
Tuesday 12 January 2016

A gorgeous card from Jean

 Good Morning Ladies,
I hope that you all found the Sketch Challenge simple enough to have a go at this yesterday, I think having relatively simple layout leaves more room for creativity, you can then chose to leave your design simple or go all out with your design skills.

How gorgeous is this card ? Designed by our Jean, using the Tattered Lace Essentials Christmas Window Die and Sue Wilson Camellia dies for decoration, I first fell in love with this die when Sheila used it for my birthday card last year, using it as a cafe window.  Now i am not quite sure why they call it a 'Christmas' window though?
There is nothing Christmassy about it.
Jean you have created a lovely scene with your card, I could quite easily walk through that door and sit in the peaceful scene on the other side. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us xxxx

Now did any of you get a visit from the men in those White Coats yesterday???  I am surprised if not, I think that there are one or two us that could be measured up for one of those lovely jackets that buckle up at the back, I think I'd like mine in Periwinkle blue!!

Have a good day ladies,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Jean-what a gorgeous card, so pretty.

    I saw lots of men (& women) in white coats yesterday-he he! Actually-there's hardly anyone who wears white coats now, all doctors/nurses are requto wear a uniform. Doctors should state on them what "grade" they are or at least that's what happens at our hospital, so that a patient knows who is dealing with them. They are also required to introduce themselves-no more situations of doctors talking about the patient without including them.

    Right-I'll get off my soap box & get ready for work!


    1. Don't get me started on Hospital Staff Uniforms!! The world has gone mad!! Xxx

    2. I think they should go back to the old way particularly with Nurses, you always knew who was in charge, even if it was just down to the size of their hat!! There are many wards that could do with a 'stern' Matron in charge!!!

    3. I agree too. As you say you knew who was a 1st year or staff nurse, and didn't they look poor professional. Xxx

    4. Just watching the news and striking doctors one has his stethoscope round his neck outside! Now are you telling me that's good? That will be covered in germs! He has likely been in the pub and supermarket with that jacket on. Where are the doctors that work long, long hours having worked all week then on duty over nights and weekends without a day off. Oh dear poor wee souls they need to realised they are not that hard done by? In fact looking at these junior doctors on the TV they look more like students nurses. I have my tin hat on. Like teachers the teacher that went to teacher training college for in think it was 3-4 years they were dedicated and taught well. Now a one year degree in something nothing to do with teaching get to go do a year course and then become teachers. No lets go back to the ones that want to do these jobs as they are dedicated. Not out for the wages. Oh I wil never have that tin hat off. I just think of our poor service personal who are away for months on end on tours and work 7 days a week, with wages that when worked out is well below the minimum wage. Xxx

    5. And Nurses were Student or SRN, then later they brought in SEN, I think it started going downhill after that.
      I know a young teacher whose diploma was in tourism!! She couldn't spell, or use good English. Perfect background for teaching!!!
      Who would like the soapbox now?

    6. Me!! I'm ashamed of these Doctors! How awful! They should not be allowed to strike and I as a Teacher wouldn't have done so either! It's because of this behaviour that Victoria left Teaching! She had to cross picket lines!! It's wrong! Oops! I could be in trouble! Xxx

    7. No never Myra you aren't in trouble. I am with you they should be ashamed. Maureen you are so right they get a degree in anything and then into teaching. That's why I think these sort of teachers can't control classes because they are only in for the money. Tin hat on in case. X

  2. Good morning from Springfield! No it's ok I am in my house not Springfield house, well not yet. It's is early so the less said the better.
    Jean, your card is gorgeous, and Sandra you are right why call that die " Christmas Windows?" Do we only have windows at Christmas?,
    My curtain are still closed on my Windows as its pouring with rain and pitch dark again. Up early to let Harris out, went to switch the light on, bulb blow and tripped the fuse, had. To go back up stairs to reset, dropped the torch woke Charlie up got the trip switch flicked back up, dropped the cover thing, yes both Charlie and I are up. Oh I am not his " darling wife " this morning that's for sure.
    And of course all the while I had left the patio door open and Harris had come back in, so now I have paw print lounge carpeting now! Thank goodness when it drys it will Hoover off.
    Nothing so far on the cards for today, Toyota is in for its MOT so here hoping it has nothing wrong and if it has its under the warrantee.
    Lilian I do hope you get something sorted out for your sister, such a worry.
    Well I do hope all the "Huggles" behaved last night, poor Norah is having a hard time with them. It's all these Christmas sweeties they have been having the sugar rush isnt good for them. Isn't that thing they have brought out stupid!! An app to tell parents how much sugar the child has had??? What next!!! Some parents need to be trained how to cook so they aren't feeding there off Spring the junk food that's full of sugars. No a NANNY state is what we are becoming. Common sense tells you how much sugar you are having. Eating cakes, sweets and sugared cereals, plus the pizzas ready meals etc. Which are full of the stuff for a start. Home cooked stews, soups etc aren't and even doing your own baking you can cut back on the amount of sugar you put in. Oh soap box back in the corner.
    I am off to get myself a cup of tea and some toast. I wonder who will be in for a chat next, I will sit in the corner by the heater,mot cold for sitting at the window. Xxx

