
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Anne's Fairy Box Card

Good Morning Ladies
I am so excited to share Anne's beautiful Fairy Box Card with you, everything about it just so elegant and delicate, I love the beautiful leaf spray and floral embellishment on the front of thee card, as well as that stunning lacy border, you really have created something special, thank you four sharing xxx

Having to keep it brief today ladies, I have had an old 'unwanted visitor' return to haunt me..... Mr Sci - atica, (sciatica) managed to catch up with me once again,
It may have been a result of helping Paul do the girls bedrooms, but sometimes as I am sure some of you are it just rears its ugly head for no apparent reason!
Either way I wish this visitor, along with his infamous friend Mr Arthur -ritis would by a one way ticket to somewhere far away!!!!

I still look forward to seeing both your craft room photos and your 'Guilty Secret' (purchases) too, come on, I'll show you mine if you show me yours!!

Johanna, I look forward to seeing your photos too!

Have a good day my dear friends,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and ladies. In very early this morning as I have to be over in Perth to let Tammy get to work. She only works till lunch time today. ( that's wrong she cleans till then and does ironing this afternoon) don't know yet how Andrew has been overnight. You know children down one minute up and running around the next.
    Anne, love your fairy card, I think one granddaughter will have been over the moon with this!
    Oh my body has forgotten what getting up before 6 is like, been lazy these past few weeks and not been up till later. I need to be away from here by 7.10 so I'd better get a move on. Xxx

    1. Hazel, I feel your pain. I'm totally out of the habit of my 6.30 a.m. early starts to look after the girls. Just pray Peter doesn't start working for a Company again, or it'll be back to the grindstone for us!! Have a good day when you get your eyes open ha ha.

    2. Hazel! I've never really known that unearthly hour unless when the children were babies or having to catch an early flight! Ha ha! Take care on your travels and I hope Andrew is a lot better today. Xxx

    3. At the mention of flights - no confusion please talking about Perth Scotland!!! Ha ha! Xxx

    4. Hi Hazel, hope little Andrew is better today. You take care. xxx

    5. Oh Hazel
      I've never been up that early either, well not unless I need to go to the loo.

  2. Hi Sandra and all.
    So sorry youre not feeling good today Sandra. Sciarica is a terribly painful thing and to have arthritis as well - I feel so sorry for you. Do hope it eases off soon.Been up since 7 to leave for Primark at 8.45. I just cant rush in the morning. I like to sit down with a drink and watch the news for a while be.fore I start getting ready. My daughter is different. Shes up and out in 20 minutes. Anyway my 4 cats are fed and watered and I'll just take Gracie for a walk and then We're off.
    I'll report later on what I've bought.
    Love Val x

    1. Morning Val - have a good shopping trip. Looking forward to hearing about your purchases.
      Hugs on their way to you

    2. Hello Val, oh 7 a.m. start. That's too early as well for me now. Anyway, enjoy your shopping trip and don't spend too much money!!

    3. Hello Val another of this worl'ds early birds! Xxx

    4. Hi Val, hope you had some success on your shopping trip and had a nice morning.
      7 am start, it means it was only 6 here, yawn! xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Anne-your card is lovely, so pretty.

    Well, we had horrendous gales last night so let's hope everything is ok this morning.

    I slept like a log last night as I'd taken some NightNurse-feel so much better today.


    1. Morning Michele - pleased to hear you're feeling better this morning but I hope you're taking another day off work to rest.
      Hugs are on their way to you.

    2. Hello Michele,
      Pleased you had a good night's sleep, it makes all the difference. Take care.

    3. Michele, as the decorator has been singing this morning! What a Difference a day makes - 24 little hours! He must have had you in mind! Glad you feel better. Xxx

    4. Glad you feeling some better but hope you taken another day off at least. If you got what we others seem to have ,it does drag on for a while. Take care xxx

    5. Hi Michele
      It's awful when you can't sleep at night. My brain seems to wake up when I go to bed. Breaks into thinking mode. I'm glad your feeling a bit better.

