
Monday 18 January 2016

Monday challenge

This week's Sketch

My Sketch challenge Card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

It's that time of the week again, time to get your creative head on (for those of you that haven't crafting all weekend)! 
I hope that this one isn't too challenging for everyone. 
I have used Creative Expressions Striplet dies, you could use strips of patterned paper instead, or anything you choose.
I did discover that I don't really have any nice circle/round dies, apart from basics, so I might look getting some pretty circle dies, I wish there was a circle equivalent of the Spellbinder Floral Ovals (they are one of my favourite dies that I have to force myself not to use)!!
The card I have used as you might haves guessed is Anne Marie Designs Card.

I really can't wait to see what you all come up with this week ladies, thank you all for taking part last week.
That's all from me today, I will call in later to see what you are all up to!
Love and hugs


  1. Morning/afternoon/evening I think that covers all parts of the day.

    What an interesting shape you have given us this week Sandra. I shall have to dig to the bottom of all my stash drawers to see what I can find. I think this shape can fit any gender or age so I'll see what birthdays/anniversaries I have on my March list and use this week's Challenge on one of these.

    We have a very deep frost this morning. Everything looks so clean and crisp and I'm pleased I'm in here where it's warm and not freezing outside. I shall get my Meteo report when breakfast arrives no doubt.

    I have a couple of crafty things to finish off today one being a box for Christina's bday wreath and then looking for a couple of new Sentiments/verses as I seem to use the same ones over and over.

    I've just heard the car coming up the back lane so must go and get coffee poured. Hugs for all who are in need and extra ones for those of just because.
    I'll see you all later.
    Barbara I hope you're all OK.

    1. Hello Janet, hope you get your crafty bits finished off! Xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra & an interesting sketch challenge for us. I'm looking forward to trying this one out especially as I need a birthday card for the 26th-the birthday isn't until the 30th but we're going out for a meal so I can make a larger card & hand it over rather than post it.

    I have a "paperwork " day today-got NVQ assessing to complete amongst other things. It's a part of my job I dislike-I know its essential but I really don't enjoy it. A colleague decided I could have tomorrow as well (in case I don't get finished) but as she didn't consult me, I'm a bit annoyed about it. Oh well-it needs to be done so I'll just have to crack on today.


  3. Good morning or is it night? it is so dark here still Love the sketch and I will (hopefully) have more time to join in this week Well! did anyone succumb over the weekend to the Hochanda goodies? I was sorely ttempted at the card and pastes but declined at pennies are a bit stretched this month I was even tempted to become a member for a month to get the extra discount and free p&p I must look at the terms and conditions to see if it's that easy and not get tied into some sort of longer agreement Icon was still cheaper on the dies Take care everyone xx

  4. Morning Sandra and everyone today.
    well,oh boy you are really testing some of us this week hihi, I will try my best and see what I can come up with.
    Your card is stunning ! Mr Frost is gone for now but dry and cold so will have a nice walk later for some air.
    Have a nice day all and if feeling blue,I'm sending you some of Norah's huggles to cheer you up because you can't feel low for long when they are around.Love and hugs XxXx

  5. Hellooooooooooooo
    Oh, what a challenge. Thinking cap on for me I think.
    I'm off to town to see if I can get my specs repaired. I've been dawdling about getting it done, but when I went to a craft fair yesterday and realised that I couldn't see the things on the back walls of the exhibits, I realised that it was time to get my finger out!!! I couldn't even read the prices - oh dear.
    My top tip for today is : Don't remove your specs, then lay them on the bed with the arms not folded in, and then roll on them a few times. It's not good for them ha ha.
    Maria, I hope you are in less pain today.
    It's freezing cold here but still dry - for the minute.
    Love to Barbara and family.
    love Muriel xxxx

    1. P.S. Maria, forgot to say that I LOVE the daffodils ha ha. xxxx

    2. I don't want to be controversial but what you call " arms" on your specs, my husband calls " legs" !! Anyone else got a view on this! Xxx

    3. Oh it's legs here too. xxx

    4. Arms. Sorry about your glasses xxx

    5. Arms, definately arms - have you tried putting your legs around your ears???????

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    What an interesting start to the new week you have given us Sandra, Already I have my thinking cap on not sure if it will work, but Hey Ho lets give it a try!

