
Tuesday 19 January 2016

Brenda's Beautiful card for Pat

Good Morning Ladies,

How are those challenge cards coming along???  Pat & Sue, come on I would like to see one from you this week!!

How lovely is this card that Brenda L, has made for Pat's birthday?! I love the colours you have chosenhighlight for once You have beaten me, I don't know what the frame die is you have used, I like it very much though!
Once again your flower spray is just stunning!
I will also highlight a TIP: for Vellum, printing your sentiments onto them, it works beautifully, such as delicate alternative to tags.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful card with us Brenda xxxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs,
Sandra xxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-beautiful card you made for Pat, really lovely.

    More of the dreaded NVQ work this morning, my boss wasn't too happy when she realised I wasn't going to be around for 2 days but what she fails to see is that I have other things to do -not just be there for her.

    I cut & cut so many shapes out last night but failed to make a single card! Never mind-I had a great time and there's always tonight....!!


    1. Michele don't take me wrong, and sorry if I offend, but I really think that you should consider finding yourself another placement. Life is short to get yourself feeling like this everyday you go to work. You will have a breakdown and that's not worth it. Over my 48years of working I saw to many people having to give up work all together because of having a break down. Consider looking, you I am sure could find a less stressful post. As I said sorry if I have offended, but we older ones I am sure will tell you they have had to move positions due to it all got to much and once they moved life was so much better. Hazel xxx

    2. Michele, I agree with Hazel, life is too short to get hassle at work, look for something else, I'm sure with your experience, you will be snapped up! x

    3. Oh, here's another Granny putting her oar in. Michele, after I retired I realised that the more I did at a firm, the harder I worked and the more I volunteered, the less I was thought of. If I could live my life again, the work experience would be different. Go where you will be appreciated. xx

    4. Oh I agree too Michele, I know people have to work but feeling so miserable everyday isn't good for your health, it will have an impact. I'm sure with your expertise and the shortage of Nhs staff you will be snapped up by another hospital. Xx

    5. Totally agree with all the other comments.
      No way could I get up in the morning thinking oh! my! goodness! I have to go into "that" job ..... life is far too short. Rather than spending time and energy being miserable put into finding another job. xxx

    6. Hello Michele, this is a bit like " Grandma's of the world unite" - however I think we all seem to agree being unhappy at work is no fun! Work is a big part of your life and it's a shame if you don't enjoy it.
      I need to check dates about the Fair! Xxx

  2. Morning/Afternoon/Evening to one and all

    BRENDA - Gorgeous is the word. Pat you're one very lucky lady to receive such a beautiful card and Brenda you have chosen one of my all time favourite colours. Anything in the range of lilac/purple is always a winner for me.
    My lot (family) say it's because of the famous poem 'When I am Old I will Wear Purple'. Do you all know it? I'll look it out and I'm sure we could put a few names to it (oh is that a tin hat moment?)

    Well I got the box made for Christina's bday card all I have to do now is decorate it so that's one of the jobs for today. I also have to make an envelope for one of those cards which hang in threes. Hope that makes sense.

    We had a a lovely afternoon yesterday - well I did - watching the snow gently falling flakes as big a saucers and by tea time we had a nice covering of pure white soft snow. It was snowing when we went to bed and this morning all we have left is some on top of the garden wall and down the back lane so no Snowman making today.

    I hope all our Dear Café Friends who have been missing for a while are well and just very busy crafting. You are all missed and it would be lovely to see you pop even if to just say Hello. Myra it was lovely to see you again yesterday and so pleased to hear that you had had a lovely break. Will you please break us in very gently with your lovely antics?

    As Marigny Dobby has set everything up for the day and all is looking cosy in the Café I'm now off for my breakfast and I'll pop back later.

    Barbara and all your Family I'm thinking of you all.

