
Thursday 21 January 2016

A different version of this weeks challenge to inspire you !

Good Morning Ladies,

I was wanting to try out one oif my latest dies, so I thought I would use it to make a challenge style card, booth for fun and to give those of you that might be undecided another idea.

The die is the Creative Expressions Intertwining Circles die, from the Mini Striplet range,I was insured of it at first as I got it in a bundle from Hochanda, but after playing with out today I quite like it!
I die cut the complete die setbin black for the top piece and then just die cut the outside edge to make the red layer underneath!, I then placed three of these on some red card and added a black layer and then popped it onto a white card base, I then cut the centre circle fromon the Tonic Trellis circle die set and added my sentiment cut in red card.
To finish I added the smaller of the two Classic Bow dies, added a spotted bow die cut on top and added the bottom 'forked' tail pieces from the bow die set!

I Hope you like this more Masculine feel card,

Have a great day,
Love and hugs,
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Good Morning All, very dark and wet here today,not so cold .
    Love the design of you're card the new striplet is great, trying not too buy any more at the moment as we are hoping to call into the Exeter show on the way to London in beginning of February.
    Hope everyone has a good day
    Hug abound. Lil

  2. Morning Everyone on this very cold and icy morning here in Marigny

    SANDRA I love your design of this Challenge card the only thing I'm not sure of are the colours. They are a little Challenging for me. I haven't bought any of the last launch of Sue's dies and looking at the one's to come next week I'm not sure about those either but we will see.

    Well I am the biggest numpty in this house this week!! We always do our weekly med boxes on a Wednesday morning and so yesterday they had to be done. The only problem was and is is that I don't have enough meds here with me to stay until a week on Sunday so we're having to come back to the UK this Sunday/Monday. You would think that after 18years of organising meds to come away for 5 weeks/11 weeks throughout the year I would get it right. I can only hope that my organising head will get better as the year goes on.

    I want to start looking at birthday cards for Lily-Mae who is going to be 2 in a few weeks time so that is my Challenge for today as I didn't get any crafting done at all yesterday having to change ferry bookings and organising hotel etc.

    Marigny Dobbi has instructions to clear all the paths around the Café today and spread salt to make them safe for everyone. I only hope that he uses the proper salt for the paths and not cooking salt! I have changed that table cloths and put little pots of greenery on the tables just to give us a little feeling that Spring is coming. So I think everything is now set for the day. I notice that we're out of biscuits and I'm just wondering if those huggles that were brought in yesterday for a visit found their way into the stock cupboard. Norah did you bring any new Huggles in yesterday?

    Off now to put the stew pot on top of the log burner. We're having Rabbit tonight and so cooked on top of the burner is just like a very slow cooker.

    I'm thinking of all Dear Friends who at the moment are in need of gentle hugs and prayers. These times are very difficult but we're here for you always.

    1. Hi Janet. Oh dear what a shame you have to come home early because of your meds. They are are a real pain sometimes aren't they. I think those of us that have to take regular prescription drugs have all done something similar so.please don't think you are the only one. I know that doesn't help you now but just want you to know you are not alone.
      Enjoy the last couple of days, especially tomorrows cakes ! Take care x

    2. Janet my Friend, Really sorry about the medication mix up! These things happen . Sometimes I just need to be distracted and that's it!
      I'm sorry you had to change your plans but glad you are able to do so!
      Enjoy the rest of your stay! Have an extra slice tomorrow!! Xxx

    3. Sorry to hear about your med. mix up, hope it does not take any of the pleasure away from the time you have left over there, have an extra cake to make up for it.xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra, I've made quite a few just like this as I got this die at Christmas. I'll send some photos.

    Heavy frost overnight so I need to set off earlier to defrost the car.