  4. Sandra-sorry, should have said "take care & rest today "!!!


  5. Sorry should have said how fantastic Anne'sfairy bow is. It looks really complicated. Youre very clever.
    val x

  6. Good Morning All,
    Sandra hope you feel better soon, take your tabs and have an easy day.
    Anne your card is beautiful, are those leaves a new Sue Wilson die ? they're lovely.
    Busy day today, have re do some work from yesterday, so that as thrown me behind.
    Cleaner comming today, she couldn't come Mon her normal day as she had no power at her home after the storm.

    At last my Sister has been moved to our local hospital , so hopefully they will have more time to get her up and walking.

    Have a good day ladies, hugs to all.

    1. Morning Lilian - so pleased to see that your Sister has been moved closer to you. So as you say fingers crossed that she will be on her feet having more time in a smaller hospital. Take care and hugs are on their way.

    2. Hello Lilian,
      Pleasedd to see that your Sister is nearer to you, hopefully they will get her moving. Take it easy.

    3. Lilian it's good to hear your sister has been moved to a local hospital, they seem to have time for patients there don't they. Hope your reworking doesn't take too long xxxx

    4. Good news about your sister Lilian. Let's hope she makes good progress from now on! Xxx

    5. Good news Lilian, hope she will settle there. sending a big hug, xxx

    6. That's good news about your sister Lilian, and thank you for the info about the paper from the works, have some on its way. Xxx

    7. Hi Lilian,
      Good news that your sister is in the local hospital now, will make life easier for you all & hopefully she will get back on her feet.
      Hope you have had a better day. xx

    8. Hi Lilian
      How lovely that your sister has now been moved. I'll be easier now for you all.

  7. Good morning Ladies, it's bright and beautiful here at the moment so I'm going to try and go to the golf, I was shattered when I got home from Torridon yesterday ( too much concentrating for the old brain box ha ha, and also a stiff back ) so I'm hoping a good swing with the golf club will loosen it (kill or cure?)
    Glad you like the box card , actually very easy and folds flat for posting, the rose and leaves die on the front was a free die( I think?) from a tattered lace magazine and the fairy is from a LOTV art pad , so not a lot of skill required!
    I Love Sue's card today , it would be perfect for a Mother's Day card, but of course couldn't say that in my comment.
    Sandra I hope your siatica eases off soon , I have had that and know the pain , you have my sympathy xo
    Lilian I'm sure you and your sister will be happier now she's closer by, and she manages to get up and about soon .
    Meant to say I think the challenge card this week really is a challenge Lol! it will be interesting to see what we can all come up with?
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hello Anne,
      What a gorgeous card today. I think fairies appeal to all of us, no matter what age. Enjoy your golf, but watch your back.

    2. Hello Anne, I love your Fairy card today! It's beautiful and perfect for a little girl. I'm sure your granddaughter loved it! Xxx

    3. Lovely card Ann ! Like the border you put inside the window and the freebie is very pretty.
      Be careful with your back, not sure if swinging a club will help but you always got the 19th hole to enjoy afterwards, take care! xxx

    4. Hi Ann,
      What a lovely card love the fairy. Hope you got your game & your back not too bad.xx

    5. Hi Anne
      I'm not to sure swinging a club will help your back. I've commented that I think your box card is lovely lady wear down. Take care.

