
Monday 8 February 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

The Sketch

 My 1st Sketch Card 

My 2nd Sketch Card

Good Morning Ladies,

So here is this weeks Sketch, as always you can make the card as big or small as you like, my two cards couldn't be more different, the first is 10 X 7 inch the other is 5 1\2 X 4 inches.  
You could make them into anything that fits really, I did a cake and a pile of gift boxes, you could have toy box, tool box, Hat boxes, anything you can imagine!

I know this weeks challenge is something completely different, I hope that doesn't put you off,  I thought I was a design that could be made with or without dies, so everyone can take part. I also thought it could be used for your Monthly 'Christmas' card, making the background a tree and have the presents piled in the foreground, I think I might have a go at that idea too.

I received Maureen's Craft room photos last night, so come on the rest of you, its quite fun being nosey and looking at everyone's crafty goodies, I have to say Maureen has quite a lot and she is very well organised!! I look forward to seeing all of them!

I hope you are all well and aren't being battered by the weather too much!

Love & Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Please don't get too close as I'm full of cold!!! This started on Saturday evening, felt dreadful yesterday so you'll all be pleased to know I'm not going into work today! Can't ring in until 8.30am then I'm going back to bed.

    Sandra -your cards are lovely. I can't think of anything to make against the sketch right now. Maybe I'll have some inspiration during the week.


    1. Sorry to hear you have a nasty CD now Michele. Hopefully you are snuggled back in your bed now and sleeping it off as much as possible. Take care x

    2. That should read cold, not CD!!! I know you used to get video nasties but never heard of a CD nasty : ) x

    3. Hi Michele, Sorry that you aren't feeling well. Bed, plenty to drink and keeping warm should help.
      I'm wearing a mask as I type this, well really I should wear a mask all the type, better than a paper bag over my head!!!

  2. Great sketch My head is buzzing with ideas but whether I get around to doing it .... Too late Michele I think I've already caught it! Perhaps that's why I found cooking an easy roast dinner for 4 people so exhausting yesterday Hope I get time to pop in later

    1. Oh dear, this cold is doing the rounds isn't it. Karen, I hope you can get lots of rest today. Stay snug and warm
      Take care x

    2. Hello Karen, keep well away, we don't want to catch it. I do hope you feel better soon, as I said to Michele, bed, hot drinks and keep warm.

  3. PS your cards are gorgeous SANDRA I especially like the wedding cake one

  4. Morning Sandra and anyone coming through the door today, windswept and looking like a drenched cat day so take care if going out. Had the cold now for a week and it is a tough one so wish you better Michele and Karen and anyone else who have it.
    Love both of your cards Sandra !
    My brain has gone fizzled this morning after seeing the sketch but I will have a go ,just need to get some food shopping done first. Sainsburys have sent us another batch of spend £60 get £12 off so nearly a must to use them but don't find our one have good enough fruit and vegs. so still try to get that from Llidl and can then also look for some crafting thingy's but lately been quite poor. Hope you have a good day as possible and I see you later hopefully for some gossip and a cake.
    love and hugs to you all, Maria XxxXx

    1. Hi Maria. I'm sorry you are still full of that cold. Make sure you wrap up really well when you venture out to get that shopping, and when you get home have a nice hot drink, a yummy cake and then a good rest please. Take care. Love and hugs x

    2. Oh Maria, are you still suffering from your cold. I think we'll have to have a quarantine ward on this blog to protect the rest of us!! Get Well Soon.

  5. Morning to all who may pop in today.
    We are back to high winds, torrential rain this morning. It was an 'off on' rain day yesterday and definitely one that we could have done without.
    We had a lovely lunch in Bakewell but then Yvette just would not start. At least we were in the pub car park and didn't have to worry re parking meter. Turn the key and not even a squeak out of her. Now she spent all day last Wednesday in the garage having a full service and a clutch replaced and until yesterday was fine. We called for the the rescue team (Christina) as we are more than half way to her to let her know what was happening and she said she was on her way with their truck. Meanwhile an AA van drove passed and then appeared and asked if we had called him. We are not members of any road services and having been told this he continued to ask Jim what was the matter. Anyway he said unfortunately he couldn't help as we were not members but he asked if 'this or that' etc had been tried. He was really nice and being helpful. Our rescue team arrived and our Mechanic (Christina) said the same as the little man had that it sounded as though it was the Starter Motor that had gone and as such nothing could be done there in the car park and of course being Sunday we had a problem. We finished up be becoming a member of the AA; paying a year's fee and the little man sorted the problem which was that the Earth lead to somewhere (now you know I'm not an Engine Mechanic don't you) had not been put back securely as it looked as though the nut had been put on cross threaded etc etc so he showed Jim and Christina what to do if she wouldn't start again and so we could get back home. So instead of spending a beautiful afternoon having afternoon Birthday Tea with Christina we just managed a quick cup of tea and a piece of cake with her and Robert before we set off to get back here before Yvette refused to start again. She is back in the garage this morning and I wouldn't like to be there when Jim meets the Mechanic who worked on her last week.
    I suppose given our ages now it is a good thing to be a member of some motoring organisation but it would have been far better to choose the time and place better than a pub car park on a Sunday lunchtime in pouring rain. So ends my Sunday Outing story.

