
Friday 5 February 2016

Man card Friday

 Anne's 'faux leather' card

 Anne's Robot cards

Myra's Son's card

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Something a bit different for a Friday this week, I thought we would have a look at some 'Male' themed cards, it's one of the cards we all can use a little inspiration for at times, so we can never have enough of them as far as I am concerned, it's funny how we automatically make female cards, it must be the ribbon, lace and flowers we all have so much of!

Our first card today, looks like a 'faux leather' effect card, something I have seen Sue do a few times, but I have never had a go. I love your card Anne, in this colour way it would work equally well for male or female, so a great one for the stash box!

Next we have Anne's 'Robot' themed cards, the first one has Sue Wilson's 'Bevelled Glass' Striplet die as the background and I have to say it works really well with the mechanical theme of the card, brilliant use of the die Anne, the second card looks like a Spellbinders Background die that works equally as well, thank you Anne for sharing your cards with us xxx

Our third card has been made by Myra, its for her son's birthday,  I think I can see one of the Austrian Collection dies in the background and also the 'Happy 'Birthday' Die, both designed By Sue Wilson of course, I love the glasses die cut and the Umbrella, that reminds of the Tim Holtz style of cards, thank you so much for inspiring us Myra xxx

We are continuing with Sophie and Lucy's room makeover today, we just ran out of time yesterday, I am not sure where the day went really, we went out food dinner in the Evening, Becca came too, but Matt is working away in Croydon this week so sadly he'd couldn't come too, the girls ad a good evening though, they loved all oif their birthday wishes too and asked me to thank you on their behalf xxx

It was so lovely to have Val from Spain joining us yesterdsay , you are most welcome 
Val, I look forward too reading about Some of your stories too! Xx

Love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I have just seen that my comment yesterday has vanished, again! What a lot of lovely goodies have been purchased this week. I knew you would be getting the bag die Sandra, your first bag. I did wish Sophie and Lucy a lovey birthday but as my comment didn't publish please can you pass it on a day late. Glad to hear they had a good day.
    Anne, I love both cards, I did have a go at the faux leather look a few years ago, it was really easy, you have reminded me to try it again. Thank you for sharing these lovely cards.
    Maybe we should try this technique next week Sandra and Pat?
    Myra, What a lovely card, especially like the glasses in the pocket, I will member that one. I bet your son loved it too. Thank you for sharing.
    Val from Spain, a belated welcome from me to the best, kindest, most caring, and totally mad blog. I hope you come in again very soon.
    Barbara, you are always in my thoughts, big gentle hugs to you.
    Lilltlelamb. I hope your exhibition is going well. Will we see any photos of your beautiful goodies that you have on show? Take care x
    Sandra and Pat, have a lovely day together, sorry I can't make it, think of me slaving away at Mums ironing mountain. Only teasing Mum, you know I am more than happy to do anything at all for you and Pop, and I also know that you don't ever have a lot of ironing anyway so it won't take me long, then we will have to have a bit of craft time, oh dear that will be awful won't it : ))
    I hope everyone is as well as possible, have a good day. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Pat and aren't meeting up today as far as i know, Paul and I have to go to Witney And then Weill be doing the girls room all day!
      There was just to much to do yesterday!
      Don't go doing too much,

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I did it again!!! I called Sue - Pat!! I've deleted my shameful mistake.
      Thank you Sue! Xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all you lovely ladies.
    Thank you so much for your warm welcome. You're such a lovely crowd.
    I have a hospital appointment at 9 then straight to craft class so I'll et back later today.
    So glad you're showing male cards today. What a difficult lot they are to make for. I get sick of doing Sports cards and some different ideas are great.
    see you later.
    Love Val in Spain x

    1. Good morning Val.
      Good luck at hospital x
      Did you see reply to your stamp query?
      Hope to hear from you later, maybe with a photo of your craft class makes??
      Sandra xxx

    2. Thank you Val,
      Hope you've had a good time at Craft Class! Some people on here are very nosy and will want to see what you have made! I'm one of them! ,! Xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    What brilliant cards, they're all great.

    Thank goodness it's Friday...!!! Not much planned for the weekend so I hope to get crafty. I've booked a table at an Attic Sale for the 27th. It's only for half a day (morning) and the church that's holding the event is usually quite busy so I hope to sell a few cards. I need to practice using the pillow box die a bit more- I was thinking of putting a few items inside them & selling them as Mothers Day gifts.

    We going to FaceTime the Americans on Sunday as it was Fiona's birthday on Wednesday, she was 14 & has just got her own mobile phone so she's one happy girl!!