    I hope everyone's had a good weekend, Ours was very quiet. I have been sorting out my craft stash, trying to get some sort of order with my dies, A job that I've been putting off for ages was tidying up my room boxes of ribbons, they were sort of sorted, in boxes of narrow, wide, seam binding etc. But the boxes were messy so I have had a wee tidy up there, the thing is where do you stop? I do like to keep my card in order so if I want something that I can actually put my hand on it, also my ProMarkers, Copics, Distress Markers All have dedicated boxes. The thing with crafting is you have to have some order as we have so much stash. Anyway I think it's time to get a wriggle on and see what the day has in store.
    Sending gentle hugs to everyone especially Barbara and Sheila, thinking of you both and sending love and prayers.
    Love Brenda XXX

  7. Morning every one who calls today. We have rain and falling on top of the icy conditions it's not good. I won't be going far that's for sure. Just done the ironing and off in a minute to get other jobs done.
    Sandra I think I will enjoy doing this challenge I have enough stiplets to choose from. If I decide to use it to send I must remember to photograph it before hand. Have a few things to do first. Time is flying again I thought it might slow down this year.
    I love the card you had made up. Then again I love stiplets so I love seeing how it can be used.
    Take care everyone if you are out and about in this weather. Will call in later. xx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Good challenge for today, lots of striplets to use so need to get my thinking cap on!
    Just been to the chiropodist, feet feeling lovely.
    Gosh it's cold out there, a bit of sleet on top of melting snow, quite slippy.
    Need to get another load of washing in don't know where it comes from there is only two of us in the house, we are either very clean people or very dirty slobs.
    Coffee finished, no cake today, back on my diet for the holidays I really need to one some weight before May.
    Take care everyone, good luck with the challenge xxx
    Hugs to Barbara and Shiela (((())))

  9. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Sandra you have put up a beautiful card for us today and i see i think, Anna Marie papers/card making up the flowers which is a lovely addition to it as to me you have had the snow falling inside the house onto the card, only because of the wee white dots on the flowers reminds me off snow. Also the sparkle off the glitter that is under the background and decorating the flower in the center. Lovely flower, just lovely and i wonder if i will get the chance this week to be able to let you see my take on the sketch. I do know what you mean about using the same favourite dies all the time though as i love Sue's Spanish set and make special cards with them as i love to make them shaped and with these i have made for all sorts of occasions.
    Brenda flower i am so glad that you are going to have a room all of your own to be able to get peace to craft in, i just need to wait until i decide that i want to move and then i will make sure i have crafting space that i can call mine, where i can shut the door and moanin' minnie won't be able to say anything about me crafting and the mess.
    Pat, i hope that you had a lovely day yesterday and that you were made to feel as special as you are flower.
    I am washing the shawl this morning and away to pin it out upstairs to let it dry with all it's wee peakie bits. I love to see them when they are all in place and white and pristine as Kirsten has ruined the blue one i did for Harry with her engagement ring that catches on it because of the proud setting that it has. I won't tell you what i felt like when i seen the state of it but surffice to say i was more than a little up set about it.
    Right i will have a latte and then i will get going with the shawl. I have brought in some huggles for the basket so i have told them to play nicely with the others that are there and they might see Morag or Hughie or some of the older ones that have been adopted to make someone happy. Wee Preemi i think has decided to stay the size he is as he just doesn't seem to want to grow, so he is going to remain i think tiny and dainty.
    Barbara flower i hope that you are being kept going with your wee grandchildren and daughter as you could do with that kind of normality to help you through these very difficult days. I hope your Peter has or had a good flight back across but what a hard journey he has had to make back to you. Sending you special hugs my dear friend to help you throught these difficult days.
    Have a good day everyone and i will be back after i have pinned the shawl.
    Norah x

    1. Oh Norah how awful that Kristen didn't think to take her ring off while Harry was getting wrapped in his shawl! Your shawls are beauitful and so delicate. The work that you put into each and everyone of your shawls. As for the Huggles they seem to have calmed down a bit since all the Christmas goodies etc have been removed. I did see one of them with his hand in the jam pot the other day, I had a few words with him telling him that just doesn't get done and he should be ashamed of him self. It took a good few wet wipes to get him clean of the jam. I did tell him you would not be happy as you have told them they haven't to touch or take things that don't belong to them. We will hope it didn't all fall on deaf ears. Xxx

    2. Oh Norah! It was such a beautiful shawl! That's such a shame. It's not something that can be repaired either. Hughie thoroughly enjoyed his time away. He didn't get car sick or anything . He got quite excited watching the cricket - it was a very exciting match! I'm sure you don't know what I'm rabbiting on about but England won the Series against South Africa and it was a great match ! He is beginning to understand cricket - but the football offside rule is a wee bit beyond him yet! Ha ha !! Xxx

    3. oh Norah, what a shame on that gorgeous shawl you made . I have one of those rings too and have pulled so many clothes and towels,real bad but I love the ring so trying to be more careful. xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Well I'm back home! That was my problem - we've been away since Thursday morning! I 'm not keen on giving this information on an open blog! We had a good journey home from Warwickshire - only two hours which is pretty good!
    We were going to leave at 10.30am but decided to have coffee instead! Retirement has its plus points!!!
    We've been to our son and daughter in law's and they recently moved house so it was lovely to see that. It is in the country so we saw foxes eating windfall apples, muntjac deer doing likewise and pheasant and woodpecker. We have one visit us here but this one was much bigger. It's been so restful .
    Sorry about last week's challenge Sandra I started but didn't finish!! I will do my very best this week.
    I really like this week's challenge too and your card is lovely!
    I hope you had a lovely Birthday Pat.
    I'm going to read what you have been up to now.
    You have had quite enough peace!!! Xxxx

