
Saturday 2 January 2016

Welcome to our Blog Family Gracie-Leigh & a thank you card

Another of my Thank You cards

Gracie-Leigh Peters
Good Morning Ladies,
I hope that you all had a good New Years Day, ours was a nice relaxed kind of day, rounded off by a delicious roast beef dinner, cooked mainly by Paul, with a little help from me too, we were very naughty and reverted back to cooking our roast potatoes in beef dripping, well what can I say?? They were amazing, golden and crunchy on the outside, light and fluffy inside, for some reason my children (particularly Sophie and Lucy) have taken to the habit of saving the best bit of food on their plate until last! They were really stuck today deciding between the roast potatoes and the beef!!  Its going too be hard returning to having roast potatoes cooked in sun flower oil, maybe we will! Just stick to the beef dripping and have them less often!!  what do you all use to cook your roasties in ???? 

Today's card was a real quickie, well we have a lot to send! 
I used a couple of dies from the Creative Expressions Noble Square dies for the actual card base and the matting and layering, the Hessian heart was cut with a Spellbinders die, I think its called 'Vines of Passion', its a Die D lites die, I added some lace ribbon and a couple of roses and stamped a Thank You sentiment on to some kraft card and cut with a banner/flag die!  I will add that the sentiment banner and the kraft card layer of the card were both cut from the packaging of the Hessian! Well it would have been a shame to waste it!!! 
I hope you like my card.

Now just look at our beautiful new blog family Member, Gracie-Leigh, being given a first cuddle by her big sister Lily-Mae! 
Janet now has four Great-Grandchildren, which she says is making her feel old, Janet you are only as old as you feel! I'll say no more than that!!
You would never think, looking at this photograph that little Gracie-Leigh is only a few hours old.
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful family photograph with us Janet xxx

Have a lovely day ladies,
Love and hugs,


  1. Good morning everyone
    A big welcome to Gracie-Leigh, she's a beautiful little baby isn't she. At last the wait is over. Congratulation Janet.
    Sandra your meal sounds scrummy even at this time of day haha.
    Only a quick post, Nic is awake so will go get her up, be back later
    Hugs Jean xxx

    1. Happy New Year Jean! Have a lovely weekend. Xx

  2. Morning Everyone

    SANDRA I love your latest Thank You card. I have a stash of hessian bought from Poundland and only use it as background on mainly men cards but you have shown me how well it looks being cut. Will definitely be giving that a go.

    I'm told that Lily-Mae wasn't quite sure at first about a new baby in the house even though she has been included and has always kissed Pippa's tummy before going to be so kissing baby night night. It didn't last long and Gracie-Leigh was receiving lots of kisses. Non for Mummy/Daddy but lots for baby. She is so much bigger than Lily-Mae but there again weighs a pound more at birth.

    I now have to make baby cards plus one Minion Card for big sister today.

    Will look in later.
    Thoughts and Prayers for Barbara, Val and all the family.
    Hugs are on their way so can someone please make sure that Hugie doesn't intercept them or trouble will be order of the day.

    1. Congratulations Janet on becoming a great gran again ! so wonderful to see a photo of Lilly-Mae holding her little baby sister Gracie-Leigh ( another beautiful name) I bet you were so relieved to hear about her safe arrival and now you'll be looking forward to when you can hold her.
      A lovely start to a new year! xoxo

    2. Oh Janet what a lovely photo! They both look just gorgeous. I can't believe I'm looking at a child less than two days old! It's incredible! As you say the baby cards will keep you busy and the Big Sister one!! Xxx

    3. Oh! Janet, that is an absolutely beautiful photo.
      A New Baby and her Big Sister, love it xxx

    4. Janet what a gorgeous photo and many congratulations on being a great granny again. I hope it's not long before you get cuddles xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-a very pretty card. I forgot about using hessian & it looks so nice.

    Lovely photo of Lily-Mae holding Gracie-Leigh.

    I need to head into Southport today & was hoping it was going to stay fine but looking outside, I think I'm going to get quite wet!!


