
Tuesday 2 February 2016

Good Luck Margaret

Thinking of you today Margaret P x

Margaret's Beautiful Embroidered Cushion

Margaret's Stunning Red Cardinal Cushion

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that these terrible storms haven't caused you all too many problems, apart from the shock poor Maureen had having someone's Red Tartan Bloomers
Waving from the tree in her garden, although Hazel confirmed that they weren't hers, they could however be Norah's or four that matter Patricia's, Jess's or Anne's, maybe even Myra's (were they silk Maureen?) !!

I want to wish Margaret (P) a super speedy recovery after having her hand/wrist surgery today, it must be so frustrating to not be able to use your hands, particularly when you are bored during recovery and you aren't able to sew or make cards.  
So today I thought I would feature a couple of Margaret's amazing creations,
First the beautiful wild flower Cushion that has been beautifully embroidered, such fine details too!
The Second Cushion I love the striking Red Admiral, the colours you have used make the bird just pop!! I lokve how you can see the texture in the feathers and the fine detail of his eye, you will be back to doing these things in no time!
Paul asked if your hand will be well enough to go shopping at Farnborough ??
We don't want you over doing it now do we?!!
Sending hugs your way Margaret xxxx

Also sending Hugs to our Dear Barbara, always in our thoughts, hurry back we miss you xxxx

Margaret B we miss you too, hope you are well my lovely xxxx

Keep safe and warm ladies,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-good luck today, hope your operation goes well. I hadn't started crafting when I had carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand but I sympathise for you.

    Your two cushion covers are stunning, so much detail on them.

    KarenLotty-please get in touch with Julia Watts!!

    Well-the wind sounds horrendous still. Am glad it's too dark to see if there's much damage. My biggest worry is my greenhouse as its over 200 foot away from the house & it's 4 foot higher than the main garden. Ah well-at least that's be fixed if anything has happened to it.

    Today is our annual Audit at work. Our governing body comes in & checks everything. They want to see paperwork from the last 12 months & there's no knowing what they ask to see. They then want a tour of the Aseptic Unit do I have to take both auditors in & answer yet more questions. They'll be here ALL day so I won't feel like doing much tonight.


    1. Hope it all goes well, Michele! It's been a dreadful night!
      Sun shining now but we've had problems with power here too!

    2. Hello Michele, hope the greenhouse is o.k. and that you get through the Audit without any trouble. These things have to be done, but they are a pain.

  2. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, quick post this morning GP visit today at
    8-50, so have to hurry.
    Margaret, hope everything gone well today., your cushions are fabulous, wish I could do hand stitching.
    I'll pop in later to catch up on the news.

  3. Morning Everyone

    MARGARET - thinking of you today. Good luck with the op and please do as you're told re recovery. Your needlework is just outstanding. I particularly love your wild flowers. So detailed and so beautiful.

    NORAH - congratulations - did I see your name yesterday on SW blog as a WINNER. You're always a winner in my book but it's lovely to see a Dear Friend from the Cafe win on our Crafty Planet.

    We are still being battered by gale force winds. I hope everyone is safe and no one has sustained any damage. Michele I've fingers crossed that your greenhouse has survived.

    It's Knit and Natter this afternoon and my first of this year so I don't know whose turn it is for 'take and make'. At least I can catch up on all news etc.

    Off now to put the slow cooker on so I don't have to start when I get back this afternoon. I'll pop in for a coffee later on.

    BARBARA- You're missed my Dear Friend. Hoping you're managing. Hugs and lots of them just for you.


