
Friday 12 February 2016

A Few 'old favourites' for Friday


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Firstly I would like to welcome any new visitors that have found their way to us from over from 
Set Craft's Facebook page, you are most welcome to come on in and join in with the fun and laughter 
amongst all of the ladies on this blog, because this is a place where we all come to chat with each other about absolutely anything and share our love of Crafting, This blog has been nicknamed the Cotswold Crafter Cafe, some of the ladies named it that after visiting a few times, many months ago, they said it is just like going into a 'cafe', where you would go to meet up with friends.
I post every single day, not only the cards that I have made but those of my lovely blog friends too.
We share what bargains we have bought each week, what we have made, where we have been, you name it, we share it.  We even have a 'Virtual Soap Box', which is great to use when you just want to get something off your chest!  

Today as it is Friday, I thought I would post a few 'Favourites for Friday', looking back at some of my favourite cards from the past year.  They are an eclectic mix, mostly made from Creative Expressions Dies,
a few others too, the first card is made with a Tonic die though, I just fell in love with that die when I first saw it. The second card was my first attempt at stamping a complete decorative image, I really enjoyed doing it too.  

How are your Monday Sketch Challenge cards going ladies? I have received a few really fantastic cards already.  Don't forget your Craft Space photos too, I may feature them tomorrow.

Whatever you are up to have a fabulous day Ladies, I will call back later to catch up with all of you.
To all of our new visitors, please feel free to stick around and join in, or have a look back at some of our older posts, to see what both myself and all of the ladies of the blog have been creating.  Feel free to join us and send your cards in to share with us too.

Sending love and hugs to our absent friends,

love and hugs to all of you too,


  1. Good morning Sandra and all who po in today,
    I have finished my sketch card so will photo it and send it to you today and will do a quick tidy up in my craft room and photo that.
    It's quite dark here in Wigan just now but hopefully we won't have a bad day, John has been on holiday this week but has t seen most of it because we have been decorating and quite busy, we might take the dogs out for the day.
    I hope everyone who has had a cold or something even nastier are feeling better.
    Hugs to Barbara, Patricia and Sheila and Nikki, thinking of you all and look forward to you popping back in when you are feeling up to it.
    See you all later.
    Hugs in the basket, feel free to take whatever you need.
    Jean xx

  2. Oops should read pop in today ( hehe) x

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely selection of cards this morning. I'm hoping to get crafting on Saturday as I've booked a table at an attic sale to try to sell some cards etc. The Attic Sale is the 27th but as you know, I'm off to the craft show at Leigh on the 20th and will probably stay a while at my in-laws house after we've finished shopping!

    Thank goodness it's Friday-it's been a very strange week though, I could get used to a two day week!! He he.

    Will pop back later.


    1. Hi Michele, glad your feeling better but don't over do things.
      Have you tried to sell your cards before? Good luck with that.
      Have a good stress free day at work today Hug's xxx

    2. Morning Michele
      Hope you're all well and said good bye to that horrible cold etc that you've had this week. Just take care and have a good day at work.
      Hugs for you xxxx

    3. Hi Michele,
      Glad your cold is on the way out take care hope to see you next Saturday - looking forward to it xx

    4. Hi Michele,
      Lovely to see yo are feeling better and have found your mojo. Good luck with your sale, I hope you sell loads. xxx