  4. Good morning everyone
    Didn't get in yesterday, went to the opticians as I have been having what I thought were floaters in one eye. Well they are floaters but after the drops in my eye I couldn't see properly so stayed off the computer during the day, then had visitors and finished my sketch card, photographed it and sent it in, then John was home, don't know where the day went.
    Cold and frosty here this morning but dry at least, it was like a spring day yesterday, beautiful.
    Back to our craft class today, have missed this,
    Hope everyone is well, if not sending gentle hugs, please help yourselves.
    See you later,
    Sandra your card is lovely, these strip lets are brilliant aren't they.
    Hugs Jean xx

  5. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Sorry Sandra, i just don't do this much black or red in a card but i think that might be because i find black very depressing, sorry flower. Can i imagine it white please with light colour underneath please, as in my wee brain it can comprehend it better. I think Sue gets surprised if she does a card with black in it that i actually like but it's the hint for me that makes things pop.
    Oh Janet, what a disappointment for you as we know how much you love your time at your Riviera home and i have done that so it is not just you flower. The only thing is when i think i have another packet of tablets to find out the day i need them that i don't and have to go without, boy do i know all about it then so i am your bookend in that one flower.
    Poor little Marigny Dobbi, he sure does have a hard time of it with not only bringing in fresh supplies each day for the cafe, setting up the tables but now also having to attend to the paths so we don't slip making a sudden entrance into the cafe instead of a dignified one. Thank you little Dobbi for all your hard work although i am wondering what your mistress is going to have you doing next to earn your oats?
    Janet i did bring in some new huggles yesterday and i am just wondering if they are climbing up on top of each other to get to the goodies because they can't get a grip on the counter with it being slidedy. I heard them whispering yesterday amongst themselves and i bet it was about all the lovely goodies that they could see that Dobbi had brought in little rascals. You see Myra brings Hughie in and he gets all these kind of goodies from her so i think he was telling them just how nice they tasted. Must speak to Myra about Hughie teasing the rest and getting them into trouble.
    Well number one son dropped off at college until 1:15 so that gives me a few hours to have playtime before going back for him. Please can i have a latte please and i will sit in the corner and see who comes in this bright and cold morning.
    Sending some huggles special delivery to our lovely friend Barbara, i hope you are getting kept going through these few days flower. Sheila flower, sending you some huggles as well just to let you see someone is thinking off you. Right now i have filled up the basket with some more huggles today,
    Norah x

    1. Norah, The huggles you sent my way helped enormously as they flew by one caught hold of my scarf, snuggled under it and stayed there. I think I will call him Scotty. So thank you so much for your thoughtfulness it is very much appreciated xx

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Quite like your card today, good for a mans card which are so hard to do colour wise and not many embellishments.
    Not too bad a day here at least it is not as foggy as it was yesterday. Just a little bit of frost.
    Need to go for some shopping later running low on essentials.
    OH not feeling very well today, I think he has picked up this viral infection that is on the go, he did have a really bad chest infection last week and got antibiotics and steroids, I think he might need a second lot, will see how he is later on. I have told him to stay in bed this morning, but that is something he hates doing, but I have insisted, we will wait to see how long he can last up there.
    Made a couple of lovely cards last night at our card class, gave me a lot of inspiration to get on with some I need to do.
    Coffee done had a good chat with 'Norah, so off to get the shopping in, will pop back later. Take care xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and everyone popping in today.
    Thank you for more inspirations for this morning, this is a nice card. The colours I got are Dark Blue and Dark Cerise so for me it looks fine.
    Ah sorry you have to cut your time in Marigny short Janet, hope you manage to change all the travel back without to much problems ? When you staying over the summer can you get more medications from the doctors in France or do you have to bring it with you ?
    Dobbi have made a grand job this morning and I like the little greenery to make it feel lighter on a quite dark morning.
    Wish all OH who are suffering from viral infections a quick bettering and a gold star to us wife's, omg I really hope some mountain air next week will make mine stop moaning how ill he is.
    Better get a wiggle on and make some cards/cut outs at least so I wish you all a nice day, love and hugs Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria. I hope your new meds start to settle down very soon, I bet it is those that are causing you to feel all over the place. Of course it may be the menopause, that can mean even more meds so I hope its not that for you! At least you have a holiday to look forward to and hopefully Ric will feel better then as well : ) Take care, live and hugs to you x

