
Sunday 31 January 2016

Sketch Challenge cards and Happy Birthday Jean

 The Sketch

 My First Challenge card

My 2nd challenge card
 Anne's Challenge Card

 Brenda Hopkins Challenge card

 Brenda Lello Challenge card

 Hazel's Challenge Card

 Janet's Challenge Card

 Jean's Challenge card

 Jess's Challenge Card

 Karen's Challenge Card

 Karen's Challenge Card 2

 Lilian's Challenge Card

 Lynda's Challenge card

 Margaret Palmer Challenge Card

 Maureen's Challenge Card

Michele's challenge card

sue (Mrs B)'s Challenge card


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Firstly, I would like to wish Our Dear Friend Jean a Very Happy Birthday, I hope that you get spoilt today and everyday, relax and enjoy your day, love from all of your friends here in the cafe xxx

Wow. Wow, Wow, you are all just blooming amazing, look at all those fantastic cards, each one totally different from the next, which shows we all interpret ideas in a different way.

If you notice Michele has carried on the 'Candi' theme on her card, I love that embossing folder you have used Michele!!

Margaret P, Once again you have entered a beautiful card, with no dies, I wish I was at your skill level so soon into card making, I can't wait to see what you come up with when you are die cutting as well !

Your cards are all so inspirational, I hope that the sketch has inspired you too !
Thank you all for taking the time to take part in the challenge xx
I have my thinking cap on now ready for tomorrow !

I hope you all have a relaxing Sunday,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good Morning Sandra and friends, early this morning waiting to watch the tennis.
    First MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY JEAN,hope it's alovely one.
    Wow what a beautiful selection of cards, such a great way to to get motivated which I need in these dark wet days. Thank you Sandra for doing the sketch,eagerly waiting to see what you come up with tomorrow.
    Have a good day all, keep safe to those who have snow.
    Special hugs for for those feeling ill or low.
    Keep crafting Lilian

  2. Good morning everyone,
    Well looks like I'm first in today, but a busy day on the cards today, arranging my granddaughters baby shower, her friends are taking her and little Jayden to Trafford Centre while we get all sorted, she doesn't have a clue, I love all this cloak and dagger stuff. We are all going for an Italian tonight so should enjoy ourselves.
    Thank you all so much for all your birthday cards, each one is beautiful and special, I will thank you all personally over the next few days, thank you again.
    Sandra, I bet you were blown away by the standard of all the sketch cards, you know these cards could all be on a stand in a card shop and are up there with the best. Just love this challenge.
    I will pop back later this afternoon after the baby shower but thank you all once again,
    Hugs in the basket if needed as usual,
    Jean xx

    1. I know you have a busy day ahead but HAVE A WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY and enjoy your Italian tonight.

      Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    2. Happy Birthday, enjoy your day - sounds like a busy one.

    3. Happy Birthday Jean. Enjoy your day and that meal! xxx

    4. Happy Birthday Jean sounds as if you are going to be busy, enjoy your meal tonight.xx

    5. Happy birthday Jean, hope you all have a lovely day today, albeit a busy one! Xxxx

    6. Hi Jean HAPPY BIRTHDAY have a lovely day.Jean I'm very sorry your card will be late the days ran away from me I did ask Terry to post it yesterday as I was a Sandown park craft show all day but he forgot typical I have posted it today sorry again. Hug's Lynda xxxx

    7. Happy Birthday Jean, it sounds like a day filled with fun which is lovely. Enjoy your Italian this evening! Xxx

    8. Have a lovely day Jean. Happy Birthday.

    9. Jean, Happy Birthday, I hope you've enjoyed everything today and have a lovely time this evening at the Italian.

    10. Happy Birthday Jean. I hope you had a lovely day, and enjoyed the baby shower. Have a great time tonight at the Indian : ) Take care x

    11. Happy birthday Jean have a good one.Enjoy your meal xx

  3. Morning Everyone

    First A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEAN. I hope you have a wonderful day although you're going to be so so busy but relax this evening and ENJOY!!

    It's very wet here this morning. We had snow, hail and rain from lunchtime onwards yesterday and by after tea a good covering of the white stuff but thankfully it's nearly all gone this morning.

    What an array of beautiful cards this week and each individual. So many ideas from one small sketch. You must be so pleased Sandra. Waiting for tomorrow to see what you have come up this week.

