
Saturday 30 January 2016

Focus on: Card Candi

Card Candi

Good Morning Ladies,

Each week I would like to try and focus on a technique or product, looking at different ways of using them etc.
If you woiukd like to suggest anything just let me know.
Today after Michele's  purchase in the week, I thought we could look at the different ways we can use Card Candi, either thee pre-made Candi, as pictured above, or that made with your card candi die.
I will list some of the things you can do to them....
You can Colour them with just about anything, alcohol pens, normal felt pens, paints etc.
You can gild them with gilding flakes
You can add dots to them so that they look like buttons,
Your can stamp letters onto them (Craftwork produce stamps for candi)

now here are a few things you can do with them....

You can use them to make a frame
You can use them to create Numbers/letters
You can use them to decorate die cut shapes, particularly good with scalloped squares and circles.
You can use them to make Lego style bricks (see below)

You can use them to create little insects... 

My Candi Caterpillar

My Candi Ladybirds

You can also use them to create many different flowers here a a couple I made...

A Dahlia type flower

Just a cute little flower

There are many different styles of flowers to make both using the candi upside down (as in first flower) or  the right way up and creased (as in second flower)

There were a few ideas for men's cards, one was making a shirt front and using the candi as buttons, but my favourite was this one that I made below

A snooker table

I made this using a piece of green felt for the base, I then added a brown frame,
Small black circles for the pockets, and Card Candi for all of the balls, I had a coffee stirer thing from my stash and pro markered it to look like a cue !
What do you think ??
I am sure there are a million and line other things that you cazn use candi for 
And if you have any ideas to share off show, then please let me know!

Karen sent my a couple of photos of a poinsettia using her news candi die for the centres.......

Using dots as they come out of die
Using dots after shaping

Thank you Karen you must have read my mind ! Xxx

Michele has sent us in some images of Card Candi products, her storage ideas and a couple of really cute pretty projects that she has created using Candi.......

Thank you Michele xxx

I look forward to hearing your thoughts. 

Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and everyone.
    OMG this is a thrill to see all these different ways to use card candi, they are all fantastic ! I only got one box wich is quite dark coloured ones for men cards but this have given me some fun idea's to have another go.
    Scarlet's card for you Brenda was lovely to see, she is so talanted at such a young age and it is wonderful to see what she makes, big hug to her.
    Anne, Fabulous Anniversary Card, Love it !
    Must be quick, the internet here is a bit of a hit or miss but managed to post on Sue's blog so I hope we will see lots of lucky cafe' visitors names on the list.
    Sending special hugs to Saba, hope you are ok.
    Love and hugs to you all from a winter wonderland ,
    Maria Xxxxx

    1. Hello Maria, I hope you are having a wonderful time and drinking plenty of Hot Chocolate!!! xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hello Maria,
      It's lovely to see you. Hope you are enjoying your holiday and sleeping well. Xxx

    4. Thanks Maria , enjoy your holiday and all the perks that go with it! Xo

    5. Have a lovely holiday Maria xxxx

    6. Hi Maria
      I'm glad your having a great holiday. Dud you see my post where I asked which hotel in Zell am Zee who were staying in. We stayed in the Grand Hotel with rooms over looking the lake, when Bryan was over from Australia. He's just been diagnosed with Parkinson's, wpquite a shock as his Dr didn't think get had it.

    7. Hi Pat, sorry must have missed your comment there.
      We are staying just around the corner from the Grand in Metzgerwirt, The Romantic Hotel. It's lovely ,oldie style but we did go in to the Grand Hotel today for a look. Maybe next time. hugs xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    We had an horrendous day yesterday. It never stopped raining and the gale force winds were quite scary. I was so pleased not to have to go out. It's tamed down somewhat this morning as as yet we are dry.

    What a fantastic array of ideas for 'Candy' Sandra. Thank you for sharing and inspiring. I've never been a lover of this tiny pieces but I just maybe coming round to the idea of using them.