    1. Janet, was it Pam Ayres? I know the poem you mean. Have a great day whatever you do, and Dobby is doing a grand job! xxx

    2. I like purple too and I know that poem . It is funny! Xxx

  3. Good Morning All, very dark again this morning, come on Spring where are you!
    Brenda love your card, that frame is gorgeous.
    Work is busy again .now , lots reveils to do,people who make a tear or burn a whole in the netting send them back for repair, instead of buying a new hood.
    I take them apart and re make them with new netting, at least this week they are clean, you should see some of them that I get sent.
    I am going to have a go at the sketch this evening, as its my Sons birthday at the weekend, so I must remember to take picture beforeI post it.
    Hope everyone is keeping well, love and hugs to those suffering at this time.
    Hoping this will work today as yesterday's post vanished in the ether.
    Crafty hugs . Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, how do you feel about repairs? I would rather make something from new than repair, and George has said in the past that he feels the same about upholstery. Taking it all apart, to get to offending part, then putting it all together again. My pet hate is altering waistbands and zips. They get me every time!!!

    2. Does anyone darn socks anymore? I can remember darning my great uncles socks for him when I was younger - now we just throw them away although I have darned Julian's expensive walking socks! Xxx

    3. Oh I don't darn socks but I remember my Grandma with one of those moods shroom shaped things that she put inside the sock before darning! I think it was made of Bakelite !! Xxx

    4. Moods shroom!!! Mushroom! Where does that predictive text come from - Outer Mongolia!! Xxx

    5. Can i just say that i am sad enough still to darn socks with a mushroom that i bought off Amazon. I used to use a cotton reel but on seeing a real darning mushroom i had to get it at i think about £2.30. Hey those wool socks are expensive and too dear for O,.H. to have on once and put his big toe through it. Even his tick thermal socks the heat holders i darn as again too expensive to throw away. I think it's the fact that he wears safety shoes or boots and the metal toe protector rubs away the material between the toe and boot, so yes i am that sad person that needs a mushroom. x

  4. It's me again! Just read on Sue's blog that it is Norah's wedding anniversary.
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY NORAH AND O/H. ( sorry do not know th name )hope you have a lovely day. 25 years is a great milestone , as lots these days don't last a couple of years.
    Love and Hugs Lilian

    1. Thank you Lilian all though i didn't get the gold medal for putting up with his greetin' face all these years, lol. x

  5. Good morning everyone hope you are all well.
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ... Norah hope you have a good day.
    As soon as the weather settles we need to have a "meet up".

    BRENDA:- great card love everything about it.
    BARBARA:- thoughts and prayers as always for you and the family.
    ((((((hugs)))))) for all the others, I know they are needed just now.
    Be good everyone xxx

    1. I'm being just about perfect , Patricia!!! If you believe that you're dafter than me! Xxx

  6. Lilian yes it's Norah and Campbell's 25th . She has done well lasting this long with him! That's not being awful, Norah herself tells you that she has a lot to put up with. Norah is one of the most lovely young ladies you could meet, she copes with her disabilities so well and gets no help from her OH. Thank goodness she is so independant, I for one admired her. Patricia, Jess and I love meeting up with her it's one of those meeting ups that you look so forward to going to, we are hoping if the weather is good enough to be having one very soon. I hope you have a good day work wise. Xxx

  7. Good morning every one that calls in on this not very nice morning.
    Norah, Happy 25th anniversary, I hope you are spoilt rotten, you deserve it.
    Brenda, a beautiful card you did for Pat.
    Janet your saying might be correct, I for one wear a lot of purple,then again I have for years.
    Busy here today, I have to sort out a few things and get some cooking done, Gillian and Andrews oven has decided to give up, Gillian moved into the cottage 8 years ago and the oven came with it so goodness knows how old it really is, any way I will cook them tea and take it down to theirs this afternoon when I am there waiting for their new washing machine to be delivered. Just thought I will take the meat and gravy down and I will get the veggies ready they can see to them when they get in, the meat will be fine and they can just heat the gravy up. They have a hob.
    I must give this house a good hoovering, the corners need doing again. That's it with Harris it's a weekly thing, miss it and your in trouble. Xxx