    1. Oh Hazel,
      What a way to start the day! I had to smile at the paw print carpet !! Things as they say can only get better!! Xxx

    2. Ha Myra, That's what Tony Blair said, and look at us now!!! xxx

  3. Morning Everyone

    JEAN - what a beautiful card you have let us share. I love that window die. I have a TL window die but it's different to your and smaller I think. Like Sandra I could just take a lovely cup of tea and sit with my book having walked through.

    Sandra I'm still here and without one of those lovely coats which fasten at the back. If we have a colour choice may I have mine in Lilac please as it's such a calming colour.

    I'm desperately trying to catch Marigny Dobbie so he can have his picture taken but for some reason he seems to be shy of the camera. I cannot think why as he is just lovely standing about 3ft high, slim built, brown hair cut in a very fetching style and in true Dobbie style he is only allowed a grey cotton shift. No shoes or other additions or he would have to leave home of course.
    I would appreciate it if anyone sees Young Dobbie around the Café sends him back to Marigny so that I can have that little chat with him about the Café Windows. He must know that he's in a little bother as he didn't return yesterday evening. Perhaps one of Norah's Huggles put him up for the night.

    Right well it's the second Tuesday in the month and that means the Big Market in Corbigny. I'm so pleased that it's stopped raining though as yesterday we had so much rain that the dykes either side of the road were flooding; the watermeadow became a lake and our front gates were stood in water. The temperature has dropped dramatically and the forecast for the rest of the week is like yours well below freezing with the possibility of snow on Thursday/Friday.

    I'll pop in later with any purchases.

    Hugs to Barbara, Val and all their Family.
    Sheila - I hope you're OK and just busy. You're being missed my Dear Friend.
    Lynda - I hope you're feeling better.
    To anyone I've missed and I know I must have Hugs are on their way to you.

    1. Hi JANET I'm feeling better thank you. I hope you had a good day at your Corbigny market & got some bargains.
      Hug's xx

  4. Good morning everyone
    Oh it's so dark and still raining here, we had some sunshine yesterday until tea time and the heavens opened. A lot colder too.
    I must say the inspiration for this card was Sheila's birthday card to Sandra, I just loved it and asked if I could use it. I love this window die but don't think it's a Chrismassy one at all.
    One thing after another yesterday so didn't get time to pop in, took the iPad up to bed after john had gone to darts and fell asleep so I'll have a look back to see who has needed white coats.
    Hazel you sound as though you have had an eventful morning already,
    Michele hope your days are a bit less stressful.
    I'm loving the sketches, thank you Sandra, it makes you think about the layout doesn't it. Just loved seeing what everyone had done on Sunday.
    I hope today is a bit quieter so I can get some crafting in, have a few birthday cards needed for the weekend.
    Hugs are in the basket for anyone who needs them, sound like the juggles gave been misbehaving, Norah must be fair worn out chasing after them.
    Thinking of Barbara Val and Sheila.
    See you later
    Jean xx

    1. Lovely card Jean, it reminds me of a perfect summer morning, can't wait for a morning like that, I love that soft fresh feeling and looking forward to the warmth of the sun later, see what you've started ( I'm in dreamland !) mind you I wish I could stay there as it's so cold and miserable here today xo

    2. A lovely card Jean and you make very pretty flowers too! I really like that window but as you say why call it a Christmas window? I remember the one you made for Sandra too. It was lovely!

