
Saturday 23 January 2016

mixed Craft Saturday

 Maria's amazing Cross Stitch
My handmade padded pinboard

Sophie's Lizard GCSE artwork
Her inspiration picture

Good Morning Ladies,
Welcome to what will be the last Mixed Craft Saturday, I have no more crafts to share with all of you and I don't want to come across as a nag by pestering you for photos!

So today's crafts are as follows....
First up we have another amazing Cross Stitch designed and created by Our Maria, I love this cheeky looking Santa, with his rosey cheeks, the cute little kitten and bird beside him are just so adorable too, I think its amazing how you can capture their rosey cheeks and expression with stitches!! Very talented!!
Thank you Maria xxx

Second up we have had to resort to showing things that I have made, this was made using a cork pin board, covered with wadding and then the fabric, I used a stapler to attach the fabric,I then criss crossed the ribbon over the board and studded the buttons into the board, giving the padded look!
I chose this pretty material to go in my daughters bedroom. She filled it with 
Photos,  cards and precious memories!

Last but by no means least today we have Sophie's GCSE arftwork, this piece is a Lizard, if you zoom into the picture you can see the detail she has managed to get in the eye, I am so proud of all of Sophie's work, she works hard at reach piece which really shows I believe.  I am pleased she has decided to do A level Art. Well done Sophie xxx

Have a lovely day ladies,
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    What a wonderful set of crafts for Mixed Craft Saturday.
    MARIA - I love love love Santa and I really do know how much work goes into a piece like this. I wouldn't want to take him down and put away until the next December. Thank you letting us see him.

    SANDRA - What a beautiful piece of patchwork on a pinboard. I love the pieces of material you chose and I would love to have one on my wall instead of just a dowdy old bit of cork. Thank you.

    SOPHIE - you're amazing! Your artwork is just out of this world and I too like Mum am so pleased that you have chosen 'A' level Art. It would have been a shame not to further your talent. Thank you so much for letting us see this beautiful and very detailed piece.

    I'm sorry that this is the last MCS. I love seeing all things that have been made in different area of art. Perhaps you could do it again Sandra in a while when we have further items to show you Please.

    Looks very dull and very damp outside this morning and it's not much better inside either as it's packing up and cleaning up ready to leave tomorrow morning for Calais and then we sail Monday getting home just after tea-time. I'll try and look in tomorrow when we arrive at the hotel but don't know about Monday.

    Have a really good week-end everyone and I hope you're all doing something amazing.
    Hugs are on their way together with my thoughts and prayers for my Dear Friends who are suffering at the moment. xxxx

    1. Janet, have a safe journey home. I hope it's all plain driving and sailing for you. xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Maria-lovely cross stitch Santa.

    Sandra-a very pretty pin board.

    Sophie-what an amazing sketch, glad you decided to do A level Art.

    Got a few bits of shopping to do in the village then off to the hairdressers for a cut & colour then I'll go to the craft shop (about a 30 minute drive) to collect my new die.

    Hubby & I walked into the village last night for Fish & Chips-the local Chippy has opened up an eat in restaurant just this week so I decided we should try it-very nice indeed!

    I've enjoyed Mixed Craft Saturdays-perhaps you could run them for special occasions so they could still be MCS, just a different "S"?!


    1. Michele, we like to go to the coast, get fish and chips with loads of salt and vinegar, and sit in the car at the point at Tynemouth with the doors and windows open, and eat them with our fingers. Mmmmm xxx