  8. Good Morning Sandra,
    Good morning Ladies,
    We have been sitting chuckling here as apparently today is National Hug Day!! It started in America, where else , in 1986! Alastair got a daft email on his mobile about it! Apparently encouraging him and others to send virtual hugs!! We do that every day here!
    Sandra I bought that die too but must confess to not having used it yet! I need to rectify that!! I like your card just not sure about the colours although I love the bow!
    Norah - I know Hughie is a bit of a monkey and is more than capable of encouraging pranks but he isn't given chocolate except as a social treat! We had a laugh yesterday during a game of hide and seek! I could sort of hear him but a bit muffled! He had hidden in one of these votive candle holders and got wedged in! When I found him he was a bit red in the face but otherwise unhurt!
    A lesson has been learned, however!
    Before they come to take me away! Virtual hugs on the way! Xxxx

    1. It's a special treat , not a social one!!! Xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra your card is lovely different colours not sure I think I like paler colours but design is lovely. Thanks for texting Sue about dies on Hocanda this morning but by the time Sue got through they had sold out shows what a good price they were.xx
    Embroidery this afternoon so must get on & sort my stuff out & have lunch will look in later.
    Sorry you have to come home early Janet safe journey backxx
    Special thoughts & prayers for Barbara & family & Sheila thinking of you xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love this card, it is nice to see different colours just for a change.
    Thank you ladies for the good wishes about the collarbone. It was pretty good yesterday and this morning but it is starting to ache and throb again now. I am.being very careful so can't work out what is making it flare up, which is so annoying. At least it is getting better, albeit slowly.
    Well it is a grey day here, no frost this morning, just a very dull " lights on all day" sort of day.
    Barbara, sending you big hugs.
    Take care xx

  11. Hello Sandra and coffee shop friends,

    I was uncertain about this die and think I could be weakened into purchasing it,
    Your card is a good selling point!!! Like Maria I am viewing this card as dark Navy and Cerise, a colour combination that really works.

    JANET Sorry you have to cut you stay in Marigny short, hope Jim and Yvette are understanding about the early return. Sorting out our medication can be such a pain when we go away. I try to order all of my meds at the same time. John orders his as he needs them, even the pharmacist suggested he order them together and he only has three different kind of pills.

    Hope everyone has a good day, catch up with you all later love and lots of virtual ((((((hugs)))))) for everyone, Brenda XXX

    I have just picked up my iPad - what a dumbo am I (no don't answer that)
    I completed the message above at coffee time and hadn't pressed publish!!!!!

  12. Good afternoon. Sandra and all who will pop in later. Been one of those days that I have been busy but nothing to show for it Tammy did go home with two melons chopped up and a pineapple, her thumb still is tender and she can't hold onto the likes of melons etc, so mum has helped out again,I also had to order a new phone, contract is over 2 years old and my battery just isn't holding its charge. New one delivered tomorrow. The cupboards a restocked up with food again, as I said its those unseen things yet it's been all go. of coasre I had lunch to prepare, it's was lovely just sitting at the lunch table relaxing and chatting with Tammy we chat all the time on the phone ,yet it lovely when it's face to face.
    Love the design of today's card, not sure of the colours, yet we have to try different ones to know if they work or not. How many cards have we all binned as they weren't the right colour combo???
    Here with the girls today, just been getting the log burner going , one of these days it wasn't going to good, hopefully that's it now. Beth busy practising on her vaulting barrel, oh she does make my heart miss a beat. Oh better go see to what this puppy is up to. Xxx

  13. Helloooo,
    I am going to write on my laptop as screen so small this is hopeless!!! It may be a bit later so watch out!!!!!
    Maureen xxxx

  14. Helloooo,
    I am going to write on my laptop as screen so small this is hopeless!!! It may be a bit later so watch out!!!!!
    Maureen xxxx

