
Friday 22 January 2016

Some brighter colours with same die as yesterday

 Michele's intertwining Circles card 
Michele's 2nd Intertwining Circles card

Good Morning ladies,

I thought I would show the same die as yesterday but in brighter colours, that may appeal to you all more,  both of these fabulous cards have been made by our Michele, I love the beautiful blue colour you have used on the 2nd card Michele, the die shape makes it look unlike bubbles on the surface of a crisp clear Mediterranean Sea, oh I wish I was on that beach right now!
Thank you so much for sending in the cards for me to share with everyone Michele xxx

We ventured out to The Range yesterday as I needed to get an emergency replacement for my Tonic Guillotine, I have no idea how the blade has warped on the cutting arm, but it has, Paul has tried to tighten it, but it hasn't worked, when you look down onto it you can see where the blade is flush with the metal plate at the top, them bows out and in again at the bottom, so every piece of card I cut isn't straight which is so frustrating, so I did some research and the Xcut trimmer had a good feedback, The Range had it on offer so we went to pick one
Up today, so far so good, one bonus is that it has a lifetime guarantee!

I can't believe that the weekend is upon us again, it doesn't seem five minutes since our nightmare journey home from. Essex.

Whatever you are doing have a good day,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning/Afternoon/Evening everyone
    We have another white morning here with a very deep crisp frost. That Mr Frosty must have a ball during the night creating all these beautiful patterns. The sun is just rising and I can see from where I'm sitting a sky which has a rosy glow behind the trees with a beautiful slice of Aqua colour and then a band of Rose again. Such a beautiful morning.

    MICHELE - I love your cards. Both of them so different and so beautiful. The beige is just perfect for a man card and your gorgeous blue/white so gentle. Both elegant.

    Well it's our last Friday market and I shall be having my hand warmers inside my gloves and wrapped up like Billy Bunter but the cup of hot chocolate will be more than welcomed when we get to the bottom of the road.

    I have to start packing and sorting today and making lists of what needs to be brought to restock my crafting bits when we come back in March. At the moment that seems ages away but no doubt it will come around very quickly and we have three Family birthday's before then so it's a busy time.

    Extra huggles have been despatched this morning along with extra supplies of biscuits and cakes for this afternoon. I just hope a) the arrive in one piece and b) they arrive complete and not nibbled.

    I'll look in later.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you who are sad at this time.

    1. Hi Janet,
      Enjoy your visit to the Market, and your hot chocolate. That's a good idea, I think I'll have one this morning with a toasted crumpet. I'll serve myself and sit at the corner table to see who comes in. xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    The first card is cream & navy-I was just playing with my new die when I made this card.
    The second card was for my in-laws who bought me the die. I've had a great time using it & am now trying more variations for Valentines Day cards.

    Thank goodness it's Friday, hubby didn't manage to get home yesterday so he should be home tonight. He's got to go back to Carlisle on Sunday afternoon so it will be a short weekend.
    I was left a message from my nearest craft shop (next to the Chocolate shop where I met Jean & Myra) to say my new die is finally in stock. It cuts out Card Candi so this should be fun, will try it out once hubby has gone back to work.


    1. Hi Michele, I love that die, I think I may have to invest in one. Your cards are lovely. xxx

    2. I wasn't sure about the die but it is growing on me. Xxxx

    3. I have that die too it was a Christmas pressie - not played yet You've made two beautiful cards with it A die that cuts card Candi Oooh! Which one is that? I make my own backgrounds with Serif I'd like to make my own Candi

    4. Hi Michele,
      I think your cards are both lovely just shows what a difference colours make, thank you for sharing enjoy your weekend.xx

  3. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad you had a productive day yesterday and managed to get a new cutter. I don't think I saw yesterday's card, but it looks lovely.
    Love today's cards Michelle, I have that Happy Birthday die as well. I have lots of card candi but very rarely use it.
    Well Karenlotty cheered my postie up no end yesterday as my address read Schofield Ave, Witney. I think all the others had Schofield Drive Whitney on them and even though they had the correct postcode most of them went to Schofield Drive Whitney first, I think that at the other end of the country. He kept saying to me tell your friends the address is incorrect and what the correct one is, but was getting quite cross about it. I'm not to sure why though. Mind you I don't think half of our posties can read anyway, as we get lots of post for Schofield Gardens and the postcode is completely different to ours. Moan about posties over as I know they do a really good job coming out in all weathers. anyway Karen my postie said thanks very much for cheering him up.
    Hugs to all in need of one today.