  3. Morning Sandra and all this rather grey and dull day so do pop in and see us for a coffee/tea and a nice piece of cake. Perhaps Janet brings some goodies back with her from Marigny. Have a good journey home Janet and hope the water is calm. Thank you for liking the Santa. Funny how I used to make cross stitch, sitting in a comfy chair with my own big lamp next to me so good light, the Tv on and while the rest of the house was a sleep I was counting tiny squares where to put the needle next hihi
    I have a quite big one with a barn, my mum used to go dancing in when younger, but what I didn't realised was that the pattern was coloured up and therefore I haven't even started on it. Maybe Margaret P like to take it off my hands at next meet and see if that's anything you might be able to do ?
    Couldn't sleep so was up at 6 and cleaned in the kitchen
    a bit, I too like a tidy house to come back too. Son will be home but working most day's and then spend his time in his room on the computer learning programming ? etc. Not sure what that is as long he stopped Gaming ,lost a lot of money by doing that unfortunately. I hate Gambling in any form but we doing the Lottery and wish every week for some win. None of you isn't who haven't collected the
    33 million that's still unclaimed ?
    My Oscar told me he met a new friend on-line last night called Scottie and they had a good chat last night. They might bump into each-other today in the cafe' and maybe Morag and the others can come too. Our missing friends we miss you and hope you are ok and will see us soon again.
    Lynda- so hope you feeling better, lots of cuddles and also to Saba and family, take care!
    Off to do some dusting and some other bits and pieces. Wish you all a good day, Love and hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Omg so sorry Sandra, I love the pin board you made.
      Fabulous thing to put your memories up on. And Sophie is AMAZING in her drawings. The Lizard she made is so good and I feel like it coming out of the picture. So glad she chosen A level Art, she will go far. many hugs xxx

    2. Hi Maria,
      I love your Santa what a lovely face he has. I would love to have a look at your barn sounds lovely & with the family connection something to treasure.
      Enjoy your holiday love Margaret xx

    3. Thank you Margaret, look after yourself xxx

    4. Stunning cross stitch MARIA What a dark horse you are Enjoy your hols

    5. Maria, what a gorgeous, plump, Christmassy Father Christmas. He's gorgeous and sewn beautifully.
      Have a good holiday, see you when you get back, we'll look after Oscar if you leave him behind!!

    6. Really lovely cross stitch Maria - you are clever. I loose count and then get cross with it xxxx

    7. Thank you all. Oh I do the same Diane. I have a dog one, was for my sisters 40th. I went wrong somewhere, she's 48 this year :-) xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all who call in.
    It's good to see your things Sandra, love the pin board, I bought cork ones ages ago to do for the girls! I am sad to say they are just cork boards on their walls.
    Maris, what a sweet cross stitch, love it.
    Sophie, I am so pleased you are doing your A level art, you are gifted. Your drawing is amazing.
    I won't be sending in a challenge card, I just couldn't get it to come together properly. Had it all cut and was doing ok, but then it went peck tong.
    Well today I can breath again. I got my letter saying my breast screening was ok. Worry off my mind.
    Off across to Perth to get Tammy to transfer my old phone stuff over to my new one, she tells me when I tell .her she could make gifts herself " why have a dog and bark yourself" so I told her the same reference my phone.
    So I will do bits while I am there.

    1. Good news Hazel, have a drink on me to celebrate :)
      hope Tammy's thumb getting better xxx

    2. What amazing news Hazel, you must feel like a weight has lifted!! I am genuinely happy for you my lovely, with all the worries you have had recently its easy to get into the mind state of expecting the worst of everything! I know only to well, sending hugs your way xxx

    3. Thank you, Maria and Sandra. Xxx

    4. What a relief for you Hazel I'm going to treat myself to a large coffee laced with a tot of Baileys to celebrate

    5. Great relief Hazel, like Kerenlotty I will celebrate but mine will be large baileys laced with coffee xx

    6. Great news Hazel you can relax now xx

    7. Fabulous news Hazel, I will celebrate with a tanker full of straight Baileys!!!!
      I hope Tammy's hand is much improved.

