
Friday 29 January 2016

Golden Wedding Card from Anne & Scarlett card for Brenda

Anne's Golden Wedding Card

Scarlett's card for Brenda

Good Morning Ladies,

Some lovely cards to share with you today ladies, more about that in a minute.

Now what did you all think to yesterday's new feature?? I thought it went well,
The only down side was that I ended up spending £18.20 (shhhh). The upside I got a die that I had been wanting for a while at £10 less than I thought I was going to have to pay!! 

Now onto todays cards.....
First up we have Anne's stunning Golden Wedding Anniversary card, Anne has used Creative Expressions French Border die for the decorative top edge and bottom stopper section of the card, it gives such a fancy edge, I love it !  I am not too sure what Anne has used to create the fancy edges on the oval frames, it looks like the edges of the French tag but I may be wrong, I am sure that Anne can enlighten us when she pops in later today! 
Thank you so much Anne for sharing your card with us xxxx

Now our second card has been made by our very talented Scarlett,  for her Grandma Brenda's birthday. 
Scarlett has used nothing but promarkers but still managed to create a beautiful card, I love the heart in the centre, I also love how Scarlett has included Brenda's age in the heart, something we always do with Children's cards, so why not !
I love the beautiful borders and decoration that you have very cleverly drawn on your card Scarlett, you are very talented, I love seeing the cards you make, thank you so much for asking to have your card shown, keerp making your cards xxxx

Thank you very much for all of the Challenge cards you have been sending  in,  you are all so creative! I can't wait to show them on Sunday !!

Are any of you going to the Winter Crafting Event at Sandown Park this weekend ??

I hope you all have a fun weekend whatever your plans are!
Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Anne-WOW! Your card is gorgeous, really lovely & I'm sure it will be treasured.

    Scarlett- such a pretty card, another one to be treasured.

    Well-the weather is horrendous here. Howling gales & rain-almost glad to be heading into work. I hope everyone stays safe & dry today.

    I made 2 purchases last night-the pillow box die (thanks Myra) and the zigzag die from Sue Wilsons new release of dies as I thought it would be useful for men's cards.

    Best get ready to brave the elements.


    1. You are welcome, Michele! I do like to help wherever I can! Ha ha!
      Horrid day today as you say. Problems on M6 near Preston with Larry having blown over. Alastair is out and had to come off motorway! I'll see him when I see him, I guess! He will avoid M6 on way back! Xxx

    2. Michele, Myra has a lot to answer for to so many different people, and I see Larry has been blown over. You may ask who Larry is and I'm sure Myra will tell us!!
      Don't work too hard today.

    3. Think he must be a lamb Maureen. I am sure you remember Larry the Lamb. ๐Ÿ˜€. Yes Myra has a lot to answer for Ha ha. She is always enticing me to spend money or is it the other way round????

    4. You cheeky pair! One is as bad as the other!
      Larry should have been lorry!! I know I can huff and puff but even I can't blow a juggernaut over! Xxx

  2. Morning Everyone - I'll not say 'good' as I've been awake most of the night listening to the howling wind and lashing rain and it's still going a full speed so another day inside for me though I have to stay in this morning anyway as the piano tuner is coming for his annual visit.

    ANNE -WOW WOW is the only word to use for your gorgeous Golden Wedding Card. I have these dies and very rarely use them. Thank you for reminding me how beautiful they are.

    SCARLETT - what a talented young lady you are and I bet Granny Brenda shed a few tears when she opened this very special birthday card. It's truly beautiful and one to be kept in her Memory Box. Please may we see more of your creations?

    Well as I said above the piano tuner is coming this morning on his annual visit and as the piano is in the dining room and I craft in there I have to go and do I big tidy up so that he can get to the piano. Oh how I do envy you who have a dedicated Craft Room. One other job that I must do today is send you my Challenge Card Sandra.

