
Monday 25 January 2016

This Weeks Sketch

Just to give an idea

Good Morning Ladies,

I have gone for a simple sketch this week so that everyone can
take part whether they have dies or not, I do try to make it so that
As many of you as possible can have a go. 

I just made a quick card to give you a bit of inspiration I am not
too happy with it, I couldn't get the lace across the middle to look
right, I guess we all have those days, but you get the idea.

You can use what ever shape you like in the top section, 
You can put whatever you like across the centre, all I ask is 
that you follow the basic sketch, you can putthed sentiment 
In a box, flag, die cut shape, or just pop it on like I did.
I look forward to seeing your designs!!

Michele has suggested a new weekly feature, it will be a day 
Where we can share what crafty goodies we have bought 
Or let everyone know of a crafty bargain that you have found,
This could be any day of the week, just send in a photo of your
Purchase and as photo of something that you have made
with it, so Myra if you send me a photo of the die to go with
gorgeous boxes you sent me the other day we can feature that.
I think that most of us buy something most weeks!!

Well, I would secretly like to have some of that snow that New York
Has had, but I know that it would be a blooming nightmare in
this country, we only need a few leaves on the line to cause rail closure,
I dread to think what 3ft of snow would cause, I does look lovely though.

I hope that you all have a good day and that you can find time
to have a go a this week's challenge!

Love & hugs


  1. Good Morning Sandra, up early today as O/H is off to London next has decided to catch the train this time, back on the midnight sleeper for me to pick him up at 6-45 am tomorrow morning.
    Love the sketch this even I can't go wrong with this one.
    Love your card, did you colour the lace ? it matches the paper so well.
    Still cannot get my emails and as o/h can get his it must be my iPad, hope lap top OK.
    Will drop in later to see you all
    Hugs. For All.

    1. Hello Lilian,
      I hope you are feeling brighter today. xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is lovely, very pretty. I'll have a play in my craft room tonight & attempt a sketch card.

    It's very windy out-sounds awful. At least it's not raining...yet.

    Best get ready for work, will try to call in later..


  3. Ooh I like this and your card SANDRA
    Love MICHELE's idea too She kindly let me know about a die I liked the sound of Icon out of stock but managed to get it on Ebay Good luck everyone that is having a go at entering Sue W's new giveaway

    1. Hi Karen, I'll have a look on Sue's blog after I've finished here. xxx

  4. Good morning. Sandra and ladies. Now Sandra the snow looks lovely I will admitt, but no,no,no,we don't want 3ft of it here!!! Fife can't deal with 1 cm. Ok the areas round where the ski slopes are seem to get roads cleared quicker,that could be as they want the skiers to get there. A few years ago when we had about a foot of the stuff our villiage was not cleared. Patricia couldn't get out for ages. Yet when we lived in south Germany we had no problems when it was like America.
    Will have a go at the challenge card, I have a few to make this week so I will make one of them to fit this bill.
    Riht off to get a cup of tea. Will pop in later. Xxx

    1. Hello Hazel,
      I agree, you can keep the snow. I can manage the cold but snow is so dangerous when out and about. xxx

  5. Good morning everyone
    Been awol for a few days, nothing wrong just very busy, loved all the cards on yesterday's selection, well done everyone.
    We went to Llandudno yesterday for a ride out with the dogs, yes went in the craft shop, got some of the A3 card, it's such good value, picked some up for me friend too, it will save us carrying it when we go to Event City in a couple of weeks.
    I like this weeks challenge, in fact Sandra I love these sketches, will put my thinking cap on.
    I need to get back into a routine and read back over comments, I hope everyone is well. I really like Michele's ideas so will keep that in mind
    Really dull at the moment but it was lovely and sunny in Wales yesterday.
    Will pop back later, need to move on.
    Hugs in abundance to all who might need them
    Jean x

    1. Hi Jean, it was lovely and sunny here in Newcastle first thing, but it's clouding over fast. I'm keeping an eye on my washing (yes, more washing - who's been putting it in my basket). Have a good day xxx

  6. Hi Sandra, thank you for paying me a visit, beautiful card and sketch, love the spring colours and lace.
    Pam x

  7. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Your card is very pretty love the colours you've chosen, am I recognising Anna Marie papers there? I like this challenge I have made cards similar to this before, I think I will be able to get this one completed this week. LOL

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend. Ladies don't forget to enter Sue new die draw, it would be lovely to see some of the names we know on the winners list. Good luck everyone.