    3. Your card is gorgeous Jean. Very dreamlike and delicate.

    4. Hi Jean your card is gorgeous. I made a few Christmas cards with this die my friend cut me some,I still have a couple left so might make a summery one.xx

  5. I mean Huggles not juggles, haha - not renaming them xxxx

    1. Ah Jean, I thought you were being personal about me, as things are dropping rapidly xxxxx

    2. No MAUREEN that's me with the droopy bits often juggle mine hehe.xx

  6. Morning everyone and I hope it will be a dry one for us all Lol what a joke and cold it has gone too, brrr!
    wow Jean I love your card ! Like the others say this window is just one you want to open up and look out at the view and smell the flowers, Beautiful. I now need that window die. I don't need a wishlist, the ones who have met me know I got wish book that changes constantly :) I want everything.
    Oh Hazel what a morning you have, hope it's get better later. Michele- have a good day at work. Lilian- I hope your sister will be alright,hugs.
    Just had a phone call that the Plummer we are up and waiting for ,time 8am-1pm can't come so instead we now have to wait in all day so my outing to the shops will be done tomorrow instead. Tea and toast at ready so I wish you all a good day as possible. Mind the juggles haha

  7. Good Morning Cotswold Café,

    Well the wind is back to howling, so far none of the torrential rain from yesterday has returned.

    Our Monday walk was along Steart Marshes, an easy trip for us as it's about 6 miles drive down the road.
    The rain very conveniently held off until our return to Cannington, where we paid a visit to the Friendly for lunch. Reminds me I must get my loyalty card stamped.
    We caught up with what everyone was doing over Christmas and the New Year.

    I love your card Janet, I have some pre-cut windows cards that have not seen the light of day since purchase from some big show so I will hunt them out today to see what I can come up with. Also the Monday challenge.

    I'm off to see my other Mummy today, it's her 74th birthday in 2 days time. My card from last week's sketch challenge was made with her in mind.
    Always in my thoughts, Saba and Val, warm fuzzy ((((hugs)))) coming your way.
    Also to anyone else in pain or discomfort.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, your walk sound good, and the lunch even better! Have a good visit with your other Mummy.

    2. Hi Cheryl glad you enjoyed your walk yesterday & stayed dry for you. Xx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies, it is so dark here just now we have the lights on, and it is raining AGAiN!!, when is it going to stop.
    Hazel not a good morning for you, why not go back to bed and get up again lol.
    Jean love your card, you just want to open the window and go through.
    After a little tidy up I, going to show Morag (my adopted huggle) my craft room, and let her know what not to touch, that will be fun, maybe manage to get some cards done, who knows.
    Coffee finished need to get up and get on, hope to catch up later.
    Take care, Jess x

    1. Jess I was tempted at one point to just do that. To be honest I don't think I would sleep. Might go for 40 winks later. Isn't this rain a right pain? Lights still on as its so dark. Off to see about the challenge card.
      Anne fingers crossed that the weather picks up for your trip away. Xxx

    2. Have fun Jess! Mind that embossing powder!! Xxx

    3. Jess, have you thought long and hard about letting a huggle into your craft room?

  9. Good morning Ladies, well the golf course is closed today due to flooding. I wasn't intending going today anyway as we are going down Glasgow way, for about a week, so I hope the weather behaves for the journey down tomorrow.
    So I'll just get on with packing some things for taking with us.
    Hoping you are all staying warm and safe and to those we haven't heard from for a wee while big soft hugs are on their way to you xoxo

    1. Safe travel tomorrow Anne! That's a fair journey in good weather! Xxx

    2. Anne, i hope that you and Iain have a lovely stay in Glasgow and hope that the lines aren't blocked by leaves, branches, trees or water. I think it wise that the golf course is closed as it is nay fun going around in puddles and ponds whilst trying to retrieve a golf ball. x

    3. Thanks Hazel and Myra, Norah as usual you made me laugh out loud, I quite agree about not playing golf in puddles! I'm a fair weather golfer.xo

    4. Have a safe journey Anne - hope the weather behaves for you xx

    5. Anne, safe journey for you and Iain, do you remember a Frenchman one year taking off his socks and shoes to go wading to hit a golf ball. I think it was during the Open.

