
Wednesday 20 January 2016

A Simple Tutorial

 Notelets and Matching Box
(The tutorial is for the little box)

Take a piece of card, plain or patterned and 
cut down to 9 1/2 inch  by  7 1/2 inch
(or 25 1/2 cm by 21cm)

place the card on your score board (the longest side along the top) and score down at 3 1/2, 4 1/2, 8 and 9 inches

Rotate your card so that the short side is at the top and score down at 1, 2,  5 1/2 and 6 1/2 inches

This is what you should end up with, ( i have highlighted the score lines with pen to make them stand out.
Score all of your folds really well.

Now comes the tricky bit to explain.....
you will be cutting away all of the pieces of the card shown in red, which seems quite a lot, but it all makes sense when you have it in front of you.
The little bits that are highlighted in black are where you cut little 'notches' out like you do when you are making a box, this is to make the little flaps that close the box.

This is what you should end up with, a funny, almost 'T' shape, at this point I rounded the edges of the box on the wide end and cut a little semi circle in one side of the middle section of the box.

If you look at the photo above you will notice that there is a narrow flap at the right side end of the card, you will need to add glue to the back of this and fold it over to meet up with the other side of the box....see below

I used Cosmic Shimmer glue as it dries quite quickly and you do get a little 'wiggle room' !!

As you can see here the flap fits neatly in place, leaving a good strong bond.
At this point the boxes can be folded flat for storage, just open all flaps and push down!

Here is the finished box, you can see where I used a circle Punch to make a little place to grab the flap to open the box.
I hope you like the idea.

These are the
 four little notelets that I made along with their envelopes to fit into the matching bow.
 The cards and box were decorated by taking a
a 6 1/2 inch  by 3 1/4 inch piece of card, fold in half and score and then I stamped with a script background stamp using Lilac, Pale blue, green and orange ink, I then cut the 3 Justrite Aster die cuts in each colour, using the smallest one (i think) and I then shaped them and stacked then together, off setting each to the next, to give a fuller looking flower, I made all 4 of the notelets from plain white card and used the same ink as the script in stamped in, I then added a small section of the Flourish die cuts by Cheery Lynn to add some interest and foliage to the card and then added a matching green pearl in the centre of each flower and tied a matching bow on the stem of the flourish.

The finished set !

Now I think that these little cards would be perfect to keep in the drawer to sent at a moments notice to someone you are thinking about or to say sorry or get well soon.

I had fun making these fun little cards and box, I hope you will too.

Pat and Sue are coming today, so fun to be had in this house tomorrow!

Johanna, could you please email me your address please.

Love and hugs to all


  1. Morning/Afternoon/Evening to all

    Sandra thank you for the Tutorial the little boxes/notelets looks lovely and so cute. I shall be doing one or two of these as back-up gifts or little treats.

    Now again Sandra has used lilac in her demo today so for those few who do not know the wonderful poem called 'Warning' by Jenny Joseph written when she was 29years of age.

    'When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
    with a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
    And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
    And satin sandals and say we've no money for butter.
    I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
    And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
    And run my stick along the public railings
    And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
    I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
    And pick flowers in other people's gardens and learn to spit.

    You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
    And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
    Or only bread and pickle for a week.
    And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

    But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
    And pay our rent and not swear in the street
    And set a good example for the children
    We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

    But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
    So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
    When suddenly I am old and start to wear PURPLE.

    I just love this poem and just cannot wait to do all these things!!!

    Hugs are on their way with stop offs at the more needy addesses.

    The Three Graces - I hope you have a lovely day with lots of crafting in between the talk and laughter.

    SANDRA - I got my Challenge for this week done yesterday so feel good.
    I'll be in later to see who's around and what's happening.

    1. Ha ha Janet, when I am old I shall also do all of those things!!! xxx

    2. Not when you are with me you won't!!! Xxx ha ha ! Xxx

    3. Our school uniform was purple - I started young! Xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Brilliant project, I'll try to have a go at this. Still haven't made a Challenge card yet but made a few more cards last night after tidying out the cupboard on the landing.

