
Monday 1 February 2016

Monday Challenge

 This weeks Sketch

My First Challenge Card

My Second Challenge Card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Welcome to this weeks Monday Sketch Challenge, I once again kept it fairly simple, to make it achievable for everyone, whether you use dies or not.

Basically use the layout of the card as your basic template, then as you can see from my two cards, the rest is up to you, just make sure you have a strip of some sort going across the top half of the card and an oval or square, or shape of your choice in the bottom corner, embellish to your hearts content!

The first card I made used the Daisy Lattice Embossing Folder from Carts Too to emboss my background, I placed a piece of Creative Expressions Iris card stock on my base card, i then cut a piece of double sided adhesdive about two inches wide and placed it on my Iris card where i wanted my 'channel to be', i then peeled off the front abs covered with Cosmic Shimmer Iced Snow, I then cut my background into two and trimmed about two inches off, placed plenty of double sided foam on to the back of my card and placed it onto the iris card making sure I lined the edges of the card alongside my Channel, (the foam tape makes the channel recessed), to decorate the edges of my channel I cut two CE Corvus Gemini outline pieces out of iris card, then cut the whole die out of White card, giving me a gorgeous lacey die cut, I glued this over the iris outline piece and then stuck them along the edges of my card along the channel. I love the decorative edge it makes. I used the Shaded Lilac Distress Marker to colour my pearls to match my card and placed them along the Gemini die cut.  I then cut a Spellbinders Small Oval die in white and its matching scallop die in Iris, then added my sentiment!

The second card, I used Navy card embossed with Sue Wilson Basket Weave Folder, I matted it onto a white 8x8 card base, I the added a wide strip of white card that had been die cut with a Spellbinders Edge die, I then added a navy mat and then finished with a Red/navy check pattern from my stash, I repeated these layers in the flag tailed banner dies, then added a Creative Expressions classic bow die cut in navy and then red check, I then die cut the Spellbinders Happy Birthday Die cut in Navy,
I finished with a matted square in the bottom corner with the age of recipient, then added a few Silver Card Candi to the corners!
A totally different look from the first card, I hope they inspire you to create your own!

I hope you all stay dry and  safe from the forecast gales,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Two brilliant cards to start us off Sandra. I'll ponder on this sketch tonight-am going to give blood after work so won't feel like doing much else.

    Will try to pop in later.

    1. Hi Michele, I hope they don't take an armful, like they did to Tony Hancock!! ha ha

  2. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, dry here at the moment and its light.
    Great sketch ,even I should be able to get this one right.
    Love both the cards you have done , Hubby has a birthday on Friday so I'll use this idea.
    Hugs to all .Lilian

  3. SANDRA Another great sketch I'm loving these Monday sketch ideas and your cards are really different I hope you're not putting yourself under pressure trying to produce ideas every week
    NORAH I was sorry to hear about your FIL and like the otters am surprised that the church does not have wheelchair access
    SHEILA I hope Nikki was ok after the phone mix up
    My saying from yesterday rings very true today On Sue's blog she has used several die sets. I hope there's some cafe ladies on the winning list later
    Take care all

    1. Hi Karen, if it's a very old church, I think they can be exempt from providing disabled access.
      Our church is only about 50 years old, and Father had wheelchair access put in on the side door about 20 years ago. The first wheelchair user who tried to get in, found that there was a 4" step from the top of the ramp, over the doorstep!!! He had to call the builders back, and they put a partial concrete ramp on top of the original. The two are now coming apart!!!!