    I now have a confession to make - I was determined that I wasn't buying anything from Hochanda this month until I so the last show of their 'One Day Special' last evening and fell to temptation and bought the bundle called 'Floral Thanks'. The dies look very useful for centre pieces I thought so I hope they are. I did use the excuse of 'well I haven't bought any of the new releases by SW' to myself. So I will be impatiently waiting for their delivery in the next few days.

    I think giving the horrible weather Lunch in the Cafe today will have to be home made Leek and Potato soup with fresh crusty bread. HG Dobbi seemed to do a reasonable job on clearing outside but I'm afraid he'll be on outside duty again today and probably over the week-end.

    Hugs are on their way to all in need and are in the basket by the door. I've added one or two more little hand warmers as some seem to have gone walk-about. Now I wonder which little Huggle has taken a liking to those?
    Off now to start clearing the piano. xxxx

    1. Ooh Janet, please photograph your purchase an send it to Sandra. We all like to be tempted ha ha.
      I think I'll have an early lunch, that Leek and Potato soup smells lovely and the crusty bread will just finish it off nicely. I'll help myself and put the money in the pot. I hope the piano tuner doesn't hit a bum note ha ha.

    2. I second that request! It will take of the unjust accusations away from me! It's good to share - isn't it? Why should I be poor alone! Ha ha! Xx

    3. Hi Hanet
      You wouldn't envy me, I have a dedicated craft room and can't even get in it.

  3. Good morning everyone
    Sandra I'm so pleased you managed to get your die, thought afterwards I should have emailed you but always think these things afterwards. At least you got it, can't wait for mine to come.
    Anne this golden wedding card is absolutely gorgeous, bet it's well received and treasured.
    Scarlett you are a clever girl, your card is beautiful , well done.
    As Michele says its howling outside, not looking forward to going out in it but have to go into town today, won't be long though. Then back to crafting, have finished folding a book for my granddaughters baby shower on Sunday, need now to cover and decorate it then it's finished. Have made lots of little boxes and a few of the cups Sandra showed us for small gifts for games.
    Hope everyone is well - hugs for all who need them - have left them in the basket by the door.
    Stay safe if you have to go out
    Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean, take care that you don't get blown over, and enjoy your crafting when you get home. xxxx

  4. Morning Sandfa and ladies,,I haven't said good morning as there is nothing good about it, blowing a gale here and the rain has been horrendous all night, one of my neighbours fence has been blown right over.
    Anyway today's cards are lovely, Anne your golden wedding card is beautiful and Scarlet your card is lovely, well done, what a clever girl you are.
    Well, off to cover our wee craft shop today, can't see us being busy so I have a few pieces with me to cut out and decoupage, this should pass the time.
    Will pop back later when we get home, meantime take care everyone if you are out and about, xxx

    1. Hello Jess, take care going and returning from the craft shop. I'm staying in all day, I hate the wind. xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and everyone,
    Hope everyone is safe and well this morning, on the news they were saying many homes are without electricity in Scotland. Hope all of our ladies are safe and warm. Take care everyone if you have to go out, The winds are quite strong even this far south.
    ANNE The Golden wedding card is beautiful, I had a a real WOW moment when I saw it. I'm sure the recipients will treasure this one. LOL

    BRENDA thank you for sharing the lovely card Scarlett made for you, she really is a very creative little lady. her design is totally free hand, it shows she really thought about the look and the presentation. Thank you so much for sharing this special birthday card, I'm sure it will be one you will treasure.LOL

    The Young Voices concert was amazing. I'm not sure how many schools were represented, but they did tell us there were 7374 children taking part. It was wonderful to see how they all enjoying performing, The enthusiasm for every song they sang was electric. It really was a wonderful evening.

    Well I'm going to get a wriggle on now, as John bless his heart went off to do the shopping, letting me come to in my own time!! He will be back soon, and I don't want to greet him with a paper bag over my head!