    8. That's wonderful news Hazel, I know what a relief that must be for you. Sending you a big hug my lovely lady xxxxxx

    9. Thank you all, yes it has lifted my mood, just knowing it's all ok. I celebrated with a lovely cup of tea. Tammys thumb still very tender, I have told her to get it checked if still tender on Monday. I have feeling that will land on deaf ears. I had to chop up more melons and pineapples today to keep them going. Her two don't ask for a sweetie,it's boxes of melon and pineapple. Which is good, but oh boy she spends a fortune on fruit. X

    10. Hazel - don't ask me how - but I missed this!!! Just seen it! Great news! Xxxxx

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Maria love your cross stitch Santa, he is so cuddly looking.
    Your pin board looks gorgeous Sandra, we used to have a lady who did these and sold them in our shop. Sophie's lizard is amazing, what a talented girl you have, good luck with her A levels when they come along.
    Sorry about the mixed craft Saturday being discontinued, I'm sure that in the fitter we can all come up with more things to showcase.
    Huggle Morag has been looking after Ronnie and she has done a brilliant job, he is nearly back to his usual self, virus seems to have gone, just feeling a little weak.
    Another coffee then I'm off to finish my challenge card and get it sent off to you.

    1. Thank you Jess. Glad Ronnie getting better. hugs to you both xxx

    2. I am hoping that you will all be getting crafty for easter etc, we can do special ones then maybe!
      So pleased that morag has nursed Ronny back to feeling better! Useful little tinkers aren't they!
      Sandra xx

    3. Jess, glad that Ronnie is getting better by the second.

  6. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    MAria flower i love your santa cross stitch with his little friend the cat and holding his heart in his hands. He would look good in a childrens room every bit as much in a livingroom bringing the joy of Christmas time. Thank you Maria for a simply beautiful needle work project.
    Sandra your padded board is something all houses should have that has a memory like mine or that someone who tells you they said to get when you know darn well they never uttered a word about it and just want to moan at you for something else you haven't done right. Thank you Sandra for a lovely yet very useful board. This would still look nice in the girls room where they could put up their post it notes on things they have to remember. I can see that in your house you would need all the spaces so that everyone could put up their must remembers so ideal flower, thank you.
    Sophie, you are very beautiful and talented artist and it would have been such a crime not to persue and harness the talent you have been blessed with. My son Rory always comments on just how talented you are and wait until he sees todays piece. THank you flower for letting mum show us another piece of your wonderful talent and it is no wonder you aced your exams.
    Well i am going to be worked off my feet again today as his nibs is bringing along stuff from the garage of mums for me to go through it, so much for not hassling me and he wonders why i have around my face and at the back of my ears have all broken out in sores, i wonder why. So i will say have a good day everyone and i am leaving some little huggles in the basket if someone could speak to them now and again would be great. With special huggles sent special post to Barbara and her family, Sheila and young Nikki and Cheryl who needs a boost,
    Norah x

    1. Thank you Norah. young lady, you must learn to say NO ! It's not easy I know but I had to sometimes , you just make you ill and it is not worth it. Leave the things for now and do them when you feel better and stronger to go through your mum's things. You have probably done them by now but remember for next time, NO. Take care ! xxx

    2. oh Norah sweetheart, I am sorry you have broken out in sores, is it psoriasis? I have to say that sadly I am not surprised that you suffer with stress my lovely, you cope with the really stressful things that a couple would share the burden of all by yourself, you have so much on your plate my lovely and he just adds to your stress! You deserve a bloody medal Norah.
      Maybe you will unearth a treasure in amongst your Mums bits and pieces, if nothing else you will probably depend the afternoon remembering your lovely Mum using all the bits and pieces you are sorting through!
      Sending you huge hugs with warm fluffy arms to comfort your aches xxxxx

    3. Hope the sores soon clear Perhapsxas SANDRA has said it could be Psoriasis Take care and don't stress Enjoy the memories even if it does bring a few tears along the way You are a hero(rine) in every sense of the word

    4. Norah, just pile the stuff in a corner somewhere, and go through it when you feel up to it, and when he isn't there to nag you. It doesn't matter if the pile is huge, who's going to see it?

    5. Norah, don't let him stress you out. \go through the box in your own time and laugh or cry with the memories the items bring, then hide the box from him and go through them day after day crying and laughing, by the end o the week you will be so glad of all the feelings you have.