    Will try to pop in after work.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Look forward to seeing you later, did you see Myra's hint about running bag die through a few times??
      I didn't get any I instructions with mine, did you?
      Good mother's day idea!

    2. I think the pillow box die will grow on you! Not literally!
      Thank you for your kind

  4. Morning Everyone
    So pleased Sophie and Lucy had a good birthday and good luck with finishing their bedroom.

    Love all of today's cards.
    ANNE - the same goes for me as Sue I saw SW do this technique and tried it out a couple of times and then forgot all about it so thank you from me. I love your Robot - he is so Retro and what little boy wouldn't love to have him on their card.

    MYRA - Love your Son's card. It's so different from the normal male cards and inspiring.
    I see you do have time for crafting then in between teaching the Huggles to sleigh ride on spoons etc and I really didn't know you could be so 'inspiring'!!
    I NOW HAVE TWO TIN HATS ON ALONG WITH BODY ARMOUR AS WELL. hehehe Hugs just for you. You're still my best Mad Hatter Friend.

    Have to do some housework this morning and the washer is already whizzing around and then perhaps this afternoon I can get a little more of Lily-Mae's jacket knitted. I'm taking that in small stages.
    I really MUST send my Challenge Card off to Sandra as I forgot yesterday. If anyone has a few little grey cells spare could you please send one or two along to me please. I could do with an audio recording with reminders on timed to every two hours.

    As it's Friday and although I'm not in Marigny I thought we might just have a treat to celebrate my Anniversary (it's one year today since Sandra put my first card up on the board here in the Cafe and you've all had to suffer them since lol) so it's cakes this afternoon. I thought Cup Cakes might fit the bill so please help yourselves.

    Barbara - I've sent hugs on their way to you. I don't know whether you're still here in Yorkshire or whether you're back home but I think of you everyday my Dear Yorkshire Lass.

    Hugs are by the door and just waiting to be used.

    1. Anyone would think I was scary!! BOOO!!!
      I thought the Huggles were full of imagination ! Don't know where they get it from I sure!
      Either Norah didn't notice that I blamed her yesterday or she is giving me a Fool's Pardon! I suspect the latter!
      I think you should take those tin hats off - you'll turn into a hothead!!
      May I borrow them!! Ha ha .xxx

  5. Good morning Ladies, miserable wet and windy weather here, so craft room it is!
    Myra , I love this card , it's so different , quite a spectacle in fact ! ( sorry couldn't resist) I bet your son was chuffed with it.xo
    Thanks for the kind words on my cards, the plain disc on the robot card was left to put an age number on ( I forgot about that when I posted it).
    Sounds like you all had a lovely time last night Sandra , I'm sure the girls will be delighted with their room makeover, so I hope you manage to get it finished soon , these things always seem to take longer than you imagine, but worthwhile in the end.
    Janet ,enjoy your cakes for your 1st card anniversary, we had our 8th anniversary yesterday of moving to Gairloch ( wine was my guilty pleasure to celebrate) .any excuse ha ha !
    Val , lovely to have you join us , I hope your hospital visit goes well.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Nice one Anne, it made me chuckle! Xxxx

    2. Thank you Anne! We do like some fun - as long as I haven't made a spectacular failure!
      I think your card takes a lot more effort than mine and I'd be very proud of that! I do like the robots too! Thank you! Xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I didn't get back yesterday, don't know where the day went!
    Anne your cards are brilliant, you did a good job with the faux leather technique.
    Myra love your sons card, might have to borrow a similar design for later in the month.
    Hello Val lovely to meet you, hope you enjoy being part of this crazy bunch.
    Well we are off today to cover our wee craft shop, so Im not making any promises about coming back in later, but I will try,
    Good luck with your decorating today Sandra, take care everyone xxx

    1. I'd be most flattered Jess if I thought I'd helped you as you make some lovely cards! Thank you. Xxx

  7. Hi Sandra
    Sounds like you all had a great evening. It's a shame Matt was away yesterday and couldn't get home.
    Love all the male cards ladies. What a great bunch you are, some great makes.
    Congratulation Maureen on you and George becoming great Auntie and Uncle. Love that title.
    Welcome to the cafe Val. Thank you for going us.
    Taking Doreen again to see Ellis today. AgeUK rand Doreen on Wed and gave her the name and price of a care home. £1000-1200 per week. You had to pick me up off the floor at that price. He wouldn't get out if bed either. Blamed his dinner being late. But to have dinner your usually up at breakfast. So I'll investigate that today. I wanted AgeUK to come out so we could ask what happens when the money runs out, does the money gave to come from the house after they both due etc. So it looks like I'll have to ring them. Plus I rang the occupational therapist/ social worker for an update of their meeting yesterday. No phone call yesterday so I'll have to wait until Monday when she's in work.
    Hey hoo upwards and onwards.
    Thinking of you Barbara. Hope your able to come back soon.