    Will stop in later to see how everyone is and have my coffee. Hope everyone is having a good day just take care if you have to go out.
    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Wow Brenda, that was some concert you attended with all those children participating. Young voices sound wonderful.
      That reminds me, I need to get a new paper bag to put over my head, this one is looking decidedly past it - like me!!!

    2. You two and your paper bags remind me of Casper the Friendly Ghost!! Xxx
      Brenda your evening of music sounds wonderful! Xxx

  6. Hi Sandra,

    Gorgeous cards.

    Thank you so much for coming and commenting on my blog, sorry not been around much and as you know my PC is broke so hard to get to anyone, managed to get on a laptop at work today, naughty me lol! Hope all is well?

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  7. Good morning my coffee shop cherubs,
    Anne your golden wedding creation is truly stunning and i hope that the lucky couple love their card as it is one to treasure that is for sure.
    Little Miss Scarlett, i am positive that your Granny Brenda loved her handmade piece of beauty that you made for her as it is a beautiful card even if you did sneakily tell on her age, hee hee. It is wonderful things like this that makes certain days very special and definitely something that she will keep and look at on a regular basis. It is so pretty flower and i think your granny is very lucky to have a little granddaughter like you that loves her that much.
    Janet, the huggles keep pinching your handwarmers for their beds to warm them up as they are just the perfect size for them. So you just might find a few of them in the basket where they are all supposed to be sitting but there are some little tinkers amongst them that get up to no end of mischief. Tell us Janet, does the piano get played or is it just a large ornament now? I was taking piano lessons at the school but had to give up because i didn't have one at home to practise on. Mum was looking out for an organ for me and when her "friend" told her about one she was fair excited, that was until she found out when enquiring about it that her "friend" had bought the organ for herself and her family of boys who were real boys and learning to play the piano or organ was not on their lists of priorities. Mum did get an organ long after i left the school and learned how to play it herself and got really quite good at it. I gave her organ away there when emptying her home as i had no where for it up here and it would just have got ruined lying in the lockup.
    I have nothing planned for today so i will be at my knitting i think while i am getting peace to do it and recover from yesterday. I woke up at 9:10 yesterday morning so late for Rory going to college then on dropping him off i remembered that i was supposed to be meeting my friend Di in at Falkirk at 9:30 and well that wasn't going to happen so had to text her to say i was on my way. By the time i left her at lunch time i had to go to Tesco's to get something for the dinner, pick up Rory as he is half day on a Thursday. Got back here with umpteen things still to do, had a beezer of a headache with getting up to quick, namely not letting myself come to before the leaping out of the bed. Campbell came home to what had i done with his aftershave? EH!!! I hadn't done anything with it but of course yes i had , i had put it in a safe place as they were supposed to be stop making this particular one that he likes so where had i put it as he wants it for his Christmas party tonight. Him and another 4 are staying over at a Travel Lodge or something a few minutes walk from the hotel where the party is being held and it's only for employees of his company not their wives. I had his clothes to press for him going this morning before going to my swimming lesson upon which i am getting quite good at the drowning part and making friends with the bottom of the pool. I can see me giving the idea of swimming up all together as i have lost all confidence just because of me keep finding the bottom of the pool. Two weeks in a row i've done that so i think i will rethink that idea some how. I have yet to have something to eat yesterday as i don't think that 3 coffees and a hot chocolate count somehow.
    Ok please can i have a latte please and i will go and sit in the corner with the basket of little huggles.

    1. Oh Norah, enjoy yourself while Campbell is out tonight, and just do what you want and have some ME time. I don't go swimming because I swim like a brick. And as for floating, well I float like a stone!!
      Take care, take things easy.

