
Friday 1 January 2016

Good Morning My Dearest Friends,
Thank you for joining me to Craft our way through 2016 !!!
I wish you all that you wish yourselves and much, much more!
I will leave you today with the sentiment above and my promise to keep opening the 'cafe' doors everyday for another year of craft, friendship and
Hopefully lots of fun and laughter along the way .

Love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Happy New Year!! Sandra and everyone!
    Wow! I'm first - that never happens in normal times! Be happy for me!
    Beautiful welcome to the New Year!
    Loving thoughts to all those who are finding it hard just now!
    Off to bed now! Are you there Maria, my late night friend? Bless you!

  2. A good start to 2016 Myra? Happy New Year to you all. Like Myra I to send loving thought to those who are finding it hard at the moment. I will be back in later, I have a wee boy sat beside me getting a cuddle. xxx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Morning Ladies

    A very happy, healthy & creative New Year to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Last night was a great evening (despite feeling shattered). Went out with 5 other couples from Phil's golf club for a meal & music/dancing. The restaurant owner is one the golf club crowd so he joined us later on. Got home at 1.45 this morning & I've tossed + turned most of the night. Luckily I don't have any plans for today other than starting a few birthday cards & we may go for a walk if it stays fine.


  5. Good morning everyone and A HAPPY NEW YEAR to all who come into the Café today. Send special gentle hugs to those who are not feeling well or finding it hard to cope at this time. I will stop by later to see how everyone is spending the day.
    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  6. Good morning everyone
    A very happy and healthy new year to everyone - thoughts with anyone struggling at this time of year.
    We went to my sons last night and had a lovely evening, everyone descends on us today so will be busy today so I know I won't be back at all. Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing, Sandra your wishes are well accepted and I wish you exactly the same, lovely to see the cafe is on track for another year of friends laughter and comfort.
    Hazel I hope Harris was ok with the fireworks, our actually went outside for a tinkle and didn't bother, Bonnie never has but Ruby seems to have improved.
    Extra hugs for Barbara, Val and Sheila and Nikki.
    Jean x

    1. Jean, Harris wasn't to bad. A bit panty but nothing like before. We put the Fellaway on and he was much more relaxed when the fireworks started just at the end when a few big ones went up. Jak was ok the Fellaway will have helped him too. He was a little unsettled as his routine was out plus he was waiting for Tammy to come in I think. She will be over later. It was I will be over by 10 for them well I won't hold my breath on that one. She wasnt drinking but I think she is enjoying a lie in. Will let her off as she get up before 6 most morning and is out walking Jak. Calum is away with grandad doing the walk. He was given his instruction, saying that Charlie isn't a grandad that plays with them or that but the two of them will be chatting while out and Charlie will point out things like what bird has just gone past etc. Anything nature wise, hopefully they might see a deer or a fox while out. Don't over do things and enjoy your day. xxx

    Love and support to all who are finding it difficult at the moment for whatever reason.

    Just a little update on that Granddaughter of mine.
    She was taken into hospital yesterday afternoon so she could be settled in and prepared to have her waters broken today. Fingers/toes and anything else that can be crossed we should have a baby by the end of the day.
    Will let you know.

    Hugs are on their way - I only hope they can find the café through the fog that is around.

    1. Oh Janet hope all goes well, will check tonight but it may be late so you should have your new little addition by then --- excited !!!

    2. Janet, we are all waiting on the arrival. She just decided she wanted 2016 to be her birth year!!! Have a good day, I can't see you settling to doing much you will be just waiting for that phone to ring. xxx

  8. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone may you all have the most wonderful 2016
    Thinking of all those who are struggling just now. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    MYRA:- is your New Years Resolution to be "first in" each morning??
    JANET:- will keep popping in to see if there is any news.
    Have a great day folks whatever you plan to do.
    Basket filled with (((((hugs))))) please help yourselves xxxx

    Wishing you all a healthy and happy year ahead full of lovely memories xo
    Janet I hope that little baby arrives safely today , certainly better to have a birthday today rather than Christmas ( I always feel they miss out a wee bit ) xo
    Hazel , what a lovely way to start the new year with a nice cuddle , enjoy! xo
    Well we went to bed before the bells ( too tired to wait up) so we haven't had our " First Foot " yet, but will be busy with the family late, so we can catch up on last nights tv and see what was happening.
    What a dreadful fire in Dubai , they were so lucky not to have any loss of life.
    My thoughts are still with all those people suffering the wet and cold and no home as such at the moment, when I see all those fireworks ( money going up in smoke , over in a few minutes ) makes you think it could be put to much better use?
    Special thoughts and hugs for Barbara ,Val and family xoxo
    Sandra and all the other lovely blog ladies have a great day, love and hugs
    Anne xoxo