    Sunday lunch in the cafe today is Roast Chicken with all the trimmings and for afters I think a proper pudding - Spotted Dick with custard. Hope you all enjoy. I've also put a small shoe rack by the door so our lovely Huggles can take their dirty/wet welliebobs off at the door and not trail little muddy footprints all over the Cafe floor. Perhaps I can get Norah to knit a few little slippers so their feet don't get cold having taken off their wellies. What do you think Norah can you fit in this little job?

    We managed to get all the presents needed yesterday so now just have to make Lily-Mae's birthday card but I don't think that will be started today.

    Hugs on their way for our Dear Friends who are under the weather and feeling very sad at this moment and extras by the door just waiting to be claimed.

    1. Ooooh Janet I can smell the roast chicken from here....mmmmm! Smells gorgeous.....and spotted dick too it always takes me back to my school days I think I was the only one who loved it at that time! So pleased you managed to get all the presents yesterday hope the snows stays away.
      Love Sheila xxx

    2. Hello Sheila - it's so lovely to see you today. I love a roast chicken dinner always did as a child but we only had it for Christmas then.
      Yep present shopping wasn't too bad as we'd had a little message from Bailie Gray requesting more PJs like the ones Santa brought. He's will be 9 on the 8th Feb.
      Hope you had a lovely day with Nikki yesterday. Hugs just for you xxxx

    3. Hello Janet, Roast chicken dinner, my favourite. I remember when chicken was only for special dinners. That was long before factory farming!

    4. Yes Maureen, chicken was for special occasions and Christmas, remember that xx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Jean- hope your day is fun filled & you enjoy your meal out tonight.

    Stunning selection of cards for the challenge. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us tomorrow Sandra.

    I must get moving as I need to get all my chores done this morning as we're off to see Star Wars this afternoon & will probably eat at Nando's after the film.


    1. Have a lovely afternoon Michele, you are a dedicated wife, I just don't think I could sit through a Star Wars film, I like the sound of the Nando's part though, enjoy the quality time together xxx

    2. Hi Michele,
      Hope you enjoyed the film, I know you'll enjoy Nando's!!!

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    MANY HAPPY RETURNS JEAN! I hope you have a wonderful day , sounds like it's going to be a busy one full of fun. Xo
    Wow! What a beautiful array of cards, they are all great! I wonder what you have in store for us tomorrow Sandra?
    We have no snow here but very cold, it's our DIL 's dad birthday tomorrow so they are all coming up here for dinner tonight so I'll have to get a move on as I want to watch Andy Murray, fingers crossed.
    Janet , the roast chicken dinner sounds magic, one of my favourite meals !
    Keep warm folks , love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. He lost!! It's a shame but I'm glad Jamie won! We can't have everything. He can go home now and look forward to the baby coming! Xxx

    2. I heard he lost Jean. It's a shame, but the new baby (when it comes) will soften the blow!! I'm keeping as warm as I can, it's freezing here.

  6. Morning Sandra and all you lovelies,
    WOW! What a wonderful selection of cards'e all such a talented group....I love them all.
    Sorry I haven't joined in the challenges yet Sandra I'm just enjoying doing the birthday list and my family cards at the moment but I promise I will join in soon. I really love all the beautiful creations you all come up with though.
    I had a lovely day with Nikki yesterday just one thing spoiled it a bit....about half an hour before she was due to go home she took her phone out of the case only to see another one in there, I asked who did it belong to and she sign Denise (one of the other ladies who live with her) and when I saw the look on Nikki's face I knew she was very worried and she got upset. Denise is a very strong willed lady and unlike Nikki can talk, she can be very loving too, she always has a hug for me and asks how I ham and can also be the same with Nikki at times...but if anyone upsets her...then watch out! She isn't violent or anything like that but just holds it against you for longer than is needed. I had a chat with Jill, the support worker who picked Nikki up and she assured me not to worry about it that she will sort it out....but Nikki looked very upset when she was leaving, hopefully it won't be as bad as I'm thinking. I will give Grange a ring tomorrow when Nikki is at work.
    Carol is picking me up at 11 and we are going for a lunch and a good old chinwag so that will take my mind off Nikki a little bit.
    Sending special hugs to our dear Barbara I do hope you are coping lovely lady and I'm looking forward to the day you feel up to joining us are so very much missed.
    Hugs to all my lovelies too.

