
Wednesday 13 January 2016

An idea for a Man Stepper card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I thought I would share an idea I had for a 'Man' themed Stepper Card, (or a lady mechanic too)!
I bought the little tools die recently from Klassy Kards I believe they are Memory Box Man Tools die.
I kind of had to rush this card, I think the tools would look even better if you layered the handles in different colours etc, but they are the cutest little things ever, it never ceases to amaze me how much detail you can get in such a tiny die.
You probably don't need me to tell you, but I cut the 'drawers' from the same red card as the stepper card, you can do them any size, I used tiny brads as handles, then inked around the drawers with Black ink to give a shadow look to them, mounted them onto adhesive foam to lift them away from the card, I then added some of the tools in the drawers and some on the steps, the 'Happy Birthday' is a Spellbinder's die cut out of the same silver as the tools.
I must also apologise as the glue was still drying when the photo was taken!

Now onto the reason for the mad rush card making at 10pm!!!
The girls came home from school yesterday after a few sleepless nights waiting for the results for their exams, my goodness me the tension has been unbearable, Lucy had pretty much given up the idea of doing any A levels altogether and Sophie had convinced us and herself that she had failed everything!  So in the come, Lucy looked close to tears, then announced that she had pretty much got A*'s A's and a B, Sophie the same but with a C, so a celebratory tea was called for, dads previous bargain shopping meant there were enough steaks in the freezer, we added chips, onion ring's and mushrooms sauteed in butter with garlic and parsley and some French beans! Which was very well received by all, I think a certain two little ladies will have slept better last night!

I am off to Pat's today with Sue, for a little bit of fun and laughter!
Have a good day ladies


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-that's a great card, especially as it was such short notice. Well done to Lucy & Sophie on their results.

    Myra & Jean- M in L asked if I wanted to go to the craft show at Leigh(YES) & I wondered if you wanted to try to meet up there. Anyone else that's thinking of going-I'd love to meet up.


    1. Hi Michele I'm definitely going to Leigh show, will have to arrange a meet up x looking forward to it. Xx

    2. Hello Michele,
      When is the Leigh Show ? I've been trying to find out but can't! Xxx

    3. 20th & 21st February, we're going on the Saturday.


  2. Morning Everyone
    CONGRATULATIONS TO LUCY AND SOPHIE (I don't know who is the elder sorry). So it's now A level to think about.

    I can remember although it's a long time ago for my own two girls but when working I sort of became an 'Auntie' to some of the 5th/6th formers and I always had numerous boxes of tissues at the ready particularly from now to June when it's the end of the exams and then results days.
    It's a horrible time for most of the students. So a little help and kindness always went a long way.

    SANDRA - Fantastic card for a mechanic of any gender/age.
    Everything is just perfect and as you say how do the manufacturers get so much detail on so tiny dies.
    A very good theme to keep in mind.

    We didn't get to the market yesterday morning as when Jim got back from the Boulangerie the Heavens had opened and we decided that it's no fun walking round in pouring rain/very cold and up to our eyes in mud. Neither of us would benefit in any way so we just went to the local shop and got what bits we needed. We then spent a very lazy day well after Jim had fed the birds in between rain and hailstones in front of the log burner. So today I have to finish my Challenge card and start one or two others. It's fine this morning but oh it's so cold.
    We have been forecast snow from tomorrow so we shall see.

    Anyway my breakfast has arrived and as I can see that everything is up and running in the Café for the day with Tom and Basil soup and fresh bread for lunch already on in the back kitchen you should be able to have a warming lunch. Junior Dobbie has apologised for not cleaning the windows properly and has promised to do them better next time.

    Hugs and Prayers for all in need I have sent on their way with particular thoughts for Barbara/Val and Family.