    SANDRA - Thank you for this week's Challenge. I'm going to have to put my thinking cap on for this one.

    All's set in the Cafe but I cannot find the key to the biscuit cupboard. It was there yesterday morning when I set up but it seems to have gone walk about. Does anyone know or have any ideas where it might be?

    Hugs for everyone. I've sent a few to Patricia - hope you're OK and Barbara -hope things are getting a little better.

    1. Oh Janet, if I had a penny every time our plans went haywire. We've been in the AA or RAC ever since George started driving. Wouldn't be without them, because - did you know - that if you are in a car that breaks down they will come out, even if the car isn't yours.
      Hope the Engineer recovers soon after Jim tells him "what for"!!!

    2. Oh Janet what a shame your plans were spoilt but how kind the AA man was, he could so easily have left you stranded. I know it's expensive to join but if you ever need a tow on the motorway the cost is astronomical. I think you can get cover abroad too so that's worth looking at, especially if Yvette is not as young ax she was. I still think of Ello Ello! When I hear her name! Xxxxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    You have whetted our challenge appitites with yoir beautigil cards again my lovely. I wonder what variety of cards will be shown next Sunday? Your sketchs are certainly getting us to put our thinking hats on : )
    Well, its blowing a gale outside and raining so not a day to venture out unless you have to. Please take extra care if you do have to brave the weather today.
    More ironing today and must do little Chris's 1st birthday card. Goodness me, where did that year go? Sending love and hugs to Barbara and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Welk there you are Sue, Chris's first birthday card could be based on Sandra's sketch!!! ha ha

  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Oh I think there will be a few pulling out the hair moments over this sketch! It's one of these that looks easy, but will it look right?
    For those who have or think they are getting this cold, I feel for you, like Maria I have had it for over a week, and it's still hanging around. One minute you feel better then next you want to go back to bed and sleep it's the cough that is getting to me!
    Janet, how annoying the car breaking down when she has just been serviced! We set of to go to friends in Birmingham a good 6 hours with a stop. We got south of Glasgow when we heard a funny noise, then a warning light came on saying engine fault. Lucky for us we knew there was a service station about 2 miles away so we just took things easy, didn't want to be on the hard shoulder of the M6. Got there and Charlie did the usual hand book out to see it was saying take to garage we phoned AA ages later they sent a chap from a local garage. He did something that Charlie didn't think of doing as like you we had just had it serviced. He checked the oil! Yes it had not much in fact it was nearly dry. They had changed the oil put new in but the thing that they drain the oil off from was missing. The garage chap thinks it hadn't been put on correctly. He got us another one fitted it and litres of oil later we were on our way. It could have been so dangerous if the engine had seized on the motor way.
    Jim is right to give the mechanic a good dressing down. The Vauxhall garage lost our business and we made them refund our service money. We shouldn't have to worry about our cars when we pay to have them serviced. Xxx

    1. Hello Hazel, you've still got the remnants of your cold?? I thought you were getting well over it. So same intructions to you. Keep warm, REST, and plenty of hot drinks. It's like talking to myself, I know you'll take little or no notice!!! (tin hat).

    2. Maureen no rest I have had to come to Perth to run Tammy to the doctors with Andrew. She let Derek take the car as Andrew was sleeping and after s bad night she said she would get a taxi if needed but mum to the rescue, he has been to doctors they are ruling out Scarlett fever that is on the go but are concerned with the rash he has he now has to go to paediatrics so I am taxi driver again. It's better this way as I can drop her off at the door then park. I felt better after my shower this morning and getting out in the air, but needs must so I will just keep going. Cold has gone it's the head full of yuk first thing that's the problem. Will take it easy when I get home xxx

  8. Gosh, Sue it doesn't seem like a year since you were on tender hooks awaiting that phone call? Xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Well the old grey cells need to get in gear for today's challenge, I'm sure we will have a lovely array of cards next week.
    We have a very calm day here today, thank goodness after the torrential rain we had yesterday, when is it going to stop!
    Janet I hope you get a refund from the garage, that was not good, what if it had happened on the motorway, doesn't bear thinking about.
    Maybe the huggles have been using the spoons as little boats!
    Coffee finished, better get on, hopefully will be back later. take care everyone xxx

    1. Hi Jess,
      I'm afraid I need more than little grey cells for this week's challenge!!!

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    This is an interesting challenge, I think we are all get our thinking caps on Sandra, Can't wait to see the results, Love both of your cards.