    Getting a wriggle on this morning as I'm meeting my friends for lunch, after which it will be time to pick up the children from school, so will not be home until much later.
    Love and hugs to everyone especially Cheryl, Sheila and Nikki and not forgetting Barbara.
    Brenda XXX

    1. Brenda, at this rate, I'm never going to get over to enter Sue's give away. My laptop keeps doing funny things!!!!
      Enjoy your lunch with friends xxx

  8. Morning all
    Another flying visit as I've got a lot to do today. Like your card Sandra, if I can find some spare time towards the end of the week I will have a go but won't promise! Hope everyone is ok. No thanks to the snow Sandra, it causes so many problems. I broke my elbow falling in the snow when Emma was little and have also skidded really badly when driving many moons ago so I like to stay put and watch the flakes falling! Must dash, I'm catching up with a friend today and must get on xxxx

    1. Hi Dainty,
      Have a good day, and get that challenge card made ha ha.

  9. Morning Sandra, nice easy layout, will use it for a couple of cards I need to do, and do photos, thanks for making me think out the box!
    Take care everyone, will pop back later, xx

    1. Hi Jess,
      I'm looking forward to the challenge as well. xxx

  10. Hello Sandra,
    I think I can manage to get this one the right way up! Well - you never know! I will certainly give it a try. I like this idea as it does make me do different things but also it's great to see everyone else's . I like Michele's idea too. I will send a photo of the dies! They come in a nice folder too. I got a free Tattered Lace High heeled shoe with a magazine - do things like that count too??
    I won't be able to help much as a rarely buy anything!!! Oops lots of you have choked on your scone! Careful now!!!
    Well After
    School today! Such fun!
    Janet hope you have a good journey! Thinking of you.
    Cheryl - keep going!
    Sheila - still miss you but you just pop in when you can.
    Barbara - love and many hugs!

    1. Hello my little long nosed friend!!!!
      How you can sit there and type that you rarely buy anything is beyond me!!!
      Enjoy After School Club, keep an eye out for mobile phones.
      Have a good day. xxx

    2. It was quite easy - untrue - but easy to type!! Ha ha ! Xxx

    3. I am not making any comment Myra. 😀

    4. Very wise Brenda !!! Xxxx

  11. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Hey girls have a look back on Sue's blog at Sandie Braithwaite as she is having a sly dig at how there are so many comments on Sue's blog this morning, ti hi hi, i had to laugh as i think we all know just what Sandie means as they seem to come out of the woodwork in their droves to make a comment and what is really irritating is the fact that some of them do win the dies and other everyday regular contributors don't, soap box back in corner.
    Sandra flower, your sketch gives you the week too to come up with something that you might be happier with. We all have days where we just can't get there no matter how hard we try, so stop beating yourself up about it. I have the embossing folder that you have used and love it and the pattern of the pattern is just a fancy one that carries on from the border. That cotton lace is a lovely weight flower and just adds that bit of added texture to the card.
    Doh am i stupid or what, i couldn't think of where our Maria was off on holiday to, ehhhh, eejit that i am. Maria flower i hope that you have a lovely time on your holiday, enjoy your beautiful countryside as it is a beautiful country.
    Well i got the first front finished along with the second, a sleeve and onto the last sleeve of my wee boys cardigan done and it is knitting up nice in the colour that i am using but it is knitting up thicker that the others that i have knitted with double knitting before, but that's ok it'll just be warmer. I have added on an inch in length for the body as my wee boy is going to be tall and the normal length that the pattern calls for is just a tad short for my liking on him. It will be the same for his hat and mittens as he has a big head and long fingers. His daddy is rota off this week which happens ever 5th week and the 2 that he was rota off at Christmas doesn't count so that's another week with no money coming in for them. I will be glad when the men that are full time employees are back at their own bond just so that they can get on their feet a bit. At the moment his mother is giving her wages to make up his shortfall which is not fair on her either but they have no choice. I am hoping that a job comes up on a full time contract for him at Menstrie just so that they can live normal and his mum can stop having to give her wages over every few weeks. Just as well her wages is pin money for her as his dad has a very good salary so they aren't affected by son's need for her wage. Kirsen hates the fact that it is happening and has it all written down so that she can pay her back all the money that she has laid out. My Kirsten coming from our family has old fashioned sense of deciency and what is right, where as Ryan doesn't see why he needs to pay his mum back. I guess that is what happens when you are an only child and shout i want and get. My children might not have had all the fancy things that their friends had, they had some but not all as i didn't have that money, but they have been brought up with values that others that had money thrown at them to keep them happy don't have.
    Soapbox has been put back in the corner again, sorry girls. Right i have brought some huggles but wee preemi huggles is at home in his wee basket with a hand warmer in his bed and some new face clothes acting as blankets as poor wee thing has got a chill and he is running a temperature. I dipped the handle end of the spoon in some calpol as i didn't want to over dose his wee system and Rory is keeping an eye on him. So i will have a quick latte and go back and see how he is. I've sent some huggles special delivery to Barbara, Sheila, and Cheryl in the hope that it will lift their spirits a bit,
    Norah x

