
Thursday 28 January 2016

This weeks Purchases by Michele & Myra

Card candi die

Michele's bargain of the week!

Myra's  Sizzix Thinlits Plus Pillow Box Die

Myra's makes with her new die
Gorgeous Bags
Beautiful Bags!

Good Morning ladies,
Now this new feature may feel like a little bit of a 'confessional" but I think it's a fabulous idea, as for instance, I had no idea that there was a die that enabled you to make your own Card 'candi' until Michele told Us about her new die at the weekend!
Michele's second purchase was a complete bargain,£16.99 down to £5.99 !! What more reason do you need to make a purchase??
Thank you Michele for your confession and for making us aware that the die actually exists, so now you can make candi in the same paper as you make your cards in!! 

Now onto Myra's purchase, I will confess that I have wanted to get my hands on this die for some months now!  
It is the Sizzix Thinlits Plus Pillow Box die,it varies in price I have seen it priced from £28.99 to £ £34.99.
It is a regular pillow box die with a few extras that you can use to make your Pillow box into a gorgeous handbag/clutch bag too.
You can see from Myra's gorgeous bags how versatile the die is! 
Now Myra I know that this may be your only purchase for the next few months so I really appreciate that you have shared this one with us, thank you xxx

I hope you have enjoyed today's feature, if so please send me photo's of your purchases so that we can all see what's out there for us to spend our money on!

Love and hugs to all,
Sandra xxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    I have to confess that I haven't used either of my purchases yet! Maybe tonight after I've done the Tesco shopping & put it all away.

    Hubby is away tonight-back up to Carlisle. He set off for the EGM at the Golf Club last night only to arrive 2 minutes late & was refused admission! He was hopping mad & explained that not everyone worked 9-5! Then he rand me asking if we could make it to the 7.30pm showing of Star Wars so I suggested we wait until either Friday evening or Sunday afternoon.
    I have a meeting with my Chocolate Teapot boss this morning (along with 4 other colleagues) so that will be fun....!!!! At least it's only 9-10am.

    Myra-I love what you have done with the pillow box die. Where did you order it from????


    1. Hi Michele, There's always a jobsworth around when you don't need one. 2 mins - unbelievable!!! Enjoy your meeting this morning. I didn't know there was a die for card candy - that will be handy, and the E F is great.

    2. Michele, why don't you put the chocolate teapot in the hot seat!
      She might melt . !!!!!

    3. Hi Michele. I love Brendas suggestion of putting the chocolate teapot in the hot seat, it gave me a good giggle, bet you do too when you get to read it : ) you have to laugh or you would cry wouldn't you. It must be very hard sometimes at work and with your Dad but Pat hit the nail on the head yesterday when she reminded you that it is good to be able to have a moan about work or family here. I think most of us have had or have similar problems so completely understand where you are coming from. It certainly doesn't mean that you would change anything or anyone but you are only human and its good to share both good and bad things. We are always here for you to let off steam. Those that don't often end up making themselves I'll or they can become very bitter which is such a shame. Anyway, you also give us a giggle sometimes and today you have shared your bargain EF, bet you had to look twice at the low price! I don't have any card candi but this die looks so handy, you will get lots of use out of it won't you. Thank you for sharing your "confession" : ) Take care x

    4. Thanks Michele, I bought it from Country View Crafts !! I must own up - I found the Die - being demonstrated on Hochanda - their price £ 29 .95. I emailed Patricia as I know how much she loves making boxes and we both have the Xcut one! Patricia found this super price and the rest they say is history! £18.20 seemed a real bargain and no P&P. Love the card candi die too. Xxx

  2. Good Morning Sandra and Ladies, actually day light here and NO rain, also the wind has died down which is good as I'm going to Hayle to craft today 70 miles in total, and as you know I hate driving.
    Love both of the purchases today, might have to get these as I can say they were recommended by the experts !!!!!
    Love the bags Myra.
    We'll have to go , Anna Griffin is on the craft channel if anyone is interested, she makes lovely e/f, hopes she shows some, have set recorder.
    Hugs aboun.

