
Sunday 24 January 2016

Challenge Cards

The Sketch

My Sketch Challenge Card
Sue's Challenge Card 1
 Maria's Challenge Card
Maureen's Challenge card
Margaret P's challenge card

 Brenda Hopkins Challenge card

 Myra's Challenge card 

Jess's Challenge Card
Lynda's Challenge card

Brenda H,Challenge Card 2
 Lillian's Challenge Card

 Michele's Challenge Card 

Sue's challenge card 2
Janet's challenge card
Jean's challenge card

Anne's challenge card

Good Sunday Morning ladies,

As you can see we have had another wonderful response to the Monday Sketch Challenge, thank you so much for taking part ladies.

Some of you even made 2 cards, I hope that means that that the sketch really did inspire you, I was so surprised and happy that our very own brand new cardmaker Margaret P, entered the challenge this week too, with an amazing card, I wish my first cards were as good as yours! 
Maybe we should have that as a theme one day, a photo of everyone's first cards, I don't think I still have mine. That gives mean idea.........

What inspired you to make your first card and what sort of card was it??????

I started card making after my first Hip Operation, I was bored so we ventured to the local craft shop bought some green and red card blanks and some Christmas peel -offs, that was in 2004, ( peel offs were the in thing then)!!
Boy, I dread to think how much money I have spent on craft goodies since then!!!
I look forward to hearing your story too!

Thank you once again for taking part in the challenge, the new one will up and ready tomorrow.

Have a lovely holiday Maria xxx
Have a safe journey home Janet & Jim xxx

Have a great day everyone,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what a fantastic selection of cards!!!
    I see Sue Wilson has featured the Intertwining Circles striplet on her blog today-great minds...!!

    I'll compose my "getting started on my crafts" saga & call in later.

    I need to get dressed then tackle the ironing so hubby can pack his suitcase as he wants to set off just before lunch.


  2. Good morning Ladies,
    My my, what a fabulous collection of cards and all different! I did send you in a card this week Sandra ,but in my dizzy state this week I must have done something wrong , I do have two email addresses for you as I made a mistake the first time , and can't remember if it is the one with the l in it or not? Hope you understand what I mean.
    Yes, I noticed Sue had used the circles die , I wonder if that was a coincidence?
    Must go and have some tea and toast, miserable rain and wind here today.
    Love and hugs to you all ,
    Anne xoxo

    1. I found your card Anne, I had put it in a different folder along with Jeans, I reckon it was those pesky juggles meddling in my drawers!!
      Sandra xxx

    2. I'm saying nothing!!! Xxx

  3. Good morning, Sandra and ladies.
    Great selection of challenge cards, again everyone so different, and not every one used a striplet. Which goes to show you don't need to follow things exact.
    I love looking at others cards, and seeing what can be done with dies etc, I then go on to do my own thing.
    I am off to get some thing to eat and drink will pop back in later. Xxx

    1. Glad it gave you some inspiration, you didn't need to use striplets just something similarly shaped to the sketch.
      I will add your first card, its amazing, I wish mine were as good!
      Sandra xxx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, beautiful array of cards, all so different, can't wait to see what you have for us tomorrow. Your challenge pushes me to make a card when I really have no motivation, which is good as I have so much lovely stuff here to use.
    Not saying much these days as I done what my mood to rub off on you, so I'll keep it short.
    Hugs to all who are not well, and to those that are suffering in other ways.
    Best Wishes Lilian

    1. Lilian my lovey, please don't let your low mood stop you from coming in, it really does help to get things off your chest, we have all been where you are at some point and had it not been for blogging I think I would have been gone long ago!
      Sending you huge hugs lilian,
      Sandra xx

  5. Good Morning Sandra & café chums,

    What a wonderful array of cards to greet me this morning when opening the door. You are all so very talented so please take a bow.

    To save a long story I have forwarded an email I sent to Maureen to explain fully my absence and the effects it has had on me. I know I should have come in sooner but I needed some 'me-time' to clear my head.

    My son Robin has finally moved into his dream home and I spent some time with him yesterday to help out looking after Tiegan and Joseph whilst Robin and Joshua, Milly-May's dad, were transporting all the furniture etc.
    Milly-May is on her feet now and walking with a toy stroller. She has also learned to crawl properly but still goes backwards for some reason only known to her! She will get it right eventually.

