
Tuesday 26 January 2016

Another Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well I just wasn't happy with yesterdays card so I had to make another!
I used a Lilli of the Valley image die cut with the 'Copenhagen' outer edge die from the 'Scandinavian' range by Creative Expressions, I edged it with a little 'Tattered Rose' Distress ink, the base is to contrasting pieces of paper from my stash, I cut them on the diagonal then covered the join with some lace, I threaded some dusky rose ribbon and used that to tie the bow with at the base of the diagonal, I added some contrasting roses from my stash and a couple of Sue Wilson's stick pins, I then used my Brittania die 'Happy Birthday', to cut out the sentiment from the darker card I used, I then die cut out again in white card and layered the two together for dimension.

Today Sue and I are off to Pat's, so I hope Pete hasn't vacuumed !!

Janet I hope you are home safe and sound xx

Shiela, sending hugs to you and Nikki xx

Barbara, big hugs coming your way too xx

Love and hugs to all,
Sandra xxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-another lovely card. The image is so cute.

    Well-it's a hideous day weather wise here. Gale force winds right now & heavy rain forecast for today & tomorrow.

    I rang a friend last night who is going through a tough time (major health problems) & she's going to call round on Saturday for a coffee. Spoke to hubby who sounded fed up & found a second message from my Dad, which was just the same as the first one! I wasn't feeling great myself as i'd had quite a lengthy Opthalmic migraine while I was eating my tea then I started with a tension headache so I had an early shower & went to bed at 9.30! The only problem with that was I was awake at 3.45 ad couldn't get back to sleep.

    I'm off out with a few colleagues tonight for a curry, they've arranged it to cheer me up as it's 3 years today since my Mum died. I won't be drinking as I'll have to drive but it should be a laugh.


    1. Sending you a hug Michele, lovely of your friends to think of you like that.
      Yes the wind is awful here too.
      Jean x

    2. Again Michele I don't want to offend, but !!! Just maybe your dad is feeling heavy hearted seeing how HE lost our your MUM too, she was his wife and partner! I know I would want someone to talk to if it was me, I know Patricia and I talk to each other on our parents aniversaries. Our mum died 48 years ago and our dad 14years, yet we never forget them and miss them every day. X

    3. Hi Michele
      Hope your head is better today. So lovely of your friends thinking of you enjoy your evening. Sending you some (((((Hug's))))) xxxx

    4. Huwe ((((hugs)))) coming your way for you and your Dad. x

    5. Michele I'm sorry but I agree with Hazel, it's lovely your friends are taking you out but it does sound like your dad is really struggling to cope especially as 3 years isn't a long time when they were probably together for 40 or so years. I didn't think my dad was an emotional man until we lost mum just after their 40th wedding anniversary. I phoned him every day and my sister who lived closer either popped in or phoned and dad spent nearly every weekend with us. We spent a lot of time talking about mum and it helped us all. When I lost dad a few years later it was a big hole in our lives but we had done the best we could. Make sure you ring your dad today if nothing else. X

    6. Hello Michele, it gets easier but it takes a long time and you never ever forget! Hugs for you and Dad too!! Xxx

    7. Hi Michele,
      Hugs to you and your Dad, let him know you are thinking of him. Have a lovely evening with your friends tonight. Love Sheila xx

    8. Hi Michele, dad died 40 years ago this All Souls Day (Nov 2nd). I'd love to be able to speak to him in person, and not through prayer.
      Enjoy yourself with your friends, love to you and your father today, remembering your mother and his wife.