  7. Hello All, very dull here, matches my mood today!
    Maria what a talented stitcher you are, love the Santa
    Sandra great idea for pin board, have not seen one like this before.
    Sophie your art work is fabulous love the drawing of the lizard, wondering what other mediums you work in.?
    Not doing much today, but have loads to do, mr tesco has just been , the packing is terrible, air freshener in with the food , shall have to email again, Asda are much better, but their web site is a nightmare.
    Hoping you are having a good day.
    Hugs abound for all
    Might pop in later.

    1. oh Lilian, one of those day's well I hope you are all right and will have a nice evening with your feet up, hugs xxx

    2. Hi Lilian,
      Sorry to hear you are feeling a little down today, I only tried online shopping a few times, it took me hours to get the order placed, navigating the online shop was so frustrating, I am a fussy mare too, I like to choose my own fruit, particularly Bananas,they can't have one single brown spot on them, I usually buy them green, I can only eat them when they have just past the green colour!!
      The thing that frustrated the life out of me was the substituted items, at times I wondered what they were thinking with the choices they made, you could always guarantee they would substitute the item you were really needing!!
      Get them told Lilian, if nothing else 10 minutes on the soap box might lift your mood!!
      Sending huge hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    3. I order my shopping online! I've tried a few, Tesco and Sainsbury's. I've been with Ocado for about six years. Your order from them comes from a central "warehouse" not n individual store. I rarely have any substitutions . Bananas I buy ready to ripen green! They also organise my shop into categories - , fridge, freezer, cupboard etc. I have to say I have no complaints . That doesn't happen often nowadays! Xxx

    4. Lilian, I'm sorry you are a bit down. Next time they deliver, wear one of your hoods, it won't make any difference but it'll scare the bejabbers out of the delivery man ha ha xxxx

    5. Have used Ocado a few times, they are good and all the things are packed separately. They even got a Swedish shop,yay hihi xxx

    6. Hi,Maureen you have made me laugh,first time today,thanks

    7. Made me laugh too!! Xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you board is lovely would not want to put pins in & spoil it thank you for showing us yet another of your crafts you are so talented.xx
    Sophie what can I say your lizard is beautiful the detail you have put into it is superb, so pleased you are going on to A level thank you for allowing us to see it.xx
    Having a quieter day today so will either have a go at some cards or my cross stitch.
    Special thoughts & prayers on way to Barbara & family, Sheila & Cheryl.xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      I was so frustrated that you missed out on that die bundle the other day, it would have been the perfect start for you at an amazing price! I thought of you immediately but sadly not quick enough!
      Enjoy your peaceful day,
      Love and hugs,

    2. Enjoy your day Margaret, whatever you do. xxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Maria I love your cross stitch Santa he's gorgeous. Must have taken hours of work. As must have your pin board Sandra. A truly multi talented lady.
    Sophie your lizard is simply superb. I'm so glad your doing A level art. You could easily get a job as an illustrator.
    Norah, I go hope you not making yourself to I'll. Tell you know who to take a running jump.
    Special thoughts to Barbara and family, Sheila and Cheryl. Lilian I hope your mood lifts soon.
    Hope the huggles are behaving.

    1. Hi Pat ,thank you. hope you have had a good day and that Pete is doing ok. take care, hugs to you both xxx

    2. Hi my lovely,
      I hope you have had a fun week, how many birthday lunches have you managed to squeeze in!! Haha, you are just like the queen, so you can have as many as you like!!
      Sending you love and hugs,
      PS have you done your challenge card ???? If not get in that dining room and get one put together!

    3. Hi Pat, hope you've had a good day. I know I'm a bit late but that's me at the moment xxx

  10. Afternoon Ladies

    Message for KarenLotty- sent you an email with a picture of my new die. It's by crafts-too so hopefully you should be able to search for it.


    1. I can mention it in tomorrow's post if you like Michele ??

    2. Thank you Michele I will take a look at emails later In fact you reminded me that I have a small stash of Candi and added a few pieces to a card which it really needed "homemade" ones would have looked better!