    1. Hello Janet, do you knit and natter, or natter and natter? lol Whatever it is, enjoy it, and the meal from the slow cooker xxxx

  4. Good morning everyone
    Well it's still very wild outside, the dogs rushed out and were very quickly back inside again, the old outside toilets we had as youngsters comes to mind when they do that.
    Margaret I hope you have a speedy recovery from your op, sending a super squishy hug and there's one for Barbara too.
    I don't know what's on for today, it looks pretty overcast up to now but that could change, need to get my challenge card done, I think I know what I'm doing but whether it turns out is another story altogether.
    Margaret I wish I had your talent, your embroidery is amazing.
    All for now, there's hugs in the basket,
    Keep safe if you need to go out, I hope our friends further north aren't suffering too much in this weather, stay warm.
    Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean, another day inside for me as the winds are ferocious, although if I clung on to George he'd be ok ha ha. xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Good luck Mum,speak to you after your op. It is lovely to see your beautiful cushion covers here in the Cafe. Love you xx
    Sandra, to answer Paul's question on whether Mum will be OK to shop at Farnborough, I am pretty sure the answer will be yes. When has anything stopped a lady spending money on gorgeous craft goodies? I will be pulling our faithful old trolley to dump all of the goodies in so Mum won't have to worry : )
    Big hugs to Barbara.
    Sheila, so glad that the phone issue was quickly forgotten. You are a Mum so of course you will worry, that's part of the job isn't it. Us Mums all understand completely, we all do it at different times, no matter how old our children are : )
    Must get on and get dressed as have to go and have breakfast. Take care xx

    1. Hello Sue, please give my love to Margaret when you see her. I hope the op has gone/goes all to plan. xxx

    2. Say hi to your mum Sue when you see her. Look forward to seeing her again at the end of the month.

    3. Thank you ladies, I will pass on your messages to Mum. She rang at 4.40pm to say she was on her way home, all went well. X

  6. Good morning Sandra & all that pop in today
    MARGARET P hope your ok after your opperation today I sympathise with you I had both hands done at the same time . Just rest your hand. Your embroidery is Gorgoeous your so talented in your needle work.sending you some Hug's xxxx

  7. Sorry everyone pressed too quick not much going on today horrendous weather howling winds & rain so I'm not going anywhere. So after tidying house & some ironing I will finish sorting craft room & do the challenge card hopefully & I have a couple of birthday cards to make. Will pop in for some breakfast & builders tea.
    Barbara love & Hug's xxxx
    Pop in later see what your all up to
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Hello Lynda, I'm staying in as well, going to do another Challenge card - well that's the theory!! xxx

    2. Sorry Lynda but we have sunshine and wind at the moment.

    3. Thanks for that Pat we still have wind & rain. Hope the sunshinee again for you tomorrow xxx

  8. Good Morning Sandra and all who pop in today,

    Margaret your cushions look gorgeous, I love you the shading on the bird one.
    I hope the operation goes well and you will be home to rest later today LOL xx

    We are going to my hairdresser friends this morning, my hair needs a trim and colour, John even gets a trim while we are there. We get go have a lovely chat and catchup.

    Sandra I to was thinking about Matgaret B. Hope all is well with her, Margaret if you read this I am sending you very gentle hugs and lots of prayers.
    Thinking of prayers (there is a loose connection) my sister rang at 7.30 this morning, she is in Rome and when she rang was waiting to go into mass, but had to pass through security first, I am talking about a large group of religious sisters (Nuns) Sorry it amused me !!!! Yesterday they had a audience with the Pope. Well she and 5000 Priests and Nuns, she is finding the whole experience very spiritual and uplifting. We were there a few years ago together, she for a conference I had every day, 5 days in total, out on my own in Rome - I loved every moment. I even claimed to the top of St Peters Basilica ( couldn't do that now)

    Time to get a wiggle on, will pop back this afternoon.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda when we went to Rome we went on the roof of the Vatican- the view is amazing! As you probably know you take advantage of a toilet in Rome as there are no public loos so there I was on the Varican roof and what did I spy but a loo ( very primitively!). Needless to say I took advantage and had a papal wee!!!!!! Xxxxx