    1. Oh I had many happy holidays at Hayle Lilian, beautiful place, lovely beach too! I seem to remember there was a pub with a peculiar name though, was it The Bucket of Blood or something?? It didn't sound very inviting anyway!
      Have a lovely day crafting xxx

    2. Hello Lilian, have a good day. xxx

    3. Thank you Lilian. I like Anna Griffin products too and I think she is a lovely lady. Xxx

    4. Yes Sandra It is called Bucket of Blood, no idea where the name came from. We lived at Hayle for more than 25 years, used to go to the beach Sat&Sun every week I the Summer, no cost entertainment for the children.

  3. Morning Everyone
    Well at least it's dry and just a light wind this morning after two horrendous days.

    MICHELE - looking forward to seeing your creations using your new purchases. I'm not a candy fan but perhaps you will change my mind on this one.
    MYRA - I love your new die and your makes from it are just gorgeous. I have a plastic template for this pillow box shape but the die just overtakes it by miles and miles.

    I finished my Challenge card yesterday and so will try and use my latest purchase today so I can send it off to you Sandra. Well that's the plan.

    I'm still shattered and every bone in my body hurts. I just loathe winter rain/damp and cold. Roll on Spring.
    I'll get HG Dobbi to do a sweep around the paths this morning as after the high winds I see there's lots of twigs and bits and pieces around and I don't want anyone slipping or falling. He can put it all into the new Composter I've put just down the back by the dustbins. Now Norah can you please tell your little bundle of Huggles not to go near these bins as they are quite big and I don't want any Huggle hurt by trying to climb up them and then falling off. Myra please tell Hugie the same when you bring him to visit. In fact can you all please tell your Huggles as I don't think we have a Qualified First Aider/Nurse in the Cafe or do we? Everything is set and the coffee pot is on and waiting along with fresh baked bread and home made Jam for toast this morning.

    I'm off to sit with my Latte now and wait and see who pops in.
    Hugs are by the door waiting to be used and I've sent my Gentle ones on their way to Barbara/Sheila/Cheryl in the hope that they will give comfort.

    1. Hi Janet,
      It's a very windy but sunny morning here, but the rain is going to come I just hope it misses the places that have already had floods. Have a good day.

    2. Hello Janet,
      Like you I made these boxes from a template and it was hard work! This is a dawdle! The blue box was the first I made, the pink the second and the black the third! The handle doesn't come with the dies for the pillow box. The handle is Sue Wilson buckle bar!

  4. Good morning Ladies, wet wild and windy here today ( good crafting day!)
    Great bargains Michele ! I don't use candy often but I think the negative gives an interesting background and also useful as a stencil.
    Myra , your handbags are super gorgeous ! I think you have a successful purchase there, I have never made any pillow boxes or handbags but could be tempted by this .
    Lilian I have set to record Anna Griffin , I think some of her designs are lovely and she comes over as a really gentle person.( makes a change ) lol!
    I haven't bought anything from either Hochanda ( I think their prices and postage are too steep) or from the Craft Channel , their postage is ok but again the prices are ridiculous What do others think of these channels?
    Janet the tea toast and homemade jam wins me over every time , so I'll pop in and join you .
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hello Anne, I like Anna Griffin, and some of her papers etc are lovely. So lovely that I rarely use them ha ha. I haven't purchased from the other channels either because of the reasons you've said. Enjoy yourself today.

    2. Hello Anne, Thank you!
      As I said to Lilian I too like Anna Griffin. I'm pleased she is going to be on weekly or so they say! I never felt she had enough time on QVC. Xxx

  5. Good morning coffee café chums,

    Sorry to report.... there is sunshine and blue skies over my little corner of Somerset so washing on in shortly and then lovely fresh air to dry it. Vast change from those horrendous winds and rain.

    Loving the new craft purchases, not seen the card candi die before and Michele's bargain reminded me that I have this EF. Funny, I've not used it for such a long time that I had forgotten it.
    Myra's pillow box purchase is fantastic. What are the dimensions please? I bought the Xcut one at Christmas so I could do personal gifts for place settings but they are tiny ones.

    Whomever is pinching time, please stop right now. I lost a whole day yesterday. It was time for panto before I knew where I was. Only thing I finished yesterday was the last heart on my Nursery Rhyme sampler. Now for the long boring stretch of the border to frame the picture then it can finally go off to it's recipient.

    Thank you Hazel for my beautiful 'cheer me up' card. I am so touched to receive it, not in the head mind but emotionally. The message inside is so true.