  11. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    We do all seem to like mixed craft Saturday! We have a lovely selection today showing what a breadth of talent there is here!
    Maria your Christmas Santa is lovely. He has a really beautiful proper Santa face! You have lots of patience as well as talent! Thank you!
    Sandra - I love your Board. I always meant to make one but never actually did it! I love your colours and button trim. A really useful item but looks great as well.
    As for Sophie's drawing - I am in awe of talent like yours , Sophie. I'm so glad you decided to do A level art. Well done and thanks for sharing!
    I am in the craft room. Oh boy have I got lots on at the moment! I've got the children after school on Monday and The Old People's Home on Tuesday! Do you think I should take Hughie!!
    The trouble is - he knows when I'm going out and gets really upset if I don't take him. I wouldn't leave him alone obviously! I think I'll take him - he'll make someone smile. He has had so much fun with a rinsed out yoghurt pot! He has been rolling around the floor like a hamster in a wheel!
    Well back to work!
    Be good - I know for some that's nearly impossible but do try!!! Xxxx

    1. Thank you Myra, tihi you should defiantly take Hughie with you to the old folks home, they will love him. Think how much fun they can have just out an old pot,jar or box. no expansive toy's needed to make our Huggles happy. I wonder how Premie is doing, such a cutie pie xxx

    2. Hello Myra - be careful or you'll meet yourself coming back -I think that's what they say-. I have one or two plastic templates for shapes for cards etc would they be of any use for your after school etc. A yes will do and if so I will post them on to you when I get back to the UK this coming week. I too think Hugie will delight the old forlk so yes take him and let him entertain them or perhaps drop him off and then run. Which do you think? Hugs to you. xxxx

    3. Hi Myra,
      I can imagine Hughie having a whale of a time at the old folks home, I could think of many mischievous things he could get up to, what chaos he could cause! I am sure that the lovely old folk would enjoy seeing him play.
      When I was younger I worked in an old folks day care centre, I did allsorts from helping with their lunches to organising activities for them,to me it seemed that as they get older they seemed to revert back to being children in some aspects, they used to argue of anything from "whose turn it was on the piano" or " she's cheating at bingo"
      It was funny at times, but I also found it rather sad. I spent 6 months doing it as part of a government training scheme, it wasn't for me though, I just couldn't deal with the emotional side of the job, I wanted to take them all home to look after them properly, I got so frustrated that society seemed to forget or not realise how vulnerable these people were, we used to have to go into these 'Alms houses' that adjoined the day centre, one lady bless her suffered from incontenance, we used to have to go and collect her and bring her in foir lunch, as you walked into her home, the ammonia used to take your breath away and sting your eyes like you could never imagine, even at the age of 16 I felt so angry that she was left to live in those conditions, her bed in the lounge, soaked through to he mattress! The other old folk loudly complained about her smell, it broke my heart !
      So that job was not for me,I wouldnt be able to walk away at 5pm and leave it behind me! I ended up being a secretary, much less stressful!
      Shocking thing is, that things haven't changed very much in regard to caring four the elderly,in most areas the councils have done away with basic things like 'meals on wheels' such a valuable service!
      Anyway, sorry for the diversion of the conversation,
      I look forward to hearing about Hughie's adventure at the old folks home, make sure that you 'frisk' him before you leave, he will probably find all the pots of teeth fascinating!!
      Sandra xxx

    4. JANET!!! Thank you - yes please! I have templates but you may have things I don't have or it will give me more to draw round! Not me personally you understand - not being an octopus! Xxx how lovely of you - thank you! Safe journey home! Xxx

    5. Sandra - I know what you mean! I couldn't do what the lovely Carers do. We do have fun though! They are a bit like children . The funniest bit is when they make something and forget - they then look at someone else's and say " can I make one?" When I say I think you made one and it might be in your bag they get the pleasure of making it all over again! I just hope nobody goes and makes biscuits! I shudder to think what is in some of those handbags!
      One lady tells me each time that I will fall off my shoes!! What is impressive about the Home I visit is that there is no smell! When I said this to the Manager he smiled and thanked me and said that they had to work very hard to achieve that! When I leave , I thank God for my health and fitness !! Xxxx