    Yesterday was very productive at work. Thanks for all the advice but I won't be looking for another job just yet. I love what I do & despite everything, I like the place. There's too much job uncertainty for hubby for me to start looking elsewhere.

    I have another one of those meetings this morning-2 hours, starting at 8.30am! Think I'll struggle to stay awake.


    1. Hi Michele, I used to take two matchsticks to prop open my eyes at those boring meets, that's where I perfected the hidden yawn technique!! xx

    2. I'm sure there's a line somewhere in that poem that you could use Michele! Xxx

  3. Good morning Ladies,
    We had a wonderful time away at our friends Golden Wedding and then down to Dunoon to visit my sister and family , lots of fun and laughs!
    Unfortunately I caught a cold and am now chocked with it , so it was good to get home again last night ( nothing to beat your own bed and bathroom ) especially when you don't feel well, also good to have internet again!
    Sandra, your little notelets are so pretty and a great tutorial ! I won't be going out with the walking group today so maybe manage to get a challenge card done, thank you for the next retreat information ,but we go on holiday every year in March and again in I won't manage , I'll just content myself with being friends through the blog ( I think I live just too far away ) .xo
    Norah, HAPPY SILVER WEDDING! I know the day didn't turn out quite as expected but your earrings sound beautiful and I wish you lots of pleasure wearing them, I love hearing all about wee Harry , you must have lots of fun with him ( a wee treasure! ) xoxo
    I can't possibly manage to read back all the comments so can I wish all those feeling lonely or poorly ,lots of love and hugs and hope things get better for them xoxo

    1. Hi Anne, good to see you back. Dunoon, now there are plenty memories there for me. A childhood holiday place and such wonderful places and people. We had to cross over on a ferry, I remember.
      My father took a photo of me, Raymond, and a Scottish boy called Alex who we played with. Dad nearly got run over as he stood in the middle of the road to take the photo. This was in the late 40's so not much traffic then and I don't think he gave it a thought.
      I suppose it's changed greatly.
      I'm sorry you are full of cold, stay in, stay warm and drink plenty. I hope Iain is o.k. and hasn't caught it.

    2. Welcome Home, We eelcome, Come on in and close the door!"
      We haven't had a song for a while! It's lovely to have you back with us but sorry you have a cold! Try not to give it to Iain, please! You know it makes sense!!
      I, too, love Dunoon ! It used to be a day trip in the car when I was a child . It was a lot quieter then. Xxx

    3. Thanks girls! I don't think Dunoon has changed very much but there are no steamers going to and fro any more ( my dad was a pilot on the boats) nowadays they are either hovercrafts or car ferries , just don't have the style of the steamers.
      Do you remember Highland Mary? a big statue on the hill behind the pier , plenty of songs to sing about her Myra, it's nearly Rabbie Burns time so you better get practising Ha ha! Xoxo

    4. Oh No Anne - I'm a " wee sleekit , cowrin' timorous beastie!!! " xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    What a lovely box set, the little cards are so pretty, and very handy to have for all sorts of occasions. You have shared another great tutorial. I will be making this up for definite.
    Anne, its good to see you back and to hear that you had a lovely time with your friends and then your sister and family. Sorry thatvyou won't be able to.make the retreat this year, fingers crossed we will get to meet up at next years : )
    Barbara, you are in my thoughts, sending special hugs to you.
    Collar bone is not quite as sore today but I am going to be sensible (see, I do listen Mum : ) ) and just do some quilling today when we meet up as card making is not easy when trying to do much of it left handed!
    I hope everyone has a good day, or as good as possible. It is a sunny and very frosty morning here so everything looks lovely with a frosty covering.
    See you in a while Sandra and Pat. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Sorry to read that your collarbone is still giving you trouble. Take care.