    I have 4 b cards to make today plus the challenge card and one more panto costume to hem before I can call it a day.
    I casn't even remember if I left any comments yesterday.
    Must away to start before I lose any more time
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hello Cheryl, lovely to see you. I'm glad you are being kept busy and isn't it great to feel useful and wanted?

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Lovely to see you in the cafe today. My word you are keeping busy.

    3. Not to sure what happened there Cheryl I was going to say I'd love to see a picture of your sampler and hope the hemming if the costume goes ok. I hate sewing myself.

    4. Hi Cheryl. Like you the weather here is blue skies and no winds, but unlike you I did all of the washing yesterday so don't have any to dry outside, typical isn't it, if I had waited until today it would have still been raining wouldn't it! Anyway, the blue sky helps to make me feel brighter somehow, think it does for most people. You are busy again today. I forgot to ask in my email what the panto dates are? Lovely to see you in the Cafe again today. Take care x

    5. Cheryl, you are welcome. I just felt you needed to know that we are here for you. Xxx

    6. Hello Cheryl, there are some lovely , kind ladies on this blog! I've just been to measure the finished box which is almost twice the size of the Xcut one. 6 1/2 " X 3 3/4" when folded shut! Hope this helps! Xxx

  6. Good Sandra and everyone in the Coffee Shop,

    Great idea to show our ' bargains ' off Sandra. Well done ladies for finding yours.
    MhICHELE, I also didn't realise you could make your own candi. See we learn from each other every day. LOL

    MYRA, WOW your little bags are beautiful and you've used your dies to get the best detail out of them. Your little bags are beautiful and you've used your dies to get the best detail out of them What a clever lady you are. LOL

    At the moment the weather is dry and the sun is shining which is really uplifting, hopefully it will last. This evening I'm off to the O2 to see 'Young Voices' Ciara's School are one of the many schools from the south of England participating. The youngsters put so much work into these performances. I'm sure it will be a lovely evening.

    Hope everything is good where you are and you have a good day. xx

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hello Brenda, have a lovely time this evening, all the children will feel so proud, as will their parents and grandparents.

    2. Oh dear, in my haste to post, I'm sorry Michele for the mess I made spelling your name. Then I go on repeat myself! I think little Sir Echo is hiding in my iPad. Ha ha

    3. How lovely Brenda, the O2 as well how posh is that. You must be very proud. Sophie used to sing in the school choir at Dorchester Abbey, not the one down South but the one near Henley. All the schools in Oxfordshire used to participate every year. You had a job to get tickets.

    4. Hi Brenda. Enjoy the performance tonight, and I hope the weather stays good for you today. Take care x

    5. Hi Brenda enjoy your evening at the O2 watching Ciara singing & you will be listening with pride. Where's Ciara's school in the south?

    6. Hi Lynda, Ciara's School is in Purley Surrey (South of Croydon)
      So not to far when we are on the school run. xx

    7. Have a lovely time tonight Brenda xxxx

    8. Thank you Brenda, you are very kind. I hope you have a lovely evening of music. I'm sure you will. Xxx

    9. Hi Brenda,
      Hope you enjoy the concert what an experience for them, it's lovely to be able to watch the grandchildren isn't it. xx

    10. Enjoy the concert, proud granny moments are allowed. X

  7. Good Morning Sandra & ladies
    Early today I have been up since 4am I came downstairs as OH was snoring so load wouldn't surprise me if some of you heard him too it was that loud Lol.
    I finished the challenge card so will take picture & send it Sandra this morning.
    Not up to much Tesco shopping again have some ironing then hopefully craft room play. I did some hot foiling on Todo & was very impressed how it came out. Also the stamping is very good quite a sharp image. So far im very pleased with my present & Margaret is going to lend me some of her dies
    Ooo the sun has just come out looks a much better day than the howling wind & rain yesterday. Michele what great bargains well done.
    MYRA I love your die & your bags you have made with it are gorgeous love them. Did you all watch julia on Hochanda last night recording todays ones.
    Well think I will go & have my shower.
    Hug's lovely CHERYL hope your feeling brighter.
    SHEILA some (((((Hug's))))for you take care my lovely xxx
    BARBARA thinking of you hope your ok ((((Hug's))))on the way.xx
    Have a good day everyone
    Love & Hug's to you all Lynda xx

    1. Hello Lynda, was it him who kept me awake again last night - I'll have to post my rubber mallet to you!!!
      It's so interesting to hear about the Todo. I was briefly tempted but resisted!