    1. Hazel they are in for an expensive time - isn't that the way though, if you buy things at the same time they all break down together. You can't really make do without a cooker can you ( well I couldn't!). Xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and all the other lovelies,
    I'm breaking myself back in gently, I'm getting there slowly..2 very big milestones coming up in Feb and March but trying to think about happy times.
    Anyway enough of me I just wanted to let Barbara know that I have been thinking about her and my thoughts and prayers are with her and the family.
    Pat belated birthday wishes to you hope you had a lovely day.
    Dear lovely Norah wishing you and Campbell a Happy Silver Wedding're an inspiration to all of us.
    Beautiful card Brenda I have that die haven't used it yet though and I think it's Tonic if |I'm not mistaken.
    Thank you all for thinking of me I'm so very appreciative.
    My friend Carol (she has been my proverbial 'rock' as too have Margaret and George ) and I are going to Llandudno today so I'll pop back in later if I feel up to it. Take care all you lovelies have put extra hugs in the basket while Norah's huggles are still asleep!

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. It's lovely to see you Sheila. Have a lovely day in Llandudno with Carol and just enjoy the peace and sea air. We'll support you in February and March when they arrive.

    2. Lovely to see you Sheila , we understand. Enjoy your day out and stay warm xxxxx

    3. Hi Shelia. I hope you are proud of yourself as you are coping so well during a very hard time. How good to have those special "rocks" who are always there for you. Have a lovely day with Carol. Hope to see you pop in to say hi again soon. Take care x

    4. Hi Sheila, so lovely to see you have popped in - as said before - we will give you any support needed in the coming months - I am jealous because I love it in Llandudno - bet you will visit the craft shop eh!
      Take care
      Jean xx

    5. Hello Sheila,
      Lovely to see you! Have a lovely day in Llandudno! I'm sure you won't go anywhere near a Craft Shop!! Ha ha! Xxx

    6. Lovely to see you pop Sheila, baby steps is what it is all about. We will wait till you are ready. Xxx

    7. Hello Sheila, See how many comments you have attracted, you really have been missed. I hope the sun is shining for you in Llandudno, I'm sure this trip will be 'Just got the tonic you need' xxx

    8. Hi Sheila,
      Can I join the others to say how good it is to see you in again you have been missed, enjoy your day out, hope the weather is kind to you, hugs on way xx

    9. Hello Sheila
      It's so lovely to see you today. Have a lovely day with Carol at Llandudno enjoy looking round the craft shop.Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    10. Hi Sheila
      Lovely to see you back in. Have a lovely day in Llandudno and enjoy the craft shop. We went round it when we holidayed there last year.

    11. Hello Sheila - how lovely to see you again. I hope you enjoyed your day out and the weather was kind to you. See you soon. cccc

    12. Sheila flower, i hope you have had a lovely day at Llandudno with your friend and i am so glad that you have such a good friend that has helped you through this last few months of pain. Thank you for even considering Campbell and I as you have more important worries to think about, but i do very much appreciate your kindness. x

  9. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    Gorgeous card Brenda, do like the colour a lot and have worn some at times (less with the old, hihi) The die is lovely.
    Happy Anniversary Norah ! Hope you have a nice day.
    Lovely to see you in Sheila, you have been missed. Have a nice time with Margaret and George.
    Another pretty morning with frost in the trees ,shortly going to the Post office, have a look-in at Matalan and some milk and bread needed.Son on holiday this week so it goes in two secs. Not sure where he puts it,he's so slim nothing like his mamma....
    Wendy, my thoughts were with you yesterday, hope you all right. Saba/Barbara sending special hugs to you.
    Hope you got some sleep Sue and feel better today.
    Hope the rest of you are ok ! Love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      I did comment yesterday on the daffodils on your card. They were coloured beautifully!!!!
      Not frosty here today, Sun is shining, sky is blue, but who knows what it will be like in an hour ha ha.