    1. Anne a happy new year. It will not make any difference you seeing the bells in or going to bed, personally going to bed is the better option I did the same ok I was awake dealing with Harris but I was in my bed. Yes those £ spent on the fireworks would have gone a long way to help those flooded. Edinburghs ticket sales or some thing to do with it was going to help the refugees, don't take me wrong but I do think help should start here first. Those young men could be fighting to get their country back not running away from it. No our young men have to lay their lives on the line for them. Oh rant over sorry folks. xxx

    2. Happy New Year to you and yours Anne. Hope it brings everything you wish for.
      I was in bed and asleep before any bells, getting too old for staying up late these days.
      Have a very happy day xxx

    3. Happy New Year to you Anne and your family.
      I was in bed as well, but heard the fireworks they were not too bad
      Take care xxx

  10. Happy New Year, to Sandra and all the lovely ladies on this wonderful blog.
    Will keep it short as am writing this from my sick bed.
    Best Wishes to my lovely friends Lilian

    1. Oh Lilian that's not what you want to be starting the new year being ill, I take it you have husband virus. Stay in bed and take in plenty of hot drinks and those meds. (((((( hugs))))) xxx

    2. Oh! Lilian, sending you a few gentle (((((hugs))))) not the best start to the New Year. Never mind it can only get better.
      Stay warm and cozy xxx

  11. Barbara, I am sending loving (((((( hugs)))))) to you, Val and family. xxx

    1. BARBARA:- you, Val and all the family always in our thoughts and prayers.
      Gentle (((((hugs))))) xxx

  12. Happy New Year everyone,

    Special (((((hugs))))) to Barbara, Val and families. Also to Lilian, not a good start to the year, bless you. I hope you improve soon.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  13. Hellooooooooooooooo,
    Happy New Year and good health to all of you.
    I'm going back to bed - Myra in first, what's she trying to do - give me a heart attack lol.
    Well, so much for us not staying up late, and always being in bed by 11.30. It was 3 when we got to bed!! Still, it was a good night, just 4 couples and their children going between Rachel's and her next door neighbour's houses. No heavy drinking or going mad, just talking and remembering, and coffee for me and tea for George - how boring. The children were still up when we left!!! I can tell you that I won't be doing much today.
    Janet, I hope you get good news soon. What a lovely way to start a new year.
    Love to everyone, Barbara sending hugs and thinking of you and Val. Sheila, Brenda LL and Cheryl special hugs to you.
    See you later, I'm away to bang some pans together, although as he's half deaf it may not have any affect!!
    Muriel xxxx

  14. Hi Sandra
    And all the ladies on the blog, I'm wishing you all a Happy New Year.
    Janet I hope your new arrival arrives today. That sounds odd doesn't it.
    Lilian, I hope your feeling better soon.
    Special hugs to Barbara, Val and family.
    Like you Maureen, we got to bed just after three o'clock, we were playing triominoes with Karen and co, then played Uno spin after the girls went upstairs. Supposedly to bed. Karen's two elder girls were out. Sophie in Edinburgh and Amy out with her boyfriend. Craig and co are in Matlock.
    I'll look back later to see if the new babies arrived Janet.

  15. Happy New Year Sandra & everyone. We didn't go out last night but was up as Annie was shaking really bad with the fire works. We watch the display from the London Eye must have lasted for a good 10 minutes I said to OH the money spent on them would have been better spent for all the flood victims it's crazy.
    Anyway not upto much today it's quit nice & sunny out so will go for a nice walk I think. Tomorrow we are going over Darren's so will see poorly Harry with his children pox Dad said he is good & not scratching them.
    Sandra have a lovely day with your family & hope your ok.
    Love & Hug's for Barbara Val & family xx Hug's for SHEILA & Nikki.xx
    Love & Hug's for everyone Lynda xxxxx

  16. Happy New Year everyone,
    Went to bed early last night but still heard the fireworks, but they were not too bad.
    I seem to have twisted my back this morning when getting dressed, could hardly move, took some painkillers which have helped a bit. Will have to watch how I move about, nothing worse than a sore back, standing is ok it is the transition from sitting to standing that is sore.
    Lillian I hope you are feeling a bit better.
    Thinking of Brenda and Val and sending lots of hugs to all who need them
    Take care everyone xxx