    2. Enjoy your quilling Sue. I haven't done that for years. I used to visit an old lady who did quilling and she taught me how to do it - she was very strict!!! She made all her cards and gifts for Sue Ryder. Hope the collarbone gets better very soon! xxx

    3. Thanks Sue, I really enjoyed making a card for my mum many years ago for Mother's Day and it was a hyacinth flower made using quilling and it was very effective and she loved it.
      Hope your shoulder pain eases soon xoxo

  5. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Great tutorial today, I will be giving these little notelets and box a try, thanks Sandra for the inspiration.k
    Anne it's a shame you can't go to the retreat in October, you would love meeting up with everyone, unfortunately I can't go either, I have a wedding in Fort William on 8th, October, with a 2 night stay over, can't afford to do both.
    Nice to hear you had a lovely time, but as you say there is nothing like your own bed when you are not 100%.
    Take care everyone, Xxx,

    1. Hi Jess,
      Fort William, that's right up there isn't it. Well not right, it's left, but you know what I mean!!! I don't think I've been there. I'll have to rectify that!!!

    2. Look Out Fort William!! Xxxx
      Tin Hat - I've been cheeky all the way down! Xxx

    3. Thanks Jess, I missed being on the blog but had a great time, it would be lovely to meet everyone but I'll just have to content myself.
      Fort William looked beautiful yesterday calm water and snow on the mountain tops, very scenic.xoxo

    4. We took the steam train ( Harry potter train!) from Fort William to Malaig - wonderful trip, beautiful scenery and amazing fish and chips in Malaig! Xxxxx

  6. Morning Sandra and all.
    Lovely tutorial Sandra and I will have a go as soon I finished this weeks challenge.My mind is all over the place, my emotions too pretty sure is these new meds. that takes a while to get used too or I will soon scrap them. Or could it be the stupid menopause, urgh !
    Love the poem Janet- sound like a certain person I know but never seen her in purple and red yet .
    I'm pleased Norah that you got something special even if the day didn't be just for you. Harry is gorgeous and so sweet to give you his dinner back Lol
    Wish you better Anne, glad you had a nice time away anyway and weren't ill seeing the others,take care.
    To our three Graces have a great time together today.
    One more mug of tea before crafting some, love and hugs to you all and stay warm Maria Xxxx

    1. Hello Maria,
      I'm so sorry that you feel like this. It must be the meds, you are far too young to be in the menopause. I hope things soon seettle down for you.
      Enjoy your crafting, and stay warm and cosy yourself.

    2. Maria you are too young , surely, for that menopause!! Don't worry though if it is that - you do get over it! Xxxx

    3. Thanks Maria, I'm just having a lazy day and enjoying catching up.
      Hope things settle down for you soon, take care .xoxo

  7. Hellooooooooooooooo
    Oh I've been trying to get out to the shops for about an hour, so after this I'm away!!!
    Sandra, What a great idea and I'll be doing this tutorial as soon as I can manage to make something that I'm happy with. At the moment, everything I'm making is a disappointment. I made a challenge card last night - that has gone into my "seconds" box which I use for cards that just don't seem quite "right". I send them to people who have no idea of the time and effort that goes into card making.
    I am so sorry that I am unable to make the Retreat this time, but still put the information on the blog in case things change.
    Right, I must go to the shops, we have to eat today.
    Barbara, if you look in, thinking of you and the family.
    Muriel xxxx

  8. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    This is a lovely wee set Sandra and just right for those of us that still write although with my size of writing you can probably all understand why it is rare i write things as i don't supply the magnifiers that needs to go with the writing. The colours that you have used just go so nicely together, great makes for craft sales or putting into the school for them selling on their christmas fayre stall or easter or summer as there is always an occasion that i think children especially should be taught how to write thank you letters to show that they appreciate what they have been given, but hey that's me being old fashioned again. Kirsten was saying that she is going to teach Harry when he is older to write thank you letters as she now thinks that it is bad manners not to. Do you think that the penny has finally dropped on what i have trying to teach her since she was young? My friend Margaret(sons wedding i was at in Oct) her oldest granddaughter always sends me a little thank you letter for what ever i give to her, show her, teach her or do for her and i have them all in my memory box with all the other letters and cards that i have received over the years for gifts, i think i really should put them into a scrapbook which i think might be Jess' job, lol. Have a great day girls and enjoy your meet up and chat. I am glad that Sue's shoulder is progressing but i think it is going to take a wee while before she is back to normal. I can lend you my left hand Sue as being left handed it works fine, it's my right that doesn't, lol.
    Yes, wasn't it so kind of my grandson to share his dinner with me last night, lol. He is back again today when i pick him up from Nursery as Kirsten is placing him in Nursery 2 mornings a week so that he learns to share with others but also so that he is not strange with any one. Today and tomorrow is his trial to see if he will settle but after an initial wee greet, he is fine. He was quite the thing yesterday down with my friends yesterday and other than he weighs a ton with that seat of his, it was fine. I think i will just take him out and in and leave the babyseat in the car as i was jiggered just trying to lift him.
    Well i think i will have a large latte this morning as the eyes are starting to droop. See if anyone wants a chat at 2, 3, 4, 5 in the morning just let me know as i see each of these hours in the process of trying to get to sleep and failing miserably, lol. I wonder what kind of cakes we have today? I have brought in some huggles to attack you all when and as you come in but really it just child like enthusiam that is wrong with them. I have send some special huggles by the special post to Barbara to help her through this no mans land of time( that's how it feels that you are in no man's land and time is dragging it's feet to move through the day).
    Norah x