    2. Thank you Maria. I did get some sleep and the collarbone isn't so sore at the moment. I hope you have a good day. Take care. Love and hugs xx

    3. Hi Maria, I'm sorry I missed the daffodils! Or is Muriel seeing things!! Xxx

    4. Maria, your son might be slim and nothing like his Mamma, but his Mamma is a lady with a lovely heart and there has to be somewhere for that to reside. Beauty runs deep flower and some people are beautiful from the inside out, you being one of them. x

  10. Good Morning Sandra and all who call into the Coffee Shop today,

    Oh Dear what a surprise I had when I opened up the blog today, the die is the same one I used for this weeks challenge card, it is as Sheila said a Tonic Die, it is Deco Oval TRELLIS BASE Die set, made up of four dies. PAT I hope the card arrived safely I missed the post on Friday so it didn't leave the post office until Saturday morning and would have been late for your birthday. LOL

    NORAH and CAMPBELL, Congratulations on your 25th Wedding Anniversary, I hope you are going to be celebrating this milestone XXX

    SHEILA, How lovely to see you, hope you have a great day with Carol. XXX

    I Will pop back later for my coffee, sending love and gentle hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Hello Brenda,
      Your card would have been perfect for my Aunt Mary (have you heard about the poem - Auntie Mary got stuck in the lavatory) oh I'm lowering the tone again!!!! Anyway, she loved this colour and always wore it in various shades. She was like Elizabeth Taylor and had violet eyes. Your card is very pretty.
      Whatever you do today, take care and enjoy.

    2. Maureen - the peom I know about Ant Mary was she had a canary up the leg of her Is it the same one
      Jean x

    3. Hi Maureen, Talking about your AuntIe, just reminded me of a lady who moved in a few houses down, many many years ago. She always had clothes in shades of lilac/purple (she had her own dressmaker) we called her Mrs Lilac! Until one day she introduced herself - She was Mrs Brown and her neighbours were the Greys!!!

    4. Ha ha Jess, I know that one two. In fact we used to make them up about Aunt Mary!!! xxx
      Brenda, loved the story about the Browns and the Greys, you couldn't make it up. Well you could, but you didn't!!! xxxx

    5. Hi Brenda,
      What a beautiful card change of colour from blue as well I know a certain person that loves that colour. xx

    6. Brenda, Campbell doesn't do celebrating things with his wife he only does these things when it concerns his daughter but at least i got one thing right all those years ago. Thank you flower for your lovely wishes x

  11. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Brenda your card for Pat is gorgeous, purple is such a regal colour.
    Shiela, lovely to see you have popped in, hope you are not feeling too down, things will get better through time, just take one day at a time.
    Norah hope you have a lovely day and Campell has not forgotten.
    Just housework to get done today as yesterday was a really lazy day, just a bit of this a bit of that, so need to get a wiggle on today, that's the worst thing about being retired, there is always tomorrow to do anything, I was more organised when I was working!
    Take care everyone, xxx

    1. Hi Jess,
      I think all of us who are retired feel that. I was so much more organised when I worked, and got things done in half the time. Of course, we are all older now, so it takes me half a day to do what I used to do in an hour. I suppose we forget that bit.
      Have a good day, and be good, oh well be as good as you can!!!!

  12. Hellooooooooooooooo
    I have been popping little posts under everyone's entry but I also wanted to let you know that a miracle has been performed. I can see - my specs were repaired and I'm like a new woman.
    Oh how George wishes I was ha ha.
    Norah - how naughty of you. I just found out in the early hours of this morning when I looked at Sandra's blog because I couldn't sleep, that it was your Silver Wedding Anniversary today. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY - 25 YEARS. what a wonderful achievement in this day and age. I hope Campbell has remembered and at least got you a lovely card and a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
    We had a birthday party for Rachel last night. The girls chose all the food and the birthday cake, and when we went to the house did most of the preparation. (I thought Peter was organising it, otherwise I could have baked a load of stuff). They looked out for her car arriving and when it was coming along, we had to put all the lights out and jump out shouting "surprise" when she came in the front door. I think probably Peter's car and our car in the drive may have given her a hint!!!! But she played along and the girls were thrilled.
    Right, got a few things to do this morning, pop to the Post Office, and when George goes at lunchtime to pester Peter, I'll get the sitting room blitzed.
    See you later xxxx

    1. Hi Maureen, how lovely that the girls did all that for Rachael, bless them. I bet she was thrilled. It's good to hear that you can see clearly now - yes I know, that's a song title : )
      Have a good day. Take care x