    2. Must have been Terry then Lynda that kept me awake as well. It will have to be a rubber mallet Maureen Lynda hits him with, Terry's to nice to hit with a proper one.

    3. Hi Lynda. I have a snorer too, actually two as Gem can be as bad as Chris sometimes, and that is through a wall! Have a good play with your To do. Take care x

    4. Haha ladies I don't know how he doesn't wake himself up it's so load
      Pat I might use a proper mallet tonight.xx

    5. Now careful Lynda! Don't go straining yourself lifting a heavy mallet!!!
      Thank you for your kind words about the pillow boxes. Xxx

    6. Your welcome MYRA they are lovely great

  8. Hellooooooooooooooo
    What great buys and samples. Michele's will be so useful, and Myra's makes gorgeous bags. Wonder if you can do them in leather, now there's an idea!!!
    Sandra, the only drawback with this new idea of yours in showing purchases and makes is that we will cause a stampede on the dies and embossing folders shown!! Shops should be advised to quickly stock up ha ha!!!
    Have a good day everyone. I'm going out now for coffee, well someone has to do it!!
    Barbara, if you look in, thinking of you so much and sending you lots of love.
    Sheila, sending you lots of love and hugs.
    Brenda LL, sending you lots of love and hugs.
    Maureen xxxx

    1. Hi Maureen
      I am liking the Todo when my friend bought mine it was half price on C&C at £199 instead of £399 & came with 5 Dies & a embossing folder.
      As I said I did some hot foiling stamping & letter pressing. Which I was impressed with. Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Thanks for showing Michelle's and Myras purchases. Like the look of the handbag die Myra and the EF Michelle. Love you handbags Myra you've already made with them. I have hundreds of card candi, but didn't know there was a die to make them.
    Well off to Doreen's again today as she has the occupational therapist coming to see about delivering a bed for Ellis. Now Doreen had been so I'll with pain over the weekend I took her to see a Dr. We actually managed to see her own one thank goodness. He was so shocked at how bad she was. He spent 50 mins yes I said 50 mins taking to her and me about what had happened over the last few months.
    He was shocked to hear that Ellis would be coming home and that she'd not Had a social worker allocated to review the situation. He suggested that Doreen needed some respite herself. She agreed. Anyway just after we'd left someone rang from the surgery to say the Dr had spoken to social services and someone would ring to make an appointment to come and pay a visit. As yet no one has, so if they don't ring by next Monday I'll be informing the Dr, and ask him to chase them up. Doreen can't even look after herself let alone Ellis who doesn't know when he needs the loo and has Dementia. Sorry lowered the tone there.
    Now Myra pointed out that it wasn't a huggle hiding my crafting things but the borrowers. Now I'd completely forgotten about them. So I'll have to think in advance about what I need and out little notes around my room saying please don't borrow this or that until I've finished using them. Hmm the only flaw in that theory is I never know what I need until I gave a brain wave. Mind you with my brain not much chance of that then.
    Hugs to Cheryl and Sheila, hoping your both feeling more cheery today.
    Special hugs to Barbara. Hopefully Anne, now that I've found my heat gun that I didn't know I'd misplaced I'll be able to start your candles this weekend.

    1. Pat , there is absolutely no rush for the candles!
      Sounds like you have enough on your hands, poor Doreen , I hope she feels better and gets some help soon , it's so unfair to leave her to struggle on herself, especially when she is not well.xo

    2. Pat thank goodness you got to see Doreen's own doctor, I hope something gets sorted soon as it really doesn't sound like she should be coping with Ellis like that. You are such a good friend but do look after yourself too. Xxxx

    3. Pat, thank you! Please look after yourself too! Your friends are having a tough time but I hope something gets sorted out to help them very soon! Xxx

    4. Hi Pat. Thank you for the lovely birthday card.

  10. Good morning everyone.
    Well - hold your hands out Myra - naughty lady - I have just ordered this die from Country View crafts for £18.20 couldn't resist. If John says anything I'll send him to Myra hahaha xx
    This is a brilliant idea but there will be a stampede for goods. It makes a difference when you can see the finished articles.
    Nice and sunny here today, craft class later on, so will pop back later, need to read previous comments..
    Hugs to all if needed,
    Jean xx

    1. Oh Jean....THANKYOU !!!!! for the heads up,I hope you
      Didn't get the last one, do you think I should ask for commission???

