
Thursday 14 January 2016

Fashion Thursday!

Good Morning Ladies,

Just a quickie today, Paul and I are on route to Essex as you are reading this, we will leave home at 6.30 am to hopefully arrive at the Weeley Crematorium for my Aunt's funeral at 11am, fingers crossed the M25 is kind to us!
So with atleast six hours in the car and I will add we are having to use Becca's Citroen  C1, I will say no more (our car is awaiting a new exhaust)!

I am very grateful to have a card from Janet to share with you today, a gorgeous card featuring our favourite fashion accessories Handbags and shoes!
I love these shop display style cards you have created Janet, thank you so much for sharing xxx

Well I am off to get ready for an busy and emotional day, we haven't been to this Crematorium since my Dad was cremated so I think that's going to be quite tough, I am pleased for Mum though as all of my sisters and brother are going to support her too.

So sorry to hear your latest update Barbara, special hugs to you my lovely your are always in my thoughts and prayers xxxx

Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Morning Sandra and all who call in. It's not a good one here as we have had snow overnight. Not loads by any account about an inch and a half, but enough that the daft idiots out there will cause may hem.
    Janet, what a wonderful card. Some young lady is going to love this when she opens the envelope.
    Oh,Sandra I hope you and Paul are not going to regret not hiring a slightly bigger car for that journey. Well not so much bigger but higher off the ground, you will struggle getting in and out from being so low to the ground. I can not go in and out of Tammys Ford Focus without suffering. Never mind at least you are getting there to support your mum. Just think happy thoughts about your dad it will help. Xxx

    1. We've got it here too Hazel, and it's still snowing. The sky is full of the blooming stuff!!! xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet-stunning card, truly amazing.

    Sandra-hope today is bearable & you manage to get home safely.

    Another wet & windy day here, hopefully it won't be so busy at work. I stayed late last to get a report written but having thought about what I've put in it, I think I need to amend it now!!


  3. Good Morning Sandra,& Friends, sorry that I have not been in for a couple of days. Busy with work and yesterday went to my friends for a crafting day, mostly catching up as we hadn't seen each other for a while.
    Have not caught up with your post ,hopefully will do so later.
    Janet love the fashion card lovely for ladies of all ages.
    Hope to be later, hugs to those who need them.

  4. Morning/Afternoon and to all who may pop in

    Sandra - My thoughts will be with you and Paul today. These are times we never want but unfortunately they do come and it will be good that all the Family will be there to support Mum. I too hope the M25 is kind to you and that the weather stays reasonable.

    Barbara - You/Val and all the Family are in my prayers. Gentle hugs are on their way my Dear Friend.

    My card is another one of those like the Hats the other day in that it is a section out of one of those 'On the Shelf' card kits I bought from CraftsUPrint. I love some of the sections but was never happy with the complete card as I could never get them to be stable enough even using 300gsm card. Anyway as you see I use sections which suit different shaped cards.

    We have a white world outside this morning - no not snow but a very heavy frost - it looks lovely but it is very very cold and as I've said earlier this week we are forecast snow from today. They may get some higher up in the Morvan we shall see.

    I had a new die delivered yesterday so I'm going to have a play day today. The die is one of those Accordian Dies so I'll see what sort of mess I can get myself into.

    Everything is set up in the Café with extra cushions and one or two little knee blankets for anyone who needs them in this cold weather. I've also left one or two little hand warmers - they look like tiny hot water bottles. I love these and have quite a few which fit into my gloves. I just hope they're where I asked for them to be placed and that the Huggles haven't run off with them though they are a little on the large size for them.

    I'll look in later - Hugs to all in need.

    1. Oh Janet that made me chuckle, we bought some of those ha warders for Christmas - I think she's going to need them looking at the weather reports for the day she travels back! I can just see a few huggles sat on the hand warmer swarming their bottoms! Especially if they've been outside sliding on the ice! . Hope you keep warm today xxxx

    2. Hello Janet, your card is lovely. Shoes and bags, what more can anyone ask for. Can I say that the hand warmers are much appreciated!!!