    2. Brenda, we were there when they smashed down the brickwork to open a doorway for the Millenium. I love Rome xxx

  9. Oops I even CLIMBED to the top!!!!!!

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies, Margaret your cushion covers are beautiful, what a lot of work you have put into them, hope your op went ok and you will soon be on the mend.
    Just a few cards to finish off today, then if the wind dies down I need to go and tidy up the garden lifting up all the bits that have been blown in.
    Take care, will pop back later, xxx

    1. Hi Jess, I'm not bothering to pick anything up until I know that the winds have gone for a while!!! Lazy, or what? xxx

    2. I wouldn't bother Jess. The winds are coming back apparently, so it'll be just as bad.

  11. Morning everyone
    I'm making use of the Internet whilst it's still working, it's been misbehaving since our power cut rounds - it needs resetting I think so it will get sorted soon. Margaret your cushions are gorgeous - I hope the operation went well and you are soon home for your recovery. I hope you've got a stash of books to read.
    Take care everyone with this awful weather - there are pitch black clouds at the front and sunshine at the back at the moment.
    Love Diane xxxxxx

    1. Dainty, it's a day of two halves (get it?) xxxx

  12. Morning Sandra and the rest of my lovelies,
    WOW! Margaret your embroidery is stunning how I wish I had the patience to do something like that...the last time I did any embroidery was in primary school and very basic it was , we made our own sewing bags and embroidered our name in chain stitch plus a few basic flowers and then an apron with the same thing on it....ooooo I was so proud of them! Wishing you good luck with the operation and hoping the recovery will be speedier than you think.
    My thoughts and prayers are still with Barbara and hope you are back with us in the near future you are very much missed lovely lady. My Honey Doo and Chloe stamps have just arrived great service from both shops. I have quite a few birthday cards to do this month and very special ones for my lovely Australian twin cousins who will be 50 this month, I miss them so very much as they and their Mum and I are all very close.
    Have a good day my lovelies hope you are not getting battered too much especially our dear lovelies further north. More hugs in the basket I think they are quite safe as Norah's huggles have been quite well behaved of late!
    That reminds me Congratulations on winning one of Sue's dies Norah hope it cheers you up a bit after a sad start to the week.
    Take care
    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    1. Hello Sheila, love and hugs to you, it's so nice to see you again. Get those cards made ha ha xxxx

  13. Hello Sandra and Ladies, sorry i havn't been in all week i have had some rotten bug doing the rounds. Please Sandra can i have your email address again as i cannot find it, i have two challenges to send you ( just to show you that i did do them ahah ) and my latest buy. Margaret's cushions are gorgeous, i wouldn't let anyone sit on them if i had done them, did two of your coffee shop patrons win on Sue's blog, many congratulation, i know the lovely Nora did. I will pop back later when i have had chance to catch up with the last few days posts. hugs to all Johanna

    1. Hello Johanna, lovely to see you. Sorry you've had the dreaded lurgy, almost everyone seems to have had something or other. Glad you are feeling better. xxxx

    2. Hi Joanna.
      What a shame you've had the dreaded Kyrgyz. I hope it's well and truly on its bike now.

    3. Predictive texts at it again. I'm sure I wrote greased our lurgy. It's just changed it another twice.

    4. My word, I can't write that again you should get the jist

    5. Johanna,
      My email address is
      I look forward to seeing your cards xx

  14. Hello Sandra,
    Well it's been an exciting morning so far!
    The decorator arrived before nine o'clock. He was getting on just fine when we had a power cut! This is where it went a bit pear shaped! Alastair went to the Fuse Box and he pressed a yellow button. After that we had central heating and some sockets were working. He assured me there was a problem and an expert would be required. Well British Gas were called and they came very quickly - we are on a Contract with them . Anyhow the fellow came in pushed a switch up - everything hunky dory - not the craft one!!! He misread the instructions . We paid £50 call out fee for that! I'm glad we don't have a problem but I wish I'd gone to the box myself as my husband is not a very practical person. He's a lovely man - just not practical! That's one way to pass a morning! I could have had several die sets for that! Ha ha!
    Margaret hope all goes well today!
    Your cushions are really lovely! I used to embroider a lot but not lately.
    I'm going to read what you have been up to. Xxxx

    1. Now Myra, just look at it like this. You've had 3 men running around your house this morning. How many of us have that opportunity ha ha xxxx (If George had wasted £50 that could have been spent on craft, he'd be in A&E at this moment ha ha.)