    2. Swimming isn't me either Norah! I get that sinking feeling too! It's closely followed by panic! Enjoy your evening! Xxx

    3. Hello Norah - Unfortunately the piano doesn't get played as much as it used to these days as I can't sit for long and my fingers don't do what they used to. I have always loved music and always sang in various choirs and done Am Drams etc but never learned to play an instrument though was taught by Mum to read music from being a little girl so when I was coming up to the age of 50 I wanted to do something that I hadn't done before and decided to learn to play the piano. Jim learned when he was a boy and so he was interested so we bought a piano and went for lessons with the husband of a colleague at school where I worked. Me to learn from scratch and Jim to have refreshers. We won't get rid of the piano as it's a beautiful piece of furniture.
      I don't mind the Huggles having the hand warmers as they are doing good and keeping them warm.
      Enjoy your quiet evening and make the most of it. Hugs just for you.

  8. Good morning Ladies,
    Very stormy here, so glad I don't need to go out.
    Thank you for all the kind words about my card, it was made for our friends Golden Wedding ( they did like it ) thank goodness as it took me a wee while to make, I used SW 's Tessa die inside the ovals, and used iced snow over Mirri card behind ( I hadn't tried that before , it's quite effective) .
    I think your card Scarlet is delightful ! I love all the silver stars and I'm sure granny Brenda was chuffed with it, just wait till you get into all her craft stash!
    I bet Village Crafts are wondering why there is such a run on the pillow box die lol! I was nearly tempted myself because it is such a bargain but then decided I could do without it and tried to order a couple of stamps from Stamps U Love,as they are advertising free postage until 1st February , but they keep trying to charge me £5 p&p on my order so I haven't sent it in.( so annoying) .
    Our grandchildren have just arrived up as the school is closed due to the storm, so I'd better go and see what they want to do?
    Norah I hope you have had something nourishing to eat , it's not good for you to go without in this cold weather.
    Talking about food , when we were away I bought a slow cooker ( never used one before) I tried it out yesterday to make an Irish stew ( not a good choice! ) it turned out more like soup , tasty enough but I had used Golden Wonder potatoes which just disintegrated into the gravy, so tonight we will have the leftovers with crusty bread.
    Stay warm and safe folks in this horrid weather , best not to go out unless really necessary.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hello Anne, not playing golf today then!!!! You'd be blown to the 19th before you hit the ball on the 1st ha ha.
      Your card is Ab Fab. So gorgeous, no wonder your friends liked it, in fact I bet they loved it. I haven't got any of the iced snow - oh look, now you are tempting us to buy!!!
      I've wondered about getting a slow cooker but haven't bothered.
      Have a good day, whatever you do, the grandchildren will keep you busy.

    2. Anne flower, if you seen the size of me a good few weeks of not eating would do me the world of good. x

    3. Beautiful card Anne! It really is lovely. I love the way you used your dies.
      You don't have Iced Snow - Muriel - you need that !! Xxx ha ha !

    4. Anne give your slow cooker another go. I wouldn't be without mine. I've had one for years in fact when I was working it was the best thing in winter. I'd put it on before going out and tea was ready when I got home and even now I find it wonderful. Hope you enjoy your tea. Hugs for you xxxx

    5. I agree with Janet ! I'm in a very agreeable mood! I should use my slow cooker more often. It works a treat . It was just the wrong potatoes Anne. It would be good for a golfing or walking day! Xxx

    6. Anne your card really lovely, must have taken ages, maybe you are faster than slow coach me.
      I have a slow cooker, love mine I use the sachets of dry mixes, you can get ones for slow cookers.

    7. Thanks girls, I agree , I won't use Golden Wonders in it again ( they are Iain's favourites) they are great boiled in their jackets ,baked or as chips .
      I ended up ordering some of those metallic paints (starlight) from Imagination Crafts, have any of you tried them? Xoxo

    8. Oooh yes!, I bought them at the NEC in Birmingam. I actually talked to the lady who is on TV , whose name escapes me just now! They are lovely Anne. Cover easily, dry quickly and look lovely! Xxx

