
Saturday 16 January 2016

Mixed Craft Saturday

Jean's fabulous book folded Christmas Card

Michele's Calendar made by MIL

Janet's Beautiful Birthday Wreath

Just for you Barbara xxx

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Another day full of amazing crafts created by our amazingly talented ladies!

First up we have the amazing  Book Folded Christmas Card,  designed by Jeazn, what an amazing piece of art, it must have taken you ages! It must have taken so long to get the angel image as well as the wording, I wouldn't even know where to start, may be you could give us a few hints and tips Jean!!
Thank yoiu so much for sharing your cards and crafts with us xxxx

Next up we have this amazing 'Art Deco' style calendar, it was made for Michele by her lovely Mum in law, who is clearly very talented!  I love the image and the fact that the Calendar has been covered to match the background, Wendy, you are very talented, Michele, thank you so much four sharing xxxx

Last but not least we have this fabulous 50th Birthday Wreath, what a beautiful piece of art, something that you can keep up after all the cards come down, you are a fabulous designer of home decor!! Your friend must have been over the moon with this gift! Thank you for sharing all of your crafts with us xxxx

I also would like to add my heartfelt condolences to our very dear friend Barbara and all of her lovely family, we will all be here whenever you need to talk and share memories my lovely xxxx

Sending love and hugs to all,


  1. Morning Everyone and all who look in today

    JEAN - WOW WOW WOW - what a gorgeous piece of artwork. I think this goes far above a C.card. I have tried book folding and up to now not with very much success. It must have taken you ages and what patience.
    MICHELE - what a beautiful Calendar from your MIL. This is again a piece of art and I would not be taking it down at the year end. Wendy is a very talented lady.

    My Birthday Wreath/Card is actually for my Daughter's 50th on 6th February. The base is really a letter O from the word NOEL cut out in MDF hence the shape. I have wrapped it in burlap and then as you can see given it a wrap of ribbon edged in pearl strips. The flowers are from my stash and the HB/swirls are SW dies. The butterfly is of a strip/packet I bought from the Range.
    I hope you all like it.

    Well we had one or two heavy snow showers yesterday afternoon. Beautiful big fluffy snowflakes but non of it has stayed. It is again very very cold and we have snow forecast for today and tomorrow.

    There were one or two extra stalls at the market yesterday morning and the Café was full to bursting; so noisy with everyone trying to make themselves heard and because of that of course the decibels just kept on rising and when it's French there is always the hand movements as well it's like a comedy stage. Wonderful to sit and watch.
    The cakes we brought back for ourselves and for the Café today are Cassis Mousse -octagonal in shape and soaked through with Cassis. Coffee Cups- made in the shape of a cup and saucer with peanut brittle, and the cup filled with vanilla/coffee cream. Tarte au Fruit - mixed fruits sat on a bed of shortcrust pastry filled with Crème Anglais and various fruits on top. I hope that these will be enjoyed this afternoon by all of you.

    I now have to scoot along as my breakfast has just arrived. I'll see you all later.
    Take care out in the horrible weather.
    Hugs/Handwarmers/Knee Blankets are at the ready for all in need.

    1. I like it very much! The patties were delicious Thank you

    2. I mean pastries Predictive text!

  2. Morning Ladies

    Jean-your book folding is amazing, truly stunning.

    Janet-what a gorgeous gift you have made.

    My calendar isn't new but it's so nice that I keep changing the calendar tab each year! My M in L likes to try out lots of paper crafting ideas & I'm often the lucky recipient.

    We've had a heavy frost overnight but it actually looks like it's going to be a nice day-fingers crossed.

    Barbara-my heartfelt sympathy to you & your family on the sad loss of your sister.