    6. Myra, don't tempt fate by saying "when I leave" because one of these days Alastair may have made a telephone call to the Old People's Home that you know nothing about!!!! Enjoy yourself at school and the Home, will your friend be at the after school club? xxxx

    7. I worked with the elderly with mental health problems for 20 years, it was actually great fun, but only because we could leave it all behind us at the end of the day . If we had not laughed we would have cried We had one lady who visited the queen every Tuesday for tea and on Wed. we got the whole story of what they had to eat and what the corgis did, to her it was true so we played along but it all comes down to who is normal and who is not,I was always told I was as daft as my patients lol xx

  12. SANDRA Sophie has an amazing talent I wish I had half as much as her So pleased she's decided to do Art at A level
    Sorry to see MCS go Let's hope it's just having a rest (I have more cakes! hee hee)
    I have been commenting on the way down I hope you all get to see them when you come back I enjoyed the Baby Shower Now I hope to finish the challenge card....But it may not get finished in time SANDRA sorry Never mind it'll still get used

  13. Ooh! And your pin board is glorious I need one for my craft room and my kitchen

    1. Glad you enjoyed the Baby Shower Karen, I'll read all about it on your blog no doubt. xxx

  14. Hello everyone just popped in still not very well but had to comment on the MCS I love seeing all the talent in the cafe'
    SANDRA your letter or note board is lovely love the colour
    SOPHIE your Lizard is amazing your so very talented in your art work well done.
    MARIA I love your cross stitch so intricate with counting those tiny Squares.
    I'm Still feeling very run down throat still very sore & migraine still with me too.
    Hopefully pop in tomorrow & see all the challenge cards
    For now good night everyone I'm going to bed.
    Special hug's Barbara & family xx
    Sheila my lovely,love & Hug's.for you & Nikki xx
    Cheryl I hope your ok lovely lady xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda, that's not good. I hope your throat soon heals and that the Migraine goes. You are having a bad time of it at the moment.
      lots of love and hugs

    2. Oooh Lynda, so sorry you are having such a bad time. Migraine I think strikes when we are are vulnerable - ie. Overtired , stressed , I'll or a combination of the above. Sending lots of love xxxx

    3. Hope you feel better soon Lynda, xx

    4. Lynda- thank you. wish you much better by tomorrow my friend and have a good rest. I saw your Harry today, he is gorgeous xxx

  15. Helloooooooooooooooooo
    I cannot believe the time, I've just seen in in the corner of my laptop. Where has the day gone? I have been busy all day and had loads of visitors.
    First of all, I'll stick in Sandra, and see if I can do some things for the MCS as it is good to see all the things people make.
    I'm looking forward to seeing the challenge cards tomorrow as I had such a job doing mine. I'm still not happy with it, but you've got the picture - so it's too late now.
    I've commented under everyone on the way down, so only Sophie to speak about now. Her drawing is wonderful, she is so talented and you must be very, very proud of her. Well, I know you are, you are proud of all your family!!
    I've had visitors galore, been shopping, washing, ironing, housework and have finished 5 - yes FIVE - birthday cards, so I am rather chuffed.
    I'm going to make myself a coffee, then run a bath to see if it will help me sleep tonight. I'll also take the rubber mallet to bed!!!
    Cheryl, thinking of you xxx.
    Barbare, love and hugs xxx.
    I may be back later, but if not I'll see you tomorrow.
    Maureen xxx

    1. The wonder woman you are :-), hope you have a good sleep after your full day and nice bath xxx

    2. Oh No! Not another name!! Xxx

  16. Hello everyone, I'm late again, it's been a very busy and tiring day.! Maria your cross stitch is wonderful, I do envy you being able to do that - I'm rubbish at it but yours is gorgeous. Sandra I could do with your board, it's lovely. Sophie your artwork is fabulous, you are very talented and you will do really well at GCSE. I hope you enjoy A level too.
    Must go still got things to do before bedtime. Xxx