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Anne your card is lovely,, very different, I bet whoever it was for loved it.
    Sandra sorry to hear you are feeling rough, you probably tried to do too much at the girls room, just keep taking the tablets!!,
    Off to cover my friends craft shop today, so will pop back later, take care xxx

    1. Hello Jess,
      Hope you are not too busy in the shop today.

    2. Hello Jess,
      Enjoy your day in the shop! Remember we are here to hear any confessions of purchases by your lovely self! Xxxx

    3. Hi Jess, have a nice day in the craft shop. Oh dear, my willpower is starting to crumble bit for bit. It's Sandra's fault when she now want us to show what we bought and I got nothing but sooo want to get something/ anything tihi xxx

    4. Hi Jess,
      It's a good job I don't work in a craft shop, I would be to tempted, hope you had a good day.xx

  9. Hellooooooooooooo.
    I've been commenting on the way down, and am going to have a nice cup of coffee and a toasted crumpet with real butter and some of Margaret Corgi's strawberry jam. Money's in the pot and as I'm feeling lazy, I'll just sit in the corner and see who wanders in.
    Sorry your under par today Sandra, hope the aches and pains soon go.
    I made a challenge card last night. It's in the recycling bin as we speak ha ha. I'll have another go this evening after the girls have gone home.
    I'm meeting my friend Ann for lunch today, so we'll put the World to rights and I'll catch up on her news.
    See you later, ooh is that someone coming in the Cafe door?
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Yoooo Hooo! It's me I bet this has made your day! I was just behind you! No NOT like the Pantomime villain! Glad I caught you before you go to meet Ann. Did you know ---///- Shhh! Others are listening!

    2. Maureen, have a nice day. Say hi to Ann! :-)

    3. Hi Maureen,
      Hope you had a lovely meet up with Ann & have more success with your card. Love Margaret xx

    4. Hi Maureen
      I hope you had a lovely meet up with Ann, we also met friends for lunch. Then went back to Kathys house to have a nosy at her new kitchen. She has an all singing all dancing space age toaster and kettle. But they're for show only apparently. Watch Myras creeping up behind you again.

  10. Hello All, just dashing out to the shops between rain deluges - certainly not showers! Hope everyone is ok today with storm damage to the minimum. Anne your card is really pretty, I'm sure I've got that flower die too! I love the whole look of it, thank you for sharing.
    Hope everyone is ok
    Lots of love xxxxx

    1. Just slow down young lady! All this dashing about isn't good for you! Xxxx

    2. Hi Diane, have a good day, Make sure you not trip over..... Have you been to any of the knitting & Stitching fairs ? I keep getting e-mails.

    3. Diane you make me feel giddy with all your rushing around. Take care.xx

  11. Hello Sandra,
    Sorry to hear about the sciatica ! It's painful I find moving about helps - otherwise I get a bit stiff! Had it last week but it's better now! Hope yours goes too!
    Today's card is gorgeous! It is really like peeping into a fairy dell! Very clever.
    Before I can start on a challenge I have to tidy up! My craft room is a bit of a mess as I had to change Monday's thingy with the children and it involved a lot of cutting and scoring !! I made a bit of a mess!
    The decorator is still here! I hate being in a muddle but it could be worse! Fortunately he gives a quote which he sticks to - we don't pay him by the day!!
    We have sunshine and hail showers today - lovely!! He gale has died down though.
    Be good everyone! Yes Maureen even you!
    Patricia - I'm missing you here! I know you hate this weather xx
    Love to Sheila and Barbara too xxxx