    We're off birthday present shopping this morning so no doubt by this afternoon both of us will be shattered. We have a good age range to please - one 9yr boy; one 2yr girl and one 50yr girl so it should be fun!!!! Any volunteers would be really appreciated hehehe.

    Whatever you all have planned I hope you enjoy your week-end. Everything is set with clean table linen etc and the coffee pot is on. I don't know who cleaned up and washed up yesterday after lunch but a really big thank you for doing it. HG Dobbi seemed to do a disappearing act for some reason. Will have to investigate.

    Hugs for those in need and plenty in stock to go around. xxxx

    1. Hello Janet, good luck with your present shopping. It's boys presents that I find difficult. We have so many girls in the family that I find it easier to choose for them.
      Don't get blown away, it's still blowing a gale here, but it's nice and sunny after a very stormy night.

    2. Hope the shopping is going , or went well Janet! Never easy ! Xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I love your caterpillar & ladybirds.

    Karen-I think the Candi finishes off the flowers perfectly.

    I'm a big Candi fan so it's great to see what else I can use it to create something.

    It's still gale force winds here but everything looks intact. I need to pop out to the shops for carrots so might buy a small cake as I have a friend (the colleague who is poorly) coming round for coffee this morning.


    1. Hello Michele, I think you are going to get a lot of use out of your die. I may have to think of getting one myself after seeing all the ideas.
      Enjoy your coffee this morning, a cake eh, mmmm I think I may just have to pay you a visit ha ha.

    2. Thank you Michele for making me look again at something I thought just wasn't for me!! Enjoy your coffee and cake. Xx

    3. Thanks Michele for all the great ideas , I only ever used them as brads, so good to see them in a new light! xo

    4. Tut tut Myra. Buying again?

    5. Brenda!!! I didn't say I was buying them! Xxx

  4. Oooh SANDRA I hadn't realised you can colour in Candi! I'd tried PM and embossing powder, norhing else. So thank you for the tips I'll be trying them out on the only bag of actual Candi I love your snooker table (I made a cake back in the day) Gwtting nailed done later So waiting for daughter See you later x

    1. Hello Karen, I didn't realise you could do ANYTHING at all with card candi. I've only ever used it as it comes.!!!
      Bet your nails look wonderful now! Enjoy your time with your daughter.

  5. Good Morning Sandra all of the coffee shop crew,

    OMG Sandra I have have never 'Got it' with Candi. My fingers are not as flexible as they used to be, so would need to use tweezers to pick it up. You have certainly opened my eyes to the possibilities of what could be achieved with these little dots. Thank you for the inspiration.

    I'm off to Sandown Park this morning to a craft show, C and C have taken the event over, I have checked the exhibitors and some of regular stands will be there I'm pleased to see.

    Sandra so I was pleased to read it you had the dreaded mammogram, I know it isn't nice, but it's only a few seconds, and so well worth it. LOL

    Hope everyone has a good day,

    I Will look out for you Brenda and Scarlet.
    Take care, Love and Hugs Brenda. xxx

    1. Hello Brenda OB, have great day at Sandown Park, I wonder what you'll buy?

    2. Have a lovely time Brenda! Hope you see Brenda and Scarlett . Xxx

    3. Hi ,hope you had a fabulous day xx

  6. Good morning Sandra and those who call in? Brenda you wouldn't be going no where if you were up here! We have snow, not life threatening BUT! It would be silly to go out as its still coming down in big flakes.
    Card candi is something I have never heard of until a few weeks ago. I know I wouldn't get on with it! To fiddly for me, is bad enough when I add a few gems to a card. Great ideas on how to use it.
    Wasn't in yesterday, I was busy and had popped along for a cup of tea and a chat with Anna and Beths mum, well that ended up a few hours. Then we went out for tea, so as you know by the time you know it? It's bed time.
    Off to get things done before Charlie gets back from taking Harris for a walk, I can see him coming in looking like a snow man, and Harris will be white instead of golden. Take care if you are out. Xxx

    1. Oh Hazel, I saw on the weather report that you were going to get snow. I hope it soon goes away - and doesn't travel down here. It's lovely here today with bright blue skies, but windy and cold.
      Harris will need a good rub down, Charlie can look after himself ha ha.