    9. Michele flower, please give your poor dad a ring back as it is a hard day for both of you. Remember your mum was yours for so many years but your dad was her love, her life along with you but before you came along. I know how hard it was for my mum to lose my dad after 42 years of marraige and just how down she got that she just didn't want to be here without him and well maybe your dad feels the same and wishes he was beside her right now, but once they are gone flower you miss them so much that it aches. So please give your dad a call today just to let him know that you still love him but you miss your mum as well.
      I hope the girls night out helps you a bit tonight. x

    10. That's lovely Norah!xxx so very true! Xxx

    11. Norah, it's lovely how you have explained - have a few memories escaping from my eyes xxx

    12. Michele enjoy your night out with friends, it will help you relax a bit hopefully. What Norah said is so very true, so have a little chat with your dad as well xx

    13. Hope you have a lovely a lovely time with friends.
      Take care if the weather is bad with you

  2. Good morning from a very windy Wigan, it's awful here and is not getting any better apparently
    Sandra love this card, started mine last night will finish it today.
    I hope Janet has had a safe journey home.
    Hugs to Sheila and Nikki, also to Barbara and family.
    Don't think I'll be going far today so will pop back in later.
    Jean xx

    1. Nasty day here too Jean. Very wet and windy! Xxx

    2. Same here too Jean, best to stay inside and be safe.Thank you for the hugs for Nikki and I. Love Sheila xxx

    3. Hi Jean, very windy here today but dry - thank the Lord!! xxxx

    4. Wet and very windy here. Had to go to the library and got home before it rained too hard. Did get wet though. Hope I can stay in now

    5. Dry but very windy and icy cold, not out tonight thank goodness. xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    This is just to let you all now we are back safe and sound very tired and now have to start unpacking etc.
    I'll be in later today to see you all

    1. Thank you Janet for letting us know. Just take is easy while you get everything unloaded and put away. Xxx

    2. So happy to hear from you Janet, I hope your crossing beat the gales!!
      Take it easy, but most of all...........
      Welcome Home xxxxxx

    3. Hi JANET so pleased your home safe. Have a good rest today
      Hug's Lynda xxx

    4. Pleased to see you have arrived home safely xx
      Jean x

    5. Welcome home Janet! Thanks for letting us know so quickly. You are kind. I hope you kept a firm grip of your hat !!! It would blow away here today! Xxxx

    6. Hi Janet so pleased you are home safe and sound and out of this horrendous weather. Love Sheila xx

    7. Welcome home Janet, hope it was a good journey. Have you brought my pastries!!! ha ha

    8. Welcome home Janet, it's good to know you are home safe and sound xxxxx

    9. Welcome home Janet from me and huggle Scottie xx

    10. Glad you're home safe and sound.

  4. Good morning, Sandra and ladies. Not the greatest of days here, so a crafting day will had by me just hope the brain is in the same mood. Have some cards needed for over the next few weeks. Have a couple of " thinking of you" to do for friends who are going through treatments at the moment. I think a little card helps, I know I loved getting them when I was going through mine. They just give that little lift!
    Sandra, your card just shows how the sketch can look different from a change of colour etc. Enjoy your meet up with Pat and Sue today.
    Sheila, Cheryl and any one who is feeling low sending (((((( hugs))))))
    Now ladies no going giving your bank managers heart attracts because you have bought all these new Sue dies!!! I won't comment while they are being shown as I have been doing so every day for a while and I feel it would be wrong. I can enjoy seeing what she does. Have a good day what ever you are doing. Xxx

    1. A crafty day for me too Hazel,,, looks like the weather will be bad for a while yet - take care
      Jean x

    2. Now Hazel you know me, my middle name is Prudence!! Xxx

    3. Hi Hazel Have a lovely crafty day and stay in the safety of your home....this wind is quite frightening. Love Sheila xxx

    4. Hazel, I intended to have a morning crafting, and then was going to meet Ann, my friend. Well Eleanor being poorly has put paid to that, but we've had a nice cuddle so I'll take that any day.

    5. Myra, forgot to say that Prudence was Gordon Brown's middle name - and look what happened to him lol xxxx

    6. Ha ha Myra. Craft day here today as well. Horrible weather. Good to see you Sheila

    7. I am going to change my middle name by deed poll ASAP !!

    8. My middle name is Fairweather, so where does that leave me , in this weather lol xx

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Hazel hope you've had a good crafting day

  5. Good Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Up early today as I have to go and get my INR checked, then pick up a few things in Boots. Rain is due late morning so hopefully will be home before it starts.