    6. ANNE safe journey for you & Iain tomorrow. Enjoy your week away.
      Hug's Xx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    At the moment we are enjoying a beautiful spell of sunshine, it probably won't last, but will enjoy it for now. Looking at the garden lots of the bulbs are trying to come through, we have two daffodils that I noticed at the weekend they were tight buds, I'm sure by the time the sun gets round on the back of the house they will be sitting and basking in the sunshine. Spring is on its way.

    Jean, your card is beautiful. I too remember Sheila's card it really was stunning, isn't it wonderful how we can bounce off one another for inspiration. Jean who ever receive this card will treasure it forever, thank you for sharing. XX

    Pleased to say I didn't get taken away yesterday and put in that fancy just hit the fasteners down the back. I will try and behave today , although it might be quite an effort!

    Margaret, so please Alans PSA has gone down what a relief for both of you. I hope you are both keeping well.LOL

    Right my dear friends it's time to get a move on, I enjoyed my coffee I had Colombian today with a dash of cream on the top, it was lovely.

    Hope everyone has a good day,
    Lynda Hope the antibiotics are working.
    Wendy sending a gentle hug.
    Lillian hope your sister Will be well enough to move to convalescent soon and is going to be alright. What a worrying time for you. XX
    Sheila, hopefully will see you soon. Sending gentle ((((hugs))))
    Saba and Val, Love and prayers as always.
    If I have missed anyone out who needs a ((((((hug)))))) I'm leaving loads in the basket near the fire, all snug and warm - PLEASE help yourself XXX
    Take care everyone, love Brenda XXX

    1. That FANCY JACKET THAT fastenes down the back !!!!!!

    2. Brenda OB, I was wondering what fastened down the back!!!

    3. Thank you Brenda feeling much better Xx

  11. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Oh Jean flower, your window card is so beautiful and with the camelia flowers around the arch of the doors, they just finish it off beautifully. The camelias look irridescent in the picture which is just lovely. I hope that the lucky recipient enjoys it's beauty and the work that you have put into it. Thank you flower and i too will need this die as it is beautiful. I'm picturing poinsettias in the corner with their dark green leaves and bits of snow on them, with hunkydory snow dropped acetate behind with a bit added snow having fallen around the window panes and collected in little banks of snow with a touch of silver(just because of the whiteness of the snow) beneath the sentiment tag to show it off and a tiny border of silver beneath the white background card. See now look what you have done Jean, had me making a card that i don't have the ingredients for, lol.
    We have it raining here as well with some of the white stuff trying it's hardest to come through. I think it's a competition in the weather to see who is going to win at being the dominant chuckier downer if you know what i mean.
    Oh i am so pleased that all the little huggles that found a new home are having fun, but as Jess is doing with Morag you will need to TRY(notice how i am trying to emphasize the word try) and teach them what they can and cannot touch. Although yesterday i think they were just running amok in their various homes with using bananas as chutes and swinging on peoples scraves that were hanging on the stairs. With me it's trying to catch them all as i put one or two of them in their basket and go to get the some more, one of the ones that i had already caught has done a runner again. I get fair worn out just trying to get them ready to come in the morning to the cafe and then at night trying to get the ones at home into their wee nighties and into their beds. Poor wee preemi doesn't know what is going on as he is lying there quite the thing while the rest are misbehaving, i just hope he is too young to understand and copy them.
    Ok i think today i will have a hot chocolate as i am chilled through to the bones. I had to go out and rescue my blue bin and put it up and anchor it so that it can't blow away and then go and get my next door neighbours bin that was playing chase with mine down the street. I have just left NDN bin inside their gate as they have 4 steps for me to try and negogiate and today i just don't have the energy to even try and hold onto the railing with one hand, the bin with the other and try and get the feet and legs to coordinate as well, no just way too complicated for me today. I think i will sit in the corner with my huggles in the big basket and they have been warned to be on their best behaviour and not to poke fun at the others in the basket that are behaving.
    Norah (RNC) ward 15

    1. Oh Norah you do make me laugh - you are a tonic

    2. You are right Jean, better than a Gin and Tonic any day!! Xxxx

    3. Norah you do make me laugh and it such fun to read about all the huggles. I thought of giving mine a name too, what do you think of Oscar ?
      Amaretto time with my coffee, it's freezing outside. hugs xx

    4. Norah, what are you doing rescuing your neighbours blue bin, you'll do yourself an injury.
      It's freezing cold in Newcastle, and we've had rain and hailstones. Oh happy day.
      We haven't had any flowers blooming, in fact the shoots of the daffs, etc are about half an inch high!!!
      Watch where you are walking, those huggles are right behind you.