    3. Diane, you got me smile.The ha warders they might think are duvets but what are swarming in there bottoms ! should we have to be worried ? hihi
      Janet- Love your card ! anyone who love shoes and handbags will love it. Have a fun day playing with your new "baby" ,love to hear how it works out xxx

    4. Janet your card is amazing I love it. Enjoy your day.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  5. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Oh Janet what a fabulous card, love the matching shoes and handbags, aren't they great. Now I remember having a pair like the blue and black ones - very high and pretty and I used to walk up and down the high street from the station in them and all day in them and could even do the couple of miles home in them too if needs be with no problem at all! Not even taking them off under the table at work! Oh those were the days! Thank you for sharing the beauty with us. Xxxx
    Myra thank you for the update on Val, Barbara my thoughts and prayers are with you and all the family. Sending you gentle hugs xxxx
    Sandra safe journey today , it's lovely the whole family are there to support your mum, it will be an emotional day for everyone. Xxx
    Well I must get a wiggle on, shopping today for bits and pieces, new shoes are needed and hopefully some new boots can be found in the sales. I think with minus 15 forcasted for Scotland they are definitely going to be needed! May see you later xxxxxx

    1. Dainty! Emma will be going back to Aberdeen looking like Nanook of the North - a bit like me at the moment, well not as old as me, of course ha ha.
      Are you and Julian taking her, or is she going back by bus?

  6. Hi Sandra
    Won't try and comment on the card at this precise moment as I'm trying to get in touch with talk talk as all the phones in this area seem to be down
    Just to say Myra, thanks fir the update from Barbara re Val. It's such a sad time for them all. Thank you for rolling her were all thinking of them. She's such a special lady they're all in my thoughts.

    1. Hello Pat, I hope you get the phones sorted xxxx

  7. Hellooooooooooooooo
    Sandra, I hope you have a safe and uneventful journey today, and that things are not too stressful and upsetting for everyone.
    Janet, I have remarked under your comment about your fantastic card.
    Everyone, stay safe, stay warm and - in my case - stay inside!!
    See you all later - it's still snowing, the heating is on, and I'm still freezing, so I'm away to put on some socks, get another jumper and hot cup of coffee. How stupid to get dressed and not put anything on my feet!!!!
    See you all later
    Muriel xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra & lovely ladies
    Sorry about yesterday just finished writing my comment then Internet went down so wouldn't publish. Then central heating wouldn't fire up grr.
    Any way both back on now. Sandra hope you haven't suffered from your journey this morning & your day isn't to stressful for you but nice your all there to support your mum.Safe journey home.
    MYRA thank you for update from Barbara. Barbara & Val your always in my thoughts & prayers at this sad time sending love & Hug's my friend for all the family.
    JANET I commented under yout post about your lovely card.
    Yaay my infection has now cleared up & feel so much better.
    Well better get a wiggle on & finish house work then Tesco Joy.
    Pop in later
    Lynda xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all in today, lets have a tea just this morning as I'm going out soon with a friend for lunch her MG, very small car too,oh dear....
    Today will be sad and emotions will go through in different ways all day but try to think of happier times and your mum will be glad you came. Take care xx
    Jean, hope all goes fine for Nic at the dentist.
    Lynda, getting better with your gums ? hugs.
    Karen, speak soon. Patricia, take care if going out. The same to any of you having snow and ice. Can see the huggles having great fun if going outside. My little Oscar will have to swim ,raining as usual here and very cold (raw) not good. Hope you ok Sue and starting to feel better. Pat,hope you have a good crafting day with Sandra
    Shoes, yes how come when you were younger you could wear higher heels and walk ,stand for hours and walk miles and today, flatter the better...are you gonna wear them to AP next time Diane ? sorry hihi in a funny mood this morning after no sleep at all. Had a chat in here much earlier when most of you were in bed, not even a mouse or Littlelamb. Sending extra love to Saba,Val and family. Sheila, hope you are ok ! love and hugs, Maria Xxxx

    1. Maria, I noticed this morning that you were up,very late. Not good, but have been there so many times. I often go to bed when I feel tired even if that's really early have seen me going by 8. Ok I some times am awake by 1 or 2 but at least I have had a few hours good sleep xxx

    2. Thanks MARIA yes antibiotics have worked not hurting now just have to wait for gums to heal up dentist said about May when I have to go back Love & Hug's xx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I hope you have a safe journey pleased to see all the family are going to support your Mum I am sure your Mum will appreciate this hugs on way xx
    Janet another great card from you hope it warms up for you.xx
    Barbara special thoughts & prayers & gentle hugs on way to you & Val & family xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them Love Margaret xx