    1. Myra hope your decorating is finished soon.xx

  12. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Sandra flower you are just not being forthright enough to tell both of these unwanted visitors that they are truly not welcome at your door nor anyone else's on this blog, so go and bother other folk that have nothing better to do with there time than watch Jeremy Kyle and all the tubes on there that want the whole world and his wife knowing there business, that like scraggy auld comfy knickers should be kept within their own four walls. Anyway flower, if the girls are pleased of their makeovers it's maybe worth suffering a wee bit for, just need them to keep their rooms tidy now. lol.
    Oh Ann, your box is gorgeous and i hope that the young lady that it is for loves it as it is beautiful. My normal choice is as you would expect from me the old Cicely Mary Barker or Crafters Companions Paintbox Poppets by Christine Haworth, but your fairy looks more a modern grown up a bit fairy. Sometimes it is worth getting a magazine as the freebies on it are normally more than the cost of the magazine so to me is the best of both worlds. Have a good round of golf if you can flower and i hope that the weather isn't too rough on you, but the fresh air will do you the power of good, lol. I hope that Iain is feeling good this weather and being good which is more to the point as we don't want anymore "little" turns like the last time and landing in the hospital for a wee while.
    I'm trying to encourage my son to get his idle but down the stair and go with me to drop off a box to the charity shop and get his picture taken for his bus pass so that he has the freedom if he wants to go out and about, so if you here yelling you know that it is coming from this quiet corner of Scotland, Me. We have Campbells dad's funeral tomorrow dinner time so i am hoping that it is going to be as nice as it says so fingers crossed but i need the box out of my back seat for us to go( i hate being a passenger in O.H. car as he takes far too many chances for my liking and is too close to the vehicle in front so my wee buggy is getting spruced up for the day. I will try and pop in later flowers but i have brought some of my little huggles along to keep you all company and they have promised not to get up to any nonsense and jump out at you but you can report back to me if they do. I think some of them are excited at seeing their little friends again.

    1. Hi Norah,
      Hope all goes well tomorrow, wrap up warm you don't want to catch cold. Take care love Margaret xx

    2. Hi Norah
      I echo Margarets sentiments, please wrap up warm tomorrow. I hope you managed to get Rory down the stairs. I wondered who was making all that noise.

  13. Afternoon Sandra and all looking in today.
    I hope that you are resting and popped some meds. into you by now so you feeling a bit better. Let bad people get what we got so we can get on with life pain free, well one can only dream.
    OH just made a call for some decorators and kitchen people to give us a quote to give us something new. Been here since -94 so could be nice with something different but the mind boggles when I'm thinking of all the 'stuff' that need to be moved. Hope yours will look good Myra.
    Got to bed late-ish so slept in to 8am. Then slowly got ready and spent the morning in Ikea, They had some new seating in the cafe' but not very comfortable, the chairs are like the ones from the 70th's so not really my stile.
    It was nice do to get some fresh air, only 4c and cold winds so now after a cup tea, third dip bag Lynda hihi
    I will continue on this weeks card. I have an idea but struggling to put it together so.....
    Norah- will be thinking of you all tomorrow, take care x
    Wendy- hope you are ok, you are missed and so are Patricia, Saba, Sheila and Margaret CO. Hope to see you all back soon. Love and hugs to you all Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      You are lucky to have IKEA close we have to go to Bristol.
      Hope you cold is improving.
      Are you going to Farnborough be good if you could, unfortunately I don't think I will be able to go to AP, Alan has to have an operation on his foot 21st March & then has to spend 2 weeks of his feet!! I will see how it goes. Good luck with your decorating.
      Love Margaret xx

    2. Hi Margaret, that's a shame but I wont be able to go to Farnborough. Maybe your OH is better so you can still come with Sue to AP in the end, you never know. It would be lovely to see you again, hug xxx

    3. Hi Maria
      Why do these places have uncomfortable chairs I wonder. I suppose it's so you don't linger for very long. Third time dunking a teabag, a woman after my own heart. We shared one at the retreat didn't we. Lynda, you can have builders tea, if your up this way for a visit.

  14. Hi Everyone had a great morning in Primark. I bought a new duvet which I really needed as mine has gone so thin. I got a white crochet jumper, really pretty, a pink thin long sleeved top with a lace effect at the back and a summer teashirt with some saying by Walt Disney on it. I really went for a warm coat for my forthcoming trip to the UK but all the spring things are in now. Never mind I'll just have to take my old one.
    I then had to go to my doctor for the result of my recent blood test. Unfortunately I'm still anemic and back on horrible iron phials that taste of strong cabbage.
    Feeling pretty tired now as I've been up so early so I think it will have to be an early night.
    Hope all you poor ladies with coughs and colds are feeling better and Sandra that your sciatica has got easier as the days gone on.
    See you tomorrow.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val,
      Sounds as if you had fun shopping, it is good when you find things you like. Sorry to hear you are still anaemic has they say keep taking the tablets.xx