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Once again you have chosen a sketch that we can all have a go at, thank you my lovely. Love your cards, you always get the ball rolling with beautiful examples : )
    Norah, so sorry to hear of your FIL passing away. My sympathy to you all. Gentle hugs for you x
    Sandra, thank you for the tumble drier warning. I will be checking our model out. I do empty the filter each time but the fluff still can get compacted under the filter housing so get the vacuum noozel on it every few months. It is dreadful that the manufacturers haven't put out a proper recall/warning. They don't have any excuse these days with so many easy ways to reach the public, do they.
    I hope everyone is snug and dry, goodness me it is very windy out isn't it!
    I was told just before going to bed last night that Chris has arranged for the two of us to go to Studland Bay / Poole today and we will be staying over until tomorrow! What a lovely surprise. I think he wants to keep me busy while Mum has her op, Now I know why he was asking what we had planned for today and tomorrow!
    Good luck with your op tomorrow Mum, I'm getting my ironing arm ready for the next few weeks : )) Love you xxxx
    Must go and pack my overnight bag.
    Barbara, you are in my thoughts, love and hugs x
    Sheila, I hope Nikki is OK after the phone mix up. Take care x
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Arn't you the lucky one, go & have a lovely time I know it's your favourite spot. Will ring you when I have had it done. Love Mum xx

    2. Good luck MARGARET with your opperation hope your ok.
      Sending you Hug's love Lynda xx

    3. All the very best Margaret! Hope it all goes well.
      Sue - have a lovely time! Xx

    4. All the best Margaret for your operation, Sue have a great time
      Jean xx

    5. Hello Sue, have a lovely time and what a thoughtful husband to give you such a great surprise.
      Margaret P, good luck and GWS. xxx

  5. Morning Everyone
    We are being beaten again with gale force winds although a plus is that at the moment we are dry.

    SANDRA - good Challenge for this week. Will have to be putting my thinking cap on and see what I come up with.

    SHEILA - I hope everything was alright when Nikki got back re the phone and that she's now OK.

    Well I have to complete my form for a 'blue badge' today. I had one 30years ago when I had my left kneecap removed but then when I had my first knee replacement 19years ago they took it off me and in their words 'I didn't meet the criteria' to have one. I haven't applied for one since as that upset me so much and although I've had 2 further complete replacements on my right knee and my spine is now chronic but I'm now at the stage where I just cannot manage and so Jim has to get as close as he can to where we're going; drop me off and then go and find a parking space while I wait for him to get back to me. I do not go out on my own these days as I'm not always steady and of course have a fear of falling. I'm only asking for a badge not any other support but the form is like a mine field and they say it will only take 15mins to fill in!!!! So I'll be needing a very large latte and many of them today. Sorry for the moan.

    All is set out ready and waiting for our first visitors today. I'm looking forward to seeing who pops in. The sweetie jar is getting a little on the low side so I'll try and remember to fill it up perhaps with some old fashioned sweeties from our childhood. Like 'Spangles' Sherbert Dips Parma Violets and dare I put some Gob Stoppers in there?

    Hugs are on their way to all in need. Barbara I've sent special ones for you my Dear Friend. I hope you're managing.

    1. Hi Janet, gosh you really have been through the mill with your knee, I have heard quite a few people who have had this operation say how painful it is, and also the exercises afterwards , so you have my sympathy , you certainly need a badge, I hope you are successful this time , good luck with the horrible form filling. xo

    2. Hi Janet, good luck with the form filling and fingers and every thing else crossed you will get a blue badge especially as you certainly need one.
      Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    3. Hi Janet I don't envy you filling out your form for the blue badge they are like a manuscript.Good luck & fingers crossed you get your badge you certainly need one.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hi Janet, I had a knee replacement several years ago, and although it stopped giving way, it's been much more painful ever since.
      I have a blue badge because I can't bend my knee to get in the car, so have to have the car door fully open, and as today's car parking spaces are so small, needed the extra space.
      We always put a covering letter in fully explaining this.
      You would think you are depriving them of a fortune, but as you still have pay to park I don't see what the problem is.
      I always point out how narrow supermarket spaces are.

    5. Hope the thinking cap works Janet!! Any Form from a Government Dept. Is a nightmare! You need that badge - I do hope you get it. Xxx

    6. Hi Janet, good luck - hope it goes smoothly and you get your badge. When I applied for Nics years ago I sent a covering photo of her complaining and rubbing her legs. It worked
      Jean xx

    7. Hello Janet, Good luck with the Blue Badge application. I expect the form is the equivalent of War and Peace!!

    8. Hi Janet
      Just make sure you don't walk any distance if you have to go and see them. Doreen struggled to walk a little way from where she parked the car, and they wouldn't let her have one because of that.

