
Saturday 6 February 2016

Focus on...... Mica Powders

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
  This week I thought I would spend a little time focussing on Mica Powders, I am sure that many of you have them in your craft stash somewhere, I have had them for years and rarely even think about using them!
This is what I am hoping to change with these 'Focus on' features, each week looking at something that we bought after seeing them uysed , got them home , found them a place to live and them forgotten about them! (Well that's what I did)!!

Mica powders are pure powdered pigments,ground into a super fine dust,
You can use them Wet or Dry, here are some of there many uses......

Coloured Embossing Powder.....Mix a little of your Mica powder with clear embossing powder, you would then use it just the same as any coloured embossing powder, this way you could match your embossing powder to other elements of your project, it also saves you buying many different coloured embossing powders.

 In these two photos I have used the Mica powders
To highlight the design in this beautiful embossing
Folder ( Bed of Roses ) by Creative Expressions.

I inked the embossing folder with Perfect Medium
(Clear Embossing ink), I then put my piece of card
Inside the folder and ran through Platinum,
After carefully removing from folder, I dusted the
Piece of card with a lilac coloured Mica powder, so you have the 'letterpress' technique but shimmery, as Mica powders are so reflective and shimmery!

In this photo I have used the Mica Powders to paint with, I think the best way to do this is to put a tiny spritz of water into the lid of your mica powder pot, add as much powder as you need to make a thick paint consistency, then use as you would any other paint medium, when you have finished, replace the lid, you can then reactivate any remaining powder with a little water,
Therefore no waste!

I Did exactly the same on black card, using  the
'Hearts Blossom' stamp from Creative Expressions,
The colours look much more vibrant on black card.
They look more subtle on white card, but oh so shimmery!

 In this photograph I have inked up my stamp with
Perfect Medium and stamped as normal, I then dusted over the stamped image with Mica powder, giving a lovely background paper!

Here I have used 'Perfect Medium' to ink up my Sentiment stamp,stamp as normal and then as above, I dusted over the stamped image with Mica Powders to reveal a gorgeous shimmery sentiment!!

Now for a quick look at the "Kissing" technique.
Cover your chosen area with Perfect medium embossing ink or Versamark, then dust all over with your chosen
Mica Powder, dust of any excess..............

Now take your chosen stamp, ink it up with the Embossing ink as and then stamp onto your Mica covered piece, press firmly and the lift off, this takes the Mica powder away from the stamped area, leaving your stamped image visible, it looks great on black card too,
So that is the 'kissing' technique.

Add Mica powder to water in a spritz bottle,
Shake well and then spritz over your card for a
Super shimmery background, I put my card in an old box before spritzing, as it goes everywhere, it gives a 'messy' background but thats what we need sometimes.

On this sample piece I used double sided adhesive sheet on black card,
I then dusted over it with three different colours of metallic Mica powders, I then cut the Eternal Rings Striplet Die and popped it over the top, then added a few pearls!

I used the Quilted Blocks Striplet Die by Creative Expressions in the same was as above, using double sided adhesive then dusting with
More subtle colours to dust over with, giving a super pretty, delicate background.
I will add that Perfect Pearls do have a fixative in, others don't, to fix them just spritz a little water into the air and waft your 'mica'd project' through the mist of water, then dry with a heat tool.

I hope you have found my quick glance at Mica powders helpful, go get them out and have a play!! I hope I have inspired you.
I would love to see anything that you made using them.

Have a great weekend ladies, keep warm and dry as the weather is not forecast to be very good!

Oh by the way, the girls loved their bedrooms, phew!!!!