    1. Michele - I hope you are back home again! It's coming down in buckets here! Xxx Strangely enough it's quite bright!

  4. Wow I'm in early because I haven't been able to sleep - restless legs, painful hips, snoring husband - oh the joys of growing old but at least I am growing old!
    Welcome GRACIE LEIGH and what a beautiful photo You must be so relieved JANET
    Your card is gorgeous SANDRA I have added hessian to my wish list I noticed Elliott on his blog - can't remember it's full name Hope Creativity? - amazing how we forget things when they're on speed dial! He had pads of burlap/hessian

  5. Morning all and what a lovely way to start the day with this cute photo of Lily-Mae and Gracie-Leigh, welcome to the world and to the cafe' :)
    Love your card Sandra, didn't know you could also cut hassian but the heart came out really nice.
    Maureen you left me hanging this morning, you went to bed! Littlelamb, missing you and Sheila, hope to see you soon. Saba- my thoughts are with you,Val and family.
    I have some good news, It's RAINING ! Crafting day for me, I will go into the kitchen ,sit the GC up anyway and then pray. Have a nice day everyone whatever you are doing, love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Maria - my dear! For what are you praying - for the rain to stop or divine inspiration for your card creations! Xxx

    2. Oh both would be nice, not asking for much am I :)
      so cold as well, might take a little Amaretto to warm myself up or turn the handle a bit faster on the GC but not as tasty tihi Have a nice day xxx

    3. Good idea!! I'm cutting card! It gets a bit boring after a while! Xx

    4. Maria
      You didn't pray for long enough. It's still raining and I can't get into my draft room. Apart from the mess of all the stuff I got out for Christmas cards, I can't see my table, it has ladders in it as well. Our overflow keeps running. The plumbing shop has been shut all over Christmas, so no new washer can be bought yet. Our loft ceiling is so low Pete has to limbo dance under the eaves. Keep trying to tell him he's getting to old to scrabble about in lofts. But the won't listen.

  6. PS Your meal sounds delicious I used to be the same as your girls except the other way around in that I left what I hated until the end - veg mainly in the hope that I'd be too full to have to eat them but my mum and dad weren't happy with that and suggested I eat them first to get them out of the way and then eat the nice stuff so it left a nicer taste in my mouth at the end if the meal! Now, try and stop me eating veg (except Brussels!) I love 'em

    1. Not eating the greens meant no pudding for afters in our house eeek :) only eat about 5 brussels at Christmas and they have to be the baby version of course xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card is perfect it amazes me all the different materials you can use. When I do roast potatoes I nearly always use lard much nicer than in oil apparently they say we should use lard, maize oil or olive oil now it is better for us!xx
    The photo of Lily-Mae & Gracie-Leigh is beautiful thank you for sharing Janet.xx
    Sending special hugs to Barbara, Val & family & everyone who is missing love Margaret xx

  8. Good morning ladies,

    A beautiful picture to start our day. Lily-Mae loves her baby sister, doesn't she Janet? It's so adorable to see their faces when they see their sibling for the very first time, a look of pure wonder.

    And a very special 'Hello & welcome the World' to two lovely baby girls, Gracie-Leigh and Robyn Elizabeth.
    Congratulations to Nannies, Mums and Dads.
    So lovely to see you have joined us Johanna.

    I didn't get home until way after 1am this morning so a leisurely lie-in was very welcome. Then it was off to the Spirit for our New Year Football Charity Match after party. We raised £1357.46 for our funds and presented a representative of The Children's Hospices South West with a cheque for £4,000. This raises our total to £24,000 which we have donated in the last few years that we have supported them. Such a worthy cause for children who have their lives cut short through illness.

    A very pretty little 'Thank You' card Sandra. I've not used hessian before as I didn't realise how effective it could be.
    My house is so quiet now everyone has gone back to work or home, the decorations will be slowly coming down, although I do leave my tree until the 12th day of Christmas (Jan 6th) when it too will be stowed away until later this year.