  3. Morning Sandra and to anyone popping in today. I hope you all stay warm and take care if going out!
    Janet- the wreath for you daughter is gorgeous,lovely colour and the pearl strip around is pretty. Quite vintage style. Thank you for brining in the wonderful cakes, it will be lovely with a coffee later this morning. Have a nice day x
    Jean- this is not a card, this is sooo much more! It must have taken ages to fold into an angel. Wonderful made.
    Like to give it a go one day, it looks fun.
    Michele- thank you for showing us your MIL calander she made for you ,it's lovely!
    Many hugs and love to Barbara and family xx
    OH is out today,yay and son is working so Hochanda channel will be on all day and some cutting outs to do for me. Looks like a nice day, frosty and the sun trying to come through. Everyone is scraping there cars this morning. Take care everyone, love and hugs Maria XxXxx

  4. Is anyone watching the Arty Farty on Hochanda at the moment, OMG those nails and her laugh Lol xx

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry didn't make it in yesterday, was covering our craft shop, OH was supposed to be on duty but he is not well, he has caught this virus that is doing its rounds, he was at the nurse for his yearly check up for his COPD, and she prescribed him antibiotics and steroids, as they don't want infection setting in.
    He is a bit better today so hopefully will ne back to normal (whatever that is) soon.
    Today's mixed crafts are amazing, so much talent in the cafe.
    Very frosty here today, not going anywhere in a hurry.
    Thinking of Barbara and family(((())))
    Take care everyone, xxx

  6. A quick visit, I am up to my arm pits in baby orders and cards to go with, plus helping Tammy with cooking for other granny's freezer, she hasn't been eating as she can't be bothered cooking. Was at Tammy's yesterday seeing to the dog and cutting up melons, and pineapples she is back doing her slimming world, but sliced her thumb across the nail bed the other day so can't do much, so mum to the rescue, she was going to buy the ready chopped but that a dear way.
    Great mixed crafts today. Off to get this other basket made ready for collection by 1.30pm no pressure. Xxx

    1. Awh Hazel, poor Tammy and you know how it is when you do something like that, it's the one that you always hit or gets hurt as it's trying to heal. We'ew going to give her plastic ones so that she can't do any damage to herself, lol. Good Luck Tammy on your diet flower

    2. Norah, thank you she could be doing with a plastic one, the trouble is Tammy has short stubby thumbs as it is and one now being in this big bandage gets in the way. She has got her determined head on with being back at sliming world. She lost 4.1/2 lbs this week so she is happy. She lost loads before but she did try weight watchers for a change and ended up giving up as she couldn't cope with it. With slimming world she cooks so they all sit down to the same thing etc she has salad or lots of veg. Derek and the boys eat veg but not loads. Fruit yes. Xxx

  7. Our thoughts are with you BARBARA I hope my untimely email didn't cause more upset
    All of today's mixed media is gorgeous and have left comments on the way down
    JEAN I am so impressed with the book fold Tried it once Mmmm Sort of went OK
    MARIA I have Hochanda on too and recording it Got a few requested cards to do ARTY FARTY was hilarious I used to watch her when she was on C&C
    Has anyone joined their club What are their terms and conditions for just one month's membership I am tempted when CE week ends like this happen
    Thank you SANDRA for asking after me Cold nearly gone and Arthur-Itis is taking a break

    1. Karen as far as i was led to believe you pay for it on a rolling contract namely you pay the £6.95 for the month and you get all your postage free but not a member so couldn't swear to it but i'm sure that is how it is working.
      Glad that you've seen of Arthur and his cronies for a wee while as he is a pain in the joints x

  8. I meant to say poor TAMMY - I hope she's not too badly injured. I hope you manage to catch up with all the things you want to do but don't work too hard

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    It's a lovely bright day today the sun is streaming through the windows, how different a little bit of sunshine makes us feel I have even been out for a walk so nice mind you I did wrap up well. It's a lovely bright day today the sun is streaming through the windows, how different a little bit of sunshine makes us feel, I have even been out for a walk it is so nice, mind you I did wrap up well.

    What a lovely display you've got first today Sandra. Thank you ladies for sharing.