    1. Jess, not good! No sudden moves little gentle ones. Xxx

  17. Oh! Jess there is nothing worse than a sore back to pull you down.
    Do you have any of Margarets Heat Bags??
    One of them round your back should help.
    Sending you some gentle ((((((hugs))))). xxx

    Well i can only hope that this is a better year for a lot of people and that they can get their lives back on track after losing all their possessions to the floods. O.H. was just saying last night about the waste of money that the fireworks were when it could be better spent and about the risk of terror attacks at big gatherings such as the fireworks displays. I know that these horrible people exist but there is just sometimes i think that if we did everything so that we weren't involved in living we would be as well cutting that wee bit green grass and lying it over the top of us. Sensible procautions yes but we still need to live and have some lighter bits to our days, although i do think that the fireworks are a waste of money when it is so much needed for other things like restoring things back to normal for people. What happened to fireworks just being once a year on one night only, 5th of November. Now we seem to be remember, remember every day including the 5th.
    To our dear Barbara and Val, i send you special little huggles, please keep fighting Val you are so precious to a lot of people.
    Pippa, come on girl we want to hear we have a new baby that needs wee huggles sent to it. Janet i think that Pippa is just wanting to keep this wee one to herself a bit longer, but if she keeps going like this that tummy is never going to be what it was again and baby will be up at 3 months size before it makes an appearance, lol.
    Well i went to my bed as normal last night although with someone texting me all the time and not behaving himself and the noise of the fireworks going off i would have been as well staying up. The last thing i do on hogmannay is have a shower and brush my teeth just so that i can leave all that years dirt in the past with it. I know that i would normally shower in the morning but i just can't go into a new year dirty and poor Rory has to do it as well. Kirsten well i think after 22 years of getting this drummed into her, i don't think that she can do anything but it now as well.
    Oh and i got a nice surprise yesterday in the post, they have decided that for the next 5 years i am actualy disabled and need my blue badge so i will need to get the form and fill that in to renew it. Normally i have to fight for it but that lass that seen me in at Stirling for the assessment did pay attention to what i am like which makes a difference and they have realised that Rory is autistic but he needs to get review in 3 years again. I love it when these intelligent people think that Autistism will go away in its own good time, don't you? I was wondering how to explain to a board what Rory does that he thinks is normal and nothing wrong, how they would see it. So that is a big weight off my mind the now and i can go on worrying about getting him a job that he is interested in, but also that takes Rory on his merit and performance and not dismiss him as useless as he can go off track a bit when he gets asked something, lol, but that is my boy and i wouldn't want him to change. So here's to a 2016 that can bring some happiness and good to all,
    Norah x

    1. Oh Norah, so pleased you got to hear about your blue badge, I know that feeling of waiting and wondering each day, its so ridiculous, particularly when your disability is so visible, I think that these assessments are to put people off applying for benefits etc, the one I had he did everything from feeling my stomach ??? To feeling my hands for callouses, I think it was Sue that discovered that the people that do these government 'medical assessment boards' aren't actually doctors!!! Which shocked me as I was led to believe that it was a doctor/medical board that was examining me physically! A little outrageous i think, particularly when some folk coming here get money handed to them on a silver platter, a roof over their heads, even money to send home to their children in foreign lands, while here we have ex service men, living on the streets as there are no longer entitled to housing after they have served their country for years!! ( sorry got diverted there)
      Anyway hopefully you can relax and enjoy the start to the new year, hope its the best one ever for you my dewar sweet friend xxxx

    2. Norah a good start to 2016. Someone who looked and listened to you and Rory's needs. Yes Rory has so many good qualities it's takes a special person to see them,but there will be that person out there. xxx

    3. Happy New Year Norah, great start to the New Year. Getting your Badge re-newed.
      Rory will be fine if he gets a good job with understanding people around him.
      Hope you see you very soon xxx

    4. Hi Norah,
      What a good start to the new year, hope it is a sign of good things to come for you, you deserve it, mind the huggies what are they up too? xx

    5. Hi Norah
      Happy New Year a very good start for you getting your blue bage
      re-newed I don't know why it isn't done automatically.
      Hug's Lynda xxx

  19. Hello everyone
    We have a baby!!!
    03.20 this morning. She arrived safe and sound and both baby and Mum are well. Her weight is 8lb 2oz so a really good start for her and her name according to her crib note at the hospital is Gracie-Leigh Peters. I'm still waiting the official nod from Pippa on that.

