
Wednesday 10 February 2016

This weeks 'Guilty Secrets' (well those of us that owned up to them)!!

My Latest die from Sue's new Collection

 The card I made with my new die

 Myra's New purchase

Myra's 1st card with her new die

Jean's haul from Event City Show

Pat's purchases

Pat's other new goodies

Good morning ladies,
Before I get started today I have some exciting news......Our Blog is going to be featured on the SET Craft Facebook Store, we will be "Blog of the day" on Friday, I am quite excited, you best all go get your hair done, Norah please put the 'Huggles' somewhere safe !!

Now onto this weeks 'Guilty Secrets', I have to say that I think that not everyone has 'confessed' this week!  none of you have bought Phill Martins new dies, there are a couple of them I really like, they look quite big though.

My confession......
The Melbourne Die from Sue Wilson's latest release, I was needing some new round dies and I love this ones, that decorative edge cuts a lovely 'Doily' looking die cut,I just cut the outer ring and the 3rd die in our of Periwinkle card, I then used those same two dies and added in the decorative insert, this time in white,giving me that lovely doily die cut, I layered it onto the Periwinkle piece, added some mounting foam,  I created the background of my card by matting the periwinkle card with the white card, the top piece was embossed with the Daisy Lattice Folder from Crafts Too, 
I added some Cosdmiuc Shimmer glue to me Melbourne die cut and mounted it on the card, I then took the Lattice Buckle Bar and cut it in white card and then cut a small piece of periwinkle card to mat at the back lattice section of the die, now here is an amazing effect that I created by accident... After adding the periwinkle matt to the Buckle Bar die I placed it back in the die and embossed it again (only because I didn't think the first one was deep enough), I was so excited when I removed it from the die and discovered that the periwinkle card had been embossed through the lattice holes making it really stand out, I think it looks great like this, how about you??

Myra couldn't resist the new "Happy Birthday" die from the 'perspectives' collection from Sue's latest launch.  I love the clean and simple card you have created with this new die Myra, I think that it is one of those dies that suits that style, also great for 'men cards', thank you for sharing Myra xxx

Last but not least we have Jean's wonderful haul of treasures from the 'Event City' show in Manchester last Friday,  I love that Daisy Cluster die, Pat has it and it cuts beautifully, you can use it many different ways including making a lovely frame, I like the 'Orange Blossom Leaves' die too, I have that 'Corvus ' Gemini die and it gives you the most beautiful lacy border, I am pleased to see you got some good priced essentials too and your 'Bling on a Roll'!  
I look forward to seeing what you buy at the Leigh show in a week or so, I think Michele may be going to that one too, thanks so much for sharing your goodies with all of us xxxx

Its not too late to confess ladies, I can add them through the day!!

Pat and Sue coming over today, I can't wait to see them both .

Love and hugs

PS.  Get well soon Michele xx
sheila and Cheryl and Margaret C, we miss you all, and our dear Saba of course!


  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - I looked at all of SW's latest release and found that although one or two looked OK none of them hit me saying 'buy me' though after seeing your beautiful card this morning this die just might be my turning point.
    MYRA - your purchase looks fantastic for guy cards and perhaps teenage years. I love your clean lines and this die looks as though it gives itself up to either dressing up or down.
    JEAN - what a wonderful haul you brought back from Event City. Waiting to see your creations.

    I don't know what happened yesterday to my comment. I worked my way down to Lilian and then typed in my offering. It wasn't until last night when I looked before settling down I saw that it had wandered off into the ether. I managed to get my Challenge Card done yesterday and it's sat on top of the piano ready for me to photograph -unless I change it. I'm now into birthday cards for Marsh but there's one or two things I want to have a play at.

    All set for the day here in the Cafe - I've put out clean table cloths with one or two small pots of Snowdrops just to remind us that Spring is on its way.

    I hope we might see one or two Dear Friends who haven't visited recently. I hope you're all well and just busy. Hugs to everyone.

    1. Thank you Janet! A few missing for a little while including Margaret and Patricia xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    What a great selection of purchases & two great cards.

    I am going to the Sincerely Yours show at Leigh on Saturday 20th with my M in L. I think Jeean is hoping to go but not sure about anyone else.