    I have some bc's to do this morning also some hems on panto costumes so I'll make an early start and pop in later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh Cheryl, it's lovely to see you. You've popped in while I've been typing my post. As long as the lovely Milly-May is happy, she'll eventually find going forwards will get her in the right place quicker. Are any of the panto costumes for you??

    2. Cheryl, so pleased you have come in today. You have come so far over the last year and more that I have known you! Chin up my lovely we are all here for you. I wish I could give you a (hug) in person like I gave you when we meet at the Hillscourt! Telling you how I admired your courage. You can do it. So pleased Robin has moved in and it will soon be a home. Xxx

    3. Oh Cheryl I am so pleased you popped in, i know personally the struggle with agrophobia and you had made massive progress, it's easy to say "don't let the unkindness of one person get to you" but when you are of fragile mind anyway it can be devastating to your confidence.
      We are all your friends in here my lovely, we have your best interest at heart, I am so pleased that you haved gone back to some thing you once loved, can't wait to hear all the funny tales,
      Sandra xxxx

    4. Hello Cheryl!
      You have come so far , don't let one unkind friend set you back! It's good to see back today. Xxx

    5. Hi Cheryl, so pleased to see you in the Coffee Shop, Don't let this pull you down - just look back and you will realise what an amazing journey you have been on AND have travelled so far, you did it AND can continue to keep going forward. LOL xxx

    6. So pleased to see you pop in and don't let the b****ds get you down My son never learned to crawl but boy could he roll! His favourite game was to roll up to my sewing machine case and kick the hell out of it as if he was playing the drums

    7. Cheryl lovely to see you. I can't believe Milly Mae is crawling already - how time flies! Xxxxx

  6. Hello Sandra,
    I love to see what the other ladies have done to meet your challenge! I think we all deserve a pat on the back!!! I got into crafting in 2000 when I was channel hopping one afternoon while stuck in bed, and came across Dawn Bibby. The rest, as they say, is history. I haven't spent a lot on goodies, just the GDP of a small country!!!!
    See you later, but I hope Brenda LL, Brenda OB, Cheryl and Sheila are well.
    Janet - safe home.
    Lilian - thinking of you.
    Barbara - love and prayers.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Dawn Bibby cost me well I will say 'hundreds' but that may be under estimating, back then it was rare too see so many craft goodies as there were no shops that sold the same sort oif thing, do you remember the excitement of the 24 hour craft days Maureen, I used to sit up and watch into the small hours!
      I did see that Anna Griffin was going to be on 'the craft channel', she has some lovely stamps in her range and they are tricky to get hold of, however, I don't watch that channel at all, whenever I have switched over its been off air!
      Thanks for taking part Maureen xxx

  7. Not sure if I will be able to send this as having a problem with Google. All today's cards are lovely and I enjoyed the challenge. Needed to make cards so was a good idea.

    1. Yiuyr Google isd working fine Brenda, lovely to see you in this morning, thasnk you for taking part in the challenge xxx

  8. Morning Sandra, wow what a lovely array of cards from the challenge, every one is different, I even noticed that Sue Wilson has taken part!!,
    Hope all is well with everyone, Cheryl it is lovely to see you back.
    Take care everyone, special hugs to Barbara ((()))

    1. Hi Jess,
      Love your card, how funny that Sue has featured something similar, do you think she is maybe using the sketch for inspiration too! Haha
      Thank you for taking part!
      Sandra xxx

  9. Hello All
    Its lovely to see all the different cards, they are all lovely and so different, it certainly gives you new ideas. I got into crafting by taking a couple of older ladies who could not drive to a card making class they wanted to attend, I stayed and watched and that was me hooked, I love making A4 or bigger cards for special occasions, I have spent a fortune and collected millions of things that will probably never be used lol but I thoroughly enjoy it. Have to go and attend a meeting but will try to get back love and hugs to everyone. xx

    1. Lovely to see you in Wendy, be lovely to see one of your cards when yoiu feel up to it.
      Get you using somne of that stash!!
      Sandra xxxx