    1. Hello Norah!
      Quite a few of us are left handed on the blog! I'm left handed too . I think Barbara is and possibly Maureen! There are more, I think! These car seats for babies weigh a ton! Or they seem to do, anyway. They are awkward to get in and out as well , unless you are doing it every day. Hope Harry hangs on to his dinner today!! Xxx

    2. Norah, does Kristen not have wheels to clip his car seat on to at least that way you wouldn't be carrying it? Or even one if these little buggys that you could set up get him out of his seat and into the buggy, I know it's more work but it's easier believe you me, I have been there. I call the buggy a umberella one. Light weight and take up no room. You take care that's all I said. Xxx

    3. Hazel, kirsten has that car seat in her car that fits on to the pram base. She did give me the "wee" stroller but i would need to take my buggy out of the boot to get it in. I know she got it nearly half price, and i know that it fits in her or back of the car when her friends baby buggy is in it but it doesn't in mine and anyway it was only because i was going into this lady's house which is toetsy that i just took him in his seat as there isn't enough room to swing a cat in it the house is so small. It was fine honest and i sat and fell asleep when um toettie was picked up by his daddy, although shoulders are telling me today not to do that again in a hurry as they will go on permenant strike. :)

    4. Oh I know he was safe in his seat, I just know how heavy those car seats are, maybe you could pop it in beside him at the back or in the front with you if you needed it. When Anna was little they had one of these big three wheelers and it was an off road one huge, I had my big Rav and I had a job fitting it, I bought an umberella buggy , I could then get the two dogs in the boot and the buggy in by the back seat.i use to be able to fit the proper Silver Cross pram in with less problems . I forgot about your buggy, as you always use your sticks. when we meet. Just be careful you don't won't more pain than you have already. Xxx

    5. Norah I'm so glad you had a lovely present and card yesterday but what a shame Harry's gift wasn't so lovely! Shame you didn't get your meal - perhaps there might be a chance at the weekend. Look after yourself and don't go straining your back xxxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffer shop,
    Love your little boxes Sandra, would definitely give these a try, they will make a great little gift, also I'm sure they would sell well at school or church fetes.

    I hope the three graces have a lovely meet up today, will be thinking about you.
    I haven't yet decided about going to Farmborough, I will work out a route times etc. get back to you. LOL

    Sorry haven't made my challenge card yet, although I have got something in my mind, I just pray it will work. The idea of the challenge has really been motivation for my Mojo. So thank you for that.

    Right back to sorting out my craft room shelves and another load of washing has just finished. It's all go here!!!!

    LYNDA, what is very generous friend you have. I hope she lets you play with your present when it arrives. It would be Purgatory to have to wait a whole year for it. LOL
    SHEILA, How was your day in Llandudno ?
    NORAH, Harry certainly made your anniversary memorable !!!!
    SABA, sending you love and prayers. xx

    Sending love and crafty hugs to everyone, love Brenda XXX

  10. Good morning oops it's afternoon sorry. I hope the three graces are having fun, I think seeing how Sue can't card make you should just have a nice day relaxing and chatting.
    I haven't done any cards, yet I need to but I am just can't get my head round to it. Got a good night in basket to put together and a leaving card to go with it.
    Can't see me making the brilliant tutorial, unless I get a move on. They do say a side effect of having Polymyalgia is M.E. I sometimes worry this is maybe why I feel so lazy. So it's a case of " pulling up those big girl knickers " and getting on with it, so that what I am going to do. Xxx