    2. I'm glad Rachel enjoyed her surprise !!! It sounds just perfect! Xxx

    3. Thank you Maureen, i didn't get flowers from Campbell but i got beautiful bouquet delivered from 3 very special ladies who i am so lucky to have found and who make me smile. They have the biggest hearts and i am so very lucky to be able to call them my friends. Campbell did remember a card and he got Kirsten to pick up earrings for me so i am very lucky. x

    4. Norah, you are one special lady and we just wish we could have met you and given you them in person. You deserve all the spoiling. Feet up now and

  13. Good morning all
    What a lovely card Brenda, that's a beautiful die and the colour is gorgeous. Pat what a treat you had opening that one. Xxxxx
    Norah - happy anniversary my lovely lady, I hope you get spoilt rotten today and I've got my fingers crossed Cambell will have remembered and will spoil you. Have a lovely day my lovely lady. Xxxxxxx
    Very cold and icy here today so I dread to think what it's like for most of our ladies - do take care when you are out and about. I'm off to Sainsburys in a little while, just need to sort out some things before I go. May see you later but can't promise - it's a busy day! Xxxxx

    1. Thank you Diane,
      I got a lovely card and my earrings so i was spoiled and then i had lovely flowers arrive although not from Campbell but they were more special from who they actually came from along with my beautiful cards, yes i was very spoilt today. Thank you flower for your lovely wishes. x

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    What a beautiful card you made for Pat Brenda, and you have managed to beat Sandra for once. She always knows the names of dies but this one stumped her didn't it : )
    Happy Anniversary Norah, or not, depending on whether Mr Pitr has a change of heart and treats you as you should be treated for once and gets you a card, lovely flowers and a present.
    I hope you have a lovely day anyway.
    It's lovely to see Shelia popping in isn't it : )
    Take care everyone. Xx

    1. Hey Sue, you're getting carried away with all those things flower and i don't think anything will change but it could be worse, today i have the silver hair to go with the silver years, my two lovely children and a grandson so i am very lucky. x

  15. Hello everyone
    Brenda this card is gorgeous - the colour is delightful and I have that die - its gorgeous isn't it.
    Norah - Happy 25th Anniversary - think you should give yourself a pat on the back - its an achievement.
    Good to see Sheila in today.
    Been to the hospital with John for a cortisone injection in his hand, didn't wait long but then they told us he could have gone to our local clinic so he can got there for his check up - its within walking distance from us aaarrrgh!
    Hair appointment this afternoon and the way I feel I don't care if it all comes off - this weather doesn't do anything for curly hair - cant do anything with it.
    Glad you had a nice break Myra - lovely to see you back.
    Ill pop back if I get time, we may have a ride out this afternoon.
    Hugs to everyone - especially Barbara and family xx
    Jean xx

    1. Thanks Jean, it's a nice sunny day so enjoy your trip out! Xx

    2. Jean flower, the first sign of things not going their way and the young ones just walk away but i was brought up by old fashioned parents with old fashioned views so you have to work at it or so i'm told although i think i've working treble time some how, lol. x

  16. Maureen, the only song about Auntie Mary I know goes like this..
    Aunty Mary had a canary
    Up the leg of her drawers
    She pulled the string to make it sing
    And down came Santa Claus......

    Sorry for bringing the tone of the company down!!,!

    1. I have heard that song too Jess!! Xxx

    2. Oh Jess, you've brightened my day. Aunt Mary's husband - Uncle Alf, used to be a Coach Driver in the 1940's and 50's, before so many people had cars. Whenever we went out with them in their car, we used to sing various songs about the Driver. You know the ones, Oh the driver's got the wind up and things like that. They were good sports. Never had any children and I was the only niece among all the boys. Well, their was another one, God Bless her, but she had many problems.
      I'll be singing all day now!!!!