  10. Good morning my coffee shop cherubs,
    WOW oh WOW ladies what an impressive array of beauty before our eyes today and each and every one of them are stunning examples of what our own minds perceive something as. Sandra no wonder you are well pleased with your bountiful harvest of wonders this week as they are all so beautiful. Thank you girls for entering your beautiful works of art as i just love every one of them today.
    Janet and Jim take it easy coming back to this side of the channel flowers and Janet you'll just need to be like me and triple check because i have gave up in the double checking lark on my tablets as i get a different figure each time i count them, so have went up to triple checking how many i have. The good news about you coming back is that you get to see our lovely weather a bit earlier, ;D, lol. Sorry had to put that bit in as it has been lovely weather for the ducks i'm told but i've even seen them run for cover. Safe home flowers and watch out for the idiots on the roads that like to make good drivers annoyed by their stupidness.
    Maria flower i hope you have a lovely holiday and enjoy the rest.
    I'm away to get some things done up in my room today from searching through the mass for christmas presents so i will perhaps see you all later depending on how i get on. Sending huggles to Barbara because she could do with them. Sue B i am sending a huggles your way to massage that shoulder of yours back into action flower so just tell them where it is sore and we'll see if their wee hands can help.

    1. Hello my wee Scottish flower, how you doing today? I hope I didn't upset you in yesterday's comment, it just made me mass that you were being made to suffer unnecessarily!!
      Did you find anything fun while you were sorting through? I bet it raised some memories!
      Don't get lost in that room now Norah, I have as image of just your feet stuck out of a pile of stuff, wiggling away to attract someone's attention so they can pull you out!!
      Huggles on their way!!
      Sandra xxxx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone who pops into the coffee shop today,

    What a beautiful response you had to this weeks challenge Sandra, love every card, all so very different, ladies you have excelled yourself. Thank you.LOL xx

    I was trying to remember when I got into card making, and I'm sure I started about 2003. I remember looking at cards that were made by a friend of my sisters and thinking I could do that. Well I tried everything, then discovered die cutting, I knew that that was where I want it to be. And the rest is history, let's not talk about the bank balance!!!!!!!! I am still going through all my boxes in the craft room so every nook and cranny is being sorted cleaned and re-organise. It's just taking so long I have so much stash and keep getting distracted. You know what it's like, you pick something up and think I haven't used this for a long time - here we go again - Distracted !!!!!

    Sandra and Michele, You have both convinced me I NEEDED the Intertwining Circles die, I also found the lovely Happy Birthday die Michelle you used on one of your cards. I have ordered them from Icon UK. So I will be watching out for the postman next week.

    Feeling a bit brighter today, January is always a difficult month for me. It would have been Mums birthday this week. Anyway I have a busy week this week, that should keep me occupied and lift my spirits.

    Must get on, I will finish my coffee first, I been watching those little Huggles they are getting all giggly, I think somebody's been feeding them choccy biscuits.

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. It must be quite exciting going through and finding all the bits and pieces that you had bought and forgotten about, I found loads of Tim Holtz things, tickets, glassine paper which is like shiny kraft paper, I think it dates back to the Dawn Bibby on QVC days, it looks quite interesting, skeleton leaves, I found loads of those too, the other thing that I have heaps of is Kanban/Hunkydory kits, loads of toppers and printed back ground, when you are getting started they are perfect as you just 'piece them together', its such a waste that they are just sat there!
      Brenda, I asm sorry to hear that you are feeling a little low, I think we all have those months, January is also a very reflective month, you sit and rake over the good and bad parts of the last year, which isn't always easy.
      I am sending you huge hugs with a big box of love hidden inside xxxxx
      Sandra xxxx

    2. When I typed in WAS IT YOU? It triggered something in my grey matter (doesn't often happen) It reminded me of a book we had when the grandchildren were young, I think from 18 months old. The book was called Who's making that Mess? There was also "Noise" and "Smell." They all loved that story and would interact every time. Just a bit of useless information .......... OK I will go now xxx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    Wow what a lovely array of cards today! You will all have spotted my deliberate mistake - I stuck it on sideways!! I'm clever like that!
    Michele - I was trying to do one like yours at one stage but my cards are all square and I couldn't fit it in. Be very afraid if your mind is working like mine!!!
    Sandra , I began card making around 1997 I think. Dawn Bibby's first 2 hour show on QVC was seen by me! I has seen her when she only got about ten minutes in other shows. It all started with a badly twisted ankle as I wasn't a day time telly watcher!
    Thankfully I didn't take any photos! Lol.
    I'm going to read what you've all been up to!
    No good, I bet!! Xxxx