    1. You aren't lazy! Repeat after me!! Just go with the flow, my dear! Xxx

  11. Hello,again, just a quick pop in to say if anyone is looking for a nice place to stay should they visit Fort William, my niece ( it's her daughters wedding I'm going to) has a beautiful B&B in Spean Bridge, just a few miles out of Fort William, it is called Distant Hills, please have a look at it on the web, just google Distant Hills and you will see it.
    Unfortunately she doesn't want any family staying there for the wedding, I can see her point, so we are all staying at the Alexandra Hotel, in Fort William.

    1. Hi Jess, oh what memories you opened up for me . Had a lovely week driving around Scotland, yes in rain, but still great and we stayed two nights in the hotel Alexandra in Fort William. Creepy lift, fantastic breakfast and super Haggis and Mash. Distant Hills will be a maybe if going up North again one day xxx

    2. Jess I will have a look - think we will be visiting Scotland a lot over the next few years! Xxxx

  12. Well Ladies this has taken a while!
    Good after noon Sandra and Everyone!
    Cute little cards and box today Sandra and as others have said great for School Fairs etc. Not too big to decorate either .
    I have emailed you about the Retreat but we are away each year at that time. Always in the same place too.
    I do hope you manage to find a time and place to suit as many as possible . I had a super time last year and made friends for life!!
    We are such a wide spread group but we are still able to get together easily on the blog! Technology is wonderful. When it works - that is!
    Well, I was interrupted mid way through this so the post has actually taken around an hour!!

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely tutorial once again thank you.
    Hope you have a lovely day with Pat & Sue pleased to see she is being careful. Would somebody please tell me what quilling is I keep meaning to ask! I can only think of quill pens & I am sure it is nothing to do with that.xx
    Special thoughts & prayers for Barbara & family.xx
    Cheryl hope you are just busy.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  14. Hello all, had a busy day after Mojo found his way back after breakfast. I'm looking to buy a proper scoring board, what would you suggest, anyone better then the other ? Not sure yet about Farnborough but I will diffidently be going to Alexander Palace.
    My step-son got engaged yesterday on the slopes in Austria so had to make a card for them toot sweet :-)
    You are very sweet ladies but I have been going through the menop. for five years if not more by now but will not take HRT for the risks so "little" night/day sweats etc. I will have to cope with.
    So glad you got such lovely pair of earrings Norah, way better then silver ones. Hope you had another wonderful day with baby Harry. How is our toddler Harry doing Lynda, is he's teeth still hurting him to come out ?
    Margaret - you probably know by now but Quilling is a paper art with long strips of paper and a quilling tool. You can make flowers animals and so much more. I have a box with all the items but never used any of it,shame on me. Told you I bought loads but hardly used anything but have promised myself that this is the year for using up what I got before buying anymore. Ye did you all see the pig fly tihi
    Half time in the football watching so time for a coffee and a biscuit. Have a good night my friends Xxxx

    1. Congratulations to your step son Maria. Xxxxx

  15. Hi Maria,
    Thank you for telling me now I know, we all have boxes of things we have never used comes with crafting of any sort.
    Sorry you differ from night sweats etc. I know what you mean about HRT. Take care congratulations to step-son how romantic.
    Love Margaret xx

  16. Evening All, sorry it's late the day ran away with me, thought I'd posted this morning !!!!!
    Sandra love your box and note cards, lovely clear instructions.
    Hugs for those that are feeling under par.
    Sleep well.

  17. I'm late again - sorry it's been a busy day. Hope you had fun with the Graces today. What pretty cards you have made , the colours are lovely. That single flower die is rather nice too. I will have a look at the tutorial when I'm not so tired.
    See you tomorrow xxx

  18. I'm on my way to work so just popping in Great project SANDRA and so clearly explained Thank you Hoping to do my challenge card later I'm really sorry that I've not been able to pop in more frequently of late Take care everyone xx