    I'll pop in later to see what you have all been up to.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. That's a great amount of money, well done all of them. Relax and enjoy the peace for a moment, they will be around soon again :) take care xxx

    2. Cheryl, that is a brilliant amount you have all raised, congratulations you should all feel very proud. I hope you're enjoying the peace in your home just now, whilst it's lovely to have a visitors, it's also lovely to have some time to yourself. It helps to recharge the batteries! LOL

    3. Well done! You have raised a lot of money Cheryll. Xxx

    4. Well done Cheryl on raising such a fantastic amount of money. Make the most of the peace and quiet while you can.

    5. Well done Cheryl, a great amount raised. xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Welcome to the world Gracie-Leigh, she is gorgeous and so is lily-Mae a proud
    big sister.
    Like you card today Sandra, a bit different, never thought hessian could look that good.
    As for roast potatoes, we sometimes buy ours frozen with goose fat and cook them in the acti-fry where you don't need to add anything to them.
    My back is a lot better today, just took painkillers yesterday, so will do the same today.
    Well done Cheryl on raising so much for your charity.
    Will try and pop back later, take care.

    1. So pleased your back is better Jess! There will be no stopping you now! Xxx

    2. Take care of that back and no hanging in the chandeliers or climbing on the furnitures for a while. Had to tell the Huggles to be careful too :)
      Have a nice day xxx

    3. As Maria said Jess, I'm glad your back us much better, and no swinging of the chandeliers. Well at least until your backs fully recovered anyway.

  10. Good morning Ladies,
    Lovely card Sandra , like others I have used hessian before on male cards but have never tried to die cut it, thanks for the idea! We also had roast beef yesterday with the family but I have to admit since finding "Aunt Bessie's" roast potatoes, parsnips and yorkshire puddings , I just use them , lazy or what?
    Anyway it was enjoyed by all, that's the main thing.
    Lillian I hope you are feeling a bit better today and are on the mend xo
    Also lovely to hear of another baby Robyn , we have a niece who is expecting in May but she stays a distance away so not much chance of many cuddles, I do love baby cuddles !
    Well time to get a move on , love and hugs to all xoxo

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone!
    Sandra I'm such a stick in the mud with cards and I don't even have hessian! Thank you for showing something quite different! I like it a lot!
    As for you roast potatoes! You are so right and I think since we don't tend to have them more than once a week normally we should have them cooked in fat! I cook mine in goose fat - buy it in jars!! Once when I had more visitors than I had peeled potatoes for - ( bad sentence ,sorry!) I par-boiled new potatoes still in their skins and then roasted them for about half an hour in the meat juices! These became a family hit! I now have to make them! Strange isn't it. We also save a favourite bite until the end!
    Not much happening here today! I will do some cutting and scoring later for make and takes I have to do. Watching the Test Match from South Africa - blue sky and sunshine!
    Be good today!
    MARIA - where did Muriel leave you hanging? Please tell me you were not hanging from the light shades!!! Look what happens when I have an early night! Xxxx

    1. Look under 8.44....
      Only the Huggles was hanging in the shades yesterday,they were a little bit naughty after you all gone. Muriel she left me all alone here all night and I felt a bit lonely.Usually Littlelamb , Diane or Lynda is here. Even my inbox was empty!xx

    2. Oh Maria! That was very bad! Being shut in the dishwasher was bad enough! Did the heating go off? Xxx

    3. Used some of the tablecloths to wrap around to keep me warm so I was ok and of course there were some huggles and cuddles to hug xx

    4. Oh Good Maria! We should have some of Margaret's heat bags there for emergencies! Xxx

    5. Oh Maria if only I had known! I was up late playing Uno and by the time I finally got to bed I was too tired to look at the blog - sorry. Xxxx

    6. Hope you had a nice time playing with Uno, just be careful so your husband don't catch you in the act or perhaps he's not the jealous type ? xxx

  12. Morning everyone, hope you are all feeling better today after the Migraines, Sickness and Back Pain of yesterday.
    Wow!! What a beautiful picture of baby Gracie-Leigh and her Big Sister!!!
    Welcome Baby Robyn as well.
    My neighbour Isobel unexpectedly became a Granny again yesterday .... a new baby boy arrived 8 weeks early. He is breathing on his own and weighs 3lbs 1oz quite a good weight.
    SANDRA:- love your card, simple but very effective.
    BARBARA:- thoughts and prayers as always for you, Val and all the family.
    Bucketing rain here and very windy. We were hoping to get out for a little while but we will pass on that ..... I don't do rain!!! Looks like I could be in the house for quite a while yet then!!! Never mind plenty to keep me busy. I have 2 baby and 4 birthday cards to make today. I also have some new Crafty Stuff I want to play with.
    ((((((Hugs)))))) in the basket as always. xxx