    3. that's the one I was thinking of too Jess xx

    4. Hi Jess,
      Never heard that one before but it's great.xx

  17. Hello Sandra,
    I've finally made it to the bottom!
    What a lovely card for Pat! It's gorgeous ! I love the vellum sentiment - it just finishes it off! Good idea Brenda! You are clever.
    Happy Anniversaty Norah - I'm glad Campbell remembered! I hope you have a lovely day - you deserve it and your children are a credit to you! Not forgetting gorgeous baby Harry!
    I got off on the wrong foot today as the Gas Engineer who was coming sometime between 2pm and 6pm came before 11am! Why do they bother making appointments? However , mustn't moan, all done and dusted and Boiler serviced for another year!
    Just been washing my wellies! They got a bit muddy at the weekend when we were away! Alastairs live outside on our boot rack but mine live under the stairs! So had to be washed!
    Sunshine is showing up my dirty windows! That may well be tomorrow's job. Need to iron today.
    Well I'd better go and have some soup and a roll! It's that sort of weather!
    Be good! Or at least make an effort!

  18. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    What a lovely day we have had today, frost still on back garden had a good game of boule this morning mind I could hardly move for all the layers I had on but good to be out, so nice not to have that wind.
    Hope all who are missing are well special thoughts & prayers to Barbara as usual & all who need them love Margaret xx

  19. Hi Norah,
    Sorry meant to say Happy 25th Anniversary to you & Campbell sincerely hope you have a good day xx

  20. Hi Sandra
    I've just opened the blog and seen the card that Brenda made for me in my favourite colour as well. Now I'm not 100% sure but I might even have this die. I was going to ask what it was Brenda. I love it, mind you I loved all of the cards I received. One day I'll do the challenge Sandra. Can't promise when though. I keep meaning to do one, but the week keep running away from me. I've just said to Pete we need to take Doreen to the hospital on Wed. He said oh dear, we forgot what happened to Tuesday. I said today's Tuesday. And he talks about my brain going on strike.
    Auntie Mary had a lot to answer for, so many variations on the song. Why do we all remember the rude ones I wonder?.
    Happy Anniversary NORAH, I'm glad the Campbell didn't forget. Hope your being spoilt, you deserve to be.
    Not to sure why companies make appointments either Myra. Petes medication one month was supposed to come between 6.00-9.00pm, instead of 8.00-1.00. They came to deliver at 1.00 and Pete was out, I was at school. Anyway the driver rang to see where he was. Turned out no one told him to come between 6.00-9.00pm.
    Special thoughts for Barbara and her family.

  21. Hello Sandra & everyone
    HAPPY 25th WEDDING ANNIVERARY NORAH & CAMPBELL hope you have had a lovely day & been very spoilt.
    BRENDA your card for Pat is gorgeous I love that die it's beautifulI & lovely colour.
    Sorry didn't get in yesterday I did try but my comment kept freezing up so after 6 attempts I gave up hapened on Sue's blog too.
    Went round my friends yesterday & asked if I would go to the winter crafting craft show at Sandown park racecourse on the 30th Jan. With her.Then she told me she has sent for a TODO machine for me as it was half price on C&C she said it's for my BIG birthday next year What a shock that was. How kind.
    It's been a lovely sunny day went for a walk up the park it was lovely but cold. Now it's getting dark,time for a light on.
    Nice to see you home MYRA glad you had a nice time & a rest.
    Sue sorry your shoulder is still painful hope it's better soon.
    Well I'm going to have a go at the challenge card before I have to start dinner.
    Barbara thinking of you love & Hug's your all in my prayers.xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. LYNDA and LITTLELAMB Will you be going to Sandown Park on the 30th ???? OR ANYONE ELSE?