    Love Sheila xxxxx

    1. Hi Sheila,
      So lovely to see you in today, I am so pleased that you had a lovely day with Nikki yesterday, I am sure the phone thing was just a mix up and that Denise will understand, I am sure that Jill will make sure that Denise understands that it was all a mix up and that Nikki was upset about the situation. When you call tomorrow I am sure they will put your mind at rest!
      Where are you and Carol going for lunch today? It will be so lovely for you to be enjoying your lunch with a friend rather than at home on your own! Haves a lovely afternoon my lovely and I will be looking out for your challenge card!
      Sending love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Oh Sheila, that's upsetting but I hope it will be easily sorted out without any ill feelings. It's not nice for you to see Nikki upset. I hope you get good news when you ring! It's lovely to see you! Xxx

    3. Hi SHEILA lovely to see you pleased you had a lovely day with Nikki Yesterday. Sorry about the phone im sure there's a simple exclamation about the phone Denise will sort out calmly.
      Sorry Nikki was upset bless her.(((Hug's))))

    4. Hello Sheila, I'm glad you had a good day with Nikki and try not to worry about the phone business. (easy for me to say, I know), but if the staff know what Denise is like they should be able to handle the situation.
      I hope you enjoyed your lunch with Carol.

    5. Hi Sheila
      How upsetting for you both.however, I'm sure that Jill will sort it all out.

  7. Well, I am astounded at everyone's cards. They are beautiful and as SANDRA has said, they closely follow the sketch but all so different. There are one or two dies being showcased that I think I need! On Erika's site - Snappy Crafts where she always does Funnies on Saturday and last week this one really did make me smile "Why buy it yourself for $7 when you can make it with $92 of craft supplies" Ring any bells ladies. It's possibly an addiction but such a healthy one!
    Have a great day whatever you're doing. After my little panic yesterday I intend to craft and have a leisurely lunch out with husband and MIL

    1. Hi Karen, Erika has a point!! but we wouldn't get the enjoyment of worrying about matching colours, choosing the right card, and the layout of the card ha ha.

  8. Good morning Sandra and ladies. A great display of challenge cards! Again showing how we all have done different design from the sketch.
    Nothing much on today, I have a few design ideas in my head that I want to go and play with. So I could be busy for a while either that or the bin will be full. Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel I hope you haven't had any more snow on top of what you already have had, enjoy putting your ideas into fruition. Say hello to Patricia for me and give her my love...I keep meaning to email her then something else pops into my mind. I know she's having a wee break from blogland but I do miss her posts even though I don't pop in every
      day b ut I always read what's going on and to see how everyone is.
      Love Sheila xxx

    2. Will do Sheila, she has things going on at the moment, just general every day things and as she will keep telling me life is to short to get stressed trying to keep everything done and everyone happy!!! She doesn't do good at this time of the year and this year it's wosre as we had no summer as such.
      Glad you had a lovely day with Nikki. The phone thing will be something or nothing. Xxx

    3. Hello Hazel, so you are going to play? Enjoy yourself.

  9. Good Morning Sandra and all the Coffee Shop ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEAN hope you have a lovely day, although it does sound as though you are going to be very busy. Enjoy you Birthday meal this evening.

    What an amazing selection of cards today, each one very different. I love seeing everyone's work displayed - the inspiration is fantastic. xx

    I will unpack my goodies from Sandown Craft Show this morning. Didn't go to mad everything fitted into my little trolley apart from the storage boxes, they were my last purchase on the way out as they are bulky, didn't want to be hauling them around all day, and the car was parked quite a distance from the main building. So will have fun sorting things out later WHEN I get myself organised!

    Have a good day everyone - whatever you are doing.
    Sending Love and Hugs to you all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      So pleased you had a lovely day, don't forget to photograph your purchases for our "what crafty goodies have you bought this week" or "guilty secrets" feature, I think I prefer the second name!
      Anyway I am excited to see what you have bought!!
      Paul did say yesterdsay "I wonder if Brenda has taken her 'craft stash catalogue/itinery' with her to Sandown"
      You are the most organised shopper I know,put it does prevent repetitions!
      I really wanted to go to Sandown park,but Paul wasn't keen, I do agree that they can be too frustrating when the venue is small but the crowd is huge, with it being a Create and Craft sponsored show he thought it would be packed with people wanting to see the craft "celebrities", like at the NEC, where we couldn't get anywhere near the stands with the wheelchair and people were so rude!!
      It was a similar problem at Newbury last year, it was in a tiny hall, hardly any stands, but with a hugfe crowd, it was very hot and way too over crowded!
      Farnborough was/is the best organised craft event we have been to,in as far as layout and parking etc, with Ally Pally being a close second.
      Hope you have a more relaxed day today, my lovely xxx