    Hope you girls have a lovely crafting secesssion, Don't go making a mess for Pete to hover up. BIG hugs for you all. xxx

    JANET so pleased you are safely back home. LOL

    CHERYL and SHEILA sending (((((special hugs))))) for you both
    BARBARA, Sending Love and Prayers. xxx

    Will be back later. Love and hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. OOPS Sandra, forgot to say thank you for another inspiring card. Take care LOL XX

    2. Good morning Brenda, hope you get back before the rain starts
      Jean x

    3. Hello Brenda, good luck with the INR (Don't know what that is, but I'm sure you've told me before). Safe journey there and back. xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A lovely card today, using this weeks sketch. I love the colours and especially that gorgeous floral paper, it is so pretty.
    Janet, Welcome home, it's good to hear you are back safe and sound x
    To all that are suffering I send hugs, especially Barbara x
    It is wet and windy out today, I think we are all getting it so take care everyone.
    Well, I must go and get my craft things packed ready for the meet later on with Sandra and Pat : )
    Hugs to you all xx

    1. Hi Sue, have a good productive crafting day, ha ha I bet you all are sitting chatting and supping!! xxxx

    2. Hope you had a lovely day

  7. Morning ladies,

    Gorgeous card Sandra, love the background papers.

    I had a wonderful surprize on Sunday, our lovely Lynda rang and we such a long chin-wag. Thank you so much Lynda for doing such me such a kindness, it certainly cheered me up and restored my spirits, as did all the lovely supportive comments and emails from you all. I do appreciate every one of them.

    Yesterday's walk was quite a bracing one. Because of all the rain we had over the weekend,our normal route round the river banks at Uphill were changed to a walk along Weston-Super-Mare's beach, quite challenging walking in wet sand and I enjoyed that so much more than a gentle stroll, it certainly cleared away any lingering cobwebs. We finished off with hot chocolate at the Uphill Boat Club cafĂ©. Whilst talking amongst ourselves, I mentioned that I was finding it extremely hard to discover activity groups that catered for older singletons/widows; I would love to go to the theatre, dancing etc. again, but couldn't find anything advertised in Bridgwater's Mercury, none of which we have in Cannington. A lady on the next table overheard me and suggested a group in Bridgwater, the U3A group who have classes and lectures in nearly everything you think of doing from crafts to arts and photography. Well blow me gently with a feather, how fortuitous is that? She said they don't advertise as most people are informed by other members. So now I have arranged to go the next meeting where someone will be there to greet me and go over everything they do. Their membership is only £10 a year and hopefully I will find another interest to keep me occupied and perhaps join in the trips to gardens, houses etc., who knows where it will lead me?
    Off to catch up with yesterday's comments, I'll pop in later.
    Loving thoughts and prayers for Saba & family.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. That's great news Cheryl! It's always good to get personal recommendations too! I'm glad you are feeling better and I think that is rather typical of Lynda to ring you. She is a lovely , kind lady! Xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl so pleased you have found a lovely group to become a member of. Sometimes eavesdropping can be a good thing as the lady on the next table to you proved and therefore suggesting her group.
      Love Sheila xxx

    3. Cheryl, that was so kind of Lynda to ring you, and it's brilliant news about the group in Bridgwater BUT if they suggest that you model for the Life Drawing Class, decline politely ha ha.

    4. Cheryl, glad you are feeling better, and enjoy finding new interests. Xxx

    5. Hello Cheryl, Right place, Right time - comes to mind!
      Your special STAR is certainly watching over you!
      Sending you special hugs, LOL xxx

    6. Good to see you Cheryl. A friend of mine where I was living belongs to the U3a and belongs to lots of groups and goes on outings and holidays with them. She really enjoys it. I am sure you will find something to enjoy.