    1. Pat flower you need my Posties down at yours as they are brilliant. For years my cousin has put Norah Suttie, Glenochil and that's it and they have always delivered it to me. Now i don't know what that says about me or the postie which changes on a frequent basis but i am either famous or infamous, you pick. lol x

    2. Oh Pat, you should have Rachel's postie. He writes little notes, signs them with a x, and helps as much as he can because she's at work when he comes with bulky post. He goes round into the side garden and hides them in her shed (which is going to be my home when George gets sick of me) he's never seen her so she could be 17 or 70 (he probably thinks she's 70 ha ha) xxx

    3. Pat I will alter my list - it's good to hear the cards are getting to you though! Xxx

    4. Relief.......Just checked I have your address as Avenue.
      We have same problem Strathyre Avenue - sometimes it's called Road or Place. We had an interesting letter the other day, the post code had been added in a different handwriting and pen (well it was our neighbours, we are taking in his post as his house is being gutted)
      He asked us to open it, it was a Bill from 'The Corner Shop' I Googled Strathyre Avenue and there are only three in the country, one in Perth another in Dundee. The Dundee address had a Corner Shop quite close, so poped it back into the postbox and its on its way to Dundee, and all on a second class stamp. Do you think the post office would give me a job?

    5. I always thought that's why we had to put the post code on as that's what the computer see? If that's wrong then your mail will not get to you! X

    6. Brenda, that Stathyre avenue is not that far from the area my son lives in its I am sure it would have a post code of DD something, why it got to London makes you wonder. X

    7. Hello Pat - sorry my card to you had Drive in the address so I hope it arrived on time for your bday. I have now changed your address to Avenue so next year there shouldn't be a problem. Hugs for you xxxx

    8. Just found my list I got from Patricia and it has avenue, I do think she was at one point given the wrong address and sent out new ones. Talking about that I was asking the postie when he came and he reckons that you can send a letter etc with persons name, house number and just the post code and it should get to you. He was the one that told me ages ago to just put my surname and post code on things and it should be returned if there is a problem. Xxx

    9. HAZEL the postcode had been added I assume at the sorting office as it was in a different handwriting and colour ink. All that had been written on the envelope was a Surname and 5 Strathyre Avenue. I did change it to a DD post code. xx

    10. Hi Norah
      of course your postie knows you because your famous. Sure aren't you known the length and breath of the country. Huggles as well.

  4. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Michele that was really kind of your in laws to buy your die for you and the perfect way to tell them how much you appreciate them thinking of you. Your second card is lovely in the pastel aqua blue and white. THe first would make a great mans card and doesn't need any frills and bows on it. Thank you Michele for two very different but same cards flower. Enjoy your new die when you pick it up.
    Well it is teeming down her at Glenochil so definitely a day for being in the house and doing my knitting. I have started a cardi for Harry in a beautiful greeny blue aqua colour and it is so lovely with the wee pattern. It is only a knit purl 4 row pattern but it is lovely when it is knitted up. I normally make the trousers and hat, mittens and booties but now that he is getting bigger it will just be the jacket, hat and mittens on a string. It's one of those patterns that you would make in all colours and it can even be for a wee girl as you can knit lace into the hem and cuffs so quite a few of them have been knitted to take baby home in. Campbell took the last set i had done for a wee boy into his work for one of the secretaries that was having a baby boy and she loved it as he looked like a proper baby boy in it and the obilagory pom pom on the hat was just the finsihing touch for her. She has kept the wee suit as that is what she brought her baby home in so no-ones getting it, i think she is secretly hoping for another baby boy. You know i got that used to knitting being old fashioned and no one wanting it that it is really nice when someone says that they love hand knits and wished that they had learned to knit. Thank goodness for film stars and actors/actresses on taking their knitting to do in between takes as i am now in fashion, yeaaaahhhh! lol.
    Now if any one is going out today in this horrible weather take care as the idiots are out running without their lights on as they don't need them with cars that blend right into the darkness or the road, doh, it never ceases to amaze me just how stupid some people can be. Yes fair enough if you are driving a great big corporation bus or lorry or tanker, if you can't see that you shouldn't be on the road but sorry normal cars are just blending into the road and darkness and can't be seen. Ok soap box back in its place but it's innocent people that get hurt at best just because of their stupidity.
    Right i am going to have a large latte this morning to heat up my bones as they are even chattering and rattling together, and i think i will have a croissant while wee Dobbi is still able to bring them across. I am up in the corner with all the new huggles who are so excited about coming to the cafe so if you hear a din it's this excitable little lot. I gave them wee wellies this morning to keep their wee feet dry in the puddles but they are so wee they fell into one of the wellies and got stuck. The poor wee mite thought he had fallen down into a gorge it was so dark inside and he said that it smelled like he had fallen in a gorge so they got carried as per usual.
    Barbara flower sending huggles by express delivery just to keep your spirits up a bit.
    Sheila, i'm sorry you are down the now missing Clive so much and i wish i could do something about it but i hope that you pick up soon.
    Cheryl flower you need to come in and talk to your real friends even if we are only cyber ones and see your so called friends that are making life difficult for you ditch them, you don't need friends like that as real friends don't treat their friends so abomnally.
    Norah x