  3. Morning everyone, hope you are all TicketyBoo and ready for the day ahead.
    Sorry I did not manage in yesterday, busy, busy here at the "Ranch".
    I said the wrong thing when I was with Hazel the other day. I said I would make the Invitations for our big Family Gathering. We booked it at the Hotel after we had had our Morning Coffee and an in depth conversation about it. I felt Hazel had had enough of making Invitations after her mammoth year of invitations last year. All done and dusted and ready for posting. They will not go out for a few weeks yet but I needed to get them done. I have so many other things on the list to be done.
    SANDRA:- your card is great love all those little tools. They could be used for lots of projects.
    RETREAT:- Sandra your venue sounds fantastic and it is near my most favourite city in England, I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, York. Unfortunately if Hazel and Jess are not going, I would not come on my own. They long journey down on my own would drive me crazy. Being with Hazel and Jess made the journey to Birmingham bearable.
    BARBARA:- thoughts and prayers as always.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket as always. I am off over to the corner to have my Toast and a Cuppa. xxx

  4. Morning Sandra and everyone, oh do come in to this nice and warm cafe' where I know now that anything can happen :) Congratulations to your girls Sandra, fantastic results ! Give them both a huge hug from me.
    Love the stepper card, the tools are so cute. Not bad for being a quickie. Told OH about the retreat and all he said 'No problem I can take you' now that's very sweet and everything, it just came out a little to fast. I guess he had a ball last time without me nagging for a few days tihi. I will come back to you on that.
    Shops waiting so best get ready. Wish everyone a nice day as poss. and sending warm hugs to all, Love and hugs Xxxx

  5. Morning Sandra, your card today is super, just right for D.I.Y enthusiasts as well as mechanics. The place you got your die from is my friends shop she has a great range of different dies in stock.
    Well done to the girls on their results, another hurdle over!
    Very cold and frosty here this morning, off to do a little ironing, that should heat me up.
    Coffee finished, money in pot, off I go.
    Take care everyone, thinking of you Barbara and Val ((((()))))

  6. Hi Sandra
    Many Many congratulations to both Lucy and Sophie on their results. I've only put Lucy first as she's first alphabetically. They studied hard I know, they're both so clever.
    Love the stepper card Sandra. How lovely the tools look as well. Must borrow this idea for Petes friend who's shed he uses as a workshop.
    Best to stay indoors Janet if the weathers bad, sounds lovely sat by the wood burner. Hope you enjoy the craft show at Leigh Michelle. I'm off to Sandra's today, as Sue is unwell today.

  7. Hello Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I was AWOL yesterday, I had been asked to make some cakes by a lady who works with Julian - it's her birthday today so I spent most of the day making chocolate cup cakes, lemon cupcakes and lemon drizzle cake. I love baking but it takes ages, especially when you have to find the kitchen under a lot of clutter first! Our weekend away is taking it's toll on housework and tidying! I got everything cooked before I went out for my first mammogram ! Sandra my letter said to call the unit at the hospital if you have mobility problems and they will arrange an alternative venue for you. You can change appointment times too if you need to fit in with Paul taking you. It's much better to get it done when you think of the consequence of missing it. It's not pleasant but it doesn't take long. Would have liked the lady to introduce herself first before she manhandled me but her hands were warm! Haha.
    Love the card today, I saw these dies being advertised the other day and thought they were cute. Congratulations to the girls on their results they did do well. My friend and her daughter came for dinner last night to catch up with Emma before she goes back. Her daughter is a year behind Emma so takes her A levels this year and will hopefully go to Uni in the Autumn. They are both only children so it's good for them to chat and they get on so well.
    Sandra I had a brief look back at yesterday's blog - Jean I love your card. Unfortunately I can't make the date you suggested as it's our wedding anniversary and we are booked up. York is lovely though.
    It sounds like we had better start putting together food parcels for Hazel, oh gosh what an expensive time for you - isn't it always the way when one expense hits the rest seem to follow! Michele I hope your bathroom quote isn't too bad either. We had one once ( dolphin bathrooms, since gone out of business!), that was £20,000! Nothing special either! On top of that they wanted us to change our boiler because we could knock the airing cupboard into the bathroom because they didn't like the shape and we had to have the door moved! That put us off changing our bathroom for years, but bath store when they did it were very good and needless to say much cheaper !
    Right I must get a wriggle on, I've been very lazy finishing my book so I must make a move now.
    See you later
    Love and hugs to all
    Diane xxxxx.