    5. Hello Michelle, I'm really pleased you're feeling better BUT don't go over doing

    6. Hi Michele,
      Pleased to hear your cold is better, just try & take it easy at weekend. xx

    7. I Michelke
      I'm glad that your feeling much better today. I hope the sale goes well at the weekend.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    As Maria asked last night I have just popped the coffee and tea on and put some fresh flowers in the vases, that's all that needed doing as Maria had given the Cafe a really good clean last night, thank you for doing that Maria : ) I have also added some extra calorie free cakes and cookies to the display for all of the extra visitors that I hope we get from Set Craft. I expect someone else has beaten me to it but it takes me ages to type my comment, and it doesnt matter if we get lots of flowers, I bet I'm not the only one that is cheered up on seeing them around.
    Welcome to any new visitors, come on in, help yourself to a drink and something to eat, remember that everything is calorie free here so go on, treat yourself. One thing that Sandra didn't say is that we can all be a bit daft at times so be ready for a good chuckle. It is true that this is the most caring blog and we really do support each other through both good and bad times.
    Sandra, what a lovely way to wake up, seeing all of these gorgeous cards. It would be really hard to choose a favourite but I am biased towards the third card as Sandra so kindly gave it to me for my birthday last year : ) Thank you for sharing all of these beauties my lovely. I hope the sciatica is improving, sending you big hugs x
    Maria, you were naughty to do all of that cleaning g in the Cafe last night, you must look after yourself until you are back to normal. I also have an afternoon nap most days, it makes me feel like a toodler again(wish my body was as fit now as it was then though!) Sending hugs to you x
    Michele, I am so glad that you are feeling better, please take it easy for a few more days though.
    Norah, I hope you are not in quite so much pain today. What a shame Campbell and his family couldn't have acted more thoughtfully and been more respectful! They should be ashamed of themselves. Sending gentle hugs.
    Barbara, sending hugs to you. We are here for you whenever you feel up to popping in.
    I hope everyone is as well as can be. Look after yourselves. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, I can understand you love card no 3 it's Gorgeous & lucky you receiving it from Sandra. Have a good day Sue please take it easy today after yesterdays busy one.
      Hug's xxx

    2. Morning Sue - thank you for getting the Cafe up and running this morning and thank you Maria for cleaning last night. I didn't manage to get back in as we were out until 10.00 and then shattered and so to bed.
      Hugs for you both xxxx

    3. Hi Sue, look what's happening being a slow typer hihi. No problems, couldn't sleep anyway so thought I make an effort when we hopefully will have some visitors in today and we like them to stay for a long time. If I'm not wrong I think I got card nr:4. it's beautiful. Have a nice day xxx

  5. Good Morning All, fabulous array of cards today Sandra, you are a very talented lady.
    Not sure I can really show my room as it's where I work so rather crammed.
    Michele glad you're feeling better, know what you mean about a 2 day week,

    Sadly my Sister was taken ill and is back to our large main hospital so shall be going to see her this afternoon, praying that she's better, she broke her pelvis on Dec 23rd last year, and is still not walking, very concerned now as such a long time in bed.
    Have a good day everyone, I'll pop in later for a cuppa and a bun, ( diet not going well ).
    Hugs abound catch one if you'd like one.
    Best wishes Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Sorry your sister has taken a turn for the worst & back in hospital. I pray she gets better soon.sending her some Gentle Hug's xx & some Hug's for you Lilian xxx

    2. Hi Lilian,
      I am so sorry to hear the news about your sister, so frustrating after she seemed to be improving.
      Don't get rushing about and getting yourself run down, your sister is in the best place.
      Sending you huge hugs
      Let us know how your visit goes,

    3. Morning Lilian - Oh I'm so sorry that you Sister has had to go back to the large hospital and so putting her backwards in her recovery. Hugs for you both and please take care.

    4. Hi Lillian, hope you find your sister has improved a bit when you visit - take care . Jean xx

    5. Hi Lilian, sorry to see your sister is back to hospital. Sending you both some hugs xxx

    6. Hello Lillian, so sorry to read your sister has been taken back into hospital, I hope it will only be for a short stay. Sending love and hugs to you both XX

    7. Morning Lilian,
      Oh your poor sister, let's hope they sort her out and get her back on her feet. Gurt big (((((HUGS))))) to her and you. xxx

    8. Hi Lilian,
      Sorry to hear about your sister, hope she can return to your local hospital soon, take care hugs on way xx

    9. Hi Lilian
      I'm sorry to hear that your sister had to go back into hospital. So frustrating when she was doing so well. Hugs to you both.

    10. Thank you all, we have just come home, she is very frail, and a bit con fused, but at least she seemed to be pleased to see me.
      Much as I love my sister, I am becoming to dred going to see her,s I'm afraid of what I'll find, hope that doesn't sound bad.

    11. Lilian please so not feel guilty it is natural to feel like that, there is nothing worse than watching a loved one suffer. Hugs on way xx

  6. Thank you for the welcome Sandra - I am one of the SET Craft first-timers ..... but definitely hope to make daily visits to your wonderful 'café'. Thank you all for making such a wonderful sharing community :)

    1. You are more than welcome Deborah, we would love have you join us everyday xxx

    2. Hello Deborah your very welcome. Hope you come back in & join us all at Sandra' lovely cafe' Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Good Morning Deborah - welcome to the best Cafe and Craft Blog you could find. Help yourself to a cup of coffee or tea and stay a while. Hope to see you again soon.