    5. Oh NORAH your naughty Huggles my little Snuggle she is being very good so far. You did make me laugh thank you Xx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    I'm still here - they haven't called for me just yet!
    What a lovely card today from Jean! Lovely too that it was inspired by Sheila's . We do all get inspiration from one another. I haven't made this week's challenge card yet but hope to do that later today. I just need to sort my trays out for tomorrow and make sure I have everything! Nothing worse than forgetting something vital - haven't done that so far , but these things happen. I like to be organised well in advance . Rushing at the last minute isn't good for me!!
    Lynda I hope today you feel a whole lot better!
    Sheila I miss you and hope you will be able to pop in very soon! Maybe you could take a Huggle home and give him or her a Welsh name!!
    Sue - hope the neck is better today.
    Norah - glad the shawl is making progress . I'm trying to make sure Hughie learns some Scottish words as well!! It's gae dreich here today!! Xxx

    1. Myra John is always telling me off for wanting everything done and dusted in advance but I hate rushing on the last minute - nothing worse xxx

    2. Myra, take it easy, if you forget something, you forget it. They can't shoot you - can they? xxx

    3. No! Why didn't I think of that! Mind you some things are pretty essential - like Glue!! Xxx

    4. Thank you MYRA feeling a lot better xx

  13. Oh it's still raining, I went into the spare room to cut things for my card, looked out the window and decided I couldn't be bothered just now. I might go down to Adrian's and see if he has a nice oval die, thank goodness I have gift vouchers, seeing how we spent £1.500 on our flights and the deposit on the hire car for our Canada trip. We will be on bread and water or maybe a treat of beans for the next 5 months. We haven't started. Booking the hotels. So tightening the belts on everything for us. I am sitting watching homes under the hammer and the small child is bouncing on the beds, not once have they told her off infact they are asking if she is having fun. Mine were never allowed to that at home let alone in others homes. Oh is it me? I get angry that children aren't controlled. Right cup of tea drunk I must go do something. Xxx

    1. Oh Hazel! I can't bear jumping on beds! I like my beds made up nicely and with cushions and maybe a throw! Jumping on them is big trouble here! Xxx

    2. Oh Im the same - hate my beds messed up - they must be straight - OCD with beds im afraid xxx

    3. Count me in where beds are concerned. They have to be made complete with everything straight and yes a throw. I also have a Teddy sat in charge. No messing with my bed!

    4. And count me in. If George sits on the bed after it's all made, and the duvet is lovely and fluffy with no creases - he's in BIG trouble. He just doesn't understand me haha.

  14. Can you tell my why, when you ascent looking to buy anything you see so many things that you would like but when you want to spend your 'free' £10 voucher from Create and craft you cant think of nothing you want! After discovering that I lost out on my December £10 voucher as the date was two days shorter than I thought, why they don't have preset dates I don't know, November's finished on 11th December but Decembers voucher expired on the 9th Jan! Confused ??? Well I certainly am, yesterday I spent hours trawling through their website, but nothing jumped out, at the moment its all 'world launch' rubbish from C&C's majority companies.... Tattered Lace, Tonic, Hunkydory and their own TODO machine, all of which do not appeal to me at all! Why can't they have some smaller companies on to demo, like the HoneyDoo stamp lady or something similar, they rarely have those kind of shows on anymore, it seems to be the same three or four companies constantly on a loop! I know that a good of the smaller companies have gone over to Hochanda which I don't mind but that won't help me we my £10, maybe I should email and ask if they would transfer it to a Hochanda Voucher???
    A bout slow going here today, this cold weather makes moving about extremely uncomfortable and despite having a freshly made bed with Crisp White cotton sheets and pillow cases (I always have to have white sheets and pillowcases) I could not get to sleep, I couldn't get comfortable at all, I am not sure if it was because I was trying to decide where\when to organise the retreat, I found a fees places in Leeds/York area but a lot a fully booked in May, not sure if its down to the Bank Holidays, maybe its the start of wedding season, ! So I could have been subconsciously thinking about that until about 3.40 am, then I needed the bathroom and sorted the cats! So as I say a slow and steady day for me xxx