Day of rest for me today,

Love and hugs



  1. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    Up early as off to Westpoint Exeter for the Craft4crafters show. Tiegan is coming along on her first ever craft show jaunt with me. This is an early birthday treat for her, so we should have loads of fun.
    It is fair blowing a wind here in my little corner of Somerset with lashings of heavy rain, I think an early start is necessary in order for me to drive that bit slower and more carefully, we won't know how much rain is on the roads until we start off.
    Not much really for me to buy, I decided this year I was going to use most of my stash, especially the hoarded stuff, older SB dies and make my own background papers and card, before buying something that would just get stored and not used. So far, I am doing OK, but there is always that must have something that jumps into your basket at the shows!

    Lovely tips on the mica powder, I also have the mica paints but like you said, they were bought, used once or twice, then had a home in one the boxes in my craft cupboard. will have to dig them out.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. I hope you and Teigan have a great day at the show Cheryl. As you said take care driving in all this wind and rain.

    2. Hi CHERYL
      Have a lovely day with Teigan at the craft show. I bet she is excited she will be in her element seeing all those crafty goodies.
      Take care driving Hug's xxx

    3. Enjoy your day out, drive carefully, there are a lot of nutters out there

    4. You will have a lovely day with Tiegan no doubt. I bet quite a few goodies will end up in your basket, will you send a pic to Sandra for Confession day? I hope you have a safe journey, it is so windy isn't it. Take care x

    5. Hope you had a lovely day with Tiegan! Xxx

    6. Hi Cheryl, hope you've had a good day, and been good!! Did Tiegan get some treats? xxx

  2. Morning to all who pop in today
    At last we have a clear and dry start to the day so fingers crossed it might stay that way.

    Off shopping as usual this morning and it's our week to see Jim's Niece and her two little ones. We have to take Bailie Gray's bday present -he's her eldest and going to be 9 on Monday- as we won't see him on his birthday. No doubt both of us will be shattered this afternoon.
    It's Christina's birthday today -she is 50- where has all the years gone!! so we are going to see her tomorrow out in Derbyshire as Robert is taking her out somewhere today. She doesn't know where as it's a surprise!!

    Sandra - I've often looked at Mica and have never bought any as I've never really know what to do with it. I do occasionally use embossing powders but I have to admit not very often so I just might give Mica a once over.

    Everything up and running in the cafe. I've put some Crumpets by the toaster this morning along with some Bagels. Hope you all enjoy them.

    Have a really good day Cheryl with Tiegan and don't break the bank will you.

    Brenda - I hope your Exhibition has been a great success.

    Val - Hope you get another appointment quickly. Enjoy all the cut outs you managed to do.

    Hugs are in their usual place.

    1. Hi Hanet
      Lucky you having a dry day at the moment. It's lashing down here at the moment. I hope you have a lovely day visiting today and tomorrow.

    2. Hi JANET
      Enjoy your visiting today & tomorrow,hope you don't get to worn out.
      Take care xxx

    3. I hope your good weather continues for you Janet and have a lovely time with the family this morning. Take care x

    4. Janet, I said exactly the same to a friend yesterday - Where have the years gone! Hope you had a successful day! Xxx

    5. Janet, I hope you've had a lovely day xxx

  3. Good Morning All, sorry not to get in yesterday, but was shattered by the time we arrived here.
    Cheryl hope you enjoy the show , I was a bit disappointed,not as good as usual.
    Still managed to buy a few things.

    I love mica powders, I mainly use mine to mix with water colours, also with a glaze to put a pearl glaze on surfaces that won't take water.

    We are going to see the ENO, perform the Mikado this after noon the out for dinner, birthday treat for O/H birthday from our daughter.
    Janet hope you have a lovely weekend with your family.
    Hope all are well, have a good weekend.
    Hugs to all. Lilian

    1. Hi LILIAN
      Enjoy your show this afternoon & your meal this eavening I hope OH enjoys his birthday treat. Wish him a Happy birthday from me. Xx

    2. What a lovely birthday treat for your OH, and you get to enjoy it too. Have a lovely time. Take care x

    3. Have a lovely evening Lilian! Sounds lovely to me! Xxx

    4. Hello Lilian,
      I hope you've had a lovely day and enjoyed the Mikado. George and his twin were two of the 3 little maids in a school production many moons ago. They were the tallest in the class, so stuck out like sore thumbs!!!