    JEAN, Your book folding is brilliant, I've never tried this, I don't think my patients would last.
    MICHELE, Love your MIL's calendar, it is definitely one that you would want to hang onto it so beautiful
    JANET, Your daughter is going to love this beautiful Wreath , a real birthday keepsake.

    Have to get a wriggle on as I can now start putting some of my crafting stash in the new cupboards. Well the work top is new, the cupboard frames have been adapted from carcasses that were going to be dumped by our neighbour, there was nothing wrong with them, John has done a sterling job and made them fit into the space where the desk and filing cabinet used to be. This space is all MINE, can't wait to use it.

    Sending gentle hugs to everyone, Love Brenda xxx

    1. OOPS!!!! Didn't realise I was repeating myself. LOL

    2. Oh Brenda can we have a photo of your craft room??
      I would love to see what John has done!!!
      I dont think you noticed the little project I attached a picture of in my last email to you!!

    3. For the benefit of our lovely blog friends - Sandra attached a picture of one of those lovely cabinets we see at shows (you know the all singing and dancing models) I said to John that Sandra would like him to build one of these for her, his reaction that would be easy enough. Pigs and flying come to mind !!!!!!!
      When I get some sort of order in my craft room I will try and take a photo, it's such a smell room might have to knock a wall down to take it. xxx

    4. ooops Brenda,if you hadn't said anything I had not noticed the repeat hihi Defiantly will have to get my eyes tested I think. I have seen does cabinets before but you do need quite a big room for having one. Does our Cheryl have one ? hugs xx

  10. Don't forget to get your challenge card photos in to me please ladies xxxx

  11. Good afternoon Sandra & lovely ladies
    Wow Jean your book folding is gorgeous your so clever.x
    Michele your Mil Callander is lovely
    JANET I love your birthday wreath is gorgeous you daughter will love it.
    SANDRA I hope you have recovered now & in less pain take care.
    Sue I hope your shoulder is better now take care don't do any weight lifting hehe.
    Just waiting for Darren & Sam to turn up with Harry YAAY cuddles be about an hour so better get ironing finished.
    Barbara sending you love & Hug's my friend.xx
    Will call in later love Lynda xx

    1. Cuddles from Harry, how lucky you are. Is the pain in his gums getting better too ? hugs xx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe.
    Sandra the mixed craft today is lovely, Jean your book is lovely what alot of patience you must have thank you for sharing.
    Michele your calendar is lovely you are lucky to have a MIL who shares your interest well done to Wendy xx
    Janet your wreath is great I am sure your daughter will be thrilled with it.xx
    Lovely bright day here but very cold so an afternoon of crafting on the cards I think.
    Sending lots of love & hugs to Barbara & the family xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  13. Good afternoon everyone
    I'm still around, have had Nic home for a few days, she had a dentist apt and was full of cold so she stayed at home.
    Barbara sincere condolences to you and your family. Sending some gentle hugs.
    Thank you for your comments about the book folding - it's really easy And doesn't take long at all. We started it at craft class but we used the Peerless designs patterns from cd as opposed to Debbie Moore as they are a lot easier to use. All the work is done on the pattern.
    Michele love your calendar it gorgeous
    Janet your wreath is beautiful
    Just took Nic back and the snow is coming down thick and fast and sticking in rural places. Home now - cup of tea and have put Hochanda on the TV upstairs - hope I don't drop off to sleep haha.
    Going back to read comments as I have missed quite a bit
    TaKe care if you have to go out
    Hugs Jean xx