    9. Anne sorry forgot to say there are crockpot recipes on Pinterest, they are mostly American but may give you ideas

  9. Helloooooooooooooo,
    Anne, as I've commented above, your card is beautiful. You are tempting me to get some iced snow - you are as bad as Myra in getting us to spend money!
    Scarlett, your card is so pretty and thoughtful. It's a real work of art, with thought and love put into it, I love it.
    Sandra, I'll be taking another photo of the Challenge card, I know you love to receive them ha ha. I realised when I went back upstairs and put the card on my desk that I'd forgotten to glue something onto it (I was watching "Death in Paradise" and wasn't fully concentrating. Mea Culpa)
    Right, ironing to finish, second fridge to clean and turn off (I use it for the extra food at Christmas), then lunch and some crafting. Well that's the plan, let's see what happens lol.

  10. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Well it's been a bit of a mad day so far ! As they say " Things can only get better!"
    Scarlett - your card is beautiful . What is more it will probably Grandma's special favourite! I know it would be mine!! I love how you have used your Promarkers and made the entire card from scratch without dies. I don't think I could do that!
    Thank you sharing your lovely card.
    I've commented on the way down, so I will go now and put my shopping away!
    Be good - ish!! Xxx

  11. Hi to everyone popping in today,

    Calamity has stricken my teal GC!!! Have used it on and off all week and just today when I have so many cards to do, I turned the handle, heard a loud clunk as though something metal had fallen off inside and now I can't turn it without it popping right out. Damn!!! so now I have to find the invoice for where I bought it. Not a happy bunny at all! Good job I didn't send back the Big Shot Plus as it is now been worth the purchase.
    Mixed bag of weather today, fine rain, sunshine and now cloudy again.

    Anne, your Golden wedding card is simply so gorgeous.

    Scarlett's card for her nanny Brenda is so pretty, what patience she must have to colour in all in.

    Good luck ladies if yo have entered into SW's new die launch. There are a couple of items would like but they will have to go on my wish list I'm afraid. This month I have had to pay the Car Tax, MOT and the house insurance so no pennies left for indulgence. Boo hoo hoo.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      Thats exactly what happened to Pat's, they really messed her about though and she has to was it for hers to be repaired.
      Inside the machine all of the main cogs are metal, EXCEPT the main cog that goes from the handle, which is a plastic cog that feeds into a metal cog, it was never going to work in the long run!
      Go straight to the top, in will get you the name of the guy that I emailed!
      So frustrating !
      Sandra xx

    2. Cheryl, sorry about your G/C,hope mine doesn't do that, I find its much looser pressure than the old pink one.

    3. Thank you for your comments to Scarlett Cheryl. Sorry to hear about your GC. They don't seem to last long do they and its always when you have a lot of die cutting to do.

  12. Hello everyone
    Back from town - weather not too bad, it has been quite sunny.
    My pillow box die and SW lace die arrived today so playtime after I finish the book covering.
    Cheryl sorry to hear about your GC. Good job you had a stand-by.
    Myra couldn't stop laughing at Larry being blown over. I don't much care for swimming either, like the water but not serious swimming.
    I'll try to pop back later,
    Take care
    Jean xx

  13. Well ladies, I have been well and truly mammogramed!!
    An interesting experience, I might add, the lady I had was lovely, she explained to the she had the same size predicament that I had, so I was not to feel embarrassed etc. Just got 2-3 weeks to wait now!!

  14. Hi everyone, back home after a quiet day at our wee shop, still a lot of rain today, not a lot of people out and about.
    Norah, I can't swim, Im really frightened to get out of my depth, I need to feel my feet on the bottom, went for lessons a few years ago but had to give up too scared to let go.
    Sandra glad to hear you didn't have a bad experience when you went for your mammogram, just waiting for results is now the problem.
    Just a nice relaxing night for me, nothing planned, will catch up tomorrow, take care everyone, xxx

  15. Hello this is Scarlett. Thank you for all of your kind comments about my card๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. You are very welcome Scarlett! We crafters have to stick together and we encourage one another and learn from one another!
      Mind you, Grandma encourages me to spend money on dies and I would never do that!!! Now I'm like Pinnochio and my nose is growing! Ha ha! Xxx