    1. Oh my goodness Pat - we will all have to sell our craft stash to pay for that! You are so good making these phone calls and sorting them out, I hope you get some proper answers soon. Do look after yourself xxxx

    2. Pat , you are one of life's Gems! Please take care of Pat too! Xxx
      Thank you. Xx

    3. Pat, what gets me is if you took Ellis and Doreen in to your house and cared for them and you charged them that a week the police would be brought in saying you were ripping them off!!! Yet these homes get away with those costs. A family career gets peanuts to look after their elderly relatives in their own homes! They think because Ellis and Doreen saved and did without all those years someone can come along and say they have to pay!!! Ellis and Doreen should have spent every penny on doing up their home, buying clothes and going on fantastic holidays! They would had got that place paid for. Xxx

  8. Hello everyone
    Lovely cards today, Anne I must try that technique on a card, I played with a bit of card when Shena first did it but didn't do anything with it. I do love it on this card. XXXX Myra Anne swiped my joke but I love this card for Howard - perfect for a man. XXXX
    Well I must dash, another friend is coming for lunch today, it's been a busy week.
    Take care xxxx

    1. That's ok! Never mind! Thank you my dear! Xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all lovely ladies in the cafe' today.
    Hope the girls will be happy with their new looking rooms and glad they enjoyed their birthday.
    Love your cards Anne, never made the faux leather technique but it's look interesting and your Robot cards are always fun .
    Myra, the card for your son is great. Love the spectacles and the umbrella. Like Val say it's nice to see something nor sporty for the men. Hope your hospital appointment went well and you enjoyed the card making class after.
    Think what a year make, happy anniversary Janet. Enjoy the cake :-) Littlelamb, good luck with the exhibition. Take it easy in between when you get a moment.
    Big hug to your mum Sue when you see her, glad the hand op went so well. Saba, thinking of you all. Margaret C O, hope you are all right and Sheila, Cheryl, Patricia and anyone else who need one I sending Oscar around to give you all a special slobbery kiss and hugs.
    Off to a ENT appointment so must get a wiggle on and then some crafting. Tried to make a channel card yesterday but not happy so will try again and send the challenge card this week to you Sandra. Love and hugs to you all Xxxxx

    1. Thank you Maria! It's hard to come up with men cards! However I thought the specs had potential! Umbrella too as it could be a ladies one in a patterned paper maybe! Xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    WOW the girls are having a makeover, that sounds interesting, how involve are they? Have you got to theme or colour in mind?

    ANNE, Your cards are lovely, the faux leather one would make a brilliant Man card. What child wouldn't be thrilled to receive one of your robot cards. Love them. Thank you for sharing. xx

    MYRA, Another WOW card, I bet your son loved this one. I certainly do. Thank you also for sharing. xx

    I have to pop out for a while, will look in later. Oh! Heck I haven't don't a challenge card yet. Better make that my priority when I get back.

    Love and Hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you very much Brenda! That is where he sticks his specs! His Dad used to do likewise before he had to wear them all the time! He once leaned over in motor boat and his glasses sank to the bottom of the ocean! Not a great idea! Xxx