  15. Helloooooooooooooo
    Margaret's cushions are beautiful, they are works of art. I love embroidery and used to do it a lot before Arthur struck.
    Sandra, when I had a closer look at the tartan bloomers there's a label with a coat of arms with ER Balmoral underneath. I have no idea who they could belong to ha ha.
    The house is nearly being blown over by the gales, the chimney sounds as though there is a drum kettle banging inside, and I'm frightened to open a window in case the wind takes it away. Other than that things are fine here.
    I'm away to have a drop of my lentil soup mmmmm, have done my housework, and am going to attempt another Challenge card.
    See you later, don't be good, it's too boring!!!
    Muriel xxxx

    1. I think these bloomers flew over my house Maureen, must have blown of their washing line, if they have one.

  16. Hi Sandra
    Love the bouquet you've chosen for Margaret. I hope the operation on your hand went well. It must be awful when you can't used one of your hands Margaret. Take care. I just love your cushions, thanks for showing them Sandra.
    Thinking of you Barbara.

  17. Good afternoon my little coffee shop cherubs,
    I can honestly say their not my bloomers as i haven't got into that choice of underwear as yet but hey you never know if it gets a bit drafty up near those nether regions they just might come in handy.
    Margaret flower i hope that your surgery goes well today and that you will be back doing what you love doing again soon. Your cushions are gorgeous flower and so bring back things that i have embroidered over the years. I was in hobbycraft last week with my friend Di when i picked up this little knitting set for a child, not suitable for under 9's i think but it could have been older. Now since they were small plastic needles and a plastic darning needle why the high child age. Crikey mum had me sewing, knitting, making rag rugs and tapestry long stitch long before i started school in amongst the spelling, writing, counting and sums, the timestables up to 7 or 8 before we started the school at 4 1/2. That must have been child neglect or abuse or some sort of stupid rules or regularations broken and all this time i just thought mum was keeping us out of mischief, it just goes to show you.
    Campbell has went back to work today which will keep him occupied and out of my hair for the day as he goes like a man possessed and has to be doing something only i have to be doing it as well. He seems to forget that i haven't got the strength , stamina or will power to keep up at that pace, so out to work where he can keep himself busy.
    I can't believe that i have won something in Sue's release so much so that i cried, silly bisom that i am. I really don't mind which dies it was, just the fact that i did i was fair away. Thank you, all of you for being so happy for me. The kindness that you all have shown and the friendship is just so special.
    I am at the moment trying to get my son out of his skippy the kangaroo onsie to come with me to drop off things at the charity shop and he is at the moment resisting his mothers charm, now to find the mallet, lol.
    will try and get back after girls that's if this internet will hold up off mine as it is taking wee moods to itself today.
    Norah x

  18. Good evening Ladies,
    MARGARET I hope your hand operation went well , you will be glad it is over , sometimes the worst part is dreading it, anyway I hope you recover quickly and feel better soon, your cushion covers are beautiful , you are certainly talented with a needle.xo
    I managed to get my challenge card made this morning and 2 pages of scrap booking , I haven't done any for a long time and I think my brain has gone on a go slow!
    Weather just normal wet and windy now, the forecast for tomorrow sounds quite good so hope to go on the walk.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  19. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight.
    Just a quick note to say that Mum is home after her 6 minute op, yes, 6 minutes! Done under local, not general as I thought. All went well. Thank you so much for all of the good wishes, so lovely of you
    Not that we would expect any less of this wonderful blog : ))
    Thanks again from.both me and Mum xx

    1. Hi Sue glade your mum is ok give her a big Hug from me. Hope she rests tomorrow. Xxxx

  20. Evening Ladies

    Well-I feel shattered after the Audit. Both auditors arrived at 9.30 & they left st 5.30pm. We had approximately 20 minutes for lunch and that was the only "break". I'm going to play in the craft room to wind down.

