
Wednesday 3 February 2016

Janet's Gemini Frame Card

Brenda H, Intertwining Circles Frame Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well the wind has finally slowed down, the residents of our street have finally collected their stray bins and recylcling boxes, there are crisp packets and yoghurt pots in every sheltered corner, why can't people secure their rubbish properly, our bin men aren't like the ones of old, that had pride in their work and would pick up stray bits of rubbish, nowadays they walk over it!! Sorry ladies, rant over and soapbox stowed back under the stairs food the next time!!!

Two lovely cards to share with you today, the first is a beautiful card designed by Janet, using the Phoenix Gemini to create a pretty frame, inside a beautiful pearl edged circle with a Phill Martin Baroque Sentiment in the centre, I really would like these stamps!  Janet, thank you for sharing your gorgeous card xxxx

Secondly we have this very imaginative Frame card, designed by Brenda H,
Brenda has used the Intertwining Circles Die (by Creative Expressions) and die cut a square of card a repeated the die cutting on all found sides to create this pretty frame, the inside section has been made by Embossing a piece of black card with the Bed Of Roses Embossing Folder, and then rubbing over it with some Gilding Wax,
A lovely card Brenda, thank you for sharing xxxx

Sadly today I had to cancel my meet up with the other two 'Graces' as Paul and I have to go panic shopping for Lucy & Sophie's birthday , which is tomorrow!!!!
We have so far bought nothing as the can't 'think' of anything they want, which has made things so much harder, wish us luck, please, shopping for 16 year olds is no fun!

Have a good day ladies,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-beautiful card, very pretty.

    Brenda-I love what you have done with this die, lookalike I'll be using it again. Had just put it away as I thought I'd better use some different dies from my collection.

    Well, it's still very windy but nowhere near as bad as the last 2 days. I think I have a busy day at work so the time will pass quickly.

    Sandra-good luck with the shopping mission.


  2. Hello Ladies,
    Janet love your card, I have that die , but never use it ,will have to dig it out .
    Brenda also a great card, I don't have that die, am going to the craft show at Exter on Friday so may look for it.
    Sandra good luck with your shopping, I remember buying a special watch for my daughters 16 th birthday, but it's different now as people have so many watches, they are more of a jewellery item.( Daughter has her 50 th birthday this year )
    Well it's supposed to be dry here today, still windy, but hopefully that will dry out all the soggy ground.
    See you all later, going to try the challenge card tonight.

    1. Thank you Lillian. You won't regret buying it.

  3. Morning Everyone

    At last we are wind free this morning although it's raining but I can put up with that. I just do not like wind at all.

    BRENDA - Love the way you have used that circle die to create a beautiful frame. You have joined the edges perfectly. The more I see of this die the more it's saying 'buy me'. I will have to give in.

    It was a real surprise to see one of my cards this morning. I cannot remember when I made it and who I made it for. I know it was one of the first after I had bought Phil Martin's sentiment dies. I'm not a stamper at all but these always work first time and are really lovely to use. The background paper is also from Phil Martin.

    Knit and Natter was good yesterday afternon. A couple of Friends were missing. Pat a Friend who I sit next to has damaged her right arm as has had a plaster caste on while I've been away. She fell off a stool while sorting out her new kitchen just a few days before Cmas. PLEASE DO NOT STAND ON ANYTHING OTHER THAN PROPER STEPS. IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW SMALL THE STOOL IS YOU CAN DO A LOT OF DAMAGE TO YOURSELF. OK Mum talk over. and the other absentee is the lady who causes problems; remember the one who tried to get me to take her place in 'take and make' a little while ago.

    Well I have to make a start on my Challenge card today and then send off my blue badge form.
    All's set for the day in the Cafe and I see Dobbi has been and swept up the odds and sods around the Cafe so all the paths are clear. I see that we have Snowdrops in the tubs by the door and one or two Crocus coming along. Perhaps Spring is really only around the corner.

    Good luck with the shopping Sandra. I do not envy you at all. What do you buy 16yr old young ladies these days. It sounds like a minefield to me.
    Hugs to all my Dear Friends.

