
Sunday 17 January 2016

Challenge Cards and Happy Birthday Pat

 Happy Birthday to My Dear Friend Pat 
 XXX Lots of Love XXX

The Sketch 

My Sketch Card

Maria's Challenge card

 Janet's Challenge card
Maria's Challenge 2
 Anne's Challenge card

 Jean's Challenge card

 Lynda's Challenge Card

 Jess's Challenge Card

 Michele's Challenge Card

Brenda Lello Challenge Card

Lilian challenge card

Maureen's Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

First up I would like to wish my dear friend Pat the very happiest of birthdays, sending you lots of love and a big birthday hug xxxx

I would like to once again thank each and everyone of you that has taken part in this weeks sketch challenge, as you can see we have an amazing array of cards that have been designed around the sketch I posted last Monday!
We have everything from funny birthday cards (I loved that stamp Anne)! To an Easter card (our first one)! By Michele, I think I remember you saying you saw an Easter egg straight away!
I love to see that it encouraged some of you to look back through some of your older dies, I haven't used my California Collection for months, I think we do get caught up with the dies 'of the moment' and we sometimes forget to go back to the dies we once couldn't live without! I also love that some of you made two cards (I have kept some back for my rainy day cards) !

I hope you are enjoying the challenges, I am planning to feature some 'techniques' soon, so if there is anything you would like me to feature let me know, some of them I will be learning along with you!

Enjoy your Sunday everyone, thank you so much for your input !!
Love and hugs


  1. Morning everyone
    I hope you have a lovely day and that you get to do something special to mark your day.

    The Challenge cards this week are gorgeous and so different each and every one. I love to see how people see the same shape so differently and how the same shape can be either dressed up or down.
    Looking forward to seeing this coming week's Challenge Sandra. I wonder what you will set for us.

    We have got up this morning to a white world of snow and it's snowing at the moment. The Farmer has been passed gritting the road and if necessary he will come down with his tractor and clear the road. We used to have this in the village the local Farmer clearing the road for us but he was stopped by the Council when the boundaries were changed way back in 1972ish when the County Boundaries were changed and we became part of Sheffield. I have to say that things did not and still have not improved. Bring back the Farmer I say!!

    I made my 'trial' Accordian card yesterday and so today I'm going to give it a go and do a 'proper' one. It took me a little time to get the middles connected but it's OK when it clicks. We'll see how today goes.

    I'll look in later to see what's what.
    Hugs etc all in place and coffee machine switched on in readiness.
    I see that snow is forecast for most of the UK today so please take care.

    1. Oh why do councils interfere with anyone doing such a good job? I think it is because they know they should be doing it. We have a few local farmers that clear the local roads, they haven't been stopped yet, as far as I know anyway as we haven't had much snow for the last few years. Fingers crossed we don't this year either. Take care x

  2. Good Morning all, we had rain, no snow thank goodness.
    Love all the challenge cards you are all so good at this card making , I'm gradually getting there.
    Looking forward to the next challenge, as for techniques how about using vellum,I am hopeless with the stuff but have loads.
    Have decided to print some of my flower digi stamps for my sister to colour as I think she will enjoy them more, also can use better paper.
    Have a good day everyone, hugs abound. Lilian

  3. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Pat, hope you have a fantastic day.

    What a wonderful collection of cards. I'm going to look at them all properly on my computer later.

    It was snowing when I went to bed last night but there's no signs of anything "white " here this morning. Being so close to the sea, we rarely get snow that sticks.

    Housework day today but I have card making ideas & want toget started on them. Think they'll have to wait as hubby is away all week so I can spend some time in my craft room each evening.

    I hope the weather doesn't cause too many problems for everyone today.


  4. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    Tea in hand I have looked up and down a few times already at all the fabulous cards this morning. Teddy ,armful with Daffodils are especially for our Myra and Maureen,tihi
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT ! Wish you a lovely day,hope you doing something nice.
    Woke up this morning to a white landscape outside the window with frost in the trees. I found it beautiful and hope for some more from next Sunday when off for a little holiday. Do take care if going out, don't want to see any broken bones so walk and drive carefully.
    Hope your body have settled Sandra after your journey home from mum and good to see you better Sue. If you having the bug that's seem to be going around I wish you better ! Love and hugs to you all Xxxx

    1. Thank you Maria. You lucky thing, you had the sort of morning frost that I love. It is beautiful isn't it, especially on any cobwebs. We just had rain last night so nothing pretty to look at here. Where are you off to next weekend, somewhere nice? Take care x

