
Friday 15 January 2016

Flashback Friday !!

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Today I am afraid I am not up to doing a new card to share, the Funeral service was lovely and very emotional, My Uncle, who is married to the aunt that died was absolutely distraught, I was sobbing so much he was physically shaking bless him, it was so heartbreaking to see, that started Mum and her Sisters off too, but as the service progressed everyone settled.  I was so pleased we made the extra effort to go,
I got to see cousins and family that we hadn't seen for years, its so sad that we don't seem to have the big family weddings anymore, therefore the only occasions we get to meet are sad ones!  
We made it in good time thankfully, the journey home however was a catastrophe, we left mum's at around four, went for petrol and picked as few bits up in the supermarket, headed up the A12, which bearing in mind it was after 5 when we were hitting Chelmsford was fairly quiet, we then got onto the M25, after about 1\2 we ground to a halt, all four lanes were stopped, we waited and the saw flashing lights in the distance, trouble was they were using the Hard Shoulder as an extra lane, so emergency vehicles couldn't get through, cars were doing all could to make room, vans were parked up against the concrete crash barrier in the centre and we were all but under the lorry in the adjacent lane to make room, it was chaos, I got to thinking how having the hard shoulder as an extra lane may help traffic flow but in the case of an accident does the extra hold ups for the emergency services taking the time to weave through 4 lanes of compacted traffic directly affect the outcome of the casualties?? 
We were sat in that same spot from 17.30 until 21.15 when they eventually opened the motorway again, so 3 hours on top of the three houyr journey, we got home after 11pm, I have never felt pain like it!  I have to say that I am grateful that  we made it home in one piece though as there were at least 3 families whose lives were devastated during the evening, it was a collision between a lorry and 3 cars, the impact so hard that one car had gone through the metal barrier (to which there was at least a twenty foot drop at tgev otherwise), one car was attached to the metal barrier, barely recognisable and the third car was facing the wrong way, it looked gas though it had been hit so hard that the tailgate was at the back of the front seats, so tragic , I just pray there were no fatalities, however I think that is highly unlikely, so I am happy to suffer today and have a horizontal day, be thankful that we made it home in one piece.
I tell you, I didn't realise how much more vulnerable I would feel being in Becca's tiny car, compared to ours! 

This card was made early part of 2015, using Majestic Labels 25 and one Sue Wilson's Gala Dress stamps I think, I stamped it onto some Anne Marie Design Dotty card and cut it out, I decoupaged the bottom of the dress for dimension, the added some flowers and ribbon to embellish! Surprisingly it hasn't really dated, whereas some of my older cards I just look at and shake my head!

Take care my dear friends,
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxx


  1. Morning Everyone and all who may pop in today

    Sandra - What a horrific day you had but as you say at least you're at home safe and sound where others are not. I'm pleased that everything went off well and that all the family were there to support each other. As you say as we get older we don't have the big family weddings like we used to have and so unless someone decides that it's time the Family had a big get together it's only at these sad times that we meet cousins we haven't seen in years and their Families that we have never met.
    I know that you will be having a stay in bed day today but when you do decide to try and get up please please do take things very steady.

    Your card is just beautiful and it hasn't dated at all. I think these are classic items which never date and so can be used time and time again and across all ages. For me I just wish I could still get into a dress like that and look good and of course it would go very well with those shoes we looked at yesterday. Co-ordinations how on earth did you do that!!!! (tin hat time I think).

    We're off to Friday market even though it's very very cold and very white with frost. At least the ground has hardened so no mud. I hope the Cake shop has a good selection for Afternoon Tea today in the Café.
    See you all later.

    Special Hugs and Prayers for Val and Family.
    Gentle Hugs for all those of you in need.
    The Hand Warmers have been reset so are all ready for use and all the Knee Blankets are there (what a surprise the Huggles must have had a good talking to) for anyone needing them today.

    1. Hi Janet, that is the reason why my family have such big Reunions every five years. It gives us all a chance to get to know one another in person rather than just by social media, especially our family members living abroad. x

  2. MYRA - I have just seen your posting from last night.
    Please pass on my Heart felt Sympathy and Love for Val and all her Family and of course to Barbara.
    Val now is at peace and pain free and it is those who remain who now Grieve for their loss.
    Barbara can keep with her all the memories she and Val have made over the last few weeks knowing that she was where she wanted to be with Val.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-glad to hear you (& Paul) got back safely, despite all the traffic problems. Your card is lovely, really pretty.

    I'm so glad it's Friday although today is quite busy-mostly treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis/Crohns patients but we do have a few chemotherapy patients in on Fridays.

    Best make my lunch the set off for work, will all in later.