    2. Hi Sandra, I have sent you a photograph of my stash. I really was very good!!!!!
      I did laugh out loud when I read what Paul had said about my list (Ladies when Paul saw my list at AP he said "List it's more like a catalogue") YES Paul I did have it with me! It now needs updating as I have got 3 Britannia dies to add to it. Also think I should start a Groovi section. I'm really not a sad case - it's my memory. Well that's my excuse.
      I don't think you or Paul would have enjoyed Sandown. I really felt sorry for everyone in wheelchairs or had walking aids. The crowds were very heavy. It thinned out in the afternoon and you could get closer to the demonstrators and stalls.
      Right I will get my stash put away today, might not achieve anything else but hay ho it's Sunday. LOL xxxx

    3. Hello Brenda, ooh I'm looking forward to seeing what you've bought. xxxx

    4. hi Brenda
      I'm looking forward to seeing what you bought.

  10. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely display of cards today, everyone is so different.
    Happy birthday Jean, hope you have a lovely day.
    It was so sad to hear of the passing of Sir Terry Wogan this morning, such a lovely man.
    Take care everyone xxx

    1. A really lovely man Jess! I never heard anyone say a bad word about him. That's quite an epitaph in itself! His family seem lovely too. My thoughts and prayers are with them all. Xxx

    2. So sorry to hear about Terry Wogan , I always had a soft spot for him, he will be greatly missed.

    3. Yes I agree such a funny man. Of course he same from Limerick, which is where my mum was born.

  11. I just heard that Jess, such sad news, he was one of the ' 'radio greats'in my opinion, hilariously funny without being rude, crude or insulting!
    So sad xxx

  12. Ladies, while watching some of Sue's videos yesterday I cakes across a video of Phill Martin, he was promoting his own range of DIES !!
    They are sentiment dies and look really good, they will be released on Feb 4th !!

    1. OH NO!!! not more new releases!!!
      Where do these craft celebrities think we grow money to spend on their goodies???? lol x

    2. I totally agree with you Cheryl, it's a pieace of nonsense! They must think everyone has bank accounts of millionaires. Xxx

    3. Oh my word. Not more new dies, as you all said do they think we all
      All have money trees down the bottom of our gardens.

  13. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    Happy Birthday Jean, I wish for you to have special birthday gifts of love, laughter, friendship and a GOOD bottle of wine today. I hope you will be pampered later by your family. xxx

    So busy yesterday with the panto rehearsal til gone 2.00pm, didn't sleep very well Friday night due to cramps in my fight foot and aches in every joint and muscle, so spent the rest of the afternoon finishing off Stanley's Nursery Rhyme picture. Only one little bit left, I'd forgotten his birth weight was 7lb 1 and A HALF ounces, and missed that half out! Unpicking needed to do again this afternoon. I'll take a picture before it goes off to be stretched and then sent onto his parents for them to frame it in whatever colour they do so desire.

    Forgot to send my photo of the challenge card, sorry. Lovely to see such a fantastic array from you all. Loved them all.

    Loving thoughts of dear Saba and family.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Send your card in today so I can add it Cherylxxx

  14. Hellooooooooooo
    Sorry, I haven't time to stay, but all the cards today are lovely. This challenge lark really makes me put on my thinking cap!!!
    See you all later this afternoon.
    love Maureen xxx

    1. Wondered what that was on your head!! Xxx

  15. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra your challenge has proved to be very popular hope you have plenty of ideas for more, they are all lovely.
    Sorry I was missing yesterday have been busy cooking in preparation for when I cannot do anything much with my right hand.
    Special hugs on way to Barbara & all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Ooh goody Margaret, another food parcel coming to me!!!

    2. Oh Margaret, how rude am I? I meant to say that I hope the op goes well. Is it this Tuesday? xxx

    3. Maureen you could never be rude, thank you for best wishes yes it is Tuesday.xx

    4. HibMargaret
      I hope the operation goes well on Tuesday. Sue will keep us up to speed.Take care.

  16. Good morning girls,
    First Jean, i hope that you have a lovely birthday today flower and that you get treated like the princess you are and i'm sorry that i haven't sent you a card but will explain further down flower but i do wish you a lovely day.
    All your cards are beautiful girls, each and everyone one of them but all different and Margaret P, i wish that my firsts into cardmaking were up to your standard flower as they are fantastic.
    Girls as you know my fathere in law has been in a bad way for the past wee while and we were told he wouldn't see his birthday before christmas, well he did but unfortunately he passed away this morning at the back of 3am. Campbell has been going across every night from his work to see him this week as he had deteriorated that much last weekend. All his children were around him when he went so they can have no reproach about not being there for him but of course there is a bit of conflict going on and he was even gone half an hour. I'll not be able to get into the church as Dad was a member of the main church in Stirling which there is no parking near, they have 2 or 3 flights of steps to get in to it but i will be at the graveside. His brother in laws wont be able to get up either as they are in wheelchairs as well so i will stay with them and keep them company. So i will pop back later but at the moment i have the hippy hippy shakes,
    bye for now
    Norah x