    4. Hello Deborah,
      Lovely to see you, glad you decided to visit us,
      I'm sure you will be back, it's a bit addictive here, you never know what topics crop up
      Jean xxx

    5. Hi Deborah, nice to meet you xx

    6. Hi Deborah,
      Welcome to the warmest, friendliest café on the web. We're don't bite, are slightly off our rockers at times but have the biggest hearts this side of heaven. We support each other through thick and thin and are always armed with ((((HUGS)))) for those that need one. x

    7. Hi Deborah,
      Welcome to the best cafe in the world, where you can eat & drink as much as you like & not gain an ounce!
      Look forward to seeing you again.xx

    8. Hi Deborah
      Welcome to the cafe. Hope to see you again in the near future. Please watch out for Norah's huggles they're a bit unruly sometimes. Some of us are a bit mad, but were harmless really.

    9. Hello Debora, lovely to see you, hope you come again, they are a super group of ladies

  7. Morning/Afternoon/Evening to all who pop in today.
    I think that takes care of all parts of the day.

    SANDRA - what a beautiful array of cards today. All are beautiful and so different but all have your definite stamp on them.

    The Cafe's looking lovely this morning and just waiting for new visitors to come through the door. Welcome to the best Cafe and Craft Blog you will find.
    We may be a little on the 'mad' side but we are not 'dangerous' well some of us may be at times but we'll gloss over that (does that comment call for a tin hat?) You're very welcome so come in, have a cuppa and stay a while and talk to us and come visiting again.

    Well I still didn't get to send my Challenge Card to Sandra yesterday as I got caught up in finishing a birthday card and my Daughter visited requesting a birthday card for Lily-Mae's birthday which is on Sunday and she's coming back this morning to collect it so my first job this morning is to send the picture to Sandra and then I'm afraid housework calls.

    I hope we don't run out of tea and coffee as I think it may be a busy day here today.
    Thinking of all Dear Friends who are absent and having a difficult time. Gentle hugs are on their way to you all.
    Hugs are in the basket by the door and just waiting to be used. See you all later. xxxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and to anyone looking in today.
    Some wonderful cards on show today Sandra ! Love the dies and the colour schemes you have used .
    Glad you are feeling better Michele,try to have a quiet weekend to recharge the batteries.Happy crafting.
    Jean, hope the day stays dry and you have a nice walk with the dogs. It looks like rain here today but that's ok as I got some housework to do and hope to finish off the two cards I'm started to make. Managed to make the challenge card for this week, took me a good day to make hihi that's quick for being me they usually take a few days.
    Hope all with a cold getting better and anyone with aches and pains wan't be to bad today.
    Meeting up with our Karenlotty tomorrow in Watford, around 11.30 am up in John Lewis coffee shop/ restaurant so if you are nearby come and join us !
    Best get a wiggle on but hope to see you all later. Warm hugs to you all and Hi to anyone popping in today,
    Love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Maria Hellooooooooooo it's me, if I goes well I will join you both (if you don't mind) tomorrow about 11.30ish in John Lewis. xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      You take care with all this cleaning, don't want to be laid up for tomorrow. Looks like Brenda's going to meet with you both as well. I hope you have a lovely time.

    3. Don't mind at all, the more the merrier. Have been ages since we saw you, bring a cushion do the seats can be a bit hard after a few hours Lol hugs xxx

    4. Hi Maria have a lovely meet up with Karen & now Brenda tomorrow.
      Now not to much loud laughing or you might be asked to leave
      John Lewis is very posh you know HaHa.
      Don't do much cleaning have a Nap. Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Tell Terry to get a move on and you soon will be with us too tomorrow, it's not that far is it...
      Nap, what nap ? I'm too excited :-p xxx

  9. Good morning Ladies and visitors, it's a beautiful sunny good to be alive type of morning here , so hope it lasts all day!
    Well the cafe is looking and smelling wonderful , must be the coffee and home baking, thankgoodness its all calorie free!
    Sandra you have outdone yourself today with a fabulous selection of your creations , I particularly love the first two , but they are all wonderful!
    I did manage to get a card made yesterday so I'll send a photo to you later.
    Glad to hear you are feeling better Michele, but sorry your sister has taken a turn for the worse Lilian , here's hoping she picks up again soon xo
    I'll pop in later and see what's going on and who has joined us lol!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  10. Morning Sandra,

    SET's Facebook comments came through in my news feed earlier. What a wonderful introduction they gave for your blog!
    Beautiful cards to showcase this morning, can't pick a favourite, although the gorgeous circle card keeps popping into my mind.

