
Wednesday 27 January 2016

Guest Designer.....Angela & Happy Birthday Brenda

Two lovely cards made from Angela's left over 'bit box'

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope and pray that you are all safe,warm and dry after the beating the weather has given us over the past 24hrs, I think it rained constantly all day here yesterday.
I dread to think the effect that would have in places around Cumbria etc.

Now Angela looks in on our blog most days and I am absolutely over the moon that she has sent in some cards to share with all of us!  
I am not sure if I had explained before that Ange!a and her lovely husband Trevor were camping at the same place as us last year,we arrived on the same day in fact and we were lucky enough to be neighbours, after chatting one day I discovered that Angela had been bitten by the crafting bug too,what a coincidence!!
I absolutely love the colour you have used Angela, nobody would ever believe that you had made both of these amazing cards from the left over card in your 'bit box', something that we all have, I intact have 3 'bit boxes' all overflowing too!!
Maybe that could be one of our weekly challenges, to make cards from only the card in your bit box?? 
Angela if you can, it would be great to hear how you created your cards, of you used dies etc.  If you can't get on to leave a message you can just email me and I will add it for you.  Thank you so much for sharing your cards with us, I look forward to seeing many more! 

Brenda (littlelamb)

Brenda, Have a lovely birthday, followed by a whole year of good health and happiness, with love from all of your friends here in the 'cafe' xxxxxxx

Sue, Pat and I had a lovely day yesterday, guess what????? both Pat and Sue got a whole card finished, from scratch, Pat was well on her way to her 2nd when we Left, 
The is just unheard of, I however, did not complete any cards, my role was purely supervisory!! ( I just couldn't get going today after only having maximum 3 hours sleep) , there was plenty of fun and laughter too, I think Pat might have a poltergeist though, bless her she kept losing things, she spent more time searching for things than she did using them!! 

Love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Good morning everyone,
    Happy birthday Brenda, hope you have a lovely day whichever way you like to spend it.
    I must say I like these cards Angela has made, so easy on the eye aren't they.
    Still quite dark here but the rain has stopped at least.
    I was looking through Sues new dies and ended up ordering a lovely deep border die, there are some gorgeous dies, I don't know how she gets the different ideas.
    Lovely to see Sheila yesterday, you are doing so well Sheila xx
    Hugs to Barbara and family,
    Will pop back later, need to do some shopping this morning.
    Jean xx

    1. I liked that deep border too !! But I'm being good! Xxx

    2. Me too! It was my favourite until I saw the first if the Perspectives!

    3. Me too Karen! I loved that HAPPY one! Very useful. Xxx

  2. Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, dear Brenda, Happy Birthday to you. Good morning, Sandra and all who calls in today.
    Angela, welcome to the cafe, do come and join in. Your cards are beautiful, the colours and design are lovely.
    Janet, I hope all the unpacking is done and put away, till your next trip.
    It was so lovely to see, Sheila, and Cheryl in yesterday. (((((Hugs)))))
    Hope everyone is well today, if not ((((( hugs))))) for you.
    Barbara, special (((((hugs))))) for you. Xxx

  3. Hi Sandra
    Well, can I start off by wishing Brenda a very special Happy Birthday. I hope you have a fantastic day and that the family spoil you. I know one young lady will, say hullo to Scarlett for me please.
    Angela love your designs on your cards. I to have lots of bits in boxes. Especially dies that I've cut out and never used. Love the different green papers you've used as well. Well I wrote a on nag post yesterday and lost it to cyber space because I didn't repost it. Very frustrating this blogger is now its been changed. As Sandra said although I did a full card yesterday I spent a lot of time searching for things. I have a on very set of Phill Martins sentiments that I've always kept in with my dies, yesterday I went to use them and guess what they'd grown legs and walked. I'm sure Norah's huggles have stowed away in your coat Sandra and have run amock with my stamps. I spent awhile looking for my heat gun for Sandra which is in a long box. Found it on the floor in my bedroom, never been there before either along with my Ranger pens. Dull here but no rain at the moment. Will try and come back later. But the dentist later plus a trip to Oxford to get some theatre tickets.
    Lovely to see both Cheryl and Sheila in yesterday. Chin up ladies.
    Michelle I hope that work goes better today. At least upwelling can all let off steam here, it always helps I think to have a grumble now and again. We all have off days don't we ladies.
    Special hugs to Barbara.