    2. Scarlett, I love to show your beautiful cards on my blog and anything else you make, Daddy's pictured frame was lovely too, you are very clever and artistic, please keep getting Gran to sednd your things in for all of thee ladies to see, you give them some good ideas too!
      Lots of hugs

    3. I loved your card also Scarlett, you are one artistic lady

    4. Thank you to Sandra, Lillian and Karen for your comments about Scarlett's card. She did leave a comment earlier but some of you have commented afterwards so thought I must thank you all. Hope I haven't forgotten anyone. Put it down to old age if I have.

  16. Oooh! Tell Scarlett that I loved her card too. I don't draw or colour so I am in awe of her creativity.
    ANNE I love your card I have iced snow glitter too, I have only used it once. I kept thinking I should have bought iced diamond as the CE guys seem to use that the most.
    JANET I nearly succumbed and bought that set of dies too
    MYRA I nearly bought the pillow box, most of my cash is being spent on knitting yarn...I wonder why lol!
    BRENDA L Your concert sounded amazing
    I havew liked a fair few of Sue's new dies, perhaps next month....

  17. Thank you to everyone who left comments for Scarlett about the card she made for me. She was so pleased to read them all.
    Love your card Anne. It is beautiful.
    Yes Sandra Scarlett and I are hoping to go to Sandown Park tomorrow. Not sure what it will be like as its been taken over by Create and Craft now so may be different to other years. Will have to wait and see. Been busy getting things ready for my exhibition next week. So better go back to it.

    1. Hello Brenda, will look out for you tomorrow. LOL Brenda xxx

    2. Thank you Karren and Brenda, as I've said earlier I do love iced snow, worth a try if you've never used it, Brenda I hope you have a full purse for tomorrow when Scarlet is going to the show with you as she is a definite crafter ,so you know what that means! Enjoy! Xoxo

    3. Thank you Anne. I will tell Scarlett tomorrow. Yes she spent my money last Saturdau at Newbury, she doesn't ask for anything when we go though it's usually me asking her if she would like it. I really like my slow cooker Anne. I am sure you will when you get used to it. It does make me eat because usually by the time evening comes I can't be bothered but if I put the slow cooker on in the morning then it's ready in the evening when I want it,

    4. Hi Brenda. Will look out for you.

  18. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for my email. Thank you for showing Scarlett's lovely card for her Gran you are one very talented young lady well done.xx
    Anne your card is lovely pleased your friends appreciated several of the others I would not be without my slow cooker it is so versatile, mind I don't like potatoes cooked in it.xx
    Sending special hugs to Barbara & to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Thanks MARGARET, I think it was a lesson learned with the slow cooker Lol! xo

    2. Thank you Margaret. I will tell Scarlett tomorrow.

  19. Evening All, hope the weather is better where you are it's horrid here.
    Busy day working this morning, and then to hospital to see my sister.
    I'm glad to say she is seeming much better, they are talking about getting her walking again, she has been in bed since the day before Christmas Eve, so I think it will take some time.
    Watching the tennis Murray through to the final, would love for him to win, Jamie also in the doubles final.
    Have good evening everyone,my sale buys from crafts you love came today, so will have a play tomorrow.
    Going to pack up the dishes, so I'll say good night.
    Hugs abound Lilian

  20. Internet keeps cutting out tonight so I'll keep this short and hope it posts. Brenda lovely card from scarlet, isn't she a sweetheart. Anne love your card too, I hadn't thought to use the boarders like this. Now fingers crossed this posts! Xxxxx

  21. Hi Sandra
    Sorry I'm so late in, well I had thought I'd been in earlier. However, I was going to look at the comments then realised I hadn't seen the cards.
    Scarlett like ve the card you made for your Grandma. Such a talented young lady.
    Anne I love your Anniversary card as well. Must try to use borders in this way.