  6. Good morning Ladies,
    Really stormy up here today !
    Sandra , your cards are lovely , I look forward to having a play and see what I can come up with, it certainly encourages you to think of something different and gets the old brain cells working! We also had a dryer go on fire many years ago, it fortunately was out in the garage so didn't cause any damage, but we certainly would never leave one on now unattended.
    Well the Pilates is cancelled again this week so I haven't had any real exercise since before Christmas , hopefully the walk will be on on Wednesday as I feel so unfit.
    Sheila , I hope Nikki got over the mishap with the phone and is ok now xo
    Thinking of you Barbara and sending hugs xo
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Jess , I must be blind I've been looking on Creative Expressions but can't find it?

    2. Hi Anne, we like to go for a walk to town, but it's ages since we've done it because of the rain last month, and then the winds. We walk part of the way along the Coast Road and we'd be blown backward to the coast today!!

  7. Hi again, just been on Sue's blog and her card today is stunning ! I love the elegant sentiment stamp used but can't find it anywhere , does anyone know where you can get it?

    1. Anne, Craft World have Large Elegant Sentiments, but the one Sue used is not in the pack, they are by Justrite. Cost £12.99.

    2. Anne just had a look in Crearive Expressions, they have the stamps, might just have to get them. X

    3. Hixxysoft have them for £10. 95 with free P&P . They are a John Lockwood set they say! Hope it helps Anne! Xxx

    4. Oh no MYRA I just got the stamp set from Julia watts £13.99 never hered of Hixxysoft I'm just going in my craft room & scream & shout hehe xxx

    5. Lynda, I've never heard of Hixxysoft either, but then I haven't heard of a lot of things ha ha xxxxx

    6. Myra, I had never heard of HixxySoft before, it is a Great site! I had a good look through and found the stamp I wanted but changed my mind about ordering it as the stamp Sue used today was the only one I wanted really in the set , but I ordered Sue's new flourish die and the finishing touches flowers like Norah has won, so chuffed for her, that will cheer her up! Thanks again for your help , I have kept their app.xoxo

    7. Glad to be of service Ma'am!! Ha ha xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    A super challenge for us this week, will have to give it a lot of thought to do something different.
    Really wild and wet here today, not much hope of getting out and about, so after a quick clean up I guess I will just have to make some cards!
    Barbara, you are I my thoughts today my lovely.
    Take care everyone, Jess xxx

    1. Jess, I wish you wouldn't track these things down, it costs me so much money ha ha

    2. Jess , thanks for your help also , as you can read above I changed my mind and bought two of Sue's dies instead.xo

  9. Good morning Sandra and all the Coffee Shop ladies,

    This is an interesting challenge, love both of your very different cards, they certainly help these grey cells of mine!! I'll have to see what I can come up with.

    Margaret P hope the operation goes well and you will not be in to much pain. Sending you love and prayers. xxx

    Sheila, I hope Nikki is alright and her house mate understood that it was a very easy mistake, these phones all look alike, Nikki certainly would never taken it intentionally, the contacts would all be different, so of no use to her. xxx

    Janet, I hope you get the form completed for you Blue Badge application, it makes me cross that you should have to go through such a performance when your needs are obvious. I hope you are successful. LOL xx

    Must go and empty the washing machine, think I may get the sheets pegged out as the sun has decided to come out. Also the builders working next door haven't got a bonfire (someone complained - not us)

    Good luck everyone for the SW draw. Hope we see some familiar names.

    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxxx

    1. Brenda, If I'd hung washing on the line, Dainty would be picking it up in Southampton!!!!
      I hope it's dried for you.