  11. Good afternoon to my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Anne flower did i see early in the week you writing in that had tried the faux leather look card of Sue's but felt it wasn't as good? RUBBISH! All your card hasn't got is Mr Sheen polish to rub it up, well that's what it reminded me off when i seen Sue's card that Mr Sheen had been used on the front, (please note other makes of polish are available at your local outlet) hihihi. As Sandra says with the way you have made you card it solves problems for a lot of people that we have to make a card for so thank you flower for actually trying out the technique so that us mere mortals can actually stand a chance of making. Your robot cards are great for kids of all ages and that includes the big kids that we somehow managed to marry in some cases who act younger than the actual bairns. My biggest kid is home from his work up in bed because he's dying of the flu and he just couldn't listen to them any longer in the office this morning as their voices were getting on his nerves. Now don't you all feel sorry for the poor lamb, imagine having to suffer like that, could they not see he was ill and wanted peace and quiet? Gee isn't life great that all they have to moan at is having a cold, a normal everyday cold. And he doesn't want Kirsten to bring the wee fella over and he thinks that Harry gave him it. I said to him " i'm quite sure he didn't mean it", well she could have covered his mouth when he was coughing so that nobody else got it and she's not to take the wee fella to his wee meet up with his pals in case he catches anything else. Man, give me strength, bairns are going to catch various things but keeping them wrapped up in cotton wool so that they are protected isn't the answer and anyway it's better for them to get all these different bugs the now that later on including measles, mumps and anything else that is worse later on.
    Myra, oh i hope your son likes his card as it is a brilliant card with all it's little bits including his glasses. Now i hope you made them to match his own? Is here a city worker or is the umbrella just a prop? What ever flower it's a great card and more special because it was made just for him.
    We have the rain here at Costa de Glenochil with the clouds so tired that they are having a wee rest on top of the hills before carrying on their way across the sky. It must be hard work for clouds when they have no where to have a rest like the deserts and the sea and oceans? Any how mines is having a break but i don't have any kitkats to give them while they are loitering so they will just need to take in the scenery around them before continuing on their way.
    I'm glad that Sophie and Lucy (spelt correctly today, sorry girls) had a lovely time out last night as it's nice to sometimes go out as a family and enjoy a meal that all the cooking, cleaning and serving is done for you now and again. I am not lifting any plates at the moment as i seem to have permenant dropsy where everything is landing on the floor. Trying to make up some cards today and the brain is just not wanting to play ball at all, i think it has went MIA somehow and has forgotten to take the rest of me with it meany that it is. There's getting away from it and getting away from it all but you take the rest of the body with you, not just the brain.
    Im away for a nap to see if that will wake me up a bit so have a good afternoon girls and see you all later if i can. I went and called in to see my friend on the road home from the swimming baths last night and it was really nice catching up with how he is doing on his new run although he seems to have forgotten that there is something called food that is required to keep a body going but i'm fighting a losing battle with that one.
    See you all after
    Norah x

    1. Thank you Norah! I couldn't make them to match his as he has rimless ones and when folded up you only see the little gold bit that goes across his nose!! He is not a City worker but he does work in a City!!! He always has a hankie in pocket too! Again - like his Dad! Funny isn't it! Xxx

    2. hi Norah . Shame the other half took to his bed, But at least you'll have a bit of peace and quiet today. My word , just looked at the time so no one will read this.

  12. Hello Sandra!
    I've reached the end! Phew!
    It's been a busy old day here but the decorator has now gone! Back on Monday!
    I find men very difficult to make cards for and everyone else gives our two sporty ones as they are both sports mad! I saw the glasses die first - it's from DieNamics - Geek is Chic! It didn't cost much either - under £5 . The umbrella is the same make and I saw it when trying to buy the specs. You get four lots of glasses and there are two umbrellas. I think!
    I just made a pocket using the biggest of Sue's Tag dies and trimmed it to shape. The piercing is meant to look like stitching! I folded a piece of card and stuck it in the pocket like a handkerchief. The rest is self explanatory. I think these dies will be useful. The umbrella could be used as a get well message - under the weather as well as for men or ladies. The glasses too could be glammed up a bit for a lady .
    Thank you all for being so kind! I have sent in my challenge card so feeling good!! Ha ha !
    See you later! Xxxx

  13. Good after noon ladies. Love to days cards, 4 great ideas.
    Been doing a big cook up to help Tammy with meals for her MIL. They are going down on Sunday taking her shopping and meals for the freezer. She loved having the meals that Tammy put in the other week. Could she have more please was the call along with her shopping list. So off I went to tesco this morning and got the makings for more stew and mince boxes, I also got some leg of lamb chops which I have braised. Tammy has made chicken casserole, and three different kinds of soups so all these and fish from the fish lady that I will get tomorrow she will be ok for a few weeks. They are buying some more big boxes for to store more coal upstairs.
    They are worried incase the weather takes a turn for the worse!
    So now it's feet up time while all my things slowly cook away in the oven.
    Sandra, I hope the bedroom make over goes well, you are lucky you get to do it, my girls did over their bedroom when Charlie and I went away for a long weekend. Got to say they did a brilliant job, they still are the same and love all that choosing papers, paints and the extras., Tammy is looking at a new sofa, just pricing at this stage as it will have to saved for first. I feel she is a bit bored with the black leather one they have had for nearly 12 years not old, her and Derek bought it from the money from the sale of her flat, she didn't want to live with his ex wife's choice!!! So it was a buy without thought I think. I think I will get myself a cup of tea. Xxx