  4. Good morning everyone
    Well the rain has started and the forecast is not good but can't do anything about it
    Sandra have read all these instructions, will get mine out, haven't used it for a long time, thanks so much for the inspiration.
    Went to Event City yesterday, it was busy and I will photograph my goodies later and send it into Sandra, it went very quiet just after lunch, but it was a good day out.
    Must get a wiggle on as we pick Nic up shortly but will pop back later
    Hope everyone is well but hugs are in the basket if needed,
    Jean xx

    1. I hope you have a little very day with Nic Jean.

    2. Hi Jean
      Glad you had a good day yesterday look forward to seeing your goodies. Have a lovely day with Nic. Hug's xxx

    3. Enjoy your day with Nic Jean. Glad to hear you enjoyed your day out yesterday, looking forward to seeing your shopping. Take care x

    4. Glad you had a good day Jean. Enjoy your time with Nic! Xxx

    5. Hi Jean, I hope you've had a good day with Nic. xxx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Well I'm glad the girls liked their bedrooms. A great relief as it's always a problem decorating for teenagers.
    Thanks for the reminder regarding Mica powders I haven't used mine for awhile now. Might get these metallics now as well. Rainy night here as well now. I came back on the blog last night and left a few comments, but then realised it was 11.45 so no one would be in. As Diabe, Hazel etc said if I took Doreen and Ellis in and charged them that much money I'd be exploiting them. Motto is ladies, spend your money.

    1. Hi Pat
      That was a hell of a lot of money for that care home
      Have a good day hope Pete's ok & take it

    2. Yes its true, what's the point in saving for your old age when all that happens is that you get penalised! It's wicked isn't it that thses prices are charged, and sadly so often for terrible care and treatment. Where would we be today if it weren't for these older people hadn't gone to war? That has been completely forgotten hasn't it.
      I'm going to get off the soap box now as I could rant and rave about the way so many of our old people are so badly treated. Box back in the usual ace now.
      I hope you are OK and maybe getting to relax a little today, please my lovely friend. Take care x

    3. Hope you are having a restful weekend Pat! Don't get me started on the price of Care Homes either! Xxx

    4. Pat, I'm with Myra, don't get me started on the price of care homes. We used to look after George's aunt who had dementia and when she was in the home, I used to buy her favourite lavender soap and talc etc. but when I went to see her there was no sign of it. This happened time after time, so I stopped buying it. The charges were ridiculous as the carers were paid a pittance. xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and everybody this glorious day, feeling so energetic and ready for a real busy day, oh who am I trying to kid. It raining cats and dogs (big ones)outside and the cold is hanging on like a bad smell. Mr Hoover knocking on the door but as I'm home alone today he can wait because as you know I got some mica powders, never used except by Sue so will dig them out and have a play later. Thank you Sandra for giving us so many different way's in how to use them. All your makes are lovely, heart blossom stamp on my wishlist.
    Glad Sophie and Lucy liked their rooms, oh if they
    hadn't :-)
    Cheryl ,hope you have a good day and Tiegan having fun. Drive carefully.
    Janet ,hope you have a nice day with Jim's niece and the boys and Happy Birthday to your daughter!
    Shame on the hospital Val, even in Spain. Hope you are ok and will get a new appointment soon. What part of Spain do you live in ? as you know we looking for a place for a retreat, just a thought :-)
    Must get wiggle on as our Diane says,warm Huggles and cuddles to you all Xxxx

    1. Hi Marie
      Thalnks for the lovely welcome. At the moment I'm living in a village called Algorfa. Its about 40 mins drive upwards from Alicante. I've lived in Spain for 17 years now an lived in quite a few areas. Its very quiet here, which I like, the Spanish are a very noisy race-I think its their latin temprament. I'm really only here because I hate the cold but its a great life.
      take care.
      Love Val x