  10. Hello Sandra and all my lovelies,
    Two beautiful cards from you this morning Sandra for the challenge and a lovely Sketch too.
    Phew!! Have just rung Grange to see how Nikki was after the phone incident, she was a bit subdued after arriving home but soon back to her happy self after about half an hour. Denise had been changing her room around (with the help of the support workers) and was happily showing Nikki around later on and chatting away. Such a relief for me...oh I do worry too much at times but feel alot happier today about it all. Had a lovely lunch and chat with my buddy Carol yesterday...we went to our local M and S as we love the carrot cake!! Then a bit of shopping after that.
    I've been a bit naughty and pre.ordered a couple of Spellbinders March dies, one is a bag and the other is a tag. If you look on Amazing Paper Grace blog you can se all the new collection that Becca has done with her dies....beautiful. I ordered mine from Craftworld at a price of £10.99 each instead of £19.99 each. I can't see them anywhere else cheaper.
    I do hope our Scottish lovelies are keeping safe from all the battering you're getting up there, it's bad enough here so I dread to think what it's like up there.
    Special hugs and thoughts to Barbara we're right here for you my lovely.
    Have put more hugs in the basket for those who just want a hug, we all need them from time to time even if there is nothing going on in our lives.

    Love Sheila xxxxxx

    1. Hi SHEILA so pleased Nikki is ok & Happy again & you had a lovely day with Carol. Your crafty buys sound good will go & have a look.
      You snuck in front of me while I was typing haha. Love Lynda xxx

    2. Sheila, so glad it all turned out OK ref the phone and Nikki. That little bag is gorgeous. I can see you having lots of fun using it. So pleased you enjoyed your time out with your friend. Xxx

    3. Ooh Sheila you confessed! As you know I love it too! However , I'm still thinking!! Ha ha!
      So pleased the phone problem was sorted out! Xxx

    4. Hi your all buying lovely things, no crafty spends for me this week, just had delivery of my Nespresso coffe pods, ordered a big lot to get a free storage cube.

    5. Hi Sheila, glad Nikki is ok and settled into her routine again.
      I always say if I don't worry about Nic who will, so don't feel guilty worrying, that's what mums do best.
      Sounds like you have had a good day
      Hugs Jean xx

    6. Hi Sheila, I'm glad you had a good day out with Carol, and that Nikki's phone is sorted. You will worry about Nikki more because you are not on the spot with her. We all do it, even though Rachel has no problems (other than having me as her mother!) and she is 47, I still worry about her!! That's what mother's do.

    7. Hi Sheila
      I'm glad that the phone mix up was sorted and that Mikki is back to get usual happy self. What's not to like vie with carrot cake.

  11. Good morning SANDRA & ladies
    Great sketch today will try that later. Your two cards are lovely SANDRA your very good doing two examples each week thank you.
    I did get back yesterday evening but after three attempts it kept freezing up on me so sorry I gave up. I have just got back from the Doctors had to go & see her about the tablets she gave me last month for my burning tingling feet & legs they didn't do any good but she wants me to try them for another month.
    Going to try & sort my foundation card out now at the moment they are laying flat in a draw so I have to take them all out when I need a colour. So was thinking of standing them up in a deeper draw. How do you ladies store your card any help please? Then got to sort my goodies from Sandown park not that much though. Barbara thinking of you sending ((((Hug's ))))my lovely.
    SHEILA I hope Nikki is ok & her surport worker sorted the phone thing out.xxxx
    Well better get a wiggle on. Try & pop back later
    Hug's xxxxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Remember to send me a photo for this weeks 'guilty secrets' (what have you bought this week) feature!!
      Can't wait to see your haul of goodies!!
      I keep some of my Card in a deep draw, so its on its side, easy to get to as you can just flick through!
      Huge hugs
      Sandra xx

    2. Hi Lynda, I store my card in the plastic boxes, either A4 or 12"x12", I label each box with what's inside and then just get that box down off the shelf,
      Sorry to read that your feet and legs aren't any better and hope that the tablets do the trick this time.

