
Thursday 11 February 2016

A gorgeous Thursday Treat from Janet

Good Morning ladies,

I hope that you are all well, it was nice to see the sun shining here yesterday, but boy did I need a hot water bottle in bed last night, the bed seems so much colder when Paul is on nights, (I usually warm my feet on him)!
Sue, Pat and I had a lovely day yesterday, we had a lot of catching up to do, we all did a good bit of crafting too, mind you I think Sue and I were exhausted listening to what Pat had been up to, Pat you need to slow down and make some 'me' time, see if you can relax and make this weeks challenge card xx

Now whilst browsing through my card files I found some cards of Janets that I hadn't featured on the blog, from way back in November, it was like unearthing buried treasure Janet, I couldn't wait to share this beautiful card with all of you.
Janet has used the Caribbean Background Die from the Caribbean Die collection, From Creative Expression and their Lattice Arched Adornment from their Configurations Collection, placing two Lattice adornments on each side of the
Card and the Caribbean Background in the centre, creating the focal point with that beautiful verse, a few pearls and paper roses is all that this card needs to enhance its beauty, thank you very much Janet for sharing your gorgeous creation with us xxxx

That's all for now ladies, I will call back later to see what you are all up to!

Don't forget your Craft Space photos, oh boy, you wait until you see Brenda's !!

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-another beautiful card, really lovely.

    Sandra-sounds like you had a fun day yesterday. We had sunshine all day which was lovely, not that I went out. Well-I went to the bird feeders & filled them up but that was it! Let's hope today stays fine.


  2. Good Morning All, it's only feels like I was here a couple of hours ago. ( very late last night ).
    Janet your card is beautiful, l am wondering what size it is, I only make smallish cards, mostly 6x6 and 7x5.
    Sorry didn't catch up with everyone yesterday,
    Another busy day,going to my friends crafting.
    Hope all those who are under the weather will soon be better, special healing hugs.
    Warm hugs abound, you will need them it's going to get very cold.
    I'll pop in for a cuppa when I'm home.

  3. Morning Everyone
    We have a dry but cold morning here so fingers crossed that it stays that way.

    Sandra - I had completely forgotten about this card and I cannot remember who I made it for. How do you remember all the dies you never fail to amaze me and if you would like to share some of your 'little grey cells' they would be very well looked
    I used these dies the other week on your 'Oval' Challenge card and they looked so different.
    Lilian - this is an 8x8 and is the size I love to work with. I also use 6x6 depending on where it's going via the post.

    I have to photograph this week's Challenge card and get it across to Sandra today and then see what happens for the rest of the day. We are out tonight to our local 'Am Dram' as we're now Patrons so looking forward to catching up with old friends.

    So pleased the Three Graces had a good day yesterday.
    Michele - I hope you're feeling better today.
    Cheryl - it was lovely to see that you had a really good day with Tiegan at Westpoint. I would loved to have seen her shopping for crafty items.
    Pat - loved your haul of purchases. Can you tell please what the two blue items are.
    Norah - I hope yesterday went as well as it could and that the family is OK. Take it easy my lovely.

    All's set for the day and the coffee pot is ready and waiting for visitors. I'll try and pop back later.

    1. Hi Janet
      I love your card it's gorgeous love the colours dies used & flowers it's very pretty.With a lovely verse.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Janet
      I was confused for a minute there. The two blue items are groovi plates from Barbara Grey. I've a few of them and they're used with the starter pack to do parchment craft. I've been so busy that I haven't even put them all in the special wallet I bought to put them all in. Loved the card by the way.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Janet hour card is beautiful, such a pretty colour and I love those delicate lacey looking dies that you have used. Thank you for sharing.
    I hope the nasty cold is starting to feel a bit better Michele. Stay snug and warm inside, no trying to go back to work too soon please.
    I had a lovely time with Sandra and Pat yesterday and have a busy day today then BeVers tonight so must get on now.
    Sandra, how exciting on being Blog of the day tomorrow. I bet the Cafe will be full to bursting with all of the new visitors being greeted by all of the lovely regulars : )
    Barbara, I do hope you are coping, this is such a sad time for you. Sending you big hugs.
    Must go and get on. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue glad you enjoyed your day with Sandra & Pat yesterday.
      You will be tired after your busy day hope you have a less busy day tomorrow slow down Sue.Enjoy Bevers later. Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hope you have a lovely time with your beavers Sue.