  13. PS - Hughis fast asleep in his little hammock! He was quite interested in the cricket until Alastair started to explain the rules!!! I think he fell asleep somewhere between silly mid off and cow corner!!! Xxx

    1. MYRA:- I can fully understand why Hughie has fallen asleep.
      John Jnr played Cricket for years and I am still non the wiser as to the rules and the jargon!! Helping with the teas was more my "thing"
      When Hughie wakens give him a wee ((hug)) from me xxxx

    2. Yes! I know! Trouble is he is now wide awake and looking for entertainment! While he was sleep I took one of those furry Pom Pom key rings! I cut a little hole and sewed back the raw edges! He will fit in there beautifully and be lovely and cosy! I will clip it on my bag as a handbag charm and he will be safe and cosy! I'm pleased with that! Xxx

    3. Oh Myra watch he doesn't fall out, swinging your handbag might be a bad idea!

    4. MYRA:- like Jess I would be a bit worried about him on your handbag. Me might get bumped poor wee thing. xxx

    5. Mmmm! That's true! I could clip it on my trilby! It's not as if I'm overly big - he won't exactly get altitude sickness!! Xxx

    6. Patricia, the Somerset way of explaining Cricket is as follows...

      1.A coin is tossed to decide who is the Out team and who is the In team..
      2. The team that is Out is the one that tries to get the In team out.
      2. After so many overs have been played and all the players are out, they swap places.
      3. So the Out team is now the In team, The In team is now the Out team and they try to get the In team Out.
      Easy peasy and if you believe that, don't watch cricket as their rules are as bad as the Offside Rule.

    7. Hi Cheryl. Thank you for giving me a giggle. I love these cricket rules. Take care xx

    8. Now Myra, don't you think hughie gets into enough trouble without swinging on your handbag as well. He's not safe to be taken out.
      Thanks for your cricket rules Cheryl. I used to keep score for the bus company team so sort of knew the rules. I also used to go out with a guy who was friends with the person who printed the programmes etc at Lords cricket ground. So we used to sit in the stand with all the celebs. Used to see all the test matches that were played there.

  14. The weather is miserable here but at least we are safe and no flooding

  15. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Yesterday turned out to be another very full day, my sister rang to say she coming over, that was about lunchtime, we were going out for a meal with our younger daughter, husband and their three children so my sister joined us, we all had a lovely meal, it was late by the time John and I returned home I did pop into the blog, started to leave a few messages BUT fell asleep!

    I love today's card, I do have some hessian got it AP it's a narrow roll think I got it from Anna Marie, BUT I've never used it, what a surprise. Your card is an inspiration Sandra, it could also be a challenge to use hessian or fabric some kind on a card.

    JANET, how lovely to open up the blog and see your beautiful new addition and her big sister ( Love Lily-Mae's wellies) this certainly is a picture to be treasured. Thank you for allowing us to see these gorgeous children. xxx

    NORAH, i'm so pleased you got your blue badge sorted out, I get really cross seeing people who have total disregard for disabled parking, also parent and child spaces, we followed a young couple out of Morrison's last week their trolley was laden with shopping and they had a young girl of about 9 - 10 years old with them, where had they parked? Yes in the parent and child spaces. It really winds me up!!!!!!!

    KAREN, what are lots of lovely occasions you have got to look forward to this year. enjoy LOL

    JOANNA, it was lovely to see you on the blog yesterday, do pop in - you don't have to say much, even if you're not feeling good just say so, you will be amazed at the support you will be given, I promise you will always find a welcome here. xx

    SABA, my thoughts and prayers are with you and Val and your families. xx

    Sandra, roast potatoes, they have to be cooked in the beef fat and if it's only once a week it can't be that bad. And the way your girls charge around I'm sure that will burn off the calories very quickly. Sorry I couldn't compromise on this one, I like them crispy on the outside and fluffy inside Yum Yum Yum !!!!