    7. Hi Cheryl,
      Lovely to see you in again, pleased you had a lovely walk yesterday long time since I have walked on Weston sands, Alan used to spend his holidays at Brean when he was a child loved it there it's abit different now though.
      I belong to U3A there are so many things to join in I run one of the embroidery groups keeps me busy. Hugs on way love Margaret xx

    8. Cheryl that's perfect, my dad joined U3A and did a couple of art classes, something he had always dabbled in. There's such a lot you can join in with and who knows you might be asked to run a card class. I agree with Maureen though, don't be a life class model - unless that takes your fancy of course! Xxxx

    9. Hi Cheryl, good to see you - sounds like a few opportunities could open up for you - so pleased xx

    10. Hi Cheryl, last week at my sisters funeral, a friend of hers who is also on her own asked me if I had heard of U3A. She goes to the heritage centre, photography and a few other things. I had never heard of it before but I sounds ideal , hope you enjoy it xx

    11. Hello Cheryl, sorry I didn't reply to your email, unfortunately I had trouble with computer and lost all emails, glad you're feeling bettr

    12. Sorry accidentally pressed publish. That should read better.
      My sister joined U3A and loved it , I know they cover a lot of different topics, hope it goes well.

    13. HibCheryl
      Lively to see you back in the cafe. I'm glad your feeling more chirpy. Its lovely very that someone recommended a group to you and that you managed to ring them. Especially that someone will meet you at the next meeting and explain everything to you. How welcoming will that be for sure.

  8. Morning everyone
    It's a bust baking day today so I can't dally. Sandra it does show how different a card can look with a different set of colours doesn't it. The flowery paper certainly add a different element and you have used your lovely stick pins again. I must get on, 2 coffee cakes lemon drizzle and carrot muffins await!
    May see you later xxxx

    1. You will kill me Diane - but couldn't resist this!!!
      What size are your tins for your " bust" baking!!

    2. Small and delicate of course Myra!!!! Mini muffins spring to mind!!! Oh how funny, I love spell check and quick fingers!!!!! Xxxxx

    3. My word Diane, I drooled over your lemon cake at the retreat. It's a shame you don't love ve closer I'd pop in fir a piece.

  9. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    We have a lovely sunny day although still cold,so nice to see the sun & not rain.
    Got quite a few cleaning jobs to do this morning & ironing. I'm hopeing to get into craft room sometime today & get the challenge card started.
    Sandra your card today is very pretty love the colours you have used.
    Special Hug's for Barbara & family xx
    Sheila sending special hug's thinking of you my lovely xxx
    Cheryl sending ((((hug's))))
    Sandra Sue & Pat have a lovely day together crafting. Xxx
    Have a good day everyone
    Lynda xxxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Hope your gums have now healed and you feel so much brighter. Thank you from Nikki and myself for the lovely hugs you always send us, will be seeing her on Saturday so will make sure she gets them.
      Take care lovely lady. xxxx

    2. Hello Lynda, Don't do too much cleaning, you'll show me up!! Enjoy your crafting. xxxx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies, lovely card just goes to show what a change of colour can do.
    Well,it is blowing a gale here, and the rain is horrendous, glad it is not snow.
    Off to my little job at my friends craft shop today, can't see it being busy with this weather, will pop back later, meantime take care, Jess xx

    1. Helo Jess,
      Don't buy too much at the craft shop, and don't work too hard. Hope you are well. xxxx

  11. Good morning Ladies,
    Another lovely card today Sandra, enjoy your day with Pat and Sue.xo
    Good to hear you are home safe and sound Janet xo
    Thinking of you and sending big hugs to Barbara and family xo
    Cheryl , sounds like you had a great walk ( really blows the cobwebs away) also fortunate to hear about other activities xo
    Have a good evening Michele, hugs to your dad xo
    Jess, just like you ,we have horrendous weather , wild winds and rain , it's just the kind of day I enjoy to do some baking, maybe even get around to making the card I meant to do yesterday , still don't have much energy.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hello Anne,
      Let me know when the baking is finished, and I'll be up to be your official taster!! It's so windy, but it's dry - up until now!!! xxx

    2. Baking finished, just made a batch of cheese scones and a batch of whole meal fruit scones , I love the smell of baking on a miserable day , you're more than welcome to taste Maureen but it's a bit windy for the balloon or broomstick ! Lol! Xo