    1. Thank you Janet. Love your card. I haven't got that die but will try with one of the other Gemini Dies.

  4. Good morning Ladies ,
    So quiet and peaceful here this morning ! almost seems unreal after all the wind and rain we have had for the past few weeks, so as I haven't been out for two weeks I am going with the walking group today .
    Brenda and Janet , your cards are gorgeous and show just how to use our dies in different ways , I love the frame effect you have both done.
    Sandra, it is difficult to buy gifts when you think they have everything but I'm sure you will find something, what about a piece of jewellery to mark their 16 th Birthday , like a pendant or a bracelet?
    I have some rockery iris , snowdrops and crocus out , although they have been blown to bits with the wind, so hopefully they have time to recover in this calm spell, but it does remind us Spring is on its way , thank goodness!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  5. Sorry I have been missing but yesterday was the day to set up my exhibition in my local libbrary so have been very busy, can relax a bit now.
    JANET I love your card. Must try this.
    I cannot take all the praise for my card. I got the idea from John Lockwood when I went to the Newbury Show. I didn't see him demonstrating it but he told me how yo do it. I tried it as soon as I got home and was very pleased with the result.
    Must go. Things to do. Hope you all have a good day. Hugs to those who need them.

    1. Are you exhibiting just your wonderful things Brenda, or the pottery groups as well. What a treat they're all in for.

    2. Just my things Pat. Hope you are ok.

  6. Helloooooooooooo,
    What beautiful cards today. They are both lovely and yet so different. Janet, your card is so elegant, and the gemini die is so pretty. Brenda LL the gilding on the black card looks sumptuous and I think I'm going to have to get that striplet!
    Good luck with the shopping Sandra, maybe clothes, clothes and more clothes is a possibility? Then again, will they like what you get? Still they can always exchange them ha ha.
    Maria, I see you are back with us, it's nice to know you are back safely.
    Lynda, I've done two challenge cards and debated on whether to do one for every day of the week, but I thought that would be showing off - and Myra would comment ha ha ha ha!!!!!
    Anne, enjoy your walk. I'm looking forward to getting out and about as soon as my washing is finished and I can get it on the line. This washer takes forever, my old one used to get a load done in 45 minutes.
    Lilian, it's the nerves that are gone in George's feet and legs which cause him all his problems at night time. The hospital attached electrodes to different parts of his legs (and arms if I remember rightly) to measure something or other!!! Not a great description, I know.
    It's a lovely sunny day here, not a breath of wind, so we'll go for a walk, just to the local shops about 1/2 hour away.
    Right, better get cracking, see you later.
    Maaureen xxxx

    1. Well done MAUREEN on making two challenge cards. Enjoy your walk with George glad the Suns shinning. Hug's xxxx

    2. Thank you Maureen for the info about the nerves, I'd never heard of anyone who had this problem, it's very painful, only manage very little sleep.
      Enjoy your walk, wrap up warm it's very cold out.

    3. My word Maureen, not one but two challenge cards. How clever are you. Very windy here, we walked to the health centre and back this morning. Pete realised this morning he didn't have and flip flows for his catheter left. It's a good job his heads screwed on.

    4. Thank you Maureen. This die is very useful but I don't want you saying I told you to buy it. I will blame is it on Myra. Ha ha.

  7. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    Gorgeous card Janet, I like the idea to make frames of the dies we have so will have a play later.
    Not sure how you made it Brenda but you have made a stunning frame out of the circle die, lovely card.
    I will try to do this weeks challenge card later when I'm hopefully more compos mentis.
    Thank goodness the wind has dead down and we also have some plastic wraps and some other rubbish blown into our garden too.
    I made a comment last night and I hope you all are alright. My thoughts are with Saba and her family, hope to see you soon. Take care whatever you are up to today,
    love and warm hugs Maria xxxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Janet and Brenda your cards are lovely, thank you for giving me ideas for using striplets.
    Sandra I agree with the ladies about buying teenagers presents, a nice bit of jewellery or vouchers for their favourite clothes shop always goes down well, good luck anyway with your shopping.
    Off to try and do something for the challenge, catch up later.
    Take care everyone, Xxx