    2. Come on Maria, get those lovely mica powders out and have a play. I used them on Mum and Pops anniversary card that I made at the retreat didn't I and they are beautiful colours, so come, have a play. Stay snug and warm indoors. Take care x

    3. Hi Maria, stay warm and cosy. Have you used the mica powders today yet? xxx

    4. Nope Muriel, my day didn't go as I hoped. Tomorrow I will.... xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    Val from Spain I would like to welcome you sorry I'm late doing it. I have had Internet trouble I tried to leave messages but kept freezing up & my post last night vanished.
    SANDRA great inspirations with the mica powders loved them all. Pleased girls loved their rooms can we have a picture please.
    Well couldn't sleep so got up at 5am & did all my ironing & then got Mr Hoover out. Going to see an old neighbour this morning she has broken both her hands not sure how she done it. Must be so awkward for her.
    Well I'm off to have a shower will pop in later have a good day everyone.
    Barbara thinking of you sending Hug's love Lynda xxx

    1. Goodness me Lynda, you have been busy already today haven't you. Sometimes it is better just to get up and do something rather than lying in bed tossing and turning.
      Your poor neighbour, breaking both hands, however is she managing, is she is on her owm? Wishing you a good nights sleep tonight. Take care x

    2. Hi Lynda, I hope you got your neighbour sorted. It's so awkward when both hands are out of use, and if she's on her own it will be impossible for her. xxx

    3. oh your poor neighbour Lynda, how did she manage to do such a thing ? hope she be ok. Hard enough to have one broken hand but two xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies, thanks for the wee demos. Like everyone else I have mica powders, used them a couple of times put them away and forgot about them, I will definitely be looking them out again.
    Well today it is raining AGAIN, it makes you want to curl up on the sofa and pig out, but onward and upward, get a wiggle on a quick tidy and my plan for today is clean out my wardrobe, will see how that goes.
    Will pop back later, meantime take care everyone, xxx

    1. Would you like to come and do mine after you have finished yours please Jess : ) Take care x

    2. If you do that Jess you would have to practically pass my door! That wouldn't be good! Hope you get it done to your satisfaction! I usually get sidetracked ! Xxx

    3. Hi Jess I hope you managed to get sorted. I never finish it as I end up trying things on and examining them. It takes so long, that I run out of time. xx

    4. Hi Jess, I have a airing cupboard needing sorted so if you got any energy left I'll be home all day tomorrow tihi xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and Everyone. Like everyone else I have mica powders lounging in a drawer somewhere. I think I got them ans couln't remember what to do with them so many thanks for all the ideas. I especially love the background youve used them on.
    Well cats are fed, dogs walked, house tidied and washing out. I'm off to my craftroom for a couple of hours play. HEAVEN.
    Take care on the roads Cheryl in that awful weather.
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Love Val x

    1. Oh you lucky thing having a Crafty day. Enjoy yourself. Just to make me feel really jelous, what is the temperature where you are Val? Take care x

    2. Hi Mrs B. Just nipped outside to take a look at the thermometer and its a very pleasant 18 in the sun.
      Bye val x

    3. Lovely! It's just a good temperature to get things done! I'm sure it's lovely and dry too! Xxx

    4. Ah Val, it must be lovely over there. Are you sure you'd rather not be here in the rain, cold and wind? ha ha xxx

    5. Lovely temp. and plenty of D ,how wonderful.
      Had a nice holiday near Coin some years back and hardly took any pain killers while being there, good times xxx

  10. Morning Ladies

    I did all in first thing but clearly forgot to comment-uh oh!
    Sandra-brilliant ideas using mica powders . I'll be using mine soon.

    I've been to the shops in the village, put the shopping away then went into Southport. Wet & windy so didn't stay long-got there's items I needed, looked for the special edition of Diecutting Essentials magazine but no-one seems to be stocking it so I've just ordered it online.

    I'm going to use my pillow box die now, I'll follow the advice you left the other day.


    1. Have fun using the pillow box die Michele. Will you send some pics to Sandra so we can see them please. Take care x

    2. Hi Michele, enjoy using the die. It's wet but not too windy here. xxx

    3. Michele, I have also looked for this magazine but no one seem to be stocking them anywhere. Is it possible to order just the one Issue or ? xxx

  11. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Apart from the kissing technique Sandra i have tried out the others with some good results and some bad which could be down to the fact that i couldn't stamp right but i'm getting better at it with my apple pie stamping blocks. I'll tell you anyone that has difficulty in stamping and using the normal straight blocks but it never works out right and you've caused your hand a whole lot of pain for nothing should buy 1 of these shaped blocks to try as it doesn't hurt my hands the same and i am getting better impressions because of them. What i didn't like about the mica powders is the fact that even after polishing to get rid of the remainder that wasn't caught by the embossing ink it still left a "glow" of it around the detailed part that you wanted to show and it just didn't go clean enough for my OCD perfection brain. It is great though that you have shown everyone or reminded everyone of the different things that can be done with it. I do the embossing folders one, and the painting and spritzing one but any others that don't leave a clean image or impression i just don't do and it stops my poor wee brain going into overdrive about it and starting all over again.
    The post man has just delivered my prize from Sue so i am going to have some fun making up some flowers. It was my old postie today who actually makes it morning post instead of our Hamish who likes to be late afternoon post. Yesterday i caught Hamish posting mail from his bag into our postbox in the village. Now i wonder if that was because he couldn't be bothered to deliver it all and put the ones that hadn't been franked back in to go through the postal system again. Anyway i am away to play since Campbell is dying up in his bed because he has the flu and it's all Harry's fault. Leaving some little huggles in their basket to greet you all as you come in,
    Norah x

    1. Hi Norah, you must have just published your comment as I was doing mine as I see we have similar problems with mica.
      What I wanted to ask you was , I've seen you comment about doing fancy shaped cards using your Spanish dies, I had a go yesterday but couldn't get it to work , how do you do it?
      By the way I liked your idea of using polish I've seen Ali Reed do that, must try it sometime! xo

    2. Hi Anne,
      I cut a piece of card an inch longer than the largest die of the Seville set and score and fold along at that point. I then place the largest die on top with the cutting edge just over the fold and no more so that it gives me a hinge. I cut out a 2nd one of the largest again and glue it onto the front to make an A style card or tent style whatever you know it best by. Sometimes i just cut out two and score the back one and glue above the score line the two together but the first does make for a nicer opening card. I absolutely love Becca Feekans cards as she makes the most beautiful lacy shaped cards that you could imagine and it was one of her videos that showed how she managed to do them. Another person who has copied her work is Christina Griffiths who has videos galore and makes some stunning cards. Although her cards haven't been upto the same since she got taken on by Spellbinders as an Ambassador for them but thats just my opinion. When i first started to follow her before she was getting incentives for a particular company she made the most beautiful of cards. She is at flowers, as she has a whole library of videos to watch.
      Yes the polish, i do like Ally as she is normal down to earth and tries her lucky with whatever she can find, i think it could be because her head is as full of rubbish as mine is, lol. Hope this helps flower x

    3. Thanks Norah , I'll try that, it sounds so nice, I've never heard of Chrjistia Griffiths I'll need to go on a search for her, that'll keep me out of mischief for a while Lol! I do like Becca Feekans dies although to be honest I think I use my basic shapes , circles, squares etc . the most, I've been making the new SW die flowers to see how they looked , I quite like them.
      I think all us crafters are a bit loopy , ha ha so you're certainly not alone! , thanks again for your help, xoxo

    4. I too like Becca's cards and boxes Norah! I'm going to follow your instructions . They are very clear! Never tried that! Xxx

    5. Norah, I also like Becca Feekan. She makes some stunning cards. xxx

  12. Good morning Ladies, I can't believe it It's a beautiful sunny morning here , I even hung a washing up outside ( first time in weeks) so hope it remains dry!
    Sandra , great idea this morning ,I love all your samples and suggestions , like the other ladies I've used mine occasionally but then forget about them again, I think it's because I seem to get smudges and fingerprints all over the pieces I'm working on , probably just me. Great to hear the girls loved their room, well done.
    Sorry I never got back in yesterday , I was like a busy bee in the craft room, I got an order for a 2year old granddaughter card ( needed for me to take to Torridon on Monday) so had to get on with that ( I always think it's the time you take to decide what to do that the worst) so after that then decided to play with some new stamps that had arrived , so time just disappeared , but I did enjoy myself!
    I've made a curry for tonight in the slow cooker ( hope it's better than the Irish stew was) I'll let you know how it turns out?
    Enjoy your day ladies whatever you are up to, love and hugs to all xoxo.

    1. Hi Anne, if you would like a taster for your curry, I'll put myself up for the job ha ha xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Well I have been back and left a few comments on yesterday's and have commented on the way down but I must say that this is a brilliant post about mica powders Sandra. Thank you for all of the time and attention, anyone that had never heard of mica powders could read this and know exactly what they are and can be used for. I don't use mine enough but I love the effect they make, especially on dark card. Thank you for the little tips, I hadn't thought of using the lid to make up the paint so that you can reactivate it again so you don't waste any. I will definitely remember that one.
    I'm glad that the girls liked their rooms, but I'm not surprised that you are having a rest day today! Take care my lovely xx

  14. Yes, comment has appeared so I'm a happy bunny : )x

  15. Hellooooooooooooooooo,
    I haven't run off, We had to collect Zoe from school as she'd been sick, got the call at 9 a.m. and didn't get home until after 6 p.m. I've was just so busy after that I didn't have time to come onto the blog.
    I've got to say that yesterday's cards are great. I love the faux leather technique Michele. Myra's card is fantastic, although it pains me to admit it ha ha. Oops, I can't remember if anyone else posted so I'm sorry if I missed you out.
    Sandra, a lovely tutorial today. I keep forgetting to use my perfect pearls, I think it's something we all have and rarely use.
    I must go and get on here. I'll pop in later this evening and read all the comments then, I just wanted to let you know that I am still here to pester you!!!
    love xxxx

  16. What a ninny, it was Anne's faux leather technique and her card that I liked. I love using doing it xxx

  17. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a great tutorial it must have taken you hours to do, even I as a newcomer can understand it thank you. I am pleased the girls are pleased with their room makes it all worth it. xx
    Hope you are all safe in this terrible weather.
    Cheryl safe journey. I am sure Teigan will have enjoyed herself & not doubt your purse is somewhat lighter.xx
    Had a call earlier to tell me one of my cousins had a massive heart attack early this morning & has passed away, lovely for her but shock for the family as she has been kept well & active, you never know do you.
    Special hugs on way to Barbara & all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hello Margaret - So sorry about your very sad news. No we never know what each day can bring and so just have to make the very best of what we have. As you say 'lovely' for your Cousin but of course it's we that are left who Grieve for our loss. Take care and hugs are on their way just for you. xxxx

    2. Hello Margaret, so sorry to hear your sad news. A lovely way to go but such a shock fr those left behind. I do understand as my husband went the same way.
      Thinking of you.
      Val x

    3. Hello Margaret, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I know exactly how you are all feeling xxx

    4. Hello MARGARET so sorry to hear of your sad news sending you love & Hug's your in my thoughts &

    5. Hi, sorry to hear about your cousin Margaret. Sending you hugs xx

  18. Hello Sandra, Sorry I'm late today!
    I haven't read any comments yet as I did that first yesterday and it took forever to get to the end!
    Lovely tutorial on mica powders! As you say we all have them but maybe don't use them enough. It may be sacrilege but I use them more with children as I can mix paint - just enough - and it isn't at all messy! They don't touch the pots!
    They put a lovely sheen on MDF as well. I have never been successful stamping sentiments with them as they never seem clear enough when I do them!
    It has been a dull miserable day here all day! It has stopped raining but it was very wet up until lunchtime.
    Glad the girls liked their room!
    Have a lovely weekend everyone. Xxxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      I used to mix them with water and paint with them, rather than just brush onto a stamped Perfect Medium image. I'll have to try them with MDF. xxx

    2. I mix them with water too! Xxx

  19. Yes! The curry was a success!

    1. Ooh Anne, keep some hot for me, I'll be up shortly!!! xxx

    2. I'm so pleased Anne! It's awful if you buy something and are then disappointed. Xxx

  20. Hello from the bag lady! 6 black bags of clothes from our wardrobes, 2 for the bin too shabby for a charity shop, 4 for the charity shop on Monday, mind you they are not all mine, OH decided he would have a clear out as well, mainly shirts that are a bit tight across his tummy, he has developed quite a pot belly!"
    Just have to start on the cupboard where we keep our coats and jackets, but that can wait for another day.
    Hope you have all had a lovely day, will catch up later xxx

    1. Hi Jess, I knew as soon as I met you that you were a bag lady!! You are just trying to shame me into sorting out my wardrobes, which I started last summer but have never finished!!! xxx

    2. Good for you Jess, I'm needing to be a bag lady too! Iain has also developed a tummy and his shirts are tight , the only thing is when I buy him a size larger the shoulders are too wide, other than changing him for a newer slimmer model ( joking! ) I don't know what the answer is ,as he really is not a big eater just not as energetic as he used to be, but good for you in getting it done! xo?

  21. Flying pit stop - I can't believe how late it is Got to be readt soon for daughter to go dancing Thank you for the tips SANDRA Like a lot of I have them, never use them except to try out on scrappy bits Never made a project with them Another quick fixative is cheap hair spray I tend to spray it on to the card from a great height or into the air and waft card through it.
    Yesterday's card ladies were brill

  22. Helllooooooooooooo,
    Well I finally got here. I haven't done much today, but feel all the better for it.
    I'm pleased the girls like their room Sandra, as no doubt you and Paul are!!!
    See you later everyone, oh I see there are more flood warnings out. When will this ever stop. In the past it would have been snow, but now it's rain. Stay safe, and dry if you can, if you are in the path of the floods.

  23. Good evening
    Sorry late getting back we didn't get to see our old neighbour where we used to live Terry phoned her husband to see if it was ok to visit but she had her family there so will leave it till next week.I have been in my craft room all afternoon playing done lots of hot foiling & cut them out. Tomorrow I will make up two birthday cards I need for the end of the month.
    Looking forward to seeing all the challenge cards tomorrow.
    MARIA hope you had a play with your Mica powders.hope your feeling better.x
    Ooo OH just given me a cup of tea how nice. Pop in later see if any night owls are up.xxxx

    1. Hi Lynda, I have posted on the way down a bit. Nothing happened for me today but hope tomorrow will be better. You are having fun with the hot foiling I see, hope your cards turn out how you want them. Will look into your blog soon again to see them xxx

  24. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra I love your tutorial, thank you for reminding us why we bought our mica powders in the first place.

    I have a BIG apology I haven't sent a challenge card to you. I wasn't happy with the my card, haven't finished it yet, it just wasn't right. Yet I felt your sketch was easy to interpret SORRY

    Will say goodnight, we have had a busy day, I am feeling quite tired.
    Sleep well everyone.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  25. Well friends this is me shutting down for today. Have done absolutely nothing and feeling so cross with myself but my body have not let me so hope tomorrow will be proactive, no not like the yoghurt, way to messy.
    Sending warm hugs to our missing friends and hope you will be back soon. Good night all, warm hugs xxxx