  15. Afternoon Ladies

    Am now feeling thoroughly miserable-coughing, sneezing & aching. I stupidly went into work this morning but my boss took one look at me and ordered me to go home, to bed! Isn't it amazing that a cold can make you feel so awful?! I certainly won't be getting up at 6.30am tomorrow-more like 8am to ring in sick.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Sorry you feel so poorly, please take care, keep warm & plenty of hot drinks, work will still be there when you feel well.xx

    2. Michele flower, i think nightnurse or something along those lines with a nice hot water bottle and bed could be the best thing for you with that lot going on. I had to laugh at you needing to be up to phone in sick tomorrow. Do they honestly think that how you were today miraculously disappears over night and that you will be as fit as a fiddle again by the morning? My work did the same in the civil service to have you phone in each morning before 9:30 and speak to a manager. Well that would have been good if any the managers had actually managed to get out their beds to get in work for that time. YOu couldn't just let someone know that you weren't able to manage, it had to be a manager, which were like gold dust. Take some hot drinks flower and if you have honey and a lemon it really makes for a hot mixture that glides down your throat. x

    3. You take care Michele. Have the rest of the week off to get completely better. Dont go back to soon cos it will take longer to recover.
      A hot toddy going to bed takes good and will do you the world of good. X

  16. Ladies, just to,let you know that Andrew has type A flu, it will take a while for him to get back to his normal self. Now little grand daughter is unwell, I think she might also have flu. To crown it all Charlie has Shingles!!! It's in the right side of his head, neck and chest. Of coasre I had offered to go over to look after Lauren tomorrow to come home to fine Charlie isn't to great. Talk about feeling guilty. Xxx

    1. Sorry to hear Charlie has shingles,that is painful, & on top of that the grandchildren poorly, you are going to be torn between them all. You must take care of yourself as well.xx

    2. Awh poor wee soul but i'm glad it didn't turn out to be the Scarlett fever that for some unknown reason has reared it's ugly head once more. I think it might be because of so many parents not getting their child immunised against these out dated diseases. I know i blame Rory's autism on the MMR jag but that was because he had already had it and they wouldn't believe me, but i hate to think of the consequences that could have been and yes he is autistic but i could have had an awful lot worse so consider Rory and me to be very lucky and being let off lightly. I hope wee Andrew takes the chance to snuggle up in bed getting waited on hand and foot because when they are ill you would do anything to make them better. I hope your wee granddaughter hasn't picked up Andrews flu and that she is back to her bouncy self soon.
      Hazel poor Charlie as that is very painful indeed the shingles and where he has it can cause pain there for years having taken my friend Margaret to the hospital and the pain clinic eventually to try and stop it. It was in her head behind her ear and what a pain the poor lady was in. So i do hope that poor Charlie gets rid of them again soon, poor soul. Well that's definite, i'm not coming to visit your house as they're all smitten that come in contact with you, having said that shingles is still contagious so don't share Charlie around as we don't want him in the nicest possible way, lol. Seriously that Hazel, you have your work cut out for you with having 3 invalids all at once to look after. sending huggles to each of them to help you. x

    3. Hazel so sorry to hear about Andrew, Lauren and Charlie being unwell, flu is bad enough but I've heard from others how painful shingles are, I know you'll be wanting to be there for all of them but just remember you have to be careful to look after yourself too ,or you won't be able to help anyone, please take care .
      Love and hugs Xoxo

    4. Hazel, so sorry to hear Charlie has shingles they can be so painful and now Andrew and Lauren have this dreadful flu, you really have got your hands full, you take care of yourself, don't go overdoing things. xx

    5. My word Hazel
      The families going down like flies. Make sure you take care of yourself with all this running around. Give Patricia a hug from me when you see her.