    1. Pat, you reminded me of the story about The Borrowers!! Maybe that's where everything has gone! You take care young lady and don't do too much! Xxx

    2. Thanks for the heads up Myra, didn't realise I had the little people living below the house. Now I know where all my things are disappearing to.

  4. Good morning my coffee shop cherubs,
    Firstly Brenda flower i hope you have a great day and that you get at least one thing that you will enjoy even if its just a roll of sticky tape, it's something that you will have fun in using with your projects.
    Welcome Angela to a merry band of friends who have a great laugh and joke and some kidding on. What a lovely holiday it was for you last year Sandra meeting up with someone with the same hobby. Angela your card is lovely being that bit different from the rest and so soothing on the eyes(which is what this colour of green does to me) and gentle. I hope that you will in and speak to us here as we are a very friendly bunch of crafters with all different talents.
    Well today is back to college for Rory and a long day for me so i wonder what i can get up to today to keep me occupied. I might do the wee fella's hat and mittens on a string and then that will be that set done.
    Please can i have a large latte please in my TT cup as the body is a bit shaky today, crikey knows how many times i have dropped the butter tub out of the fridge, thank goodness i am not posh and put it into a butter dish because it would have been smashed long before now. Now i've sent some special delivery huggles to Barbara just to keep her going and i have brought some in here to meet their friends and hopefully they will find a new mum to make happy. See you later,
    Norah x

    1. Norah , I thought you were going to the Isle of Man at first! Then the penny dropped!!! Xxx

    2. Crikey Myra my days of riding a motorbike are well and truly in the past and since i can't keep to my feet when they planted on the ground, what do you think they will do with just a wee pedal/ clutch under neath them. No i'll leave the Isle of Man TT race to my cousins as they are still stupid enough to ride in it every year and some how escape with minor grazes and stratches where as me, i would probably end up looking out of an Isle of Man hospital window if i were lucky. x

    3. Hee Hee Norah! I can just imagine you on your bike!!!

  5. Hellooooooooooooooooo
    Brenda LL, Happy Birthday, have a lovely day whatever you are doing.
    What lovely cards from Angela today, Green, my favourite colour (as long as it's a nice green - and these are). Great ideas for using scraps up and I can use ideas like that.
    Well it's a lovely sunny but windy day here today, but perfect for the washing that's blowing on the line!!! I'm off into town to do the things that I didn't get done while looking after Eleanor yesterday. Her tummy pains and headache have gone, so she's at school.
    Right, shoes and coat to put on, then off to town.
    See you later
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Sorry, forgot to say that I hope all those poor souls over on the west coast don't get flooded again. I know some already have.

    2. Steady as you go!!! Xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies, Happy birthday Brenda, have a super day!!,
    Angela your cards are lovely, just goes to show what can be done with a bit of imagination using bits from our bit boxes.
    Maureen you wouldn't get your washing dried here, it is chucking it down, has been all morning
    Just a quick tidy up then I might try and do a card from my bit box.
    Take care everyone, xxx

  7. Morning Everyone

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA hope you have a lovely day doing exactly what you want and spending it with loved ones.

    Yes I'm back all unpacking done and sorted and everything in place - well for a little while anyway.

    I managed to read all yesterday's comments and was so pleased and happy to see Sheila and Cheryl back where they belong. Keep going my Dear Friends you're both coming along so well and I've all crossed hoping that I'll meet you at this year's Retreat.

    The weather is horrendous with rain and gale force winds and it doesn't help living on the top of a hill and on a corner to boot. So it's an indoors day for me and hopefully making a start on this week's Challenge.

    I have dispatched hugs to all in need just to keep them warm and cosy.