  17. Good evening Ladies , sorry I'm so late but as they say better late than never!
    Maria I love your cheeky faced Santa , he has a real twinkle in hie eye, I always admire cross stitch as I have tried it and can't master it, you must have great patience!
    Sandra, your pin board is lovely , did you actually do the patchwork or is that the pattern on the material, again I have tried the very narrow ribbon type patchwork but find it needs good eyesight, but did manage a table runner lol!
    Sophie , I have to say you are sooo talented , I'm so glad you decided to take your A level in art, it's a gift to treasure to be able to draw like that and something to give you pleasure no matter what you do or where you go in life, you are very lucky!
    Iain and I have had rotten colds all week ,but I think I'm now on the mend , Iain unfortunately suffers chest complications so doesn't manage to throw it off so easily, so fingers crossed he gets a good nights sleep.
    Love and hugs to all,
    Anne xoxo

    1. Oh Anne wish you and lain speedy recovery and sending some cyber hugs to you both. Thank you for liking my Santa, I got one more ... xxx

  18. Hello All
    The crafts on show are all magnificent, Maria to be so talented to make that makes me jealous Sandra your pinboard is gorgeous, love the patchwork and Sophie your lizard is fantastic you are one talented girl, keep it up.
    I have made comments on the way down.
    Maria Scotty has never stopped going on about Oscar they are best buddies and he wants to meet Morag and Hughie. xx

    1. Thank you. You just follow a pattern really but you can get lost on the way tihi. must arrange a meet up with Morag and Hughie. Would you mind keeping an eye on Oscar while we are away ? think he is to little to go on the slopes, he might roll in the snow and then become a huge snowball going down like a bowling ball knocking everyone over on the way, horrid thought. Look after yourself xxx

    2. No problem,Maria look forward to having Oscar, he will be good company for Scottiexx

  19. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Love today's mixed crafts. What a fantastic selection.
    MARIA, Your cross stitch is gorgeous. Your really must have a lot of patience to do something so fine as this.
    SANDRA, Love the notice board, the fabric is lovely. I have always thought I would like to make on of these.
    SOPHIE, Your work is A* keep up the standard it's brilliant. Good luck with the GCSEs. I am so pleased you are going on to do A Level GCSEs - the world is your oyster - make it work for you. xx

    Sandra I'm sorry but I haven't sent you a card for the challenge. My original idea didn't work out and second attempt involving texture paste ended up face down on the carpet when my dear OH decided to check the light over the desk was straight with his sprit level. It's a good job I love him!!!!!

    I have had a busy day, but it has been 'one step forward and two steps backwards ' and it's been quite exhausting and left me feeling very low. I haven't had a day like this for a long time. I think it's time to call it a day.

    Good night my lovely friends, love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      So sorry you are feeling low mind you I can understand you must have been gutted about your card as you say good job you love him.
      Lots of special hugs & love on way to you love Margaret xx

    2. Ah Brenda, thank you lovely lady.Try to have a restful Sunday and I hope you feeling better asap.
      Pity about the card, men. Lucky you love him, thinking the same at times... many hugs xxx

  20. Nearly bedtime, just a quick visit to be nosey and see what was happening.
    Wendy Morag is a wee bit shy, and tends to hide a lot, sometimes I can't find her but she usually appears around tea time, I think it is the cats that scare her a little bit, they just want to play but she is not sure.
    I'm off to bed before I get locked up!!,!,

    1. Thought we should have a meet up with the little huggles we have between us. Hope Morag would like that and not be to shy.
      I better go before the white coat lovelies is out- side the door. Good night Jess xxx

    2. Good night Jess! Sleep well!
      Nightie Night Morag! Boo! Xxxx

    3. Do you think the men in white coats will let us take Morag, Oscar and Scottie in the van with us xx
      Night night xx

  21. Well it's bedtime in the Alderhouse so I wish you all a good night as poss. Sore throat, sore shoulders, pain in the neck and everywhere else, GO AWAY!
    Saba, Sheila and Cheryl ,sending you all some extra hugs
    Love and hugs to you all and have a nice Sunday xxx