  5. Helloooooooooooooooo.
    Sandra, I'm glad you had a good day with the other two Graces. It must be great to meet up so often.
    Janet, your card is beautiful, and the verse is lovely. It's all so pretty.
    Michele, I hope you are feeling better today.
    Lilian, I'm like you, I love the 8 x 8 cards but only for people who get hand delivered cards as they are more expensive to post.
    Sue, don't do too much today.
    Norah, I hope yesterday was not too much of a trial and that you are feeling o.k. today.
    Barbara, thinking of you.
    Love to all the ladies, I'm off to do my ironing and then may go for a little walk as it's bright, sunny, no wind, but freezing cold.
    Maureen xxxx

    1. Sunny and bright here as well, but very cold. Like you I did my ironing first thing before going to sort Doreen out. Don't faint with short. I did have two baskets full.

  6. Hello Sandra,
    A lovely card today from Janet. I think the verse is beautiful Janet. What a lovely card to receive.
    It's a lovely dry sunny morning here and things are now moving faster on the painting front! Yippee!
    Have a lovely day
    Myra xxxx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone in the Coffee Shop,

    Janet, what a beautiful card it is so delicate and feminine, love the colour, is it Foundations Mauve? It really is a pretty shade.

    Sandra, you will have our ladies wondering about my craft space, I will say it's made up with bits a, bits a this and bits a that, John is very resourceful!!!

    It sounds as if the three graces had a very productive day yesterday. Well done, I'm sure you had lots of giggles as well. Just the tonic you will need LOL

    The sun is shining beautifully here, although it's very cold. Hope you are all enjoying your day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

  8. i Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra pleased you had a good day yesterday, a good catch up & crafting as well.xx
    Janet your card is beautiful & lovely verse thank you for sharing.xx
    I must try & do my card today, got some ideas so will see what happens.
    Sending special hugs to Barbara & all suffering with . colds, at least the sun is shining which makes you feel better. Hope Norah is not suffering after yesterday hugs on way & to all who need them love Margaret xx

  9. Good afternoon my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Janet your card is beautiful flower in a beautiful shade of lilac and the center looks like a beautiful pearl necklace but that's my imagination running a way with me again. I hope that the lucky person who received this beauty enjoyed it like it should be and it is on display like it deserves. Thank you Flower for letting us see your beautiful work.
    Well girls what a day yesterday was as it was like war of the roses and being honest a disgrace to poor Dad. The eldest daughter having fallen out with all her siblings sat at the back of the kirk on the opposite side. I was ushered into this first row and it ended up with Richard the eldest son sitting a row back because there wasn't enough room for him to sit in the front so i got up and went where he was, and changed places as it should be. I was not comfortable sitting there next to Campbell when his sister and brother were not where they should be. But the brother and sister were if looks could kill they would have been stone dead. We went to the cemetry and she stood away from the rest of the family, having come in her own car instead of the family car that her sisters and nieces went in. At the sandwiches and sausage rolls at the thing afterwards she sat with her husband, granddaughter, son and daughter in law seperate from everyone else. It was a piece of nonsense as the kirk that the funeral was held in was in actual fact not too back. yes it had steps at the front leading from the main road but it had a road at the side going up a steep hill and Campbell just dropped me off there and i got in no problem. His 2nd oldest sister said that to stop Campbell going to get the car that was parked right up the top of the street and coming back around and up to get me that i just went in the family car as it would be easier. Although at the graveside his nibs decided that we wouldn't go back for the tea so i had to walk from way down in the cemetry to the front gates. Some one was getting his knickers in a right twist that i wasn't hurrying up? He was lucky that i got to where i did before he picked me up as he had walked on raging to himself that i was taking so long. As i told him Lynford Christie i am not any more and boy did my back and legs tell on the fact. So i have nice wee jumps now and again today from the spasms that my back has decided "well i'll sort you out for knocking a rise out of me yesterday" which i could do without but on the plus side of the spasms, i grow at least 2" while it is going on. So see who says you can't grow after you're 21 cause i can on a regular basis, i just wish i could keep that extra height and i wouldn't need to alter so many things to fit my wee fat stumpy self. Hope you are having a good day everyone,
    Norah x