    At last good news to start 2016. xxxx

    1. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!
      what a fantastic start to the New year for you Janet! Such a pretty name too,
      Sending huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Congratulations to everyone, glad it's all over and everyone can enjoy the delights of a "new baby" I love the name that it is so sweet.
      Sending you a bucket full of (((((((((hugs)))))))) xxxx

    3. Congratulations Janet, you can relax now and look forward to meeting the new baby when you get home xxx

    4. Janet and Pippa and family, what a wonderful start to the New Year and the wee one has her own day of celebrations as well. I hope that Pippa is well even if a wee bit tired after the long wait. What a beautiful, lovely great granny and great grumpy she has. xxxxx

    5. Hi Janet,
      What wonderful news congratulations to the Great Grandparents I bet you can't wait to see her now. Hope Pippa is well & I am sure her big sister will love her to bits.xx

    6. CONGRATULATIONS Janet wonderfulI news what a pretty name Gracie-Leigh is. Hope Pippa is well sending lots of (((((((((Hug's)))))))).

  20. Janet congratulations great granny and grandad and congratulations to mum and dad plus the others that this baby will bring great joy to!!! She is a good weight . Her name is lovely too. Yes until mum tells you it's that it won't be official.

  21. Hello Sandra and everyone in today
    Happy New Year to you all ! crikey Myra, how did you manage to post on this side so early ? I was still here but engrossed in a film until 3am and then went for a very restless sleep, must have felt Pippa was at last having her little girl :-) Congratulations Janet, Jim and family and glad all went well. Gorgeous name too. Good news for you too Norah and hope this will be a good year for all of you. Lilian- well wishes for you and to anyone who are not feeling so good today.Jess-watch your back. Saba- sending you,Val,Sheila and Littlelamb some
    extra hugs and wish everyone a lazy day,oh and warm hugs to you all too,love and hugs XxXx

  22. Hello again yes it's me!!!!
    It's now official our new bundle is named Gracie-Leigh Peters.
    They are on their way home so Lily-Mae can meet her baby sister.

  23. Afternoon Ladies

    Congratulations Janet on the safe arrival of your granddaughter, lovely name they have chosen.

    I'vehad a thought about a theme/challenge for the blog . What if Sandra was to choose a shape eg oval or heart then we'll have a deadline for using the specified shape to make a card with??!! It could be a different shape each month, we send the pictures to Sandra & they could be featured.

    Just a thought.


  24. Wishing you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR, with extra Congratulations to Janet and family in the safe arrival of Gracie-Leigh : ))
    Barbara. my love and thoughts for you, Val and the family x
    For those that are struggling my love and hugs to you x
    To my very dear and special friends Sandra and Pat. May you both have all that you wish for this year, anday we have many more "crafting" sessions together (maybe we will actually get some crafting done this year : )) my biggest hugs to you xxxx
    And of course Margaret P, you get my very best "Thank you for being the best Mum any one could wish for" hugs and kisses xxxx
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      I couldn't wish for a better daughter you are special, thank you for persuading to join this lovely blog I would have been missing so much friendship, tears & laughter, lots of hugs to you & all my love xx

  25. Hello everyone, Happy New Year to each of you, i will try to join in as much as i can this year as i made a new year resolution not to let depression get a foothold and i have got a new baby Greatgrandaughter on Wednesday the 30th named Robyn Elizabeth, they live in Plymouth and Mummy and Daddy are both in the Navy so we hope to visit them soon, we normally stay in navy accommodation but think if we can get down there we will stay in a hotel and treat ourselves. I do keep up with your blog Sandra it often makes me laugh a lot as well as sad and is always fascinating what everyone gets up to, all for now lots of love to you all Johanna

    1. Hello Johanna,
      It's lovely to see you! Congratulations on the birth of baby granddaughter !! Another lovely name.
      Look forward to hearing about your visit . Take care! Xxx

    2. Hi Johanna, it's lovely to see you in the cafe', how are you doing ? Congratulations to you too for the new arrival in the family, bet you can't wait to see her :-) Take care, Maria xxX

    3. Johanna it would just delightful to see more of you in the cafe this year, it has truly helped my depression, so give it a try!
      Congratulations on your new arrival too! What a wonderful start to the year for you!
      Sandra xxx

    4. Johanna flower, you are in the very best of company, yes some of us are certified nuts but we are nice nuts and a big welcome to your new bundle of joy. Now i have to tell you that there is special little people in here called huggles and they just love a new face to make their day so please take one home and let it make you happy. I hope that you will come back again soon flower as we are always here and you wont find a more supportive loyal lot of ladies anywhere out side ward 15. x

    5. Welcome Jo
      We're all glad we found Sandra's blog. We all have our down days and talking on this blog lifts our moods. Norah's huggles are a delight, but just watch them if they go on the swing Myra made for them. Congratulations on the arrival of baby Robyn.