  11. Hello everyone
    I love this weeks challenge as I - along with a few other people- love the sriplet dies so we can try and see what we come up with -
    We have just come back from a walk down the canal near where we live, with the dogs and in places it is still frozen. All the snow has gone now it didn't lie long thank goodness - it looks lovely but I don't like having to drive in it. Its still very cold but after walking quickly we soon warmed up.
    I think the weather is getting everyone down as its very quiet in the café - must be crafting weather.
    Am out later so wont pop back
    Hugs to all who need them
    Thinking of you Barbara and Sheila
    Hugs Jean xx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra your card is beautiful all my favourite colours you are certainly making me think especially after your helpful email thank you love & hugs to you xx.
    Barbara sending special thoughts & prayers to you & all the family xx
    Brenda sounds as if you are getting very organised I think a craft room would be top of all our wish list hope you get to enjoy it soon. xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  13. Good afternoon Sandra and everyone
    Sorry to have been awol but I am have major problems getting on the blog and getting my posts to stay, they keep going to goodness knows where.It has taken me almost 2 hours today, the problem is I still have not got the problem with my new laptop resolved and Mastercard say it will take several weeks. So if anyone is thinking of going to Currys PC World my advice is don't.
    There were some stunning cards yesterday well done everyone a splendid effort and some lovely things for Craft Saturday too.
    We still have plenty of snow should anyone like some, do let me know! The fell look fabulous with their thick white blankets on.
    I am sending special love and hugs to Barbara and all the family.
    As I really don't have over two hours to spare every day I may be absent for a while, but will try and look in if I am able to.
    Take care everyone I will be thinking of you all.
    Margaret xxx

  14. Afternoon all We are lucky that the little bit of snow we had has completely disappeared My only worry is ice I fell a few weeks ago on wet leaves and so quite anxious when icy and contrary to popular belief I don't drink (more than my fair share) Plus as daughter is pregnant I worry about her too She's a good driver it's the other idiots on the roads I'm hoping to use today's sketch for a golden wedding card for my aunt in March ...

  15. Hi everyone, hope you have all had a lovely day crafting, everyone seems to be raring to go with Sandras challenge, got a few ideas, it's having to put them together that will be the problem!!

  16. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love your card today Sandra, using the challenge sketch. You know I live the striplet so hopefully I will get a card done for this week.
    Sorry I'm late in today, blooming collarbone is very sore again. I think I must have laid on it funny last night, so annoying, feels as bad as it was at the beginning of last week again so I'm not a happy Mrs B! Woops, sorry for that whinge.
    I hope you are all keeping dry and warm.
    Special hugs to Barbara as always.
    Take care xx

    1. Sorry sue to see you are in such pain again. Pain killlers and rest my friend with maybe some ointment stroked on. Take care and hope you can get some shuteye tonight, gentle hug to you xxx

    2. Hi Sue,
      Sorry to hear your collarbone still painful just rest as much as you can so you are OK for your trip, how is Chris's back? Good pair together you are do as Mummy says!! Love Mum xx

    3. Thank you Maria and Mum. It is a bit easier at the moment so fingers crossed! Xx

  17. Evening everyone,
    Had a nice walk this afternoon around our little lake. it takes just over the hour to go around and gee was I unfit so had to have a breather for a drink in the pub half way. This afternoon I have done some cutting outs but not easy with the handle bit loose. Do anyone know a good way to attach it back on ?
    Sports on Tv so haven't a chance to look in so I might catch up on my planner later on. Still got some shows from Hochanda to see. They have been pretty fun and lots of idea's (if I only could remember anything) to watch so far but not really any bargains so haven't bought anything. Can you be a member only for a month and then stop do you mean Karen or did you have to do longer ?
    Going out in the morning and in the afternoon tomorrow I have to tidy a bit around the crafting station.again. Don't understand what happens, maybe it is my cuddle Oscar who are up to mischief but can't see how. He look so angelic when I looking over so he couldn't be a naughty one could he ? hihi.
    Norah, I really hope he remember tomorrow ! You deserve something special, in silver perhaps. long hug.
    Also to Saba, Wendy, Sheila and to the whole bunch of you my wonderful friends, long warm hugs XxXx

  18. Hi All , my morning post seems to have disappeared, so this will be short.
    Love the sketch and your card is beautiful Sandra.
    Busy day working, very wet and cold.
    Hug to all

  19. Don't know where today has gone! Like the challenge card Sandra, if I get time I will have a go but it's a busy week again so I won't promise. Night night everyone xxxxx

  20. Just stopped by for my hot chocolate, cafe all set up for the morning. Will close the door very quietly as I leave, the huggles are all snuggled up in the big basket with the lovely soft cushion in, all of them sleeping soundly.
    Night, Night everyone, love Brenda xxx