    1. Oh Norah, what a nightmare day, those days are stressful enough without family showing themselves up by behaving like children! If it had been me my stomach would have been churning with all the unnecessary stress, you were quite right to move for Campbell's brother, so why you got evil stares I don't know!
      It sounds like the lot of them need to take a look at themselves to see how ridiculous their behaviour is.
      Just for one day they should put their differences aside and pay their respects to their father!
      I am sorry that you had to endure such terrible behaviour, what was Campbell thinking making you walk all that way, could he not have popped to get the car, I know you are very much like me in that you wouldn't have asked for help, you would just struggle
      And pay the price later.
      Norah you are such an amazingly tolerant lady, I just don't know how you do it! Did Rory & Kirsten go with you too?
      Sending you huge hugs, don't forget to stop by tomorrow as we will hopefully be having some new visitors!
      Love and huggles

    2. Oh Norah, what a nightmare day, those days are stressful enough without family showing themselves up by behaving like children! If it had been me my stomach would have been churning with all the unnecessary stress, you were quite right to move for Campbell's brother, so why you got evil stares I don't know!
      It sounds like the lot of them need to take a look at themselves to see how ridiculous their behaviour is.
      Just for one day they should put their differences aside and pay their respects to their father!
      I am sorry that you had to endure such terrible behaviour, what was Campbell thinking making you walk all that way, could he not have popped to get the car, I know you are very much like me in that you wouldn't have asked for help, you would just struggle
      And pay the price later.
      Norah you are such an amazingly tolerant lady, I just don't know how you do it! Did Rory & Kirsten go with you too?
      Sending you huge hugs, don't forget to stop by tomorrow as we will hopefully be having some new visitors!
      Love and huggles

    3. Norah I am so sorry you had to endure so much pain & disgraceful behaviour yesterday, you did not deserve that.
      Sending you special gentle hugs love Margaret xx.

    4. Hello my Dear Friend
      What a day you had yesterday. Families are the worst possible combination at such occasions but why oh why do they have to behave like under 5s! I agree with Sandra they really should take a step back and take a good long look at themselves. We only ever have one set of Parents who give their all to raise us and in doing they deserve all our respect.
      I hope you can put yesterday behind you my lovely and concentrate on your two beautiful children(although they are grown)and your wonderful Grandson.
      Take things easy for the next few days -that is if you can. Hugs a plenty just for you.

    5. Hi Norah, I obviosly dont know what has gone on before in your family but surely a funeral is distressing enough without people causing more problems. The old saying is true. You can pick your fruiends but youre stuck with your family.
      Do hope you can put it behid you and do take care of yourself.
      Love Val x

    6. Oh Norah,
      I'm sorry you had to witness such appalling behaviour and at a funeral to boot. As the other ladies have said what on earth was Campbell thinking off making you walk so far. Rest up today you gorgeous lady, you deserve so much better.

    7. Hi NORAH what a awfull day you had yesterday a funeral is sad enough without family members behaving so badly.
      How are you after walking all that way back to the car.Surely Campell could have picked the car up for you to save you all that pain your suffering now.
      Big Hug's love Lynda xx