  9. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Janet i just cut out 4 of these same Gemini dies on Sunday while trying to keep myself busy and get Campbell to get a sleep as he had been up for more than 24 hours straight with being across at his dads. I too was making them into a frame to go around another SW die that i had cut out. Your card is beautiful flower and being useless at stamping i to have found PM stamps to actually work with my stupid hands, hooray. I like how Phill's products all match which for my brain i like matching as i just don't do messy, higglety pigglety or any one will do kind of crafting as you have probably all worked out about me. So thank you Janet for letting us ogle at your work of art and maybe giving me a wee boost to actually do some more.
    Brenda, isn't it great just how you can acheive something so different from the one set of dies like that. After seeing Sue's card the other day this striplet has went on to my wish list. Tell me does anyone else see planets orbiting in this die set or is it just my imagination going out of control again, i'm going to get lifted yet for not keeping under control but that's what i see in this die set. You have the softness of the roses counteracting the boldness of the bubble striplet making it for male or female flower with just the appropriate sentiment on it for what ever the occasion calls for. Thank you flower for such a different take from Sue, John or Phill as it has normally been made really for a particular sex where as yours can be for either and especially for the females that don't do ribbons, bows or fripperies on their card.
    well today i have a card to make for my friend who called last night to see if i could make her one for her husbands cousin who turns 70 this week. EEK! i have no time to get panicked about it like i normally do. Margaret has asked me to make cards for her in the past for special occasions so she knows what sort of card it will be, sort of. So i will have a cup of latte and ponder on what to do while i am drinking it. We are having a beautiful sunny morning here at the Ochils with a few wispy clouds gently floating across the sky with out a care. All is quiet even the dog so i think it is going to be a nice day. The Huggles are all excited as they want to go out to play and think that the tables should be outside but as i told them it's not warm enough for that yet.
    Samdra flower, 16 year olds are a nightmare to get for as they are too young for some things and too old for others. I know i still follow the old fashioned ideas of 18 and 21 so dreading Rory's big birthdays as he is not that kind of lad and it would be easier drawing blood out of a stone, so good luck flower.

    1. Thank you Znorah. Do pleased that you won a die from Sue the other day and what a lovely one.

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Please may I say a very big thank you to you all for your best wishes yesterday I was really touched by them all. My hand this morning is not too sore at least I can use my fingers it feels more bruised than anything, as Maureen commented it did take alot longer to prepare me than the operation it's self, your kindness is very much appreciated.
    My cushions I did them when I first went to Embroidery group & the then leader was a good teacher I am glad you liked them, I must admit I prefer cross stitch & of course now card making!!xx
    Sandra good luck with the shopping don't envy you. Thank you for you kindness yesterday & for showing my cushions.xx
    Special hugs on way to Barbara & all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hello MARGARET pleased your ok this morning take care Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Lovely to see you Margaret, I'm glad you felt well enough to call into the Cafe. How long did it take to type your post!!! xxx

    3. Hope your hand soon heels Margaret.

  11. Good morning Sandra & all you lovely ladies
    SANDRA good luck with the shopping for your two 16year olds I don't envy you.
    JANET your card is gorgeous the way you have framed it looks lovely xx
    BRENDA your card is also stunning clever how you have made the frame with the circle Striplet die xx
    Just going round my friends to borrow some of her Todo dies so better get on she is picking me up soon will see you later.
    Hug's Lynda xx

  12. Good morning one and all,

    2 very gorgeous cards to brighten my day from 2 very talented crafters. Thank you for sharing.

    Had a lovely walk around the back lanes of Wemdon on Monday, despite the persistent spells of very fine misty rain that soaks everything it touches, followed by lunch at the Tudor hotel where we partook of Roast pork with all trimmings. Very satisfying.
    My friend and fellow walker Rosie came for coffee yesterday and we chatted so long it was 3 0'clock before we realised it! Gosh how time flies when you have plenty of it. She is coming with me to the REA meeting this afternoon with a view to joining as an Associate Member. Her late husband, Ken, worked at Hinkley Point for many many years. And then next Wednesday we are going to my first U3A meeting. Rosie joined them some time ago and has provided me with some newsletters and a list of all groups for me to ponder over and then decide which ones I would like to partake in. So my future activities are going to be very varied. Where did I ever find time to go to work? Another imponderable question.