    3. Thank you Sandra & Maureen I have done the same as you now Sandra stood them up in a deep draw think it will be a lot easier. Thank you Maureen yes doctor said try tablets for another month I don't think she knows what is causing it. I'm a medical mystery HAHA so will just keep taking the tablets. Hug's Lynda xx

  12. Good morning cherubs,
    Can i just say to ALL my CHERUB friends that have been so kind yesterday thank you for Campbell. He didn't think it would affect him when his dad finally went but it is and it is better out than kept in to himself. He is away with Rory trying to get the things from Mum's back garden that his brother Richard is supposed to be taking but hasn't got a works van to lift them yet to take across to his house. For me if he keeps himself doing things then it is keeping him occupied and not got the time to think of all the wrongs of the past between him and his father.
    Well Sandra, that's it the start of a new challenge week flower and i know that my brain isn't going to work, crikey it's in auto pilot at the moment so you know that me and this challenge is not going to happen flower, sorry. Both of your cards are lovely flower and the second one would be great for those pests in our lifes that just like to make life difficult when trying to think what card to make for them but the navy and tartan one would be a good choice. I like you border card with the gemini die that you have used to make it. I don't have this die but the more i am seeing it used the more i'm thinking that i need to put it on my list a bit nearer the top of it.
    back in a wee while my baby cherub has just arrived
    Norah x

    1. Oh Norah I'm so sorry to hear about Campbell's dad, my sincere condolences to you Campbell and the family.
      Take care my lovely and sending gentle hugs
      Love Sheila xxxx

    2. Hello Norah, take things easy, you do too much.

    3. Congratulations Norah ! you are a winner on Sue's blog😄😀 xo
      I love your prize and have ordered it on the new site Myra has just told us about , good prices and no p&p.

    4. Well done Norah, winning one of Sue's dies.

    5. C o n g r a t u l a t I o n s !!! My Friend! Couldn't have happened to a nicer lady! Xxx

  13. Good afternoon Sandra and ladies. I couldn't believe when I saw the sketch card today!!! I was playing yesterday with design ideas that were in my head. I had made a card that wasn't that far off the sketch. I have sent it in as my challenge card.
    We are being battered here with lashing rain and strong winds, so no going out for me today. If I put washing out on the line if it was dry, I think Maureen or Margaret C would maybe find it in their gardens.
    Off to check on my pot of chicken broth soup that is cooking away. Then I am off to play with another design, a bit of a take on the wedding card I made the other day. I am using bits from my bit box at the same time. Xxx

    1. How funny, your card was an a fairly good match to this weeks sketch challenge, same as last week you are first past the post with your design !!!!
      Your chicken broth will be good medicine in this terrible weather, stay safe my lovely xxxx

    2. Hello Hazel,
      There's some tartan bloomers swinging on our apple tree, are they yours, they are far too small to be mine!!!
      I've got the ham cooking to make some lentil soup, can't beat a drop of hot soup to warm the cockles.

    3. No Maureen,not mine! I didn't peg out the washing as its been lashing with rain, the wind has got up even more and our Vauxhall Mariva is swaying slightly in it. It's a solid wee car, so goodness knows what a little light one be like on the road. Xxx

  14. Hello Sandra,
    I'm sorry I didn't see your message to send the card until very late last night! I was emptying the dining room yesterday evening - such fun! Still it's all done and everything is washed and covered up ready to go back when the decorator has finished. He starts in the morning!
    I'm going to make and send this week's card tonight. I've got school craft club today so am leaving for that shortly.
    Be good while I'm out xxx
    Thinking of you Barbara ! Xxxx

    1. Myra, enjoy yourself with the little darlings. Ooh when everything is washed and sparkling you feel so good, don't you.
      I smile to myself every time I think of you getting up early for the decorator!!!!