    2. Hope the snow doesn't last long Hazel, but then you don't want it turning to rain either, take care xx

    3. Hope the snow stops very soon - hope it has stopped Now! Xxx

    4. Still snowing on and off but it's more wet snow at the moment. X

    5. Hi Hazel, sorry to hear you're having such snowy weather, just have to keep wrapped up and the soup pot on xo

    6. Take care in the snow Hazel xxxxx

  7. Morning Sandra, I have quite a lot of card candi, thank you for giving me some inspiration for using it.
    Well we have had quite a bit of snow this morning, sun is shining now but the sky is really getting black so expecting another lot of snow. The showers are coming down sideways, need to try and pop out between showers for some shopping.
    Will pop back later, xxx

    1. Oh Jess, you another one with snow. Please keep it up there and don't send it down here!! I hope you manage to get out for your shopping.

    2. Don't send it down the West side either Jess! Xxx

    3. As per Maureen and Myra Jess, please don't share the snow. But it is very cold, so hopefully we only gave wing and rain.

  8. Helloooooooooooooooo
    Sandra, what a brilliant idea on different ways to use the Card Candi. I have pinned most of them and will definitely be pinching your ideas.
    I have only ever used it as it comes. I tend to stick the pad onto the back of the candi first, as I find it's easier to keep hold of when using tweezers to place it on the card as it keeps the candi higher up from the card, so I can see where I'm placing it - if you can understand that!!!!
    I have never coloured it or altered it in any way, but I'll certainly be doing that now.
    I've answered everyone's post and am now going to get some food shopping. I suppose George will want feeding some lunch and tea. I hate food shopping. In fact as I've got older I don't really enjoy shopping for anything other than shoes and craft. And then I cannot find shoes that I like or that fit!!!
    See you all later.

    1. I understood that perfectly! I will remember that nugget! I'm not being cheeky either, for once! Xxx

  9. Good afternoon ladies,
    I just wanted to let you know that Michele had sent me in Some Candi related photos of products, storage and a couple of projects!
    I have added then to today's post above!
    Enjoy xxxx
    Sandra xxxx

  10. Thanks for showing these extra items Michele, I just keep mine in a poly bag, but I have a small box like the one you have shown, which will be ideal. Thanks for the idea.

  11. Thank you for showing the extra bits Michele sent in. As I said earlier I have one packet of Candi and have use them once or twice (MICHELE has seen the evidence) I use Serif a lot and can now make my own Candi to match! I may treat myself to the books or are they cd's. Your ideas are fantastic SANDRA I must keep a note.
    HAZEL I am sorry to hear you've got a lot of snow
    Have had nails done and they're a dark charcoal grey matches most of the clothes I wear! Popped in to see MIL on way home to find her flat empty. I then went into panic mode, bear in mind she is nearly 91, a bit dodgy on her legs and can feel dizzy. She only usually goes out with her daughter. We searched the local shops to no avail. Daughter kept saying that her trolley and keys weren't at home so she (hopefully) was OK> It turns out she decided to get the bus into town for a ride!!! She, so, wants to be independent and actually she needs a bit of guidance (shall I say!) But panic over. She's promised to have a little snooze this pm Phew!

    1. Oh Karen, what a worry for you all. It could have turned out worse, she as you say wants to be independant but at 91 she has to be careful.
      Your nails sound lovely. I haven't had mine done for a few weeks, have to change that I think. Xxx

    2. Oh Karen, that gives you such a fright! My Grandad used to do that and he took his slippers with him in a bag !! Never really worked that one out! Xxx

    3. Karen- it's a DVD, got some great ideas on it.


    4. Karen , I love the sound of your MIL , she sounds like I would like to be at her age ( a bit naughty and still adventurous ) I know it must have been an awful worry to find her missing , but in time you will laugh about it ( I hope) !
      I envy you being so clever at using Serif, I watch and wonder at it but have absolutely no confidence on the computer.xo

    5. HinKaren
      Phew, so glad you MIL was safe and sound. Such a great age and still gas the spirit of adventure. Even thought it's a worry for you.