    2. wow, Lynda, what a lovely friend you have, what a wonderful gift too!!
      Can yoiu tell her its my Bing birthday next year too, I will be 50, just like you !!!! Xxx

    3. Hi Brenda, who will be at Sandown?? Is it a Create and craft thing??
      Did you think anymore about Farnborough??
      Sandra xxxx

    4. SANDRA I wish I was 50 next year I will be 70 yikes
      Yes it's the C&C craft thing Winter crafting.
      Not sure about Farnborough yet
      Hug's Lynda xx

  22. Good evening my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Pat, did you have a lovely day flower on Sunday, i so hope you did lovely lady and i hope that you got a thrill when Brenda's card came popping through your letter box. I need to get my list and update all the dates on to my calendar so that i can get organised. I just seem to have been doing one thing after another and not getting any further, like one step forward and two back, i'm just waiting on it catching me up and letting me go two forward and only the one back.
    Brenda what a lovely card you made for Pat with the beautiful ribbon roses and managing to print her name on the banner across the card makes it all the more personal. Hope you had fun making it as much as Brenda has receiving it.
    Well what a busy day i have had as Kirsten started back work today to wind her way back onto the ward and mayhem as she is a staff nurse in Acute assessment unit which is one of the busiest wards in the hospital so came here at 10:45 this morning to drop off Harry as she started at 1pm but wanted to pick up her new uniform first. Well his lordship wanted fed at 12 which was ok as he had been up since 7:30 this morning and i had 3 ladies hair to cut. Well it started off with Rory's ex escort for the taxi, she has been getting me to cut her hair for a number of years. Well about a 18months ago two friends of hers asked for the umpteenth time who cut her hair and would i do theirs for them so hence i now have 3 getting their hair done now. Well i had the 3 of them this afternoon so Harry just went with me like his mammy and uncle Rory had done before him and he has had great fun with the ladies and Pat's partner Jim. When i came back i put him in his travel cot for a sleep, huh i must be joking because i had no chance. I fed him at the back of 4 as per daughters instructions as she didn't want to leave him to when his daddy had stopped preening himself after work. Well me and my grandson could fall out especially since he decided to bring back up his dinner all down granny's ponytail and top. So my serene and tranquil day hasn't exactly taken place and since Campbell had been ill on the road home as well my lovely dinner was the outsider toasted and icecream, lol. Oh and my earrings are not silver like i thought, they are white gold with wee diamonds in them. Kirsten reminded him that i can't wear silver as it just tarnishes on my skin so hence he paid for the dearer earrings and Kirsten went and picked them up. I don't know what has stunned me more today, him remembering and buying me a card and gift or the fact that he has spent so much on real gold earrings for me, either way i'm speechless as i can't remember the last anniversary that Campbell actually remembered. So i consider myself very spoilt today.
    I will have a hot chocolate tonight i think as it might help me drift off to sleep better. Wee preemi huggles as been so excited today having a little playmate to play with so i think that he wasn't helping when i was trying to get Harry down to sleep as i think he had got too excited as him being at our house for so long. But preemi does like the fact that Harry has his travel cot that is quite big so they can play in it safely although i have taken the balls out that i got as a certain little tiny person thought it funny to throw them out of the cot for me to run after then, so they had to come out as i was knackered just trying to keep up with it all.
    Norah x

    1. Oh Norah it's not the day you should have been having? Ok you will just have loved having Harry to stay, oh and of coasre him being sick on you was just the icing on the cake you wanted!!!, Campbell might of been sick because for once he thought about you, it was to much for him, I thought you would be telling us about your delicious meal and making us all jealous. Pleae relax now. Xxx

    2. Oh Norah, just like a wee one to be sick all over you! So pleased about your lovely present and card . Sorry about your meal . Lots of love xxxx

  23. Cheryl are you ok? Or are you helping your son move? Xxx

  24. Just lost my first message. Sorry it's a bit late but Happy Anniversary Norah. It would have been my 50th this year.
    BRENDA what a lovely card you made for Pat and my favourite colour as well. I am hoping I will go to Sandown Park but I have a month long exhibition at out local library starting on 2nd February. Depends on Weather as well. If I can get ahead of myself then I will go. Will look out for you. Don't know what it will be like this time under new management. Will have to see. Sorry haven't been in but very busy. Will try and do the challenge this week. Wanted to use my new butterfly striplet die but it has vanished. Have hunted everywhere for it but no luck. I had only used one butterfly die from the set so know I had it.

    1. Oh Brenda, I hope it turns up! It's so annoying when you lose something like that. It's so frustrating! You keep looking for it and it all takes up so much time! Nice to see you although I know we have been in touch! Xxxx