    1. Morning Diane,
      I think that the retreat venue and date will be changed now anyway, as if our Scottish lovelies aren't going to be joining us we can probably change the area, I was looking at York and May as that was whatbin thought I had read was the popular choice for the majority!
      I will have a rethink and get back to you xx

    2. Hi Diane,

      All the ladies in our Breast Care Unit introduce themselves beforehand so you know who is going to shove you in that machine, even though they wear the hospital name tags. Might be worth mentioning it to your unit that you would like that courtesy in the future. x

  8. Just seen Sunrise Crafts have featured Sue's latest die launch, another 31 die sets and 18 stamps!

    1. SANDRA:- I saw that. In my opinion that is totally out of order.
      Hazel's favourite Craft Shop still had not had all the Dies & Stamps from the last release.
      How much money does Sue think we have???

    2. I quite agree our pockets are not bottomless, there is a limit!

    3. Agree with the comments too. Would hate to think Sue's dies are going the same way as the TL, Die'sire etc. ones, just flooding the market for the sake of it. One or two new launches per year would be fine for most of us to save up for what we'd like but one every couple of months, that's smacks of being too greedy. Sorry Sue if you're popping in and reading this, that's how I feel. As an OAP now, I don't have a unlimited income xxx

    4. I too agree with these sentiments, I cannot keep up with the endless amount of dies Sue seems to be producing and I certainly cannot afford to keep buying them, as much as I love them, I cannot keep up, XX Johanna

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I love the card Sandra, those tiny tools are wonderful, and you made a brilliant job, especially as it was made so late last night.
    Big congratulations to Lucy and Sophie on their results, they both study so hard and it is great to hear that it has paid off. No wonder you had a celebration tea.
    Barbara, Val and family,in my thoughts always.
    Not having a good day as my joints are not good. Alwaysakes me fed up but evenmore so when it is our weekly meet up. Enjoy your day Sandra and Pat. Take care. Love and hugs xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Sorry your joints are bad & you had to miss your day with Sandra & Pat, hop you feel better by Friday. Love & hugs xx

  10. Forgot to say that the York place sounds lovely and it may be more expensive but at least you get a lot more for your money, and no doubt hot food! But now it sounds like it doesnt have to be May or so far up north so hopefully can find a cheaper place away from tourist hot spots.

    1. SANDRA:- sorry, it seems like us folks from the "wilds of Scotland" have been scuppering your plans for the Retreat. I am sure now you don't have to think about the distance we would have to travel or the time of year you will find the perfect place. xxx

  11. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Oh Sandra i hope that the girls are on cloud nine because of their exam results as they deserve to be. They have done so very well i am not surprised that you are so proud of them, they have well and truly earned that pride shining from their mother and fathers eyes and faces. A BIG CONGRATULATIONS SOPHIE AND LUCY, we are all very proud of your hard work girls,well done.
    Sandra your stepper card reminds me of the bright red very expensive tool carts that you add to and i can see the tools have not been put in the drawers properly, typical man, never tidies away their toys properly so that they don't fall out of the drawers. I do like that tools die you have used flower, very useful not just for men but for girls and ladies like my Mum who had all her tools. Because Dad was working so much he never did any work in the house, Mum did it all from joinery to plumbing she wouldn't stick. One year she wanted a circular saw for making somethings up with(Mum used her tools well and they were always put back where they should be) so i went into Argos one Christmas to get her one. The lady serving my remarked "Awh your Dad will be fair chuffed with his present this year". As i told the lady, it wasn't for my Dad it was for my Mum, well she laughed her head off as she had never known one to be bought for a woman before. Mum's birthday is the 9th of February so in i trots again for a work bench for her and got the same woman, well when she saw the bench she said "don't tell me this is for your mum as well". I just gave her a big smile in answer to her question.