    I see Sue Wilson has posted some sad news-her Mum has passed away. It sure that's going to take her a while to adjust to.


  21. I've just read that too Michele, it's such a shame they were very close.

  22. Hi Sue
    I'm glad all went well. Give her a hug from me.

  23. What sad news about Sue Wilson's Mum. X

  24. What sad news about Sue Wilson's Mum. X

  25. Hello Sue, glad Margaret is o.k. It would have taken longer to prepare her than the op!!! I bet she's glad it's over, give her a hug from me.
    Sad news about Sue Wilson's mam. She'll take it hard, as we all would. RIP+

  26. Hello All, glad your op went OK Margaret, also saw the sad news of Sue Wilsons Mum.
    Went to Dr this morning ,he is young and very lovely!!!! so that sugars the pill as they say, anyway he says I need different tablets, not the opiates I take now.
    He seems to think it's something to do with the nerves in my leg.
    We are going to Londonat the weekend so will start them when I get back.
    Hope you all have a good evening.Lilian

  27. Hi Sandra and all. Playing catch-up the last few days and must say that I love all the cards on the Sunday, Great sketch to follow and I will give it a go soon. Yesterdays sketch Sandra look good too and I will try to make one for show this coming Sunday.Your cards are lovely !
    Margaret- so glad the op went well and now hope the recovery want be too long. Love the embroidery on the cushions, they are Beautiful ! hugs.
    Norah- so glad to see your name on the list for a die, you well deserve some luck. Many Condolences do to hear your FIL's passing. Sending many hugs to you all.
    Also my thoughts are with Saba and family, I hope you doing alright, many hugs.
    Sheila- so nice to see you back. Glad all settled with what happened during the week-end, hope Nikki is ok ?
    Janet- hope the filling in the form for a Blue Badge went ok. and that you will get it without any problems.
    Lynda- hope the meds. will kick in and help your feet soon, can't be nice to have that feeling in them,hugs.
    Myra- hope your decorating goes well and no more power cuts, you seemed to have had a busy day. Take care.
    Brenda -hope your sister had a good day in Rome. Have never been, actually never been to Italy but would love to go one day.
    Well we are back home after a good week away and all four of us suffering from a bad cold ! I just managed to do the washing and get some shopping in before having to crawl back into bed and get some rest. So wish we were still at the snow covered mountains with the wonderful dry air and not home with the rain and horrid wind that howling outside the door. Think I will have a slice of your Birthday cake Jean, it looks yummy, with a mug of tea (bag twice used) hope you had a good day.
    Where is our Littlelamb ? hope you are just busy but taking care of yourself.
    Anne- hope you get a nice walk in tomorrow, had wanted to get back to swimming but it will have to wait. Norah - how did it go for you with the swimming ?
    Sad news about Sue's mum, hope she will be all right. Think she should take some time off.
    Terry Wogan is also a person who is going to be sadly missed. I always loved his voice.
    Karen - YES! I hope to see Karen in Watford on the 13th of February so if you are in the area, come and join us for coffee and some lunch. We promise not to bite....
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  28. Hi Sandra & everyone
    MARIA glad you had a good holiday but sorry your not feeling well.hope you feel better soon sending you some ((((Hug's)))) xx
    MARGARET P hope your feeling ok & your hand isn't painfull take it easy tomorrow (((Hug's))) xxx
    I managed the challenge card today sent to Sandra
    MAUREEN have you made your one yet or was you doing three haha.
    Very sad news about Sue's Mum she will find it very hard hope she takes some time off.
    As MARIA said Terry Wigan will be sadly missed RIP.
    Good night God bless Lynda xxxx