    1. I know what you mean about C&C vouchers Sandra! I was having a struggle but I ordered the Spellbinders Cinch and go flowers which have two lovely swirls with them. It cost me £4 09. I was quite pleased with that as I probably wouldn't have bought them at full price . I got a bargain yesterday too! I have stopped buying Craft Magazines but I was in Tesco yesterday and say the Crafts Beautiful one which had a free Tattered Lace High heel shoe die. I bought that as my granddaughters would like a card made with that I think! Keep Searching!!
      Maybe May isn't a good time Sandra - I don't know - I don't envy you that job maybe further ahead you would have more chance of getting in! Who knows! Xxxx

    2. I have that cinch and go flower die set, I used to decorate your retreat gift bags! That flourish is just fabulous, I will look out fgor that mag, like you stopped buying them a while back as they were getting a little repetitive and expensive, but with a free die, its a bargain, I was looking at May as it suited most peoples diaries, I will continue searching xx

    3. We were exactly the same last night Sandra. I stopped looking at my watch at 5.05, the next thing I new it was 9.15. I hate that. The day has gone before you know it.
      Myra, I'll look out for that Craft's Beautiful magazine and treat myself.

  15. Oh I am a white bedding person too! Nothing nicer than getting into a clean bed, I have got out of routine with ours mainly because of getting it dried, I have that to do tomorrow, basket is empty as I have. Just caught up with all the loads.
    We were in IKEA on Sunday!!! Oh bad, bad move. There were children jumping and walking over sofas with shoes, wellies etc on their feet. I did say as I past mum and others, quiet " well I wonder if they get to do that home " and I hope the cameras are picking this behaviour and get get charged for cleaning of said beds etc. Charlie walked on in front. When mine were small we bought a pale green corner sofa and Tammys god mother told me I was so stupid as it would need cleaning all the time, oh no it didn't they weren't allowed to eat food while sat on it and they never got near it with shoes on, let alone walk or jump on it. xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Jean, what a gorgeous card you have made. I love it and like the others have already said I could easily step through it and relax among the beautiful flowers. Thank you for sharing this beauty with us.
    Sandra, I know you are after a window die and seeing this beautiful card from Jean will just make you want one even more now. Sorry you can't find anything to spend your voucher on, changing the dates is typical of C and C isn't it!
    Saba, you, Val and family are always close in mind, sending hugs
    Thank you for the kind comments yesterday about my collarbone ladies. I have upped the morphine a bit but its still rather sore. Hey ho, its nothing compared to others pain, I know it will get better soon.
    Stay warm.and dry and take care xx
    P.s. I would like a deep purple jacket, if possible please : ))

    1. Sue, I hope you feel easier today. xxx

    2. Hi Sue hope your shoulder feels a lot better soon take care Xx

  17. Good afternoon all,
    Sorry to say its miserable outside but have just read through the comments and its lovely warm and cosy in the café with some nice chatter with a few giggles thrown in. Just what we need.
    Have been in touch with the Health Centre this morning re Nics Dental appointment - and they have had problems booking hours at the Infirmary due to theatres being re-done. We now have a new appointment for this Thursday so we will have to go up again - she was good though - she has a cold at the moment so I will pick her up Thursday till Saturday and spoil her.
    Am going to settle with the sketch card and see if I can come up with anything - By the way if anyone wants die cuts of the window die then just email me and let me know any colours - will gladly do this for you .
    Till later xx

    1. Sounds like a lot of messing you around, plus it must be unsettling for Nic bless her! I do hope shge feels better soon.
      Yes pleased to somne die cuts of the window xx
      Thanks so much xx

  18. The postman bought a mixed bag today.....some dies I had ordered from icon and Joanna Sheen and not so exciting....
    An appointment for my first Mammogram !! Can I just ask any of our 'bustier' ladies, does having bigger bust (38GG) in my case make it more uncomfortable?? I have to call them anyway as round here its a mobile Mammogram unit that travels around the area, this means it has metal stairs up to it, which I will not manage, hopefully they have a ramp too!!

    1. Sandra, Sorry I am not equipped to answer your question this time!!! Xxxx. You will get on just fine I'm sure! Xxx

    2. It is a bit uncomfortable for a little while when they press them down but not to bad. I was told it was worse for the ones who hardly have a bosom.So just slab them on and think of something fun,you be alright :) xx

    3. Sandra, the mobile that I visit has a lift thing on the side for wheelchair users. As Maria says, I think the smaller you are, the worse it is. Mind you it is a bit uncomfortable but nothing worse.