    Regarding my GC, I have finally heard back from Craft Superstore who are going to contact Spellbinders on my behalf. Now forgive me if I get it incorrect, but I always understood that the company you bought anything from under the Sale of Goods Act 1979, were representing the offending company and it is their duty to provide a replacement/repair or refund as it is them that you entered into a sales contract with, not the manufacturing company. Craft Superstore seem to think otherwise. Perhaps it would behove me better if I also contact Spellbinders and appraise them of the situation too, what say you ladies? I would value each and every opinion.

    Onwards and upwards as they say, I have shelves and racks in my wardrobe to clear out pre-loved items for Scope. Since I have become a tax-payer again, I get the most lovely letters from them informing of what they raised from my items. How refreshing and courteous in this age of gimme gimme gimme.

    Loving thoughts to Saba, lovely lady, and to Margaret recovering from her recent operation. Gurt big uns regarding ((((hugs))) to all that would like one today.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. My word Cheryl you will be busy. As you say how on earth did we find time to work.
      As you say your gripe is with the company who sell you the goods not the manufacturing. Apparently that's the law.
      However, you could contact I think that's correct but you could always email Sandra to double check. Craft Superstire obviously don't think that law applied to them by the look of it. You could always tell them that you going to report them to Trading Standards.

    2. Hello Cheryl, it's definitely a case of onwards and upwards with you at the moment. Such an exciting time for you and you will make loads of new friends and have new interests. All good things for you.
      I agree with you in that the Store that sold you the GC is the one you should deal with. They should deal with you.

  13. Janet & Brenda I am sorry I forgot to mention both of your lovely cards I love them both xx.

  14. Good Morning Sandra and everyone in the Coffee Shop,

    Good Luck with the shopping trip Sandra. Having a granddaughter just a year older I would suggest cloths or jewellery, both are a safe bet, unless they want something for there bedroom or den. It was so much easier when you knew that would be happy with a toy or game.

    JANET, your card is beautiful, love the way you have used the Gemini dies, also love the colour you have used.

    BRENDA, I hope your exhibition goes well. Is it an exhibition of work by your pottery group or just your work? Anyway wishing you the best of luck. LOL
    I LOVE the frame you have created it's brilliant. Must give it a go! I did buy the die just over a week ago, it was after Michele and Sandra had used it on the blog, I haven't thought I needed it until I saw there lovely cards......... Well someone has to take the blame for my decr easing bank balance!!!!!!

    MARGARET P, so pleased everything went well yesterday, also lovely to see you here this morning, take care and don't go overdoing things. xx

    Hope your shopping trip is not to exhausting and you are happy with the choices you have made. xxx

    Have a good day everyone, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda. It is an exhibition of my work. Pottery, glass fusing and papercrafting.

  15. Hello Sandra,
    Hope everyone is well.
    We have two lovely cards today made by ladies who were thinking outside the box!!
    Janet - your card is lovely I love how you have used the striplet and it frames sentiment you have used so well. Thank you for sharing!
    Brenda - a very clever use of that striplet! I have it but haven't used it yet! John may take some of the credit but the card is yours and you went home and made it . Thank you!
    Decorator has been and now gone for lunch !! At least intends to work this afternoon! He is still taking paper off the walls! This could be a long week!
    I have a challenge card laid out ready to assemble! Unlike some right clever clogs who has made two!! Tin hat!!
    Hope you are all enjoying some sunshine today!
    Sandra - happy shopping!