  10. Good afternoon Ladies, I'm just back from the dentist and Hoorah I didn't need anything done!
    Janet your card is beautiful , lovely and lacy with a wonderful sentiment xo
    Sandra sounded like you had a great day yesterday and got lots done.
    Norah so glad you managed into the church, and although you went home after the burial at least you missed any shenanigans ( if there were any) sorry to hear you are suffering today , hope the pain and spasms ease soon xo
    I've started knitting a short sleeved summer cardi for myself with a very pretty sparkly yarn ( between a denim and teal sort of colour) I have only ever knitted for children and that takes me long enough so I don't know in what year I'll finish this , but thought I'd give it a go.
    Sun shining here today so it is lovely, we had a great walk yesterday along the side of Loch Maree and the weather was kind to us, so we all really enjoyed it.
    I still haven't made my card for this week , I can't seem to get my head round it.
    Has anyone else been enjoying the Craft Channel ? I think it's quite good as they are showing lots of techniques and their postage is reasonable, I'm not as fond of Hochanda as the least wee thing and the picture disappears, seems to be a weak signal up here.
    Well I'll go upstairs and see if I can think of something?
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne,
      Glad dentist was all good, such a relief!
      Lovely and sunny here too today, its so uplifting!
      Sorry that the Challenge is really 'challenging' you,
      How about just cutting three rectangles and playing about with them, I think your mind automatically sees one thing, making it harder to visualize anything else, for example Sue just sees it as a cake, I saw gift boxes, it could be anything rectangle, shelves for instance, maybe piles of books or even three little raised beds with flowers or vegetables in, you could have the topbbox with a lid open and things tumbling out, either flowers, streamers, toys, craft goodies??!!
      I hope I have given you a few more ideas.
      I haven't really watched the Craft Channel too much, I think that whenever I popped on they were off air, I have to watch online, I totally agree with Hochanda, whenever I watch online it keeps stopping and I have to refresh the page, usually at a key part of a demo! Also oif late there has been too many, car cleaning, Veg slicers etc!!
      I will maybe go and have another look at Craft Channel.
      Love and hugs

    2. Hi Anne
      So glad the dentist went well. Well as well as dentists can go. I can't get the Craft Channell, but have never liked Dawn Bibby so wouldn't watch anyway. A couple of ladies said her crafting is still back in the dark ages and she hasn't kept up with the crafting trends.

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Janet you card is lovely, I hope the person receiving it appreciated the work you put in.
    Norah, sorry you had a bad day yesterday, nothing like weddings and funerals to cause family rows. You will be glad you managed to pay your respects at least you were one of the sane ones there.
    I'm a lot later today as I was at Carolines shop, so not much will be done tonight except I need to photograph my challenge card and get it posted, meantime take care everyone, Jess xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and friends.
    Janet , gorgeous card ! Must have missed the Caribbean dies somehow but I like the one you have used as background and the colour is wonderful. tfs x
    Anne, glad your dentist visit was good. We have ours on Monday, shaking in my bones already. Good luck with the knitting, the colour sound lush :)
    Norah, it's over and glad you managed to get into the church but how did you ending up to have to walk back to the car, not nice. We can't chose our family,just grin and bear it but it can be difficult sometimes. Hope you resting a bit today.
    It has been like a spring day here today and I hope you all have had a visit from the sun wherever you are. Bitterly cold but wrapped up and had a nice walk out. Back home had some lunch and then so tired again so had a little snooze. I never used to do this but lately it happens more often. I saw Lilian and Littlelamb early this morning before bed but after laying there counting the sheep falling over eachother I gave up and went back downstairs.
    I hope you have had a nice day whatever you have been doing. Warm hugs to you all ! Xxxxx

  13. Beautiful card JANET I love the delicate colour NORAH I feel so sorry for you having to put up with all of that and on such a sad occasion They sound like they're worse than children! Been so busy with knitting just lately I haven't even started on items for my daughter
    I have an idea of the challenge card in my head - hope to do it tomorrow afternoon Photos taken if my craft space Hopefully camera and laptop play nicely together and I can send it all to you SANDRA
    I hope the cold is improving MICHELE
    Myst dash got to get ready We taking MIL out for her birthday Looking forward to not having to cook! Will take a quick look at stuff I've missed first Cup of tea required I think

  14. Val, if you pop in tonight could you email me your email address

    So that I can share our group emails with you xxx

  15. Hello Sandra and Ladies, today's card is beautiful and I love the colour.
    Gosh Nora what a day you had but doesn't it always happen at funerals and weddings, I always dread them.
    I have had a go at the challenge card and have to finish it, I am determined to do it this week, and I have taken my craft room pic. Just have go pick up the courage to send them. Hugs Johanna