    4. SANDRA don't worry about Jed Clampet they fit my droopy boobs in ok with a bit of manoeuvring xx

    5. I am not worrying about it at all, the biggest concern for me was getting in, but if they have a lift thats great!
      I embrace the fact that I got chance to have one the years before I reach 50 (although I personally think it should be done a lot younger)
      My question was purely out of curiosity and a bit of embarrassment I guess as what were once upright and pert, I could now use as a skirt!!!
      I was always told that breastfeeding made them shrink back to your earlier size, after four children I can assure you that is definitely not the case!

  19. Sandra I don't think it makes a blind bit of difference what size you are, it's 5 mins of discomfort but tells them so much. Yes steps I found them hard going. But I think they have a lift thing too.
    Well not only have we parted with the money on our flights and car hire, but to get travel insurance we had to cough up for my medical cover too, £382. Then low and behold we need new back brakes and disc on the Toyota, so we are now down to water only for the next few months. Xxx

    1. Hazel, I'm going to contact the Red Cross and see about food parcels! If they can't help we'll try a rota! Don't want you starving in this bad weather!! Xxxx
      Ouch - nasty bills! X

    2. oh Hazel didn't think you day would get any worse but it seem it hasn't stopped yet. Why do they have to take so much for the Travel insurance only because you are on some pills. Just say if you need anything sent, can't have you and Charlie living on water only.xx

    3. Oh thank you ladies, can't we just go to the food bank??? No we will just be careful, thankfully we do put away for car repairs but it won't cover everything if the blue car needs things done it gets MOT next month. Xxx

    4. Hazel, Would you like a packet of Tunnocks sent? A whole packet, not just one cut into pieces.

    5. Just been told by Charlie if we were that broke that we couldn't afford to eat and live we would not be going. I have just to curtail my spending, cheeky so and so, he has just informed me we will be going to the 75th anniversary do in October for his old regiment. Xxx

  20. Right ladies, I have potentially found a place that make work for our retreat, I am awaiting definite confirmation of date though
    Its about 10 miles north of York off the main A19, about 15 minutes from York Station,
    The place isn't a hotel, its a Conference centre owned by the Cabinet Office.
    They are a little more expensive than Hills court was last year, but May seems more expensive across the board, the Weekend I am being offered is the 13-15 May
    They offer a fine dining package in their beautifully elegant dining rooms which includes
    3 Course Dinner on Friday night with coffee etc
    Full English Breakfast (buffet style) including fruit platters and pastries
    Morning coffee (unlimited) with Homemade pastry flapjacks etc
    3 Course Lunch
    Afternoon Tea to include homemade cakes

    3 Course Dinner again on the Saturday Evening
    Sunday Breakfast as above
    Morning coffee as above
    (Now we have the choice of 3course lunch on the Sunday)
    If we chose to have it there Weill be £10 added to the cost.

    They have 120 rooms, price is same across the board
    Rooms have all tea/coffee making facilities, WiFi etc
    They have rooms on ground floor for disabled guests too
    The place itself is set in 240 acres of immaculately maintained gardens and woodland (for those of you that fancy stretching your legs!
    Now for the ouch part......
    The whole package to include all food and teas and coffees is going to be £105 per night if was £120 but she knocked approximately 10% off, there will be £10 to add if we would like to add the 3 course lunch on the sunday.
    I know it is more than the £70 a night we paid at Hillscourt
    But we are getting a bit more for the money!
    We get the same access to our conference room as we did at Hillscourt and they do have a bar in the evening should you wish to use it
    This is the best I have found so far,hotels seem a lot more expensive, I guess the york area is quite a touristy area,
    Let me know your thoughts

    1. Sandra this sounds very good but unfortunately I hope to be in Canada then so cannot make it which is a shame. Love Margaret xx

    2. Sandra, I'm sorry but I can't manage a retreat this year, we have a big birthday and anniversary celebrations in March, we go on holiday 31st May, a cruise to Iceland sailing from Newcastle, and last week, we got a 'save the date' for my nieces wedding in October and we are staying over in Fort William for two nights for the wedding. Unfortunately I have to leave the retreat this year, York sounds good been there once and enjoyed it, there is always next time!
      Jess xxx

    3. Sandra, this sound great. I'll have to check finances as we have a 21st birthday, a 50th birthday, a Golden Wedding, holiday and there's something else, but for the life of me I can't think.
      I'll do my sums, and get back to you.
      Maureen xxx

    4. Sounds very interesting-retreat details. Are the rooms double or singles?

      Bathroom showroom man just gone-he's measured everything & gone off with his drawings. The quote will be the deciding factor.
      Now to start tea-hubby came home specially, not to cook my tea...ha ha!