    1. Hope you had some good day's with Nic, not nice for her with a cold so hope she's better soon. hugs xx

  14. Hello All, been a lovely day here, frosty first thing and then the sun came out, first completely dry day we have had in months. We managed to do a bit in the garden, planted my tulip tubs at last, it was lovely to be outside.
    After that I've spent ages trying to do the sketch card, don't do ovals, as haven't many dies, still did my best.
    Today's craft are wonderful again,
    Jean your folded book is very clever.
    Michele love your calendar
    Janet your wreath is lovely, and the cakes sound yummy.
    Going to see my sister tomorrow, she is very down, still in hospital and does not seem to have any idea of when she will be moved, am going to get her one of those adult colouring books and some pencils to see if she would like to do them.anything to try and relief the drearyness of the place.
    Hope everyone is well
    Thoughts are with Barbara and Family.
    Hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Lilian flower remember a pencil sharpner as well as those leads break at a look never mind getting used. My friend is in the hospital the now and i was trying to get her family to take her something like that in to keep her chin up and pass the endless hours away as it is the one time that time runs slow in my mind. I hope your sister gets news soon flower. x

    2. Thanks Norah, I never thought about a sharpener

    3. What a good idea to take colouring in to the hospital as the day's can drag so bad. It was a lovely day here too but had no energy for any walk so watched some Hochanda and promptly fell asleep for a couple of hours in the chair. hugs xx

  15. Hi Jean hope Nic is soon better & she enjoyed her stay with you.
    Hope the snow doesn't last long,take care.
    Hug'sLynda xxx

  16. Good evening my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Jean, your book folded christmas design is stunning, so beautiful and really effective. I know you say that it quite easy but it is stunningly effective and so different if making for someone special.
    Michele, i take it you are an art deco period fan as your lovely mother in law has made your lovely calander and thinks so much of you. When are we going to get the chance to see your hidden talents again please as we would love to see what beautiful things you have been making recently.
    Oh Mammy i didn't realise that you had my twin sister early, lol. Seriously though Janet i would never have believed that you were old enough to have a daughter my age and i see she was born in that epic English year the same as i. I hope that your daughter loves her very different momento of turning a half century as i know Mum gave me what had started life as a butterfly to give to a bride but she took off parts and made alterations like only my mum could and gave me it for my 21st. I didn't want a party or anything as i couldn't even contemplate having one without Jim so i had a tupperware party, like you do for your 21st and it was great fun on the night. It didn't help the fact that the lady doing the party was as daft as a brush and just made for the job. Is it hanging in chez France or back here in boring old Britain as i like the wee wooden fleur de lys that it is hanging up on. Is blue her favourite colour that you have decorated it with that beautiful shade or did you just like it when it jumped out and said "pick me"? What ever the reason i wish your "baby" girl a very happy day when it comes.
    Well i haven't stopped all day as Mr PITR(pain in the rear) has had me upstairs sorting out all day and he is still going on now about more sorting out and being honest i am fair wabbit now, with shuggley legs and dropsy so i am enjoying my first sit down since starting this morning. We have a lovely blanket of snow so i am going to be cooried in here as i don't need to go out for anything so i'm not. I hope when Mr KNow it all goes to see his dad tomorrow i can have a play with my Heraldic die that i got last week as i am fair excited about what possabilities it has. I made a card for one of my "special" nieces that turned 21 so i hope that she likes it. It was a take off Sue's card with the heraldic square cut 4 times and the centre cut out span across the 4 corners that meet in the middle. My family are lovely you know as they make fun of the way i am speaking with this thing in my mouth. Rory is the only one that hasn't made fun of me about it but i didn't expect anything else from him. His nibs says i have to go and get and implant and made be i'll be able to talk properly again. The thing is that it keeps dropping down so i am trying to keep it in place with my tongue and it is giving me a lisp so all i want to do is retire into my self so that they stop talking about it. Hey ho it will get better i hope and i can eat a banana so there is still positives. Well huggles and i are going up to have a look in my room and see if i can find my missing voice.
    Sending special huggles to our lovely Barbara, try and keep your chin up flower and i just wish that i could bring them in person to you but you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Sheila flower i hope you are getting through this period as i haven't seen you in a wee while so i will send some huggles to you and Nikki to keep you going.
    I have filled up the basket with huggles for anyone else that could just do with one
    Norah x