    1. Johanna,
      I need your email address so that I can share group emails with you please,
      You can email it to me on the address I gave you last week,

  16. Hello everyone
    Well we have surfaced now - the bedroom is back to normal and I can get into my craftroom. Its been a busy few days but I wanted to go to my craft class this afternoon, I enjoy that.
    I hope everyone is a lot better as I saw a few people had colds when I popped in the other day. I really need to read back and catch up with everything, also need to do my sketch card as I haven't even started it - thinking cap needs to go on I think.
    Hugs to anyone who needs them - Norah have not read all your post but seems you had a very trying day yesterday - you must be glad its behind you now - We had a bad experience when my sister died over 14 years ago now - her children wanted their friends in the main car which left no room for us so I didn't argue and went with John - they have never spoken to me since then - Families can be hard sometimes -
    Will try to pop back in but need to get some cards sorted.
    Sending each and everyone a hug just in case its needed.
    Jean xx

  17. Hi everyone. Third time lucky trying to post.
    Janet, what a beautiful card. I thought first of all it was parchment craft as the dies are so Delicate. A really pretty card and a lovely verse.
    Ive been up since 6am and went with my daughter to take a friend to Alicante Airport and then call at Iceland (THE SHOP) on the way back. Feeling pretty tired so had a siesta this afternoon.I really need to do some housework but I just cant seem to get around to it. Manana maybe.
    Take care everyone. Hope all those sniffles have gone.
    I'll write to you Sandra.
    Love Val x

  18. Hi Sandra
    Once again I'm late. Well at least I didn't forget like I did yesterday. Couldn't blame running around either as I spent a lot of bpvely day with Sandra abd Sue.
    Janet this card really is stunning. In my favourite colours as well. I'm off to read the comments now if blogger will let me I'll leave some comments.

  19. Evening Ladies

    I'm feeling so much better, even went into work today. Boy were they glad to see me-between more staff off sick & problems to sort out, I've been kept busy.

    Val-glad you explained that it was the shop (Iceland) not a quick trip abroad. I'm easily confused !!

    Am looking forward to seeing what tomorrow's feature does to the blog-wonder if there will be many more visitors??


    1. So pleased you are feeling brighter Michele, I hope you haven't rushed back too soon though, Lucy diud that last week and boy is she paying the price for it now, she is just so poorly and lifeless.
      I emailed you all about tomorrows feature earlier this afternoon.
      I am hoping we will see some new faces, fingers crossed.
      I am trying new things to keep you all interested too, I welcome your feedback
      Sending you hugs
      Sandra xxx
      Ps take it easy my lovely xxx

  20. Hi Sandra & friends
    Well I'm back started commenting on way down,then froze had three phone calls now hoping this doesn't freeze up again.
    Haven't done a lot Tesco's Primark & pound exciting.came home had lunch finished birthday card off then started tidying craft room hopefully be finished tomorrow then I will take picture & send it to you Sandra.
    I'm intreaged what new things you have up your sleeve for us Sandra .
    Well I'm off to watch my TV program now try & get in later.
    SABA sending you Love & Hug's xx
    Hug's Lynda xxx

  21. Hello, sorry to be late again, had a lovely day crafting with my friends, managed to make three cards.
    Norah sorry yesterday was upsetting, funerals are upsetting enough with family squabbles.
    Glad your feeling better Michele, don't over do things this cold is one of those that comes back if your not careful.

    Tomorrow will be interesting with being on face book.

    Hope every well, hugs for those who are not.
    Well going to bed now, see you in the morning .

  22. Hello, Hope to see you all come and join us tomorrow for a special open cafe' with special guest's , music and good calorie free cakes and food. Hope the huggles will be good and not scare the visitors away.:) I have given the cafe' a quick hoovering, dusting and straightening up the cards because it will be many seeing them tomorrow. I'm sure the first ones in the morning bring some fresh posy's for the tables and get the coffee machine and the tea urn on for a busy day..... better go the "men" are knocking on the door LoL Sweet dreams ! Xxxx