    I'll try and pop in later and I'm hoping that normal service will be back tomorrow. Oh by the way Marigny Dobbi says a big thank you for letting him stay and look after one or two things over the last few weeks. I cannot find High Green Dobbi so where he has gone to. I just hope that Norah's Huggles haven't kidnapped him and are teaching him some of their tricks. I don't suppose Myra saw him yesterday while she was at the Old Folk's Home hiding in that basket with the little dog did she. If you did Myra could you rescue him please on your next visit or have you been banned!!

    I'm off to the far corner with my Latte for a little while and just might nod off.
    It's lovely to be back in the Cafe. xxxx

    ps you were asking the other day Sandra about when and how we started crafting. Well I started at the tender age of 5 when Mum taught me to knit. Now I'm a proper left hander and really cannot do anything successfully with my right hand and Mum was a right hander so bless her she tried her best to teach me left handed way but never managed so the only thing I do right handed is knit. From then on I have tried many and varied crafts but never pottery. I really started paper crafting 10years ago this Easter when I retired and a friend dragged me to the local WI Knit and Natter group. Since that day I have never bought a card and dread to think how many I have made over the years. I started with card kits/MCS from C&C and then discovered dies. I now have two lots of everything (one lot in Marigny and one here in the UK). I restock Marigny from this side of the Channel as trying to find crafting goodies or even essentials in France is just a non-starter. I have always taken pictures of my efforts and cringe at some of my first efforts although I still cringe now at some of my efforts.

    Sorry that was a 'war and peace' PS.

    1. I have not been banned - YET - !! Glad you safely home and unpacked. Xxx

    2. Thank you for the beautiful cards Janet and Myra.

  8. Hello it's me again - I'm so so sorry Angela I haven't commented on your beautiful cards. They are both beautiful and your colours are so calming and gentle. You have a fantastic bit box.
    Hugs for you. xxxx

  9. Good morning all
    Very wet and windy here today, I was going to pop out to do some shopping but it's very tempting to stay indoors. Mind you after baking all day yesterday I could do with some fresh air. Julian has just text me to say most of the cakes have gone already - it's a good thing I kept one here for him!
    Angela what pretty cards you gave made, I love the green colour. The one with the strips is reall effective and quite simple but looks gorgeous. Thank you for letting Sandra show them to us.
    I hope everyone is ok today, stay safe everyone if you are out and about.
    Oh yes Happy birthday Brenda, hope you have a lovely day, has Scarlet organised a birthday tea for you. Sending you birthday hugs xxxxx
    Well I'd better toddle off and get a wiggle on - Pat I hope those huggles behave today and don't hide all your things!
    See you later xxxxxx

      I hope he has a great day in at his office today Diane. I wonder if he will have a birthday cake or be like Campbell and have to supply the birthday cakes himself for everyone else to enjoy. Either way i hope he has a lovely day and they keep any crisis until tomorrow when he can return to normal business. x

    2. Oh Norah thank you . I will pass on your birthday wishes. He is going to try to get home early tonight but with this wet weather the motorway will be chockablock. He might get a card if he's lucky, but he will be greater at the door by 'where's the cakes!' Even the boss man will probably find his way to see him today, he's partial to a bit of cake and I know two personnel ladies had booked an appointment with him to look at his desk and chair today and as he said it doesn't normally take 2 of them to do that! Funny isn't it, it's your birthday but you bring the cake - mind you less expensive than chipping in for everyone else's cakes. Xxxx

    3. Thank you for the lovely card Diane and Happy Birthday to Julian. Am at Scarlett's now and we are waiting for dad to come home to have the cake. She made it with Daddie yesterday. I haven't seen it yet.

    4. We also supplied cakes at the office Diane. I wondered why you were doing all that baking.

  10. Good morning Ladies,
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! Brenda, hope you have a lovely special day xo
    I love your cards Angela! Thanks for sharing them with us Sandra, my favourite colour is green so these are right up my street, great idea to use up those left over bits.
    The whole meal scones yesterday were good but I tried a new recipe for the cheese ones and I have to say there was a bit much baking powder in them , I hate when you can taste that bitterness , so will need to change the amount next time.
    Very mild and sunny here at the moment but I still don't have the energy to join the Wednesday walk, but getting there.
    Got my challenge card made yesterday so that was enjoyable.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Sorry you are still a bit under the weather Anne! Hope you feel much better soon. Sorry about the baking powder too. Know exactly what you mean! Xxx