    Sending gentle hugs to those in pain or anyone who just needs a gentle hug, take care my lovely friend, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      According to Morrisons rules down here, a child is anyone under 15. So theoretically anyone with a son/daughter who is under that age CAN park in the parent/child spaces. xxxx

    2. Cheryl here it's 5 and under, but does that stop them NO. The other ones are the school youths who drive they do act like babies granted so I suppose parking in the mother and child places is their level. Xxx

  16. Hellooooooooooooooooooo
    Sandra, I'll be down shortly for a bean feast. Roast potatoes done in beef dripping - now you're talking. Funny thing is that when I fist got married, the piece of beef from the butchers (not supermarket!) always had the fat still attached, and when the meat was cooked, we dipped a slice of bread in the beef dripping - gorgeous. Look, I got carried away with the food and nearly forgot to say that I love your card. I bought some hessian at least a year ago, and it's still sitting looking at me - never been cut into - how naughty.
    All right, own up, who pinched the morning and afternoon, and left me only the early evening and night!!! I can't believe that it's nearly 4.30 all ready. Pitch black outside, pouring with rain, freezing cold, anyone would think it was winter!!!
    Myra, you are totally bonkers, no-one would put their Huggle in a pom pom with a hole cut into it. What if he falls out, I would sew a safety net underneath if I were you ha ha.
    Janet, thank you for showing the photo of Gracie-Leigh, she is beautiful.
    Patricia, will your neighbour's grandson be in hospital until the weight improves. It's good that he is breathing on his own because often the lungs are not fully developed when they come early.
    Well, the girls are coming for a sleepover - arriving any time between now and 5 pm, so I'd better go and draw their bedroom curtains, and turn the beds down - talk about a 5 star hotel!!! They will decide what they want for tea when they get here, I'll print a menu for them - NOT!!
    I don't know if I'll get back in tonight but we'll take bets on which DVD Zoe brings!!
    Haven't we had a lovely couple of days with good news, long may it continue.
    Barbara, love and prayers to you and Val, and your families.
    Maria, I'm sorry that I kept you hanging - I'll be more careful in future ha ha.
    love Muriel xxxxxx

    1. With regard to Maria - I believe you - thousands wouldn't !!
      Enjoy your night at the movies! Xxx

    2. Maureen perhaps they got new ones for Christmas - we watched minions the other day and Emma got some traditional ones for her collection. Have fun watching xxxxx

    3. Oh Dear ladies, I think parent and child parking spaces are for parents with babies in child seats that you transfer to shopping trolleys, in my opinion a child who can walk to a car does not quilify for a special parking space. SORRY JUST MY OPINION. I just do not like to see these concessions being abused. OOPS! hope I haven't offended anyone. We limp from wherever we can find a space and don't expect any concessions - just greatful to get free parking.
      Think I better get off the soap box!!!!!!

    4. Oh I totally agree Brenda. I even think the 5 year old can walk from any where in the car park. No parents or those with babies / toddlers should use these but lazy children are engoraged to be even lazier.

  17. Good afternoon Sandra and everyone
    A belated Happy New Year to you all.
    We had all the family here all day yesterday and had a super day but no chance to get on my laptop.
    Time so far in 2016 is going faster than in 2015 whoever turned the speed up, will you please turn the speed down again while Maureen and I catch up!
    Janet welcome to you newest member of the family what a sweet little face.
    Patricia so pleased the news of your neighbour's grandson is good and very positive being so early, he will have all the world to grown in, the main thing is he has no breathing problems.
    Sandra I can see the patchworker in you coming out in your lovely card today!
    Maureen I too can remember dipping bread into the juices and dripping from roast beef, our butcher used to give an extra peice of suet to top the meat with too! These days you would be charged for it. I can remember having chips cooked in dripping oh they were so lovely!
    Someone is asking to be fed so I had better go and look for something to rustle up for him.
    Barbara love, prayers and hugs to you, Val and all the family always in my thoughts.
    Hugs to all who need them or even just fancy one.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Every Monday, I used to cook chips in the meat juice fat for lunch with whatever cold meat was left over. We really enjoyed that meal! Nowadays there is too much water pumped into the meats that there are hardly any tasty juices to them at all. Back to the butchers for me. xxx

    2. No thank you to roast potatoes done in fat or oil. I par boil, drain, shake well then place in tray with a small spray of spray light oil over them. Gallbladder couldn't take the oil.