    2. I got it, thank you so much, I LOVE THIS NEW FEATURE !!!!!

    3. SNAP! got mine just now. xxx

    4. That's where I got mine Jean! That's why it was a Bargain !! I'm sorry I've just got home. We have been out today . I will read everything and answer questions about size etc! To give a rough idea - you get two Xcut pillow boxes from a sheet of A4 . Only one from this Sizzix one but a little spare for flaps etc! Xxx

    5. Yes I agree with Myra. Got mine last week and it is lovely and very reasonable price. Thank you Myra.

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. My comment early yesterday isn't there so just want to say how pretty Angela's cards were.
    Sandra you have already said the other day about a challenge of making a card using only bits from our scrap boxes, I think this would be a great idea.
    I have commented on Michele's "confession" (love that title) and her die.
    Myra, your bags are beautiful. I think Cheryl has asked and I would like to know how big the bags are please?
    I hope everyone has this lovely blue sky and calm weather today.
    Barbara, my love and hugs
    Have a good say. Take care xx

    1. Hello Sue I have answered above but to save you trawling through War and Peace - six and a half inches X three and three quarter inches when made up and folded shut. Xxx

  12. Nice sunny day today. Had first half of diabetic review. Blood taken and feet checked. Feet ok. BP up higher this morning. Got to keep checking it. Back in 2 weeks for the rest of the review. Will get the results of the blood tests. Had one to check the iron as well as that was due. Oh it's time to watch Julia. Must go.

    1. I hope it was just that you were a little bit stressed about the whole thing Brenda! Hope the test results are A1. Xxx

    2. Hi Brenda,
      Hope BP goes down soon just having it checked puts it up I find hope bloods are fine as well take love Margaret xx

    3. Might just be white coat syndrome Brenda, fingers crossed everything goes ok anyway.

  13. TOP TIP, TOP TIP, TOP TIP !!!!
    just seen a fabulous top tip from Chloe on Hochanda,
    When you are cutting through sticky tape or double sided tape, put Versamark or perfect medium on your scissor blades and the adhesive will not stick to your blades!!!

    1. That's a good tip - I usually have a can of WD40 to hand. xxx

    2. I've used a pair of Xcut scissors I bought especially for DST for years now, but do find on the cheaper DST or foam pads and on ordinary scissors you only need to use a wet wipe. xxx

    3. Good tip Sandra!! I think I may have scissors like Cheryl's. Mine are pink and grey. They are good. I've had them for years! Xxx

    4. Great tip, I've heard of using wet scissors, but don't like the idea of making mine wet this tip sounds great.

  14. Hello flying visit again - I'm playing catch up today! We were out last night so I missed a couple of Sues posts so I've just sat down to catch up with them. I like new feature Sandra, I hadn't realised there was a candi die so thank you for enlightening me on that one Michele. Myra what gorgeous pillow boxes, that die is wonderful, sounds like it's a bargain too. I've ordered some new stamps recently but other than that I'm trying to be good and use some of the things I've bought but not used yet.. I did like the stamps Chloe was using today on Hochanda , I haven't used her stamps so may look out fir them. Right I must get on - see you soon xxxx

    1. Thank you Diane! I'm like yourself - I scarcely buy anything! Xxxx

    2. Nor me.😀😀😀 Myra knows better!

    3. Brenda I won't tell if you don't!!! Xxxx

    4. Waiting for my non order to come !!!!!

    5. Hi Diane
      As you were out last night was that you flying over Witney?. We wondered what the funny shape was hovering about in the sky all lit up. No I don't mean your a funny shape Diane, I mean the contraption you were in. Tin hat needed if my pen types before my non brain thinks.