    1. Hi Norah,
      When we got married in the October George had been working short time (one week on, one week off) all that year. In fact, he didn't have a full year's wage until we'd been married 5 years, and then they would have seasonal lay offs of working one week on and one week off. We managed by me going to work, but it was very hard, and I sometimes wonder now how we did it. Well, I know how we did it, my mam and dad helped.
      I'm glad you're looking after the preemi, he'll be fine if you and Rory are tending to him!!

  12. Helloooooooooooooooo
    Well, I've been a long time getting here, I've posted under every one and will be popping onto Sue's blog tout suite as soon as I've finished here.
    Sandra, what a great design. Now I wonder how much I can mess this one up!!!! That could be a thing on the blog - guess how long it will take Maureen to make a challenge card ha ha. Although as I've said, I think this has worked wonders for my mojo as I'm firing on all cylinders at the moment. I'm not saying that they are any good, just that I'm making cards lol.
    Cheryl, hope you pop in today.
    Brenda Ll, hope you are well.
    Sheila, love and hugs and hope you are o.k.
    Barbara, love, hugs and prayers xx
    By for now, going onto Sue's blog to see what it's all about (now why do I want to add "Alfie" after that? ha ha)
    Muriel xxxx

  13. Hi all, well I hope I've got my emails sorted out, at least I'm getting new one but also ones that I have deleted weeks ago !!!!!!! Not sure what to do about that.
    Not sure about showing new craft thing , I don't usually admit to buying much.
    The parcel lady usually comes when o/h is out !!!!
    Just started raining here, so no walk today.
    Just a quick look in at Sue's blog, hope there not too nice, then back to work.

    1. Don't worry Lilian - you and I can just do one once a year!!! Xxx ha ha !

  14. Good afternoon Ladies, I'm a bit late today , I forgot to comment earlier ( old age ! ) anyway , your card is lovely Sandra and I love the shade of green, and the lace , I shall try to get a card made this afternoon .
    Myra , you did make me choke , not on a scone , just with laughing ha ha ! we all know you sooo well!
    Also think Michele's idea is a good one, I love a bargain!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  15. Hi girls,
    Right just to warn you as I might not be popular but I have typed a wee bit on Sues blog there the now and I have made it clear about the scrounges coming out of the woodwork when Sue has something more than just a card, stamps or her knowledge up for grabs. She has 260 odd comments on the first post already. Where are they the rest of the days?
    Soap box ready for next one
    Love x

  16. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra your challenge today looks another I will attempt thank you for giving us a simple sketch. This will be the last one for me as on 2nd Feb I have an op carpal tunnel on my right hand & as I am right handed things are going to be difficult for a while, still will be glad to get it done should have had it done last Sept. had to put it off because of Alan's prostate op. that was more important. xx
    Special hugs on way to Barbara & family, & to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hope op goes well Take care x

    2. Hope the op goes well Margaret. Will be thinking of you.

    3. Hello Margaret, hope all goes well. I also hope that you will not find the time to frustrating after your operation. XXX

    4. Margaret, I hope all goes well. Xxx

    5. Margaret flower, we will all be here routing for you. Just think of the things you will be able to do once more and the things you will be able to hold again. Take care lovely lady. x

    6. Speedy recovery, hope all goes well

    7. Hope everything goes well Margaret! It will be frustrating I guess but it will be worth it in the end! Xxx

    8. Thank you all for your kind thoughts, not sure how I am going to manage left handed will be interesting.

    9. Hi Margaret, hope all goes well with the op. and speedy recovery !hugs xxx

  17. Well I don't seem to have got much done today and nothing that was planned. Never mind. Will go and have another try on Sue's blog. Couldn't get on earlier. Oh yes I have won a card on Julia Watts blog!