  18. Good afternoon my lovely coffee shop cherubs,
    Well that's definitely express delivery with the beautiful picture of Lily Mae with her tiny baby sister Gracie-Leigh being held just in case in the background. Poor wee Lily-Mae will be so confused that mummy no longer has a baby in her tummy, but made be she can help mummy and daddy to bath little Gracie-Leigh and feed her baby sister. I could never decide whether having children closer together in age would have been better for my two but that was completely out of my hands but they are close again now and that is the important thing but i wouldn't wish a 7year gap some how. Janet, i am so glad that you have finally got your new great granddaughter although it seems strange that you could be anywhere near old enough to be great granny age, it must be those lively pills to keep you young that does it or those energy drinks. ENJOY her flower and you will get to hold her soon when you come back to this side of the channel, just glad that her and Pippa are both well and safe although how Pippa is ever going to get a rest this time around is beyond me when little Toots being on her feet and into everything.
    Sandra your rustic looking Thank You card just looks finished off with that trio of red roses adorning the front of the card and such a quick and easy card that conveys that all important message.
    Rory does just what the girls do in leaving his favourite to the end to eat. Now me i would eat it first while it was hot as i hate cold or look warm food that is supposed to be hot, but hey that's just cause i'm finicky about these things. I can eat anything except celery(as i am allergic to it) but i like hot food to be hot and cold food to be cold but i blame mum as she was the very same. It drives me nuts making a meal and calling on people and them sauntering in half an hour later when it has gone cold and them moaning because of it. Well i am on another shawl(thank goodness) as my brain was going numb with those jumpers and tammies. I have just another 4 rows to go and that is me finished the middle of it and i will be on to the main pattern. It's great because i can sit and watch telly and do the shawl at the same time(that's if i get peace to do so) and it just seems to grow in no time. Kirsten wants another one of those jumpers and tammie sets when i have finished(boo hoo hooo), even let me do a different pattern or design, pleeaaassssseeeee. Oh i will be glad when work is back and college for the wee fella as he has never been down from that room since college stopped except on the rare occassion for some food, 5ft 7" and 9st 7lb dressed. Now i ask you which one of us wouldn't want to be that height and weight? He is going through that funny age that the girls do getting obsessed with their weight, well that is my Rory and as i keep telling him he is fine just the way he is but you know who will put a spoke in the works every now and then and start calling names which i am really getting ready to hit him with a frying pan or my Nana's old biscuit rolling pin if i could lift it as i do not need an anoxeric child because of a stupid man who can't see his nose in the middle of his stupid face. Anyway as i keep telling my boy he is fine and not to listen to stupid ignorant people, there is nothing wrong whatsoever in his size.
    Ok i'm away to get the dinner plates organised and i will see you later on when i will bring wee preemi with me to let him get some fresh air about him as he has been stuck indoors the past few days,
    back in a wee while,
    Norah x

    1. NORAH:- I have a "cast iron frying pan" I will be there to visit tomorrow.
      If he says ONE bad word about either of you I will hit him with it. Rory is a perfect weight for his height. And you young lady are just fine as well.
      Remember ..... I will NOT put myself down!! xxxx

    2. Norah, I think he needs a visit from all of us! He won't be able to speak let alone comment bad comments. He needs a few home truths himself. I too half a cast iron frying pan plus a sharp tongue.
      He can be done for bullying you know? Rory and yourself need to say " I am perfect as I am and I will not put my self down" xxx

    3. Hughie has been practising with his sling! Remember David and Goliath - well this will be Hughie and you know whooie !! Xxx

    4. Myra good one. Never thought of that, yes you tell Hughie to practise but not at your things. xxx

  19. Hi Sandra
    Love today's thank you card, and with your signature flowers as well. Well Lily Mae is doing a grand job Janet of holding Gracie Leigh. You'll be glad to get back to this side of the channel to hold her yourself won't you.
    Well Norah you tell Rory he's fine as he is, right weight for his height. He doesn't need anyone telling him otherwise. Frying pan at the ready Norah. It does your confidence no good at all to be constantly chipped at and undermined all the time. I speak from experience as well Norah, I always felt I was the most useless person on the planet. Grown out of that now thank goodness. We always like our food hot as well, and like your girls Sandra Pete always leaves his roasties to the last. I always use vegetable oil as well.
    I used to eat dripping sandwiches when I was a lot younger. Mind you I wouldn't eat them now. Funny how are tastes change isn't it.