    1. Norah, yes it's funny how a film star or famous singer, dress their little ones in hand knits and every new baby or little one are dressed in them as it so " fashionable" yes from old fashioned to in fashion over night!!!
      We know that these little knits are so much nicer. Harry's knits are the envy of all Kirsten's friends. Xxx

    2. Hi Norah,
      When we went on holiday, I've seen me knit a garment while being driven in the car, or flying in a plane. Ha, they wouldn't allow knitting needles on a plane these days. The huggles are being remarkably good at the moment, we'd better watch out, they are planning something!!!!

    3. HinNirah
      I expect the hand knits that the stars children's wear aren't knitted with love like Harry's are. Also the others you make as well. More huggles you say. We'd better be afraid very afraid, as they're surely planning some dastardly dead if they're quiet.

  5. Good morning, well not really weather wise it's pouring with rain here.
    Sandra, it goes to show that the same card cut out with the pale colours can look so different, Michele has shown this with her lovely card. I also like what you have done Michele with the other card too.
    As I said yesterday we all do these sort of cards where you think it will work but until it's together, you don't see it.
    Cheryl, where are you?
    Janet, what a pity your time in your little peace of France as had to be cut short. You won't do that again!
    Wendy it was lovely to see you in last night. Hope Scotty behaves today.
    Barbara, sending (((((( hugs)))))) to you.
    Off now to get things done. Xxx

    1. Hello Hazel,
      Don't work too hard - what a useless thing to say as it's in your DNA!!! (Ooh I've composed a little poem there!) xxxx

  6. Helloooooooooooooo,
    Well, I've been posting on the way down, and I am going into my room to do this challenge card. Challenge? it's more like an ordeal ha ha.
    The cards today are lovely, I do think it's a smashing die and wish I'd had in-laws who gave now and again, instead of took, took, took. I even had to buy my own wedding present, but that's another story.
    It's a horrible wet day here too, so that's why I'm away to craft as all my work is done (well, all I'm doing!)
    See you later xxxx

  7. Morning All
    It's wet and horrible here too today, after yesterday's sun it's a bit of a shock to the system but it isn't as cold. Julian is working from home today, he's full off cold so would rather keep it to himself than spread it around (in other words, it's ok if I get it!). I will have to look busy again today! Michele what a difference a colour makes! These two look lovely. Enjoy your short weekend with your husband.
    Norah I like your idea of sitting by the fire knitting - just what we need today. I bought some wool to make a tea cosy yesterday, I picked up a rather wild book at Christmas with some wonderful creations but I thought I would start simple and work my way up to the flower bouquet!
    Have a fun day xxxxxx