    1. Hi Norah,
      Tell Mr PITR (I could think of a few names that might be apt) like 'Mr M.S.Pig' or even Mr D.Head (I am ashamed to write such things but that's how angry it makes me that he gets away with treating you so badly)!!! Sorry ladies!!
      Is your tooth/plate temporary while you are waiting for the permanent fix?? You don't need to suffer like my dear sweet friend!!
      Whether he buggers off to his Dad tomorrow or not you tell him you did too much yesterday and therefore you need to sit today, I love the Heraldic square die too, I also love the stamps that go with it, although they haven't found their easy into my stash yet!
      Please take it easy my lovely and PLEASE send me a picture of the cards you make!!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Norah, you have a voice so you tell that PITR that you are in pain, you need a day of rest and he can bugger off. Wish you have a nice day tomorrow, huggle -cuddles coming to you xx

  17. Good evening Sandra and the cafe ladies, firstly I would like to offer my sincere condolences to Barbara and family on the loss of her dear sister Val and to Val's family also.
    The mixed crafts are fantastic, Jean's bookfolding is lovely, we have a gentleman who brings loads of bookfolding gems into the charity shop and they go like hot cakes, Micheles calander is lovely also, everyone has a favourite theme when it comes to calanders, and Janet's birthday wreath is lovely.
    Sandra your day yesterday was sad enough without the added trauma of your return journey, it sounded dreadful, it will take days for you to get yourself together again. lots of soothing hugs to all, Johanna

    1. Hi Johanna, hope you are ok and take care if going out. Any snow in your parts of the country ?
      What do you like doing during the day, do you still work ? Hope to see you one day xx

  18. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    I'm sorry I'm late again and just popping in once a day at the moment . As I said I will explain on Monday! I'm fine by the way!
    Today's crafts are lovely!
    Jean your book folding is lovely and very effective! You have lots of patience , I think.
    Michele - your calendar from MIL is really classy too. Are you an Art Deco fan?
    Lastly Janet my hat loving friend - I must tell you I bought one yesterday! It's weather for a hat!! I digress - your wall hanging for your daughter is lovely and will be a lovely kerpsake! Good idea to use the letter O . We learn lots on this blog.
    I hope everyone is ok! Sheila I miss you and hope you come back very soon.
    Love to all. Xxx

    1. You are such a tease Myra, hope it's something good you are doing anyhow, hugs xx

  19. Been trying to catch up all day Made 2 cards today I need to make at least 2 more for work so that there's time for everyone to sign it! Perhaps I'll be able to play tomorrow morning after I've done the mountain of ironing that's accumulated Then Salsa in the evening I hope your Mr PintA goes tomorrow NORAH

  20. Kerpsake???? Keepsake !!! Xxx

  21. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. Sorry I'm so late in but had a very busy day, got home just a few mins ago and am off to bed as I am really tired now, and have to be up to look after little Chris for the day so hope to get some sleep. My collar bone /neck is a lot better, still catches if I move in the wrong way but not so painful the rest of the time, thank goodness.
    Thank you Lynda, I hope your gums are healing well now and the infection is being zapped by the antibiotics x
    Barbara and family, my love and hugs to you x
    Sandra. Sorry but I haven't managedd to get a challenge card done this week. I hope that I can join in with next weeks though : )) I hope you are able to move a little better than yesterday my lovely.
    Take care ,Mrs B xc

    1. Good night Sue and to anyone looking in ,have nice dreams. Have a lovely day with baby Chris and lots of cuddles xx

  22. ......!!!!!! Oops, sorry for forgetting to say that all of the mixed crafts today are lovely. Thank you all for sharing.
    Jean, your book folding looks beautiful. It must have taken you ages to do. I must find an old book and have a go.
    Michelle, I love your calendar, I bet your mil is so pleased that you change the calendar each year.
    Janet, what a wonderful keepsake for your daughter, I'm sure she will treasure it.
    Take care xx