    I'm struggling with the challenge card as panto has taken up so much of my time lately. The shows start a week on Wednesday and it will be all systems go. Hopefully I will find some time this afternoon to get one done and posted to you.
    I'm also in the process of making a Wedding ring for my great niece to be. Lost my mojo yesterday so after that dreaded swear word (housework), I'm going to crack on again and see if I can get that finished as well.

    Loving thoughts to Barbara and Sheila, I know this is a hard time for both of you, you are in my prayers and I hope to see you soon.

    I think I will have to get of a wiggle on if I want to finish everything today, though these days after being a skinny minnie for years there is certainly more to wiggle!

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  11. Replies
    1. Angela welcome to the cafe hope to see you again soon.xx

    2. Hello Angela, so please just stop by, do please drop in at any time you will always be very welcome. XX

    3. Lovely to see you Angela. So please you dropped by. Please drop in again, it will be lovely to see you.

    4. Hi Angela, nice to meet you. Hope you come back when you can. We are just like your extended family here, with some lovely craft on show everyday xx

    5. Hello Angela nice to see you welcome please drop in again for a chat & a cup of tea. Xx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely selection of cards, I am proud to be the owner of no.5. Hope we get to welcome visitors today, it is such a special cafe thank you.xx
    Special hugs on way to Barbara & Sheila difficult time for you both xx,hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret, hope your hand is getting better. Can you make some needlework without getting the needle snagged in the bandage by now tihi. Take care xx

  13. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    It's lovely seeing this selection of your makes today Sandra, so many really pretty ones that deserve their wee bit time on the blog to shine and be happy.
    Good morning to all our new coffee shoppers that have walked in today just be wary that my little Huggles like to surprise you and jump up for hugs. There is a basket where they are all supposed to stay and be good but they get quite excited at the thought of someone new that may want to adopt them so please stay and have a drink and we do any kind of cake that is your desire and they are non fattening with no calories so good for your diet if you are on one. We are crafters with all kinds of talents that gets shown in the display cabinet in the cafe so please let us see some of your work as well.
    Well girls it's the end of an era this morning as Mum's house passed into the hands of the new owners there at 10:47 this morning and it feels strange but it needs to be loved and have happiness running around in it again and that is what it will have. Stuart and Fiona want to do major works on it before moving in which means the new carpets that i got fitted throughout will be cut and destroyed as the wee toilet is being moved to under the stairs to gain an extra 8" to make the wee toilet that has a window as it is on the outside wall and the boiler cupboard are getting made into an office for Stuart. Boy has this laddie got wild ideas and i don't think he really understands just how little extra room he is actually going to get with moving the boiler cupboard wall in line with the stair case wall but he will learn, and i just hope he is not too disappointed. But the good thing is they are moving in right next door to her parents house so she at least knows her neighbours. They might decide that maybe it wasn't such a good move when her dad starts with his pal through the wall from him.
    Anyway please can i have a latte please in my TT cup as i have the shoogles again today and don't want to be wearing it and i think i will have a bowl of lentil soup if you have it today Sandra. I have the Huggles into their baskets along with some of the little hand hotters as they are just the right size for them to have a warm bed, i'm just up in the corner.
    Love Norah x

    1. Hi Norah
      At least the house is now sorted and you can relax. I do hope your huggles don't get into to much mischief today. You can never tell can you what sort of trouble they can get up to when new visitors arrive. I hope you enjoy your lentil soup.