    1. Brenda Congratulations.
      Hope all is going well for your exhibition, is it your pottery you are exhibiting? LOL

    2. Well done, Brenda! I'm catching up here! Need to go on Sue's blog too!

    3. Congrats Littlelamb, so nice to see your name there. Take care xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I have caught up with the weekends cards and crafts. What a jolly Father Christmas by our lovely Maria, your great pinboard and Sophies Lizard. I have been lucky enough to have been shown Sophies sketch book and all I can say is that she is one very talented young lady, especially her animal sketches. I am in awe of her talent and she certainly deserves to get top marks in her exams.
    What a lovely selection of Challenge cards yesterday. It is so good to see everyones own take on the original sketch. I will try and join in again this week.
    Maria. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.
    Janet, I hope you are having a good trouble free journey home.
    Barbara, my love and hugs to you.
    Sheila, thinking of you.
    Cheryl, I will send you an email. You are in my thoughts, supportive love and hugs to you.
    I havent been in to the Cafe as Chris and I have been in London for a couple of days and we decided not to use our phones except for getting directions. All of the family got together and treated us to the stay which included tickets to the Cirque Du Soleil "Amaluna" show at the Albert Hall. We had a fantastic time, we are both exhausted now but it was worth every ache and pain : )
    Off to see Sandra and Pat tomorrow so had better get some more rest now.
    Love and hugs to you all. Take care xx

    1. Glad you had a lovely weekend my lovely, I bet it went really fast!!
      Look forward to hearing about it tomorrow xx

  19. Evening All, just finished 2 weeks ironing , just been too tired when I finished work to do it before but with R away made my self do it.
    I must admit Sue's new dies are beautiful, I can feel myself weakening!
    Have make room in my craft room tomorrow as I have a new trainee coming up to learn how to do hoods, have done this before but they don't realise it takes time to learn how to do them at speed.
    Hope everyone is well, I'm feeling a bit more up beat today.
    Hugs to all .Lil

    1. That's good Lilian! I'm so glad you feel better today! Getting your ironing done will help you too! All the best with the Trainee! Xxx

  20. Hello everyone, hope you all had a nice day. Good to see you feeling better Lilian and to anyone else feeling a bit low during this time of year I'm sending you some extra hugs. Well sitting her and tried to post quickly as well on Sue's blog and thought I just pop in here quickly before bed. Think all the fresh mountain air and sooo much good food etc. makes you extra ready for the bed hihi
    oh I enjoyed seeing all the different styles of cards yesterday, all very fabulous and nice. Thank you again Sandra for starting the challenge. It get us thinking and it's fun. Like your card today too. gorgeous colour used and the ribbon is pretty, did you colour it in yourself ?
    Sorry but want be able to to the challenge this week but will use this sketch on cards back home. It look easy enough so.....
    Very jealous Sue for your trip to London. I love Cirque de Soleil and would love seeing it live one day. Good you had a fabulous time. Take care everyone and bye for now, sleep well ! Love and hugs Maria xxxX

  21. Hello SANDRA & everyone
    Well glad to say I'm almost better & feeling brighter.
    Margaret P when I had my carpal tunnel done a few years ago they did both hands at the same time.The opperation didn't hurt but came out with two big bandages on my hands & both numb They then handed me a hot cup of tea in a plastic cup & couldn't hold it.Then I needed the loo had to get a nurse to pull my pants down & she waited outside till I finished HaHa.
    Tided craft room & had a play with Todo did some stamping & cut some dies out
    Works very well. Waiting for my hot foil to be delivered my friend ordered for me.
    Looking forward to trying that. Will try some letter pressing tomorrow. After catching up on housework from last week. Oh did do it but he doesn't see what I see hihi. SANDRA I like the challenge sketch this week & your card is lovely I like the colours you have used, Will definitely have a go.
    Special Love & Hug's Barbara xx
    Thinking of you SHEILA if you are ringing Nikki hope she is well love & Hug's for you both xxx
    CHERYL hope your ok now lovely & Hug's xxx
    MARIA hope you both have a lovely holiday xxx
    Oh is doing My cup of tea so will say good night God bless till tomorrow.
    Love Lynda xxxx