  5. Hellooooooooooooooo,
    Happy Birthday Pat. I hope you have a great day, whatever Pete decides to do!!!!
    Sorry I was awol yesterday, had lots on my plate. Wrapping a big gift basket for Rachel - thanks Hazel, because of your tuition at the Retreat it was a doddle. Then going early (lunch time) to help decorate the room at the Hotel for the Baby Shower Afternoon Tea (scrummy), then coming back home to see the girls were here for a sleep over, but needed their tea. We watched Nim's Island for our evening entertainment, It was going to be Hairspray but the DVD was still at their home in the TV!!!! We also had a game of cards, it was going to be Snap but turned into Solitaire. Not like any Solitaire I've ever played before. More than one person playing and the rules changing every other minute!! Still, it was fun and we had a laugh to see who could change the rules the most!
    Oh, I've never commented on the cards. I think they are all worthy of the Club and I love the verse on Anne's. Yesterday's mixed crafts were great as well. The folded Christmas Card, so much work. The Calender - very stylish, and the Summer Wreath, all fab.
    Right, I'm off to a Craft Fair, so as someone would say "I'd better get a wiggle on".
    See you later. It's freezing but sunny here. No sign of the white stuff and the sky is clear. Have a good day, I won't be spending much.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Enjoy the craft fair Maureen hope it's a good one xxxx

  6. Good morning everyone
    A big happy birthday to you Pat I hope you have a lovely day and get to do things you enjoy.
    Oh the cards on display here are brilliant, just shows what you can come up with when given a little inspiration - I can sit for ages in front of the computer scrolling ideas and still not come up with anything myself.
    Not seen Patricia in for a while. Hope you are just busy and not I'll.
    Well we have got a few inches of snow here today, it was still snowing when we went to bed, let the dogs out just before and they loved running round the carden in it. We may take them out for a good walk today, think they will love it, Ruby has never seen snow.
    I hope no one is suffering with the bug - hugs if you are.
    Special hugs for Barbara and for Sheila.
    Jean xx

  7. Good morning SANDRA & ladies
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT have a lovey & special day whatever your doing xx
    Wow all the challenge card are brilliant & all so different well done everyone.
    I had a lovely afternoon with yesterday with Darren Sam & Harry I had so many kisses & cuddles from him made my day,he's a cheeky little monkey.
    We have a calm day at the moment the wind has dropped at last. Haven't got any white stuff yet & hope we don't.
    Not upto much so might go & play in craft room might do some different background stock.
    Love & Hug's for Barbara & family always in my thoughts & prayers xx
    Going to sit in the corner with my builders tea & toast & see who pops in. See you later Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Those baby cuddles are the best aren't they Lynda. Little Chris is just starting to give them now along with very wet kisses. Glad that you had a lovely afternoon yesterday, and that you don't have any snow, we don't either. Take care z

    2. Ignore the z, it should be a x !

  8. Good morning, hope you are all TickeyBoo and looking forward to the day ahead.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT, hope you have a wonderful day.
    Great selection of brilliant cards everyone a winner.
    Have not been in, I have been very busy with orders. I am also taking a very back seat from my IPad and computer. I do not cope well with this time of year. In some ways I do actually go into Hibernation. Might see you all again nearer the end of March. xxx

  9. Just a quickie I'm drowning in ironing but HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT today's challenge card are glorious in the true sense of the word On iPod at mo Will have a proper look on laptop later I'm sorry I didn't take part this week Will try harder next week

    1. Hi Karen. I hope you have managed to plough through lots of the ironing. Take care

  10. Good Morning Sandra and all who stop by today.

    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Pat Happy Birthday to you. xxx
    Hope you have a lovely day.

    What a lot of inspiring cards Sandra, it's great to see how we have all interpreted your brief. Thank you for the motivating me into taking up the challenge.

    Will pop back later, hope everyone is safe and warm.
    Love and crafty hugs, Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    My word ladies what a lovely array of challenge cards. All are gorgeous. All so different as well. Loved the mixed crafts from yesterday.
    Thank you all so much for my gorgeous cards and good wishes. I'm not to sure where Sandra got the photo from though. I hate having my photo taken, I always look awful in them. Need a makeover I think.
    It's been snowing this morning but has just about stopped now and sorry Maria it hasn't really laid here, but it is bitterly cold.
    We gave Doreen coming to dinner today as they don't seem to eat properly at all, even when Ellis is they're. Yesterday's dinner was going to be a cupola soup and a roll. I took a cottage pie out if the freezer that she was going to have today and told her to have that when she came back from visiting Ellis. His niece was taking her yesterday. Keith is cooking dinner this evening for us as well. Didn't like to refuse so I'll just have a tiny dinner at lunchtime.