  12. Mum went around all the various hospitals both big and small cottage ones as a craft instructor, so her bag always had tools of some kind in it. Sometimes she had rather alot and it was one of these occassions that this man nearly got battered with her handbag. She was taking us to school and it was a cold very icy day so she was driving slowly as the place was just a sheet of ice. Upon coming around this bend she slid into the back of a broken down bus. Well there was no damage done to either the bus or our Morris Marina(which was red) so the bus driver and her got the car back from the bus and we were about to go on when this car came around the corner, far to fast for the roads and battered mum's car back into the bus where upon the front end of ours had broken headlights and a bit of wing damage, the back was damage a bit but nothing too bad. Well he gave her his details and away he went. Mum's getting back into the car when this lady comes around and knocks her back into the bus. Again a bit more damage but exchanged details and away she went. By this time she had called Dad to come and help her, the bus was moving away and was at the bottom of the road, Dad was reversing up to mum when this idiot comes winging it like he is the formula one race and batters the car and it goes sailing down the road, Dad's in front of it trying to stop it hitting his tow truck or the bus. Mum asked his details and he refused to give them as the car had already been crashed into so he wasn't going to give his details. Mum raging at this point gets her bag out of the car and swings it at him, he runs into his car and locks the doors and windows with an angry wee wumin coming at him with a handbag that had hammer, screwdrivers, pliers, metal tape measure etc in her handbag. He finally decided to give his details on a scrap of paper fed through the edge of the window to her. Oh boy was it some day as after clown features was away this lassie on a motorbike comes winging it around the corner sees Mum's car, this other one and takes her hands of the handlebars and slides along the road, she never hit a thing but i bet she was sore after skieting along the road on her bahookie like she did.
    Just been to the dentist to have my front tooth removed so you know Nanny McPhee and her tooth when she arrives to take over the children, well that is what i look like the now. The dentist says that it will shrink back and the wee plate he fitted this morning will move up into place so that the tooth is level with my own. Went to get my picture taken for my blue badge and i look like i've had a stroke. Perhaps today AFTER getting my tooth out wasn't a wise move,lol.
    I am going to have or try and have a drink so please can i have it in my tommy tippee cup as i will slitter down myself if i try and real cup at the moment. I will need to go back and get the huggles as i left them at home this morning because i had the dentist as i didn't want them getting into all sorts of mischief there. Back in a wee while
    Norah x

    1. Norah, really funny, but not funny for your mum, sounds like something from you've been framed x

    2. Norah your mum sounds a smashing lady, what great memories to have. I hope your gum feels better soon, I'm sorry I did chuckle at the thought of that photo and what it must look like! Xxxx

    3. Norah, I love you memories and you tell them so well. I'm sorry but I did laugh out loud imagining the photo, bless you. Hope you not in to much discomfort. hugs xxx

    4. Diane, she was a smashing lady and if she had got her hands on that guy that was refusing to handover his details to her, he would have found out just how smashing she could be. lol x

    5. Norah, your determination to do things your self must come from your wonderful mum. She was one great lady. Oh I feel for you having to get your tooth out, keep your mouth covered while out. Especially with this cold snap we are going to have. xxx

    6. Oh Nora you have made me laugh, I nearly dropped my laptop as its balanced on my tummy and it nearly slid off. xx Johanna