    I feel at lot less achey this morning but after 10hours sleep (night nurse again) I should feel better. My boss said she'd inform the "sick police" so I didn't have to ring in.

    Sandra-that's wonderful news about the blog, I'll try to stay at the back for the photos as I look dreadful-don't want to put any newbies off!!


    1. Michele I'm sorry I've been unable to get back to you sooner but our weekends often involve family visits and although it is usually Sunday it will be Saturday for the next two weekends . Probably to do with half term. Sorry but I won't be going. I hope Jean and you and you MIL have a good day. Glad to hear you are feeling better today! Xxxx

    2. Hi Michele glad your feeling better today.
      Take care & don't rush back to work untill your fully recovered

  3. Good morning Sandra & coffee shop chums,

    After a horrendous drive through that terrible rain and wind on Saturday, Tegan and I actually arrived early to Westpoint. Tiegan thoroughly enjoyed her first ever craft show, and very good for her, was quite restrained in her purchases. 1 set of sewing items, 1 bottle of cosmic shimmer clear glue, a small box for her sewing bits and bobs, some pretty ribbon and a new purse. I did treat her to a new leather handbag and one for me which just 'happened to pop into my basket' as it was 2 for £20. She tried out a few crafts and the presenters were so patient in telling her how to do it. 3 hours later she asked, "Can we go now? my legs are hurting. I didn't realise it would be so big" Bless her, so we popped back to Taunton for lunch at the Harvester then home.
    My purchases were some lovely laces to make flowers for my wedding ring and four Phil Martin masks. I'm sticking to my promise, 'don't buy anything else until you have used up most of your stock'. I was sorely tempted by some dies BUT I could get them cheaper on the internet and I have hundreds of SB dies that I no longer play with which will be lovely to use again.

    The coastal lines here in the West have really taken a battering from these relentless storms that change sex as they come across the Atlantic from America.
    I haven't had much damage fortunately, only my washing whirligig blowing over and a huge plank of wood that landed on top of the second pergola Pete built some years ago. Nobody has laid claim to it yet so it looks like it will be ending up as kindling for Robin's open fireplace, that is once it has been taken down.

    No walk on Monday, we just went for lunch at the Spirit, yesterday flew past, busy with a haircut and getting my Nursery Rhyme cross-stitch into the picture framers for great nephew Stanley's long awaited pressie.

    I am doing a cryptic UK & US TV programme puzzle and would like your help if you may with 3 questions that I cannot think of an answer to.

    1. Tip included.
    2. Parish office in the vicinity
    3. Take it and keep quiet about the cog

    Loving thoughts go to Saba and Sheila.
    Gurt big uns ((((hugs)))) for everyone who would love one.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Can you help with number of letters or does that not apply Cheryl?? Xxx

    2. No number of letters Myra, just the name of the TV programme. I was thinking of The Bill for number one but don't know how the tip fits into the answer, although it could mean that the police get 'tip offs' xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl glad you & Tiegan had a good time at the craft show.
      She was very frugal with her purchases bless her.
      Hug's xxx

  4. Good morning Ladies, bright but a bit watery looking here, I managed to play golf yesterday and really enjoyed being out , didn't make the back any worse ( thank goodness) so hope to go on the walk today.
    Meant to say thank you for all the lovely comments for my card yesterday !
    Sandra excuse my ignorance but what does SET craft Facebook store mean?
    I love your card , it's gorgeous with the new SW die, I can see why you were tempted to buy it, I also think the lattice buckle bar is lovely!
    Myra another great die and card , it is very effective and great for those difficult people ie men and teenagers !
    Well Jean what can I say other than "Great Stash Buys" I think you did really well , you'll have lots of fun using them, I look forward to seeing the results!
    I have a pot of soup to make before I go out so I'd better get a move on.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  5. Ps. Meant to say ,glad you are feeling a bit better this morning Michele xo

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies, a lot of guilty secrets this morning, your new die looks lovely Sandra, Myra your card would cover a lot of birthdays, teenagers, men, etc., and Jean, what a lot of brilliant buys, enjoy your goodies.
    Sandra, I'm like Anne, what is SET craft Facebook store.
    Will pop back later, meantime take care.