    1. Pat I hope you have had a lively being waited on hand and foot. Did you enjoy your meal? Xxx

  12. Good morning ladies. Firstly Happy Birthday Pat. Give yourself a birthday gift and please have a day to yourself. You are such a kind lady thinking of others. We all need a day of doing nothing.
    Another wonderful display of beauitful cards, I did make one but had to get a positive thoughts card done for an order so I used it and I forgot I hadn't photographed it. Haven't had time to make another. Between baby basket,and a nappy cake, cards and cooking I just haven't had a minute.
    Over at Perth all day today, looking after boys. Doing ironing, where does it come from, I have also put a couple loads of washing. Tammy just texted to say she could scream, so I think MIL is being difficult today, but as Tammy said she is in titled to be a bit difficult at her age, but can she not just see that doing her shopping, cooking meals and taking them down and filling her freezer with them, plus them bring two weeks worth of coal up for her is just what they should be doing for her as she is Derek's mum after all. I think the fact that Tammy took her Dyson with her to give everywhere a good Hoover will have upset her as she won't get to watch her TV program. Thank goodness Tammy is easy going. It's true if we can't do these things for our elderly members of the family, there is something wrong with us. Right back to the ironing I have had a break. Xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my lovely dear friend PAT.I hope you have a lovely day, let everyone run around and spoil you for a change. You deserve a day off. Take care xx
    What a wonderful array of challenge cards : ) Once again it is so good to see the different takes on the challenge. They are all beautiful and inspiring. Thank you everyone for joining in, I hope to have time next week to have a go.
    Sandra, thank you for bringing us the weekly challenge, I love it and so do lots of others looking at all of the beautiful entries again this week.
    Just a thought, Could you tell us about the different types of ink pads and what each type is best for? I still get muddled up even after all this time and checking online etc. can be confusing ( yes, I know, I am easily confused! ) The same with glues and adhesives. Also what about a "Ready Steady Cook" type thing, maybe 3 or 4 basic items that have to be used along with anything else you like? I will explain better when weert this week. Of course they are just my personal things that I still need to learn about, and more importanrly, remember!
    I hope you are feeling better now after Thursday my lovely xx
    I live only about 10 miles away from Pat but we don't have any snow here, in fact our village didn't even have a frost last night just some rain! Isn't it strange how the weather can vary so much within just a few miles.
    I hope everyone is warm and dry and feeling as well as possible.
    Barbara, always in my thoughts x
    Another busy day so must get on again. Take care xx

    1. This it Sue, we have some snow not much yet over here in Perth 25miles they had a lot. Ok 25miles that's by road as the crow flies it's less, Patricia will have had more and she again is just up the road. That's Tammy saying they are on their way home, I think she will not have wanted to upset other granny to much by doing to much, I think I will be on duty again in two weeks. I wonder if Tammy will get to do a bit more housework for her, when she realises how much it has saved her. This is where it would be better if granny lived just beside them. They found a bungalow a few years ago but oh no she wouldn't move.
      We have to respect their wishes that's for sure. Better go get my things together. Xxx

    2. It is odd isn't it. We can have heavy rain in the village and yet just undr a mile away can be bone dry. That happens quite often!

  14. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra the cards are all lovely interesting to see all different ideas, thank you what will you have tomorrow I wonder? xx
    A very Happy Birthday Pat hope you have an easy day. xx
    Special thoughts & prayers on way to Barbara xx
    Just made my boiled cake so will put some in cabinet for later enjoy.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  15. Good afternoon ladies, firstly Pat Happy Birthday I hope you have the most wonderful birthday and get to do just what you wish to do the most, I don.t like having my picture taken either.
    The challenge cards are brilliant, all of them, i really must
    try harder and will get someone to show me how to put a picture on an e-mail.
    I hope you are feeling a lot better today Sandra and resting as much as you can, I am sure the girls are a great help to you,
    Maria asked last night what do, I am a retired nurse and have been retired for 15 years, because of my back, when you think of the ways we used to do lifts years back then you will understand what I mean, now I work in a charity shop shop Mon,Wensd and Sat. I use to do Mon and Tue and Sat, but doing 2 days together killed me, i couldn't walk the next day so i split the days which gives me a little time to rest, I Absolutely Love It and wouldn't dream of not going, I have been doing it for 4 years and I am the Queen of the Steamer, lol, all the garments get tagged and hung up and I steam them, I do a 6 hour day my boss buys my lunch usually soup and a roll as we have one of them oldy worldly cafe's opposite the shop.
    I have 4 chidren and 10 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren and another due in Feb, so my life is full, and not forgetting my hobby making cards which I do when I can, I only do orders I don't go to craft fairs or anything like that, and I love reading all your stories on here, I think that's about that really. Oh and I am as mad as a March Hare, heehee
    I have a couple of cards I need to finish now so I hope you all havn't fallen asleep with boredom.
    My thoughts are with Saba and her Family and I will try to pop back later to see what you have all been up to. Huge Hugs to you all Johanna