    I am going to Streatham this morning and after lunch it's the school run, so no crafting for me today, Boo Hoo !!! But tomorrow is another day. I have got 3 cards to make this week so definitely time to get a wiggle on.

    Hope everyone has a good day, sending special hugs and prayers to Barbara and family. And also you poor ladies with the dreaded cold, do take care and keep warm. LOL

    Love to all, Brenda XXX

    1. Hello Brenda,
      I hope the trip to Streatham is for something enjoyable. Do the children stay with you after the school run?

    2. Hello Maureen, Trip to Streatham was a waste of time. I had picked up a bargain in Tesco las Friday, went back to see if they had any left. SOLD OUT ! Came home via Thornton Heath. SOLD OUT ! Will check Purley Tesco when we pick up the children. I'm not going to hold my breath though!
      We take the children home to Kenley and I cook tea for them. At some point teenaged sister will ring she needs picking up. There home is quite a way from the main road, lovely area - but public transport, it doesn't go out that far. We return home when daughter or SIL come home. xxx

  11. Hellooooooooooooooo
    Well, I finally got here, and I have one thing to say


    Sandra, what are you trying to do to me. This Challenge looks so easy, but I bet it's not. It will be this evening before I get a chance to try things out. Blood, sweat and tears are on the cards, I think ha ha.
    We are going to town, but George has taken so long to get ready that we are going to meet all the workers on their lunch hour. I like to get in early (ish), get done and get back home!!!
    See you later
    Muriel xxx

    1. I have an image of George in front of the mirror teasing his hair into place, dabbing at his lipstick with a tissue, popping all his bits into handbag that matches his outfit, all this while you standing at the front door tapping your fingers!! Haha

  12. Morning all
    Well that's an interesting challenge today, I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out at the end. I've just got back from the opticians and yes reading part of contact lenses isn't quite right - I've given them a good trial but they need to be altered, so I've got to wait for new ones. It does put you off crafting when you can't see what you are doing doesn't it. Our craft room/ study is full of boxes at the moment so wouldn't make a good photo! I'm hoping they will find their way to the office or client soon, Julian tends to forget about them once the project is over - the last lot were here for over a month! Right o must go, I've got a friend popping in at lunchtime for a chat. Dose yourself up everyone.

  13. Hello ladies,
    I am sorry if you are struggling for ideas this week, I did give you some hints in my post, just see them as three rectangles, they could be moving boxes, so a new home card, make the top box have a lid and have it slightly open with flowers tumbling out and down the side of the boxes.
    Sue you could make Christopher's either his 1st birthday cake with something like animals around and 1 candle in the top! Maybe I should make a couple more to inspire you !!
    I think its useful to try something new!!
    Really challenge your Brain !!
    Sorry to hear that so many of you are still struggling with these horrible colds, I have Lucy ( who hates missing school) home today, she is absolutely full of cold, her chest hurts to bless her, the girls both said that there were choked up with colds, coughing, sneezing and spluttering everywhere, they should have been at home, but I think some parents see school as a free childminding service
    And don't want to take time off to look after their own children!! Rant over !!

  14. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Hope you are all safe & dry it's terrible here I a glad I do not have to go out, should have gone to book club tonight in the next village but have just said we will not be going, a friend from up the road her husband was going to drive us but we both feel it's not worth risking it.
    Sandra my first thought when I saw the challenge was Christmas parcels in front of tree, how strange is that, will have a play this afternoon. Hope Lucy feels better soon, Mum's special hugs will help.xx
    Sorry to hear Michele, Karen, Hazel & Maria feel better soon hugs on the way.
    Special hugs on way to Barbara & all who are missing love Margaret xx

  15. That should read Sorry to hear Michele, Karen, Hazel & Maria are still full of colds hope you feel better soon! Brain going quicker than fingers! xx

    1. Margaret, I thought exactly the same thing!!! Really I did. I hope your hand is continuing to improve.

    2. Ho! That's what I thought - it will definitely be variations on a theme. xxx

  16. Good afternoon everyone,
    I hope everyone suffering with colds are soon on the way to feeling better.
    It's been horrendous here today, heavy rain and strong winds, but we have been to B & Q got the paint and have made a start on decorating Nics room,so if I'm absent over the next few days, it's because we are busy decorating.
    Sandra will do the sketch but will be at the end of the week, can't get into my craft room for things out if Nics room.
    Take care everybody ,
    Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean,
      When you've finished there, will you come here to start mine?