  20. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a gorgeous pair of girls to greet us today. That first meeting of big and little sisters/brothers is always a wonderful sight and brings a tear eyes every time. You can relax now Janet, but I bet you both can't wait to get back to give both girls big hugs: )
    Sandra, your card is another one that is different for you but as always it is beautiful, you always manage to get them perfect, wish I had half of your talent my lovely xx
    Karen, congratulations on winning such a great holiday, you are going to need it to set you up for such a special year of wonderful occasions. Enjoy them all x
    Johanna, it is lovely to see you in the Cafe. Come in again soon and join us in both good and bad times. There is always someone to chat to, whatever you want say, or just pop in for a quick hello, whatever suits you at the time x
    Sandra, you know that I am a great believer in eating whatever you want, being sensible about amounts. I also hate all of the additives etc that are added so gave good old fashioned butter and use lard for roasting potatoes. Funny that we are now being told to eat these instead of the artificial rubbish that was meant to be better for us! Common sense tells you that fresh and natural is better for you and at last other people are realising that. I am waiting for the day when those artificial sweeteners are banned, especially for our little ones. I will not buy anything with them in and wouldn't ever give them to a child for any reason. Oops, sorry for that rant!
    Have a good day as possible everyone.
    Saba, my love and hugs to you, Val and family xx
    Take care xx

    1. Yes we were healthy years ago when we ate veg and fruit in season, butter, lard dripping, suet fat, full fat milk, milk puddings, home made meals. We didn't eat takeaways except fish and chips which were cooked in beef dripping. No our bodies were not designed for modern living. Did any of you eat meat, fish or chicken every day and maybe twice at that? When younger, No! Go to work on an egg was a good start to ones day and I think that was true. Rant over soap box back in the corner and now my tea is cold so off to make a fresh

  21. Good evening. Very late for me. I did write a comment this morning then got way laid doing something and totally forgot I hadnt published. We went out, oh boy weather not nice so we got what we needed and straight home. I have been organising getting Patricia 's order for a few prem baby cardigans from my friend June, and of coarse we had a long chat on the phone as well as getting the order dealt with. Also Charlie has been looking up flights for us going away to canada the big decision is do we go Glasgow to Toronto then Toronto to Vancouver? So ending with a few days in Toronto would be lovely but the cost of flights from there to Vancouver is so expensive. He has been saying we will do one thing then another so you can imagine it's been head nipping.
    Janet. A beautiful picture of your great granddaughters, yes mummy will have her hands full. I had 2 years 2 months in between Gillian and Christopher and it was a military operation getting out the door has Christopher was a very sicky baby and I would get him and Giilian ready and he would be sick and I would have to start again.
    Sandra. Another different card for you, but different is good. Goes to show you don't need fancy die cuts to make lovely cards.
    I am being lazy and can't be bothered doing much, this weather doesn't help bring also dark we didn't open the curtains till gone 9 and they were shut back 3 plus the lights have been on all day. I am off to have a cup of tea. Xxx

  22. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies - happy new year to you all. Must be quick, battery down to 8% and plug gone walkabout! Just got back from my sisters - came back through the new forest and there was lots of flooding. No houses involved though just the ground and burst rivers with ponies looking on. That's what the forest is there for though to act as a flood plain!
    Sandra you card is lovely, must find some hessian it looks good on cards doesn't it.
    Hope everyone is ok. Barbara you and Val are in my thoughts and prayers. Xxxxx
    Love to all xxxxxx

  23. I am going to bed so I'll say goodnight and God Bless everyone.
    Barbara, thinking and praying for you all.
    Maureen xxx

  24. I best get going off here so you not all abandon me again, had a little nap in my chair this afternoon so now have a crick in my neck, wonderful life.
    Must get to the shops in the morning for some Aunt Bessie's mini roasties, they are perfect with everything.
    Have a good night everyone and pleasant dreams Xxxx

    1. Night Night Maria! Just checking you were ok!
      Sleep well!
      God Bless, everyone.
      Special thoughts and prayers for Barbara, Val and family xxxx