    1. Hi Johanna. I know it was our lovely Maria that asked what you did but we all find it interesting too so thank you for telling us about yourself. I'm glad to hear that you are as mad as a march hare (Maria might not have heard that expression but I think she will understand it, Maria in case you dont understand it male hares do go a bit mad in spring time when they are looking for a nice lady hare and can be seen racing around like mad and also standing up on their hind legs and boxing with other males to see who is the strongest. Hope that helps x
      I'm sorry to hear that you have a bad back now Johanna, but at least you have found a part time job that you love. Your family must keep you busy making cards for all of their birthdays, and another one soon to come too, how lovely : ) I was a nanny and then a Pre School deputy leader so you can tell that I love the little ones. I am as mad as a march hare too, as are most of the lovely ladies in the Cafe so you're in good company : ) I hope the weather is being kind to you ans you are warm and dry. Take care x

    2. Hi Johanna,sorry but I'm a bit nosy. oh boy you are a busy lady. So many little ones and one on the way, it's sound wonderful. Must be lovely if you can get together sometimes. I love children and used to work in a first school for 15 years but left when my OH retired, most days are ok tihi
      I have heard about the March Hare Sue and you are right we are all like Mad Hatters some days so Johanna if you not easily scared you are in the right company.Do hope not to see you in a field somewhere Sue when Spring comes around hihi .xxx

  16. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Happy Birthday Pat, hope you have had a lovely day.
    The challenge cards are lovely, what a different variety, everyone's take is so different.
    Been to a scrapbook crop today, the weather has been snowy, bit nearly everyone managed to get there. It was good catching up with everyone after Christmas.
    Off to check dinner now, a nice bit of silverside, yorkshires and roast potatoes, mmmmmm.
    Then I have to put all the scrapbooking stuff away, no rest for the wicked!!
    Barbara thinking of you ((()))
    Take care everyone, xxx

  17. Home after my day of looking after the boys. Plus I did a pile of ironing and did loads of washing for her. So she has got uniform for all the boys for the week done. Granted she had tumbled the swear jumpers so they didn't need much, just a quick rub with the iron. I am off now to sit with my feet up. I might be back in but you never know I might just fall asleep. Xxx

  18. Hello sorry I'm late, we've had a weekend away again, this time for Julian's Christmas do. Had a lovely time, good crowd, lots of laughs but dreadful food, oh well it's just one meal. Got home mid afternoon and just settled down for a lazy time when my friend turned up with her husband. It was lovely to see them.
    I just had to pop in and say Happy Birthday to the lovely Pat. I do hope you have has a lovely day Pat and have been spoilt rotten.
    The cards are all lovely ladies. Must go, I need to catch up on some sleep - think I will hibernate like Patricia! Xxxxx

  19. Hello Everyone, just stopped by the café for a hot chocolate. Think lots of the ladies have started to hibernate due the the cold weather, I promise all of you it's always lovely and warm in the café and the company is really welcoming.
    Sleep well my lovely friends, gentle hugs for all. Love Brenda xxx

  20. Hi all, hope you all had a ok-ish day and that our Pat had a fabulous Birthday, ssssh don't mention your age :-)
    Did quite a good job cutting out and playing with the GC when I suddenly found myself with the handle you holding in my hand so after that it was a bit trickier to turn the handle around but it worked for a little while. Anyone know how to attach it back on ?
    Sue- I have looked so much on youtube for what different inks and glues working with what so it would be great to know what we all using and what we think works best. I have made cards for a little while now but still very confused too at what to buy.Probably why I end up with more then I need ,oh yap. There are so many similar but still different if that's make sense ? the same with tooth paste, shampoo, hand wash, washing powder etc. I now have my favourites in some things but it's a minefield out there. The idea to show each others craft room could be fun. I have taken some photos before C.mas just for fun where I am working/ playing from so I could send them if you want Sandra....
    It's late, going to have a hot chocolate and watch a bit of John L doing some masking techniques before bed so I wish you all a good night ! Xxxxx

  21. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Sorry this is worse than late!!
    Today's Challenge cards are all so different and all lovely. Thank you ladies for the inspiration!! Sorry I didn't contribute this time but will try to do so this week.
    Happy Birthday Pat!! I've just about made it! I hope you had a lovely day - you deserve it my dear! You are a kind and considerate lady and I hope you were spoiled a little today.
    Night Night Ladies, Sleep well.

    1. Hope you spotted the special one just for you and Muriel , I round some in my done box hihi
      have a good night xxx

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