    6. Hazel so sorry to hear your family are unwell, did Charlie get to GP in time to have the anti viral tablets, not sure if they still use them. When my daughter had shingles a few years ago she said they helped.
      Hope the grandchildren get well soon. Big hugs for them all

  17. Norah, they are saying he isn't contagious, I thought he would be but not according to the doctors. Lauren and Andrew haven't even been near each other yet it's seems like she has the same as him! Had I been round them the beginning of last week I would say I gave them it but it was Saturday when I saw them! Hope the weather holds for tomorrow for you. Xxx

    1. Hazel it's Grandmas to the rescue again! Poor Charlie! Be very kind to him! Shingles isn't nice at all! Xxxx

    2. Oh Hazel, sorry to see they are all so poorly. You really got your work cut out for you but please take care. You have still not got right yourself so more prone to catch something else. Hugs xxx

  18. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry to hear you are suffering, hope it is easier soon, please take care & special hugs on way to you.xx
    Sending special hugs to Barbara & we have not seen Cheryl or Sheila this week hope they OK. Love Margaret xx

  19. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    Very late today, 0H said to me this morning you plod on and I will go and sort out my cupboard and the cupboards in the spare bedroom. Q. Is it just my OH or do other husbands always need you every 10 minutes or so when they are doing a job? Needless to say I haven't achieved a lot today. Bless him xxx

    Sandra so sorry you are in pain, siatica is so painful, hope your meds help. Take it easy. LOL xxx

    Norah, hope all goes well for Campbell's Dads funeral tomorrow. And the weather stays fine. Sorry whenever I say that I remember my MIL at a family funeral (she was about 80 yrs old at the time) refusing to get out of the car. It had been snowing and had settled, said "you would have thought they would have picked a better day for it". So in the car she stayed! Anyway you make sure you wrap up well and stay warm. Love and Prayers xxx

    Anne love your box card, I'm sure the young lady it was made for loved it.xx

    Hope tomorrow I will be able to give some attention to the challenge card and take some pictures of my craft room. WELL that's the plan in my head - but in this house plans often change by the minute. Grandma on call comes to mind!

    Sleep well everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. I'm afraid to say that I think all OH are the same :) Good luck for tomorrow. My work for today did not happen, again. So annoying. Have a good night, hugs xxx

  20. Hi Sandra
    I hope your Sciatica is a bit better now.
    Anne I just love your fairy box. Love the colours and the lacy insert.
    Special hugs to Barbara, Cheryl and Sheila. Take care.

  21. Wasn't to sure if I mentioned that Petes great friend Tom who we visit in Harwich died last week. He had sepsis and was taken to hospital. He developed pneumonia and passed away suddenly. He was 88 but had a great life. Pete knew him longer than his own Dad, who died when he was 22. He's always looked out for Pete since then, just like his own Dad would have.

    1. Pat, tell Pete I am sorry he has lost his friend. It will have been a shock to him. Xxx

    2. Hi Pat, sorry to hear about Pete's friend. Hope Pete is all right. You seem busy at the moment, don't overdo things. Try to have some Me time,hugs to you both xxx

    3. Oh Pat I'm so sorry to hear about Pete's friend! It will have been like losing a parent for him! Hope it doesn't upset him too much. Xxxx

  22. Hi everyone, had a lovely day at my friends craft shop, unfortunately one of Sues new dies FELL into my basket, so I just had to keep it, it is the mini rose background.
    Norah hope everything goes to plan tomorrow, and there are no arguments or people falling out with each other.
    Hazel hope Charlie is feeling a lot better, shingles can be very painful
    Have an idea for the challenge card, so will give it a go tomorrow, take care till then. Jess xx

    1. ooooh Jess you fell for the temptation Lol you not the only one, I put a couple of dies too in a basket but have not taken it further as yet........ Pleased you had a nice day xxx

  23. Hi all, just popped in to wish you a good night and sweet dreams. We are going to see the last episode of War & Peace then I think it will be bed or I will be back to check on the Huggles so they behaving themselves. Anyone seen the Cat ? Miss her sitting purring in the corner watching the day go by. See ya xxxx