  15. Hello all you lovelies,
    Sandra I love the idea that you have started today. Michele I'm another one who didn't know about the candy die......Ooooo Myra your pillow boxes are gorgeous, that die is now on my wish list!
    Before I forget a BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BRENDA...I'm a numpty because I only posted your card yesterday thinking it was your birthday on the new rule for me is to check early and make sure of the dates. So sorry Brenda I do hope you had a lovely day.
    Well I couldn't resist a couple of Chloe's stamps I've sent for the shoe and the clutch bag, I'd already bought the Heartfelt Creations Shoe stamp and die to match and I love them....I'm just hoping Chloe's shoe is slightly smaller than the HC's one. So please don't be surprised if you all get shoes and handbags on your cards this year! Haha! I just love what you can do with them.
    Sending hugs to our lovely Barbara my thoughts and prayers are with you dear lady.
    Nikki was in good humour when I spoke to her last night oh it does lift my heart when I hear her laughing ....looking for ward to seeing my little cherub on Saturday.
    Cheryl I do hope you are feeling a bit more on the up sending you extra hugs too.
    Thank you all for the lovely hugs you have been sending me they do really help alot.
    Will try to pop in tomorrow, take care all my lovelies in this awful weather.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Forgot to say I ordered my stamps from Chloe's site £1.79 P&P... no way was I going to pay Hochanda's postage xxx

    2. Thank you Sheila! I think it is such a useful die to have. I just used odd sheets of card really . Xxx

    3. Sheila. Good to see you. First I must thank you for the beautiful card that came today. Was that the Heartfelt creation stamp and die. It is gorgeous. Oh dear I can see me spending more money. Yes please tel, us what the Chloe shoe and bag stamps are like. Enjoy your day with Nikki. I can't believe it is nearly the weekend again. Don't worry about the card being late. Take care.

    4. Hello SHEILA glad Nikki was happy & laughing. I also liked the HC shoe stamp & die no I didn't buy them. Chloe's stamps are also nice yes Hochanda P&P has gone up so much.ridiculous.
      SHEILA have a lovely day with Nikki Saturday enjoy being with her,give her a Hug from me. (((((Hug's)))) my lovely xxx

    5. Hi Sheila - lovely to see you again - so pleased Nikki was in a happy mood - doesn't their laughter pick you up - Nics laughter is infectious too - have a lovely day with Nikki on Saturday - Nic is home then too - take care
      Jean xx

    6. Hi Sheila
      Don't worry Sheila, I think my card to Brenda was late as well. I hadn't transferred Mathew birthdays over to my calendar we did at Caligraphy and Sandra reminded me on Tuesday. God job the other two have a brains. Meaning Sandra and Sue. Have a great day with Nikki.

  16. Hi Sandra & all in café,

    Sandra you are certainly coming up with some new ideas I love it. Until I started going to Craft Shows with Sue I never realised there was such a variety of things you can do with paper seems endless. xx
    Michele hope your meeting went well I love Brenda's idea great! Hope you get crafting tonight. xx
    Myra your bags are very pretty Sue made me one for Mothers day & I love it, chocolates didn't last long though. xx
    Barbara sending special thoughts & prayers to you.
    Cheryl & Sheila lovely to see you both xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  17. Hello Sandra,
    Afternoon Ladies,
    I guess it's almost evening! Oops!
    I'm very sorry but I've been out all day so just been catching up. I love this die but in Spellbinders Machines you need to run it through twice to get good folds! However, having said that it did say on the accompanying information that as they were thin dies to run them through more than once.
    I previously had a template for this job and it drove me mad! It took ages to make one box and it was easy to " muck it up" .
    Patricia deserves the credit for finding the bargain! I do try to discourage her from spending money but my efforts fall on deaf ears!! I may need a little more than a Tin Hat!!!
    I do like this idea that Sandra has had as I'm sure it will be very interesting.
    I must go and check out my shopping order for tomorrow! Where has this week gone??
    Love and thanks xxxx

  18. Hello all, Greetings from a snow covered town of Zell am See, have had a lovely day just walking around looking in some shops, bought a runner and a fridge magnet and had a hot chocolate in our favourite cafe' .Yes our cyber one is the favourite one but sometimes I need a real one to get a real drink :-) OH also surprised me with a prof. Massage down in the Spa, very nice but we will see how I feel tomorrow ,he was he bit rough tihi.
    Never seen a Candi die before so that's interesting to see and I like the EF Michele, thank you for sharing. Myra, Love the die for the little pillow boxes and I can see more of you agree as they selling very fast, sound like a great bargain for the die. The boxes/bags are gorgeous !
    Brenda LL, hope you had a nice birthday.Hope your diabetic review goes well.
    Brenda, have a lovely time at O2 seeing Ciara and the others sing.
    Cheryl, hope you are ok and Sheila you both take care.
    Sending special hugs to Saba and the family
    Janet, hope you feeling better soon, It's cold where we are this week but such a different chill and it's dry.
    Sandra, it was nice to see what Angela had made and hope she might join us in the cafe' . Hope you all well.
    Sending love and warm hugs to you all Xxxxx