    6. Oh my goodness Karen what a fright for you but I do like your mother in laws spirit! I hope she enjoyed her trip out and behaved and had a rest this afternoon. Your nails sound lovely. Xxxx

    7. Hi Karen, glad MIL turned up all right and safe.
      OH BIL managed to get his mother in to a home just two day's before the holiday. She started to falling over a lot and dementia so it was time. She's 96 and ok in the home ,become friend with lots of the men hihi. Nice nails, will I get to see them soon ? Tell me when you are free xxx

  12. Good afternoon everyone
    Oh it's so cold and windy here, been for a short shopping trip with Nic, then she wanted to come home, I'm glad it's nice and warm inside. She's in a lovely bright mood today.
    Thanks Sandra for all the ideas for candy, must say I only use it as it was initially intended but will try a few of these ideas.
    Our internet has been on and off just lately, but seems ok at the minute.
    Take care if you go out today - oops here comes the rain.
    Hugs for all who need them, Barbara and Sheila hope you are getting there albeit slowly.
    Jean xx

    1. Hello Jean, glad you are having a nice day with Nic! Are you getting hail showers too? Xxx

    2. Hi Jean
      I'm glad you had a lovely day with Nic.

    3. Hello Jean I'm glad you had a lovely day with Nic. We are having power cuts here every 20 minutes for about 5 minutes. The internet then has to reset itself again so I've got a small window of opportunity! I'm typing fast!

    4. Yes we have been having really heavy hail showers and it's so cold - really wintry xx

  13. Hello Sandra and all the ladies,
    I have to confess that I never really " got on" with card candi . I had some which came is a kit was never used and I gave it away !! Having seen some alternative ideas for it's use has made me rethink! The snooker table I thought my children on Mondays could do for Fathers Day. I had seen the Lego ones before.
    Thank you Michele and Sandra. Another good idea to choose a product and see what can be done.
    Well, we have sunshine at the moment but it is very windy with squally hail showers. They don't last long but make a real racket!
    I'm off now to read what everyone has been up to! I'm emptying my dining room - ready for Decorator on Tuesday. It's so much fun! Xxx

  14. Good afternoon my coffee shop cherubs,
    Well Sandra i have often wondered what to do with these wee dots of card and now you and Michelle have opened up my wee brain to a whole lot of new ideas so thank you girls for all the inspiration that you have done for today as i really appreciate that bit help. I have loads of these things and you know how you buy something as you see them on the tv making something different and you think "ooo, i need some of these as thats a great idea only by the time they come for C&C you've forgotten and you're left with these things that you have no idea what to do with them. I have my mum's belt hole punch so made up some red berries for my holly at christmas with them as the candi was too big for the size of berries i needed.
    I had my friends hair to dry this morning and her hubby and grandson's hair to cut so i've been out all morning there as she has her cousins ruby wedding tonight and no point in me doing her hair last night for her going to her bed as she would have needed a pair of wee knickers on her head to keep it nice for tonight. I don't know about any of you but i draw the line at my drawers being on my head to keep my hair in place, just imagine if you were rushed into the hospital in the middle of the night or had a fire, a braw sight that would look out in the street. Now i am saying this as an old neighbour when i did her hair when i was training and newly qualified would get me to perm her hair and she was just a dainty bit thing, she would put her drawers on her head to keep her hair in place every time.
    Rory's burns supper last night with the police cadets was in Alloa town hall and it was the Rotary club that were doing it. Rory was selling raffle tickets and escorting people to their seats but he had a great time and got fed into the bargain. Karen Dunbar was supposed to be there but Rory says he didn't see her and the Red Hot Chilli Pipers were another of the entertainment. 12:10 this morning before he came out and i had been waiting since 11:30, i was foo'nered i was so cold. But the funny thing to me was that the place was swarming with police off duty and on and yet the amount of them that came out in their dickie bow ties and black suits AND fur coats, not faux fur but real and were stoatin' along and bouncing off every object they found and went into their cars and drove off. Now i didn't realise that there was two lots of laws in this country but there must be. Hey ho but he had a good time and that's all that matters but i'm getting too old for this going out to pick folk up at midnight caper as i was absolutely jiggered by the time we got home.
    See you all later as going to have something to eat as not had anything since my jam piece at lunch time yesterday.
    Norah x