    1. I'm glad you two asked, I haven't a clue either, I don't do Facebook ! Xxxxx

    2. Thank you Anne and Jess !! You can use the positive and negative too which is useful? Xxx

  7. Hello Sandra,
    Your card today is beautiful! The die is lovely but I love how you have used it and the colours!
    I just liked having something different to what I already have . I like the fact that it has other words with it too! I just used CE black and white shiny card .
    This Facebook thing has me a wee bit nervous as I don't do Facebook and don't want my name all over it either. Until I understand more about what is entailed I won't comment on Friday . Sorry Sandra but I can't help how strongly I feel about Facebook! I know it means a lot to you but it scares the living day lights out of me!
    Norah - I hope everything goes as well as it possibly can today! Thinking of you my dear - take care on those steps outside the Church! Xxx
    Jean - you did will with your crafty stash! Some lovely things there!
    Love to all xxxx

    1. I am like you Myra I do not like Facebook and will stay away, Charlie would have a fit if he thought I was doing or connected with it. xxx

    2. Hi Myra,
      That looks a very useful die & your card is great.xx

    3. Thank you Margaret! I think it will be useful. The big birthday die just fits inside another oblong die I have. The birthday die doesn't have a cutting edge of its own. Xxx

    4. Hello MYRA I love your card that's a very useful die for Children Pesky men ladies or everyone really. I feel a purchase coming on haha. Xxx

  8. Good morning, well I have been given the day off, well that's not right, as I will be looking after Charlie! Not so much looking after just here. Set off the look after Lauren little grand daughter but dad phoned so I pulled in and phoned him back thankfully I wasn't needed and could turn back and go home. Charlie had a good night and hopefully he caught it quick and got started on the anti viral drugs. Andrew is hopefully on the mend, he was asking for food this morning. For him that's a big break through as he doesn't do food when he isn't 100% .
    A good range of goodies been bought.
    I am another who,hasn't a clue what this Facebook thing is.. Don't do Facebook.

  9. Morning all, another busy day so just dashing through - I'll try not to spill my tea. That's a pretty die Sandra and makes a lovely card. Myra love your card too, those little flowers are cute. Jean it looks like you had fun at the craft show. I have to confess I bought some groovi boarder plates on Monday but they haven't arrived yet. Well I must dash, I was going to put the washing out but it's now looking grey so I will investigate further.
    Take care xxxxx

    Oh yes Hazel, if you pop in can you say hello to Patricia, hope she is ok and enjoying herself. Sending hugs to you both xxxxx

    1. Thanks Diane! If all else fails I use those little flowers! These are tiny ones! Xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and the rest of my lovelies,
    Sorry once again that I've been missing for a few days, my days are just a mixture of highs and very lows at the moment as two dates are looming very much closer.
    Anyway enough of doom and gloom....Margaret and George came yesterday and we had a lovely day out at Tweedmill, we all just love the food that they serve there and you can spend a day shopping there all in one place. Got some beautiful lemon ribbon and a couple of the prettiest mugs.....oh and some more of their gorgeous Belgian know the ones you can't bear to share with anyone! Lol!
    Jean such great stash you bought at Event City Carol and I were supposed to be going but unfortunately her dear Mum took poorly with Pneumonia and was taken to hospital but I'm happy to say she was discharged yesterday and is so much better was such a worry for my lovely friend.Well I've been trying to make two 50 cards for my lovely twin cousins in Australia without much success....I've stamped, embossed and ripped up so many times I've lost count and I need to get them in the post in the next couple of days...they are so special to me so I wanted them to be perfect and this will be the only time that I make them both the same (they usually each get different cards as now they are older they don't always like receiving the same things) so that has made it a little bit mojo has gone walkabout at such an important time. They are all off to Hamilton Island (Paradise just off the north east coast of Australia!) and I 'm so pleased their Mum, my auntie/ big sister to me, is going too as at 68 she has early onset dementia so this will be a very special occasion for all three of them and I so wish I was there. Anyway enough of my waffling.
    Sandra I love the card you made with your new dies it's beautiful.
    I treated myself to the Tonic Glitz and Glamour die, SW Happy Birthday die and SW Congratulations die and then sent for some of the satin board from C and C because it was on offer!
    Now I really must get on with the twins cards, thank you for thinking of me. Glad you are feeling better this morning Michele and hope those of you that ae suffering with the colds that are going round feel better very soon.
    Loving thoughts to our lovely Barbara you are missed so much in the cafe.
    Hugs to all who need them too.....especially Norah ....if I am correct, it's her FIL's funeral today...we are with you in spirit lovely lady.
    Sorry for the long post.

    Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

    1. Lovely to see you Sheila, you must start photographing your purchases, join in the confessional!! Haha xx
      I look forward to seeking photos of your cards too, be great inspiration to others to see your 50th cards.
      Please don't think your waffling, we love to heasr about how you are doing my lovely xxx

    2. Lovely to see you Sheila and I hope you get your cards done without getting stressed about them! Xxxx

    3. Hello lovely Sheila lovely to see you today. Glad you had a nice day with Margaret & George & enjoyed your lunch & shopping.
      Love & Hug's for you & Nikki.xx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Sandra I love your card it really shows what this beautiful die can achieve, I have got my eye on the Australian background die, that could be my next guilty purchase. Hope the three graces are having a lovely day, thinking of you all LOL.

    Myra, you have certainly made a lovely card to showcase your new die. Thank you for sharing.

    Jean, he loves the die is and the rest of your goodies you picked up at Event City Show.

    Pat, did you take all these goodies to Sandra's to do a 'show n tell'? I love that Striplet, think I might have to get that one as well. And I said I was going to be good.... Well I could always say it was Pats fault!!!

    Sheila, lovely to see you today, take care dear lady xx

    Norah, just wanted to say thinking of you and hoping all goes well. LOL

    Sandra, I don't really get into Facebook, although I did sign on, it was the the first time I wanted to buy craft items on the Internet, because the website I was on said something about going onto Facebook, and in my stupidity I thought I had to go on there to make my purchase, what a numpty! Anyway I'll keep an open mind and if it's good for your blog, I am with you.

    Time to think about some lunch, now what's on the menu today? Let's go and check it out.

    Sending love and hugs, take care, love Brenda XXX

    1. JEAN, sorry, that should read I love dies

    2. Hello my lovely,
      They have a normal online shop, I have put the link below, good prices too.
      On the Menu here today is homemade Leek and Potato soup and fresh baked rolls, please help yourself, wish with all my heart you were near enough to join us!

  12. Good afternoon ladies,
    I have just added Pats confessions for this week, she finally owned up, but she is hoping Pete doesn't drop in!!!
    Now for those that were asking Set Craft is a shop much like Icon Uk, it sells all Creative Expressions dikes and products as well as others, Tattered lace and Tonic etc, great prices too, free delivery over £10, pop over and have a look,
    They also have a Facebook page which is where the blog will be featured, they have a good few followers, so hopefully we Will have some new visitors, may need to make some extra cakes!!
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Hi Sandra,
      Your card is lovely as usual.xx

  13. Hi everyone, sorry Sandra I didn't know about this web site, might pop in and have a look at their stock, thanks for the heads up.

  14. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    I'm rather late visiting today as its always a rush on a Wednesday as I play cards in the afternoo -cribbage in fact. It keeps the old brain ticking over.
    SANDRA.! Just love your new die and the lovely card youve made with it. I love Sues die and looking at todayspurchases I'm not the only one.
    MYRA I must admit I wasnt too keen on the die when I first saw it but looking at the way you and Sue are using it , its growing on me. Your card would be great for a man minus the flowers of course.
    JEAN. What a wonderful array of goodies. I bet you cant wait ti play with them.
    PAT. Oh I'm so jealous. I'd love to live near you so I could borrow them. especially love the striplet.