    1. It must be , you didn't notice you sent it twice!!
      Tin hat!! Xxx

  15. Hello all
    Gosh another busy day again - where is the time going?! I thought it was supposed to slow down after Christmas! Well there's a split decision on the colour today - I'm afraid I'm not too keen on it either, not sure why - I think I had a dress in those colours in the 80s! Perhaps that's it!!! Life would be boring if we all agreed though wouldn't it.
    Janet what a pain but as Sue says it's easily done. When we travel we always make sure we have boxes of Julian's medication in both our bags just in case! He also keeps a supply in the car in case he has to work all night or go off to site without notice although in the past he has gone to the chemist for emergency tablets but that's in the uk. Enjoy your last few days and I hope the weather stays kind for your journey. Xxxx
    Barbara sending some gentle hugs your way and some for Sheila too. Cheryl has been missing - hope you are ok . Xxxxxx
    Right must go and sort out dinner - tummy a are rumbling but it's diet day so some nice warm soup is on it's way.
    Hugs all round xxxx

  16. Hello All
    Thank you all for the kind thoughts and virtual hugs you sent last week. The funeral was on Monday and it was very comforting. I left a message for Norah, she sent some huggles and one has stayed with me, called Scotty, he is being so lively and entertaining that he is keeping me busy so no time to think.
    Thank you for helping me last week xx Hugs to everybody and special thoughts for Barbara x

    1. Wendy, I am glad to see you in the cafe, even just fir a quick one. So pleased your sisters funeral was comforting to you all. Just remember your beautiful sister with happy thoughts, talk to her every day even just saying good morning to her. I do that still very often to our mum who died 47years ago.
      Scotty will keep you busy, these "Huggles" are really sweet OK a little bit mischeivous at times, but you just have to tell them it's not exceptible
      Look forward to hearing what Scotty has been doing. ( like Myra before I join her in the white van here are ((((((( hugs))))))) xxx

    2. Hello Wendy it's really lovely to see you! We will have to introduce Scotty to Hughie! Xxx Are you mad too? Xxxx

  17. Hi everybody, Hope you day have been ok-ish.
    Haven't made much today like Hazel my day have been busy but not much to show except the washing machine was done, had some overripe bananas so made a little cake, made some cutting outs but my idea didn't really work out so some more cards have gone into the bitbox. Haircut and shopping tomorrow morning but then I must get the challenge card put together and photo taken. It was harder this week but like to have this to do so I get some cards together for up coming birthdays.
    Sending extra many hugs to all as it is Hug day today so many to go around. Even huggle Oscar have given extra cuddles today but I believe he have been playing with some of my dies because I can't find some of them anywhere so he might give them so I won't be cross ? will have a word in the morning :-)
    Wish you all a good night and sound sleep with nice dreams Xxxx

  18. Ooooohhhhhhhh
    Wendy has posted, hello Wendy, it's lovely to see you. I wondered if I had offended you, it would be unusual if I hadn't, I've offended everyone else!!! Anyway, welcome back.
    Sandra, I love the intertwining circles, and thank you for more inspiration. I'm still having difficulty in making my challenge card, but I am determined to do it tomorrow and get it off to you. Hang on to your hat!!!
    Myra, I didn't realise that I had posted my little message twice, thank you so much for pointing it out grrrrrr!!!
    Hazel, you should see me on the vaulting horse. Your heart miss a beat, you'd collapse - laughing ha ha. Poor Tammy, I hope her hand soon heals.
    Cheryl, we'd like to see you, if you pop in.
    Sheila, I hope you are all right, and enjoyed your day out.
    Brenda LL, look after yourself, and hope to see you soon.
    Brenda OB, I'm still waiting for more tales from Africa!!
    Pat, I hope all is ok with you and that Pete is well.
    Sue & Mrs B - look after each other.
    Sandra, sorry, I forgot to ask if you enjoyed yourselves yesterday and whether you got any crafting done, or whether you just sat and talked, drank coffee, ate, talked etc. etc. etc!!!!
    Where's Patricia, I don't remember seeing a post from her, I hope you are all right Patricia, and if you have posted, I'll have to take more water with it next time!
    Janet, I'm sorry that you are having to return from France early, don't forget to bring my pastries!!! lol
    Maria, hello chuck, tell OH to "Climb Every Mountain"!!
    Myra, has Alastair hugged a tree today!?
    Jess, hope OH recovers soon.
    I apologise if I've forgotten anyone. My craft room is still a mess, I haven't tidied it and it's even worse now because of this blooming challenge card!!! I will do it, I will do it, I will .....!!!!
    Right, I'm away to get ready for bed, so will say night, night everyone, sweet dreams, God Bless.
    Barbara, in case you look in, special hugs and prayers xx
    Muriel xxxx