    1. Norah, you've done it again - foonered!! Great word - I had an Aunt who used it as a noun too! You'll get a right fooner if you go out wearing that!!! Oh Norah , thank's for the memory!!
      Foonered - equals chilled to the bone!! Do you agree ? Xxx

    2. Yip i think that about covers it Myra i just couldn't think of the word i was looking for that would be understood by everyone. Isn't it amazing how certain words have just always been that until someone says and then you think darn i did it again so SORRY FOLKS, i forgot that some wouldn't know what i had typed yet again. It's like a bunker? Now a bunker to me is that thing that you cut things up on, your kettle and toaster is on top of it along with the microwave, but when going to ask about a new bunker no one knows what i'm talking about until they get one of the older sales assistants who know exactly what i want and don't think i have stepped of the planet Zog coming away with words they don't know. Another one will be the "stoatin" in english is probably walking from right to left and back again hitting off every object in sight until you get to where you were trying to go if you hadn't been foo or 3 sheets to the wind, whatever. x

    3. I forgot about the stoatin' . Ha ha ha !!! You see I get a picture when you say stoatin' . It can be used like bouncing can't it - as in stoat the ball! Then what about " that's a stoater" . I must stop!! Xxx I'm haverin' . Ha ha !! Xxx

    4. Norah, I love how you still use the words like bunker, stoatin, don't stop its you, and they are just good old Scottish words that fit the situation. Xxx

    5. Norah , you had me stumped with foonered , not one I know but love all the old scots words , bunker to me was where we kept the coal, my all time favourite word is fankled, stoatin is used quite often up here Ha ha ! Our son Stewart LOVES the Hot Chilli Pipers and has them on in his car constantly.
      Please look after yourself eating wise , jammy pieces taste good but your body needs protein . Xo

    6. Hi Norah
      I'm glad Rory gad a great time. I remember when my sister used to work at the police station. If they had a party at a policemen abs house. Before it finished they used to ring the station, saying who was driving where and the police card used to stay away from those areas. I wonder if that happens now, or is it just that there's no police card about nowadays.

    7. Oh Norah I love your tales. The red hot chilli pipers played at freshers week - Emma was so excited as she loves them and couldn't wait to buy her ticket. She said they were fabulous. Xxx

    8. Oh Anne, Fankled is another great word. I am often in a fankle!! Ha ha!
      Bunker was a place where coal was kept. Although I believe some kept it in the bath!!!
      Alastair's Uncle who came from Hopeman called his bed - his bunker!! I've had a wide range of words come my way!
      I'll give you a Lancashire one! I'm feeling Maizie !!! Xxx

    9. Alastair didn't know foonered either! I'm thinking it must be a southern Scottish word ! Xxx

    10. When you all come up with words I don't understand I google them and hope they are right but you never know. . . . xx

  15. Norah, I think you are right! If that had been a party or a wedding they police would have been their? Fines at the ready. So glad Rory e joyed himself. X

  16. Hi All, love the ideas for the candies, have several pits that came with kits, but thought they were a bit big as I make mostly small cards. Love the snooker table, my Dad would have loved that.
    Very busy day decided to tidy the garage, put loads of rubbish to go to the skip, we hang on to boxes forever, so they are going to recycling, will probably need them next week.!!!!!!
    All bedding washed dried, ( between the showers ) and ironed, just waiting to be taken upstairs.
    Did anyone see the tennis this morning ,great matches, tomorrow Andy Murrey,
    Should be great match.
    Well time to find something for dinner.
    Read all the post, but iPad wouldn't let me comment, so I'll wish you all a good evening. Hugs abound. Lilian