  11. Hi everyone,
    Sandra hope your day wasn't too emotional, family being there would be a great help.
    Janet your card is gorgeous, everyone loves shoes and bags.
    Val is very much in my thoughts today, sending lots of hugs to all the family.
    Take care everyone, snow, very cold and frosty everywhere. X

  12. Hello All, Sandra hope the days goes smoothly, always difficult but always good to say goodbye to a loved one.
    Well done to Lucy and Sophie well done on your exams results.
    Janet love the fashion card, used to love my stilettos.
    Well you know the saying " there's no fool like an old fool" & " a fool and his money are soon parted" we'll both of these sayings can be applied to me!!!!
    I saw the demos of the altenew stamps on C&C, and as I didn't have much success with the previous sets I bought ,thought it must be my ink pads, so I ordered 3 new sets of pads and one more sets of stamps, well guess what it must be me, the pads are very small, and quite expensive and they are no better than the ink pads I already have, so that's a waste of around £60 pounds.
    Have just had my order that was despatched 27/11/15!!!!
    Sunny, but very heavy showers here today.
    Barbara and Val praying for and sending hugs for you.
    Well I'd better go and finish my work.
    Hugs to all

    1. Lillian try sending them back, if you explain about the order date and delivery date, worth a try! Give them a phone or send an e-mail.

  13. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    Sandra I hope everything went well today and your journey was uneventful, I am sure your mum was so pleased to have all of her children with her, it does mean such a lot of these times.

    Janet, I love your card with matching shoes and bags, it really is gorgeous. It's a long time since I had heels like this, In fact they getting lower and lower!!!!!

    I have had another busy day working at the computer, but I finished all I had to so can now sit back for a few weeks.

    Dinner is just about ready so I must get a wriggle on. Hope everyone's had a good day, sending gentle hugs for everyone.
    Love Brenda xxx

  14. Evening Everyone
    I too can very clearly remember when I wore 3inch high stiletto heels from first thing in the morning to very last thing at night which of course was walking every where for buses to get to work and back a good distance from the bus stop to home as I lived in a small village and then of course going out at night whether it was to the Youth Club or at the week-end Dancing and never feeling a think - these days the highest my shoe heel is zero and as for walking every where well at least I have all the memories and can dream though I do have to admit that at the back of my wardrobe there are two pairs of stiletto heels -one pair are my gold dancing shoes and the other are black patent with suede sides. Every time I have a clear out I look at them and then put them back I just cannot throw them out - I haven't worn those sort of shoes for 30years!

    I'm off to bed now to dream of high heels and dancing through the night.
    Night Night everyone. Sleep well and see you all tomorrow.

  15. Hi, Just popped in to wish you all a good night. It's been a long day here and we have to go into town tomorrow, pick up meds. three items missing when picked up by husband today ans of course shopping again. Why can't we live just on air. Hope to see you tomorrow pm.
    warm hugs to one and all Xxxx

  16. Hello Ladies,
    I'm sorry I have been missing but I have not been at home today.
    I just thought you all ought to know that Val passed away in the early hours of this morning.
    Barbara was with her as were her immediate family.
    For Val , her suffering is over and she is now at peace.
    For Barbara she has the comfort of knowing she was with her dear sister until the end. She will miss her greatly.
    My thoughts and prayers are with Barbara, Michael and the family . With Peter too.
    Love to all ,
    Myra xxx

    1. Dear Myra, Please pass on my deepest condolences to Barbara and all of Vals family. Everyone has been so supportive to Val, she was blessed having a very loving family around her, my thoughts and prayers are with them all.
      Thank you Myra for keeping us updated, it can't have been easy for you, you are a true friend and I'm sure you have been a great strength to Barbara. xxx

    2. Myra. Please pass on my deepest sympathy to Barbara and family at the sad passing of Val. Rest in peace Val.
      It is clear that you have been, and will continue to be, a very special and wonderful supportive friend to dear Barbara, especially at such a sad time in her life. I'm sure she is so grateful for all of the support that you give her. Please take extra care of yourself too Myra at this very sad time x

  17. Hello MYRA,please pass on my deepest sympathies to Barbara & all of Val's family as well.She fought a strong battle but now her suffering is over & Barbara & her loveing family was with her. My thoughts & prayers are with them all.
    Thank you Myra for letting us know the very sad news love to Barbara.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  18. Myra, please pass on my deepest sympathy to Barbara and all her family. My sister's funeral is on Monday so I know what she is going through, please give her all my love and special hugs, I am thinking of them all at this time xx