    2. I know it must feel strange someone else owning your mum's house but it is good to know there will be laughter there again soon and people to love it, my mums house has been up for sale for a few years now but nothing happening, my brother insisted on renting it out for a couple of years until the market picked up but we had to use the money to spruce the place up again as the company in charge of it didn't bother so that was a complete waste of time and money and we are still at square one. Ok rant box back in the corner !
      Hugs Anne xo

    3. Hi Norah, must be a weird feeling for you today that the house is gone but as you say it will get some life back, and maybe they got or will have some little ones putting sunshine and laughter into the house again. Think the huggles got hold of the TT cup so mind how you drink, never know what or who is hiding in there. :) Take care xxx

    4. Hello Norah my Dear Friend
      I know it feels odd that someone is in Mum's house but as you say at least there will be fun and laughter again where you and Jim enjoyed a wonderful Childhood.
      Hugs just for you and I hope the little hand warmers are doing their job for the Huggles.

    5. Hello Norah
      It must have been a strange day for you with someone new in your mums house,but it needs to be loved again & they seem a nice couple. Hope the Huggles are looking after you xx.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone in the Coffee Shop,

    I feel dizzy, I've been in and out of the blog three times already this morning. Every time I start something happens, hopefully this time I will not have any distractions.
    Sandra, such beautiful cards each and everyone is very special. I'm sure the recipients were over the moon with there beautiful cards.

    It's lovely to see you have had some visitors from Set Crafts. I looked on their website when you gave me the address - confession coming up! ......... I ordered the Lattice Window Striplet and Australian Background dies. Can't wait for them to arrive.

    Well it time to get a wiggle on, am working on my sisters accounts. If I get them finished I will then pop into Croydon to pick up a birthday present for one of our grandsons. He will be 14 tomorrow. We will be seeing him on Sunday. So must get organised- Miracles do happen!!

    Sending 'special' love, hugs and prayers to Saba, Sheila, Norah and anyone who needs that little extra care.

    Love and Hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi ladies, I'm back again, just had to share this with you all. I ordered my dies from SET Craft yesterday and they have just arrived - what a result and A lovely message on the compliment slip. XX

    2. Wow Brenda that's a super quick service. must check the web site out. I'm a bit like you today with being in & out all day with distractions.
      Hug's xx

  15. Hi Sandra
    Lovely to revisit some favourites from the black g. My favourite is the second one, just because I like vie the colours. I'm waiting for my Australian background die to arrive to have a play.
    A meeting today with the social worker to see what's happening with Ellis.
    I'm going to have a look back and see whose been in today. Hugs to all who need one, a special hug for Barbara. I hope we see you back soon.

  16. Hi Sandra. What an array of lovely cards. Every one so pretty.
    Hope all those who woke up this. Morning not feeling so well have improved as the day has gone on.
    As I said last night Sandra ,I will be makibg quick visits for the next few days as my lovely son and daughter in law arrived unexpectedly as a surprise from the UK last night. It is a milestone birthday for me on Sunday and them visiting was the furthest thing from my mind. I was on cloud nine last night, woke up this morning thinking I'd drempt the whole thing and so happy to find it was real. Just come in from a lovely lunch out - the first of many before they leave on Tuesday. So as I say it will be quick ins and outs over the next few days.
    Take care everyone.
    Love Val x

    1. Hello Val - what a lovely surprise for you. Those are the ones you cherish and keep forever. Have a lovely week-end and a fantastic birthday. What is the actual date please?
      Hugs for you all. xxxx

    2. Hi Val, pleased you had a lovely surprise, make the most of it and have a lovely day on Sunday xx
      Jean xx

    3. Hi Janet and Jean, Many thanks for your good wishes. My actual birthday is Sunday, , Valentines Day, I should have been Pamela bu t my Mum was persuaded to call me Val.
      Take care.
      Val x

    4. Oh, you have a wonderful weekend Val. What a lovely surprise. Wonder if they brought you something nice from the UK, so nosy me :) xxx

    5. Val, I need a photo of you, I hope you have time to pop in on Sunday, you must be floating with all the excitement of having your family around you xxxx

    6. Hi Val, what a wonderful surprise, I am sure it will be a lovely birthday weekend. ENJOY your special day. xxx

    7. Happy Birthday for Sunday Val, what a wonderful surprize for you. Love & hugs xxx

    8. Hi Val,
      What a lovely surprise hope you have a lovely weekend & birthday.xx

    9. Hello Val Happy birthday for Sunday Wow what a fantastic surprise im sure you will all have a lovely weekend.
      Love & Hug's xx