  13. Sorry Norah, but I've laughed like mad reading your stories. Get that book written girl!!!!
    Sandra, brilliant man card, and congratulations to the girls on their exam results. Well done.
    That's it. I've got one load of washing half out - only half because the remainder would be over the lawn and it's soaking wet, so the clothes wouldn't dry. The next load is ready to go out, so I can see Mr Tumble doing a few rounds!
    The bedrooms are all hoovered and dusted, and bathroom shining like a new pin. You could say that I'm knackered now, but I'm too much of a lady to use language like that ha ha.
    Think I'll have an early lunch, then prepare the dinner for tonight as the girls have it here on a Wednesday (and any other day that they can).
    Then, if I get a sudden burst of energy (unlikely) I'll do a bit of housework downstairs. No, on second thoughts, I'll go into my craft room lol.
    See you later
    Muriel xxx

  14. Good afternoon everyone
    Well it is bitterly cold here today with snow on the fells lets hope it stays there.
    Today's card is excellent Sandra well done it must have taken some patience cutting all those tools out.
    Off to get some work done, take care everyone
    Margaret xxx

  15. Good afternoon everyone
    Oh im so behind with everything today
    Congratulations to Sophie and Lucy on their success.
    You must be so proud of them.
    Just love this card Sandra it so different
    Ill pop back later as I have a lot to do and am picking Nic up tomorrow for the dentist so wont be able to do much for the next few days.
    Till later
    Jean xx

  16. Hello Everyone!
    Well Sandra - I do like today's card as it is just a little bit different! I do like the tools . I did laugh at Norah's tools story!
    Well I survived the Make and Take this afternoon. The ladies mostly did a very good job! I took some photos too which they were quite pleased about! One lady stuck the pad in the spine of the little folder and wondered why it wouldn't shut! Please don't ask me how because I have no idea - but one lady ended up with four pieces of ribbon and two bows tying it together!! There were 28 there plus me so I had prepared 30 . We had enough! It's over now!
    Sandra I thought the place in York sounded lovely but I wouldn't be able to go in May. I didn't respond yesterday as I had too much to do and needed to check a few things. However I think the next few months here are a bit busy. We are away in March, again in April and got two lots of visitors in May! I see you may change the venue and date so we shall see what happens.
    I heard from Barbara late last night and Val is now very , very poorly indeed!
    My thoughts and prayers are with the whole family and Barbara and Val in particular. Barbara has become a very dear friend and my heart just goes out to her at this time!
    Love to all xxx

    1. Hi Myra, wish so it was something you could do to help Saba at this time of sadness. If you speak to her again ,please tell her I'm thinking of her and Val all the time. hugs xxx

    2. I will Maria! I have been telling her how much everyone is thinking about her. She is having a tough time . Xxx

  17. Good afternoon Cotswold café,

    I love those dinky little tools Sandra, please may I have some in silver and black? as I believe they would compliment my Chronology dies to a T.

    Well done girls on your exams results!!!

    It's 16.16pm now and no sun in sight but then it isn't sunset yet and the sky is clear and bright. Quite light too for this time of year. I don't know when the longest day is but it sure is lovely not to have to turn the lights on so early.