    3. Anne I can smell those scones down here! Yummy..... X

    4. Anne you are making me very hungry lol xx

  12. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    I love the colours in this one Sandra and the lace with that chiffon ribbon through it just brings the two differing contrasts together. i do love the wee birdie image as it is so cute in them trying to make the cake perfect with all the bits. Glad to see that you have been able to make one that you are happier with flower as i know that you just weren't happy with what you had put up but hey we all have those kind of days and some of us more than most namely me. HAve a good day at Pat's flower, PETE remember the dies are coming out so be warned if you have hoovered you will need it out again.
    Well today i don't what i am going to do as it is such a rotten miserable day out there and i am definitely not going out in that unless i absolutely need to as i would be soaked through to the skin before i got very far it has battered it down that hard. I think it will be a day in front of the fire with my knitting and a cup of coffee.
    Can i have a large latte in my tommy tippee cup please flower and i will be up at the corner table. I have shooggly legs and hands this morning so it'll be better if it is in a tommy tippee otherwise i could be wearing the coffee. Brought in some little huggles to see you all this morning but some of them are a bit hyper when i told them that they could come to the cafe today. I have told them that they will need to behave as i am not putting up with bad and naughty behaved huggles. A couple of them are in their reins this morning as they were just getting far too excited for their own good so i have looped the strap under my leg just so that they can't get up to any mischief. Sending some huggles to Barbara and Sheila, thinking of you girls,
    Norah x

    1. Hello Norah,
      Only the best people wear coffee. Ask Hazel and Patricia, as I have a tendency to spill it on myself. Only last night I was wiping my jumper and George said "what have you done", "I missed my mouth with the cup" I said - he said "impossible"!!!!! Take care and stay warm, and keep an eye on those huggles! xxxx

    2. Hi Norah,
      My friend Yvonne has yet to drink a hot chocolate whenever she comes to visit me, somehow it ends up all over her, the floor and the seat she is sitting on! x

    3. Ha ha Cheryl, sounds like me and the gravy!!! xxxx

    4. You do have previous with coffee and gravy!!! Xxxx

    5. When we go out with friends I always get asked if I have a clean jumper with me, as they seem to think that I spill all over myself, don't know why, but my husband knickname is that I am a "mucky pup"

  13. Hi Sandra and all you lovelies,
    Feeling a little brighter today so thought I would pop in to see all of you dear friends. I think the reason for my feeling better is that I met up with Clive's sister and his niece. I hadn't see them since the funeral as they live in Chester but always keep in touch by phone. His sister is amazing she is 87 and can hardly see but still gets about with one of those wheely things you push in front of you and her husband is 90 and still drives locally. Ange and Clive were always very close and I've always gotten on so well with her and her daughter Patsy and the lovely thing is that they go to visit Nikki when Ange feels up to it. We chatted lots about Clive as he was always the clown in the family. We've arranged to do it again in the not too distant future so I will look forward to that.
    Sandra what a pretty card today I love the colours too.
    My thoughts and prayers are with Barbara and gentle hugs are winging their way across cyber space.
    Can't guarantee I'll be here everyday but will do my best.
    Love and hugs to all my lovely friends Sheila xxxxxx

    1. Hello Sheila,
      How lovely to see you back with us. Even if you don't come in every day, it lifts the blog when you pop in. Clive's sister and daughter sound lovely and I'm pleased you enjoyed your day with them. Have a good time when you see Nikki. xxxx

    2. Sheila, so lovely to see you in the cafe today. As Maureen has said even if it's not every day, we love having join in. Xxx

    3. Hi Sheila , as others have said its so nice to hear from you, it sounds as though the visit has cheered you up, as they say " it's good to talk"
      Anne xo

    4. Welcome home Sheila,
      Thank you for your lovely email, I'm so glad you too are feeling better. How lovely of your SIL and niece to visit you and Nikki, that and love is what keeps families together. xxx

    5. Oh Sheila, it is so lovely to see you back again flower and i am so pleased that you are feeling a bit brighter. Mum and I always talked to my daddy(well that is what he always was to me, one of those dads that had the cuddly tummy and not like a poker) as if he was still here and around, it is what kept us going remembering the things that he used to do and say but probably we weren't ready to say goodbye completely. I now talk to them both but oh how i would give anything to have them back again. So you enjoy your time with your sister in law and neice as that is what keeps our loved ones close to us. I hope that Nikki is a bit better as it must be so very difficult for her to comprehend about her beloved daddy.
      Right breathe in, chest out and smile at the daftest think to can remember about Clive and he is right by your side again.