    1. I tried to add a comment here Matpria, but it popped up lower down. Loved Zell Am Zee. See my comment below.

    2. Thank you Maria! So pleased you are having a lovely holiday! Xxx

  19. Evening All, watching Julia on Hochanda, nice things but a bit prices and as you say the postage is too high.
    Well our crafting day was fun, I decided to do the challenge card, only took us
    3hours !!!!!! with much advice from the other two, not quite as sketch but I didn't take picture with me.
    Had a lovely day, lots of traffic about already, think it was because it was the first mostly dry day.
    Might do a bit of ironing as o/h hung the washing out while I was away.
    Going to see my Sister tomorrow she is still in our big main hospital, but they are hoping to move her to a cottage hospital which I think will be much better.
    Have a good evening all, hugs Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian
      I'm glad you had a on very say. I'll be great when they more your sister, as you say hopefully to the cottage hospital.

  20. Helloooooooooooo,
    Now before I forget:-
    Brenda, hope the rest of the Diabetic Review goes well and that your BP goes down.
    Maria, I see you are having a good time, mmmm hot chocolate sounds very nice!!!
    Sandra, I knew there would be a run on the dies when I saw your blog this morning. It's a great idea. Well it's a great idea for the shop holders, not on our wallets ha ha!!!
    Chloes shop is in County Durham, rather a pain to get to so I've only been once, but she had some gorgeous things. It wasn't long after it opened, so I expect it's even better now.
    Diane, I see we have another flying visit from you. Who's piloting the balloon?
    Sheila, it's lovely to see you.
    Cheryl, how's the hemming coming along. Are you playing a part in the Pantomime, or are you the official seamstress?
    Myra, you really should treat yourself now and again to something in the crafty line. You deserve it!!!!!
    Janet, I hope you soon feel warmer and happier. I sometimes feel as though there is iced water running through my veins and it's not nice. Take care.
    Sandra, I hope to finish the challenge card tonight and will e-mail it to you. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone has done. Also, thank you for the top tip. I use Fiskers coated scissors which are SUPPOSED to be non-stick, but I have to dip them in water now. I'll use the ink pad trick in future, much less messy, so long as I don't mix them up and use Stazon!! lol
    See you later, xxxxx

    1. Oh Pat, please forgive me, I meant to say that I hope you and the Doctor manage to sort out Social Services. It beggers belief that the hospital are going to send Ellis home.
      Lilian, I hope your sister is comfortable and recovering.

    2. Well Maureen the occupational Therapist came and agreed that Doreen can't look after him at home. The house wasn't suitable really either. She went back to talk to social services. It has tiny roon, no heating the washing machine lives in the shed down the garden and the downstairs loo is outside,She then rang to say a OC from the hospital was going out to access Ellis. The OC who access rang Doreen while we were theto say that Ellis was fit to come home and she would speak to Lottie the one who came this morning. She also said that SC would come to access Doreen as she needed help as well, although it would be marked as urgent they're so busy it wouldn't be anytime soon. She's agreed to meet us at the home tomorrow. Well I do hope that Lottie tells her as it is. I won't let them bully Doreen into having him at home when she knows she can't cope. I'll be getting in touch with the Dr on her behalf if I have to.
      They'll have to pay of course as they saved money. Never spent it on anything that wasn't mega needed. No luxuries and hardly any holidays. Ellis wouldn't let Doreen spent any money at all. Hence no comforts what so ever but plenty of money. Everything is either breaking nag down or falling apart. Her clothes are threadbare and I've told her I'll take her to go and spent some money on some new under wear, trousers etc. So sad that that generation penny pinch for old age then just hold onto it, letting everything go to rack and ruin. So so sad.

    3. Oh Pat! That is very sad isn't it! What good is any of that money doing them now. As you say they need home comforts! They certainly need central heating . I love an open fire but central heating is so easy and no work at all. I do hope things are sorted out very very soon. You are a lovely friend to have Pat! Take care! Xxx

  21. Hi Maria
    I'm glad your enjoying your holiday. Where are you staying in Zell Am Zee. We stayed in the grand when we went with Great Rail two years ago when Bryan was iver from Australia. We all had rooms over looking the lake.