  4. Goog Morning All, sorry you had such an horrific journey home yesterday Sandra, have a duvet day and take it easy.
    Myra please pass on my sympathies to Barbara and her family and tell her we are all thinking and praying for them.
    Work again today, then going to try the challenge card this evening,have started snacking in the evening, which I haven't done since I started my diet, so hopefully crafting will take my mind off food.
    Will see you all later, have a good day , no snow or frost here, very loud thunder storm last night.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Myra, I have just read yesterday's comments and left a comment for you.
    Dear Barbara, my deepest sympathy to you and your family on the sad passing of Val. Love and hugs to you at this very sad time x
    Sandra, oh you poor thing, what a day you had yesterday. It is sad that we dont get to see all of the family except at sad times these days. Glad that you were all together. And what a journey home you had. I bet you can hardly move today, but as you say, at least you got home.
    Your card is beautiful, I have seen this card ladies and the bottom of the dress looks wonderful. It does show how some dies etc. don't date at all.
    Lynda, I'm glad that your mouth is feeling better now.
    Sorry, didn't make a note so will just give hugs to you all. Take care

  6. Helloooooooooooo
    I'm writing to you from Rachel's house as Eleanor is poorly and Grandma has been called into service!
    Sandra, you'll be glad that yesterday is over after the sad occasion and the nightmare journey home. Have a rest today.
    Your card is very pretty, and as you say has not dated at all.
    We have a lovely fine sunny day today, what a change after the snow and wind yesterday, but it's still freezing cold and the snow on the pavements and the wet roads have turned into black ice - very dangerous.
    I'm thinking and praying for Barbara and Val's families.
    Be good, stay warm, and see you later.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. I do hope that Eleanor gets better soon Maureen, also hope its nothing that you can catch!
      Take care in this treacherous weather conditions my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxx

  7. Hi Sandra
    I'm sorry I didn't get back in yesterday. So I've just read the comments above and read that Val has passed away. So sad for you Barbara. Myra, please pass on mine and Petes condolences at this sad time.
    Love today's card Sandra, but I'm sorry your suffering today after your horrific journey home. I'm so thankful that we have live traffic as it takes us off the motorways when these things happen. There was an accident when we went down to Toms on the A12 and TomTom took us off. As you say a horizontal day today for you.

  8. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Maureen it's good to see grandma is here to the rescue again, I hope Elsinore feels better soon. Xxx
    Barbara sending you and the family big hugs this morning, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Sandra what a pretty card today, no it hasn't dated. It's good to hear you eventually got home safe and sound. There was a horrendous accident on our motorway that closed it for several hours so it must be low sun and icy conditions causing problems.
    Right I must dash and get things sorted for Emma's packing. I may not be in again today so sending hugs all round, I hope everyone is ok xxxx

  9. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Oh Sandra i did make a big report on the site yesterday a few times and gave up as the computer kept crashing and although i had saved what i had written it went into the ether space and never came back. I was wondering how you would get on in a tiny car that Rebecca has as it doesn't have much between it, the road nor the rest of the traffic. As you say you are just glad that you are alive to suffer today where as those poor people that were in the collison are in lord alone only knows what state. Accidents are like stones hitting the waters where the effects ripple out and hit more than just the people in the middle of it all. I must admit that since the recovery truck hit the back of my Astra and turned it into a mini(and that was with plenty between me and the road and traffic) i have bought a bit bigger car that has more protection and sounds solid. You know like when you shut the doors of some vehicles they sound tinnie and hollow instead of shutting with a distinctive thud. I go through this must have list when i go to see cars now and i wouldn't have a two door free gratis and for nothing unless it was just me going to be travelling in the car as i have this fear of being trapped or someone being trapped in the back of two door cars. Silly i know but i just can't shake it and Kirsten's corsa was only a two door but since having the wee fella and probably my constant nagging she has upgraded to a 4 door astra. Back to your aunts funeral, isn't it heartbreaking to watch your uncle and mum and her sisters breaking down and knowing there is nothing you can do to help them except be there when you can and give what other support you can. I hope your Uncle, Mum and Aunts are recovering a bit today as yesterday was the most upsetting part for them i think. Sending hugs your way flower and i hope that your bit time in bed today eases you up a bit and you are back to "normal" again soon.
    Well we have a lovely sunny day uphere at Glenochil with the snow on the hills looking beautiful and -2 degrees of frost but that's ok as the sun is shinning so we don't mind the temperature.
    My wee huggles yesterday had fun with dinner plate chargers out in the snow, using them like a sledge although them trying to hang on to the side of the chargers was a bit hard for them as they were too big for Huggles little arms to stretch across so they had to hold on with both hands to one side. Those charger plates can take quite a few huggles at one time and since we have a wee bit hill in the park in our village they got the idea of it quite quickly. I got a ball of cotton wool and made wee mittens out of it to keep their wee hands from getting cold. Oh if you could have seen their faces with their bright red noses and wee rosy red cheeks but they had fun. It's so nice to get the Huggles out into the fresh air for a wee while and as i had them all wrapped up in wee hats( well it's the hats for the top of the Innocent juices bottles) and wee scarves with the dinkiest wee trousers and jackets that you ever did see. I was up until dark o'clock one night cutting and sewing for them so i have warned them that they better not go off climbing any where as i am not going to keep stitching and repairing their clothes when i still have some more to make for the others yet. I have brought some Huggles with me for the basket and i have sent some special delivery to Barbara and her family to keep her going through this hard time. Right i think i will have a large latte in my tommy tippee cup as i'm having bother with a normal cup at the moment and some home made soup to heat me up.
    Norah x