    2. Do you sing while decorating Jean??? Xxxx

  17. Hi All,
    I meant to also say that I received a letter from Hotpoint this morning warning about tumble dryers & risk of fire. Applies as Sandra told us last week to Indesit,Creda & Hotpoint bought after April 04 & Sept 15. To find out if your dryer may be affected & to register your product for the free of charge modification visit either:
    or if you prefer tel: 0800 151 0905 freephone with model & serial no.
    Hope you find this useful.
    Margaret xx


  18. Afternoon all ! Sorry to see you still got the cough Hazel, I have it mostly at night but not too bad but sooo tired all the time and the poor nose getting sore. Hope Lucy not get it worse but it's true, many parents brought the kids in with chicken pox, fever and runny noses (green) all they could do was lay in the sick bay until someone came and picked them up again. the little mites.
    Baby Christopher already 1 ! how quick that came around, only seem like yesterday we followed his birth ,tihi.
    Oh poor Yvette, really hope she can be fixed properly so you have many more years out of her,very nice AA man to your rescue, take it easy.
    I played with what to make as the challenge card after coming back from the shops, done some cutting outs and hope to put something together tomorrow. I also had a go with more of the mica powder. Why on earth do they have them in so small pots ? I accidentally flipped one over and I now got a very colourful and shiny work top. Do you think it is harmless if you get it in your tummy ? Lol
    Margaret P, I think it's a good idea you staying in today. The wind is horrid and so cold, maybe do some sewing,knitting etc. instead, take care.
    Well, I'm going to catch up with some e-mails and then phone mamma. She had a appointment this morning for a check-up, so I hope she is still all right. Thinking of you Saba every day and hope you are doing ok.
    Margaret co, Patricia and Sheila and anyone not here at the moment, I miss you and hope to see you back soon.
    Take care all, Xxxx

    1. Maria, a mica'd desk. You could be setting a new trend!!

    2. Sorry for a change I can say we have had a beautiful day here - blue sky and sunshine it makes you feel so much better. Xxx

    3. Oh Maureen , you should have seen the mess. Took me ages to get it off :-)
      Nice you had some sunshine Hazel, we all need some D vitamins after the long winter xxx

  19. I am getting seriously worried. Told Trudy that we couldn't go to see baby Joseph at her house on Wednesday as I am at the Hospital for my osteoporosis review in the morning, and Zoe is dancing at the City Hall in the afternoon at a Schools' thing.
    Zoe said to me "that's not right Grandma", so I checked my hospital letter and Zoe's letter from School. "Well, they've both put Thursday 10th, how silly. You'd think they'd check the calendar" I said. Zoe said "yes, but it's March Grandma, and this is only February". Oh dear, I must learn how to properly read letters and a calendar ha ha. So we will be seeing the new baby on Wednesday.
    Sandra, love the description of George, you know him so well ha ha!!!!

  20. This weather is not easing, heard an almighty crash earlier, went to look out front and the wind has picked up the lady opposites 12ft trampoline, with safety cage and dumped it on their neighbours car, oh dear, that won't be cheap repair!!!
    I hope you are all safe and warm xx

  21. Hi everyone. Had a busy day , just got in and starting to cook.
    Get well soon to all of you with coughs and colds and for those of you affected by the terrible weather - keep safe and take care.
    Pleased to say yesterdays Zumbathon raised over 500 euros.
    Pretty excited as I'm off to Primark tomorrow Its quite a way away nd not on as grand a scale as those in the UK but its still pretty good.
    Ive never entered a card challenge before Sandra and I'm not saying I will this week but if I did how do I get the photo to you. Bearing in mind I'm not so good on the computer.
    see you tomorrow.
    Love Val x

    1. Wow Val 500 euros that's a good amount raised for the Zumbathone well done to all who took part. Hug's xx

  22. Hello all, well we are home safe and sound very bad journey home last night.
    We had a lovely weekend, the Mikado was absolutely fantastic, good meal afterwards at Browns, the only thing is the restaurant was so noisy, just not used to it.
    Bought a few things at the craft show, but more patchwork than papercraft, will take a pic and send to Sandra. Saw Jenny Mayes there she is such a lovely talented lady.
    The cards yesterday were great, so many different ideas, todays sketch is a bit more challenging, but have an idea of what I'm going to do.
    Sorry everyone who has the terrible cold, mine took a good 4 weeks to be totally gone.
    The weather here has been very scary, wind has torn the door of the greenhouse, it's poly carbonate so no broken glass., also tipped over a little tool shed.
    Well no crafting for me tonight as I did 10 hoods with the wrong colour zips, so they will have to be taken off and new ones put back, keep telling myself to concentrate more.