    10. Happy Birthday Val, hope you have a lovely weekend

  17. Helllooo! Quick visit Got to get ready for Salsa Hello to those from Set Craft. SANDRA your cards are beautiful So looking forward to seeing MARIA tomorrow and now BRENDA too! Good to see you're feeing better MICHELE and LILIAN I hope your sister gets well soon Still got challenge card to do - will I make it Argh! Photos of my craft desk done and my bargain buy Hope to send it all tomorrow
    Take care one and all

  18. VAL Happy Birthday for Sunday (I didn't know)well a reminder hasn't come up on my phone.... could be user error - sorry

    1. Hi Karen,
      None of us knew until last night, Val hasn't been in long enough to be on our list, but this is now rectified !!!
      Have fun at Salsa xxxxx

  19. Evening Ladies

    Thanks for all your comments re my health. Am feeling so much better that I was totally back to normal at work today-which means bossy if you ask my colleagues!! There was lots to sort out after being off for 3 days.

    It's difficult to know what might sell at an Attic Sale in a church so I have cards, some pillow boxes(filled with fancy a pack of tissues & a lip balm) and some curvy keepsake boxes which will have Easter eggs in-probably a Creme egg. I just need to make a few Mother's Day cards the all I need to do is make some signs for the baskets the cards will be in. It's £8 for the table & the sale is just the morning so it's a learning curve! At least I still have 2 weeks to get organised.


  20. Hi Sandra and everyone. I arrived here from Set Crafts Facebook page early this morning. I managed a quick look around before work, and couldn't wait to get back to see more! Only now after a very busy day have I managed to sit down and comment! What a fabulous blog with so many beautiful creations, and friendly members :-) Hoping I'll be able to pop in often and join in the crafty fun xx

    1. Hello Sonia a warm welcome lovely to see you. It will be wonderful having you pop into our craft cafe' & i would love to see some of your creations.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Sonia, you are most welcome, have a good look around, it would be lovely to see you whenever you get the chance, we are here everyday!!
      I think it sounds like you should put your feet up and relax
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Hi Sonia and welcome to the best cafe' in the world.:) Do have a look around and see what we all make as Sandra very kindly let us all send her craft we made and she show them here on her blog.
      We have a lot of fun doing the Monday challenge, it really makes you to think and the little mojo wakes up (hopefully). Take care and hope to see you again soon,hugs xx

    4. Thank you for the lovely welcome.
      Hugs xx

    5. Hello Sonia, it will be lovely to see you again when ever you feel you have the time to pop in. Promise you will always have a very warm welcome, just watch those huggles, they love to give a huge cuddlle when they see a new face LOL

    6. Hi Sonia, great to see you.

  21. Hello Sandra & everyone
    I have been popping in all day in between distraction I have left comments on the way down. I have had trouble with my camera have been trying to put photos on computer of my craft room to send SANDRA.
    SANDRA I hope you received my Email with them. Terry said I need a new memory card. Think I could also do with one of them HaHa.
    Looking forward to seeing everyones craft space & the challenge cards this week. Nice to see new ladies popping in today. SANDRA Set Craft gave you a good write up on Face Book I thought they would have shown more of your cards though. I will pop back I have to finish a thank you card Sam asked me to make for her i have to send it to her tomorrow she never gives me much notice.
    Sending big Hug's to SABA SHEILA MARGARET C O & all our missing friends.
    So see you later Hug's xxx

  22. Hi all, hope you all have had a good day.
    It have been great to see new crafter's in and hope some more will come in later and tomorrow. Love to see what you all making in cards,sewing, knitting etc. Being on our Sandra's blog have changed my life.
    Have had a funny day, managed to make something but can't remember what so if Terry goes and buy you a memory card Lynda, could you please ask him to get one for me too. hihi. Looking forward to see Karen and Brenda tomorrow. If by any chance you are in Watford, don't be shy. Come and say Hi, 11.30 in John Lewis Cafe'.
    Will try to get to bed in a more normal time so i get some beauty sleep , so I'm saying Good night to you all and see you tomorrow. Warm hugs Xxxx

    1. Hi MARIA have a nice time meeting up with Karen & BRENDA wish I could come to but far to far :0(((( Hug's xxx

  23. Hi Val
    Sorry I haven't wished you a happy birthday before now. But I've only managed to get back in n again. What a lovely surprise for you. I hope you gave a lovely day on Sunday.