    I have ordered quite a few goodies which hve been sent to my friend in UK waiting for me to pick them up next month. I'm a member of the C and C club and for the last 4 or five month theyve been sending me £10 so it would be rude not to use it. Mind you I havent ordered things that cost much more than £10. I've just had another £ 10, dont know what to get this time.
    I'm not on Facebook. Ive always avoided it, so I'm in a quandry as to what to do Friday.
    Have a good evening everyone and all those will coughs and colds, hope theyre getting better every day.
    Love Val x

    1. Thank you Val! It would make a nice simple Anniversary card too as that word also comes in the pack! Xxx

  15. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra Hope you feel easier today & you have had a good day with Pat & Sue, soup smells lovely. Hope Lucy is better now.xx
    Well I have had dressing of my hand just have a small plaster on for a couple of days but I can get it WET so will be able to shower & wash my hair properly, thank goodness, mind I think I shall still say that I cannot do washing up.
    Lovely to see Cheryl & Sheila back with us, pleased Tiegan enjoyed the show & Sheila please come in whenever you can.xx
    Sending special hugs to Barbara & Norah, hope today has gone as well as it could thinking of you love Margaret xx

  16. Hi Jean,
    It looks as if you had fun at the show lovely lot of goodies.xx

  17. Hi Pat,
    What a lovely lot of dies, I promise I will not tell Pete. Sorry to hear about his friend. xx

    1. Hello Pat, Your goodies weren't there earlier when I posted ! Sorry about that. They look super. I hope you get some free time in which to use them. I left a message last night about Pete's friend but it was very late. So sorry to hear about that. Hope Pete is ok. Xxxx

    2. Hello Pat you have some lovely goodies I love that striplet.
      Hope Pete's ok sorry to hear about his

  18. Hello Sandra and all.Hope you kicked the sciatica to the hills and that Lucy is feeling better.Hope you, Sue and Pat had a productive day and a good catch-up.
    Sorry being so late but this day have just gone and I'm not sure what I done. Not much I guess other then had washing to do and a card to make. Sat down for a minute which turned into a few hours,very bad, and then it was time to make dinner etc.
    I want that die Sandra and you have made such a Beautiful card out of it, gorgeous colour.
    Myra, your card is also so nice and the sweet little flowers are lovely.
    Oh yes Jean, that is what I call some shopping, well done. Hope you have some wonderful time playing with it all and Pat too, what a great haul, so many goodies in one go. Can't wait to see what you coming up with in the near future.
    Lovely to see you in Sheila, you know if you want to talk we are always here for you and also private if you like!
    Sending you many warm hugs. Norah, hope everything went well today and it was a nice service. My thoughts were with you and they are also with our Saba, hope you are ok
    Good to see Cheryl that you and Tiegan had a nice time but true do that you get tired walking around after a while. Do you think she would like AP next ?
    Hope you all with colds and cough's are getting better. I feeling better but now I need some sunshine, it would be nice to see for a day at least. Hoping Karen is all right for Saturday.
    Take care and love and hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

  19. Hello SANDRA & everyone
    Grrrrrrr third time lucky lost two post. Well I don't know where today's gone,I have been in my craft room most of the day managed to make the challenge card after first one went into the bin lol.also made a birthday card & halfway through another one so not a bad day.
    Jean what a lovely lot of crafty goodies enjoy playing with them.
    NORAH hope everything went well today & the service war nice. You were in my thoughts today.Hug's xxx
    Have commented on way down. SANDRA your card is lovely as is the die.
    Hope Lucy is feeling better now. Did you have a lovely day with Sue & Pat & play with all Pats new goodies. Well Cupper time so will go & drink & see you tomorrow hopefully will be earlier tomorrow.
    Hug's Lynda xxx

  20. Hello All,sorry to be late, very busy day had to go to a seminar to do with work, which took all morning, still we are having a small pay rise, first in three years.
    Love all your purchases, and Sandra's card is lovely.
    Have some things on order, and a few things from the show, but at the moment my camera is not working, will have a go with iPad when they arrive.
    Managed to make challenge card this evening, not all that pleased.
    New tablets definitely helping the pain in my legs, but they make me feel headlight for a while , hope that will pass.
    Well I don't suppose anyone will read this as I'm sure you are all tucked up in bed so I'll say good night.

  21. No I am not Lillian. Just going though. It's very cold here tonight. Frost on my car at 8pm. I seem to have been busy all day and not got on here. Like you thought everyone would be in bed night.

    1. aaah you know me girls, I never go to bed hihi
      that's not right I'm off now. See you tomorrow, hope you both have a good night xxx