    5. Its not to say we have to have this place ladies, this was the first be I have managed under £300 that could take us all, I cash keep looking for less expensive, its a fine balance between finding the right area and keeping cost down, if our ladies from Scotland are unable to make it I can look a little further south, where it maybe cheaper, obviously I want to include as many of you as I can, that's the whole point of having it, so that you can all get to meet up xxx

  21. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra how annoying for you not to be able to find some thing to spend your voucher on. Good luck with your mammogram, I know I am only a 38DD, it is not that bad just a few seconds discomfort it's well worth it though.xx
    Jean your card is gorgeous love the colours thank you for sharing.
    Very cold playing boule this morning was glad to get home.
    Thank you for your best wishes for Alan yesterday.
    Thoughts & prayers as always for Saba & Val & family special hugs on way.
    Hugs on way to all who need tem love Margaret xx

    1. Well Margaret P, I always wondered what size you were ha ha xxxx

    2. Now you know Maureen I'm not shy only sometimes it's all ladies here, well I hope it is! Xxx

  22. Good evening Sandra and everyone
    A really lovely card for today Jean and yet another die to go onto my wanted list, oh it keeps on growing!
    Sandra I have checked with a friend who is a radiographer and she tells me they have larger plates that can be used for ladies who are well endowed as she put it, so I should not worry too much you may find it a little uncomfortable but when you consider the alternative it is well worth putting up with a little discomfort. Leave your modesty at the door when you go in and pick it up on your way out is the best advice I can give.
    With regards to your retreat it really sounds a lovely place but regret to say I cannot travel that far and we have several family occasions and other commitments this year. Best of luck with getting everything sorted, hope it all works out well for everyone.
    Barbara, Val and family always in my thoughts.
    Take care everyone
    Margaret xxx

  23. Hi Sandra
    Jean I love your card today. Love the window frame and the flowers you've used. Must look as well for a decent die.
    Sandra, I wouldn't worry about the Mamagram, when I've been they've had a lift up into the unit. Plus having a small bust is supposed to be more painfully that a hugger bust. Much less to squash. I know it's easy to say but don't get yourself in a stew about it as you'll just get worked up and make yourself ill.
    I hope you get a good price for your bathroom Michelle, better start sending food parcels Hazel, as water isn't very nourishing.
    We took Doreen to see Ellis today, looks like he'll be in the care home for awhile. Physio, beds etc to be sorted. Looks like he's going to be well fed though, unlike Doreen who only had an egg on toast for her dinner. Bread and choc spread apparently for her tea. Although I bought her some frozen dinners in at the weekend she's keeping them back for some unknown reason. I've offered freshly cooked meals, but she won't accept them.
    Anne I know I still need to do the candles for you, I'm just a bit bogged down at the moment.

    1. Pat, I do worry about you sometimes! I'm being serious , for once! You are a kind lady and run around after people but you need to take care of yourself too! Sending hugs to you! Xxxx

    2. You tell her Myra, she is as stubborn as a mule, Pat I can cut Jeans candles tomorrow!
      At least you can relax for the day xxx

    3. That's nice Sandra!! Xxx

  24. Good eavening SANDRA & everyone It's taken me an hour to get here I have left comments on way down. I did my sketch card today & sent it to Sandra. Then me & little snuggle tided up craft room well she sat on my shelf watching ME & sulking as I wouldn't let her play with the gilding flakes.
    Feeling better today just a bit sore. Pat you so kind but please take care your doing all this running around looking after people you have to look after yourself too. Hug's xx

    1. Sorry snuggle pressed publish to soon.
      Barbara Val your still in my thoughts & prayers (((((Hug's))))
      Lilian hope your sister is getting better so she can move into the care home.well Oh just given me a cup of tea so will say good night God bles
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx
