
Sunday 7 February 2016

Sketch Challenge Cards

 The Sketch

 My 1st Challenge card

My 2nd Challenge Card

 Anne's Challenge card

 Brenda H Challenge card

 Cheryl Challenge card

Hazel's Challenge Card

 Janet's Challenge card

 Jean's Challenge card

 Lilian's Challenge card

Lynda's Challenge card

Margaret P's Challenge card

 Maureen's Challenge Card

Maureen's 2nd Challenge Card
Michele's Challenge Card

Myra's Challenge card

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

We had constant rain all day yesterday and throughout the night, so I expect news of flooding will be on the cards over the next few days, I hope that you have escaped it where you are and that you are safe, dry and warm.

So it was a lazy Saturday for us today, mind you we needed it after a very busy week, I managed to learn to Crochet a Heart, a flower and started learning the basics of Quilling, which I think is going to become very addictive, have any of you ever done quilling???  Isn't it nice to sometimes make time to just sit and learn something new, life usually gets in the way of me doing that.

Now on to this weeks Challenge Cards, Oh my have you done me proud, your cards are just amazing,
thank you to each and everyone of you for taking part, I know I say it every week but it does amaze me how differently you all interpret the challenge Sketch.
Maureen even managed two cards, one being a Christmas card, I like the idea of using the Striplet dies as a border, something I hadn't thought of, but it really works. 
Lilian I just love those papers you have used, they are just so pretty. 
Hazel and Margaret P both had their cards in on Monday, Hazel and I had mentally 'sync'd up, as she had made a card on the Sunday that totally worked for the sketch, Margaret was just being organised and getting her card in before her op on Tuesday, I hope that your hand is feeling stronger everyday and that you will manage to do tomorrows challenge.

I just want to check that you are all still enjoying the Sketch Challenge and that you are happy for me to continue running it each week??

Oh, while I remember, Maria was inspired by the 'sneaky peek' of Brenda's craft room and has sent me in some photo's of her craft 'space', she suggested that it might be fun to each show a photo of your craft room/area, we did it a long while back, but that was before some of you joined us, so I am happy to feature it if you would like to send me your photos. (I will need a little time to tidy mine though)!!

Have a lovely day everyone,
Sending special hugs to Barbara, Margaret C, Patricia and anyone else that hasn't visited in a while xxx

Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and ladies. What a talented group you are. Every card card got an ahhh from me.
    up earlier than normal today as my daughter is joining in a 3 hour Zumbathon starting at 10 and Gracie, my dog, are going along to support her. Can you believe we've had sunshiine every day since I cant remember when and today its raining. They are Zumbaing (is that a word!) Outside so I hope plans arent spoilt. They are doing it fora Childrens Special needs school.
    Anyway go to dash. Have a good Sunday everyone.
    Meant to ask . I'm originally from Liverpool. Are any of you in that area?
    Hope none of you are caught up in the terrible weather of late.
    Love Val x

    1. I'm in Ainsdale, near Southport. Do you come back to the UK? I think Wendy (Spanish Crafter) has relatives near here as I met her sister at a craft demo in Lady Green garden centre (Ince Woods area).


    2. Hope they manage to do the Zumbathon ! Sounds healthy and fun, Val. Xxxx

    3. Hi Val, my OH is from Liverpool, He lived in Huyton. Left Liverpool after his father died, he and his mother moved south to be near her sister. He was just 13 at the time. When we were first married he took me up to Liverpool, we came out of Lime Street station and got on a bus. I couldn't believe how quickly his old accent returned, even to this day he still has an accent, but whenever we have been to Liverpool it always becomes very strong.

    4. Hi Val
      Hope they manage to do the Zumbathone sounds very tiering my daughter did one last year. Enjoy your day xx

    5. Hi Val, hope you all have a nice day and they are having fun with the Zumbathone xx

    6. Hi Val. hope the Zumbathon goes well and it dries up for it.
      Im originally from Liverpool - Everton in fact and I left Liverpool when I was 18, have been back numerous times and my accent becomes stronger when I hear it spoken.
      Nice to see you
      Jean xx

    7. Hello Val, I hope your daughter manages the Zumbathon all right and that the weather fairs up for her. xxx

    8. Hi, just got back fromthe zumbathon. Fortunately the rain stopped and the sun came out although its stayed quite windy. It was really well attended. I think about 8 groups turned from around the area so about 100 ladies and two men took part. I was sitting watching but my feet were moving. I so would have loved to be part of it. I used to do Zumba before my shoulder problem and Tai Chi as well until my shoulder problem but I will rejoin hopefully soon
      Mchele, I have lovely memories of Ainsdale. It was a real treat as a child to get the train to Ainsdale and walk what seemed to me a long way to the beach and then play in the sand dunes. It always seemed to be warm. Happy days. I met Wendy through John Lockwoods blog. He and Wendy I found out lived in the next village and Wendy is now a good friend. Its her craft class I go to. John (John Next Door) sadly for us but a great move for him, returned to the UK last year. Hes a great guy and well as a talented card maker and he deserves all the success he's having.
      Brenda. I do know what you mean. Whwnever I go back I return to being Cilla Black yet over here most people dont realise I'm from Liverpool. Strange isnt it.
      Jean. I knoe Everton quite well. I used to travel from the Dingle on the bus to my school which was Evered Avenue and many friends came from the Everton area.
      Well my microwave is dinging, lunch must be ready.
      Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.
      Love Val x

    9. Third time lucky. Hi Val, I am Johanna from Bootle opposite the Giro, I went to St. James Senior School Marsh Lane and I now live in Widnes

    10. Hi Crafty Nanna, Wow fancy you living in Widnes. When I first got married in 1967 our first house was in Hough Green in Widnes. We lived there until 1982 when we moved back to Hunts Cross in Liverpool. Where in Widnes are you? X

    11. Hi Val
      I glad the sun came out for the Zumbathon. I started doing Zumba dancing a few years ago, but had to stop when my hips started playing up.

    12. Hi Pat, isn't it frustrating when that happens. I must admit its grat exercise and I've put weight n since I stopped doing it. X

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well I wish I hadn't spoken yesterday morning re the 'dry and wind free' start as by 08.30 it was tippling it down and stayed that way all day. So today I'm not saying a word in that area.

    What an array of beautiful cards Sandra. You have certainly managed to get our juices flowing. I will now admit that after I'd sent mine in I stripped off the big flower and replaced it with a smaller one. I wasn't all that happy with it in the first place and I'm still now sure. Anyway I'm looking forward to this week's Challenge.

    We had a lovely time seeing Jim's Niece yesterday morning but the children were very subdued. Their Dad walked out on them a couple of days before Christmas and they're both having great difficulty with things. Bailie Gray is 9 tomorrow and Sophia is 7 so you can imagine the impact it's had. We shall see them again in a couple of weeks.

    Everything is nice and tidy and all set in the kitchen here in the Cafe so all we need now are visitors. I'm out all day so might not get back in today so all have a really nice day and I hope you're all nice warm and dry.

    Thinking of all of you and sending hugs.

    1. I'm so sorry about the children Janet. It's always very sad when a marriage breaks down. We are always our own worst critics Janet. Your card is very pretty!! Xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      I'm very sorry for the children although it's awfull for Jim's niece It must be so traumatic for the children to understand when a marriage breaks down sending the some ((((Hug's))) xx

    3. Hi Janet
      Its such a shame for the children and it doesn't make it easier when birthdays, Christmas etc come around.
      Hope they manage to get through ok.
      Jean xx

    4. Hello Janet,
      I'm so sorry to hear about Jim's niece and the children, all you can do is be there for them and to help if you can. I am never happy with my cards when I see them on the blog. I always thing "ooh, I should have done ?????"

    5. Janet, so sorry to hear about your niece and the children, it's hard at any time but to leave just before Christmas seems extra cruel, she must be so glad she has yourself and Jim there to listen and help her.xo

    6. Gosh Janet I am really sorry to hear that, its the kids who suffer the most and Jim's niece must have been gutted. XxJohanna

    7. Hi Janet
      Sorry to hear about your niece and the children. Christmas will always be hard now for them it's no wonder they're having problems adjusting.

  3. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of sketch cards.
    Sandra-please continue with the sketch challenge as it's been making me "think"!!!

    I'd love to see photos of other people's crafty space but I am nosy!

    I have s busy day doing chores etc but hopefully I'll find some time to craft.

    Does anyone have any ideas for "male" get well cards???????


    1. Michele - what about making a pocket , raise it slightly from the card and put a tissue in it! Xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      hope you are getting some of this sunshine although the wind is still icy.
      Love Myras' idea - sound brilliant.
      Jean xx

    3. Michele, I'm enjoying the challenge too.
      Myra, what a great idea, but I wouldn't think of pinching it (much) ha ha

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra please keep giving us the challenge I love it. My hand has got to the stage when it is itchy, want to take dressing off but see the nurse Wednesday, plus I want to have a shower & wash my hair properly, don't worry I have showered but it's not the same.XXX
    Thank you all for your kind words yesterday about my cousin it meant a lot to me.xx
    Tried to do some cross stitch last night, kept getting needle caught up in dressing, very frustrating! roll on Wednesday perhaps I will do some colouring, heigh ho could be worse, trouble is I am not one to sit & do nothing.xx
    Special hugs on way to Barbara & all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Margaret I'm sure it's very frustrating , particularly when you feel well. Roll on Wednesday for you!! Xxx

    2. Hello Margaret, isn't itching a sign that everything is healing, good luck when you see the nurse on Wednesday.
      Sorry to read about your cousin what a shock for everyone.xx

    3. Hello Margaret
      I know how frustrated you feel I had to ask OH to even help me have a wash & go to the loo Haha when I had both mine done together i couldn't do anything. Take care & roll on Wednesday for you Hug's xxxx

    4. Hi Margaret, just make sure you leave it to the nurse Wednesday and don't itch with the needle even if it's tempting :-) Good it's getting better xxx

    5. Hi Margaret - glad to see you are feeling a lot better - roll on Wednesday for you and then you should be a whole lot better.
      So sorry to read about your cousin (Hugs)
      Jean xx

    6. Hello Margaret, I'm glad your hand is improving, I know how frustrating it is when you want to do things.

    7. Hi Margaret
      I'm glad your hand is improving. Roll on Wednesday.

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies, gosh what wonderful array of cards, each and every one of them are so different, sorry I didn't manage to get one done this week, must do better next time.
    Weather is horrible here today very very wet and windy. Will just have to craft today!
    Hope you all have a lovely day whatever you get up to, take care, xxx

    1. It's dry here Jess , thank goodness and there is a drying wind too! Hope it blows up your way in the next hour or two!! Xxx

    2. Hi JESS
      How awful for you having to craft all day HaHa enjoy it while you can xxx

    3. Hi Jess,
      Suppose someone has to craft all day eh!!!
      Hope the weather dries up for you -it was awful here yesterday but its nice and dry although very cold - enjoy crafting.
      Jean xx

    4. Hi Jess,
      Sorry to tell you that it is nice and sunny here, but the wind is getting strong. Rain is forecast, but my washing is dry so I don't mind!!!

    5. Hi Jess
      The weather is awful here as well, wish it would give it a rest. We're supposed to be going up to Karen's ( Petes daughters ) to play cards tonight. It's only at the top of our street but I really don't feel like going out in the cold and wet.

  6. I failed (again) to meet the challenge. I had printed off all of the bits but kept being way laid by invites out! Went shopping with daughter yesterday. I bought some black card from The Range and my bargain of the week (I will photograph it for you SANDRA) I think somebody mentioned these on the blog before - 2 pairs of exfoliating gloves from Primark £1. I will chop the fingers off to make 20 Rub-It-Scrub-Its.
    Your cards are truly amazing girls. I love to to see your take on the sketch and think - ooh never thought of that!
    I am sorry I haven't been commenting but I do enjoy seeing what you are all up to.
    I've arranged to meet MARIA next Saturday in Watford if anyone else is interested

    1. Good idea in the gloves!! I made snowmen's hats out of woolly ones! What are we like!! Xxx

    2. Hi ladies, resourceful springs to mind! xx

    3. Hi Karen - do you use the fingers for the gilding flakes - I have a pair in a bag inside my flake box, so much cheaper.
      Enjoy your invites out while you can.
      Jean xx

    4. Hello Karen, What a good tip, I'm going to town tomorrow, Primark here I come!!!

    5. Walk straight past the mini skirts!!! Xxxx

    6. I think our Primark has now shut in Oxford. Maureen in a mini skirt Myra, the mind boggles.

  7. Good mornng ladies, wasn't in yesterday as I was out from 9.30 till gone midnight. Was all over the place going from here to Dunfermline ( kept boys while mum and dad went to see about upgrading their car for an estate one) Tammy could be do with more boot room for getting the Hoover etc in for her cleaning business and for taking the ironing back to the clients. Short of having to take on about another 6 cleaning clients they will keep to there focus, the estate was so much more to buy. I then took Tammy and Andrew back to Perth, Derek and Calum went to the football! Then it was to the other side of Dundee to baby sit grand daughters ( don't get to see them or baby sit for them that often) was t home till midnight. Did over 160miles in all.
    Love all the challenge cards. Lilian can I ask where you got your gorgeous floral card from! And who it's by! Please.
    Well I am not making cards to day so I want be heads up, on Sandras design for it. That was uncanny.
    Margaret sorry to read your sad news, yes it will have been a big shock! Oh an itch under your dressing nothing worse! Off to look out things for a girls sleep over bag. Just got an order. Xxx

    1. That's an interesting Order Hazel!! I like it!,xxx

    2. Wow Hazel I feel exusted just reading your day yesterday. You should take it easy today xxx

    3. Hi Hazel,
      Wow! that's some mileage - I take it you don't mind driving, you must have been so tired so take it easy today.
      Jean xx

    4. Hazel,
      Sit down, feet up, a hot chocolate and a yummy cake, that's my recipe for you today!!!

    5. Girl of 12, starting to go for sleep overs so as a birthday gift, travel sized shampoos etc, small hair brush, fold up tooth brush, tooth paste, everything needed over night, a pair of these little pull on slippers, some times a pair of pjs depends on the order. I use the clear see through soap bag sets from M&S. Pjs in big one with slippers things or towel in their, toiletries in medium one and in the small one a cleanser, toner and face wipes! Not a chesp gift but useful. I did one for Beth and Anna. Beths little bag had a some of these little pet animal toys. Anna uses hers a lot these days as she has been to a few sleep overs she was telling me only the other week she has now added a pair of pants bra and tights in. As she forgot to pack them the last time, so now she replaces them when she gets home! X

    6. No I love driving, just as well, I was just giving the car a good run, if I went to visit Patricia it's 100 miles round trip. Living here to go to either pert or Dundee is 50 miles round trip. Country living. X

    7. I think that's a lovely gift! It really appeals to me! Mind you not for me personally!! I don't do many sleepovers! Ha ha! Xxx

    8. Yours would need big sponge rollers and a shower cap Myra - oh yes and a huge alarm clock too!!!! Xx x

    9. Oh Diane, Myra was first up at the retreat, as she was doing her hair! Tin hat!!!
      Myra, I make a holiday bag up too! Did one for a thirty year olds birthday as she was getting taken away as a surprise, and she loved it. I put things like diarrhoea tablets and Paracetamols, first aid bits, sun cream you name it, even indigestion pills. Flip flops and a beach towel in a beach bag too. All useful and handy. X

    10. Diane - you are living very very dangerously!!! I wouldn't set the alarm clock - noisy horrid things!! Xxxx

    11. Wow Hazel, you've wore me out just thinking of all that driving. Diane what's an alarm clock?.

    12. We can all have a sleepover at the next retreat, just bring the sleeping bags and a flask in case they charge for using their mugs etc. Lol geee how much fun we would have.and don't forget the Baileys ! xxx

  8. Good morning coffee shop cherubs,
    Again an array of beauty and splendor before our eyes with all this weeks challenge cards that all so different but all coming to make up to the sketch, well done girls.
    I am a tad tired today as someone had me running up and down the stairs all of yesterday and friday. Thank goodness he is feeling better today and is at least down on the settee lying, it's a bit more within my grasp today. Oh i hope that he is well enough to go back to work tomorrow. Anyway girls it is absolutely tipping down here at Glenochil and the rotten weather has pinched my lovely hills today so i hope that you are all having a better day where ever you are.
    Away to make a bacon piece for Rory, so see you after
    Norah x

    1. Isn't man 'flu awful Norah! Shame he couldn't have lost his voice with it though! Sorry couldn't resist that!! Xxx

    2. Hi Norah i sympathise with you my OH had man flu a couple of weeks it's the groaning noises that he dose,& keeps saying how I'll he feels.Men xx

    3. Hi Norah,
      Hope you get some respite while he is eating (haha)
      Maybe you will get some time to yourself when he is back at work.
      Nothing worse than man-flu.
      Jean xx

    4. Hello Norah, it's the sniffles that are so loud the second time if you don't mention them the first!! The groans at every move and the sighs at every turn. Don't you just love them ha ha!!! I hope you have a much easier day today, and I'll do a "Get back to work" dance for you today, so that he's out from under your feet tomorrow.

    5. Please may we have a photo of the dance instead of the craft room!! Xxx

    6. Hi Norah
      Your going to need a holiday after your OH goes back to work.
      Pete laughs thinking of me as a cherub. Nothing remotely cherub like am I.

    7. Norah, you have a lovely day all by yourself at home and us here for you tomorrow when grumpy has gone back to work. You can do some crafting and play with your prize, big hug xxx
      Pat, you are a little cherub in my eyes xx

  9. Hello Sandra, Well it's dry here today but very windy
    I do hope we get a respite from rain. I think the whole country needs to dry out!!
    What a lovely array of cards Sandra!
    It's lovely to see what everyone does! Keep the challenge going I think! It helps motivate me anyhow and we can use the cards!
    Well I've left comments on the way down so need to have a coffe now as I'm running a bit late as it's Sunday! Xxxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      its lovely today isn't it but that wind is so cold and icy, it makes a change to see blue sky,
      we have to enjoy it while we can.
      Jean xx

    2. Hello Myra, I hate to admit it but I agree with you about the challenge cards. The challenge for Sandra is to keep coming up with ideas ha ha.

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone is coffee shop,

    I love every card in this weeks challenge Sandra, ladies iyou have really excelled yourself.

    I agree the challenge is great motivation, personally I need a lot of that, I look at my stash and then dither all to often, I need a focus and the challenge a great help in that direction.

    Hope you are having a good day, take care, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I think we all need some motivation, especially at this time of year when we have made so many Christmas cards.
      Jean xx

    2. Hello Brenda, I agree with you. xxx

    3. You are having a very agreeable day!
      Long may it continue! Xxxx

    4. Hi Myra
      Like the rest of the girls, I also need to be mitivated. All talk no do, that's me.

    5. I don't think you have much spare time either Pat! Xxxx

  11. Hello everyone
    SANDRA what a great show of challenge cards today they are all wonderful. I for one hope you keep the sketch challenge going.
    We have some sun today but very windy & cold we are going for a walk in a minute for some fresh air. I have commented on way down.
    Like you Sandra I have to tidy craft room up before taking pictures of it I should have kept my last pictures HaHa.still it will make me do it so not a bad thing.
    Well better get my walking shoes on so pop back later.Hug's. Xx
    Special Hug's for Barbara xxx

    1. Snap! Lynda, I will have to have a tidy-up before I take any photos but Its supposed to be messy isn't it.
      Jean xx

    2. Hello Lynda, A tidy craft room is a sign of an untidy mind!!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

    3. You not meant to tidy your craft room/ area before showing them, I'm sure didn't hihi
      How do you get the son to leave home ? Have asked before, he's still here Lol xx

  12. Good afternoon everyone-Have been commenting all the way down so its took me a while to reach the bottom.
    Well done Ladies - the cards on display today are brilliant, Please Sandra keep the sketch challenge going as far as you can, Its a great way to see what other people do and then you can build up a number of cards in case you need one in a hurry.
    I will tidy my craft room up and send a photo in Sandra.
    Its lovely and sunny at the moment but cold, I hope it stays like this for a while because John is doing a service on my little car, don't know how he can move - hes got that many layers on.
    Im going to make a card and then we are going out for tea.
    Hugs to Barbara, Sheila and anyone else who I may have missed - Please help yourself they're in the basket as usual.
    Jean xx

    1. Hello Jean, It's still lovely and sunny here, but I've been so long commenting on the blog that a gale is now blowing outside!!!

  13. Hellooooooooooooooo
    Sandra, what lovely cards today, and as I've said before, I do enjoy the challenge and - as someone else has said today - we can use the cards.
    Wonder what you have in mind for us tomorrow. Do you enjoy thinking these up?
    I've been commenting on the way down, so it's taken ages to get here. I'm sure I've got some photo's of my craft room when it was fairly tidy, wouldn't dare photograph it at the moment!!!
    See you later
    Muriel xxxx

    1. I'm agreeing with you now! I have noted this day in my diary! Xxx

    2. My word.
      Hang the flags out they'll have a good blow, or get wet today all depending where you are. Myra and Maureen agreeing.

  14. Hi Sandra and all in today.
    Lovely challenge cards today, one sketch and so many varieties. I hope you continue with this for a long time because it makes me focused on making at least one card a week and hopefully make a few more in the same style until next Monday which I believe is tomorrow, so lets roll on tomorrow :-)
    I hope you all have a good day as possible, Hazel take it easy. Jean, hope you had a nice weekend time with Nic.
    Cheryl, hope your exhibition goes well. Sheryl and Nikki, hope you are ok and Saba, missing you!
    Love and hugs to all, Maria Xxxx

  15. Hello all , sorry I didn't get in yesterday, we were out most of the day and had visitors for a meal in the evening. During the small gap inbetween our neighbours fence panel blew out and knocked the wall down again so we were Odin the wind and rain rescuing her fence panels so they weren't too badly damaged. It took her months to find someone to rep are the wall last time - we quite liked chatting through the gap in the end!
    Beautiful cards from everyone today, I like how everyone's is different. I keep forgetting to photograph my cards lately, I'm rushing to get them in the post and remember when I get home from the post box!
    I'm having trouble posting comments at the moment, blogger keeps telling he I'm not able to post and to close everything down. Sometimes it posts my comments and other times it doesn't. It's very annoying and stops me putting comments as it's such a palaver so I apologise now! ( haha you might not see this because it might not post!).
    Margaret I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin, what a shock. I hope you manage some colouring xxx
    Janet oh your poor niece and the children, that's such a shame xxxx
    Right I'm going to press publish with a wing and a prayer and watch the rugby! XXXX

  16. Good afternoon Ladies,
    Wow! What a great selection of cards , they are all wonderful and really helpful in giving us ideas, I enjoy the challenge Sandra so please keep it going.
    Couldn't possibly take a photo of my craft room at the moment it's a disaster, even the floor has lots of boxes over it , really needs a good gutting out.
    I have spent ages today trying to die cut a Seville card ( and used lots of card) my GC was also groaning a bit , I kept checking Norah's instructions wondering what I was doing wrong , but then I thought ( eventually) I should check to see if I was using the correct die( I don't keep the packaging I put them on magnetic sheets on the wall) so had to look on line , guess what , I was using the wrong die, I don't have the Seville , so I tried another Spanish one and wasted more card and time , so I've given up , sorry Norah , my fault.
    Hazel , we have a Puegeot Partner, loads of space in the boot , cheaper to buy and economical to run ,not fancy but very practical ( we are on our second one as we are very happy with it).maybe worth a look for Tammy.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Anne I know the one you have but Derek has a big thing about Puepeot. He had so many problems with one and they weren't helpful. They had Nissans for years now he has gone back to ford. They could be doing with a second car/van even but funds don't allow!
      But thank you for that info. I think if we were getting rid of our Vauxhall Mariva She would have that in a flash. Not ready to part with the second car just yet! X

    2. Hi Hazel
      We gave a Nissan Note and you guava a lever in the boot that pushes the back seat forward. Plenty if room without doing that as well.

    3. Pat that's what they had before the focus! The problem with the note was when they had the big child car seat and a boaster seat in they couldn't fit a third Person in the back, xxx

  17. Hi everyone, I did post a few On the way down, great cards everyone and honestly I have done the challenge card and I will do tomorrows and pics of some more I have done and then post the lot in one go and a pic of my craft room. I am taking a rest from the charity shop, just two weeks that's all. I am looking after our great grandson while mummy is in hospital having the new baby (another boy) but nothings happened yet, they come when they are ready don't they. Xxx Johanna

  18. Hi everyone, I did post a few On the way down, great cards everyone and honestly I have done the challenge card and I will do tomorrows and pics of some more I have done and then post the lot in one go and a pic of my craft room. I am taking a rest from the charity shop, just two weeks that's all. I am looking after our great grandson while mummy is in hospital having the new baby (another boy) but nothings happened yet, they come when they are ready don't they. Xxx Johanna

    1. Hi Craftynanna, I hope you don't have to long a wait for the new arrival.

    2. Oh how exciting , another little one to our family. Hope he will come soon. I love babies, they smell so good hihi Hope your OH is all right and you too , take care xxx

  19. Hi Sandra abs all who visit the cafe.
    What a stunning array of cards for the challenge. Take a picture of my craft room, if you saw the mess you wouldn't ask Sandra. Sue will vouch for the mess. Had Doreen to lunch today and took her to visit Ellis. He's three more weeks at the care home, and Doreen hasn't decided what she's going to do and doesn't look like she will either. She doesn't seem to realise that it's a hospital bed and is only for 8 weeks. Everything is supposed to be in place Before then not afterwards. I can't keep on to her as I'll be turning into a nag. Although Ellis hasn't asked when he's coming home the last twice we've been. It's a worry I must say.

    1. Pat, sending you a big hug. It might not help much but I hope everything will be ok and Doreen and Ellis get the help they need, you take care now xxx

  20. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight.
    Once again what a beautiful array of challenge cards. Sorry I didn't get to make one this week, just made some sympathy cards yesterday for relatives of Mums cousin (which she told you about yesterday, such a shock to everyone) but couldn't think of how to use the sketch for them.
    After very little sleep last night I have had a very lazy day today, just off to finish some ironing now.
    I hope the wind and rain isn't causing any problems for you all. Stay safe indoors if you can. Hugs for Barbara.
    Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, hope you are fine. Is your shoulder better ?
      Sad you have to make sympathy cards, sending you a hug. Take care xxx

    2. Thank you Maria. My shoulder is better than it was, just have to be careful at times. I hope you are OK. Take care xx

  21. Just a quickie to say goodnight.
    Johanna, it's lovely to see you. A great grandma again, how exciting. I'm a great, great Aunt, but Rachel was so slow to get going, I'm a grandma, I won't say just a grandma, because they are two lovely girls (I would say that, wouldn't I).
    Pat, oh what a worry for you. Social Services need to get their finger out, but that's easier said than done.
    Sue, it's a sad job you're doing. I hope you have a better night's sleep tonight.
    I'll say goodnight, sweet dreams and see you all tomorrow.

    1. getting worried here, you are agreeing with Myra a lot today tihi Good night, god natt to you all xxxx

    2. Thank you Maureen. It's always sad when we have to make sympathy cards ismt it.
      Like you I am a Gran and isn't that a wonderful thing to be. Our 3 grandchildren bring us so much joy, and now Johanna has a wonderful new great grandchild, what happy news : ) Take care x

    3. Thank you Maureen. It's always sad when we have to make sympathy cards ismt it.
      Like you I am a Gran and isn't that a wonderful thing to be. Our 3 grandchildren bring us so much joy, and now Johanna has a wonderful new great grandchild, what happy news : ) Take care x