    6. Hi Sheila,
      Lovely to see you in the café again' how nice you still have some of Clive's family that you can talk too memories are very precious. Take care hugs to you & Nikki love Margaret xx

    7. Lovely to see you Sheila! So pleased you had a nice time with Clive's sister and niece. Lovely too that they visit Nikki. So glad they have helped you! Xxxx

    8. Hello my lovely Sheila it's nice to see you. I've been meaning to ask you - how's your new shopping trolley? Is it working well. Sending you hugs xxxx

    9. Hello Sheila, it's lovely to see you back, even if it's only popping in when you feel like it. Hope Nikki is ok too.
      Jean xx

    10. Hi Sheila, lovely to see you in again.

    11. Sheila lovely to see you back with your friends today. A bit late I know, but where does the time go.

  14. Oh Ladies , Oh Sandra!
    I tried but time has run away with me ! Will come back later after visit to The Old People's Home! I've taken top advice and am taking a skeleton key just in case they decide to keep me! Quite frankly I would t keep me - I'm too much trouble!
    Will pop back later!
    It's a promise !! Xxxx

    1. Myra dear, you are no trouble at all. Who on earth said that? Have a safe journey in these awful winds and we'll see you later - ooh we'll look forward to that!!! lol

    2. Well thank you kindly Ma'am!!
      I'm back! We had a lovely chat today about my button box! Some fun too! They laughed at me because there was a cute little basket on one of the chairs with toy dog curled up in it! I turned it round so he could watch us crafting! I'm amazed they let me out!! Xxx

    3. I worked in a mental hospital for 20 years and most were elderly, You had to join them to understand them ..well that was my excuse xx

    4. Oh well we will fit in fine then! Tin hat xxx

    5. Sounds like a threat to me Myra. Only joking, you know I love you really.

  15. Hello Sandra,
    What lovely colours on the challenge card today. Is that the wood embossing folder on the top left hand corner. It looks very effective, and the stick pins are gorgeous. Is that a stamp you've used for the image? Questions, questions - I ask too many questions. lol
    Have a great day at Pat's, will we see the fruits of your labours? Oh goodness, another quesstion ha ha.
    I'm at Rachel's as Eleanor is poorly. Stomach pains and headache, but I think it's probably her age as her body is changing.
    See you all later
    Muriel xxx

  16. Hello SHEILA sorry it wouldn't let me leave cmment under your post.
    It's lovely seeing you in this morning. Glad you had a nice day with your SIL & niece seems to have given you a lift.thay sound lovely. Have a good chat with Nikki tomorrow.
    Love & Hug's Lynda Hug's for Nikki too.

    1. Hi Lynda,
      I have problem with swollen tendon on my left hand the surgeon did say he could do both together but I could see too many problems how on earth did you manage?
      Pleased you are feeling better.
      Love Margaret xx

  17. Well not much on today but a miserable day and quite dark. Had to put the lights on very early. Walked to the library but was glad to get home as it started to rain. Too windy for an umbrella and hood kept coming off. Looked a right sight when I got home. As my mother would have said I looked as if I had been pulled through a hedge backwards. Don't know where that saying came from. Good to see Sheila and Cheryl back today. Take care everyone.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      My Mum used to say that as well & I looked like it when I came in from boule this morning.
      Lovely to see you back again we miss you Love Margaret xx

    2. My mum used to say that about the pop stars on top of the pops when I was young - Boy George springs to mind!!!! Xxx

    3. That's one of my saying too. I often say I look like I have been pulled through the hedge backwards. Xxx

    4. my mum's other saying was "you look like you fell of a flittin and forgotten to be picked up" which i'm afraid my two get that a lot when they are untidy. With some of the hairstyles Kirsten has had over the years she has quite often looked like she was drawn through the hedge backwards, gee. x