  13. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a lovely selection of all lovely. Thank you for comments on my card.
    As you know it was through Sue that I got into card making & you & Paul allowing me to come with you to Ally Pally & seeing all the different things & Maria egging me on. Sandra has been very good to me & gives advice when I ask I send her cards & she comments on them this I have found invaluable Sue as well thank you both very much I can see me spending more than I should at shows in future.xx
    Cheryl lovely to see you in take care hugs on way xx
    Special thoughts& prayers for Barbara & family xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them xx

  14. Afternoon Ladies

    Myra-my card is 6x6 which is my favourite size. I do have some 7x7 for Special cards and I kept some 8x8 ones back but gave M in L most of my 8x8 as I find them too big especially if they need posting.
    I started card making over 15years ago after visiting Hobbycraft in Preston when they used to hold classes in the upstairs part. Somehow I realised that Sue (who had been running classes there) had opened her own shop in Tarleton-yes, the one next to the Chocolate Shop although she's been in 3 different locations! I kept my small stash in containers under the spare bed in the last 2 houses then when we moved into this house I had the chance of a craft room. It's the box room but I don't care-it's my own space & I can leave projects half done and shut the door on the mess!

    I've done a few tiny cross stitch pictures but I'm not really patient enough to continue with them. My Gran was a milliner and I think she was disappointed that neither my Mum or I was any good at sewing.


    1. My problem Michele was that I used a wider striplet !! My card is 7"x7" but it looks wrong to me! I thought Sue's was lovely today too. Xxx

  15. Hello everyone I have been very lazy today again today just feel so tired. I did unpack my TODO & made a space for it & that's as far as I got. Well I must say all the challenge card are gorgeous well done ladies. Looking forward to tomorrows sketch they do make you think don't they. Thank you SANDRA.
    I started card making about 15/20 years ago when I first got tinnitus I went to doctors as had all this loud buzzing in my ears & head & said that's what it was.
    He then advised me to get a hobby well Lisa gave me a hand made birthday card that year & I loved it & thought I would try it then found Sue Wilson's blog I was hooked & the rest is history. I must say my first cards were rubbish decoupage & peel offs Hehe.
    Lovely to see you in the café CHERYL xx
    Sending special Hug's for Barbara & family xx
    Gental Hug's for SHEILA & Nikki xx
    MARIA have a lovely holiday & rest.xx
    JANET safe journey home.xx
    Love & Hug's for everyone Lynda xx

  16. Janet, if you are looking in? I hope you haven't had a terrible crossing with hold ups! Something will have to be done to save the motorists etc from having to go through all this trouble to get on a ferry. I will be glad when you say your home. Xxx

  17. Hello ladies. I've had a quick look on the way down. I am snowed under with knitting at the moment I have 5 expected babies on the horizon and that doesn't include the most important one, my daughter. AT least it is only wool and not snow Take care everyone. Today's challenge cards are beautiful I love to see everyone's take on the theme and provide ideas.
    SANDRA I got into card making in about 2012 when I had to give up the knitting for a while AND when I saw what a friend made. I thought "I can do that" I thank her from the bottom of my heart, for getting me into this fantastic craft. My first purchase was a MCS cd-rom I have now a room filled to the rafters with stuff.

  18. Helloooooooooooo,
    Well, I think Sandra has put me back in the creative zone with her Challenge cards!!!
    My birthday cards up to and including April are all done - apart from Peter's which is in March, but I know what I'm going to do for him. I've finished one C card and am busy prepping another, so I am well pleased with that.
    I wonder what tomorrow's challenge will be, and if I'll have as much trouble with this one ha ha.
    Well, after all those smug comments!!! I'll say that it's lovely to see Wendy. Karen, I laughed at the story of your son kicking the hell out of your sewing machine - I often used to feel like doing that myself lol.
    Cheryl, lots of love
    Barbara, lots of love
    Sheila, lots of love
    Brenda LL, lots of love
    Oh lots of love to you all!!
    I'm away to see if I can finish the C Card before I go to bed.

  19. Hello all, hope I'm not too late for you all, have trouble with Internet , no emails and also lost all old ones, hoping this will be ok.
    What a great bunch of ladies you are really bucked me up, thanks for that.
    Going to switch off now and see if this works. Hugs to all

  20. Hello I'm late again - sorry. Love all the challenge cards today, aren't they pretty. I do like using my striplets they make such a lovely card. I like the way Sue joined in the challenge today! We often say you can never tell who's looking on the internet !!!!
    Hope everyone's ok - I will try and get in earlier tomorrow! Xxxxx

  21. All of the cards are so lovely. Thank you for sharing.