    1. Hi Norah,
      Thank you for your kind comments I am really enjoying card making particularly the challenges.
      Sorry to hear about FIL but he is not suffering any more shame you cannot be at the Church but at least you will be at the graveside to say your goodbyes thinking of you take care love Margaret xx

    2. Norah such sad news sending you and Cambell big hugs, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Xxxxxxx

    3. Hello ladies such a beautiful array of cars today and all so different. It's lovely to see them. Finally got power back about 11 last night, by that time I was ready for bed. Have been trying to sort out clocks and timers this morning and do a few jobs. Dinner is nearly ready so I must dash xxx

    4. Hello Norah my Dear Friend
      So sorry to hear your sad news but you know that at least FIL is now at peace and no more pain. It is very sad that you and more of the family cannot get into Church but you will be able to say your Goodbye at the Graveside. Hugs just for you my Dear Friend. Take care. xxxx

    5. Hi Norah, sorry to hear about your F/I/L, he's in a better place now, no more pain

    6. So sorry to hear about your Father - in - Law Norah. As has been said , his suffering is now over. Sending special huggles to you today - Hughie shed a wee tear and sends you his very best!! Xxx

    7. Many sympathies to you and Campbell on loss of Dad.
      What a shame the church does not have wheelchair access but at least you can all say goodbye at the graveside. xxx

    8. Norah, sorry to hear about your FIL, you will be able to say your goodbyes soon, take care xxxx

    9. Norah so sorry to hear your sad news about your Father in law he is at peace now & in no more pain sending you & Campbel ((((Hug's)))

    10. Sorry to hear your sad news Norah, I hope that Campbell is ok too, there is never a good time but at least there is no more suffering,
      Sending well behaved juggles,
      Sandra xxx

    11. Norah, I am so sorry to hear the sad news a out Campbell's father, I hope both of you are alright, it's never easy when a parent dies as you know. Sending gentle Hugs to you and the family.LOL xxx

    12. Norah, sorry to hear of your FIL's passing , may he rest in peace, thinking of you and the family at this sad time, as you said you will be able to say your goodbyes at the graveside, hope it's a dry day and you are well wrapped up. xoxo

    13. Hello Norah, I am so sorry to hear of your and Campbell's loss. Wrap up well, tuck a hot water bottle in your chair, and I'm sending love and hugs.
      Maureen xxx

    14. Hi angoras
      I'm sorry to hear of your sad news. As Cheryl says it's a shame the church doesn't have access for wheelchairs, but you'll say your goodbyes at his graveside.

    15. Hello Norah. Sorry to hear your sad news.

    16. Hello Norah sorry to hear your news, as you know I am just comin out of that, but as they say life goes on,If it is not one of your family it is very easy to yes it will pass. But I am sad at your news, take care xx

  17. Hello Everyone,
    Sandra - I'm so sorry - I made a card and forgot to send it! What am I like!
    All the cards are lovely and for many differing occasions. It's lovely to see them all.
    Happy Birthday Jean! I hope you are having a lovely day.
    I was supposed to have the family here today but my son got a migraine and is in bed feeling rather sick! So I unset the table and we have enough lamb to feed a small nation not to mention potatoes and vegetables. However have got lamb in bags for the freezer and gravy in little pots and made mash with extra potatoes! What a day!
    Will go and read what you have all been up to! Xxx

    1. Please send it in Myra so I can add it

    2. Sandra, do you want the spare food, or Myra's card?!!
      (tin hat).
      That's what I'm wearing Myra, a tin hat on my head ha ha.