  19. Oh Janet I am mortified to hear you have had to cut your trip short, I bam paranoid about my meds when we go away, with it being morphine can't go more than a couple of hours without it, I always take a prescription too just in case!
    You must feel so frustrated food you, I hope you haven't incurred extra charges on the ferry.
    Hazel, I am sorry to hear that Tammy's thumb is still sore, it must be so frustrating for her, nice for you to get time to spend so quality time together!
    Wendy, so lovely to see you in the cafe today, I am glkad the virtual hugs helped and that you got comfort from your sisters send off, I hear you have picked up a new family member, I asm sure 'Scotty' will keep you entertained!
    I am guessing you are all too busy running around after these huggles today!
    I hope you are all well,
    Sandrda xxx

    1. Sandra, I've been a busy bee and I've still not finished this week's challenge! I have been making Pillow boxes and cards though and making a mess into the bargain. Xxxx

    2. Oh Myra did you get the due that has the fancy handbag flap with it??
      I love that die, it is on my wish list!
      Will yoiu send me photos for mixed crafts?? Please
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Yes that's the one ! Got it at a bargain price though! Only £18 . 20 from Country View Crafts. I've seen it at £ 29. 99. No postage and packing either. Will do! Xx

  20. I have been watching "call the midwife". Was in tears as I was a young girl of 18 and had 2 friends who were doing their midwife training and were in tears many a day after delivering these babies? So sad that a drug that was to help mothers caused so much pain and heartache. Xxx

    1. Do like your card today Sandra but not the colour very much. I see it as dark blue and bright pink.

    2. Hi Hazel,
      I am like you, those things make me cry like a baby!!
      They might only be a programme but it does toiuch a nerve!
      Sandra xxxx

    3. I love Call the Midwife, we have it here on Sunday evening, I think the episode you were watching was where the wee baby was born with deformities. I believe due to prescription drugs the mother had been prescribed. I ended up with a VERY. Wet tissue.
      But thank God I didn't go down that route our first Daughter was born about the same time, I was very sick, my doctor offered me a drug he said it should help, I didn't take up his offer!
      Sleep Well Everyone xxx

  21. Late as usual and I expect you have all gone to bed. Had a busy day and also been making the challenge card. Have found the Butterfly Striplet die. Had got in with the Spectrum Noir pens. My sister's birthday on Monday so have been finishing off that card and it needed an envelope. All ready to post now. Hope everyone is alright especially Sheila. Know just how she is feeling. Missing Cheryl as well. Night all.

    1. Lovely to see you Brenda, how is little Scarlett?
      So pleased you found your Butterfly striplet, we do put them in the strangest places don't we!
      I would love a photo of yoiuyr card, I have missed showing your things!

    2. Hello Brenda, it's lovely to 'see' you even at this late hour, I know you have been Very busy getting ready for your exhibition. But pleased you have got a focus- it's good to be busy, well in my opinion, it is!
      Pleased you found your Butterfly Striplet. I'm have a great time reorganising my craft room, it's taking a long time as I'm going through all of my boxes as I sort things out. I have found 'THINGS' that are still in the packaging, unused!!!
      Happy Birthday to your sister for Monday xxx

  22. I just left you a message Brenda but it disappeared. Perhaps you will have to try all the unused things before you put them away again.