    2. Sorry to hear you are still not feeling too good Anne. Thank you for the birthday greeting

  11. Hello Sandra,
    Hello Everyone!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA!!!! Hope you have a lovely day!
    Angela your cards today are lovely. I love them both . They are elegant and simple in lovely soft shades. Thank you for sharing them. We must seem really crazy here sometimes . Some people here are a very bad influence!!! However we are all sensible sometimes!
    I really loved the first Dies in particular that Sue Wilson showed this morning. I thought they would be rather useful . Oh dear!
    Going to ladies group this afternoon!
    Need to get some lunch ready and get the war paint on!! Xxx

  12. Hello everyone,
    Many Happy Returns of the Day, BRENDA, hope it's a lovely one.
    Angela your cards are very lovely, good to use up bits.
    Very busy with work still 500 hoods for this BIG Candian order.
    We have two new girls working now ,so should be better when they get up to speed.
    Going to my friends for a chat and craft day, hoping to do my sketch challenge cards.
    Have a good day all.
    See you later. Lil

    1. Thank you fir the lovely birthday card Lilian.

  13. Afternoon Ladies

    Brenda-Happy Birthday!!!!!

    Angela- two gorgeous card, perfect way of using up "bits".


    1. Thank you for the lovely birthday card Michele

  14. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased you had a good day yesterday xx
    Angela your cards are lovely thank you for sending the to Sandra.
    Brenda a very Happy Birthday to you hope you are being spoilt as you should be xx
    Janet good to see you back home.xx
    Special hugs on way to Barbara & all who need them love Margaret xx

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    I had a busy morning this morning I was OH gofer - he was working in the roof, having a sort out!! It's apprising how long these jobs take. He is still up there sorting out some shelving, although I did let him down for lunch.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Brenda I hope you're having a lovely day and being spoiled rotten by your family LOL

    Pleased the Three Graces had a good day yesterday, it sounds as if you were quite productive. I think we've all got one of Pats poltergeists in our homes, how often do things turn up in places when you could swear it you left them somewhere else. Ha ha

    Diane please wish Julian a happy birthday, I hope he's had a good day and that he did manage to eat one of your cakes at work. Today would also have been my mothers birthday. 27th January is a great date for a birthday.xx

    Will stop by later to see how everyone is spending the day. It's raining and windy here, I just hope it's better where you are. LOL

    Sending love, huggles and prayers, Brenda XXX

  16. Oh dear Sandra, I forgot to say how gorgeous the cards made by Angela are. What a lovely shade of green she has used. Angela can we see more of your work? P L E A S E

  17. Thank you for your lovely comments. The first time I have seen any of my cards other than on my desk!! I look forward each day to my visit to the blog and to see what you are all doing. I must admit to adapting for my own use lots of your super efforts. Sandra email coming with how and what I used. x

  18. ANGELA very pretty cards from your bit box Like HAZEL I have lots of die cut in a bit box as well as loads of bits of card Finished my challenge card last night and photographed it this morning So windy here today
    MICHELE that die arrived yesterday Was going to play with it today but been busy with MIL at hosp visit and got a visitor tonight Ho hum! Take care everyone Good to hear CHERYL and SHEILA called in

  19. Whoops! Happy Birthday Hope you had a great day

  20. Thank you Margaret for the lovely card.

  21. Thank you to Brenda and Karen for the lovely birthday cards.

  22. Thank you to everyone for their lovely cards and Sandra. Could see where to leave Sandra a comment on the way here. Have had a lovely day and beautiful cards. Thank you. Am at Scarlett's now waiting for dad to come home to have birthday cake that Scarlett and dad made yesterday. Been to The Range and Hobbycraft and bought some goodies but some for the craft class which will start again in March but need to plan ahead. Angela - your cards are beautiful. Hope we see some more of your work. I must use my bit box more. It's usually buried and I just pick up a new sheet of paper. I recently bought a lovely pad from The Range and wanted some more today but they keep bringing out new ones and now cannot get the one I would like. Shame. Will keep looking.