    Sandra asked what the papers were that I used for my challenge card last week, I had 2 12x12 pads of double sided paper for Christmas from my crafting friend, they are from the Works the are really good papers ,250gms, Victorian Roses is the one I used for challenge.
    Hope you all have a good evening,
    Hugs to all that need them. Lilian

  23. Hello Sandra,
    I'm very late today! Horrendous weather - a singing decorator and After School Club have done for me!
    I do like a challenge - have a few ideas - let's wait and see how I get on!!
    Lucie got banned today for two weeks - she was actually ok with me but was extremely rude to another member of staff.
    She and her friend also present have to face the Headmistress tomorrow for some sins committed in school earlier! Life isn't fun for that child and I'm half angry with her and half sorry for her! There are probably hundreds if not thousands like her throughout the school system! Thank goodness for retirement!
    Will read comments later, sorry! Xxxx

  24. Well got here at last. Had to do the school run today so very busy. I am always careful where I park and always look to make sure I am not over anyone's drive. Parked today and was about 2" over. Wasn't near the flat part it was by the sloping but. Easy enough for a car to get in and out. The rain and wind were awful. Nearly got blown off our feet. Got back to the car with Scarlett and then this man was shouting at me fron his front door. Couldn't be bothered to come out. Said I was obstructing his neighbours drive and I shouldn't park there. I should walk. Said I didn't live anywhere near that school and two far to walk so he said if I couldn't walk I shouldn't be driving a car. How stupid. It wasn't even his drive. I wasn't going to be out walking for over an hour in that awful weather. I shall make sure I don't park anywhere near his drive again. Really spoilt my day. Sorry Lucie was such a pain today Myra. Will try and get the challenge card done this week. No ideas at all yet. Been helping Scarlett make banners for their book corner at school. The triangle shape ones. She used a stancil and smoothies. Think they have to be in tomorrow. Stay safe everyone and take care.

    1. Oh Brenda, how awful for you, these folk need to get a live, he has nothing else to do but to watch that folk don't park near the drives. To true you weren't walking in this weather. Oh I bet those banners are beautiful. Xxx

    2. Thanks Brenda! I'm more concerned about you being abused by a silly man! Buying a house near a school you have to expect parking each day! He's just a bully! Xxx

    3. Hello Brenda, this man wasn't worthy of any reply from you. he was trying to be 'Mr Big' bet he wouldn't have reacted in that way to a man parking. Please don't let him upset you. LOL xx

  25. Hi SANDRA ladies
    Gosh so many of you with colds I wish you all well ASAP.Keep warm & drink plenty of water. Sandra when I first saw the sketch this morning I thought oh heck but it's not so bad the more I look at it will try tomorrow. Have been reorganising my craft room it's still untidy but hay ho will get sorted soon.
    MARIA I bet your work top looks lovely with the mica powder on it. Little pot but big mess ay.regarding son not moving out stop feeding him haha.
    MAUREEN how many challenge cards are you doing this week ? Haha.
    Been SOOO windy today but luckily not any damage.
    SANDRA hope LUCY feels better tomorrow give her a Hug from me.
    SABA thinking of you my lovely big Hug's xx
    Take care in this awfull weather everyone Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hihi Lynda you should have seen it ,it was everywhere. Stop feeding son. social services plus the white coat men now after me ,oh yikes Lol
      hugs Xxxx

  26. Littlelamb- I hope this silly man have not made you to upset, must have got out of bed on the wrong side. Hope you had a nice time with Scarlett.
    Myra- do you plan to give up the school work soon ? understand how you feel about this girl, you want to give her cuddles one minute and at other times...She must have done something really bad to be excluded for some time.
    Good to see you back home safely Lilian, the drive back must have been long. Take care if going out. Oh Sandra, that will cost your neighbours a bit I would think. Didn't that trampoline fly last year too ? Maybe they should screw it to the ground next. The wind have been scary around here and don't seem to be much better tomorrow so hold on to your hat if going out.
    Great amount of money collected Val, glad the weather held up so they could do it.
    Oh Lynda, a quick one tonight hihi. Hope you are ok. hugs to you and Terry.
    Good night my friends, sweet dreams. Xxxxx