    3. Sorry Sandra!! Just seen this - I've been emptying my dining room ready for decorator! I think I'm a bit late now! Ha ha ! Xxx

  18. Frustration, PLEASE BEWARE LADIES !!!
    We have a funny burning smell in our utility room over the past week or so,then we put dryer on today to soften some towels and there is a stronger burning smell and dryer now won't heat up,so Paul takes top off to investigate, only to discover the whole insides of the machine covered in the fluffy stuff that you usually get in your filter, he then looked at the heating element part and there is BURNT fluff all over and around it, (obviously the cause of the burning smell), the scary part is that there was so much fluff inside the machine it could have caught light at any time, we put the dryer on over night and we have even left it okn while we are have nipped to shops!!
    Anyway I went online to look for solution etc only to discover that there are a load of Tumble Dryers that have been recalled due to a fault, allowing the fluff to get inside as in our case! One incident was a chap that had left his dryer while he went to get children from school to come back to smoke pouring from house, to cut long story short his poor dog died due to smoke inhalation.
    So I rang the Indesit/Whirlpool helpline, their solution is that they hope to get back to us within 8 WEEKS !!!! in the meantime continue hoover out your filter etc, we have always hoovered our filter out anyway, so that's no solution, its dangerous and there are loads of models affected so PLEASE CHECK YOUR MAKE/MODEL TO check if yours is on the list, Which have a list, but you can go to website of your manufacturer and there should be a place to put in serial number etc to check, its worth 5 minutes of your time!
    It infuriates me that they haven't made this information more obvious, they could have taken out adverts on social media/TV etc,as this could actually end up with someone losing their home or even worse their life!

  19. Sandra, thank you for the warning, I never would go out or go to bed leaving the dryer on, as they do catch fire so easily. We have a washer dryer so no filters, I know Tammys dryer filter needs to be emptied after each load. X

    1. Thanks Sandra, we heard about this a few weeks ago and my tumble drier was not on the danger list. I clear the filter after every use.
      BUT my toaster went Kaput today, so I'll be looking for a new one tomorrow.
      I'm away to snap a matchstick, as that was the whisk at Christmas, (December) now the toaster (Jan) and I want to make sure I have no nasty surprise in February!!

    2. This was on tv last week, luckily mine is ok, always clean filter every time I use it. Manufacturers don't seem very concerned think it's shocking.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Beautiful cards, love the layouts.

    1. Hello there,
      How lovely to see you. I've popped over to your blog and I love the things you've shown. I hope you enjoy yourself in the cafe, and we'll sit and have a coffee together. The cakes are calorie free, so we have no worries there!!
      Maureen xxx

    2. Lovely to see you in the cafe. I'll be looking at your blog later.

    3. Welcome to our bloig my lovely, you are most welcome!

  21. Helloooooooooooooo
    Well I'm back. The girls enjoyed their sleep over and Zoe was asleep the minute her head touched the pillow. Eleanor took maybe another 30 seconds!!!
    Had a good time at the Garden Centre, but apart from the coffees, I didn't buy anything. They spent money like there was no tomorrow!!!
    Joan has sold her house and bought a bungalow beside her oldest daughter, all since I saw her a week past Thursday!!! No hanging around with her. Mind, she's lived in this house the longest since they got married. Every 4 or 5 years she'd get wanderlust and they would move, sometimes just around the corner!!! They've lived in this house for 12 years, but since Raymond died she feels it's too big. and it has large gardens front, back and to one side.
    Offers are in, have all been accepted, and Solicitors exchanging whatever tomorrow. I cannot believe it.
    The bungalow is empty and the people buying from her have just been let down on a house they were buying so need somewhere quick. At this rate she'll be moving house by next week ha ha.
    I have been posting under everyone's comments, and have to say again that the cards are all gorgeous.

  22. Hi Sandra
    Happy Birthday Jean. I hope you had a lovely day.
    Sandra aren't all the challenge cards gorgeous. I'll have to take pictures for future reference. Cooker dinner and Doreen came over. My word she does eat a good lunch and pudding. She's taken a dinner back with her for tomorrow. We visited Ellis again this afternoon. I'm going to read all the comments now.

  23. Love all the challenge cards Sandra. As you say they are all different but I like them all. Wonder what tomorrow's challenge will be.

  24. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. Sorry I haven't been in for a couple of days, just been very busy with one thing and another.
    I haven't had a chance to catch up with the last couple of days comments but today's challenge cards are all beautiful, as you have already said every single one is different. I am looking forward to seeing the sketch for this week. Hopefully will have enough time to join in again.
    I hope everyone is as well as they can be. Take care xx

  25. Goodnight all, see you tomorrow.
    Wonder what Sandra has in mind for the Challenge Card!!!