  8. Good morning everyone SANDRA sorry not been in for a few of days I have a bad head cold & sinusitis sore throat & woke this morning with really bad migraine I have managed to start the challenge card on Tuesday so hopefully finish it tomorrow. I'm going back to bed & try & shift the migraine.
    Barbara sendig you all ((((Hug's))) xx
    Sheila sending love & Hug's xx
    Cheryl hope your ok sending Hug's xx
    Try & get back later. Hope you all have a good day.
    My Snuggle huggle is looking after me Bless her.
    Lynda xxxx

    1. Oh Lynda, you are really going through the mill lately. Sending gentle hugs and hope you will be feeling better soon. LOL

    2. Oh, Lynda. Sending you some get well hugs and hope you soon feeling better. Just take care and look after yourself xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and all who pop into the Coffee Shop today,

    Sandra pleased you got your Guillotine sorted out, it is not until things go wrong that we realise how much we 'need' them.

    Michele, thank you for sharing your cards it's great to see how our cards look in different colours. I love the font on the Happy Birthday card, great for teenagers.

    We have Ciara with us today, she was sick and had an upset tummy yesterday, daddy stayed at home and looked after her, but today has to go out and earn some pennies. Mum had a telly conferences then had to go into London for a meeting, so Ciara is spending the day with us. Recently she has been having lots of dizzy spells + a few more symptoms, She had an EEG and MRI and has been diagnosed with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and has to take Medication for the next two years, this was started a few days ago so the sickness could be a reaction to this.

    Like almost everyone we have rain here, I do not like rain, I can cope with cold and frosty weather, but rain really makes me feel miserable, so definitely a day to stay inside.

    Hope everyone is keeping safe and warm, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. sorry Ciara is so poorly and have got Epilepsy, hope her tummy settles soon.
      Could you tell me if you live at Nr 3 or Nr 5 ?
      I think I need a updated list as the e-mail to Barbara on mine seem to have been wrong too. Take care xxx

    2. MARIA Sorry if I have confused you - We live at number 3. LOL xx

    3. Thank you, all correct LOl xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and all the you lovely ladies, sorry iv'e missed a few days as Wednesday is shop day and I was very silly and was lifting big bags which I know I must'nt do, so the consequence is my own fault and the pain is dreadful, will I ever learn.
    The cards are wonderful and yesterday I made an attempt of sorts to do the challenge card but I need to go back and have a another look at it, I was out earlier on becuase a lady came into the shop to ask if someone could come to her house to pick up some stuff, now I don't normally do that as Its difficult for me to pick up heavy bags but I went anyway and she donated a George Forman grill and a lovely radio sound system and some clothes so it was a worthwhile journey after all.
    The weather here is beautiful but cold, the sky is a lovely blue thats up to now, of course things can soon change, well I am off to have a look at this challenge card then i need someone to show me how to e-mail it to Sandra, will pop back later, Johanna

  11. Well quite a bit earlier today. Probably because I haven't been out today. Been raining but the sun is trying to get through now. That's good. Like today's cards. Surprising the difference a different colour makes. Missing Cheryl. Hope she is ok. Better Ho and get on with the challenge card. Might be back later.

  12. Hello everyone, what do you say, third time lucky ? well this is fifth time lucky ! I wonder if the huggle have found the cable to charge the battery up and they using it as a skipping rope or swinging on it like in the jungle :-) anyhow better be quick and say that your cards Michele are both great, so many times we need some for a man and these are great for that. Tried yesterday to do panelling with a striplet on a card but so hard to get them even so to make them separate will do next. Made the challenge card finished so fingers crossed it will go to you Sandra. What happened to our lovely day's with cold and crisp air and some sunshine ? today it has been awful. Popped into town and had a haircut and shopping for son while we are a week in "the hills are alive of the sound of music" tihi but I will pop in when I can, don't want you miss to long. Nice when you come in for a chat Johanna. When I try to send some photos to Sandra I download them first and then e-mail them to her and so far so good. Good to see you too Littlelamb, hope you not to busy. What have you been up too ? Cheryl, hope you are ok. Sending special hugs to Saba, Sheila and to anyone who need one this time of year.
    Time to cook dinner, see you later hopefully ,hugs Xxxx