    5. I like that one Norah!
      Translation - flittin = removal !! As in house removal!

    6. Funny how I wouldn't have thought about translating it. I forget none Scottish people don't know these words!!!xxx

    7. That is a common saying up her, I am like you Hazel I never think of translating, I am just used to the sayings. xxx

    8. My Mum used to say to me "I looked like an owl in an ivy bush" When small had wild curly hair.

  18. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I love your card the colours are beautiful, hope you have had a good day a Pat's & did not get blown away, it's been terrible here we did manage to play one game of boule this morning before the rain came down too much, yes we are mad & do play when it's raining as long as it's not too bad & windy. I have spent the afternoon trying to make my card will send it in later. xx
    Special thoughts & prayers for Barbara & hugs to all who need them has anybody heard from Margaret C lately? Love Margaret xx

    1. Hello Margaret P, that's like George and his bowls. They run along holding an umbrella!! crazy xxxx

  19. Hello it's me again!
    I did get out but had a slow journey home! Rain, roadworks and school buses and tractors all made for a long afternoon!
    I've been reading on the way down! I started this morning then ran out of time!
    Need to go and make dinner now! I will try to pop back later.

    1. Hello Prudence, nice to know you're home, but after the dog on the chair incident I'm amazed your not committed!!! xxx

    2. You should have heard me growling!!!
      It started others whining and barking! We were all laughing our heads off . They may not let me go again! However, a staff member said it was lovely to hear real laughter! The funny thing was I asked one man who took this dog for a walk! He winked and said , D 'you know love it never moves a muscle! Xxx

    3. Myra, you brighten up there day when you go, they may be old but they still like to laugh. Staff are to busy somethings to even crack a joke. You should tell the the stories about the Huggles I bet they would love to hear them. Xxx

    4. It was so nice after yesterday's run in with Lucie! Just gentle fun and chatter and a bit of crafting thrown in! One lady made pictures and shapes with my buttons. Xxxx

    5. Sounds like you all have a great time Myra. They have volunteers at the care home Ellis us in at the moment.

  20. Hi everyone, my friends shop was quite quiet today, the weather obviously kept people in, I certainly wouldnt have been out in it unless I had to.
    Managed to get a couple of cards done, after clearing up after dinner, I need to go and do some more, might not manage back later as I need to have an early night, I'm still not 100% and feel quite tired.

    1. Oh Jess, have an easy night, we all try to do too much. I hope you feel much better tomorrow xxx

    2. I hope your feeling better soon Jess.

  21. Evening all, sorry to be late, been really busy and then a lovely young lady came for me to show her how I do the hoods, she seems really keen so l am hoping that she gets to do them well so I can have some time off. Only had one week off last year, so crafting here I come.
    Sandra love your card, will read all the post later.
    The storm here is horrendous, very windy and rain lashing down, so take care if going out.
    Have a good evening all, hugs abound.

    1. Hi Lilian, it's a real talent you have, to be able to sew really well and that stands the test of time. I'm glad she was keen and hopefully will lighten your load. xxx

    2. I'm glad someone wants to learn sewing and how to make your hoods Lilian. I always hated sewing and try to do as little mending etc as possible.

  22. Well ladies,
    I have a very hard decision to make, do I do very little other than craft, or do I sit like a zombie. I think I'll be a zombie that crafts ha ha.
    See you later, I'll have a cup of coffee (and try to get it in my mouth) and then get crafting.
    I may see you later.

    1. Make it crafting Maureen, blow everything else.

  23. Hi Sandra
    Well I've just lost a big post because I forgot to post my comment again. Wish blogger wouldn't do that. I've lost count of how many times I forget to do that.

  24. Took Doreen to the Drs yesterday, he spent nearly an hour with yes trying to sort her pain out. How wonderful is that. She now gas loads more medicine which I hope works. No hip operation until her thrombosis melds finish if nit longer. That will probably be late March now.