    1. I really probably☹ could craft for months from my bit box but it is so easy to get side lined by the fabulous papers available, they almost make my mouth water. Am enjoying embossing folders which I ink first loads of possibilities.

  23. Evening Ladies

    KarenLotty-you have won something on Christine Embersons blog!!!!!!!!!! Well done.

    Goodness-what a busy day at work. Was meant to be finishing the 2nd year students NVQ today but she had car trouble & couldn't get in. 2 more staff rang in sick & I don't believe either of them! Called at Dad's then finally home. Hubby had spent ages trying to avoid the 2 hour tailback on the M6 (Lorry & cardboard contents) on fire. The store finally opened at 8amthis morning. He needs to go back up tomorrow evening to in Carlisle early Friday to meet some bigwigs as they "have limited time"!! Hopefully he won't be away as much over the next few weeks as just needs to oversee the dismantling of the temporary store.

    As I'm home alone, I might try the sketch card.


  24. Well I don't if any others have had trouble to day with your I pads! I can't get in to safari, it's an apple problem. Oh boy it's so annoying, I cleared my history this morning, luckily I can bring up favourites so can get in here. Goes to show how much you use safari to look at things etc.
    Michele, I am so glad you called into see your dad.
    Angela, I love making cards from my bit box. Even if they are just small 4x4 or 5x5 cards, I also love doing the same with die cuts that I have cut and not used at the time.
    Sandra, there is a challenge you can set, a card made from our bit boxes or left over die cuts.
    Was out this afternoon having cuddles from a cute little 2 week old. I have known the mummy since she wa 9 now 21 it's doesn't seem possible that she is a mummy now! Very good content little soul, sleeps from 11pm to 5am. Granny I think was hoping in a way she wasn't so good so she could have her overnight to give mummy a rest. This little one has been here before we are sure, just so alert and taking everything in. Granny is child minding friend of mine we meet up at another child minding friends new house, so it was a lovely afternoon, beautiful house was design and built to work with the child minding. Hall come play area, large table wide enough for the children to craft bake etc at. Store cupboard I would give my eye teeth as a craft storage cupboard kitted out with deep shelves to take toy boxes. Oh boy was I jealous!!.
    Infact the cupboard wasn't much smaller than my spare room.
    Any way off to relax. Xxx

  25. Good evening Sandra & everyone
    Sorry I'm late had my friend round showing me the hot foiling on Todo & she brought some of her dies for me to play with.& she stayed for dinner went home 7.30 so I'm watching Julia on Hochanda.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA hope you had a lovely day & enjoyed your tea with Scarlett. DIANE hope Julian had a Happy Birthday & enjoyed his day xx
    ANGELA your cards are so pretty love the pattern paper,nice to see you in the cafe' SANDRA glad you had a good time with Sue & Pat. Pat hope you found everything don't worry I'm always losing things I think my craft room is haunted or maybe it's Snuggle huggles hiding things because I wouldn't let her play with the gilding flakes.
    I'm loveing Sue's die launch they look so much better made into a card than just seeing them in the packet I want so many.
    Special Hug's for Barbara & family thinking of you xxx
    SHEILA hope you had a lovely chat with Nikki are you seeing her Saturday give her a Hug from me.((((Hug's for you))))
    Cheryl ((((Hug's)))
    MARIA hope your both enjoying your holiday ( any craft shops ) Hug's xx
    Love Lynda xxx

  26. Helloooooooooooooo
    I've just popped in to say "goodnight". Sandra, I forgot to comment on your crafting day with the other Graces. So pleased that you had a good time and that they actually crafted!!!!
    Cheryl, hope you are well.
    Sheila, hope you are feeling o.k.
    Barbara, hope you are getting there.
    Sending everyone love, xxxx

  27. Yes Lynda
    It's a bummer when you can't find what you want when you want it. I keep promising to tidy up but it looks worse after I'd done my Christmas cards.I'm glad you managed to play with your friends Toda. Mind you it was mega expensive. The three of us share dies as well. Mind you Sandra has much More than me. I sometimes end up buying the die myself if I think I'll use them often.