  14. Just popped back to say thank you Margaret for letting me know where you got the cute doggievstamps from. I'll phone my son tonight and get him to take a trip to Asda.
    Can you believe on my way to the hospital this morning and whilst I'm sitting in a traffic jam, I get a call saying my 9am appointment is cancelled and they'll let me know when my next one will be. I bet youre glad to know it happens in this country as well!
    Sorry to disappoint you but I didn't make anything at Craft Class today. One of the ladies had come back from UK with new dies and I clammered to cut a lot ouT. My arm still makes it a bit awkward turning the handle. The class is run by Webdy (Spanish Crafter) who I met over here through her blog. It's quite new class and there are about six or seven lovely ladies at the moment. It's good for me to get out as I'm on my own having lost my lovely husband over here a few years ago. The upside is my daughter and her fiance live out here and although they work long hours-they own a small supermarket-I think if they weren't here I'd have gone back to the UK a long time ago.
    Anyway I've rabbited on enough for one day. I'm really slow typing witone finger of my left hand.
    Have a good evening everyone.
    Love Val in Spain x

  15. Hi Val,
    Sorry to hear about your hospital appointment nice to know it doesn't just here.
    Hope your son can get the magazine.
    I am new to card making got the bug through Sandra & my daughter Mrs.B (Sue) started with stamping just got my first lot of dies so fun to be had.
    Take care of your arm love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret, You'll just love die cutting. Thing is you get really hooked and every die you see you can think of a reason why you have to have it. Or is that just me ha ha. I also started with stamping which I still love, in fact I dont just stick to one thing, I try everything. I supply cards to my daughters shop so I try to do a variety.
      Anyway its half 7 here and my little dog is giving me daggers cos its past here tea time so better go.
      bye for now.
      love Valx

    2. Hi Margaret
      Dies, looks like you've got the bug good and proper now. I wonder where you got that from?.

  16. Hi everybody, our wee craft shop was quiet today, the weather wasn't good, so not a lot of people about, I take some the things with me to sit and cut out, keeps me busy. Off to relax now, take care everything xxx

  17. Hi everyone and welcome to Val. Sorry I am late welcoming you. I know how difficult it cN be crafting with a broken shoulder and also wrist. I am still having problems with my next and wrist which has been on going did two weeks now but think it all stems from being stressed. It will go eventually. I just need to relax. Something I don't do easily. Must do the challenge card this evening. It's been cold today and when I went to meet Scarlett from school it was very windy. It's good you have now got some dies Margaret. You will have a hard job when you go to Ally Pally not to buy any. Scarlett has decided she wants to go to Ally Pally. We shall see. It's a while yet. I will be goibg to Farnborough on the Friday as my friend cannot usually go on a Saturday so it is an opportunity for her to go and we need to look for things for the craft group. We are having a job working dates out for this session as other things keep getting in the way. Might have to be fortnightly. I won't mind that as it will give me two weeks to prepare. Should have said that I love all today's Male cards. Always difficult to do. Scarlett did a nice one at Make and Take at Newbury but I cannot take a photo of it at the moment as she has hidden it away as its for Dad's birthday. It's a Formula 1 car.
    Hugs for all who need them and stay warm everyone. Oh just remembered got the blood test results from my Diabetic Screening today,, everything looks good except the BP of course. Back to see the nurse in Wednesday, haven't had the result of the iron blood test yet.

    1. Hi Littlelamb. Sorry to hear you are still suffering with the shoulder and wrist. Could you try and rest it a little? I know that would be very hard for you as you are always on the go aren't you : ) I'm sorry that we won't be meeting up at Farnborough this year as we are going on the Saturday, but hopefully you and your friend will be able to get some ideas and stash for your craft club.
      Take care x

  18. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope the make over has gone well & the girls are pleased with the result.xx
    Anne good to see a card in different material & robot one is great.xx
    Myra your card makes a change from sport or gardening theme well done.xx
    Sue has been today did my ironing & changed bed for me, Alan did offer but I knew she would do it better, she had a good teacher ha ha at least I think so.xx
    Sending special hugs to Barbara & all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Thank you Margaret! Daughters R Good!! I know I have no daughters but as a daughter it was lovely to help my Mum when she needed it. She did so much for me! I'm sure that's the way Sue feels too. Xxxx

    2. Yes you are right Myra. I am always happy to do anything for Mum (and Pop of course) she has and still does so much I am always glad to help in any way.
      And Mum, yes I have had a very good teacher. I think the only thing you failed at is teaching me to sing in tune : )) love you xx

  19. Glad the results went well Brenda. Take care nit yo get to stressed.