    1. Lilian I'm so thrilled Jamie won the Doubles! What an achievement. First Brit for 82 years I think they said! Xxx

  17. Good evening Ladies ,
    A bit late today , I watched Sue's video this morning and thought it was time I tried something new, well I've made a card with the faux leather technique but it doesn't look nearly as good as Sue's. ( it's insipid and just ok) .
    I then went on to using my Aqua pens ( another buy I've not really used ) I used a stamp I must have had for at least 10 years and enjoyed playing with the pens and colouring it in, so I'm quite happy I've at least made the effort to do something different.
    Sandra thank you for all your Candy ideas , I love the pool table , that's a great man card idea, also love the caterpillar and ladybird , they also make pretty flowers so maybe I'll try that next .xo
    Brenda how did you and Scarlet get on today , what did you buy and was it a good show? Xo
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  18. Brenda LL where are you ?
    Accusing me of making purchases! As if I would!
    What have you been up to today! Confess, young lady!!
    I hope Scarlett and you had a lovely very day! Xxxxx

  19. I think I need to buy a Scottish dictionary like the one I bought for my husband - but that was cockney rhyming slang! I don't know if you come in late NORAH Don't ever change and always use your "funny2 words I love 'em MIL is rested and looking forward to our meal out tomorrow - Bless her

  20. woo hoo! I have forgot to say that I won a set of dies on Christine Emberson's blog creativity-continues

  21. Hello everyone, if I said I am cream cracked it would be an understatement. Sandown Park was 'manic' the venue was almost to small for C&C (in my opinion) it thinned out after lunch so it became easer to get closer to the demonstrators.
    Yes, I did see Littlelamb (Brenda H) and Scarlett, we had time to say hello and chatted, Scarlett, bless her seemed very shy. Brenda it was lovely to see you both. xx My feet hadn't moved from the spot when someone touched my arm, it
    was a neighbour- Small world!
    I will catch up with you all tomorrow, night, night everyone. xxx

    1. Hello BRENDA sorry I didn't see you at Sandown park,I was there from 10am till 4pm didn't see Littlelamb either.i was looking out for you both. Xx

    2. Oh Lynda, Sorry I missed you. I did keep an eye out for you, but wasn't sure if it was today you were going. It was so busy. Will see you at AP or Farnborough hopefully LOL xx

  22. Hi everyone
    Had a good day at Sandown park craft show it was so very busy. It's a shame I didn see the two Brenda's woul have been nice to see them again.
    It was a 2hour journey we left at 8 o'clock & got there just after 10am got home at 6 30 so I'm shattered.
    SANDRA you have been busy with your candi makes all very good.
    I haven't read the comments yet very tiered so see you all tomorrow
    Night night everyone xxxx

  23. Sorry we missed you Lynda. Was watching out for you all the time. As you know I did meet Brenda and that was good. Scarlett enjoyed herself but was quiet today but was very interested in all the demonstrations at the stalks but wasn't it busy. By 4pm it was very quiet so we were then able to look at all the stalls we couldn't get near earlier. Had a very quick journey home but going was awful. Took us over an hour to do the last couple of miles.

    1. Brenda so pleased you are home safe and sound, my journey home was awful. Serious accident near Mitcham caused road closures. I was going to church on my way home. I did get there, But was late! Arrived home about 7ish with fish and chips for supper. So it was easy to collapse into a comfy chair and chill out!! Will unpack my bag tomorrow and recall what I have bought!!!!! LOL xx

  24. Evening all, glad the sandown ladies had a good time.
    Early up tomorrow Andy on at 8am, if anyone follows the tennis.
    Goodnight all

  25. Pat- posted for you under 19.10 :-) Hope you and Pete are ok xx

    1. Good night everyone and hope you have a nice Sunday, take care. Warm hugs Maria xxxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