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    What a journey you had yesterday, I was thinking of you and praying it wouldn't be to difficult for you. Seeing your Uncle, Mother and Aunts crying would have been very upsetting, I'm not surprised you also got upset. I hope today you are resting after the dreadful return journey must really have taken its toll, please don't expect too much of yourself today.
    Today's card is lovely, the design is timeless, I love how are you have used your patterned paper for the foliage in your floral spray, it just brings everything together. XX
    I did leave a message last night sending my condolences to Barbara, she and Vals family just need to know there are people around who care. Myra, would you please tell her she is still in my thoughts and prayers, thank you also for the very sensitive way you have kept Us all informed. Sending gentle (((hugs))) for you also. xx
    I will pop back in later and see how everyone is. Just now the sun is shining and I have sent with a lovely cappuccino looking out at the world.
    Love to all, Brenda xxxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all.
    Just read about Val, now at peace and no more suffering so it's a very sad day and my thoughts and Condolences are with Barbara and all the family.Thank you Myra for letting us know.
    Sandra your journey back home was horrible, the poor people who were in such an accident. I hope with some rest you will feel better later on. Must have been a hard day with the funeral ,so pleased do you managed to go. I have never had a proper reunion in Sweden ever. Couldn't go to my sisters wedding and no-one came to mine. In my OH family it has been different as it been three weddings and 2 funerals so far. Now people are getting older but we know that day will come for everyone, only wish it wasn't through illness or accidents.
    Wendy- hope you are alright after your sisters passing ?
    I'm glad do that Lynda's gums are on the mend and I hope Sue's neck are getting better. I hope and wish you all have a nice day as possible anyway and we will see you in for a coffee/tea soon. Blue sky, sunshine and +2 it's a nice day outside. Town ,shopping and tried to get my meds. but they have done wrong between the doctors and chemist so two items are still missing and I run out of one three days ago so will see if they be in later this afternoon. just so annoying to have to go up there again,third time lucky.... I will go and have a chat with the huggles for a moment waiting for the washing machine to finish and then some hoovering needed. Craszy how much you bring in on the shoes this time of year and we don't wear them indoors. love and warm hugs to you all Xxxx

    1. Sandra ,your card is lovely, gorgeous colours and die work together xx

  12. This is a flying visit SANDRA your card is terrific and that you arrived home safely MYRA send BARBARA our condolences May VAL be at peace Xxx

  13. Hello Sandra,
    I'm sorry I'm coming in at strange times just now but I will explain on Monday!
    I will pass on all your kind thoughts and condolences to Barbara. She was aware of all the messages being left daily for her.
    Thank you too for the lovely messages you left for me. I was quite touched by those.
    We have a lovely group of thoughtful caring ladies. It means such a lot.
    You have had an awful journey yesterday Sandra - that sounds horrendous but that's what happens on the M25 when there is any kind of accident! It takes hours to sort it all out. We visit friends in Godalming regularly and avoid the M25 at busy times but it can still cause problems. Hope you are feeling better now.
    Today's card is lovely.
    I'm sorry I have not been able to enter the Challenge this week. I fully intended to but time ran away from me. Will try to do better next week!
    Take care everyone!

    1. Myra, you sound very tired, hope you are ok,.
      Sending love and gentle ((((HUGS))))

      Sleep well, Brenda xxx

    2. Brenda thank you for your concern! I'm fine. Will explain on Mobday! You are so kind. Xxx

    3. Or even Monday!! Ha ha! Xxx

  14. Evening Ladies

    Goodness-what a ghastly day! Work & weather were awful. Sleet, hail, rain & freezing temperatures plus a number of accidents on the roads.

    Hubby home late from Carlisle but home safe.

    Am meet a friend at Dobbies garden centre tomorrow which is always nice, hubby hoping to play golf but there's so many holes closed so he's not sure what will happen tomorrow.


  15. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Myra please pass on my condolences to Barbara & Val's family they are in my thoughts & prayers & you for being such a good friend to Barbara thank you hugs on the way.xx
    Sandra what a day you had hope you have recovered a bit by now, by the way thank you for updated address list. Your card today is beautiful as always. xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  16. Hello SANDRA my goodness what a journey home you had. Must have been a tough day with the funeral.without spending hours in Becca's little car. Hope you rested all day today.
    Barbara my love thoughts & prayers are with you all today.xx I did leave my sympathies last night.
    Wendy my thoughts & prayers also with you after the loss of your sister.
    Sunshine today but freezing cold went down Ramsgate market this afternoon was then going to take doggis up the park but didn't get there as Bambie wanting picking up her tiny paws were really cold so we went home.
    Had only been in about 10 min & had a lovely chat with Cheryl on the phone. She is such a sweet heart chatting like old friends it made my day.
    SANDRA your card is lovey so pretty. Also yesterday's Man card was great I loved it with those sweet little tools well done.
    OH has just put a film on so I'm going to watch it.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  17. Evening All, just a quick note while I'm waiting for dinner to cook, sorry Sandra I forgot to say how lovely your card is.
    Have to go O/H is home