    1. Thank you Myra. I haven't made one challenge card yet. Better get a move on.

  16. Quick post just to say that today's cards are beautiful I have the intertwining circles Not tried it as a frame What I like about your frame is you can't see the join That Gemini die is very pretty too
    Good luck SANDRA with the shopping. Sounds like a piece of jewellery is a good idea as it's a milestone Off for a snooze now Strange how I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat (it'll be 20 mins or so) during the afternoon but cannot sleep at night with the aches and pains

  17. Hi Sandra
    Good luck with the shopping. I do hope you managed to get them both something today.
    Janet I loved your card, thank you very much.
    Brenda love be yours as well. Love the colours you've used.
    Myra I hope the decorator comes back, rather you than me. Petes a bit like you Karen and has spent most of the afternoon asleep. But I think his us down to the medication he takes. I hope it's not to windy where ever you are.
    Hope you have isn't to painful Margaret.

    1. Mine's the diabetes It's arthur-itis and Restless leg Syndrome that keeps me awake at night. £0 minutes later and I'm raring to go

    2. Thank you Karen. I know what Restless leg syndrome is like. It is awful especially when I am trying to take my blood pressure and am trying to keep my legs still. I never know what to do about it.

  18. Just home again after a lovely beach walk ( so beautiful) the sun even came out for a wee while, so now tired but happy.
    Margaret, good to know you are on the mend xo
    Maureen hope you and George enjoyed your walk and you didn't tire him out?
    Myra, my dies arrived this morning from HixxySoft , can't believe how quick they were and at the best price too, thanks again for recommending them, I don't envy you with the decorator in ( they can be a bit messy) but I'm sure the end result will be worth it ( have you decided what colour etc. yet? )
    How did the shopping go Sandra?

  19. Dinner cooking. MARGARET I hope you're not in too much pain after your op.
    Did you manage to get the girls their gift. Not an easy task when they're that age - take note - my daughter at 31 is just as difficult. She usually sorts out a list and we choose something from it. Makes shopping easier and she still has a surprise because she never know which item(s) from the list we choose!

  20. Oops, started adding comments, but got to go. see you later xxx

  21. Good evening everyone
    Janet and Brenda I really love these cards - just shows what you can do when you have a play. That's what the 'experts' say - cut dies out of copier paper and play with them - well done.
    Sandra I hope your shopping trip was successful and you found your birthday gifts.
    Been in and out all day and don't feel as though I've achieved anything so I'm now going to finish my sketch card as I've done everything else and I can now play.
    Margaret I hope your hand isn't too sore.
    Hugs to Barbara and to anyone else who may be in need of one.
    Bye for now
    Hugs Jean xx

  22. Evening Sandra,
    I do hope you and Paul were successful in finding treasures for the twins birthdays tomorrow.

    Update on the GC situation.
    I wasn't happy with their response so contacted Customer Direct at CAB who said I was totally correct in my interpretation of the Sales of Goods Act. Lily then proceeded to give me advice on what to do next and a reference number. If Craft Superstore do not agree with me then the Trading Standards Office will look into their company policy further on my behalf. Watch this space.
    Lovely evening spent at panto rehearsals, now ready for bed so nighty night girls, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  23. GUILTY SECRETS tomorrow, own up to your purchases tonight as I am featuring them tomorrow!!!
    I await your photos xxxx

  24. Got yo the end of the comments at last. Kept having to do other things and Scarlett wanted to see me when I got home after going out with a friend. We had a nice day out and then went to a little craft shop not far away. It was looking very tired today we thought. A lot of the Christmas stuff still out and Christmas ribbon but none of it reduced. The ladies who work in there are very nice but the owner we don't see very often. We were looking for Easter things as we will be starting the craft sessions a couple of weeks before Easter but they didn't have anything. Hoping to see something at Farnborough but that's cutting it a bit fine.

    Now to today's card. It was a square of card cut using the second largest die from Sue's A set.. I pit the triplet die at the top just under the pierced dots the cut it. Turned it and cut it again. When you cut the first on it doesn't go to the end of the square. When you turn the die it just fits in. You do that all the way around then cut a square in the middle. I cannot remember what size that one was but it just has to fit however you want it really. Hope you can understand that. I was really pleased with the outcome. John said to send hi a photo of it which I did and he said he couldn't see the joins to that was praise indeed.