    6. Hello Johanna welcome to the café,congratulations to you for the safe arrival of your great granddaughter on Wednesday. Hope to see you soon Hug's Lynda xxx

  26. Congratulations Janet !!
    So pleased this long awaited little girl has arrived safely! What a lovely name.
    I'm sure her big sister will be thrilled to meet her! There will be some lovely photos!
    NORAH - great news! I'm so pleased you can stop worrying about that now! People like you were never meant to suffer from the bureaucracy that surrounds this now! It's the people who abuse the system who have caused this and innocent people suffer.
    Lilian - so sorry you aren't well and I hope you feel better very soon!
    Special Hugs for Barbara and Val and all the family. Xxxx

    What fantastic news to hear of the safe arrival of the babies Both have beautiful names LILIAN I hope you feel better soon MICHELE I love your idea of a shape each month
    NORAH So so glad that the blue badge business is sorted I get angry when you see some people awarded stuff that appear to be a lot more able than one's self I have a work colleague that angers me like this but I won't get started! BARBARA, VAL and family - take care x
    2016 promises to be a great year for us A surprise competition win of a holiday to Dubai, our first grandchild in April, our Ruby wedding in April, my niece due in March and the big 60 for me in October! It's about time my lot had a good year Enjoy it all with me

    1. You bet we are ! hihi any spare ticket for Dubai ?

    2. Wow Karen, what a year of celebrations, truly a year of memory making for you my lovely!
      How did you win the holiday?

    3. Oh Karen, what a year you will have, most certainly the best yet but weren't you a young bride. You are only 9 years and 8months older than me as i reach the grand age of 50 this year and you know what, i think i'm looking forward to it although i still refuse to act like my mature years. I hope you have the very best of times this year. x

    4. Norah, you might be 50 this year but you certainly don't look more that 40 and you act as mature as that with a heart of gold that shines in your nature. xxx
      P.s. I don't think you are ready for ward 15 either.

  28. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a very Happy New Year to you & Paul & family hope it will be good to you, you have helped soo many people just by setting up this blog thank you xx
    My thoughts & prayers are with Barbara, Val & family special hugs on way xx
    Hugs on way to all who are feeling poorly or lonely love Margaret xx

  29. Norah I totally agree with Hazel ... no way do you look almost 50
    You act mature, you love fun and that shines through.
    Remember folks "age is only a number" ..... who cares what the number is, life is too short to take any notice of that. xxx

  30. Hi Karen
    My word what a wonderful year you've had. Enjoy your holiday.
    Norah your 50 this year you never are. You look so young. Wish I looked like you at 50.

  31. Hey Hazel, Patricia as you have seen the coupon up close, come on, you're right I don't look like I'm coming up on half a century, I look 60. Pat, it's amazing what photoshop can do these days, lol. I think that my lovely Mary's need to change their drink that they take before meeting me, but now thinking on it that must be why we go through so much Baileys in the cafe. I went to first foot my friend tonight and told him that I was sorry that I wasn't any of the requirements for first footing but I was short fat and dumpy but I had my piece of coal and a bottle of wine, if that would keep up with tradition, he just laughed. I do like it when I bring a smile to someone's face. X

  32. Norah, we are telling it as we see things honest. What friend was this? Not the one who will not be delivering your parcels is it? I see 2016 hasn't stopped the " I will not run myself down " thing.,!! Young lady you have to write " I will not run myself down" a 100 times. xxx

  33. Hello Sandra, and everyone,
    Oh what lots of lovely news today.
    Congratulations and deep sigh of relief to Janet on the birth of Gracie-Leigh.
    Congratulations to Johanna on the birth of Robyn Elizabeth, and welcome back to the blog.
    Karen - what a wonderful year ahead of you. So many great occasions to come. It will certainly be a year to remember for you.
    Norah - brilliant news regarding the Blue Badge, it must be a great weight off your mind.
    Michele - your brain is obviously working today, mine is still numb with tiredness!!!
    I am going to bed. Why am I still up at this time? I must be mad - like Myra (tin hat)
    love, sweet dreams, God Bless to you all, and a special God Bless and love and prayers to Barbara and Val.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. You all gone again, not sure when I will be going. Anyhow wish you all a good night and lovely dreams about a fabulous 2016. Can't wait to see the new little ones (photos please)tihi maybe I could be a step-nana, if I'm really good ? Sov gott Xxxx