    Norah's Mum's car's mishaps resonated with me and my Dad. He turned into a road, indicators flashing, only to have someone at speed trying to overtake the cars on opposite side of the road so that dad would have to stop and let him through. He had misjudged how far dad was actually round the corner and hit him on the driver side. They pushed dad's car to his side of the road and they swapped details. The other driver drove off and because Dad couldn't drive his and not having a phone he asked the house owner who he was now outside of, if he could ring someone for help. Whilst he was doing this, another car tried to do the same as Dad's car wrecker did and ended up in the side of Dad's car!. He tried to drive off but the house owner had seen what had happened and he rushed outside to stop him. Dad was tied up for ages with 2 different insurance companies plus his own before he got any redress!
    Loving thoughts & ((((hugs)))) to Saba, Val and families, Wendy on her loss, Sheila & Nikki and for anyone I have forgotten, I do apologise.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  18. Good evening Sandra and ladies, been busy, how come you buy a new unit for the bathroom and it causes you to completely gut the whole room. I had 5x500x500mm glass cubes as I unit in the bathroom I got these 18years ago when textile world was closing - Gillian and I both bought these for next to nothing and they looked great in the bathrooms, the only problem was every couple of months we would work together to dismantle these, clean where they sat and wash and dry every panel of glass and put back together. I had 18 pieces of glass. The last time we did it which was October we both felt they wouldn't take much more taking apart, so we left them that bit longer, but everytime I looked the muck under the bottom glass pieces was getting worse. Time to take apart, but Gillians was first and she lost a couple of panels, it was time for them to go they were dangerous. That why we were at IKEA on Sunday, it was to get something to replace them! Very difficult when you have had see through glass shelves all that time, we got a unit so to days job was Charlie and I taking it apart and disposing of, new unit was built while I deep cleaned the whole bathroom oh my it was terrible under and down the back of that unit. All sparking clean now and new unit in place. The car picked up from the garage £366 it not nearly as bad as we thought as Toyota had quoted over £500. Our local garage did it using Toyota parts, so car all serviced and MOT done. Thank goodness we put away every month for repairs.
    Sandra your card with the tools is great. Those tools are like ones I got in little packets from the works ages ago.
    Right I must go and make tea, thank goodness the fish lady came today. I have so missed getting fresh fish , so we are having lemon sole tonight and I got hot smoked salmon for lunch tomorrow, Little Andrew was happy when he spoke to me just there asking if I had got fish for his tea tomorrow night, big Andrew is a happy bunny as I was able to get him Cod Roe. Can't stand the stuff but he loves it's. xxx

  19. Cheryl,,the longest day doesn't happen until June, the shortest day passed in December.

  20. That's why the days are getting longer then Jess LOL Thanks for the info. xxx

  21. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra your card today is great & many congratulations to Lucy & Sophie on their excellent results no wonder you feel very proud & so you should. Good luck finding a new venue for the retreat shame about York lovely place.xx
    Thank you Myra for update from Barbara special thoughts & prayers with very gentle hugs on way to Barbara, Val & her family xx
    Been out to lunch with group of boule friends to sort out details for our trip to France the end of June so feel very lazy now not used to main meal mid-day.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  22. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    Had a mega busy day today, been out shopping for a worktop for the craft room, went to IKEA, B&Q Homebase, had lunch out, also popped into Asda and picked up a few bits. Back home again had some accounts to do for my sister, then it was time for dinner - where has the day gone?

    Well done Sophie and Lucy on you fantastic results. you have obviously worked very hard and have made Mum and Dad very proud of you both. ME I'm over the moon for all of you. xxxxxx

    Sandra love your man card, It really is an inspiring design. Amazing that you managed it in such a short time. I am really impressed. LOL

    Thank you Myra for keeping us informed about Saba and Val, my heart goes out to them and their families. I continue to keep them in my prayers and pray they can be strong at this difficult time.

    I will say good night to everyone, sweet dreams see you in the morning.
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

  23. Evening Sandra and Ladies, what a horrid day it has been, I will be happy to get to bed soon I am so cold, OH and me have been out for our tea and I think I probably ate too much, it was our 53rd Wedding Anniversary on Sunday and we didn't do anything then.
    Sandra your card is great and I use to have loads of those little tools but I can't find them anywhere, well done to the girls on their brilliant results, things are on the up for them for next year, keep it up girls. hugs to all Johanna

  24. Helloooooo, I guess I'm talking to myself once again. Well my day was pretty good according to my purse and bank card,ooops e daisy Lol. Made some cutting outs for tomorrows card making and will try to send this weeks challenge to you Sandra. Cleaned the house,up and down.Not sure where the energy burst came from but will sure pay for it in the morning.:0 Nighty night to you all and hope you have a restful one, even I will hit the sack soon and hopefully get some shut eye or I might fall asleep out with a friend for luncheon hihi doesn't it sound posh, hope for a jacket with prawn marie-rose at Frost. Bye for now Xxxx
