should I say told me they are on special offer & they came yesterday so my spending has started, plus I ordered some paper from Anne Maria which again I will blame Sandra for as she told us of the special offer, Sandra thank you for the tips without them I would have no idea the best places to go.XXX
    My hand feels good this morning I want to do things but still rather awkward, patience needed I think.
    Hugs on way to Barbara & all who need them.
    Love Margaret xx

    1. Pleased your hand feels better Margaret, just take it slowly. Oh new bargains tihi xxx

    2. Hello Mrgaret, I'm so glad you are feeling well after your op! Pleased to know you have joined the happy band of poor but happy paper crafters!! Xxx

    3. Sorry you lost an a !!! Xxx

  14. As I follow Myra's rambling it has taken me a good hour to come here to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to LUCY and SOPHIE and wish you both a great day ! Hope you do something special for your 16th and will remember this day forever, Hugs.
    Afternoon Sandra and all in today. I love all you purchases on show . The Bella Rose papers look really nice and you pillow box is lovely ! Janet, your little handbag is so sweet and I love the colours together. As I said I have not bought anything for a while now and it getting harder for every day. Looking at different sites and keep putting things in the basket but then taking them out again, oh it is hard not to get something new. I liked some of Sue's new die's as well so more onto my wishlist. Like to see what you make with the Zig Zag die Michele. Going for some lunch but hope to be back later to see you all until then have a good day as possible,
    cough and sneeze and warm hugs Xxxxx

    1. Whatever do you mean Maria! I WAS going to say it was nice to have you back !!! It still is! Ha ha ! Xxx

    2. ooooh did you really miss me ? hugs xxx

  15. Helloooooooooooooo
    Happy birthday Sophie and Lucy, I hope you got some nice presents!!!
    Welcome Val, you are especially welcome if you bring a little sunshine with you when you visit us.
    What super "Guilty Secrets" are on show today. I could fancy all of them, and the freebies with the magazines are really interesting. Brenda certainly had a good time, I hope she had a trolley with her ha ha.
    Sorry I am late but I've had a rather heavy day. I am the great aunt of a new great nephew. Oh, the labour wasn't bad but I am tired ha ha. I don't know the weight or the name yet, but I have seen a picture of him on Eleanor's 'phone!! My phone is so old that non of these new fangled things are available!!
    As mam is 6' tall and dad is 6'7", I have a feeling he may be a big un. Certainly he looks a big bruiser on the photograph!!
    We took Joan out to lunch today to cheer her up, and we had a laugh talking about old times and recalling daft things that had happened.
    See you all later.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. P.s. Janet, the bag is gorgeous!! xxx

    2. Hello Maureen - Congratulations on joining the 'Great' gang. I don't know if this is your first 'Great' but it's even a little better than being a Nan as you can spoil and spoil all over again. Wonderful. Hugs for you and gentle ones for the new little one. xxxx

    3. Congratulations Great Auntie Maureen! That has a real ring to it!
      Lots of love to George too!! Xxx

    4. Congratulations Maureen and George becoming a great aunt and uncle. Xxx

  16. Brenda, I forgot to say - you did have a good day didn't you!! It all looks very interesting and I for one can't wait to see what you make !! Your craft room could make me guilty of one of the Seven Deadly Sins! - Envy! It looks lovely and very tidy! Xxxx

    1. I didn't show you the the other side where my desk was, and now is my new craft area (it's very messy) I have been going through all the cupboards and sorting every area out. Today it was the sewing cupboard. I will take a picture when everything has a home.................... I am almost there!!!!! xxx

    2. Well done you! It still looks beautiful! Xxx

  17. Hiya , I'm a bit late again today but I have been really busy ( in the craft room) !
    I have made 2 cards ( a new knitting stamp) and 8 pages of scrap booking, normally the scrap booking would take me much longer but I bought a Dawn Bibby Christmas scrap booking set and that made it so easy! Job done!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sophie and Lucy ! I hope you have both been really spoiled and have had a wonderful special day! ie, lots of presents!
    Well girls you have had a spending spree and bought lots of goodies, they all look great! I've been a bit naughty myself buying, but as I explained to Iain I'm not going to the Glasgow show in March so I need to stock up on some things, and he believed me Lol!
    Enjoy playing with your new stash!
    Love and hugs xoxo

  18. Hello All
    What a lovely lot of guilty secrets. It looks like Sandown was a good show, I wonder if there was anything left after Lynda had shopped :).
    Happy birthday to the girls, enjoy celebrating tonight.
    Maureen congratulations on becoming a great - we know you and George are great already .
    Take care

  19. Evening All, just finished sketch card and sent it to Sandra.
    We are going to see the family in London for the weekend.
    Just taken pasties out of the oven to take with us to have for lunch on the way.
    On the way going to the craft show tomorrow, should be good although some of the usual sellers are going to Manchester instead. Will show my buys when I get home.
    Hazel hope you are feeling better, also anyone else who are feeling under the weather.
    Will try and pop in over the weekend.
    Hugs to all who are away at the moment and need a little love, thinking of you.
    Goodnight Lilian

    1. Lilian, have a nice week-end and enjoy the craft show, hugs xx

    2. Oooh! I can smell those pasties!! Xxxx
      Safe journey! Xx

  20. Sorry I am late again but another busy day and had to go out tonight as well. Happy birthday to Lucy and Sophie. Hope you had a good day. Haven't even started the challenge card yet. Got yo name a birthday card tonight so better Ho and get on with it.