  13. MICHELE In case you don't see comment up higher Lovely cards I'd like to know which die cuts Candi
    SANDRA Glad you got guillotine sorted I have had an X cut one for years and years Will hopefully get the challenge card made tomorrow morning and sent to you Not even started it yet! But I have a picture in my head Saying that most cards never work out to be the one's in my head!
    I'm going to a friend's Baby Shower tomorrow My first one ever ever! Salsa tonight - daughter teaching a class So I'd better get a wriggle on iPod needs charging too
    PAT I'm so pleased postie had a smile out of me too! That made my day

  14. Hello All, it's been a lovely day here, after all the rain we had yesterday and early this morning.
    Just come home from visiting my Sister in hospital, not much change,they still haven't got her walking although it's been six weeks since she broke her pelvis.
    Still they are talking about sending her home.
    No crafting today, as busy with new pattern for work.
    Have a good evening all may see you later.

  15. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased you had a successful shop in Range enjoy using it.xx
    I am late today Alan had dentist appointment then had to go for XRay in preparation for operation on his toe, I then went food shopping by the time I had put it all away the washing was ready to be ironed then it was time to cook the tea, where does the time go?
    Sending special thoughts & prayers to Barbara & Sheila xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  16. Hello Sandra and everyone!
    Oops I'm very late today! It's been a busy sort of a day!
    We had to go and get our new Spectacles this afternoon! I seem to have been rushing about doing too many things at once!
    Nearly finished the challenge card! Will try to send photo later!
    I haven't read the posts today - sorry about that!
    Michele I do like both cards. My die is still in the packet !! I do like the fonts you have used too, particularly the first one.
    I will try to pop back and read later!

    1. Hello my Dear Mad Hatter Friend
      I do hope that these new specs of your will co-ordinate with all your wardrobe and that Hugie likes them hehehe. Do they make you sing any better and do they tell better jokes (oh I'd better say night night Dear Mad Hatter) xxxx

    2. Janet!!! I have worse jokes you know! Don't tempt me! Ha ha!!

  17. Hello All, This little huggle of mine is a little terror. Scottie disappeared about an hour ago, I had been making an xcut bag and had put it on the seat of the chair, the little devil must have climbed on the chair arm and fallen into the bag, he was fast asleep when I found him so I am going to cut the bag in half and make this his new bed. I have not been crafting much for the past couple of months but have been buying a few things. love the cards today nice colours as well. One of the best buys was when I ordered tattered lace mag. I got the baby blue for £20.00 it is a great little machine, you maybe have to put a couple of bits of paper in as a shim and put it through a couple of times but you just have to wind the handle a couple of times and its done. love and hugs to everyone xx

  18. Wendy it's good you are getting back to crafting, I love that you have made Scotty a bed. I love my XCut bag die. You got a good buy with your baby blue.
    I have got no where with card making today really, not sure if I am happy with a first card I made for the challenge. So I decided to make a birthday card instead.
    Enjoy getting back to making things. Xxx

  19. Hello everyone, sorry I'm so late, been at our wee craft shop today, came home had dinner, watched soaps, and Mr Selfridge.
    Michele I like both cards, so different, what a difference a change of colour can do.
    Hoping to get my challenge card done tomorrow,
    Take care everyone, Jess xxx

  20. Hi Lynda
    I hope your feeling better soon. You have been in the wars just lately. Gentle hugs to you.

  21. If you all had the list that Sandra sent out the address is correct on that.

  22. Hiya,Just popped in to wish you all a good night and nice dreams. Spent the afternoon making a get well card, wrote some e-mails and phoned my parents,hadn't spoken to them since x-mas but I do see mum on facebook some days so I know they are alright. Mum going soon for some tests so clearly a bit worried but I think she will be fine, everything crossed. My OH's BIL got his results yesterday and he has Not cancer and his mum (96) has been taken into a home so our holiday will go ahead and we can celebrate. It could so easily have been cancelled. Even if I'm not working anymore it will be nice to get away for a little while. I'll see you tomorrow tho.
    Good night my friends xxx

    1. Good night Maria sleep tight hope the bed bugs don't bite.

    2. Great news ,Maria I look forward to my holidays although I am retired different scenery seems to help you relax more
      Good night xx