    2. Small things!!! Xxx
      Tin Hat Xxx

  15. !!! BARGAIN ALERT !!!
    I know how you all love your Anna-Marie Designs card, well for today only you can by the whole of the latest colour collection (the ones I have been using ), you get the Dottie, fleur,dictionary,striped & gingham .....
    Yes ALL 5 SETS, for an incredible £22.95, saving a massive £22 !!!!
    So if any one asks you can say it was too good to pass up as you saved pretty much the same as you spent !!!
    It is only for today though, so don't miss out xxxx


    2. O.k. Sandra, I've found it xxx

    3. I saw that too! I'm still thinking - don't tell Patricia! Xxx

  16. Good afternoon everyone
    I'm late in today, we have had the dogs out for a really good walk while its dry, the sun is shining and out of the wind it's gorgeous, but on my! That wind, it's stopped us in our tracks a few times, still it's blown the cobwebs away.
    Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes yesterday, it was really late when I popped in, we had a brilliant day, the baby shower was a success, Toni was totally overwhelmed with gifts, she got such a fright when she came back from shopping and found everyone in the house - then we went for an Italian, just family, last night, gorgeous, just been cutting cake up so I'm sending each and everyone of you a virtual piece - totally calorie fee.
    Norah I'm so sorry to hear of your FiL passing. My condolences to all the family, a gentle hug for you especially.
    I'm going to go back to the beginning now and read everything, love the sketch for this week.
    Take care anyone who's out in this wind
    Hugs Jean xx

    1. Jean, Mmm I've having my piece of cake with a cup of coffee, only one thing would make it better, if it was real ha ha!! Glad you had a good time at the baby shower.

  17. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra a lovely challenge again this week I a hoping to have a go today thank you for your kind words on last weeks one. xx
    Thank you all for the best wishes for tomorrow not too bothered only a local so will be home later, I have had worse it's just the thought of not being to be able to use my right hand.xx
    Janet good luck with your form I need to renew mine later on this year, I have had both hips replaced & like Lilian need to be able to open doors right out usually have to answer questions from my Dr. Fingers crossed for you Janet xx.
    Special hugs on way to Barbara & all who need them love Margaret xx

  18. Norah just been on SW blog and you have won a prize - your name us near the end - well done xx

  19. Congratulations Norah, winning over on Sue Wilson blog. Xxx

  20. Hellooooooooooooooooo,
    Norah, they say you've won on Sue's blog, so congratulations. I haven't been on yet, so I didn't know.
    Sandra, I'm looking forward to the Challenge and will try to get my card in sooner to you.
    Thanks for the heads up on Anna Marie card, I've asked you above where to get it.
    See you later,
    Thinking and sending love and hugs to Barbara and family.

    1. Just been to look at the Anna-Marie card, but the postage is showing as £10.68. so will have to rethink.

    2. Maureen if you spend £30 p&p is free and they have some fabulous clearance lines , I got lots of inserts etc .yesterday.

  21. Congratulations Norah on your Sue Wilson die win well done
    Hug's Lynda xx

  22. Hi Sandra
    Love the challenge card this week.
    Can I say congratulations to Norah on winning one of Sue's dies.
    Good luck for tomorrow Margaret.
    I'd better go and have a look at Anna Marie's website to see what's on offer.

  23. Ladies I don't know if you are aware that LOTV have discontinued their coloured art pads. This is one crafter that is disappointed. I love these as I am rubbish at colouring! Xxx

  24. Oh Anne, thanks for telling me about Anna Marie and free P&P, it rhymes!!! I'm away to have another look.
    Can you stock up Hazel, or have they all gone?

  25. Maureen discontinued from the 10th January. X

    1. Who said Maureen is being discontinued !!! They will have to get through me first! Xxxx

    2. Ah Myra, thank you so much, but Hazel is really very nice and I'm sure she wasn't thinking straight. Probably been on the Baileys again. xxxx

  26. Just had to stop by and give NORAH my congratulations on being one of The winners on Sue W blog. Norah it couldn't go to a nicer person, so pleased for you LOL xx

  27. Hellooooooooooo
    I'm so pleased, I've finished my Challenge card and have enjoyed doing it, so may do another one!!!
    I am retiring for the night, so will say sweet dreams and God Bless.
    Thinking of Barbara and family, and Norah and family.
